On the leaves of chrysanthemum rusty stains. Chrysanthemum Home - landing, care, types, diseases and their treatment

They are considered rather unpretentious cottage plantsIt also affects various diseases and pests. Very dangerous for these colors viral and fungal diseases, from which there is practically no effective measures, and from the pests chrysanthemum - just a few insects (one of which makes it almost everyone), to combat that various chemical substances and drugs. Viral diseases cause discoloration and taking leaves, yellowing of veins on leafy plates, spellpiestness, anomalies of the development of a bush, deformation of buds. Unfortunately, the bushes of plants affected by some diseases, it is necessary to completely remove from the country area.

The most malicious belongs:

Puffy dew

On all organs of the sick colors, a milder color appears.

Prevention and treatment

We process chrysanthemum phitosporin-M, alirin-b. With an extensive damage to the bushes, we process them with topaz, gate, soon, purecellular, tiotite Jet. As preventive Mer We use the choice of the most resistant colors of the varieties of colors, regular introduction to the soil of phosphorous-potash feeding, roasting watering bushes, periodic removal of lower leaves and various plant residues.


Some pieces of chrysanthemia fade. At the same time, the stalks of the plant are black and become soft. They are easily cleared along the escape. Vascular inside the stems acquire a brown hue. This disease Most often amazes bushes that are in summer in greenhouses or greenhouses.

Measures of struggle

Infected colors instances are immediately destroyed. The remaining bushes pour under the root of phytoosporin-M or Plirin-b.

Bacterial cancer

On the stems and foliage there are tumors of different sizes.

Methods of struggle

Infected instances infected with diseases.


The causative agent of this plant disease is the soil bacterium, which causes the formation of the root cervical of the bush, reminiscent of form color cabbage. Stems chrysanthemum become fleshy and ugly.

How to fight

We remove tumors formed.

Stem Rot

The affected chrysanthemums are faded, and bottom part The stalks acquire a brown-black shade. Next, the rotes apply to the lower sheets.

Prevention and means of struggle

Infected instances burn. The remaining plants process bate, phonylan or tripides. For the prevention of the disease, we provide good drainage to the landings so that the water is not stated at the place of their growing.


The leaflets become faded yellow, and then acquire a browned hue.

Methods of struggle

Infected instances burn.

Verticillese fading

Chrysanthemum leaves are withering and dry. At the same time, they do not fall, but remain on escape.

Prevention and methods of struggle

Infected patterns of colors are burning. In order to prevent the disease, the bushes are processing Alino-B, Gamiir.

White Rot

Chrysanthemums are withering, and on their stems, brown stains arise. Inside the shoots, you can detect white mycelium resembling felt. It shows black sclerosions.

Measures of struggle

Infected with the diseases of the copies are burning, and the remaining processing is rochell.

Gray Gnil

This disease amazes flowers in autumn, with wet and warm weather. Their petals are covered with brown specks, and buds begin to rot from the base. All plant fabrics softened and acquire a watery structure. With wet weather, the mold of gray shade appears on them.

How to fight

Cut the dying pieces of chrysanthemums. We process the bushes with such drugs, as soon, Fundazol, Ronilan, Roughl, purestone.


At all parts of the flower, dark brown or almost black spots are quickly distributed. Young stems faded, and chrysanthemum gradually dies.

Methods of struggle

Infected plant specimens burn.

Septorial spottedness

On the foliage of chrysanthemum, grayish stains of the rounded form appear.

Methods of struggle

Infected instances burn. To prevent the occurrence of the disease, we process the plants with copper vigor, Ditin Ultra preparation, copper oxychloride.

White rust

On the top of the leaf plate plates, convex spots of a light shade are formed. Both the sheet in the form of a circle appear wild sporangies. Gradually, they acquire a cinnamon tint.

Tools of struggle

Infected with diseases leaves are destroyed. We process flowers with various preparations alternately, since this fungal disease is adapted to various chemicals. Spray chrysanthemums of copper chlorokis, the drug Abiga peak.


On leafy plates, yellowish or brownish specks arise.

Measures of struggle

Infected instances burn. The remaining bushes are processed by a riverler or saprole.

Description of the signs of pests chrysanthemums and the fight against them


Light areas appear on the leaves. Then leaf plates Purchase a dark brown shade. Foliage, starting from the bottom of the stem, black and dries. Pests are striking and buds chrysanthemums.

Methods of struggle

Disinfect soil formalin and carbetion. The bushes affected by nematodes withstand in hot water (55 ° C) for 5 minutes. All inventory also process formalin. Healthy copies landed only in disinfailed soil.

Cobed tick

These pests affect chrysanthemum leaves from the bottomside. They suck the juice of the plant. At the same time, the leaves are yellow and dry. The bottom of the leaf plate is a thin web.

Measures of struggle

In particularly hot days of the plant spray water. With the easiest damage to the bushes process them soapy solution. If the pests have already multiplied in large quantities, chrysanthemums are processed by drugs such as Akarin, Lightning, Phytodeterm, Vestimen.


This pest is striking all parts of the plant: young shoots, leaves, buds. Damaged tissues are deformed, and the flowers are not dissolved.

Methods of struggle

Spray chrysanthemums 0.1% carbofosomes with potash green soap (0.5%), antitle, biothel, accility, akarin, phytodeterm, decyis, actara, spark, commander, bison.

Field / meadow bug

These small insects (6 mm) of greenish colors are powered by the juice of chrysanthemums, which leads to twisting of sheet plates. On the affected colors, buds or do not bloom or inflorescences become ugly.

How to fight

Small pest colonies delete together with affected shoots. Cool in the morning, until the bugs are selected, spray chrysanthemum 0.1% carbofosomes with green potassium soap (0.5%), accutelleth or fufanon.

Western Floral TRIPS

First, yellowish spots arise on various plants, stems and flowers are starting to deform and die away over time. Flower petals are racing around the edges, and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stamens, pests quickly multiply.

Tools of struggle

Measures of struggle: Infected by pests, copies are destroyed. The remaining bushes chrysanthemate by AcTellik, Fufanon, Aktar, Phytoverm, Sparkov, Taxon. We repeat processing in 5 days

Viruses. Viral diseases of chrysanthemum cause discoloration of leaves, yellowing of sheets of leafy veins, taking leaves, growth anomalies, polesoles, as well as the deformation of flowers.
Measures of struggle and prevention: Sick plants are removed. Viral diseases often transfer cycada.

Soft rot. Separate plants are withering. They have black, soft to the touch stalks that are often cleaned along. The vessels of the skes are painted in a brown color. This disease most often amazes chrysanthemums, which are kept in summer under the film.
Measures of struggle and prevention: Sick plants immediately destroy. Do not allow high humidity at high temperatures. The remaining plants shed under the root of phytosporin-m biopreparations, alin-b.

Bacterial cancer. On the stems, even on the leaves are formed tumors.
Measures of struggle and prevention: Sick plants immediately destroy.

Bacteriosis. On the root neck, growths similar to cauliflower are formed. Saving fleshy, with deformed leaves.
Measures of struggle and prevention: Tumors are removed. The causative agent is the soil bacterium.

Bacterial lilac burn. Leaves are covered with fast-growing black and brown spots. They often appear only at the end of summer or even in the fall, but with warm, raw weather, the disease can cause serious damage to landings.
Measures of struggle and prevention: Sick plants are urgently removed.

Fomoz. The leaves are gradually flexible, yellow and, finally, raging in the distance from the bottom up.
Measures of struggle and prevention: The affected plants are destroyed, planted more resistant varieties. Do not land chrysanthemums at the places of attacks.

Stroke rot. Plants fade, the base of the stem has a brown or black color. With root neck, rotes goes to the bottom leaves. Stem from the inside brown.
Measures of struggle and prevention: Sick plants destroy. Provide good drainage so that water is not stood in the soil. In the threat of the stem rot, the landings are treated with bartophitis, triphip or phoned drugs.

White rot. Plants are faded, brown spots are formed on the stems, inside - white felt mycelium with black vegetative bodies - sclerotes.
Measures of struggle and prevention: The affected plants are removed. Mass plantings are treated with the drug Rusurl.

Verticillese fading. The leaves are faded, then dry and stay hanging on the stem. Brown vessels are visible on the stem cut. The roots are not damaged.
Measures of struggle and prevention: The affected plants are destroyed. At the place of the attacks no longer plant the plants exposed to the verticile gel. For prevention to treat plants with drugs Alin-B, Gamiir.

Asscohitous rot. On flower, leaves and stems, gray-brown or black spots of rotted appear very quickly. The shoots above are withering. The affected plants are shortly dying.
Measures of struggle and prevention: Carefully examine the seedlings for the lesion. Sick plants destroy. Exclude landing chrysanthemums at the places of deposits.

True malievous dew. On the leaves on top and bottom, as well as on the cutters, a white torment raid is formed. The leaves are deformed, the kidneys dry out. The fabric of the sheet under the fallow has a brown color.
Measures of struggle and prevention: Choose a ramp-resistant variety dew. With weak lesion, you can try biological fungicides phytosporin-M, alin-b. With a strong lesion, we treat the preparations to topaz, the strobe, the jet teeship, thoroughly (preparations that are not specialized for chrysanthemum must be used with caution).

False powdery dew. Most often amazes chrysanthemums of the genus Argyranthemum. On the leaves from above are whiten spots are visible, bottom - dirty white flag sporangiev.
Measures of struggle and prevention: In the greenhouses to reduce the humidity of the air, to prevent falling out of the night dew, less frequently moisten the foliage. In the garden it is not too thick, so that the plants are ventilated.
Patients of plants can be removed if possible. To prevent the spread of the disease, the plants are sprayed several times with drugs Ridomil Gold or Explos.

Gray rot. Initially, chrysanthemum petals are covered with brown specks, flowers rot from base. Plant fabrics become soft and watery, with high humidity, a gray mold flare appears. It is most often found in the fall, with warm and raw weather.
Measures of struggle and prevention: Remove old leaves and dying plant tissues. Keep the landing as luck as possible, especially in winter. To ventilate to reduce air humidity so that Dew will not fall out at night. Processing the preparations of the speed, purestone, Fundazole, Roughl, Ronilan, EUPARS (preparations that are not specialized for chrysanthemum, must be used with caution).

Ramularity. On the leaves, light yellow or brownish spots are formed. Most often amazes Argyranthemum.
Measures of struggle and prevention: The affected plants destroy, the rest urgently dry. Mass landings for prophylaxis are alternately treated with Caprol and Rusurl preparations.

Separatorious spottedness of leaves. On the leaves are formed rounded, clearly bounded dark gray or black spots.
Measures of struggle and prevention: The affected plants are removed. Do not plant too closely, especially large varieties; In bad weather for the prevention of copper oxychloride preparations, copper cunery Saprol New or Ditan Ultra.

White rust chrysanthemum. The tops on the leaves appear convex light spots, from below - white waxing sporangies located in circles. Mature sporangies painted in cinnamon color.
Measures of struggle and prevention: Do not plant too closely. The affected leaves are removed; To improve air circulation, bottom leaves are broken. This mushroom quickly adapts to chemicals, so the drugs must be changed, the drugs of copper, Abiga peak, etc. are treated with drugs.

Cobbled tick. On the leaves there are yellowish specks, later - extensive discolored and dried areas. Small (0.2-0.5 mm) ticks live on the bottom side of the leaf among the finest cobwebs.
Measures of struggle and prevention: The appearance of ticks contributes heat and dry air. With a light lesion, you can treat plants with soap or mineral oil. In case of severe treatment with phytodeterm, akarin, riddles, lightning, etc.

South American Sheet Maine. On the leaves there are small yellow punctures, later - the bright moves of pests. Dark brown pupae miners lie on the leaves and then fall to the ground.
Measures of struggle and prevention: When buying seedlings thoroughly inspect the plants for pests. The affected plants are immediately removed while insects did not come from the dolls.

Tli. The leaves are curly, yellow, with a strong lesion, adhesive washes are visible on them.
Measures of struggle and prevention: Single tool colonies are cut together with leaves or wash off with water. We are treated with antitleen, tobacco dust, accuters, phytodeterm, akarin, actara, decyis, tanker, spark, bison, biothel, commander, etc.

Bugs. Small yellow appears on the leaves and petals, later the raging spots are places where the bugs feed. With a further growth of the leaves, the leaves are swear, shrivened, become holes.
Measures of struggle and prevention: Chemicals It is advisable to apply only with a strong lesion in mass landings or with a high insect press from outside, from the fields. On the panstone Plants are treated with potash soap, as well as accuters, carboofos, fufanon. Processing is carried out by cool in the morning when the bugs are still sedentible.

Chrysanthemum Galovy Komarik. With a strong defeat, shoots and flowers are deformed. On the leaves, the oval pubescent 2-3 mm long are visible on the cutters. Orange larvae are sitting in them.
Measures of struggle and prevention: The affected parts of the plants are removed.

Western floral trips. Young leaves are deformed, the growth point is twisted. Flowers with stains; Petals on the edges will rage. In flowers, especially in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stamens, tryps are actively multiplied.

Measures of struggle and prevention: The affected plants are destroyed. For prophylaxis in greenhouses hang adhesive blue traps. This is especially important for young plants, as they can displease even single insects. To combat tryps, it is necessary to early and repeatedly use insecticides. They spray the preparations of Aktar, Akttellik, Fufanon, Phytodeterm, Taper, Spark, etc. After 4-5 days, treatment is repeated, since insecticides do not act at all stages of development of these insects.

Leaf nematodes. On the bottom of the bottom up the upwards are spread yellow, later the raging angular spots, the nematodes are clearly separated by residents live inside the leaves, and with frequent spraying quickly spread over the leaves and throughout the plant.
Measures of struggle and prevention: The affected plants are removed, the rest are transferred to the dry content. Do not spray foliage. Do not use patients with reproduction plants.

Simphila. Easy holes in the lower sheet segments at the ground level. In the dying tissues, secondary mushroom infections occur at the edges of the holes. At the damaged parts of the plant, there are approxigated multicacies about 5 mm long, with twelve pairs of legs and long mustache.
Measures of struggle and prevention: The affected plants are removed. Solving the actor makes sense only on young plants.

Diseases Chrysanthemum:

Gray Gnil
- This mushroom disease is striking all the above-ground pieces of chrysanthemums. Light brown spots appear on inflorescences, which quickly grow up, and inflorescences are converted into a rotary mass. Causes of diseases are thickened landings, insufficient air circulation, overabundance of nitrogen fertilizers, increased soil acidity, soil moisure (excessive watering). For prevention, they try to plant bushes chrysanthemums on a light sunny place, at a sufficient distance to ensure normal air circulation. If necessary, the soil in the landing places are depleted with ash or greased lime. For the prevention of the disease once in 14 days, copper-containing preparations are carried out. If you discovered quite strong damage to the bushes, then damaged plants are removed and burned.

Puffy dew - On the leaves of stems and buds, born raids appear, under which damaged tissues dry out. This leads to the oppression of the plant. The cause of the disease can be hot weather with abundant dears, surplus of nitrogen fertilizers and calcium deficiency in the soil. In most cases, the appearance of pulse dew is due to a varietal sign, i.e. There are varieties more or less stable to this disease, so I would recommend to acquire varieties not affecting muced dew. For prevention purposes, spraying plants with copper-soap liquid (20-25g copper Kaper, 200g green water soap)

Rust leaves - Small yellowish-green spots appear on the surface of the leaves. The amazed leaves gradually acquire a bright yellow color with a necrotic middle, then die completely. On the bottom surface, respectively, the spots from the top are developing convex wax pustulas from light yellow to pinkish color. While the spots on the upper side become imagined, these pustulas become more speakers. Plants at first glance look like burnt. Sick leaves are often twisted by the book, as a result of which the shape of the chrysanthemum bush changes the reason: the disease is intensively progressing in years with warm and wet weather. The infection can be transmitted to the wind, rain, insects, as well as the damaged leaves used by the tool are broken and burned. Feed plants with phosphorus-potash fertilizers. Spray copper-containing fungicides, foundazole or 1% Calloid gray.

Root bacterial cancer - On the root cervical or on the stem appear growths. Noticing signs of this disease, the plant must be removed immediately and burn! Good drainage, autumn soil resistance, cleaning plant residues - the main conditions for preventing bacterial diseases chrysanthemums

Septorize or spotting leaves - On the leaves of chrysanthemums, brown and black spots that merging into one large spot affecting most of the sheet plate, the leaves are yellow and dry in addition to this on the leaves are formed in the form of a barely distinguishable black dot points of the spore of the mushroom - a source of infection of new plants. Typically, the disease spreads from the bottom upward, causing first the dying and foaming of the leaves, then leads to a blossom delay. The pathogen is maintained on fallen leaves and plant residues. It is recommended to remove and burn the amazed leaves to be removed, or in any case, do not water the chrysanthol in the sheet, but only under the root. When feeding, the content of potash-phosphoric fertilizers increases, regular struggle Weed. If despite all the preventive measures on your chrysanthemums, there were still signs of septoriosia, I recommend to treat them with one of these drugs in such a proportion: polycarbacin (30-40 g / 10l), Homezin (40 g / 10l), downtown (50 g / 10 10l), copper chlorine (50 g / 10l), cinb (50 g / 10), Fundazol (30 g / 10l). In addition, it is possible to carry out the processing of the Bordeaux mixture, chlorokising copper or copper-soap liquid.

Pest chrysanthemums:

Aphid - Most often, on plants, chrysanthemums can be found several types of Tly. They settle with the colonies on the lower side of foliage and buds. Harm plants chrysanthemums are applied as larvae and adult individuals. Suching from the plant juice they deplete the bush, which leads to a strong slowdown in growth, and then to a complete drying of the plant. In addition, Tlima transfer viral diseases. Fucking chrysanthemums lose decorativeness, inflorescences and flowers become unsuitable for cutting. Single tool colonies are cut together with leaves or wash off with water. With a stronger distribution, the plant spray with actar, accuteller, Calypso, Bi-58.For better adhesion to the working solution add laundry soap 40 g / 10l

Meadow Clap - From this pest and its larvae feeding on cellular juice, leaves, buds, inflorescences. The leaves are covered with blessed spots, raging and dying, buds are not blown away, inflorescences are formed with deformed petals. Winter pests under the vegetation residues. For prevention, the bushes are sprayed with a solution of phosphamide (10 g per 10 liters of water). In case of damage to Klop, it is treated with water with a children's shampoo diluted in it (1 teaspoon of 10 liters) or by the same drugs as against the tool. Spraying is carried out by cool in the morning when the bugs are sedentible.

Chrysanthemate nematode : - This pest see to see the unarmed look very difficult, it is a long-like worm. The characteristic symptoms of the disease are expressed in the appearance of mosaic stains between the leaf veins, which in time they get dark, the leaves twisted and dry out. The disease caused by nematode is moving from the lower leaves to the top. Buds are formed only there, where the pest has not yet reached. The infection is distributed by S. poor quality water, abundant dew, in reproduction with cuttings taken from a patient plant, falls with infected soil. The pest in the above-ground parts of infected plants and in the soil. For prophylaxis before planting and with autumn spray, the bushes are sprayed with a solution of phosphamide (10 g / 10 liters of water). Sick plants are removed and burned, and the soil is disinfected with a solution of formalin

Chrysanthmore is not in vain called the queen of autumn - when other flowers stop flowering and go on the winter peace, chrysanthemum pleases the view of the puff and the riot of paints. And it seems that this flower is not terrible or cold, neither autumn rains nor the first frosts or illness.

But, unfortunately, diseases and pests are also in these resistant flowers - this is a wave, mites, and mildew, and a white rust chrysanthemum. Most often, health problems in chrysanthemums arise due to improper care and not observance of agrotechnical techniques, although there are exceptions.

Noncommunicable and infectious diseases

Non-infectious diseases are developing if the conditions of cultivation of colors do not comply with the standards, if they do not fit the power and watering mode, soil, air temperature. In this case, the treatment of colors will not need, you only need to fully comply with the cultivation technology.

* Noncommunicable diseases affect individual copies or immediately all the colors, but in any case they are not transmitted healthy plants. Their danger lies in the fact that they are inhibit the growth and development of chrysanthemums, weaken their immunity and increase the risk of infectious diseases - viral, fungal, bacterial.

So, on severe, swimming soil that does not have drainage systemThe chrysanthemum can occur the so-called "stroking of roots", during which the supply of their oxygen deteriorates, and they are not able to absorb nutrients from the soil to provide plants. As a result - the flowers begin to root, the leaves are yellowing, the roots rot, the plant is dying.

From excess moisture, the balance between absorbing its roots and evaporation is broke overhead part plants. It is not able to get rid of excess moisture and on the color-point stem arises a transverse crack, due to which the stem together with the bud breaks. Sometimes the stem remains as a whole, but the inflorescence is deformed. Harmful for chrysanthemum is the lack of moisture. They become sluggish, the leaves are yellowing, flower petals are creepy.

Low temperatures during flowering are the cause of yellowing or redness of the leaves along the central and longitudinal veins.

Non-infectious diseases chrysanthemums arise from excess or lack of mineral substances. The plant constantly located on the "hungry soldering" weakens, and cannot withstand pathogenic organisms.

Harms chrysanthemums and making fresh manure, he burns young roots, and they become a hotbed for bacteria and fungi, which also causes the death of the flower.

Infectious diseases chrysanthemums, as well as people's infections are transmitted from sick individuals healthy. In the flower, affected infectious disease occur negative physiological changes, which are reflected in their appearance. They reduce photosynthesis, water absorption, slow down metabolic processes. Externally, this is manifested by fading, a delay in the growth, rot from the roots, the elimination of shoots, leaves and buds, milded falling on the leaves, malignant neoplasms. What infectious diseases are chrysanthemums?

White rust chrysanthemum

The first signs of the disease - round yellow spots On the leaves of 5 mm. First, the stains appear on young leaves, gradually they are becoming more larger, change the color to light brown. At the same time, round "Ospinki" appear on the underside - sporangies containing teleproducs. It is noteworthy that the leaves affected by the disease are not falling.

Teletetosporgas germinate and form disputes of a new type - Basidospore, which tolerate wind. In high humidity conditions, it will easily germinate on healthy leaves and infect the flower, as a result, most of the plants turn out to be affected and loses its commodity look. For this reason, the white rust chrysanthemum is recognized as a quarantine causative agent.

The fight against the disease is the whole complex of events. Patients are removed, and sprayed with fungicides. What exactly - should be asked from specialists. The fact is that the fungus causing white rust has already developed immunity to some fungicides, so it's quite difficult to deal with the causative agent. Plants can be treated with micbobutanil, azoxy-coster, diphenokonazole, cresoxim-methyl or tebukonazole.

Gray rot Chrysanthemum

Gray Rinch Chrysanthemum - develops into cold and crude weather, during protracted rains, or when transporting cut colors. Brown watery spots appear on petals. Then the stains grow up, and the inflorescence turns into a rotary mass. Gray rot is striking and adult plants and cuttings during rooting.

Gray rot is developing on weak plants, in unfavorable conditions for growing conditions - with strong thickening, poor ventilation, high humidity and soil, increased acidity Soil and excess nitrogen fertilizers.

To combat the gray rot, you first need to optimize the conditions of cultivation, lead them to normal. Then remove and burn affected plants, treat healthy fungicides. For the prevention of the disease, the tools, drawers and racks are disinfected, the room is ventilated.


Septoriasis, or spotted leaves. This disease chrysanthemum is manifested by lower leaves Round brown spots appear. The leaves affected by septorize are yellowing, why the plant weakens, inflorescences are not able to fully develop.


Spots that appear first on the bottom leaves gradually appear on the top. At the same time, picnides of the mushroom are formed in the stains, which are almost not visible to the naked eye.

The disease develops in a poorly ventilated greenhouse, with a strong population thickening. Disease pathogens continue to live on fallen leaves.

To prevent the occurrence and spread of gray rot, you need to delete and burn damaged leaves, switch plant and reduce doses of nitrogen fertilizers. At the first signs of rotting, the plants spray with chlorokis of copper, copper-soap liquid or borobo liquid.

For the preparation of liquid 10 grams of copper sulfate dissolve in 0.5 liters hot water, and separately dissolve 100 grams of liquid potash soap in 10 liters warm water. After that, mix two solutions and use for processing colors. The solution is prepared immediately before use. Spraying chrysanthemums need to be carried out so that the solution falls on the leaves on both sides.

Puffy dew

Puffy dew - this disease amazes the flower completely. It forms a white flare caused by disputes. Fabrics dried under the raid, which leads to the death of the plant. Puffy Rosa is a consequence of a lack of calcium in the soil, an excess of nitrogenous fertilizers, strong heat and abundant dew. The pathogens of the disease continue to live on the remains of plants, so after cutting the roots, it is necessary to remove and burn.

Treatment of chrysanthemums from pulse dew lies in spraying with a soap solution with soda calcined. The solution is prepared at the rate of 10 liters of water by 40 grams of soap and 40 grams of soda.

In addition, for spraying, you can prepare a copper-soap liquid from 200 grams of green soap, 10 liters of water and 20 grams of copper sulfate. Treatment chrysanthemum is carried out at temperatures above +20 degrees.

As prophylaxis, it is necessary to loosen the land more often, to air the greenhouse, remove the tick leaves and the roots after cutting, reload plantings.

Harmful insects

There are chrysanthemums and insects pests - ticks, wave, meadow bug, tobacco trips, cute clampshacking in Pennie. For example:

TLL Orangene

TLL Orangened - greenish or pinkished color. Mounted on the leaves, on the bottom, the whole colonies. TLL - the sucking insect, from which the flowers and shoots and buds suffer. As a result of the "work" of Tly, the leaves are deformed, and the buds remain not dissolved.

TLL Buray Chrysanthemum

Wheat Brown Chrysanthemum - Black and Brown Color. A resident of the greenhouses, settles in inflorescences, but does not damage them, but pollutes the excrement and remnants from the larvae.

These pests are destroyed by the preparations "Bi-58 new", "Aktellik", "Karate", divorced in water in accordance with the instructions.

Polybnaya ticks

Cleaning ticks - these pests of indoor and greenhouse colors, settle on the bottom of the leaflet, and weave its web. As a result, the leaflet turns yellow, dries out and falls. Pliers are well multiplied in dry, hot weather, except chrysanthemums can damage other plants in the greenhouse. For one season, pincers give 3-4 generations, and if they do not fight with them, you can forget about the quality of colors. Female ticks winter under the remains of plants, so they can not be left in a greenhouse for the winter, in addition, they can be transferred in the upper layer of the soil.

Folk remedies in the fight against ticks are powerless, therefore chrysanthemums must be treated with the drugs "Akttellik" or "PhyTenerm".

Meadow beds

Meadow bugs - these pests are dangerous in that the leaves and flowers and buds of chrysanthemum damage. Leaves affected by clouds are deformed, twisted, swell. Buds are never blown away, or turn into deformed flowers. Winter pests are carried out under the remains of the plant, so the greenhouse should be cleaned completely. To combat clusters, the same drugs are used as to combat ticks and aphids.

Chrysanthemums: diseases, pests and methods to combat them

Chrysanthemums: diseases, pests and methods to combat them.

Chrysanthemums affect the variety of shades. It would seem like an unpretentious flower that is in any garden, but if it is wrong to care, the flowers may die. For high-tech chrysanthemums in open soil It is necessary to prevent them from pests and diseases. The main condition is the observance of growing technology. Violation technological rules leads to the weakening of plants and damage to their diseases.

Plant diseases are divided into infectious and noncommunicable.

Non-infectious diseases
There are when the conditions of growing plants are disturbed: soil, power, moisture, temperature, temperature ambient. In general, noncommunicable diseases are not transmitted from plants affected by them to healthy, they delay the growth and development of the plant and enhance its tendency to infectious diseases (fungal, bacterial, viral).

For chrysanthemums, the well-known phenomenon of "suffocation" is the root. This is observed on severe, swimming, poorly drained soils or after severe rain. At the same time, the provision of an oxygen root system is worsening, roots are choking and lose the ability to provide a plant. nutrient substances. The leaves are yellowing, the roots will be raging and dying, the plant dies.

Due to the excess of moisture in the soil and the equilibrium disorders between the absorption of moisture by the root system and the evaporation of its plant, in chrysanthemums on a flower view under the bud a transverse crack is formed. Then the bud is clogged or deformed inflorescence is formed.

Moisture deficiency in the soil and the loss of the turgora weaken the plant, leading to the development of various diseases. Harmful effects low temperatures During the growing season, the colors are manifested in the yellowing of the leaves along the central vein or redness of the leaves along the veins.

Non-infectious diseases arise in an excess, shortage or imbalance of mineral nutrition chrysanthemums.

These diseases depress the plant and create prerequisites for damage by its pathogenic organisms. So, the introduction of fresh manure causes the burnogs of young roots, on which bacteria and mushrooms are subsequently multiplied, which leads to the death of plants.

Infectious diseases

Under the influence of infectious diseases, the condition of plants and their exterior appearance. External symptoms of diseases are varied: delay in growth and development, fading plants, root rot, deformations, cancer tumors, necrosis, torment, etc.

Fungal diseases

1. Eye rot - Botrytis Sinerea Fr.

This disease more often amazes inflorescences with cool tightening rainy weather, as well as when storing and transporting a cut. The first sign of damage to inflorescences - light brown watery spots on the tongue flowers. This follows the rapid growth of spots and the transformation of inflorescences in the rotten brown mass. Affected inflorescences are covered by abundant gray raid Conidial spioning of causative agents of the disease. The rotten mass is filled with a mushroom sclerocyse, with which it winter on the remains of the plant. In the spring, the plant infection occurs with conidias. From gray rot, cuttings also suffer during their rooting.

The disease develops on weakened plants, which were in adverse conditions of cultivation: in the thickening of plantings, insufficient ventilation, the mooring of the substrate, the excess of nitrogen fertilizers, the increased acidity of the soil.

Methods of struggle. The fight against the gray rot is to eliminate the conditions contributing to its development. Highly affected plants or parts of plants (cuttings, inflorescences, leaves) are removed and burned. In order to prevent the disease, disinfect and regularly ventilate the premises, racks and drawers.

2. Puffy dew - Oidium Chrisantemi Rab.

Amazes buds, leaves and stems. They arise a whitish flaw caused by a conidial spioning. Dry tissue dried under it. The spread of the disease contributes to the heat and abundant dews, an excess of nitrogen fertilizers and a lack of calcium in the soil. This disease is especially dangerous in the greenhouses. The pathogens live on the remains of the plants.

Methods of struggle. Plants It is necessary to spray the calcined soda with soap (40 gr. Soap and 40 gr. Soda on 10 liters of water), copper-soap liquid (200 gr. Green soap and 20-25 gr. Copper mood for 10 liters of water), colloidal gray ( 0.5 - 0.8%) at air temperature not lower than 20 ° C. In the fight against pulmonary dew, the looping of the soil, the ventilation of the greenhouses, the destruction of dried foliage, the unguarded placement of the Mercenaries is well helped. For mass cultivation, it is necessary to select sustainable varieties.

3. Rust - Puccinia Chrisantemi Roz

In case of defeat by this mushroom, the surface of the leaves is covered with small yellowish-green spots. The lower side of the leaves is covered with dark brown, rounded dummy handhes - the ubedders of the causative agent of the disease. Sick leaves are gradually yellowing and dying, the affected plant is poorly developing. Winterly contemplation on plant residues. Intensively progresses the disease in warm and wet weather. More often amazed rust chrysanthemums that are grown in the greenhouse.

Methods of struggle. It is necessary to select healthy royalties. When illness is detected, damaged leaves need to turn and burn. In the feeder use phosphorus-potash fertilizers. It is also necessary to spray the plants with fungicides - use copper chlorine (0.5%), burglar liquid (1%), colloidal sulfur (1%).

4. Spotted leaves, or septoriasis - Septoria Chrisantemella SACC.

Leaves septoria - very common chrysanthemum disease in different countries. It manifests itself on the lower leaves in the form of rounded dark brown, very dark spots. The character of stains depends on the type of causative agent of the disease, the conditions of development of the disease, the varieties of chrysanthemums and the time of infection. The affected leaves are yellow and dying. Plants are weakened and inflorescences are not developed to the end. The disease is distributed, as a rule, on the leaves below up. The spots are formed by spioning (picnides) of the fungus. These are small, almost imperceptible black dots. The disease progresses with excessive air humidity and thickened plantations. The causative agent of the disease lives on fallen leaves.

Methods of struggle. It is necessary to regularly remove the affected leaves and burn them. Avoid thickening of plantations, excessive application of nitrogen fertilizers, watering under the root. When a plant occurs, it is necessary to spray, using burglar liquid (1%), copper-soap fluid, copper composure (0.5%).

To prepare a liquid, it is necessary to dissolve 10 gr. copper sipop, and in a separate container in 10 liters of warm water to dissolve 100 gr. Liquid potash soap. Then, into a solution of soap, gradually stirring, pour the solution of the mood. Liquid need to be prepared immediately before spraying. Repeated spraying is carried out in 10-12 days. It is necessary to ensure that the drug necessarily falls on the lower side of the leaves.

Bacterial diseases

Root bacterial cancer
The disease is manifested in the form of growths on the stem or the root cervix. Finding signs of illness, plants are removed from plantations and burned.

Viral diseases

About 20 different are described in the literature. viral diseaseswho are striking chrysanthemums: Aspermia, white spotty flowers, mosaic, rosette, dwarfishness, refinery of inflorescences etc.

With damage to chrysanthemates with various strains of viruses, signs of disease in plants may vary depending on the variety. Characteristic features Viral diseases can be: growth in growth, decrease in the size of leaves and inflorescences, mosaic pattern on leaves and chlorosis, deformation of inflorescences. With the damage to the plants, the virus is partially or completely discolored by the tongue flowers in inflorescences, sometimes they become spotted or very white. At varieties with yellow inflorescences, the discoloration of the tongue flowers is very rare, it does not happen in white.

A virus tool or plants juice is transferred when working with them. For reliable determination of plants damage to viruses in most cases, special virological studies are needed.

Methods of struggle. Diligent selection of healthy uterine plants, destruction and burning of patients. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that viruses that cause deformation of inflorescences and their discoloration, rarely give noticeable symptoms on the leaves, so it is necessary to emit plants during flowering. Fighting tool, cicakes and trips reduces the probability of transferring viral infections from one plant to another.

Pest chrysanthemums
The main pests are chrysanthemums, meadow bug, slumping Pennie, tobacco trips and a web tinger.

1. Orange (or peach) TLL - Mizodes Persicae Sulz.

It has a greenish, yellowish or pinkish color. The trouble is settled by the colonies on the underside of the leaves. They also suffer from shoots, buds and flowers. Tlla sucks cell juice from them. The deformation of damaged leaves occurs, the buds do not dissolve.

2. Burai Chrysanthemtela - Macrosiphoniella Chrisantemi Sanb.

It is different from other types of phon black and brown color. In the conditions of the greenhouse, they live inside the inflorescences, do not cause their deformations, but pollute the inflorescences with skins from larvae and excrement.

Methods of struggle. It is necessary to spray plants with one of the drugs: "Aktellik" (50% K.E. - 10 ml / 10 l of water), "Bi-58 new" (40% K.E. - 20 ml / 10 liters of water), "karate "(5% K.E. - 1-1.5 ml / 10 l of water), etc.

3. Changing Potnie or Cycada - Philaenus Spumarius L.

In the spring of eggs, which overwhelmed, the larvae leaving on the leaves and shoots of plants. They are covered with a foam mass. Cycakes feed on plant juice, their bites form small yellow stains on the leaves, and inflorescences are deformed.

Methods of struggle. It is necessary to spray plants with the same drugs as against Tly.

4. Meadow or Field Kopnop - Lygus Pratensis L.

Claps and larvae damage and deform leaves, buds and flowers. Leaves twist and swolish appear on them. Buds do not dissolve or give deformed inflorescences. Adult bugs winter under the remains of plants.

Methods of struggle. It is necessary to destroy weeds, spray with the same drugs as against Tly.

5. Web tinger - Tetranychus Urticae Koch.

Ticks damage the lower side of the leaves, weave their web and lead to discoloration, sometimes yellowing, and in the case of a significant infection - drying and falling leaves. Mass reproduction of the pest accounts for hot and dry weather, it damages different kinds Plants. Over the summer gives several generations. Adult females under the remains of plants in the upper layer of the soil. The tinger damages chrysanthemums, most often, in the greenhouses.

Methods of struggle. Need to collect and destroy vegetable residues and weeds, in the fall of pumping the soil, spray plants with the same drugs as against Tly. The web tinger quickly gets used to the pesticides, so they must be changed. It is also recommended to spray with the yarrow, garlic, onions, whites of black, dope.

6. High nematode - Aphelenchoides Ritzemabosi (Schw.) Stein.

Damage manifests itself on the lower leaves in the form of bright areas, with veins at the edges. Subsequently, sick leaves, rude, twist and die away. Soon the upper leaves and buds are affected. If the infection is significant, young leaves are deformed, not completely disclosed, growth is stopped in young cuttings. Emmatodes in the above-ground portion of an infected plant.

Methods of struggle. It is necessary to emit patients with plants, alternate cultures with growing cereals. Spray patients with plants with solutions of heterophos.

Hope you found detailed information About diseases and pests chrysanthemum. Good luck!