Features of interior design of public premises. Features of public interiors. Interior design of cultural institutions

In order for the project to best suit your ideas and meet your needs, we move towards the goal gradually, in four stages, at each of which we clarify and adjust our work.

  • 1.Concept

    First, you need to draw up detailed information together with the customer. technical task for design, reflecting the number of jobs, the number of groups and departments, and their hierarchy, the expected number of visitors, requirements management company and so on. It is also necessary to decide on the future engineering systems: ventilation and air conditioning, installation method electrical equipment. After the design assignment has been drawn up, we carry out detailed measurements of the premises with an analysis of the structural and engineering features of the building. At the first meeting with the customer, stylistic preferences are discussed, and references and prototypes are selected for clarification. After this, we prepare several options for planning the future interior. After several iterations, when the customer is completely satisfied with the layout, we perform 3D visualization of one or two key rooms to determine the course on which we will move further.

  • 2.Sketch design

    At this stage we are working on each room. We think over the architectural and color scheme, develop lighting scenarios, and select furniture that matches the style. A detailed 3D model is made for each room. At the customer's request, we can even assemble an interactive model of all interiors, which allows you to walk around all the rooms, examining every corner. The work continues until the customer is satisfied.

  • 3.Working draft

    After we have decided on the visual part and the customer has a complete visual understanding of the future interior, we begin work on the detailed design. This is a set of drawings that builders will use to bring their plans to life. When working on a working project, we make lighting calculations to determine the amount of lighting needed. lighting fixtures, we calculate the areas of all finishing materials that will be needed when purchasing materials, we work with related organizations working on engineering systems. We also produce drawings and diagrams for all individual products.

The interior, its volumetric-spatial and compositional components play a great role in the design of public organizations, including souvenir shops.

Interior is the organization of the internal space of a building, which is a visually limited, artificially created environment that provides normal conditions for human life.

Internal space acts as a means for carrying out a certain process of social activity, that is, it is a medium of action. A harmoniously organized internal space affects the human psyche and participates in its development, that is, internal space is a medium of perception. But a person not only exists in space and perceives it, he also transforms it, creating an environment for himself in which he expresses his ideas about the structure of the world and society. From here follow the main functions of the interior - utilitarian and aesthetic.

The internal space becomes the fundamental principle of architecture, that is, the main reason for which the building is built. At the same time, the interior has some independence in relation to the external form.

The organization of the inner space itself is such that it determines the movement of a person. In this case, the perception of space occurs when entering a building, when moving inside it, and the perception of space at the end of the movement, at the goal. Thus, when entering a hotel, the first room - the lobby - orients the visitor and sets the direction of the main movement. Vertical communications - elevators and stairs - are used for this purpose.

The location of elevators and stairs should be such that the path of movement to them from the entrance is the shortest and most direct.

The concept “closed - open” describes the relationship between architectural spaces and natural ones. “Closed” means, first of all, the physical isolation of the created space from the natural one to ensure protective functions and simulate favorable weather conditions of existence. The degree of isolation depends on specific natural and weather features. “Open” architectural space is located specifically in natural conditions. Most often, there is no enclosing surface of the “ceiling”, and the perimeter of the “walls” is quite arbitrary, that is, it can have a significant range of characteristics in terms of material, height and mass density.

The aesthetic feature of the “closed - open” space characteristic is associated with the manifestation of the properties of the material fence and pieces of equipment. The figurative and emotional feelings reflect contrasting ideas about the naturalness of nature and the intimacy of the room. This affects the choice of scale of shapes, types of material, lighting method, type of decor, and so on.

Internal space is the reality for which buildings are created. The designer organizes the interior space of a residential building in accordance with the specific needs of people using various material structures - load-bearing supports, external walls, partitions, ceilings and coverings. The combination of structural elements that limit and enclose space is perceived from the outside as the volume of the building, and from the inside as the interior of the home. In the interior composition, types of spatial form are distinguished - space, volume and plane, with which the architect forms the internal living space.

The volumetric-spatial composition of the interior is a system of interaction between space and the forms enclosing it. The shape of the volume of a residential building depends on its internal spaces, and vice versa, the internal spaces of the house dictate its volumetric shape. The initial measure for determining the required spatial dimensions of residential premises is the person. In accordance with this general measure, the dimensions of the premises, interior details and equipment are selected.

The most used form of element for constructing architectural space is a parallelepiped. Rectangular elements are conveniently combined into compact groups and can be easily combined with existing structural systems. Man chose them as the basis for the formation of a home already in early stage development of architecture. A cylinder cannot be combined with other cylinders in a horizontal plane without loss of space. The sphere cannot be repeated when the composition develops in height. Spatial forms limited to curved surfaces are not applicable to structures that are created from repeating cells. Their use is effective in special cases, for the formation of single large spaces.

The principle of functional zoning of a room plays a significant role for public spaces with a single space.

When designing large public buildings, public and public shopping centers, characterized by a wide variety of internal spaces, it is advisable to carry out so-called functional zoning, that is, dividing into zones from homogeneous groups of premises, based on the commonality of their functional purpose and internal relationships.

There are two types of functional zoning: horizontal and vertical. In the first case, all internal spaces are located, as a rule, in a horizontal plane and are united mainly by horizontal communications (corridors, galleries, pedestrian platforms). In the second, the internal spaces are arranged in levels (tiers) and are connected to each other, as a rule, by vertical communications (stairs, elevators, escalators, etc.), which are the main ones here.

Functional zoning is carried out on the basis of the general idea of ​​architectural and planning composition and functional and technological organization of the premises of a large public building or complex. Functional zoning brings a certain clarity to the architectural and planning solution, helping to clarify compositional and structural schemes.

Vertical zoning, compared to horizontal zoning, is in some cases a more progressive spatial and functional organization of large public buildings and complexes.

The basis of the planning and spatial solution for the interior of an apartment is the principle of its functional zoning. The multifunctionality of the premises, caused by family dynamics and changing needs, necessitated flexibility and variation in the structural elements of the apartment. In this regard, new methods of creating an interior have emerged.

In achieving the compositional unity of the interior, such means as laconicism, moderation in the use of convenience items and color schemes, the absence of complex profiles, the integrity of the internal spaces of various zones, the introduction of elements of living nature into the interior, etc. have been established. The organization of the interior with the disclosure of the internal space to the environment has a healing value , increases the comfort of the apartment and is a means of emotional and artistic influence.

An important means of interior composition are the decorative and artistic properties of materials; color is of particular importance. Color, as well as the decorative properties of materials, can enhance the importance of the main thing in the composition, individual important compositional places, achieve harmonization of the entire interior, and change the visual perception of space.

In organizing the interior of an apartment, furniture is of greatest importance. Due to the changes that have occurred in the space-planning solution of apartments, as well as in everyday life, achieving compositional unity of the interior using individual items, or so-called piece furniture, has become impossible. Piece furniture, when each item was a compositionally complete product, did not allow rational use of the apartment area, since the items could not be blocked and required a free zone around them.

The search for a new organization of the interior as a rational and compositionally integral volumetric planning space required a new approach to furniture design. Furniture becomes functional. From individual elements no independent compositional meaning is required. It loses the character of isolated objects, but becomes an element of the complex equipment of the apartment.

Designing the interior of administrative and public buildings is a significant challenge due to the wide variety of their functions. Even in mass-produced buildings of the same type, there must be an individual approach to the organization of interiors.

Formation of the interior of administrative and public buildings requires consistent resolution of a set of requirements. It begins with solving the problems of the architectural system, which consist in the formation of internal space and the establishment of connections between its individual elements. The internal space and its enclosing surfaces are components of the interior. In addition, it includes significant private components: openings, partitions, equipment, furniture, etc. All components must receive such a solution in order to create a unity from many different qualities, a holistic environment that satisfies all human needs.

The demand for an establishment largely depends on how it is decorated and a well-executed interior public place V modern style can significantly increase its popularity. The appearance of photographs of such an interior in a fashionable specialized design magazine leads to an immediate increase in the rating of a restaurant or hotel.

It is clear that the interior of a private house or apartment is created based on the preferences and wishes of the owner. But how to apply public interior in modern style, if it is impossible to predict the changing tastes and moods of society? Designing the interior of a public place is a complex and risky task, because the success of the establishment as a business project will directly depend on it, and the most prominent representatives of this dependence are fashionable nightclubs, discos, SPA salons, sports bars, fitness centers, fashionable restaurants and hotels.

Create modern style in public interiors- the work is labor-intensive and at the same time very interesting for both the designer and the customer. First of all, you need to decide general style And color scheme, whose influence on the opinions of visitors is the most significant. A lot depends on clear compliance with the functional purpose, competent formation of space, correct zoning, good lighting and convenient navigation.

Making out modern public interior it is necessary to remember that a single style of signage and interior is prerequisite success of the enterprise. An interior that combines bright originality, magical appeal and economic practicality is considered complete. The overall impression should evoke only warm positive emotions among guests, and then the attendance and success of this place will steadily grow.

Little subtleties of creating a modern public interior

Our time is characterized by an increased demand for creative author's design public areas, and today civilized, modern interior public place not a luxury, but an urgent necessity. When leaving home, where everything is arranged according to his will, a person subconsciously tries to visit those public places where he will feel no less comfortable. Understanding this trend, owners of boutiques, large offices, representative offices big companies and administrations invite experienced professionals to select the style and interior design.

A variety of styles allows you to choose the most suitable one for your establishment to implement the main idea. Depending on the purpose of the public place, this may be victorian style English men's club or a glamorous public interior of a beauty salon or fitness center.

Naturalists pure materials and a calm interior will certainly interest cold Scandinavian projects, and exotic lovers will like Japanese, Arabic or African motifs in the design. Youth clubs and discos still give preference to the super fashionable “art deco”, “high-tech”, “modern” and “techno”, but there are very interesting options V classic style and even in “ethno”. Only thanks to the non-standard style and fresh modern design newly opened establishments can successfully compete with long-known and promoted rivals.

Safety of public places

Guaranteeing the client an exclusive and recognizable interior of a public place in a modern style, we must not forget that there can be a large crowd of people in the room at the same time. This places a huge moral responsibility on the performer. Cope with redevelopment and all kinds of calculations, reconcile them with modern safety requirements without an architectural education, practical experience and special training is completely unrealistic. Placing the project for development in good hands professional designers and architects, the customer receives a guarantee that all the details will be provided for, and technical requirements complied with.

As a rule, such projects are carried out not by one person, but by a whole team of specialists. Its representatives, having considerable personal experience, continuously monitor the latest trends and attend specialized exhibitions both in our country and abroad. With their help, every feature of the room will be thought out, the expected load will be calculated, and reliable, non-flammable, wear-resistant materials and plumbing will be selected with this in mind.

It is worth admitting that competent design public premises are already half the success. That is why experienced experts strongly recommend involving professionals in the design of public spaces. Competent approach to organization public space, allows you to solve two main problems of any public structure:

  1. Ensure a comfortable stay in the premises for visitors to the establishment. Attractive and ergonomic design will always attract the attention of new customers and encourage regular visitors to return to their favorite place to relax and meet with friends every time;

  2. Create as much as possible functional space to establish efficient work public premises staff. Depending on the specifics of the non-residential space, each square meter usable area is considered from the point of view of the most effective interaction staff with each other and with clients.

Office decoration

The workspace must harmoniously combine several important parameters:

  1. Functionality - will allow you to optimize business processes in the company, ensuring easier interaction between employees;
  2. Practicality is one of the main design requirements non-residential premises, where it is important to maintain order without putting much effort into it;
  3. Aesthetics is especially important if you often have clients or business partners. The floor plan should also communicate the level of the company and ensure the creation of a business atmosphere.

Shops, shopping centers, boutiques

This is where creating an attractive display comes to the fore. The main goal of a commercial space is to present the product in the most favorable light; for this, when decorating the interior of a store, designers use both a set of ready-made tools to increase sales and experiment with new approaches.

Design of public spaces of any kind

Polaris Design specialists also offer all interested clients a study individual design project or assistance in implementation ready-made solutions. Decorating cinemas, hotels and hostels, and other meeting places for end consumers and businesses is our daily work.

The cost of a design project is calculated individually.

Designing the interior of public spaces such as hotels, offices, shops, restaurants, cafes and entertainment clubs is a complex and multifaceted process that requires deep and extensive knowledge, artistic talent, and professional skills. Nowadays, the services of designers and architects involved in the development of interiors of public premises are in great demand, since the success of the business depends on the quality of the design of the premises. Diversity architectural styles, wide choose finishing and building materials, allow you to create truly interesting, complex, impressive interiors.

Studio specialists Elite Interiors Angelika Prudnikova - high-level professionals, bright creative people for whom work is their favorite thing. For us, the creation of a project is a joint creative work of the customer and the architect. Discussion of all stages of design and search non-standard solutions Taking into account your wishes, we will make cooperation with us pleasant and productive.

Office design

Each organization has its own individual style and character: the use of traditional or innovative methods in work, youth and perky disposition or experience and confidence, creativity and freedom of expression or seriousness and restraint. A competent office design should reflect the general mood of the company and the style of its work. One of key points in the development of an office project is the implementation of ergonomic standards. Thanks to enthusiasm and love for work, you can achieve high results, but uncomfortable chairs or tables that interfere with the passage can significantly reduce the level of comfort, and therefore productivity. Office ergonomics is the competent organization of space, which, thanks to a successful planning solution, thoughtful interior design, comfortable furniture and a normal level of illumination, is comfortable enough to carry out work. labor activity.

Styles suitable for creating an office interior can be different: traditional classics, extravagant Loft, luxurious Art Deco, etc. The choice is determined by the wishes of the customer, the project budget and the architect’s vision, to what extent this style The interior design will be close to the general mood and type of activity of the organization.

Design of a cafe, restaurant, bar

To leave a positive impression on visitors, ensure sales volume and increase efficiency - these are the goals pursued by the interior design of a restaurant or cafe. The creative part of the project is determined by the type of premises, market requirements, company goals, legal standards of hygiene, safety and accessibility for people with disabilities. disabilities.

You can attract visitors to the restaurant by creating interesting design interior that makes a certain impression on a person: if it contains any idea or value, then the establishment will definitely cause some kind of emotional reaction in the client. The strength of this reaction will depend on the sensitivity and education of the person, social and cultural conditions. The interior of a cafe or restaurant should be made in a certain style, which makes it recognizable and understandable. The design can reflect the most striking features of the work of famous artists and designers, entire schools and movements, such as cubism, abstract art, art deco, futurism, cultural traditions various countries and localities (Indian, Chinese, Mexican, Japanese, etc.)

Create stylish interior bar, cafe or restaurant that will attract customers and meet all regulatory requirements, can only be done by a professional designer. Bars, restaurants and cafes, the interiors of which were designed by our team of specialists, look original and modern, which ensures a constant flow of visitors.

Design of shops and shopping centers

Every year the number of stores and shopping centers is growing, which increases competition, so entrepreneurs try to win through interesting offers, pricing policy and bright attractive design interior For potential buyers, not only the wide range, quality of goods and reasonable prices are valuable, but also the originality and expressiveness of the store’s interior. Only by providing people with all this can they be transferred to the category of real buyers and regular customers: this rule is unchanged for stores women's clothing, children's goods, sports equipment and equipment, etc.

The design of a premises intended for trade should make the visitor want to buy the products presented, and not repel potential clients excessive magnificence, for example, or illiterate arrangement of goods. When designing a store or shopping center project, you must maintain a balance between beauty and practicality and ensure compliance with all technical standards.

Hotel and inn design

Due to high competition in the hotel business, entrepreneurs have to pay attention in various ways attracting customers: attractive exclusive design of hotels and inns is an important component of success. If it is done on high level and has internal content, i.e. contains a certain idea or value, it will make customers want to stay at this hotel in the future and recommend it to their friends and acquaintances. " Business card"of the hotel, the first thing the visitor will pay attention to is the lobby, so the development of its design should be approached very responsibly: harmonious color palette, quality Decoration Materials, beautiful and comfortable furniture will leave pleasant impression from visitors. Hotel or hotel designer is a difficult, but interesting profession, our experts in this field will create a unique project that will give a great start to your successful business.