Wedding on critical days. Is it possible for women to go to church while on their period - the opinion of priests

The wedding ceremony has become very popular even among those who are not deeply religious people who observe all church canons. And although the clergy have somewhat lowered the requirements for those getting married, some issues still remain quite pressing. For example, is it possible to get married during menstruation? Often the bride hears a single answer - no. Do all clergymen view this so categorically? What to do if you can’t postpone the wedding?

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Why can't you get married?

Opinions on the issue of a woman attending church on “special” days in most cases do not differ from each other. Studying the answers of the priests, three key explanations can be identified for this:

  • Some interpret the ban on attending church by saying that the monthly cycle is a woman’s opportunity to conceive a child.
  • Bleeding means that conception has failed. At this moment, according to the worshipers, cleansing (or dirty) blood comes out of the woman, and with it dead cells. And since the church is the temple of God, you cannot desecrate it with your presence at this moment. In general, there is also an opinion that blood is a symbol of death (dead tissue, eggs). And a woman is not allowed to touch relics, icons, or the cross. That is, the wedding ceremony cannot be carried out in full.
  • There is another interpretation of the ban. According to her, intimacy at the time of monthly bleeding is simply excluded.

And since after the wedding the couple had to consolidate the union in bed with the potential possibility of conceiving a child, the wedding had to be postponed. There was an opinion that if menstruation began on the wedding day, then the children would be born sick.

If we return to the signs of our ancestors, then a woman during her critical days was considered dirty. And in some ways we can agree with this, because before there were no such hygiene products, not even basic underwear, nor the opportunity to take an extra shower. Entering the church, she could dirty the floors and thereby desecrate the temple. And the smell was not the most pleasant, because our great-grandmothers had no choice but to use all kinds of rags in these already difficult days.

And yet sometimes you can get married while on your period. The clergy allow the ceremony to be performed if the girl is terminally ill. However, more and more often you can find clergy who take the side of the fair half and allow church attendance and rituals even on critical days.

There is another opinion: if menstruation occurs on the same day as the wedding, then the ceremony can be performed, but after that the girl must confess.

Arguments from those who are “in favor” of the ceremony

It is worth noting that, most likely, very soon women will be allowed to enter the church, take communion, and so on. Basically, modern clergy understand how much progress has been made in the development of personal hygiene products. They also insist that the woman's monthly bleeding is not her fault, so there is no reason to remove her from the church. For example, John Chrysostom allows communion even during times of bodily uncleanness. Gregory the Great also writes to his parishioners that the church first of all thinks about the soul, so visiting God's temple women are allowed. It is worth noting that New Testament

puts more loyal demands on parishioners.

For girls who comply with all church canons, living with a person whose union is not ecclesiastical is simply not possible. Many priests are also of the opinion that no one has the right to interfere with a woman’s desire to visit the temple of God. And even more so, natural flows cannot stand in the way (after all, men also have them, but no one excommunicates them from the bosom of the church).

And yet, such a sensitive question, whether it is possible to get married while on your period, is best asked directly to the priest who will perform the ceremony.

After all, it is quite difficult for many women to predict in advance when exactly her period will begin. And at the moment of worry, the schedule can even more go wrong. And it is not always possible to reschedule the ceremony, since it cannot be performed during certain days and fasting.

If the priest is categorically against it, then, unfortunately, the only option left is to either postpone the wedding, which is not insurance against menstruation starting again at the wrong time, or to stop menstruation, or to find a more modern and understanding priest.

In the video, the clergyman talks about whether it is possible to get married during menstruation

What to do if your period falls on a holiday

  • Initially, it is worth planning a celebration for the middle of the cycle. Then the probability of a critical event occurring is the least. However, no one is safe even at this moment from an unpleasant surprise. There are several proven options if your period is about to start for your wedding: Start taking them after selecting them together with your gynecologist. This will allow you to plan critical days. There is no need to be afraid that contraceptives will disrupt your hormonal levels. Modern means have a minimum hormone and, with
  • making the right choice, can even improve the girl’s health. In addition, many observed that after stopping the pills, which they took for 3-6 months, they were able to get pregnant almost from the first cycle.
  • It is highly undesirable, but you can use it only after agreement with your gynecologist. For example, it is believed that it can stop menstruation for a day. To do this, you need to prepare a steep decoction (1 tablespoon per glass of boiling water, you need 400 ml to achieve the effect), drink in two doses. However, it is worth considering that this is prohibited for girls with blood clotting problems. Parsley, mint, and raspberries will help in the same way.

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  • In the section on the question Wedding. Tell me, is it possible to get married during menstruation? given by the author Natalia Ninyuk the best answer is this is your nature, God created you this way - God sees everything, if you get married and it’s from the heart, moreover, it’s not fake, then what difference does it make in what state you’re doing it?)

    Answer from Yorida[guru]
    no, you can’t, you shouldn’t go to church at all on days like this

    Answer from Neurosis[master]
    Maybe I should consult with the priest who will officiate the wedding? Maybe he'll change the date. You can enter the temple, but you cannot touch shrines (venerate icons, etc.)

    Answer from catchy[guru]

    Answer from Stripe[guru]
    At this time, a woman is not even supposed to enter the temple; why get married if there is no faith. Is it worth the bother?

    Answer from Ekaterina Postova[active]
    It is forbidden. Of course, no one will check. But this does not mean that we do what we need to do in life only when someone is supervising us. This point is indicated in the rules for those getting married; these days can be provided with a certain probability (plus or minus a few days). To do this, you can calculate in advance; there are special calendar programs. Do not take sin upon yourself, because this is only the beginning of your life together. Although everyone decides for himself whether it is important for him or not. I believe that if there is such a rule, then it must be treated with at least respect, otherwise why bother getting married at all? Moreover, there is nothing supernatural in this, somehow millions of couples got married before, and nothing, they foresaw this moment. So it's possible.

    Answer from Alena Schastlivaya[guru]
    I guess not.

    Answer from Lamia Bron[guru]
    They don't check there. Go and don't tell anyone.

    Answer from Gooddy[guru]
    If you want to observe all the church rituals, then it is absolutely impossible. You can't even enter the church.

    Nowadays, this wonderful ceremony – a wedding in a church – is becoming increasingly popular. They say that a stamp in a passport does not change anything in principle. This is not so - there is a legal responsibility of one person to another. But a wedding is a much more subtle matter. And let everyone who treats this ritual only as a tribute to fashion think about it: in Russia they do not officially debunk it! As a last resort, only the highest rank of church clergy, but not the local priest, can make a decision on debunking. Therefore, a couple can divorce or go their separate ways, but before God the married ones remain husband and wife.

    Let us note that local priests allow themselves to interpret the basic rules for performing rituals differently. However, here we will present the canons that are considered the most correct - everyone can determine for themselves the degree of violations to which they can commit.

    The Church is very strict regarding the number of marriages. Therefore, if the newlyweds register their third marriage, they can still be admitted to the wedding ceremony. The church does not bless fourth and fifth marriages. In principle, the priest will not ask the newlyweds for a marriage certificate issued at the registry office - a wedding and a secular marriage are different rites. They have completely different meanings, and weddings in Russia have not yet acquired the mandatory character that a similar ceremony has in Europe. You can get married before entering into an official marriage, and after living together for a long time. official marriage. The main thing is that those getting married should treat full responsibility to the step being taken.

    What day to get married, is it possible on Saturday?

    Often a wedding is divided into two days: one day is a social ceremony, the second is a wedding. Their sequence is not predetermined by strict rules. But if we look at all the subtleties, then the church, through the ceremony, blesses the newlyweds for life together, including the fulfillment of marital duty. And if we take into account the fact that the church does not perform weddings on Saturday, and the ceremony can be performed either on Friday or on Sunday, the conclusion suggests itself: what could be the ritual of handing over a girl to her husband after the first wedding night? Of course, it is better for the wedding to take place before the official festivities and everything that follows. Moreover, believers generally prefer not to remove the rings they wore at the wedding. Therefore, for the ceremony at the registry office it is better to prepare other rings (or one for the bride). You can completely bypass the process of exchanging rings at the registry office for the sake of preserving the grace imparted to these symbols of love and fidelity in the church.

    Is it possible to get married without the presence of witnesses?

    There are no clear rules regarding witnesses during weddings. However, there must be people who will hold the crowns over the heads of the young people, and this is a rather difficult task, since the crowns weigh quite a lot. It is quite acceptable to discuss this nuance with the priest of the local parish, since it is not of fundamental importance in this rite.
    Lent is solemn church ceremonies usually not carried out, especially if the fast is strict. There are relaxations in certain days, but this is also discussed on a case-by-case basis. However, if the issue is not fundamental, then it is better to postpone the wedding for a time not related to fasting.

    Is it permissible to have a wedding during Lent or during the veil?

    On the contrary, great holidays do not prohibit the performance of rituals. church services. It is necessary to find out in advance whether it is possible to hold a wedding ceremony in a specific religious holiday in a particular church - the refusal may be due to the individual employment of the priest - after all, everyone tries to coincide the conduct of church ceremonies with some major holidays (for example, Intercession), believing that on such days those getting married or undergoing the rite of baptism receive the greatest protection.

    Is it possible to get married while on your period?

    If the bride begins to have monthly discharge at the time of the planned wedding, the ceremony must be cancelled. The Church strictly prohibits a woman from crossing the threshold of the temple on critical days. You can come to the service, but be only in the vestibule - not a step further! Therefore, of course, neither getting married nor baptizing on such days is allowed. The church does not welcome the wedding ceremony while pregnant - it is better after childbirth.

    There are unwritten rules that everyone getting married must follow. Thus, it is necessary to preserve the towel on which the newlyweds stood during the wedding - it symbolizes their joint life path. It is better to save candles left over from a wedding and use them only on the most special occasions - according to legend, they have great healing and blessing powers. It is better to hang icons received in the church either in the family icon corner or above the newlyweds’ bed. In the second case, according to the rules of the Christian religion, they must be equipped light curtain.

    A wedding is an extraordinary ceremony. He brings grace and peace to the family. And don’t worry about some of the words that are constant in the wedding ceremony: “Let the wife fear her husband,” for example. Today, according to the clergy, this only means respect and veneration for the husband, which, in fact, is what modern wives lack.

    The Sacrament of Marriage is the most ancient of the Church Sacraments. Usually, the establishment of the Sacrament of Marriage is associated with the visit of the Lord Jesus Christ to the wedding feast in Cana of Galilee, where He performed His first miracle and turned water into wine.

    However, the ancient Holy Fathers believed that the Sacrament of Marriage is the only Sacrament that was established even before the Fall of man, in Garden of Eden. Moreover, it was initially performed precisely as a Sacrament, as a grace-filled Divine rite. God Himself brought his wife to Adam, and this was the first and most ancient Sacrament of Marriage.

    The meaning of the Sacrament of Wedding for a person

    Marriage is a Sacrament in which God, with the bride and groom freely promising mutual marital fidelity before the priest and the Church, blesses their marital union in the image of the spiritual union of Christ with the Church. During the Sacrament, through prayers they are asked for the grace of pure unanimity for a common Christian life, the birth and upbringing of children.

    Those wishing to get married must be believing baptized Orthodox Christians. They must deeply understand that the unauthorized dissolution of a marriage approved by God, as well as the violation of the vow of fidelity, is an absolute sin.

    Ceremony of the Wedding

    The Rite of the Sacrament consists of two parts - betrothal and wedding, the first of which prepares for the second. This division has a special meaning: the first part leads those who receive the Sacrament to its second, sacramental part.

    Betrothal represents that natural marriage established by God between Adam and Eve for the purpose of procreation. Betrothal testifies to the recognition by the Church of the mutual intentions and feelings of the bride and groom, which they seal in the temple in front of everyone standing. The Holy Church confirms the sincerity of the vow they made to each other with its blessing and prayers.

    Following the Wedding with its prayerful and grace-filled order lays the foundation for living together in the bosom of the Holy Church, under its grace-filled cover.

    Preparation for the Sacrament of Wedding

    Married life should begin with spiritual preparation. Before marriage, the bride and groom must certainly confess and partake of the Holy Mysteries. This may not be done on the wedding day itself. It is advisable that three or four days before the wedding they prepare themselves for the Sacrament by confession, communion, prayer and fasting.

    Before the wedding, future spouses must speak personally with the priest in advance. It is advisable to invite two witnesses.

    To perform the Sacrament of Marriage you must have:

    • Icon of the Savior
    • Icon of the Mother of God
    • Wedding rings
    • Wedding candles (you can purchase handkerchiefs for these so that the candles are comfortable to hold and the wax does not drip onto your clothes)
    • White towel (rushnik) for laying under your feet

    The Sacrament of Wedding in our church

    The Sacrament of Wedding in our church is performed on all days prescribed by the Church for the celebration of this Sacrament. Before the wedding it is necessary to undergo an interview with the priest


    On what days is the Sacrament of Marriage not performed?
    They do not marry during four multi-day fasts, on the eve of Wednesday and Friday, as well as on Saturday throughout the year. The specific date of the wedding must be clarified in the temple.

    Is the presence of witnesses required?
    The role of witnesses at a wedding is not as great as that of recipients at Baptism. Usually they simply help the wedding couple (spread the towel, hold the crowns, accept flowers and gifts). In those churches where crowns are placed directly on heads, witnesses are not needed. In our church, witnesses hold crowns over the heads of those getting married. Both witnesses may be of the same gender.

    Is pre-registration of marriage at the registry office required?
    Yes, the Church performs a wedding only after the couple has already registered their marriage in government agency authorities.

    Is it possible to get married if the couple is already registered and the wife is pregnant?
    Nothing prevents such a couple from getting married.

    Do I have to buy new rings or wedding clothes after registration?
    No, you can get married in both wedding and any modest elegant clothes. The rings will fit regular wedding rings. The bride does not have to wear a veil, but her head must be covered with a scarf or shawl.

    Is it possible to get married while the bride is on her period?
    No, the wedding should be postponed until the end of these days. A woman cannot begin any of the Church Sacraments during menstruation.

    Establishment of the Sacrament of Marriage

    The Sacrament of Marriage is the most ancient of the Church Sacraments. Usually, the establishment of the Sacrament of Marriage is associated with the visit of the Lord Jesus Christ to the wedding feast in Cana of Galilee, where He performed His first miracle and turned water into wine. However, the ancient Holy Fathers believed that the Sacrament of Marriage is the only Sacrament that was established even before the Fall of man, in the Garden of Eden.

    Moreover, it was initially performed precisely as a Sacrament, as a grace-filled Divine rite. God Himself brought his wife to Adam, and this was the first and most ancient Sacrament of Marriage. The meaning of the Sacrament of Wedding for a person

    Marriage is a Sacrament in which God, with the bride and groom freely promising mutual marital fidelity before the priest and the Church, blesses their marital union in the image of the spiritual union of Christ with the Church. During the Sacrament, through prayers they are asked for the grace of pure unanimity for a common Christian life, the birth and upbringing of children. Those wishing to get married must be believing baptized Orthodox Christians. They must deeply understand that the unauthorized dissolution of a marriage approved by God, as well as the violation of the vow of fidelity, is an absolute sin.

    Ceremony of the Wedding

    The Rite of the Sacrament consists of two parts - betrothal and wedding, the first of which prepares for the second. This division has a special meaning: the first part leads those who receive the Sacrament to its second, sacramental part. Betrothal represents that natural marriage established by God between Adam and Eve for the purpose of procreation. Betrothal testifies to the recognition by the Church of the mutual intentions and feelings of the bride and groom, which they seal in the temple in front of everyone standing. The Holy Church confirms the sincerity of the vow they made to each other with its blessing and prayers.

    Following the Wedding with its prayerful and grace-filled order lays the foundation for living together in the bosom of the Holy Church, under its grace-filled cover.

    Preparation for the Sacrament of Wedding

    Married life should begin with spiritual preparation. Before marriage, the bride and groom must certainly confess and partake of the Holy Mysteries. This may not be done on the wedding day itself. It is advisable that three or four days before the wedding they prepare themselves for the Sacrament by confession, communion, prayer and fasting.

    Before the wedding, future spouses must speak personally with the priest in advance.

    To perform the Sacrament of Marriage you must have:

    Icon of the Savior

    Icon of the Mother of God

    Wedding rings

    Wedding candles (you can purchase handkerchiefs for these so that the candles are comfortable to hold and the wax does not drip onto your clothes)

    White towel (rushnik) or wedding towel, for laying under your feet

    The Sacrament of Wedding in our church

    The Sacrament of Wedding in our church is performed on all days prescribed by the Church for the celebration of this Sacrament.

    Marriages are not celebrated on the eve of Wednesday and Friday of the entire year (Tuesday and Thursday), Sundays (Saturday), twelve days, patronal feasts, in continuation of the fasts of Veliky, Petrov, Uspensky and Rozhdestvensky; in continuation of Christmastide from January 7 to January 19; on Meat Week, during Cheese Week (Maslenitsa) and on Cheese Week; during Easter (Light) Week; on the days (and on the eve) of the Beheading of John the Baptist - September 11 and the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord - September 27. At least a week before the wedding, you must register at the cathedral registry, indicating the specific date of the wedding and your contact phone number. To register, documents are required (passports, invitation to the registry office or Marriage Certificate).

    H frequently asked questions about T to the sacrament IN ceremonies

    Is the presence of witnesses required?

    The role of witnesses at a wedding is not as great as that of recipients at Baptism. Usually they simply help the wedding couple (spread the towel, hold the crowns, accept flowers and gifts). In those churches where crowns are placed directly on heads, witnesses are not needed. In our church, witnesses hold crowns over the heads of those getting married. If the bride's hairstyle allows it, the crown is placed on her head. Both witnesses may be of the same gender.

    Is pre-registration of marriage at the registry office required?

    Yes, the Church performs a wedding only after the couple has already registered their marriage with a government authority. Marriage registration at the registry office can be on the day of the wedding; in this case, after registering the marriage at the registry office, you need to bring the Marriage Certificate to the cathedral registry to be recorded in the registry register.

    Is it possible to get married if the couple is already registered and the wife is pregnant?

    Nothing prevents such a couple from getting married.

    Is it necessary to buy new rings or wedding clothes after registration?

    No, you can get married in both wedding and any modest elegant clothes. The rings will fit regular wedding rings. The bride does not have to wear a veil, but her head must be covered with a scarf or shawl.

    Is it possible to get married while the bride is on her period?

    No, the wedding should be postponed until the end of these days. A woman cannot begin any of the Church Sacraments during menstruation.