Is solarium really that harmful? How to sunbathe properly in a solarium. Attractive appearance at any time of the year

Tanned skin favorably emphasizes the beauty of a healthy person. And in the 21st century, a beautiful tan can be acquired regardless of the time of year and weather - if the sun does not pamper you with attention, a solarium will replace it. But you should visit it with an understanding of how to tan properly so that the desired skin color does not result in health problems.

The benefits and harms of solarium

It seemed that the effect of ultraviolet radiation (it is thanks to it that the solarium “colors” our skin) has been fully studied. But battles continue among experts about whether solariums are harmful. Some dermatologists uncompromisingly advise running away from it, and cosmetologists argue that the effect of a solarium is no more harmful than the effect of the natural luminary. suggests sticking to the golden mean. And puts forward arguments.

“Disadvantages” of a solarium in comparison with natural tanning:

"Pros" of a solarium:

  • according to research, visiting a solarium helps improve mood, which can be explained by the psychotherapeutic effect of the procedure;
  • to tan, we need to be under lamps for much less time than under the sun - this reduces the time spent under ultraviolet rays and reduces health risks (not excluding skin cancer).

Who can use the solarium services?

There are two good reasons when visiting a solarium is not forbidden, and even advisable:

  • chronic lack of sunny days (when living in northern latitudes, in gloomy weather);
  • gradual preparation of the skin for beach holiday(so that, being “pale-faced,” you won’t get sunburned by the abundance of the southern sun).

There are a number of clear criteria when visiting a solarium is not prohibited:

  • there is no diagnosis of any skin diseases;
  • there were no common serious diseases in the anamnesis (life history);
  • neoplasms are not diagnosed;
  • the acute disease that was observed was completely cured (, acute);
  • exacerbation of a chronic disease is stopped (exacerbation of a chronic disease, exacerbation of a chronic disease).

If all the points apply to you, you can go to the solarium, but do not forget to follow the rules for visiting it (more about them below).

In other cases, it is better to postpone visiting the solarium or completely abandon it.

Contraindications to visiting a solarium

They are divided into:

  • absolute– uncompromising, when visiting the solarium is prohibited due to a threat to the work of strategically important organs and systems;
  • relative– if they are present, visiting a solarium is not prohibited, but it is not recommended, as it can cause a deterioration in well-being, or requires special care and observation.

Absolute contraindications to visiting a solarium:

Relative contraindications:

A separate relative contraindication to visiting a solarium is increased pigmentation - more intense than normal “painting” of certain areas of the skin with natural pigment. This is a borderline skin condition that is not considered a disease, but in which the skin is prone to cancer. Hyperpigmentation can manifest as:

  • so-called (small pigment spots that have a clear round shape and do not exceed 0.5 cm in diameter);
  • extensive pigmentation irregular shape and arbitrary sizes (more than 0.5 cm in diameter).

If you have such pigmentation, you can visit a solarium if the risk area is sealed with special stickers. They are provided free of charge in beauty salons that have a solarium. It’s another matter if such an area is extensive, and the aesthetic effect of tanning remains questionable, since all the skin will not be “painted” with ultraviolet light - the tanned areas will alternate with white spots due to the fact that fragments of the skin were covered from the action of ultraviolet rays.

The exact percentage of clients who become ill as a result of solarium abuse is unknown, since there is no established cooperation between beauty salons and clinical institutions. But the risks of too much passion for solarium are known:

  • provocation;
  • if after suffering a serious illness there is no pause and the patient immediately goes to the solarium, worsening is possible general condition and relapse (return) of some symptoms of past diseases;
  • visiting a solarium during an exacerbation of chronic diseases can provoke not only a deterioration in the general condition, but also the appearance of complications;
  • ultraviolet radiation can cause pregnancy disorders and changes in the composition and quantity of milk during breastfeeding;
  • even 1-2-3 visits to the solarium during menstruation can increase their duration, cause pain and affect regularity in the future;
  • UV irradiation during time can affect their pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics (respectively, movement in the bloodstream and effect on the body).

Rules for visiting the solarium

In order not to pay for a beautiful tan with illnesses, you should follow the recommendations of cosmetologists regarding visiting solariums. Artificial tanning equipment may differ in different beauty salons. technical characteristics. But the rules when visiting them are the same:

The regime of going to the solarium, thanks to which a beautiful tan would appear, but which would not harm your health, is individual. Therefore, very average recommendations for the duration of a visit to a solarium are 10 visits with the following regularity:

  • in the first half of the course - every other day or two (if the skin is dark, you don’t need to take a pause of two days, one day as a break is enough);
  • in the second - every day.

Maintenance sessions are carried out once every 10 days, no more than 6-8 in total. During maintenance sessions, thanks to which the skin will “hold” the acquired tan for a long time, it is recommended to sunbathe in the solarium for a few minutes less in comparison with the session that was the last within the accepted course. For sensitive skin, maintenance sessions should last no more than 5-6 minutes. The next course is recommended no earlier than six months later.

The characteristic smell of skin (like slightly burnt animal fur) after a tanning session in a solarium should not cause panic. In this case you need:

  • reduce the duration of the session by 1-2 minutes;
  • do not increase the time for at least 2-3 subsequent sessions.

Age restrictions for visiting the solarium

IN natural conditions children accept sunbathing and they sunbathe almost from the age of one. But in a solarium (contrary to thoughts that, they say, ultraviolet radiation here and in nature is the same) they are allowed to sunbathe no earlier than from the age of 16.

Some cosmetologists lower this bar to 12 years of age - but in the event that parents go to a hot country: a solarium will help the skin lightly tan, the child will not burn under the scorching tropical sun. The closer the country is to the equator family vacation– it is all the more advisable for a child to visit a solarium. It is allowed to take a tanning course in the amount of 5-6 sessions, starting from 1 minute and ending with a 3-4 minute duration of stay in the solarium. But if it is possible to strictly control how a child will sunbathe natural conditions– It’s better to cancel the solarium. Also, you should not take a child whose production is low to a solarium - there are more effective methods for this.

With age, the skin loses its elasticity, and its age (loss of water) is observed. Melanin (skin pigment) is produced in increased quantities, but the substances elastane and collagen, which ensure the durability of the skin matrix, begin to be produced in smaller quantities and are destroyed more and more intensively.

Such changes begin to take effect after 40-45 years - at this age you need to sunbathe in a solarium carefully, because ultraviolet radiation can act mercilessly on poorly protected skin . At a minimum, it will accelerate her aging, at a maximum, it can provoke oncological processes. For 1 course it is recommended to undergo 7-8 tanning sessions. The rules for dosing artificial ultraviolet light are as follows:

  • start with 1 minute of sunbathing;
  • add 1 minute to the duration of stay not every next session, but after one session - that is, the maximum time spent in the solarium can be up to 5 minutes;
  • Go to the solarium no more often than every other day.
  • Starting from the age of 50, it is better to avoid solariums.

Combination of natural tan and tan acquired under lamps

They also go to the solarium after returning from the sea - in order to even out the uneven tan. Cosmetologists say that in this case, the time spent in the solarium should not exceed 10 minutes per session. Some experts allow a 15-minute stay under the lamps, citing the fact that the skin has adapted to the effects of ultraviolet radiation and is already tanned.

Dear readers, hello! People strive to maintain their tan after a holiday at sea for as long as possible, otherwise they turn to the services of solariums. This procedure can be found among the offers of almost all spa centers, fitness clubs, and beauty salons. But while striving for a beautiful tan, we sometimes don’t think about what benefits or harm a solarium brings to human health.

Also in ancient Greece In Rome there were rooms for galiotherapy - sun treatment. Why is this necessary?

A solarium is equipment that produces ultraviolet light. It is almost identical to solar radiation. Solariums are divided into horizontal and vertical. The last option is considered the best. It provides the necessary evenness and hygiene. Ideal option is the alternation of these types.

Under the influence of ultraviolet light, epidermal cells produce melanin, a pigment that provides Brown color. In addition, the well-known vitamin D appears, which is useful for its deficiency. Is this not significant? It would seem yes, but in practice this leads to rickets, colds, skin and joint diseases.

American scientists have proven that the sun is better than consuming encapsulated calcium. Women using the services of artificial sun have improved the condition of their teeth and eliminated muscle pain.

For the purpose of prevention viral diseases Doctors advise him to use this service.

Remember the feeling of being on the beach. The same pleasant, relaxing effect of pleasure and relaxation accompanies salon visitors. Are you sad and tormented by winter depression? Pamper yourself with artificial rays and everything will pass. This is effective for men too.

What could be the harm?

There is always a downside to the coin and you need to remember it. Main negative factor– cancer stimulant. Swiss scientists have confirmed that clients who visit a solarium more than 10 times a year are seven times more likely than others to develop skin cancer.

There is nothing simpler than buying a tanning complex and selling such a service, especially since the quality of the lamps is not regulated. Faulty lamps emit more radioactive rays than the sun itself. Balance a day at the beach in the summer heat with one visit to the solarium. The effect can be as follows: the hair will dry out, the skin will become covered with spots and freckles.

Science has also proven accelerated aging of the skin under the influence of solariums. Subsequently, it loses elasticity, smoothness, wrinkles and even cracks appear.

They also have a negative effect on the thyroid and mammary glands, as well as on the eyes, contributing to the development of cataracts.

Therefore, even before using a solarium, think about it and consult a doctor if you have any diseases. Read about the contraindications (read below).

Today there is such a disease as tanorexia. This diagnosis is given to people seeking chocolate color skin all year round. People aged 25-30 who want to be beautiful or suffer from mood swings are prone to it.

Solarium - harm and benefit for women

Solarium while breastfeeding

Every mother, wanting to get back into shape after childbirth and gain attractiveness, takes intensive care of herself. According to many, tanning allows you to hide some visual defects of the skin, replenish vitamin D reserves, and lifts your mood, which is sure to be passed on to the child.

During this period, it should be remembered that hormones are active. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, growth hormones are activated, causing the formation of age spots, moles, or their enlargement. Therefore, in such a situation one should weigh the negative, positive sides and consult your doctor.

Can pregnant women sunbathe in a solarium?

Are you or someone you know pregnant? Walk past the solariums. Useful moments of pleasure during this period increase the predisposition to cancer. You need it?
The reason for this is the same hormonal changes and restructuring of the body. In addition, even if a pregnant woman is comfortable in a solarium or used to be, there is a risk that it will get worse, and this will certainly be passed on to the baby.

Solarium - how to tan properly

Before going to the salon for a procedure, you should ask about the quality of the lamps, the duration of their operation and the resulting effect (or the absence of negative ones). Pay attention to your skin type:

Celtic. The skin of the owner of this type is white and has freckles. You can sunbathe for up to 10 minutes 2 times a week.

Nordic . This type is characterized by pale skin. You can sunbathe for no more than 5 minutes.

Central European. Such people dark eyes, hair is often brown. Allowed time up to 15 minutes, 4 visits per week.

Mediterranean. This is dark skin, dark hair, Brown eyes– a third of an hour is an acceptable figure.

Solarium - how to sunbathe correctly for the first time

To visit a solarium and get the desired effect, experts have developed rules:

  1. moles and mammary glands should be hidden under special stickers;
  2. do not stay under the rays for more than 5 minutes (for the first time and during lactation);
  3. use protective creams (hypoallergenic during lactation);
  4. pay attention to the sanitary condition of the box or ask for it to be disinfected in front of you;
  5. wear safety glasses;
  6. wash off makeup;
  7. during lactation, at the end of the session, cosmetics should be washed off well;
  8. to prevent dehydration you need to drink still water and herbal tea;
  9. if this is your first time in the salon, find out if there is an emergency stop button for the procedure and if there will be someone nearby (employees may leave);
  10. After the first visit, it is a good idea to monitor your skin. If new moles or rashes are discovered, the procedure should be stopped;
  11. mandatory break between visits is 2 days. Remember that the skin needs to recover, moisturize it.


Let's put together a small reminder for prudent visitors to the solarium. Avoid artificial sun if:

  • have not reached the age of 15 years;
  • there is a predisposition to cancer;
  • Laser hair removal and chemical skin peeling were performed;
  • you are allergic or such manifestations occur;
  • claustrophobia bothers me;
  • for diabetes, gynecological problems, central nervous system diseases, after surgery;
  • there are moles, age spots;
  • are taking antidepressants (such drugs contain photosensitive components that provoke burns and allergic manifestations);
  • at menstrual cycle melanin is formed unevenly and does not lie evenly, the discharge intensifies, so at this time it is better to refuse such an event.

Dermatologists have developed many products that promote uniform and safe tanning. Protective oils, creams correct use give the skin silkiness and the desired “dark” effect.

  • Developers. They are necessary for the first 2 visits to obtain a uniform effect.
  • Activators. Used after the first visits.
  • Fixatives. Apply after the procedure to moisturize the skin.

The quality of cosmetics can be judged by the following criteria:

  • There are no components that irritate the skin or bleaches, including alcohols and mineral oils.
  • After application, the skin should be velvety, pleasant, and moisturized.
  • The tanning effect is enhanced, while ensuring uniform tanning.

Of course, you can save money and not buy the necessary products, but dermatologists warn that in this case the skin will be dry from loss of moisture. This is also evidenced by reviews from people who use this service.

Take care of yourself, enjoy being well-groomed. At the same time, remember that ultraviolet radiation damages the skin, and with hormonal imbalance it can cause the development of cancer. At the right approach to the procedure, do not abuse it, using the service in a course of 6 procedures every six months.

Whether or not to visit a solarium is worth it, you must decide for yourself. For many, it has become an integral part of caring for their appearance. If you decide to use such services, do not forget about the rules of use and side effects of the procedure. After all, if you do not follow these rules, you risk your health. Remember that there should be moderation in everything. Or maybe it’s better to sunbathe in the sun?

You'll be surprised: tanning salons are still popular. For artificial tanning go to various reasons: to give the skin a rested appearance, to dry out inflammation and prepare the body for vacation. The radiation in a solarium is different from natural, such a tan does not bring any benefits - and here's why.

Going to a solarium is the same as sunbathing?

Solar radiation is divided into several types: UVA, UVB And UVC. The latter lingers in the atmosphere and does not reach the Earth's surface. UVB rays penetrate the surface layers of the skin and cause burns, and UVA reach deeper layers and cause photoaging, the noticeable effect of which appears only after years. This same radiation is responsible for the development of melanoma. Mainly used in solariums UVA radiation, because it provides rapid darkening of the skin without burns. At the same time, radiation in a solarium on average 10–15 times more intense than natural. That is, 20 minutes under the lamps is equivalent to several hours in the open sun without protection.

I need vitamin D. Will tanning help?

In winter, almost all residents of Russia are deficient in vitamin D, which many people go to the solarium to replenish. But it is synthesized under the influence UVB radiation, which is practically not used in solariums. By the way, UVB rays also do not pass through glass and clouds. In order to receive required amount vitamin D, you need to be in the open sun for about 15 minutes a day, and the use of sunscreen, according to many studies, does not affect its synthesis. In conditions of lack of sun, WHO recommends eating foods containing vitamin D: dairy products, fatty fish and egg yolks.

Is it possible to dry acne in a solarium?

Treating acne in a solarium is an extremely common practice, but, unfortunately, it does not work. Light therapy is valid for treating a variety of skin conditions, including mild to moderate acne. But it does not use ultraviolet light, but rays from the visible spectrum, which give a red and blue glow. Scientists have not yet discovered the properties of UVA radiation that are beneficial for human skin. Nice effect from tanning is that it masks both the inflammation itself and the traces from it. But this tan will not last long, because UVA rays color the melanin that is already in the skin, without provoking the production of new one. Because of this, trips to the solarium become frequent. Exactly the same, but at the same time safe, effect will be provided by self-tanning, which does not age the skin and does not cause melanoma.

Should you prepare your skin for a vacation at sea?

Another popular practice is to go to a solarium before going on vacation so that the skin gets used to the sun in advance and does not get burned on vacation. The problem is that photodamage is not limited to burns alone: solar radiation damages cells in the superficial and deep layers of the skin, because of this it loses its elasticity and pigment spots appear. That is, the absence of burns does not mean that the skin is protected. In addition, tanning creates protection equivalent to approximately SPF 2-4, while minimal protection starts with SPF 15, and for every day use products with a factor of at least 30.

What now - don’t go to the solarium at all?

Solarium is one of the most, if not the most harmful procedures that are still popular. It is still believed that tanned skin is a sign of health, although in fact everything is exactly the opposite. And if natural solar radiation in limited quantities brings benefits in the form of vitamin D synthesis, then solarium lamps only cause harm to the skin. The Skin Cancer Foundation, for example, that the risk of developing melanoma from visiting a tanning bed is higher than the risk of developing lung cancer from smoking, and people who regularly visit a tanning bed are 75% more likely to develop melanoma. Back in 2012, a study was conducted that compared the skin condition of identical twins. The most striking difference was between sisters Jean and Susan. The first one loved tanning and looked 10 years older than her sister, who did not tan at all.

Some diseases are incompatible with taking ultraviolet baths in any form. Solarium is strictly contraindicated for people with problems of cardio-vascular system. You should not be exposed to ultraviolet radiation if you have malignant tumors. Such patients should hide even from direct sunlight.

Diseases of the thyroid gland, central nervous system, hematopoietic system, atherosclerosis, kidney problems - all these diseases can worsen when visiting a solarium and even from prolonged exposure to the sun. People with problems respiratory system suffering from asthma or open form Ultraviolet radiation is also contraindicated for tuberculosis. Women should avoid solarium during critical days, during pregnancy and lactation.

How much time to spend in a solarium and how many procedures are necessary for tanning should be recommended by a solarium worker or cosmetologist. The determining factor is the skin type and its individual characteristics.

Taking anticonvulsants, antibiotics, tranquilizers, antidepressants, hormonal drugs and many other medications are also incompatible with solariums. Some medications increase the skin's sensitivity to light and cause sun allergies. These contraindications should not be neglected.

Cosmetic contraindications

Another category of contraindications is cosmetic. Violating these rules may not have a serious destructive effect on health, but it will cause trouble in the form of skin irritation. It is better to refrain from visiting a solarium for those who have age spots, moles, white spots on the body, or numerous pimples in the form of a purulent rash. Skin dermatitis of any origin is also a serious contraindication.

With all these ailments, there are dehydrated areas on the skin. When exposed to ultraviolet radiation, they can become inflamed. Itching, burning, peeling of the skin are the most minor troubles. Very light, marbled leather requires special careful handling. Solarium lamps are too powerful a source of ultraviolet radiation; they can cause severe burns to the entire body.

When visiting a solarium, it is better not to shower before and after the procedure. A maximum of 50 tanning sessions are allowed per year.

People with any skin type can get burns if they visit a solarium immediately after hair removal or skin cleansing procedures using a scrub. Excessive use of solarium ages the skin and dries it out. Therefore, using a solarium twice a day, combining it with regular sun tanning, or taking ultraviolet light constantly throughout the year is not recommended.

Solarium is one of the successful inventions of modern cosmetology. It makes life much easier for those who want to have a beautiful, even tan on their face and body at any time of the year. This magical substitute for sun rays has not lost its popularity since entering the beauty market. In this article we will talk in detail about the effect a solarium has on the body, what its pros and cons are.

Opinions about this type of artificial tanning are mixed: some believe that ultraviolet rays are harmful to the body, others argue that you can visit a solarium without harm to your health, the main thing is to choose the right tanning program. Well, let's find out whether solarium is actually harmful to human health, and what is the opinion of doctors on this matter.

What effect does a solarium have on the body?

Unlike the sun's rays, the ultraviolet used in solariums has a specific wavelength, which allows it to be minimized negative impact on the body. Radiation parameters are selected individually for each person, depending on their skin type. Thus, for light skin, a wavelength of 290-320 nanometers is considered safe, for dark skin - 320-400 nanometers. Modern solariums are equipped with systems that determine the type of skin and the corresponding tanning regime. Why then can a solarium be bad?

The fact is that UV rays cause photochemical reactions on the skin, which leads to serious consequences. Thus, the danger of a solarium for women is that in pursuit of a chocolate tan, the permissible dosage of ultraviolet radiation is violated, which often leads to burns. In addition, delicate skin will begin to age prematurely - it will thin and become excessively dry.

Many girls prefer to sunbathe topless. But it is worth remembering that ultraviolet rays provoke cancer, incl. mammary gland. When sunbathing in a solarium, your breasts should be protected with special plastic caps, or use nipple stickers. And be sure to follow a tanning schedule!

For men, solarium is less dangerous, but excessive use of it can also lead to health problems.

It is important to know! A long stay in a solarium inhibits the activity of the nervous system!

How to sunbathe in a solarium without harm?

Safe if you have no contraindications to visiting a solarium. We’ll talk about them a little later, but for now let’s look at what rules you need to follow when visiting a solarium in order to get the desired effect without harm to your health.

Rules for healthy tanning in a solarium:

  • if you are taking medications, be sure to consult your doctor before going to the solarium;
  • take a shower two hours before solarium;
  • if you use, be sure to wash it off;
  • do not use before the session, as it can cause pigmentation;
  • Before entering the booth, remove jewelry;
  • Protect your eyes from ultraviolet radiation with glasses. Remove contact lenses first;
  • cover your head with a cotton scarf to avoid dullness and brittleness;
  • cover your chest with special pads;
  • During the session, strictly follow the instructions;
  • use special means for tanning in a solarium;
  • do not exceed the permissible time spent in the booth;
  • After completing the session, take a warm (not cold!) shower and apply a moisturizer to your skin.

How often can you visit the solarium?

Gradual tanning is the most harmless tanning in a solarium. The first session should last no more than 2-3 minutes, the maximum time spent in the solarium should not exceed 10 minutes.

You can visit the solarium once every two days, and after 5-6 sessions it is advisable to take a break for 10 days.


In some cases, a solarium is simply necessary to visit. Why, you ask? The fact is that with the right approach, the procedure not only provides a beautiful tan, but also treats various diseases.

Indications for solarium:

  • pale skin;
  • ultraviolet deficiency;
  • syndrome chronic fatigue;
  • hardening;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • neuralgia, vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • skin diseases.

Solarium also helps get rid of acne on the face, or so they say. The main thing is not to overdo it, since after a seeming improvement, acne may worsen after 1-2 weeks.

Is it possible to compensate for vitamin D deficiency?

Ultraviolet light promotes the production of the amount of vitamin D the body lacks. But doctors note: in order to replenish your body essential vitamin, it is not at all necessary to go to the solarium; it is better to walk on your face more often in sunny weather.

How to properly visit a solarium for medicinal purposes?

When visiting a solarium in medicinal purposes You must first consult with your doctor, who will determine the advisability of these procedures and prescribe an individual course of treatment. It is also necessary to find out in advance about the parameters and characteristics of the solarium where you plan to undergo treatment.

It is important to remember that one treatment session should last no more than 5 minutes, regardless of the type of disease.


Tanning in a solarium has a number of serious contraindications.

  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • cold;
  • increased body temperature;
  • malaria;
  • active tuberculosis;
  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • blood diseases;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • diabetes in severe form;
  • mastopathy;
  • herpes;
  • varicose veins;
  • fibroadenoma, uterine fibroids, and other malignant/benign formations;
  • cyst;
  • mammoplasty;
  • dermatitis;
  • hemangiomas;
  • after childbirth, incl. caesarean section;
  • after operation.

During pregnancy Solarium is absolutely contraindicated. The fact is that due to hormonal changes in the body of pregnant women, including early stages, the body may become covered with dark spots. In addition, this is an additional burden on the body, and the risk of tumors increases significantly.

At breastfeeding (lactation) the solarium cannot be visited for similar reasons. It is better for a nursing mother to wait until the breastfeeding period is over so as not to harm her health.

On critical days going to the solarium is also contraindicated. This is due to the fact that an increase in body temperature can cause heavy bleeding, and due to hormonal changes that occur in the body during menstruation, the skin will tan unevenly.

People often ask on beauty forums: is it possible to sunbathe in a solarium after Botox and Dysport injections, as well as biorevitalization procedures, in particular? Experts practicing in this area strongly recommend refraining from visiting a solarium in the first 10-15 days after injections, as due to high temperatures and UV radiation, the healing process will be slower and longer.

After the procedure depilation, including sugaring, you can visit the solarium no earlier than a day later, since the skin after hair removal is very sensitive and radiation can cause irritation, allergic reactions and hyperpigmentation.

After laser hair removal you need to wait at least two weeks, and only then plan a trip to the solarium.

If you did tattoo on body, a trip to the solarium should be postponed for a month, since a fresh tattoo can quickly fade under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

Concerning piercing, then you are allowed to visit the solarium after a puncture no earlier than 2 weeks, since a fresh wound will take a long and painful time to heal.

Availability depriving on the body may also be a temporary contraindication to visiting a solarium. Firstly, against the background of a tan, the spots will stand out even more, and secondly, a relapse is possible. You can sunbathe after treatment no earlier than 6-12 months, when the skin color evens out.

After microblading Do not sunbathe for at least two weeks, as UV rays can irritate damaged skin.

After saunas and seas You can sunbathe in a solarium no earlier than after 3 days, because due to water procedures the skin becomes too sensitive to radiation and burns may occur.

With eyelash extensions You can visit the solarium, but only on condition that your eyes are protected with special glasses.

Healed scars, appearing on the body due to various injuries are not a contraindication to solarium.

Compatibility of visiting a solarium with various diseases

It was said above that a solarium can be used for medicinal purposes. In particular, such a tan is effective for psoriasis, erysipelas, bronchitis, tracheitis, asthma, pleurisy, etc. Doctors also recommend it for rheumatism, atherosclerosis, arthritis, consequences of bone fractures, neuralgia, vegetative-vascular dystonia, and spinal cord injuries.

Is it possible to visit a solarium if you have moles?

If you have moles on your skin, you can visit a solarium, but large, convex formations should be protected with special pads and in no case should you overuse frequent procedures.

If there are too many moles on the body, experts do not recommend going to the solarium, as UV radiation can provoke their growth. After removing a mole, including by cauterization, visiting a solarium is completely prohibited until the skin is completely healed.

Negative consequences after visiting a solarium

Passion for solarium often leads to such negative consequences as burns, redness, rash, itching, swelling, pimples, fever, headache, age spots, new moles, white spots. These negative consequences can be avoided if you follow the recommendations of specialists (see “Rules for healthy tanning in a solarium”). But what to do if problems do arise? We tell you how to cope with the most common side effects.

Put away redness from the face and red spots on the body Oils will help: sunflower, olive, camphor or burdock. Ointments (for example, “Rescuer”) and restorative sprays (for example, “Panthenol”) also have a calming effect on the skin. You can also remove redness with after-sun cream.

Burnt areas should be treated with a cream to eliminate burns or with wound-healing agents: ointment (“Rescuer”), spray (for example, “Panthenol”).

If itches body, this means that you are allergic to UV rays or to the tanning products used. Local antihistamine ointments (gels) and medications(for example, Loratadine).

If after solarium headache, this means that the body has overheated. The body needs to be cooled as quickly as possible. Drink a glass of cool water and go outside for 10-15 minutes. Fresh air. You should not take painkillers.

Alternative to solarium

If you want to have tanned skin, but... this type Artificial tanning is contraindicated for you or side effects occur after each session, replace trips to the solarium with other options.

How can you tan without a solarium and not go to the beach? Instead of a solarium, you can use self-tanning products. A worthy alternative There will also be an instant tan, which can be obtained in one procedure. It is absolutely safe and harmless, since the tanning product - reed lotion - contains exclusively natural ingredients. The only disadvantage of instant tanning is its short-term effect (7-14 days).

Pros and cons of the procedure

Like any cosmetic procedure, solarium also has its pros and cons.


  • even tan;
  • healing effect;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • hardening;
  • long lasting result;
  • gentle on the skin compared to the sun.


  • a large number of contraindications;
  • ultraviolet sensitivity;
  • side effects.

The solarium provides the desired tan at any time of the year without much effort. At the same time, the procedure has significant contraindications and strict restrictions, failure to comply with which is accompanied by serious side effects.

Whether it's worth sunbathing this way is up to you to decide. If you still plan to visit a solarium, first objectively assess your health and skin condition and, if necessary, consult a specialist. And remember: the course should start with a minimum time, gradually increasing it. This way you are guaranteed to get the desired result without harming your own health.