Rose Maria Theresa description. Rose Maria Theresa: photo and description. Planting and caring for roses

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The flowers are deep pink with a hint of cream, clearly visible among others, but at the same time not so bright as to draw all attention to themselves. As soon as they open, they acquire a cup-shaped shape, and it turns out that the central petals are hidden inside a cup formed by lighter and more fully developed outer ones. Then the flower opens and takes the form of a flat rosette, the pink color is evenly distributed. There are so many petals and they are so curled that the center always remains closed, even when the aging flower bends the outer petals into reverse side, lifting it up. As the flower fades and fades somewhat, it becomes lighter. The flowering of Maria Theresia is surprisingly abundant, almost constant, and tolerant of rain. The flowers themselves are small, but collected in large brushes, they look very impressive. The shoots are quite rigid, drooping, either under the weight of the flowers or due to the nature of their growth, since the variety itself tends to form wide, spreading bushes. It should be noted that with the stated width of 40 cm, in fact, with normal care, this figure needs to be multiplied at least twice. Mariatheresia loves open, sunny places. Durable, dark green foliage is resistant to rose diseases and does not require chemical protection; it overwinters well under agrofibre cover, without hilling with soil. Given its ability to grow and bloom with minimal care, this rose is recommended for landscaping public places, strengthening slopes, as well as creating low hedges. IN small gardens except for single landings interesting solution will place it on the retaining wall, then it will appear in all its glory.

Reviews from Rosebook.

The wide bush is covered with armfuls of flowers, up to 9 pieces. on the stem. 7 - 8 flowers, 7 cm each, bloom at the same time, so the entire bush becomes pale Pink colour. The stems are very strong. Winters well.

Successfully overwintered in Siberia. The bushes are beautiful, even, with beautiful foliage. It blooms very profusely with beautiful, delicate flowers, of which, in my opinion, there are too many - they interfere with each other. The flowers do not fall for a long time, i.e. They don’t fall off at all, I cut them off. The second flowering is very abundant, but probably won’t have time to bloom.

A very viable rose, it grows instantly, mainly in breadth. It blooms in clusters of flowers, crowding each other. but I don’t like that the old flowers turn white and brown, but don’t fly around. It is necessary to trim them carefully, otherwise the bush will be covered with petals.

I really like the color and shape of the flower. The petals may not fly off on their own, but in the sun the flower lasts for a very long time! Winchester Cathedral and Queen of Sweden have been around for a long time, but Mariatheresia has only gotten prettier! My rose smells like freshly washed laundry! Just some kind of Lenore, I even laughed when I smelled this beauty for the first time!


Rose floribunda Mariatheresia- pale pink, densely double cupped flowers are divided into four parts, like ancient roses, and collected in umbrella-shaped inflorescences. Bush grows up to 70-90 cm. The flower size in diameter is usually 7-8 cm. The number of flowers on a stem is from 3 to 5. They have a light, delicate aroma. The leaves are dark green and shiny.

Planting and caring for roses

Roses should be planted in warm sunny places where there are no cold winds. Roses prefer moist and well-drained soils, with an acid-base reaction of 5.6-7.3 pH (see). Planting pit should correspond to the clod of earth, so that the roots are located freely. The depth must be at least 50 cm, since it is necessary to make drainage from sand or gravel. Stagnation of water should not be allowed. The following soil mixture is suitable for roses: manure (3 parts), fertile soil layer (2 parts), sand (2 parts) and peat (1 part). Best time for planting the beginning of May, by this time the soil has already warmed up.

Before planting, it is better to keep the seedlings in water, especially if root system open. 4-6 hours is enough. If the roots have damaged shoots, it is advisable to remove them. It is better to shorten the shoots, cut off the weak ones, leaving the strong and medium ones. This will promote faster growth.

Roses need to be regularly fed, weeded and watered; the choice of complex fertilizers is quite large. Typically, fertilizing is carried out in spring and mid-summer. Water abundantly, usually once a week. In the spring, roses are pruned, even before the buds awaken (see).

It is advisable to cover roses for the winter (see). To do this, it is usually enough to fill the bush with peat, and in the spring the ground is leveled.

Roses - beautiful flowers, which have become widespread in all corners of the planet. People admire their tenderness and splendor. They are constantly working on developing new varieties of this plant. Yes, there is very beautiful variety roses She is called Maria Theresa. This variety was bred in 2003 in Germany. This is what we will talk about in this article.


This rose belongs to the floribunda group. It is literally strewn with small flowers, the diameter of which is only seven to eight centimeters. They have a vase-like shape. The buds are dark pink, with several light pink stripes. They are round and slightly pointed.

The flowers are painted in a soft, pale pink hue, and they give off a light, unobtrusive aroma. The flowers are densely double, they consist of large quantity petals. There may be 65-70 of them in total. The flowers are conventionally divided into four parts, like the old ones English roses. They are collected in inflorescences, which appearance resemble an umbrella. Several flowers can be located on one stem at once, usually no more than five.

Rose Maria Theresa, a photo and description of which can be found in this article, is a vigorous bush whose height reaches 70-80 centimeters. Its width is 50 centimeters. The foliage on the bushes is dark green and has a beautiful shine. It contrasts perfectly with delicate flowers. This is one of the most beautiful peony roses.

The shape of the flower from above looks like a circle perfect shape. However, in profile the roses look like regular classic bowls. When a flower blooms, all its petals, which, as we know, can be very numerous, fully unfold. The plant can live in a vase for about ten days, gradually changing its shape.

Nostalgic flower

Rosa Maria Theresa, which has only rave reviews, is nostalgic. What does it mean? Until the 1860s, large and fragrant garden roses were the most popular in Europe. However, in 1867, more resistant plants, which were called hybrid tea. They did not have such an interesting shape, but they were easier to care for. Popularity passed to them. Only a century later, scientific breeders were able to combine beauty and practicality in flowers. different types roses This is how nostalgic roses appeared in the 1960s, the most striking example of which is Maria Theresa.

Where to place it?

Rose Maria Theresa is literally made for group plantings. As part of flower arrangements, it impresses with health and luxury. It looks very beautiful in gardens. Due to its appearance, the plant is widely used in landscape design. The rose is great for growing in containers. It can also be cut into vases and used as an interior element.

This plant combines favorably with cereal herbs. Gray fescue and Chinese miscanthus are best suited for these purposes. If you correctly place the plants in the composition, you can create a weightless lace halo around the roses, thereby emphasizing their tenderness and splendor.

Features of care

Rosa Maria Theresa has a number of conditions requirements environment. What do gardeners who decide to grow these flowers on their site need to know?

  • Rose is light-loving. It grows and blooms best in a well-lit place.
  • The plant should be placed in ventilated areas, open from different sides. In such places, air movement will dry the leaves from drops of morning dew or rain, which, in turn, will reduce the risk of all kinds of diseases.
  • At the same time, the Maria Theresa rose is afraid of drafts and too cold winds. Due to the occurrence of sharp and cool wind blows, the plant can be affected by aphids. This will have a negative impact on the growth rate.
  • Be sure to prune the bush regularly. By following this procedure, you will provide the rose abundant flowering, and fast growth shoots. This will prevent the bush from growing too large. Bud formation occurs on the current year's shoots, so it is very important to prune in a timely manner.


Before planting a plant in the soil, you need to determine its acidity. It should be well-drained soil. The planting hole should be of such a size that the roots of the plant can be freely located in it. Since there is a need to create drainage, the planting depth should be at least 50 centimeters. Water must not be allowed to stagnate.

The soil mixture that is best suited for roses is collected from manure, fertile soil, sand and peat. Planting should be done in early May, because by this time the soil has time to warm up sufficiently. Before planting, you need to immerse the seedlings in water. It is especially important to do this if the plant’s root system is open. The seedlings should be in water for 4-6 hours.


Rose Maria Theresa, a photo of which you can find in this article, needs regular feeding, weeding and watering. Complex fertilizers are selected individually. Feeding is carried out in spring time year, and also in the middle of summer. The plant should be watered deeply weekly. In the spring, before the buds awaken, pruning is carried out. For the winter, the roses are covered with peat, and when it warms up, the ground is leveled.

Positive traits

There are a number of properties due to which the Maria Theresa rose has become very popular:

  • The plant blooms over a fairly long period. It starts in June and ends in October. During this time, lush roses continuously replace each other. Flowering is abundant.
  • Diseases such as powdery mildew and black spot are not harmful to the leaves of the plant.
  • The Maria Theresa rose variety is frost-resistant. It can withstand quite low temperature regime. According to the USDA system, the flower can withstand temperatures from -20.6 to 23.3 degrees Celsius. Climate zones 6 and 9 are best suited for growing this rose.
  • The plant has increased resistance to rain .
  • This perennial flower. Without transplantation, it can grow in one place for three years.

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