Preparing plastic windows for winter with your own hands. How to care for plastic windows: washing the surface, cleaning the window and fittings. Mosquito net and care for it

Plastic windows have become a part of our lives. Almost every family has already installed or is planning to install such windows, and most of them have a completely logical question - how to care for them. plastic windows? Let us note right away that they are good because they do not require any special maintenance.

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The basis metal-plastic window amounts to PVC profile, which does not dry out, does not turn yellow, does not need to be tinted and, most importantly, does not contain harmful substances for a person. In addition, the seals consist of very high quality rubber and their service life is no less than the service life of the window itself. I would also like to note the fittings, which are simple to install and practically do not break.

Clean your windows regularly

Window cleaning

Plastic windows are washed with the same means as wooden ones and do not require any special detergents or cleaning agents. The only thing is that we do not recommend using acidic or other aggressive agents that can damage the surface. In addition, it is not advisable to scrub the fittings with special diligence, since there is a lubricant inside it and with frequent and thorough washing, this lubricant can be washed out.

How to wash plastic windows?

Once you have wondered how to care for plastic windows, the first thing that comes to mind is what material should be used when washing so as not to disturb the surface. Ideal option will use a cotton or viscose rag. Then the risk of scratching the metal-plastic window will be minimal. Alkaline-based aqueous solutions are suitable as detergents, which effectively clean almost any contaminant. Under no circumstances should you use powders for washing, and the water should not be too hot.

Cleaning drain holes

Such drainage channels are designed to remove moisture accumulating in the window. They are located at the bottom window frame. They are easy to find; to do this, you just need to open the door slightly. Sometimes they need to be inspected periodically, as they tend to become clogged with dirt.

Cleaning such drainage channels is very easy. To do this, you need to take a wooden or plastic stick of the required diameter and clean these holes. The frequency of this type of work is once or twice a year and takes 2-3 minutes of your time.

Caring for fittings

Once you understand how to care for plastic windows, let's look at the issue of caring for the fittings. All metal-plastic windows are equipped with high-quality fittings that require virtually no maintenance. However, to increase its service life and preserve its appearance, some actions will have to be performed periodically. Approximately three years after the start of operation, it is necessary to lubricate all moving parts of the mechanism 1-2 times a year. It needs to be treated with oil that does not contain acids or resins or with industrial petroleum jelly. Lithium grease is ideal because it does not damage the anti-corrosion coating. Lubricant is added to the slots in the fittings.

Treat windows by special means


The seal in a metal-plastic window is rubber placed around the perimeter of the window. It is designed to isolate the room from dust and drafts. To prevent natural wear and tear of this material, it must be wiped clean from dust 1-2 times a year. Typically, wiping is carried out with a damp cloth or soft cloth. To improve the cleaning and prevention of rubber, it is possible to wipe it with silicone oil.

Adjusting plastic windows

To increase the service life of the window, you need to take care of plastic windows in winter and summer. A major role in increasing the service life of a metal-plastic window is played by the process, which is carried out independently.


European windows need to be adjusted in autumn and spring.

This planned care, which adjusts the windows for winter and summer mode. To change the window to winter mode, you need to tighten the hardware clamps that press the sash to the profile. This is done to further ensure tightness so that cold winter air does not penetrate into the room.

Remove rust from moving parts

Switching the window to summer mode

To adjust for summer mode, we, on the contrary, loosen the clamps to avoid additional wear. That is, the main purpose of the adjustment is to change the degree of pressure of the window to the profile. This operation is performed either with a Phillips screwdriver, it all depends on the type of window and its manufacturer, which ensures the required clamping position. Typically, a plastic window sash has three clamps, two of which are located in the central part and one on the side. With the help of such simple actions, we significantly increase the service life of the fittings.

Adjusting a dropped sash

Sometimes it happens that the window sash begins to cling to the profile or steel clamps. It’s even worse if the window blows out and this trouble happens during the cold season. And, despite the fact that you took proper care of your plastic windows in winter, such an embarrassment can happen to anyone.

In this case, there is no need to panic; the problem can be fixed on your own. For this repair we will need a hex screwdriver. With its help we must remove the protective covers from adjusting mechanism and make the settings.

Wipe the inside of the frame from excess moisture

Regulatory mechanism

To raise or lower the sash, we insert the hex screwdriver vertically and begin to turn. At the same time, you need to remember that by turning the screwdriver clockwise, we raise the sash, and by turning it counterclockwise, we lower it. If you need to adjust the sash on the sides, that is, move it to the right or left, then insert the hexagon horizontally and begin to turn it. Moreover, by scrolling clockwise, the sash moves to the left, and by turning the hexagon counterclockwise, the sash moves to the right.


This problem occurs quite often in winter and causes quite serious inconvenience. There can be so much moisture that the window sill will be constantly flooded and because of this, mold will form on it and on the walls in the window area, and fighting against it is not a pleasant pleasure. Therefore, caring for plastic windows in winter implies solving this problem.


The first thing you need to do to combat fogging is to ventilate the room.

It is clear that in winter it will not be possible to do this often, but twice for 3-5 minutes will not cause much inconvenience.

Another way to combat this is to wipe the glass with a soft cloth soaked in a mixture of alcohol and glycerin in a ratio of 20 to 1. If this method does not help, then perhaps the reason lies in the incorrect installation of the metal-plastic window during installation and claims should be made to the installers.

Before the start of the winter season, you must remember to remove mosquito nets. Before putting them away for the winter, you need to wash the mesh in a soapy solution. By following all these recommendations, you are guaranteed to extend the service life of your plastic windows to 25 years or even more, and during this entire time you will forget about drafts and other problems associated with poor care.

How to care for plastic windows video:

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The article provides detailed instructions how to prepare plastic windows for winter.

Finding a place to blow

First way. Run your hand along the entire perimeter of the window, in all areas where it can blow. The latter primarily include the joints of the frame with the slopes and fittings. Check the slopes and window sill carefully.
Second way. Using a lighter or candle. Allows you to detect even the slightest draft.


At self-insulation plastic windows, you automatically lose the warranty on them.
It is also inevitable that ventilation will deteriorate; preparing windows for winter essentially means sealing them.

How to insulate internal slopes

  1. We identify voids between the slopes and the wall. To do this, tap the surface. Where the knock is loudest, there is most likely empty space.
  2. We remove the lining. There is insulation underneath. Most often, polyurethane foam plays its role.
  3. If minor problems are found, then we simply add it to the voids. Remember to shake the can well before foaming.
  4. If the situation is more serious, the foam will have to be replaced completely. To do this, you need to remove all the old foam and thoroughly clean window hole, and then foam everything again.
  5. When the foam dries and rises (12-20 hours), you need to cut off the excess. Instead of foam, you can use other insulation, for example, plasterboard, mineral wool, foam plastic, sandwich panels.
  6. Check the cladding for damage and whether there are any cracks. It may also have to be changed. As facing material can be used plastic panels or PVC.

We insulate external slopes

  1. External slopes need to be plastered. To do this, after removing excess foam, cut off another layer of about half a centimeter.
  2. Prepare the putty according to the instructions indicated on the package and apply it to the slope.
  3. Run the staple along the slope. If you see depressions in the layer, wait until it dries and apply another layer.
  4. Remove roughness from the surface. To do this, you can rub it with a mesh.

How to replace seals on plastic windows

You will need the seal itself, special glue and rubber scissors.

  1. Pull out the seal that has become unusable. This can be easily done by prying up the bead holding the glass unit.
  2. Thoroughly clean the original surface and degrease it. The latter can be done, for example, with alcohol or solvent.
  3. Coat the frame around the perimeter with glue and carefully insert the sealing tape. It is not recommended to pull or squeeze the tape; it should be in a free state.
  4. All that remains is to trim off the excess and coat the joint.

To better understand how to replace seals on plastic windows, watch the video.

How to adjust the pressure of plastic windows

The pressure is adjusted by rotating the eccentrics. They are located on the fittings, behind the clamping parts of the handle.

If the pin is round

You will need a 4mm hex wrench.
On the very surface round pin There is usually a special risk indicator. If it is on the street side, then the pressure is weak and needs to be strengthened.
Rotating the trunnion clockwise leads to a tighter clamping of the sash; counterclockwise, on the contrary, weakens it.

If the trunnion is oval

You will need pliers.
A pin in a vertical position is evidence of a weakened clamp; the closer to the horizontal, the stronger it is.

How to adjust the sash relative to the frame

To adjust the height of the sash, use the lower hinged hinge.
Rotating the hex counterclockwise lowers the sash, clockwise – raises it.
To move the sash to the right/left you need to turn the bolt located at the bottom of the canopy.
Adjustment of the upper part of the window, due to the location of the adjusting bolt, is done only with the window open.
Now you know how to prepare plastic windows for winter, you can also stick a film, just keep in mind that it will be extremely difficult to remove it later.

Energy saving film sticker

Heat saving is achieved using a special metal coating from which infrared rays are reflected.
You will need a hair dryer, double-sided tape, and sharp scissors.

  1. Thoroughly clean the window sill, frame and glass. Degrease them.
  2. Cover the frame with double-sided tape
  3. Cut the film so that there is a margin of 2 cm on each side.
  4. Gradually removing protective layer, glue the film.
  5. Blow hot air from a hairdryer onto the film. If necessary, carefully pierce the air bubbles with a knife.

With the advent of modern windows in homes, residents have the opportunity to get rid of drafts and problems with poor lighting. PVC windows retain heat well and last for more than 20 years. Modern windows, equipped with double-glazed windows, are reliable, durable, durable and attractive appearance. But even with all these advantages, the products need proper maintenance and competent repair. Especially during low temperatures. In this article, REHAU specialists will try to answer the question of how to prepare your windows yourself and avoid problems with freezing.

Procedure for preparing for winter

1. Cleansing from dirt

Preparation of PVC Windows preparation for winter begins with cleaning them from dirt. In summer, windows are often left open, allowing dust and small particles from the surrounding air to settle on them. Therefore, before the onset of cold weather, first of all, they need to be washed. Pay attention to all the elements and details of the structure - absolutely all components of the windows need to be put in order. For cleaning, use normal soap solution and soft rags.

Preparing PVC windows for winter also involves cleaning all moving parts window design, because if you do not remove dirt from the places where window hinges and hooks are located, the window will not be able to function normally (open/close). For this purpose, it is better to use a hard elastic brush, as it effectively removes dust and dried grease.

2. Lubrication of mechanisms

When we prepare for winter, it is necessary to lubricate all moving parts. To carry out this procedure efficiently, REHAU experts recommend using exclusively special durable products included in the REHAU window care kit. They are easy to use and relatively inexpensive. Cannot be used as a lubricant oily liquids– after drying, they can damage the window mechanism and damage the seals.

3. Checking the seals

To avoid drafts during the cold season, it is necessary to check the seals. Of all the stages of preparing plastic windows for winter, this is the most important, since the seals play main role in preserving optimal temperature in the apartment. If the windows begin to let in street noise or moisture appears on them, it is most likely due to damaged rubber gaskets. To ensure proper operation, seals must be regularly lubricated (to prevent freezing and drying out) and cleaned. If the lubricant does not help, you can easily replace this window part yourself. You need to buy a new seal in the store, then remove the old one with a screwdriver and replace it. REHAU specialists advise purchasing only high-quality components famous brands, cheap products will not last more than a year and everything will have to be repeated again.

4. Adjustment

Preparation for winter operation includes adjustments. This procedure involves pressing the sash more tightly than in the summer. Most designs can be adjusted using a regular hex wrench. Regardless of whether you live in a private house or in a high-rise building, there is a window on the first or thirtieth floor, the adjustment procedure can be carried out from the side of the room, it is safe and does not require access from the outside.

5. We insulate the windows

Insulation is necessary when structures, over time, no longer retain heat and begin to let in cold air. This may happen for the following reasons:

The seal has become unusable;
depressurization occurred in the place where the frame and slope meet;
due to wall shrinkage.

After you have eliminated the identified defects if possible, you can begin the insulation process itself. REHAU experts advise using special film, which can be purchased in specialized stores. Despite the high cost, it is the most effective. It is best to choose a frost-resistant model designed for greenhouses. Firstly, it has more high quality, secondly, it will not spoil the design of the room.

REHAU experts guarantee that eliminating the listed defects will eliminate heat loss. Depending on the complexity of construction and installation work or service windows, you will have to involve specialists in this work or, if the structures are no longer under warranty and you have the appropriate knowledge and skills, do it yourself.

Today, almost every home is equipped with plastic windows. Of course, this greatly simplified the lives of many residents. Metal-plastic structures are strong, easy to use, reliable, and durable. However, all these advantages do not negate the fact that plastic windows, like regular ones, require constant care. In order for them to serve you faithfully, save heat, protect from blowing, they need to be repaired on time, as well as the necessary maintenance.

With the arrival of the cold season, you need to make sure that your plastic windows are ready for winter. Proper preparation Installing windows for winter is, although not very difficult, but still an important undertaking. If it is not carried out in advance, then metal-plastic structures simply physically will not be able to provide what the owners expect from them.

So, preparing plastic windows for winter is divided into three stages:. We'll talk about them now.

Check, clean and lubricate

In order for any mechanism to serve for a long time, it must be looked after and not allowed to become dirty. Likewise, before each change of season, plastic windows should first be thoroughly washed. This should be done using a regular sponge and gentle detergents. You should wash the glass itself, slopes, profiles, window sills, sashes - everything that touches metal plastic construction. Moreover, this needs to be done from both sides. Proper preparation of PVC windows for winter also includes cleaning drainage channels. If this is not done, then in the autumn-winter time water will begin to accumulate here.

Now you should pay attention to the fittings. What to look for there? Dirt and old grease mixed with dust. All fittings must be thoroughly cleaned of grease, dust and dirt. After this, it must be washed. Once all the moving elements of the mechanism are clean, you can safely begin lubrication. You can use both imported and domestic lubricants for window fittings. Ordinary solid oil is also suitable for these purposes.

Important! Never use edible oils to lubricate accessories. The fact is that they dry out quite quickly, after which they turn into a sticky kind of sandpaper. In such conditions, the window mechanism will not work for more than a year.

Preparing plastic windows for winter with your own hands includes one more step - checking the rubber seal. If the window begins to let in noise from the street, if it begins to seep through from under the sash, if dust and dirt from the street begins to accumulate on the window sill, then the seal has probably become unusable. In principle, you can try to revive him. To do this, thoroughly clean and then lubricate. The sealing gum is processed using silicone grease or using technical Vaseline. If you are wondering how to prepare plastic windows for winter, then try starting with the sealant. In fact, such a small rubber band has really important functions. If the seal cannot be restored, then simply...

Don’t know how to do it, and don’t want to delve into it? In this case, you can turn to Heat at Home for help. Our company’s specialists will not only replace the seal, but also fully prepare plastic windows for winter in Moscow and the region. You can contact an online consultant right now.

Prepare your windows for winter: correct adjustment

Did you know that plastic windows need to be adjusted both with the onset of cold weather and with the arrival of warm days? This is the so-called. Now we are interested in the first case: how to prepare plastic windows for winter yourself using adjustments. The main goal is to press the sash harder against the frame in order to completely eliminate the occurrence of drafts.

If your plastic windows classify themselves as adjustable, and this can be determined by the presence of a hexagon hole in the trunnion, then, in principle, you can begin to transfer your metal-plastic structures to winter mode. And this is done quite easily:

  • The first step is to lift the fittings roller.
  • Use a hex key to adjust the clamping distance.
  • Then you should install the raised roller in place.
  • Next, this same roller should be turned towards the room.
  • These manipulations must be done with all the rollers.
  • It happens that after the event to switch to winter mode, the fastening of the handle weakens. To fix this, turn plastic plate next to the handle 90 degrees and just tighten the screws.
  • It also happens that after tightening the handle begins to turn with difficulty. To fix this, you need to lubricate the entire fitting mechanism, for example, with machine oil.

Note. You can get to the lower and upper rollers, as well as the roller on one side, only by opening the sash. As for the roller on the second side of the sash, you can only get to it through the “ventilation” position.

We insulate ourselves correctly

As you understand, preparing windows for winter does not end with just washing and adjusting; you can also use heavy artillery. If the window begins to retain heat poorly and leaks, then the first thing the owners will think about is insulation. However, this is not entirely correct solution, because first you need to figure out why the plastic structure needed insulation in the first place. Here are the most common:

  • Sealing rubber fell into disrepair.
  • The joint between the slope and the frame was depressurized.
  • The glass unit has become depressurized.
  • The fittings require adjustment.

Having eliminated all the faults, it may be possible to avoid activities related to the insulation of the window structure. High-quality repair and adjustment is the best preparation of plastic windows for winter.

If you are still serious about insulating the window, then very in a good way will use of film. Yes, the window immediately loses its aesthetic appearance, but the room will be much warmer in winter than it was before. This is due to a reduction in heat loss. The film can be attached around the entire perimeter of the window, as with inside, and from the outside. After fastening, you should check that the film is stretched evenly.

Help in preparing plastic windows for winter

If for some reason you cannot or do not want to prepare plastic windows for the cold season on your own, you can turn to the specialists of the Teplo Doma company for help. Our experts will come and inspect everything and issue a verdict. And you may not have to insulate the windows, because everything can be limited, for example, to adjusting or replacing the seal.