Exercises on machines to gain muscle mass. Mass training programs. Exercises to build muscle mass

When studying information on bodybuilding, it is easy to see that the main topic for athletes (advanced and beginners) is gaining muscle mass. People are looking for a way to build muscle in the shortest possible time. And this, by the way, is not at all surprising. If you have large muscles, working them out and making them more prominent is a matter of technique.

Really useful information there is not much in the virtual space regarding mass gain. Most articles describe truths that are already known to most.

In this article we will talk about how to do this correctly and provide a detailed training program that will allow you to achieve success in the shortest possible time.


Before the main workout aimed at gaining mass, including basic, heavy exercises, you need a good warm-up to warm up the ligaments and joints. It is best to use a treadmill for this purpose. Ten minutes of treadmill work at a slow pace is quite capable of preparing the body for strength training. The next stage of the warm-up is stretching. Before performing this exercise, identify your problem areas: shoulders, elbows, etc. These are the ones that should be emphasized.

Before performing a working set, you should do one or two warm-up sets using light weights. How to determine your light weight? Very simple: this is approximately forty to fifty percent of the worker’s weight. Warm-up sets give the body confidence and allow it to better feel the exercise.

How much time do you spend?

Working out too long in the gym is not advisable. For a good workout aimed at growing muscle mass, one hour is enough. The most important rule that every athlete should remember is: “The intensity of the workout is more important than its duration.”

After finishing your workout, you need to take a short break to stretch your joints and muscles. It is best to swim a little in the pool at this time.

You cannot be distracted from training by other things. Unfortunately, in gyms you can often see such a picture - someone talks non-stop on the phone, another plays an electronic game. Few people train – hence the lack of progress in gaining muscle mass.

It is necessary to remember - training exists in order to practice. If you intend to dial muscle mass– exercise without allowing yourself to be distracted from your main goal.

Work to failure

The key to success is strict work until the last repetition. The most effective are the last repetitions that we do, overcoming the body’s resistance and severe muscle pain. It is these repetitions that make the muscles grow.

How many times a week should you go to the gym?

After all, what is the process of muscle growth itself? The athlete deliberately injures muscle tissue (you should not be alarmed - these injuries are absolutely safe). Micro-tears occur in the muscles, which the body seeks to heal. The healed muscle becomes larger in volume. In order to heal micro-tears, the body needs several days, so daily exercise is strictly contraindicated.

In this regard, the training program for gaining muscle mass must be divided into, say, three days a week. You can choose from two options:

  • Monday Wednesday Friday.
  • Tuesday Thursday Saturday.

Rest between workouts should be at least one day. Among bodybuilders, it is customary to divide all muscles into groups: biceps, back, chest, legs, shoulders, triceps. At each workout you need to pump certain muscle groups.

Effective training program

Monday: chest, abs, triceps

  • It is with the press that you need to start. We do five approaches, using absolutely any exercise aimed at pumping the abdominal muscles. This could be crunches, leg raises on the bar, or others. The number of repetitions depends on the complexity of the chosen exercise, but the abdominal muscles should definitely burn when performing the last movements.
  • We lie down on a horizontal bench and begin bench press. It is necessary to perform four sets of eight to twelve repetitions. The exercise pumps up the pectoral muscles, giving them massiveness.
  • Starting position – lying on a horizontal bench. We begin to move the dumbbells to the sides. We perform four sets of twelve repetitions. The exercise increases the muscles in size and also gives them a sculpted shape.
  • Next exercise: bench press incline bench head up. You need to perform four sets of twelve repetitions. Before this exercise, you need to properly warm up the muscles of the shoulder joint to minimize the risk of shoulder injury. The exercise has a great effect on the upper chest area.
  • Bench press with a narrow grip - aimed at pumping the triceps. We do four sets of twelve repetitions
  • The last stage is four approaches with the maximum possible number of push-ups on the uneven bars. This exercise is extremely effective for gaining muscle mass, perfectly trains the triceps, and involves the shoulder girdle in the work.

So, Monday’s workout allowed me to pump up my pectoral muscles and really work on their shape. The triceps are fully pumped. The workout is hard, you need rest after it. The best option– swim a little in the pool.

Wednesday: biceps, back

  1. You need to do five sets of your favorite exercise, then warm up your body with a warm-up.
  2. The classic exercise is the famous deadlift (if you have back problems, replace it with hyperextension). We first do two warm-up approaches, then three approaches twelve times. Before performing, you need to stretch your back, especially the lumbar region. Deadlifts are extremely effective not only for the back, but also for the muscles of the whole body. When performing this exercise, the athlete's body produces an incredible amount of testosterone, which is necessary for muscle growth. It requires maximum effort and complete dedication.
  3. Wide-grip pull-ups: Do five sets with as many reps as possible. If you can’t do pull-ups, you can use a so-called pull-up simulator or use a block exercise machine for chest rows. Pull-ups themselves are an excellent basic exercise for the back; they are more effective than any exercise machine.
  4. Dumbbell rows with an incline and emphasis on a bench are performed four sets of twelve repetitions. The exercise is extremely effective for the back, literally drawing out every muscle.
  5. Lifting the barbell while standing is aimed at pumping the biceps. We perform four sets of twelve lifts. Without a doubt, this is the most effective exercise for biceps.
  6. Alternate lifting of dumbbells is performed while sitting. Lifting dumbbells is, of course, aimed at pumping the biceps, giving them shape and height. You need to do 3-4 sets of 10-12 times on each hand.

As a result, on Wednesday we managed to launch the muscle growth mechanism, work the back muscles, and activate their growth. In addition, we pumped up the biceps in the most effective way. You can relax by doing some cool down and stretching.

Friday: legs and shoulders

  • We start by lifting dumbbells overhead. The exercise is performed in a sitting position, doing four sets of twelve repetitions. Before you start training the shoulder girdle, you need to properly stretch your shoulder joints.
  • We lift dumbbells in front of us onto the front deltoids. You need to do 3-4 sets of 10-15 times.
  • Bent-over dumbbell raises will help visually enlarge your shoulders. We take light weight so as not to injure the shoulder joints. Two or three sets of 12-15 reps will be enough.
  • Then comes the most difficult thing - pumping the legs, squats with a barbell on the shoulders. The standard number of approaches and repetitions is 4/10-12. This is an extremely difficult exercise that requires the athlete to have perfect technique and full concentration. Before performing, you need to thoroughly stretch your knee joints, lower back, and ankles.
  • The last thing we do is sit up on our toes. Easy exercise, it can be done before squats. 3-4 sets of 12-15 repetitions are enough.

Result of Friday's workout: great work on the muscles of the legs and shoulders. We cool down, stretch and rest.

On Friday we complete muscle building workouts until Monday. The three-day program needs to be followed for two to three months, then it needs to be radically changed. This is done so that the body does not get used to the load.

Without what will there be no success?

When building up muscle tissue You need multiple and plentiful meals 5-6 times a day. This way you do not overload the body, and the components regularly enter the blood in equal quantities. Thanks to this, nutrition is always supplied to the muscles. If the diet is taken classical method(breakfast, lunch, dinner), then the excess nutritional compounds will not be used to increase muscle tissue, but to form fat deposits. In the future, following a high-calorie diet, it is impossible to remove these unwanted deposits.

The daily diet for a high-calorie diet should consist of 70% high-calorie products and 30% low-calorie products. The ratio helps you better absorb beneficial compounds and avoid overload digestive system. Plant fiber contained in low-calorie vegetables and fruits increases intestinal motility and makes it difficult to absorb high-calorie foods. However, you cannot completely give up vegetables and fruits, just their total volume in the diet should be less than 30%.

The daily amount of food consumed should be distributed in equal parts for each meal. Before 16:00, you need to digest approximately 70% of the prescribed amount of food. In the evenings, you should not eat fatty or sweet foods. In the evening, food should be easily digestible and include a lot of protein. The optimal set for dinner is salads, eggs, fish, vegetables (including legumes) and dairy products.

While adhering to a high-calorie diet, reduce the consumption of foods containing large amounts of fat (lard, fatty meat, butter and margarine, sausages, etc.). If the body contains the appropriate amount of carbohydrates to grow muscle tissue, then excess fat mass also accumulates in adipocytes, fat cells.

It is also recommended to limit fast carbohydrates (confectionery and bakery products, sweet fruits). They quickly increase the level of sucrose in the blood, and the body is forced to convert glucose into fat to lower sugar levels. This reduces the effectiveness of the diet.

However, such products are allowed to be consumed, but only immediately after training. At this time, a deficiency of glucose occurs in the muscles and organs and they can easily absorb it in large quantities due to increased secretion (release) of insulin.

Ratio nutrients: carbohydrates - 50–60%, proteins - 30–35%, fats - 10–20%. In the process of growing mass, you need to consume as many slow carbohydrates as possible, while simultaneously reducing the use of fast carbohydrates. You should also not reduce the amount of fat you consume below 10%. This will provoke unwanted changes in metabolism. Consuming exclusively vegetable fats is considered optimal. Oily fish can be consumed without restrictions.

These percentage data cannot be elevated to absolutes. Each person is individual. Therefore, you need to choose a percentage distribution of nutrients that is ideal for solving your problems.

Don't forget about drinking fluids. Any processes in the body require the consumption of a certain amount of water. High calorie diet and muscle growth accelerate metabolism in systems and tissues. This inevitably leads to a sharp increase in water consumption. In such conditions, it is necessary to increase the total daily consumption water up to 3 liters to avoid dehydration.

A high-calorie diet can be combined with sports nutrition. Supplements allow you to significantly accelerate muscle development and replenish the reserves of essential microelements required against the backdrop of increasing loads.

Protein shakes are consumed between meals, immediately before bed, immediately after sleep, and after training. If a gainer is used instead of pure protein, then it is taken exclusively after training.

IN mandatory bodybuilders need a special vitamin and mineral complex to replace the deficiency of fruits and greens in their diet. Creatine is consumed only after training. It is better absorbed by muscle tissue when mixed with a gainer, sweet juice or protein shake.

Speeding up the process

We bring to your attention a reminder that will help you take it correctly. sports nutrition during the period of mass gain:

First results - when to expect?

Muscle growth occurs during the period when the amount of total energy for carrying out all life processes exceeds the amount of energy received from nutrition. However, given the natural disposition of the human body towards homeostasis (the ability to self-regulate under the influence external factors), it is necessary to increase the calorie intake by 50 and even 100%. Experience shows that increasing calories by 10 or 30% in most cases does not lead to the desired results.

It is necessary to gradually increase the caloric content of daily nutrition until the weekly weight gain stabilizes within 700 g. The maximum weight that can be increased in a month intensive training, fluctuates in the range of 4-5 kg.


It should be noted that every year the growth of mass will become more difficult. If you are at the very beginning of this path and really want to achieve results, follow all the above principles: a balanced diet, an optimal training plan, strict adherence to the regime. This is the only way you can buy beautiful figure and maintain the results for a long time.

Having set the goal of gaining muscle mass, you need to clearly understand what efforts will have to be made for this. We are talking about a complete restructuring of the usual rhythm of life, some dedication and focus on results. It is important to be aware of all your actions and confidently move towards your goal.

If the athlete has already established proper diet, was able to build a sleep pattern and learned to deal with stress, but the mass either does not grow at all or grows too slowly, then he should be more careful in choosing a training program and select exercises that will force him to engage large muscle groups at the same time.

The most effective exercises for are basic ones.

Basic exercises for gaining muscle mass

Basic exercises include those that use multiple muscles with each movement. Many people believe that only the “golden three” exercises are considered basic, that is, the squat with a barbell, the bench press, etc. This is a misconception.

Yes, first of all you need to include these exercises in your program. They involve several large muscle groups and create real “stress” for the body, which when proper nutrition and regime will undoubtedly stimulate growth. But there are also some other exercises that are highly effective.

It is necessary to understand the mechanics of exercise to determine how many muscles are involved in certain movements. For example, wide grip pull-ups. A simple and accessible exercise, but many neglect it, considering it not effective enough. But when performing pull-ups, the latissimus muscles, forearm flexors and extensors, deltoids, trapezius, and also biceps are involved. It turns out that most of the large muscle groups are involved.

Wide grip pull-up

A similar picture can be described about the overhead bench press. The work includes the shoulder girdle, fully, plus.

Such exercises, which are multi-joint, require large energy expenditures. It is also worth paying attention to safety precautions; before performing, be sure to warm up and increase the working weight gradually.

When working "to ground" it is necessary correct composition training program. It is recommended to contact a specialist who will create a program based on personal characteristics the athlete, his capabilities, goals and level of training. If such consultation is not possible, then it is recommended to adhere to certain points.

It is recommended to formulate your training program so that you exercise 3 times a week. This approach will allow you to balance training days and rest days so that the muscles have time to recover after work.

Training program (three-day split for bulking)

Most experienced athletes recommend that non-professionals exercise exactly three times a week. Even for more experienced iron enthusiasts, there is no point in practicing more often. The body simply will not have time to recover, so the risk of overtraining syndrome increases.

Taking the exercises of the golden three as a basis, you can distribute them over three training days, adding other basic exercises to them. For example, an athlete trains for three days, which we will denote A, IN And WITH. In a day A athlete training pectoral muscles, day IN- legs, day WITH- back.

So, in this case, it is recommended to perform A bench press, in IN- squats with a barbell, and in WITH- deadlift. In addition, the athlete adds other exercises for these muscle groups, and also trains per day A- triceps, day IN- biceps, and in WITH- shoulders. It's just general description. In general, a set of exercises for gaining muscle mass may look like this:

Day A

1. Warm up.
2. Bench press on a horizontal bench.
3. Incline dumbbell press.
4. Dumbbell fly.
5. Dips.
6. French press.

Incline Dumbbell Press

Day B

1. Warm up.
2. Squats with a barbell.
3. Leg press.
4. Biceps with a barbell while standing.
5. Press.

Barbell Squat

Day S.

1. Warm up.
2. Deadlift.
3. Wide grip pull-ups.
4. Lower block thrust.
5. Standing press.
6. Overhead press.


It is important that there is a gap of 2 days between day C and day A so that the back muscles have time to at least partially recover. For example, if day C is Saturday, then day A must be Tuesday.

This is not the only training program option for gaining muscle mass. Let's give another example.

It is not necessary to do exercises from the “golden three” every day. The following option is also possible (exercise program for gaining muscle mass No. 2):

Day A: Shoulders and triceps.

1. Barbell press with a narrow grip.
2. French press.
3. Standing overhead press.
4. Seated dumbbell press.

Day B. Legs and back.

1. Squats with a barbell.
2. Leg press.
3. Deadlift.
4. Wide grip pull-ups.

Day C. Pectoral muscles and biceps.

1. Bench press.
2. Incline bench press.
3. Dumbbell fly.
4. Standing biceps curl.

First of all, the emphasis is on multi-joint exercises. The rest are auxiliary movements.

Multi-joint exercises allow you to work large muscle groups while performing fewer exercises. They are ideal for people seeking to gain muscle mass; in particular, the growth process due to the characteristics of the body and metabolism occurs slowly. But you should pay attention to such exercises and in no case neglect the warm-up and technique of performing the exercises, then playing sports will bring the athlete the desired result and pleasure.

Numerous visits to bodybuilding-related sites convince me that one of the most relevant topics and the subject of active discussions on them is questions rapid weight gain and muscle growth, which concern not only beginners, but also quite seasoned athletes. Although this is not surprising - it’s worth looking at yourself from the outside in those days when our main tasks were exclusively building huge muscles, gaining maximum mass, adding volume to the biceps, expressiveness of the chest or width of the back.

Reading articles about weight gain found on the Internet, I came to the conclusion that there is catastrophically little high-quality information on this topic on the Internet, one might even say that there is none at all, well, maybe, with the exception of only some very simple truths, and even then, unfortunately, not all of them. Having come across similar questions online more than once about the same beginners in bodybuilding, I decided to write a series of articles in which I planned to include detailed materials according to the training program, nutrition, sports supplements. Today we’ll talk about a training program aimed at effectively gaining muscle mass.

Let's touch on the fundamental truths, without which high-quality muscle building is impossible:

  • It is necessary to do a warm-up before the main workout, which includes heavy weight gain. The athlete must warm up well so that his joints and ligaments have time to warm up, and for this I would recommend the athlete to use a walking track, running at an average pace for ten minutes to prepare the body for subsequent heavy exercises. Then you need stretching, aimed specifically at those areas of the body that are most “problematic” for you, for example, elbows or shoulders - these are the ones that need to be carefully and thoroughly kneaded first.
  • Before each main working set, you need to do one or two warm-up approaches, using light weight, which should be about 40-50 percent of the worker's weight. Warm-up sets allow the athlete to also get a feel for this exercise.
  • Don't go to the gym for too long– intensive work for an hour is quite enough. And remember a simple truth: In training, the main thing is not its duration, but only the intensity.
  • The end of the workout should be a short cool-down to stretch the muscles and joints.. A good option is swimming in the pool.
  • During mass training, you should not be distracted by extraneous matters.. The observed pictures of what often happens in the gym are depressing: someone is enthusiastically talking on the phone, someone is working out new toy in his iPhone, someone is talking to a neighbor and the like. That is, people who train do not understand why they came here and waste time in the gym, allotted specifically for training, and then receive, as a natural result of this, the absence of any, even small, progress in bodybuilding. Make it a rule: since you came to the gym to train and your goal is to gain weight, then train without being distracted by extraneous matters or absolutely anything else.
  • The key to success- this is to work in a working approach until the very last repetition, performing it too. It is the last one or two repetitions, done through overcoming, that become the most effective in the training process and it is thanks to them that muscle mass is effectively built up.
  • Must be adhered to good nutrition , on which success in bodybuilding is half dependent. I can subscribe to every word I say and responsibly declare that without food High Quality Gaining mass is impossible and you will never be able to build decent muscles. My next article will be devoted to this - it will be convenient for you to follow the news using the newsletters of this blog.
  • Adequate rest before the next workout is also important.. Don’t be surprised or scared now - the goal of bodybuilding training is precisely to injure muscle fibers, however, in the safe sense of the word - during heavy loads, our muscle tissue receives microtraumas, which the body then strives to heal and due to this, tissue growth occurs. So, for this restoration of muscle fiber, the body needs several days and therefore daily training is absolutely contraindicated for the average bodybuilder.

In this list, I have listed the rules that should be followed during training aimed at gaining mass. Now you can proceed directly to the training program itself.

You will have to exercise three times a week: on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, or Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday - whatever is convenient for you, and here the main condition is a mandatory break between workouts of at least one day.

As a rule, athletes separate the chest, legs, shoulders, triceps and biceps into separate muscle groups and, accordingly, each of our workouts will focus on pumping a specific muscle group.

Three day training

Monday: work on the abdominal muscles, chest and triceps

The exercises in this workout are aimed at pumping up the pectoral muscles and triceps. First, five approaches are performed, the goal of which is abs. To do this, take any exercise to work the muscles. abdominals. In any case, pumping the pectoral muscles is also associated with working the triceps (triceps muscle). The triceps are fully worked through bench press and incline press.

  • . Two warm-up sets are followed by four working sets of 8-12 repetitions. This exercise most effectively works the pectoral muscles, increasing their volume and mass.
  • After one warm-up, four working sets of 8-12 repetitions follow. In addition to gaining muscle mass, this exercise allows you to give your muscles a beautiful definition and a good athletic shape.
  • After the first warm-up, four working sets of 8-12 repetitions are performed. When doing presses, don't forget about your partner! The exercise is effective for working the triceps and inner pectoral muscles.
  • in four sets of 8-12 repetitions, but only after mandatory warming up of the muscles of the shoulder joint to reduce the risk of shoulder injury. This exercise perfectly works the muscles of the upper chest.
  • in four sets with the maximum possible number of repetitions in each approach. This exercise is an excellent workout not only for the triceps, but also for the entire shoulder girdle.

What was done: The exercises allowed us, first of all, to pump up the pectoral muscles through a heavy load - bench press, and thereby we launched the mechanism of their growth, and also worked on their shape. All triceps bundles have been fully worked out to stimulate it efficient growth. After such training you need a cool down and the best option this is where the pool becomes - swim for your health for 10-20 minutes.

Wednesday: back and biceps work

This workout is aimed at the back muscles, which should become wider and more powerful as a result, as well as pumping up our beloved biceps. Don’t forget about the mandatory warm-up before training and five sets of abdominal exercises.

  • – perform five approaches maximum number once. If you can’t do pull-ups, you can use a pull-up simulator or a block exercise machine with the handle pulled to your chest. But my advice is this: since there is nothing better for your back muscles than pull-ups, try not to use machines, but do pull-ups in the classic way- on the crossbar and believe me, it works much more efficiently.
  • , doing four sets of 8-12 reps after two warm-ups. This is the most effective exercise for biceps.
  • 8-12 times. The deadlift is a basic and highly effective exercise for both the back muscles and the whole body - in the process of its implementation, the development of large quantity anabolic hormones that stimulate muscle growth. Required condition is to thoroughly warm up your back before deadlifting, especially the lumbar region to avoid injury during the exercise.
  • in four sets, sitting, 8-12 repetitions. This exercise perfectly shapes the biceps, emphasizing its relief and increasing its height.
  • . After one warm-up, perform four sets of 8-12 repetitions. The exercise effectively outlines the back muscles, giving them a beautiful shape.

What was done: Thanks to pull-ups and deadlifts, the muscle growth mechanism was launched, all the back muscles were worked to the maximum, which will now make it grow. Pumped up biceps due to the most effective exercises. Now it's time to cool down and stretch.

Friday: shoulder and leg work

The emphasis of this workout, the squat with a barbell on the shoulders, is on the entire surface of the leg muscles. We will also pump up the shoulder girdle.

  • in four working sets of 8-12 repetitions after completing two warm-up ones. Before training, it is necessary to thoroughly stretch the shoulder joints, given that the shoulder is the most vulnerable place in the bodybuilder’s body in terms of injury.
  • . The squat is a heavy arsenal exercise and there is nothing heavier than it. And here, more than anywhere else, the athlete must be as concentrated as possible and have perfect technique. Before performing this exercise, it is necessary to especially thoroughly knead the knee joints, ankles and lumbar spine. Having completed all four approaches and giving maximum effort, the athlete feels a real pumping. After performing just one squat during a leg workout, I usually have no energy left for anything else.
  • in four working sets of 8-12 repetitions after three warm-up. When performing this exercise, there is also a high risk of injury to the shoulder joint. It is necessary to perform lifts of the barbell behind your head with maximum concentration, without jerking, and always in the presence of a trainer or someone who can put the barbell on the rack after completing the exercise.

What has been done

The training worked on the leg muscles and gave a good impetus to their growth. We worked and shoulder muscles. Now we move on to cool down and stretching.

So, here I have given the entire weekly training cycle that works to gain muscle mass. An athlete can devote at most two to three months to it, and then he must make radical changes. This is done so that the body does not have time to get used to and adapt to monotonous loads. In my next articles, I will talk about and provide an overview of types acceptable to an athlete that help gain muscle mass.

Gain weight quickly it is possible without pharmacology, but for this you will need a competent plan for gaining muscle mass, a corresponding diet, some level of training and a real desire to achieve your goal, since the program will force you to build your entire life schedule around training and recovery. A complete beginner will not be able to gain weight quickly, the athlete should already be more or less prepared, that is, the athlete must learn the technique of performing the exercises, already have good neuromuscular connections, in general, the athlete’s training experience should be about six months. If you just came to the gym and are looking for a program with which you will amaze everyone on the beach next summer, then you need to study the rules of bodybuilding for beginners and use the appropriate training program.

A well-trained athlete will also not be able to gain weight quickly, well, that is, if you weigh 100-110 kg, then this plan for gaining muscle mass, of course, will work for you, but not as noticeably as for an athlete weighing 70-80 kg. This does not mean that the program for a trained athlete will not be effective, on the contrary, it’s just that you can quickly gain weight only up to a certain stage. Let's say, if an athlete with a mass of 70-80 kg can gain 10-12 kg in 4-5 months on this program, then an already trained athlete will gain only 4-6 kg, but his mass will be of better quality. You need to understand that, in general, it is impossible to gain more than 5-7 kg of muscle cells in a year without pharmacology. Those 10-12 kg that an athlete weighing 70-80 kg will gain will consist of 50-60% water, creatine and other “muscle factors”, but the 4-6 kg of a trained athlete will mostly be formed by hypertrophy of the myofibrillar apparatus.

Significant advantages of this muscle mass gain plan are: the program’s ability to even out imbalances in the development of individual muscle groups, a significant increase in the athlete’s strength, development of the functional qualities of the body and improvement of muscle fullness. Since it is possible to quickly gain muscle mass solely due to the hypertrophy of large muscle groups, the program involves more intensive training of the legs and chest, and the athlete trains his back, although less intensively, but more extensively, while the remaining muscles are trained either indirectly or exclusively “auxiliary” exercises. However, the training plan consists of 4 phases, so each phase has its own rules and priorities, but, in general, the program is aimed at developing hypertrophy of large muscle groups.

That is why this scheme is recommended to be used on initial stage training, since the first thing a bodybuilder must do is increase the total volume of muscle mass, which will also ensure a quick gain in the mass of small muscle groups. The point is that the body, in any case, distributes resources more or less evenly in order to maintain homeostasis, as a result of which, by pumping up your legs, you will also increase the mass of your arms. This does not mean that the arms will grow at the same rate as the legs, but since the legs are much larger than the arms, at the initial stage priority should be given to them, since if you give priority to arm training, then the total amount of growth factors produced will be less , but they will still be distributed between all muscles. In other words, in an absolute sense, training small muscle groups, at the initial stage, less stimulates the growth of both large muscles and the small muscle groups themselves. In the future, if you want to focus on your hands, you can use the Plintovich program.

First stage fast weight gain

This phase is called "three sixes" , since it involves performing 6 exercises in 6 sets of 6 repetitions per workout. In each exercise, the athlete must reach failure, but only in the last repetition, that is, the athlete trains according to the pyramid principle, increasing weight gradually. This phase lasts 4 weeks, during which the athlete must complete 12 workouts, training every other day. Rest between approaches is 60-90 seconds, despite the fact that the athlete uses the pyramid principle, it is necessary to warm up. Since it is almost impossible to withstand such a volume of training with a weight of more than 80 kg without the use of pharmacology, athletes with such a weight need to break the training into 2 parts (workout A and workout B), alternating them every training day. Accordingly, if you perform 3 exercises per workout, then you need to complete 16 workouts per cycle, so it will last 4.5 weeks.

A) Standing Barbell Chest Press – 6 sets of 6 reps
A) Bench press - 6 sets of 6 reps
A) Classic deadlift - 6 sets of 6 reps
B) Bent-over barbell rows - 6 sets of 6 reps
B) Standing biceps with barbell - 6 sets of 6 reps
B) - 6 sets of 6 reps

IMPORTANT * At the end of the first phase, the athlete must take a complete rest from training for 7-14 days! It is recommended to take creatine, taking a break between phases; The amount of food is not limited, you need to eat as much as possible.

Second phase muscle gain plan

The second phase is called "variable rate" , since the athlete switches from circuit training to split training, and the regime of repetitions and approaches also changes. An athlete should train 3 times a week, every other day, with 2 days rest between weeks. Rest time between sets is 60-90 seconds. The duration of the second phase is also 4 weeks, during which the athlete must complete 12 workouts. The athlete does fewer approaches per workout, so the CP decreases, but the number of repetitions in the approaches is from 10 to 2. This means that the athlete is already working not only on developing strength indicators, but is also training nervous system.

It goes without saying that in each exercise the failure repetition is only the last, and in those exercises where the range of repetitions is indicated, it is meant that in the first approach the athlete must do the maximum number of repetitions, and in the last the minimum. In all other approaches, the athlete gradually reduces the number of repetitions and increases the weight, independently deciding how many repetitions to do, but in the first approach he must do the maximum number of repetitions, and in the last he must reach failure in minimal amount repetitions. This is necessary because it is in this mode that you will gain weight the fastest!

Workout #1
Squats with a barbell on the shoulders - 6 sets of 10-2 reps
Dips – 4 sets of 8 reps
Power press – 6 sets of 8-2 reps
Bent-overs with a barbell – 3 sets of 8 reps
Bent-over barbell rows – 4 sets of 8 reps
Standing biceps curls – 4 sets of 10-6 reps

Workout #2
Bench press – 6 sets of 10-4 reps
Barbell cleans – 3 sets of 6-3 reps
Deadlift – 6 sets of 8-3 reps
Bench press sitting behind the head - 3 sets of 8 reps
Leg press – 4 sets of 8 reps

Workout #3
Hyperextension – 3 sets of 10 reps
Deadlift – 5 sets of 8-3 reps
Incline Press – 5 sets of 8 reps
Lat Pulldowns – 4 sets of 8 reps
Classic barbell squats – 5 sets of 10-4 reps

IMPORTANT * At the end of the second phase, the athlete must take a complete rest from training for 7-14 days! It is recommended to take creatine supplements with a break between phases; The amount of food is not limited, you need to eat as much as possible.

Third stage gaining weight quickly

The third phase is called "impact split" , since this stage allows you to load almost all muscular and non-muscular systems of the body. You will be able to restore the capillary network, work on strength indicators, load the nervous system and pump up the myofibrillar apparatus. In other words, all the previous phases were just a lead-up to the third, which will ensure rapid weight gain. The rules here are the same as in the previous phase, with the exception of the training schedule and the number of approaches. Athletes weighing up to 80kg can train 4 times a week 2 through 1, that is, 2 training sessions in a row, a rest day and 2 training sessions in a row. Athletes with larger masses can train simply every other day, with rest every 4 training sessions in 2 days. In total, you need to complete 20 workouts per cycle. The range of approaches allows you to choose the number of approaches depending on how you feel.

Workout #1
Power bench press – 8-10 sets of 15-1 reps
Barbell squats – 8-10 sets of 15-2 reps
Dips – 5 sets of 5 reps

Workout #2
Barbell cleans – 2 sets of 5 reps
* – 6-8 sets of 6-8 reps
Standing Barbell Chest Press – 4 sets of 4 reps
Standing bicep curls – 5 sets of 8 reps

IMPORTANT * At the end of the third phase, the athlete must take a complete rest from training for 7-14 days! It is recommended to take creatine supplements with a break between phases; The amount of food is not limited, you need to eat as much as possible.

This is a classic deadlift, in which the barbell is placed on a hill, about 7-10 cm higher than usual, that is, the athlete simply works in a shorter amplitude.

Fourth stage fast weight gain plan

The final stage of the program for rapid weight gain is called "three tens" , since the athlete will have to complete 9 circuit training sessions over three weeks, consisting of 3 exercises performed in 10 sets of 10 repetitions. After this phase the program ends, but we emphasize , At the end of it, you need to rest for 14-21 days, after which you need to engage in some kind of recovery program for 2 months, such as a three-day split or pumping program. Then you should rest for another 1-2 weeks and you can switch to the Plintovich system.

An athletic body begins with basic exercises. These types of workouts help build muscle mass and build a foundation that can then be polished to create the muscular skeleton of the best bodybuilders.

In this article you will find a lot of tips and useful information about basic exercises in gym for muscle building.

Mass gain base

To start the growth of muscle tissue volumes, they are complexly loaded. Basic exercises are designed for this, which are also called multi-joint exercises, since two or more joints are involved. They are aimed at tensing not just one muscle, but an entire group. Training is carried out with heavy weights.

Action of basic exercises:

  1. Muscle mass grows and fat is burned.
  2. Appetite increases, which is useful for ectomorphs - people with a thin physique and thin bones.
  3. Improves muscle symmetry.
  4. The connection between muscles and brain is strengthened.

During scientific experiment involving forty men, it was found that gaining muscle mass comes more from hormones, in particular testosterone, rather than from physical effort. At physical activity hormonal release occurs. The more muscles are loaded at a time, the more hormones are produced. The effect is enhanced by the inclusion of the respiratory and central nervous systems.

The share of back and leg muscles reaches 80% of the total mass. Therefore, those who want to pump up their body pay attention, first of all, to these groups. By developing them, the athlete develops other muscles.

Main basic exercises

Here is a list of the basic basic exercises that a beginner needs to build a muscle “base”. After a year, body contour can be improved with isolated exercises- those that work one muscle group.

From the video you will learn how to properly perform the bench press, squats and deadlifts, as well as how to get the maximum result from them:

Classic deadlift

never deadlift without a lifting belt

This exercise develops the core muscles better than others, because it involves the most muscles:

  • main ones - quadriceps femoris, gluteus maximus, back extensors;
  • additional - femoral biceps, semimembranosus, trapezius, semitendinosus.

Deadlifts are performed in 3-4 sets of 8-12 repetitions. The approximate starting weight for men is up to 40 kg, for women - up to 20 kg. “Your” weight is calculated so that the athlete lifts it with a straight back. If curvature and roundness appear, then spinal diseases will arise in the future.

If you have injuries or back pain, deadlifts are not included in the program right away. The first two months are done. The same exercise in 3 sets is performed before the deadlift.


Barbell squats will help you gain extra pounds in your biceps

This exercise is popular not only in bodybuilding, but also in other sports, rehabilitation programs and when preparing an athlete for competitions. When combined with pullovers it stretches chest, increases lung volume and ventilation.

Working muscles:

  • the main ones are quadriceps, gluteus maximus, soleus;
  • additionally - thigh biceps, calves, extensors.

If the technique is poorly mastered or the equipment is not set up, the exercise is traumatic, the knees and spine suffer.

When working with heavy weights, use elastic bandages on the knees and wrist joints and a belt.

By changing the width of the grip, the athlete shifts the emphasis to the desired muscle group.

When performing a bench press, observe the following rules:

  • if the weight is heavy, only a closed grip is used;
  • an assistant must lift the barbell from the racks;
  • do not allow the lower back to bend upward.

Pull-ups on a tunic

the chin is raised when performing the exercise

They make the body more prominent and drier. Muscles working:

  • the main ones are the broadest backs, trapezoidal,;
  • additionally - flexors, extensors of the forearms, mid-body, deltoids.

Depending on the width and direction of the grip, the following muscle groups are worked out:

  • straight- , extensors of the forearm;
  • average reverse- biceps, wide back (preferable for beginners);
  • straight narrow- jagged, broadest dorsal in the lower part, shoulders;
  • narrow return- biceps, latissimus muscles;
  • wide- latissimus dorsi in the upper part, paired round, trapezoidal;
  • wide behind the head- paired round, middle section latissimus, trapezoidal.

The last two options are only for experienced athletes.

Standing barbell press

You should not relax your back and abdominal muscles, otherwise there is a high risk of injury

This type of bench press is also called military and is considered one of the best for,. Previously it was included in the program Olympic Games in weightlifting to test upper body strength. The main working muscles are the deltoids, top part, triceps.

As the grip width changes, the load moves:

  • narrow- anterior deltoid, clavicular part pectoral muscle, long head of triceps;
  • wide- the anterior and middle parts of the deltoid muscles, the upper part of the pectoral muscles.

The military press is also performed with dumbbells.

The optimal frequency of training is 3–4 times a week, duration is up to 60–90 minutes. The break between sets is 2–3 minutes.

In the first year of classes, the training program does not contain isolated exercises - they master the “base”. Begin classes with minimal loads and increase the intensity gradually. In the first stages it is important correct technique, not weight.

To prevent the body from getting used to it, the loads are periodically increased.- change the working weight, the number of repetitions, reduce the break between sets.