The rarest work. Professions related to winemaking. Interesting professions: Ball picker

Basically, employers require specialists who understand the fields that are familiar to us all: economics, medicine, engineering, and the like. But in the world there are many other, most unusual and strange professions unknown to most people, which few have heard of, and certainly no one knows, where they teach professional ant catching, show a master class on removing the brain from the head of a slaughtered animal and explain how trading dreams correctly. We will tell you about these and many other strange types of work in the continuation of the article.


1. Ant catcher

The ant catcher must catch the best individuals in the anthill, which will subsequently serve for procreation on artificial ant farms.

2. Brain remover

The brain remover's place of work is a slaughterhouse. His job is to place the head of a slaughtered animal on the table and, after its skull is split open, remove the brain, which is then sent to restaurants.

3. Mattress tester

Who among us did not like to jump on the bed as a child? True, our parents scolded us for it back then, but Ruben Reynoso gets paid for it! A man works in a mattress factory and jumps on them as much as he wants.

4. An organizer who will help get your child ready for camp

When going on vacation or another long trip, there's always the risk of forgetting something important, but for New Yorkers, that's no longer a problem. For less than a thousand dollars, an organizer will come to the American home and collect everything necessary for the children’s trip to summer camp.

5. People living in luxury apartments and getting paid for it

It’s difficult to call this activity work: live in luxury apartments, enjoy life and get money for it - paradise, and that’s all! But these people are essentially nomads who only create the appearance of life in the house, observing perfect cleanliness and order. And when buyers are found for the house, the family must immediately move to another luxurious house.

6. Professional sleeper

7. Cliff Diver

Jumping off a cliff into the unknown - what could be scarier? What if they pay money for it? Red Bull cliff diving competitions are held all over the world, and to date, half of the competition has already taken place, in which extreme athletes from different countries took part, conquering a height of 27 meters.

8. Man Watching Paint Dry

And this job seems like one of the most boring jobs in the world, and maybe it is. Dr. Thomas Curwen, 34, spends his working day carefully watching paint dry, watching its color and texture change. The doctor must guarantee that the paint is durable and will not peel off in the near future.

9. Sellers of tears

In Asian countries, people are accustomed to restraining themselves, so funerals are served by special mourners. Prices for the services of such personnel look approximately like this: crying - 1 coin; crying with howling - 3 coins; hysterical crying with howling and falling to your knees - 7 coins; sobbing with beating one's chest, tearing clothes and rolling on the ground - 20 coins. Before starting work, you must pass a test on your knowledge of traditions, the ability to cry dramatically and instantly calm down.

10. Scarecrow Man

Perhaps one of the strangest professions is that of a scarecrow man. Nevertheless, the young man who completed his studies at the institute got this job. His job was to scare away local birds with an accordion and bell, and he was required to wear a bright orange coat. For this performance he was paid £250 a week.

11. Dress Caller

A person of this profession comes up with sonorous names for the clothes of the new collection. "Drops of Blood on Garibaldi", "Jawaharlav's Rice Pudding", "The Seduction of the Prince of Bohemia" and even "Hippie Boy, Take Me!" - this is his handiwork.

12. Penguin flippers

These people work in Antarctica and save poor birds who stare at airplanes and fall on their backs. After all, by their nature, penguins are not able to rise on their own.

13. Dream Merchant

A postal clerk dreams of becoming a great actor for one night. A businessman dreams of managing a multi-ton train. A psychiatrist dreams of meeting 20 girls from 20 different countries over 20 weekends. How can you make their dreams come true? One of the Chicago companies is engaged in bringing to life any fantasies and desires of its clients. All you need to do is come to their office, tell them what you dream of, and pay the amount that the specialists will tell you. However, remember that the minimum cost to make your dream come true is $150,000.

14. Toilet guide

A new service has also appeared in the Middle Kingdom... On the streets of Chinese cities you can now meet comrades who, for a fee of 4 cents, are ready to tell anyone where the nearest public toilet is. In their work books That’s how it’s written: “Civil servant - toilet guide”!

15. Condom tester

One of the large companies producing condoms has opened several new vacancies. The office is recruiting young people for the position of “Condom Testers”! An unlimited number of consumables are included in the tester's standard equipment. The one who best supplies the office useful information about the progress of the tests, will receive a $1000 bonus!

16. Cookie Fortune Writer

Fortune cookies, popular throughout the feast, need regular and correct drafting these same predictions. Their author must certainly have good imagination, because prophecies must be clear, interesting, varied and unusual. At first glance, the work seems easy, but try to come up with at least a hundred similar predictions!

17. Water slide tester

Basic consumables at this job - swimming trunks. They wear through at an alarming rate, because the main working weapon here is the buttocks. And Tom Lynch's buttocks are known all over the world wherever there are water parks. With his fifth point, he tested hundreds of slides, while recording his feelings in special forms.

18. Parmesan Listeners

Do you know what absolute pitch is? In Italy, for example, this is the ability to clearly perform the song “O sole mia” on Parmesan cheese. The factories where it is produced employ people with musical education. They tap the heads of cheese with a silver hammer to determine if they are ripe. And it matures for 3 years, producing new notes every day. The further you go, the louder the Parmesan.

19. Egg Sniffer

Some pastry shops have so-called egg sniffers. They make sure the rancid ones chicken eggs were not used for the production of confectionery products.

20. Queue

You can honestly be happy for the British. An office has appeared in the country, promising citizens that they will not stand in queues. A specially trained “stander” will do this for them. The services are not cheap - almost 40 bucks per hour. Considering that every Englishman stands in a queue throughout his life more than a year, then the savings are obvious!

21. Breath taster

Checks effectiveness chewing gum by smelling the breath of people with bad teeth after eating garlic or alcohol. Good chewing gum should muffle all this.

22. Tasters from Amsterdam

At the annual marijuana festival in Amsterdam, weed producers compete in many categories: the most delicious marijuana, the most beautiful in color, the most fun, with the strongest effect... The winner is determined by judges who have to taste up to 30 varieties of weed a day. And while the winners are awarded for the most striking effect, they are trying to return the tasters from the “Land of Laughter”.

There are thousands different professions, many of which may seem monotonous, but there are also some in which you definitely won’t be bored. But the most interesting professions in the world are usually not easy to get a job, since the need for such specialists is very limited.

This profession is considered the rarest. The need for it arose in 2009, when one of the travel companies announced the search for an employee who would live on the Australian Hamilton Island in a luxury villa for six months, play golf, swim in the pool and do other pleasant things, while actively blogging with photographs. Casting was carried out around the world, and in the end the job was given to a British social service worker.

The following requirements apply to the caretaker:

  • swim, dive and steer a yacht, while entertainingly talking about all this;
  • feed the fish, clean the pools (in fact, they are equipped with a self-cleaning system, so the worker only has to remove random debris from the surface);
  • official correspondence and communication with international media.

In fact, being at work, which is one of the most interesting professions in the world, is only twelve hours a month, the rest of the time you can just relax and enjoy nature. The position is suitable for both men and women. By the way, a girl from Russia, who also took part in the casting, could have taken it. The caretaker was given a salary of 110 thousand dollars for six months.

Professional tool this person's glass. He must assess the level of quality of the wine or its components, analyze the taste and smell in comparison with generally accepted standards. Therefore, the main requirement for a taster is an excellent memory for tastes and aromas.

The main goal is to identify the problems of a particular wine, preferably at the earliest stage of production

The taster may not understand the rituals of serving wine or its prices, and also, unlike the sommelier, may not think about the origin of the wine, at what temperature it was made and other nuances.

Typically, tasters work at distilleries or wine industry certification bodies. Most best specialist This profession is also well versed in changes in the taste of the drink depending on production technology and the characteristics of human receptors. Usually the taster is a freelancer: he comes, tastes, and then leaves to try somewhere else.

This profession is not taught in educational institutions, but often on their own confectionery factories organize similar courses. And not everyone can pass all the tests and get a job. Those who succeed receive an honorary diploma and an invitation to work at the factory. However, it is possible to graduate from a university related to food production technology, then it will be possible to combine professional knowledge with an innate gift.

The tasting process occurs as follows: the taster examines the pieces of chocolate, analyzes their color and texture, then the aroma and, finally, the taste.

It is worth keeping in mind that such an amount of sweets every day causes a strong blow to the body. There is a known case where a man quit due to health problems; in two years he gained 15 kilograms excess weight. The man tried these sweets well-known companies, like Mars and Nestle, receiving 30 thousand pounds a year for this. In addition to sampling finished products, his work was related to their coverage in media mass media.

On average, in one working day you get to try twenty types of chocolate.

This is a person whose responsibilities include testing the software, identifying errors and shortcomings. In other words, a specialist who carries out quality control at the development stage. Similar vacancies exist in many large IT corporations.

The main responsibilities of a tester include:

  • finding and processing bugs and errors while the user is working with the software;
  • development and timely use of automated tests;
  • development of testing algorithms;
  • introducing found defects into the current documentation, as well as in some cases writing technical documentation for the software.

It should be remembered that the tester is not the one who is obliged to find all possible and impossible bugs, but the one who will bring the product to a state that completely suits the user.

Typically, this vacancy is filled by people who are well versed in the device. software and having an analytical mind. Education is not so important in this case; secondary vocational education will be enough. According to statistics, the average wage such a specialist costs 70 thousand rubles, but it varies greatly depending on the region.

In Russia, not a single university teaches this specialty.

It sounds like a joke, but such a profession exists. The fact is that penguins, although very dexterous in the water, are extremely clumsy on land. They waddle slowly on their short legs, and from time to time they roll on the ice on their bellies. It happens that, having raised its head to the noise of a flying helicopter or plane, the penguin simply falls over on its back, losing its balance. They cannot get up, and the poor animals have to either just lie down or somehow roll to the water. Lying on the ice for a long time can freeze a bird to death or be attacked by predators.

That's why almost everyone polar stations, both Russian and foreign, there is a position of penguin lifter. As the name suggests, these people watch over a colony of penguins and help them get up if they fall on their backs.

The work seems very simple, but it also has its own nuances. It is necessary to go out to save penguins in any weather, be it a snowstorm or 50-degree frost. However, there are also enough advantages. Penguins quickly get used to humans and soon begin to show tenderness towards them, becoming tame.

To raise an animal, sometimes you have to climb over huge snowdrifts and drown in the snow

This profession is ideal for both girls and men. She also has no age requirements. Currently, the specialty is actively developing. After all, entrepreneurs, politicians and other influential people are forced to very often attend all kinds of events where it is necessary to both look and behave in accordance with the norms of etiquette. To do this, they hire competent specialists who will teach them all the intricacies of behavior in secular society. After all, crimson jackets and gold chains won’t surprise anyone now, business conversation reached a new, more social level.

Knowledge of etiquette is also required for service personnel, for example, maids. Ethics teachers often enter this profession, but there are still very few narrow specialists. But almost any person who has humanitarian warehouse intelligence, developed social skills, competent speech and a sociable, friendly disposition.

Etiquette professionals clearly and effectively instruct them in the rules of cultural behavior

This job is perhaps even nicer than the penguin lifter. It exists in China and pays quite well - about thirty thousand dollars a year. Responsibilities - sit all day with the pandas and pay attention to them, play games, share all the sorrows and joys. But not everything is as simple as it sounds: the panda hugger has practically no days off or holidays; he spends more time with his charges than with his family.

The following requirements apply to candidates: age from 22 years, basic knowledge about pandas, the ability to take photographs and write competently, the willingness to hug pandas around the clock, while recording their behavior and achievements.

In addition to a decent salary, the Center for the Protection and Study of Giant Pandas provides workers with free housing and food. That's why foreigners who want to visit China grasp at this vacancy like a straw.

Pandas are an endangered species, there are only about 1,600 of them in the wild, and the same number in zoos, so caring for them is truly an honorable task

Each of us visits various stores or establishments almost every day. You need to buy food, clothing, and household appliances... But it turns out that you can also make money from the shopping process if you become a “mystery shopper.” Of course, company owners can also rely on reviews from ordinary clients, but, as practice shows, the work of a secret shopper is much more effective, since it works according to a predetermined scenario.

Anyone can become a secret shopper. This could be an elderly married couple or a Kamaz driver stopped at a gas station. For most, this is a good additional income.

There is intense competition in the market at the moment and the owner cannot afford to lose a client. Therefore, the waiter or seller must be competent and polite, and the product itself must be of high quality and adequate in price.

Often, secret shoppers secretly use voice recorders, video and photo cameras. The overall picture is assessed: appearance object, cleanliness, order and comfort, answers service personnel to questions asked from a special questionnaire that the mystery shopper will later fill out.

They study the quality of service at a specific location by asking staff questions about products and services.

This is a person who is hired to artificially create the success or failure of a performance or even an individual actor. Often clackers, with their applause or, conversely, hissing, infect the rest of the audience of the performance. This profession has been around for two centuries. It is based on the sociality of people; as a rule, people behave similarly to the behavior of others.

The head of the clackers also had a difficult task: he analyzed which moments of the performance needed to be highlighted and how to do it - with applause, enthusiastic exclamations, whistling or even crying in touching places.

Today, clackers are used not only in theatrical performances, but also in show business and even politics

Sometimes, when you come to a clinic or other institution, you notice how long the line is there. Few people enjoy endless hours of waiting for an appointment. In this regard, such a profession as a queue waiter, or officially a tramidator, appeared. This person takes the line behind another person and sits in it for as long as necessary. On Russian territory this is quite new service, and in Europe and America it has been known for decades.

To use a tramidator, you need to contact a special company and place an order. A worker will take your turn and call when it's time to come in. The customer can only return and pay the tramidator.

The service is very relevant, which means it has a great future ahead

Most of our fellow citizens are interested in football, and each of them likes to discuss this topic and express their opinion about what is right and what is wrong (and how to do it right). But it turns out that there is such a specialty, and they even teach it. For example, at the Cologne sports school. Its graduates become powerful football theorists.

The training lasts for a year, during which they watch various matches, identify and analyze gaming strategies and select the most effective ones. For men, this profession is simply ideal: you watch matches, express your opinion, and show off your knowledge of how to play correctly, perhaps without beer.

A football strategist is not an ordinary fan, but a specialist with a diploma

When looking for a job, many people are faced with the fact that despite the great variety of vacancies, they are all extremely monotonous. In fact, this is quite sad, because it forces us to take a job we don’t like and often spend our whole lives in it. But each of us can make an effort and find interesting job I like every working day to be perceived as a holiday.

America occupies the leading position. In the United States, they even compile a ranking that allows you to find out which profession became the most interesting on the planet last year.

It is much more profitable for companies to hire people to collect balls lost during a game than to buy those balls again. These workers must have excellent eyesight because they must find all the balls lost on golf courses.

Penguin flipper

People in this interesting profession usually work in the vicinity of airports, near which penguins live. The fact is that penguins love to follow planes as they take off. As a result, they raise their heads so high that they simply fall onto their backs.

And although this may look funny from the outside, in reality the situation has serious consequences. The fact is that when a penguin falls on its back, it is no longer able to get up on its own.

At this moment, a representative of an unusual profession - a penguin flipper - comes to the aid of the poor birds. The “rescuers” themselves say that the penguins thank them with a unique gesture. It is expressed by light pinching of the hands or feet of workers.

The most unusual professions

Here are some other very unusual and extremely interesting professions that you most likely have not heard of:

  • Researcher of striptease dancers. The goal of such workers is to visit different strip bars over the course of several months. During this time, they must record the parameters of various dancers;
  • Condom tester (an interesting fact is that these products should be used both for their intended purpose and for other purposes);
  • Observer of paint drying. The work involves carefully observing the changing colors and particles of paint as it dries, both on the walls and under a microscope;
  • Ant catcher. The ant catcher must catch the best individuals in the anthill, which will subsequently serve for procreation on artificial ant farms;
  • Professional sleepyhead. It's about the participants scientific research sleep process;
  • Brain remover. In a slaughterhouse there is a man whose job is to place the head of a slaughtered animal on a table, split open the skull and remove the brain. This mass is then sent to restaurants, where delicacies are prepared from it.

What interesting and unusual professions do you know? Write about it in the comments.

Every year more and more new professions appear in the world. This is due, first of all, to the rapid development of our lives, but no less to human ingenuity. If you look at the list of the rarest professions, among them you will find unusual, original, strange and even disgusting occupations of people. Whether the following can be considered full-fledged professions is a moot point, however, people actually do this and get paid for it.

The most unusual professions in the world

Perhaps everyone wants to do something unusual, useful and of interest to other people. People who are involved in the professions listed below are, on the one hand, lucky - they are very rare specialists. But on the other hand, their activities may seem strange to some. But we still believe that all professions are needed :).

Penguin flipper

This is perhaps the sweetest and kindest profession in our review. It's a pity that you can only do this in Antarctica - where penguins live, one of the funniest creatures in the world. If a penguin falls on its back, then, alas, it does not know how to get up on its own. In fact, these animals shouldn’t fall like that, but when they look at a plane or helicopter flying in the sky, such falls happen. Helps such fallen penguins get up special person, whose profession is called “penguin flipper.” After each time a plane flies over the territory under its control, it goes around the entire area and turns the fallen unfortunate penguins onto their paws.

Waiter in queues

How annoying it is sometimes to stand in kilometer-long queues! IN big cities This happens quite often. There is a company in the UK that is ready to provide you with its employee as a queue waiter. He takes a turn for you, and in the meantime you go about your business. When your turn is already close, the waiter calls you and you come. The result is saving time, but not money. Valet services cost approximately $40 per hour.

Fire watcher

Fires are dangerous things, and it is always important to begin extinguishing them as soon as possible, before the fire has time to destroy everything around it. Fire services are organizations quite familiar to us and there is nothing unusual about them. But in America there is another specialty related to fire - a fire observer. No, this person does not admire how something burns. His responsibilities include daily constant monitoring of the city from a post on high tower and instantly calling special services to where the fire is just starting. There is such a post, for example, in New York's Central Park. The profession is, of course, very useful, but so boring...

Brain remover

Not everyone can work in a slaughterhouse. You need to be both physically developed and have a fairly strong psyche. But for this profession you need to be a person with nerves of steel. The daily routine of a brain extractor is as follows: he places the severed head of an animal on a table, breaks the skull and removes the brain from there. And so again and again. And kilograms of brains are then sent to shops and restaurants, because dishes made from them are considered a haute cuisine delicacy.

Ant Hunter

For high-quality breeding of ants on farms, individuals with certain characteristics are needed - at a minimum, they must be healthy and large. Where can I get these? On farms there is a special employee who finds anthills and catches from there only “high-quality” ants for subsequent breeding. Taking into account the size of these insects, we can say that this profession is the most jewelry-making.

Dream seller

Everyone, even the most happy people, there is some unfulfilled dream. Some people dream of feeling like a world celebrity at least for a day, some of them dream of flying into space, and others of meeting and communicating with people from fifty different countries. For ordinary people, these desires may seem unrealistic. And you will go to Chicago, and there the managers of one company, which is engaged in making dreams come true, will help you realize absolutely any of your dreams. The only “but”: only those who have at least one hundred thousand dollars in their pockets can afford such pleasure. But the most cherished dream is worthy of any money?

Venom milker

Writer of wishes for “destiny cookies”

The Wonton Food Company is one of the largest producers of “lucky” baked goods – cookies with wishes inside. And the vice president of this company, Donald Lowe, independently composes these very wishes, which are then printed on small pieces of paper and baked inside cookies. Donald Lowe takes this responsibility very seriously. He does not compose wishes mechanically, but puts his soul and his sincere thoughts into each one. For example, once, walking through a stinking subway passage, he transferred this impression into his wishes and soon someone broke a cookie with the text “Take care of unpleasant odors.”

Professional sleepyhead

Who among us hasn’t at least once dreamed of sleeping at work?! And for some people, their profession is simply to sleep at work and get paid for it. For example, these are people who participate in research into the phenomenon of sleep. They simply come to the laboratory, lie down, cover themselves with a blanket and sleep. And the money is dripping. Another option to make money on a nap is to work as an exhibit in a museum contemporary art New York. There are special employees (mostly women) who, before each opening of the exhibition, take a sleeping pill and go to bed right in the middle of the exhibition hall. Each exhibit is named after a sleeping woman, for example, “This is Jane.” This is what modern art is like.

Animal food taster

Surely you have been surprised more than once by television commercials that say that “cat food has become even tastier”? How were they able to determine this, since cats clearly could not help them with this? For many large manufacturers Dog and cat food has a special employee on staff who literally tastes food samples and makes his own conclusion - whether it’s tasty or not. And only then is a decision made regarding whether to launch this product on the market. Some people in this profession even have their own favorite food dish. For example, the American Simon Alison has a cat's chicken dinner with vegetables.

Cushion leveler

In shopping centers and furniture stores visitors often touch and feel the products, including pillows. After this, they become wrinkled and do not look very attractive to other buyers. There is such a profession - walking around trading floor and smooth out all the crushed pillows. People working in genuine leather shoe stores do a similar thing. After each fitting of boots, wrinkles may remain on them, which are smoothed out by employees before sending the shoes to the counter. Perhaps people of these two professions have something to chat about.

The most terrible professions in the world

If you ever thought you had the worst job in the world, you're about to change your mind. What people in these professions do is simply disgusting. It is not clear what forces them to engage in such activities - an acute lack of money or a desire to feel “non-standard” emotions?

Armpit sniffer

How to test the effectiveness of deodorants before launching them into mass production on the market? That's right, smell the armpits where the deodorant was used. This is exactly what employees of one of the German companies that produce various means hygiene. Throughout the day, they sniff the armpits of the same people who have used the experimental deodorant several times and record their sensations. Moreover, there is even a certain selection for this position: only women without bad habits, because their nose is able to smell better bad smell. Odor experts have a hard time at work, because deodorants are often tested on obese and middle-aged men who are prone to excessive sweating.

Vomit cleaner under the attraction

Not everyone is able to safely ride a steep roller coaster without allowing the recently eaten breakfast or lunch to escape. At a London amusement park there is an employee named Rhys Oen who cleans up all the, excuse me, vomit on the pavement around the roller coasters. And this happens quite often, because the attraction is really very impressive. The interesting thing is that Reese himself does not consider his profession terrible or disgusting. Still, he does a useful job, clearing the road from unsightly traces of the attraction's clients. And his salary is more than decent.

excrement burner

When tourists on board large cruise ships go to the toilet, all their excrement is placed in a special huge tank, and not dumped into the water, as many might think. But carrying such a tank with excrement across the ocean for a very long time is dangerous, because some kind of unpleasant infection can develop in it. Therefore, a special profession was introduced on ships - a person who burns all the contents in such toilet tanks. Human waste products are burned without a trace. If everything is done correctly and with working equipment, then there should be no disgusting odors during combustion, but the content of such work itself, of course, is not very pleasant.

Ancient feces researcher

The profession of an archaeologist is very interesting and exciting, because they have the opportunity to plunge into the history of mankind and find previously unknown remains of our past. But among these remains there are often fossilized feces of our ancient ancestors, which also need to be studied. In archeology there is a separate specialization - a person who looks for human feces among excavations and then conducts examinations on it. This allows you to find out what ancient people ate and what their health was.

Regarding the choice of an interesting profession in his time, the proletarian poet Mayakovsky, addressing a young man pondering his life and determining which of his contemporaries to choose as his life idol, they say, with whom to start life, proposed making Dzerzhinsky, who was a professional revolutionary, one of them.

Now, although times are difficult, we do not need social revolutions and social cataclysms - there were plenty of them in the last century. Therefore, let’s look at what interesting professions there are to offer. to modern man thinking about his life.

When determining the criteria of interest in a particular profession, you should still point out that interest is, in essence, answers to the following questions:

  • Does the profession correspond to the character and inner mental and spiritual state of a person?
  • Does the profession correspond to the person’s physical condition?
  • Does it cause professional activity does the person have positive emotions?
  • Does the profession provide a person with sufficient financial means to live?
  • Will this profession be in demand in the future?

The order in which these questions are posed is different for each person; for some, the emotional assessment of the profession will be in the first place, for others - material, for others - the future prospects of the profession, for others - the exclusivity of professional activity.

Now there are very interesting professions that make it possible to work without even leaving home - these are the so-called remote professions. labor process: freelancers, testers computer games, IT specialists, web designers, advertising and remote sales specialists, and other new interesting professions related to virtual space, but with very real earnings. To master them, all you need is a computer and knowledge in one or another area of ​​computer and IT technology.

However, people, as a rule, are more interested in professions that exist not in the virtual world, but in real world. So, the most interesting professions, a list of them, for example, might look like this:

  • operator of milking snakes and spiders. His responsibilities include selecting venom from snakes and spiders, which are raised on the corresponding farms - serpentariums and spider spawners;
  • there is a dice tester in the centers of the world gaming industry in Las Vegas, as well as in Monte Carlo, his responsibilities include monitoring the condition of the dice;
  • hired groom or bride, they play the role of the groom or bride in front of the client’s relatives or friends;
  • a tester of furniture sets, who must check the furniture for strength, identifying weak places and uncomfortable areas in it;
  • the subway passenger rammer must ram passengers into subway cars during peak periods of their influx;
  • A frog breeder breeds amphibians that are used in restaurants for cooking.

Of course, this is by no means a complete list of top interesting professions.

As for Russia, our country also has enough crafts that, despite their unusual and even strange names, can arouse considerable interest in someone.

Based on the criteria of unusual names, the most interesting professions in Russia are:

  • freeloader. This is not at all what many thought when they heard derivatives of the words “freebie” and “cheat.” In fact, a worker by profession, a freebie maker, must place so-called freebies or otherwise glass ingots in furnaces for melting glass and monitor their melting, stirring the molten glass mass or otherwise, diluting it;
  • mold yard worker - also has nothing to do with associations associated with patio from any sultan and his concubines. Molds are forms for pouring molten metal, where, as the metal cools, it takes on the shapes of the blanks corresponding to the shapes of the molds, and the mold yard is the place where the blanks are located during their cooling;
  • the worker cleaning the face is naked, not a barber at all - he is engaged in cleaning blanks of animal skins for subsequent leather dressing;
  • the purveyor of the mob is not at all the caretaker social group population of the time of Ivan Kalita, called the mob. Niello is a special jewelry material used in metal engravings. The niello consists of an alloy of silver, copper and sulfur and has a matte black color.

As can be seen from this incomplete list of unusual job titles, that Interesting Facts about professions can help one or another applicant for “their” profession to find one in the list of the above, or those that are similar to them.

In addition to the types of activities already mentioned, the most interesting professions in the world can be such as:

  • caretaker of tropical islands. His responsibilities include monitoring the state of the islands’ territory, their flora and fauna, describing events taking place on the islands, and maintaining text and video blogs. Search for local natural attractions to attract a flow of tourists. In essence, this is a year-round vacation with breaks for work on drawing up reports;
  • a vintage wine taster who tastes vintage wines to determine their suitability for consumption by those who can afford to fork out the cash for that type of artifact. At the same time, a taster of ancient alcohol has the opportunity not only to show interest in communicating with the “cream” of society, recommending to them certain types of wine, but also to enjoy both the wine itself and a worthy financial reward;
  • a forest pathologist is engaged in healing forests, and his task is to monitor forest plantations and identify their diseases in time - good health everyone needs it, including forests, which are considered the lungs of the entire planet;
  • travel companion - provides services to accompany the client during travel. In our time high technology Sometimes a person lacks ordinary communication. Therefore, your travel companion should be a sociable and interesting conversationalist.

It should be borne in mind that apart from this it is far from full list professions, of course, there are even more interesting and highly paid professions.

The most interesting professions for girls are listed in random order, so you should not complain if any of the professions is not included in this short list of interesting professions for girls:

  • The profession of a flight attendant, according to girls, is one of the most attractive. Flights to the most different countries, communication with a wide variety of passengers, including famous ones, what could be more interesting than such a wonderful profession?
  • The profession of a florist for a girl is also a very interesting profession related to handling flowers. For many of them, flowers are the object of dreams, but here they are surrounded by flowers every day;
  • the design profession unites a large number of areas of design art, ranging from living space designer to clothing designer and makeup designer.

However, interesting creative professions are far from exhausted here, so everyone has the opportunity to think of what interesting professions for women and girls can be added here.

Interesting professions await men in various areas human activity between the two poles and on all the continents of Zemshara, as Velimir Khlebnikov called planet Earth. And even this sphere of male activity is not limited - a man, however, like a woman, strives to conquer outer space.

As for what interesting professions there are after the 9th grade, for young men of this age the simple working professions of auxiliary workers in construction, helpers in the car service industry, PC operators, supervisors, waiters, couriers, animators, DJs, photographers will be suitable and interesting. , etc., subject to interest in these areas.

Regarding what interesting professions are after 11th grade, the following professions can become exciting for boys, as well as for girls:

  • programmers, system administrators in the IT field;
  • engineers various industries industry;
  • architects and designers;
  • marketers, logisticians, analysts, advertising and remote sales specialists.

True, which of these or many others not listed here will become a person’s “own” profession is impossible to even imagine.