Wallpaper for the kitchen (real photo examples). We create a unique design in the kitchen - we combine wallpaper correctly The most stylish and fashionable wallpaper for the kitchen

Wallpaper is good because it does not require careful plastering of the walls, as is required for painting, it hides minor unevenness, and also allows you to correct some shortcomings of the room, for example, a low ceiling or a small area. And they are simply beautiful and can transform even the most boring interior. On the other side, difficult conditions Unfortunately, not every wallpaper can withstand kitchens and frequent cleaning. In addition, this material has a weak point - the seams, which over time begin to peel off and wear out. We will tell you in this material how to choose wallpaper for the kitchen so that it is beautiful, practical and lasts a long time.

Overview of wallpaper types

There are wallpapers different types, but only the following are suitable for decorating kitchen walls:

  • Vinyl (paper/non-woven backing);
  • Non-woven (for painting);
  • Fiberglass wallpaper (also for painting).

Let's look at each of these types in more detail.

Vinyl wallpapers

They consist of two layers - a decorative top layer and a base. The choice of base is simple: it can be either paper or non-woven. The latter is much more suitable for decorating kitchen walls.

  • The non-woven base greatly simplifies wallpapering process, because the glue is applied only to the wall. This means that its consumption is halved, and the canvases do not stretch or shrink when drying (joining the pattern becomes easier). In addition, the non-woven base better levels out small unevenness and cracks in the walls, and also allows you to peel off the wallpaper easily and without residue.

Depending on the top decorative layer, vinyl wallpapers are divided into 4 main types:

  1. Paintable wallpaper made of foam vinyl;
  2. Compact vinyl;
  3. Hard vinyl;
  4. "Kitchen Vinyl"

Wallpaper for painting made of foam vinyl are not suitable for finishing the kitchen, as they are not sufficiently resistant to brush friction, impacts, and scratches. But the other types are worth taking note.

  • Wallpaper made from kitchen vinyl They are attractive because they can withstand wet cleaning with a brush and even cleaning agents. However, such a “super washable” coating is not airtight, which means that a favorable environment for mold can form underneath it. If the walls of the kitchen were once infected with fungus, the room is poorly lit, damp, pipes often leak or the windows sweat, then this option will not work. If you still decide to choose them, then the walls should be pre-treated with an antiseptic primer.
  • Compact vinyl wallpaper They are excellent for the kitchen, as they can withstand light wet cleaning, are resistant to impacts and scratches, their design does not fade in the sun, and their service life is about 10 years. In addition, the price of compact vinyl coating is not high (compared to solid vinyl), and the choice of designs is very large. But they also have a drawback typical of vinyl - lack of breathability. When choosing such wallpaper, you should, firstly, treat the walls with an antiseptic primer, secondly, frequently ventilate the room, and thirdly, make sure that it is not damp, the pipes do not leak, and the windows do not fog up.

  • Solid vinyl wallpaperthe best choice for the kitchen, if you want to wallpaper with a pattern and not paint it. After all, their properties are almost ideal - they are beautiful, durable, can withstand wet cleaning, are resistant to UV rays, and most importantly, they have micropores that will not allow the walls to “bloom” due to, say, accidental flooding. The only drawback is the high price (from 2000 rubles/roll).

Swedish hard vinyl wallpaper

Non-woven wallpaper for painting

The term “non-woven wallpaper” always causes confusion among buyers and even some sellers. For example, non-woven wallpaper is often called any wallpaper on a non-woven basis (whether paper or vinyl). And this name was also assigned to paintable wallpaper made of foam vinyl on a non-woven base, which we talked about a little earlier. But, strictly speaking, paintable wallpaper consisting of 100% non-woven material has the right to be called non-woven.

  • Non-woven wallpaper for painting has no relief and looks more like paper. And this is paper, only improved by adding polymers that bind cellulose.

Why are they needed if they do not have any decorative effect, even in the form of a relief for a simple matting? They come to the rescue when you want to paint the walls, but the base is far from ideal or, for example, when cracks are expected to occur due to shrinkage of a new building.

  • It is very easy to glue non-woven wallpaper, but the joints of the panels can be noticeable even after painting. Do walls painted on a smooth non-woven wall or on a putty wall differ? Yes, quite a bit, but they differ due to the translucent texture of the non-woven fabric. Water-based paints are suitable for painting filizel wallpaper. You can repaint them 4-5 times.

Glass wallpaper

There is no stronger wallpaper than fiberglass, made from a mixture of quartz sand, soda and lime.

  • Glass wallpaper is more resistant to mechanical damage than paintable vinyl ones, and unlike smooth non-woven wallpapers, they have a beautiful relief or pattern. By the way, due to its structure, glass wallpaper visually aligns the walls with small differences. They are not afraid of wet cleaning, are fire-resistant, elastic and hide base defects well. And glass wallpaper can be repainted up to 10 times, that is, twice as often as wallpaper for painting other types.

And a bit more useful information. Some glass wallpaper is already available in color, but it is still possible and advisable to paint it. Paints must be water-based (acrylic, water-dispersion, water-based).

Buyer Information

  1. Before paying for your purchase, be sure to make sure that all rolls came from the same batch (the batch number is indicated on the packaging). Otherwise, despite the same article, color and collection, you will get wallpaper of different colors, which will be very noticeable when hanging the canvases on the wall. By the way, the different colors of wallpaper from different batches is not a defect, but a technical feature of production.
  2. Wallpaper should always be purchased with a 5-10% reserve, which will be useful in case the canvases are damaged during gluing or in the future for local repairs. If you buy wallpaper with a pattern, do not forget to take into account rapport (the step of repeating the pattern).
  3. Keep in mind that it is not necessary to glue wallpaper behind the kitchen unit. But it is desirable that the wallpaper extends 10-15 cm behind the cabinet.
  4. When choosing kitchen wallpaper, read the labeling on the packaging. It is important that they are:
  • Light-resistant - look for the sign of the sun, or better yet the sun with a plus, if the wallpaper is very bright or dark;
  • Moisture resistant - look for at least two waves (they say that the wallpaper is washable and can be wiped with a damp cloth), and preferably three waves (super washable, which can be washed with a mild cleaner);
  • Friction resistant– a wave with a brush indicates that the wallpaper can be washed and rubbed with a brush.

  1. When choosing wallpaper adhesive, be guided by whether it is suitable for your primer and the type of wallpaper you have chosen.
  2. Remember that in the bright lighting of the store, the displayed samples look a little lighter than in real conditions on the kitchen wall of an ordinary city apartment.
  3. When decorating a kitchen, you can combine two types of wallpaper (for example, super-washable “kitchen” wallpaper in the cooking area and hard vinyl wallpaper in the dining area). In this way, you will be able to save on materials and reduce the load on a more expensive coating.
  4. If you like wallpaper that is not wear-resistant, then simply stick it on one wall, away from the stove. For example, in the dining area. It is best to simply paint the remaining walls with a suitable shade or combine them with other wallpaper.

Photo gallery and design tips

  1. Wallpaper with a large, dark or bright and/or very variegated pattern is best glued to only one or two walls. Otherwise, the space will be “overloaded” and visually reduced. It is also desirable that the kitchen interior with bright wallpaper be decorated neutrally.

  1. Walls small kitchen It’s best to simply paint the wallpaper in one tone with light paint or decorate it with wallpaper with a small, dim and unobtrusive print.

The kitchen can rightfully be called the most important place in the house. It is in the kitchen that the keeper of the hearth spends most of her time, where the whole family gathers for dinner, and where guests meet. Wallpaper for walls sets the overall tone for the entire kitchen, harmonizes the space, makes it beautiful and complete. If you decide to update old kitchen or you are renovating a completely new room and don’t know where to start - it’s time to pay attention to the choice of “clothing” for the walls. How to choose wallpaper for the kitchen? Where to start searching?

First of all, you need to decide for what purpose you are choosing kitchen wallpaper:

  • complement the interior and find wallpaper to match kitchen set
  • If you have bright kitchen furniture, choose neutral wallpaper pastel color to place the accents correctly
  • look for wallpaper to make the kitchen space visually larger and larger
  • If you want to create a kitchen in a specific style, you select wallpaper from a specific series, for example, “Provence.”

Having decided on the main purpose of the wallpaper for the kitchen, you should think about what this wallpaper should be like in terms of operation and maintenance:

  • Kitchen wallpaper should be durable and wear-resistant
  • They should not be afraid of moisture and steam, and should be such that they can be cleaned with any detergent without fear of preserving the color and design
  • You should choose these types kitchen wallpaper that do not absorb odors
  • It is advisable to choose fire-resistant wallpaper for the kitchen, because the kitchen is a place of increased fire danger.

You can, of course, combine different materials in the kitchen interior - ceramic tiles, Wall panels, wallpaper of different types, paint and decorative plaster. In this case, it is necessary to choose wallpaper taking into account the specific location where it will be applied.

The choice of wallpaper for the kitchen also depends on the lighting of the room - if available artificial lighting As the main light source, it is better to focus on light shades with an interesting texture. When purchasing wallpaper, do not forget about protruding niches, door and window openings, etc. And, of course, the purchased wallpaper should reflect the individuality of each family member and be the subject of everyone’s choice.

Types of wallpaper

What wallpapers exist and what types are more suitable for the kitchen? Let's try to figure it out.

Paper wallpaper. This type of wallpaper can be considered the pioneer of the wallpaper market. They are environmentally friendly as they are made from pure cellulose. Paper wallpapers are relatively inexpensive and come in a wide range of colors and patterns. Such wallpaper is unlikely to be an ideal option for decorating a kitchen, because it is short-lived and will not withstand wet cleaning.

Modern style decision applications paper wallpaper In the kitchen interior, they began to be used in the apron area. You can choose wallpaper of any design and cover your work area with it, placing the paper wallpaper under a sheet of fireproof glass the right size. This design option looks very unusual, but at the same time practical, and will definitely not go unnoticed by guests. In addition, a kitchen apron made of paper wallpaper under heat-resistant glass - inexpensive option, in contrast to the design ceramic tiles or similar glass with photo printing.

Another option for using paper wallpaper in the kitchen is to use it in areas of least pollution (for example, in the dining room). The areas around the sink, refrigerator, and stove can be tiled. Such a renovation will look decent and will be quite economical for the family budget.

Non-woven wallpaper. This is a so-called cellulose-based non-woven backing for tinting. Non-woven wallpaper is more durable than paper wallpaper and is superior in its performance characteristics.

This type of wallpaper has the following positive properties:

  • They are easy to glue: you can apply glue only to the wall, you don’t need to cover the wallpaper, which is very convenient;
  • Non-woven wallpaper is not afraid of water - it can be washed;
  • They are breathable, which means mold and mildew are not harmful to your kitchen;
  • This type of wallpaper is considered fire-resistant;
  • In addition, they are thick enough, so they can be applied even to rough walls;
  • This type of wallpaper does not fade in the sun for a long time;
  • Yes, and you can paint non-woven wallpaper several times.

The disadvantages include relief surface such wallpaper, so dust can often accumulate there. The top layer of non-woven wallpaper is easy to damage; it is unlikely to be suitable for families with small children and pets.

Vinyl wallpapers. This is wallpaper that also contains cellulose, but is distinguished by a special top vinyl layer. There are several types of vinyl wallpaper: foam vinyl, smooth vinyl, silkscreen and hard vinyl. Only foamed vinyl is not suitable for kitchen renovations due to the lack of its properties such as moisture resistance; other types of vinyl wallpaper are quite suitable for kitchen interiors.

Vinyl wallpaper has many advantages: they are very wear-resistant - they can be rubbed without fear of damage. Such wallpaper will hide the unevenness of the walls, and they will not fade in the sun. The range of vinyl wallpapers is very wide: you can choose wallpapers to suit every taste, even types that imitate wood and snakeskin.

Unfortunately, vinyl wallpaper is not without its drawbacks. They demand additional processing walls with antifungal compounds before wallpapering, since they do not allow air to pass through at all. Vinyl wallpaper is quite difficult to glue - it is necessary to apply glue both to the wall and to the canvas itself, which can lead to excessive wetting of the wallpaper, and it can easily tear. If you are new to wallpapering, it is better to use the services of professionals. In addition, vinyl wallpapers are expensive.

Glass wallpaper. Glass wallpaper is recognized as a higher quality, “breathable” type of wallpaper. This is the most durable wallpaper, well masking small cracks. Fiberglass wallpaper is fireproof and moisture resistant. They are hypoallergenic. Fiberglass wallpaper is a paintable wallpaper option. They can be painted up to 15 times with water-based or acrylic paint. And thanks to the relief texture in the form of diamonds, twigs, and all kinds of patterns, you can choose perfect option for any kitchen.

Liquid wallpaper. A type of wallpaper that has appeared relatively recently on the construction market, which can hardly be called wallpaper. On the wall, liquid wallpaper looks more like fabric or wood, and is even applied like plaster.

Liquid wallpaper is easy to “stick”, does not require additional preparation of the walls, and can hide significant surface defects. This type of wall finishing allows you to lay the covering without joints.

In the kitchen, liquid wallpaper should be used with caution - they are afraid of moisture, so you should not use them in the work area, next to the sink.

Fabric wallpaper. This type of wallpaper is very beautiful and certainly looks luxurious. Only in the kitchen should they be used when decorating the dining area and as a decorative element in limited quantities, since such wallpaper cannot be washed and it absorbs odors.

Among modern models can be distinguished metallic wallpaper. The basis for this type of wallpaper is porous paper and aluminum foil. These wallpapers look unusual and stylish.

Relatively recently, cork wallpaper. Their base is usually paper or non-woven. You can care for cork wallpaper using a sponge and water with any detergent. According to the manufacturer, such wallpaper will last about 20 years. The only disadvantage of cork wallpaper is its limited color palette from dark brown to light brown. Moreover, the cost of this type of wallpaper is very high.

More and more wallpaper manufacturers recommend choosing washable options for the kitchen on a non-woven basis or based on fiberglass. Thus, with a huge variety of wallpaper types, everyone can choose an option to their liking and budget.

What color wallpaper will look good in a small kitchen? What wallpaper should I choose for a light green headset? How to harmoniously choose two colors for wall decor? A million questions arise in the mind of a person planning a kitchen renovation. Having decided on the type of wallpaper, you should begin choosing the color and texture of the material.

When choosing wallpaper, you should be guided by the following basic rules:

  1. It is not recommended to combine wallpapers of different prices. Choose wallpaper from one material price segment
  2. The wallpaper should be in harmony with the kitchen furniture - with the facades of the kitchen unit, the color household appliances
  3. It is better to choose wallpaper of the same width, this way it is much better to minimize the joints.

One of the main features when choosing the color of wallpaper for the kitchen is its combination with the kitchen set. So, for a kitchen in the trendy green color today, wallpapers that are neutral in color are ideal: milky, beige, light gray. Of course, the choice directly depends on the shade of green that you have chosen for the kitchen set - the color of young greenery, mint, pistachio or a rich light green color.

It is not forbidden to choose white wallpaper to match a white kitchen, but be sure to use wallpaper with a pattern or a bright design so that the interior does not seem boring. This can be wallpaper with a corrugated pattern in a geometric, vintage style, wallpaper with bright pattern- flowers, animal or plant print.

A successful combination could be combining white wallpaper with colored wallpaper in the Gzhel style or photo wallpaper with beautiful natural, animal motifs, and seascapes.

Also, white kitchen furniture can be diluted with bright colored wallpaper: natural green, stylish lilac, appetizing red (but you should be careful with this color - its excess can cause aggression). The combination can be beautiful and warm white headset with cocoa-colored wallpaper.

Brown kitchen can be presented as classic color wood, and with the help of modern laminated facades in high-tech style. Brown color is considered natural, so the same natural shades of wallpaper will suit it: pastel, beige, creamy, chocolate, green, coffee colors, etc. Chocolate colors and shades of beige will add warmth and softness to a brown kitchen. Coffee wallpaper will bring peace of mind and harmony to the interior. An interesting style solution for brown kitchen red wallpaper will appear, it will bring brightness and love of life into the kitchen and will be well suited for young, ambitious people.

For a beige kitchen, designers advise choosing wallpaper in a natural shade; darker-colored furniture – chocolate, wallpaper with imitation wood. If you want to keep the entire kitchen in beige tones, you should choose wallpaper with an interesting texture. Beige furniture kitchens look beautiful with colors such as lavender, cornflower blue, pistachio, and blue. You can use both plain wallpaper and wallpaper with color prints in small flower or geometric pattern.

When combining wallpaper, the main options are vertical and horizontal zoning of space.

Vertical division of the room will help make it visually higher, as if raising the ceiling line. For this method, use appropriate wallpaper with vertical stripes, placing them in the center of one wall or completely covering the entire wall. You can use wallpaper with stripes of the same color, or colored ones in combination with plain textures.

Wallpaper in horizontal stripe are able to give the room a decent width. You can combine wallpaper with horizontal stripes, placing them at the bottom, with plain wallpaper or in small drawing located at the top of the wall.

Brave and interesting solution would be the use of photo wallpaper with large bright objects, highlighting an accent wall with rich red wallpaper, orange flowers. This interior design is applicable only for relatively large kitchen-dining areas.

Wallpaper with imitation is ideal for a loft-style kitchen. brickwork or bare plaster - the effect of an uninhabited wild room is at the peak of popularity among interior design ideas today.


For a small kitchen, designers advise choosing light wallpaper, which significantly expands the space. But you shouldn’t make the kitchen a pristine white color, it will turn out uncomfortable, and besides, for a small room, such a sterile renovation requires frequent cleaning.

There’s a new entry in my diary as an aspiring designer: I want to renovate the kitchen. So that this room really becomes the most favorite place for the whole family, so that we rush not to the TV, but here, to talk over a cup of tea. I believe that it is quite possible to bring this idea to life.

Pay attention to the quality of the wallpaper

Paint or glue? An almost Shakespearean question is probably tormenting more than just me. Painted walls, in my opinion, will look gloomy in the kitchen. Or at least too pretentious. It was as if she had come to the museum and not to drink tea. Wallpaper is a more common option for wall decoration. Plus, it's affordable and has limitless decorative potential. Modern wallpaper for the kitchen is designed to put an end to the monotony and facelessness of the walls; they help create exactly the atmosphere that the owners want to “settle” in their apartment.

So, it was decided: we will glue the wallpaper. What should you think about first?

  1. Density. This is an indicator of strength and durability. Thick wallpaper has fewer barely noticeable pores, where dust and grease usually accumulate.
  2. Light resistance. High-quality wallpaper should not fade in the sun or change its pattern under the influence of heat from a stove.
  3. Steam and waterproof. Moisture from evaporation should dry quickly, and any dirt from the walls should be removed without effort.

Vinyl wallpaper for the kitchen is a great option

The last point especially applies to kitchens where work zone is not equipped with a so-called “apron” - a special panel along the stove, table and sink. It is these areas that are at high risk of contamination during the cooking process. Therefore, in this case, it makes sense to use washable wallpaper for the kitchen.

These wallpapers cost from 600 rubles, and you can order them with free delivery.

They are also suitable for , which is often used for cooking. Here, small troubles in the form of stains simply cannot be avoided, so it is better to hang washable wallpaper on a non-woven base coated with vinyl. This is “heavy artillery” that will withstand temperature changes and drawing using the chocolate technique, which children often experiment with.

Vinyl wallpaper for the kitchen is simply a brilliant find. Although designers do not consider this type of wall decoration ideal, it is still the most successful. After all, they don’t absorb odors and look very impressive. No one forbids lovers of extravagant style from experimenting and using “vinyl” in two colors to visually divide the kitchen into a dining room and the hostess’s work area.

The most fashionable patterns for modern kitchens

The photo catalog, which is available in any building materials store, will help you choose the right wallpaper for the kitchen. But before you make your final choice, think about what kind of atmosphere you want to create in your kitchen. To realize my idea - oh warm room For a family tea party that would truly become the heart of my home, a sophisticated decor with a floral print will do.

A universal option is striped wallpaper or a simple geometric pattern. This wall decoration is in harmony with the classic and vintage style of kitchen design. It's this, you know, cozy charm, as if you were in country house. But don't take my words literally! No, this design is not last century, but just a kind of pleasant nostalgia.

Wallpaper in dark tones with large patterns will look great in a high-tech kitchen. For example, giant circles or with intricacies of contrasting patterns. Imitation of stonework and stylish graffiti are also in fashion.

Do you want something catchy and shocking? Use photo panels or wallpaper for the kitchen with antique themes, with a gilded effect and artistic painting. I can also recommend an urban landscape or a black and white, win-win, trendy classic.

It will be very original if you select small but eloquent details for the wallpaper. For example, I managed to find plates with the same pattern as on the wallpaper that I had already chosen for my kitchen. You can also experiment with curtains, chandelier lampshades, wall clock, stained glass on cabinet doors. Imagine! Good luck building your dream kitchen!

Photo catalog of wallpaper for the kitchen

In the process of selecting materials for walls, you must:

  • Increased resistance to humidity.Give preference to wallpaper that has the properties to repel water.
  • Select washable ones that are easy to care for and do not deteriorate the aesthetic characteristics of the wallpaper during use. From their surface without special labor are deleted fromices of fat, oil or other products.
  • Vapor-permeable ones have a breathable structure, which prevents the accumulation of fungus on the walls.
  • Does not contain elements that tend to absorb odors.

Gray wallpaper with a floral pattern for a stylish kitchen

Possible options:

  • Vinyl on non-woven base. Characterized by neat appearance and serve for a long time, are able to hide imperfections in the wall surface.
  • Washable, on which a special composition is applied that prevents moisture from affecting the surface. Caring for them is not difficult - just wipe the dirty areas with gentle cleaning agents.
  • Compact vinyl. Thanks to a special manufacturing method (hot stamping), the material is wear-resistant and can withstand soft cleaning brush, detergents etc. In this case, the structure of the coating will not be damaged.
  • Non-woven, intended for painting. They are perfect when you need to hide wall defects, and also provide an opportunity to refresh the interior from time to time by repainting the walls in new colors.
  • Paper with water-repellent impregnation. Quite varied in style, affordable, but their service life does not exceed 3-4 years. Before gluing, it is important to carefully level and prepare the walls.
  • Photo wallpaper. Become excellent option room decor, you can use any images.
  • Silkscreen printing. This coating will retain its properties for a long time. original appearance without changing color or texture. This option will emphasize your originality, aristocracy, and will favorably transform your kitchen space.

White-gray wallpaper with flowers in the interior of a modern kitchen

Many people choose wallpaper as a material for covering walls not only in rooms, but also in the kitchen. This is explained by the ease of gluing them and relative affordability.

In the wallpaper catalog website in Moscow you will find interesting options of any style (classic, Provence, imitation brick, marble, etc.) and type (non-woven, vinyl, glass wallpaper).


Parfenyuk Konstantin

Combining wallpaper in the kitchen is not only original way decorating the walls, and also a great opportunity to divide the room into functional zones and correct the not very successful geometry of the room: “raise” low ceilings, “push” the walls, add light and space. Sometimes just one bright light is enough design solution so that the kitchen interior is completely transformed and sparkles with new colors. The combination of wallpaper of different textures and colors is one of the most affordable and simple ways registration internal space kitchens.

Combining wallpaper in the kitchen is one of the most common design methods.

What is good about combining wallpaper in the kitchen?

  • Allows you to hide planning flaws and wall defects: too high or low ceilings, small area, disproportionate ratio of the width and length of the room.
  • Using combinations, it is simple and convenient to divide a room into functional zones, which is especially important for a studio layout. Visual separation of working and dining area It will be appropriate even in a small kitchen.
  • By correctly combining wallpaper in adjacent rooms, you can visually combine them, while maintaining the individuality and independence of each individual.
  • Perfectly dilutes the monotony of the situation, giving the kitchen interior dynamics.
  • Allows you to visually highlight one of the kitchen walls, making it an accent wall.
  • Combination techniques make it possible to draw attention to the highlights of the kitchen layout: bay windows, niches, columns, etc.

The rules for combining wallpaper in the kitchen interior are simple and effective.

Basic rules for combining wallpaper in the kitchen interior

  • You should not combine luxury and cheap wallpaper. Wallpapers of the same quality and price category, differing in color and texture: matte and glossy, smooth and rough.
  • For combining, it is advisable to select wallpaper of the same thickness, which will avoid problems with joining and selection of edging.
  • The chosen option for combining wallpaper should be in harmony with the style of the kitchen, and also fully reflect the specifics and purpose of this room.
  • To avoid kitsch and create the most harmonious atmosphere in the kitchen, try to select wallpaper with overlapping design elements: a single ornamental style, different shades of the same color.
  • Bright large-format panels are recommended to be balanced plain wallpaper or wallpaper with a small, discreet pattern.
  • Floral patterns go well with wood patterns and textures.
  • Geometric motifs combine perfectly with abstractions.
  • It is recommended to combine active, saturated colors with muted neutrals.

The combination of two similar colors in the interior is considered a win-win option for the kitchen.

Design techniques for combining wallpaper in the kitchen

  • Vertical stripe alternation

Combining wallpaper by alternating vertical stripes will help “raise” a hanging ceiling or make a kitchen that is too narrow and elongated more proportional. This type of layout is quite common in old panel houses.

Options for vertical wall division with wallpaper:

  • Symmetrical - on both sides in the center of the room we paste the walls with wide bright stripes of wallpaper. Contrasting colors are perfect for this role. This one is simple design technique creates interesting optical illusion: The length of the room will appear equal to the width of the stripes, which will help visually balance the proportions of the length and width of the kitchen.
  • Asymmetrical - one of the walls, as in the previous version, is pasted with a wide bright strip of wallpaper in the center, while bright stripes are glued in the far corner of the opposite wall different widths. This technique will help not only to visually shorten and expand an overly long and narrow room, but will also add dynamics to the kitchen interior.

Vertical alternation of plain stripes and stripes with a pattern can visually expand the space and increase the height of the room

Vertical combination of wallpaper in the kitchen is a great way to avoid monotony in a monochrome interior by alternating stripes of different shades of the same color, one after another, or one after two. The gradation of shades will be visually perceived as a bizarre play of shadows.

You should be more careful with contrasting combinations so that they do not turn out to be too aggressive and intrusive. If the combination of green and crimson or red and blue seems too bold to you, it is better to stick to classic contrasts: black-white, black-red, golden-blue.

In another interior, this insert might seem boring and inappropriate, but in this one, on the contrary, it adds a frivolous touch.

If the kitchen design includes two contrasting walls, vertically alternating wallpaper on one of the adjacent walls will help “erase” the sharp edge, creating a smooth transition.

Horizontal division of walls

In rooms with high ceilings, professional decorators often resort to classical technique decoration and visual transformation of space - dividing walls horizontally. Two or three alternating horizontal stripes balance the vertical plane. This technique works great in all styles. A favorite design trick is to combine cork or wood panels with regular paint or wallpaper. However, the simplest and most universal way to horizontally divide walls is to alternate strips of wallpaper that differ in color, texture or ornament, but certainly echo each other with one or another design element. It is customary to divide the height of the wall in a ratio of 1:2, with the width of the lower strip being predominantly inferior to the upper one, and not vice versa, although other options are possible.

Horizontal division of walls using a border is very effective decorative technique for creating luxurious interior

Classic combinations of wallpaper combinations horizontally:

  • The bottom is in a small pattern or plain, the top is wallpaper with monograms, large flowers, or stripes.
  • Striped bottom with a plain top or with a small pattern.
  • A bottom with a large floral pattern or monograms, complemented by a plain top or vice versa.

Plain wallpaper on top and matching wallpaper with a simple pattern on the bottom, separated by a themed border, look cute and attractive

Tying the “horizon” to the height of the window sill will help make the work much easier. Bottom part two-thirds the height of the room will be appropriate for very high ceilings. To combine, you can use wallpaper of similar shades or contrasting ones. This technique works great with different textures of wallpaper. For example, finishing the bottom with embossed vinyl wallpaper under plaster, the top can be made softer and warmer using textile or cork wallpaper. At the joints, a border, molding or dividing strip is placed as a decorative line.

  • Accent wall

IN Lately In kitchen interior design, it has become fashionable to make just one of the walls of the room bright and elegant. An accent wall is a great solution for lovers bright colors. However, before deciding to take such a bold and daring step, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons. By highlighting one of the walls with bright wallpaper, you risk introducing an imbalance into the composition of the room, and it will be perceived as skewed. Using elements of furniture and decor that match the color of the opposite wall will help restore balance and correct proportions. accent wall.

To liven up an achromatic interior, you can use an accent wall with wallpaper of a different color.

As a rule, to decorate an accent wall, wallpapers of bright, saturated colors are used, which create a certain mood in the room, having a powerful impact on the emotional and mental condition. That is why the selection of color or its shade for an accent wall should be approached with particular scrupulousness. Do not forget that you will have to work and live in the created environment.

Bright photo wallpaper became a real “highlight” of this discreet and elegant bright interior

If the kitchen is too elongated in length (a kind of “tram effect”), this layout flaw can be corrected by turning the far wall into an accent wall. A tone that is contrasting with the background or simply more intense will visually “bring it closer”, thereby visually shortening the length of the room.

A black wall with unusual stylish designs makes a completely standard interior unique and inimitable

Creating an accent wall is a great way to break up the monotony of an achromatic or monochrome kitchen, zone a space, or simply draw attention to an interesting object or interior composition, such as a fireplace or painting.

  • Emphasis on architectural highlights

Instead of hiding and disguising all sorts of niches and protrusions, try going the opposite way - highlight them with wallpaper that differs in color or texture from the background, thereby turning them into piquant architectural highlights. By covering niches or ledges with wallpaper in contrasting shades, you can create very original interior accents and make your kitchen sparkle with new colors.

Against the background of colorful walls, a white half-column or other design detail will successfully perform the function of zoning a room

The creation of a harmonious environment will be facilitated by finishing niches and ledges with wallpaper that matches the color of the kitchen set. Against the background of a snow-white wall, a black-and-gray, bright red niche or wallpapered with wallpaper of any other rich color will look great; a sky-blue wall will be perfectly complemented by a peach or yellow protrusion, while a piquant addition for a pink room will be light green or green color.

The emphasis on architectural highlights in this interior allows you to achieve an interesting decorative effect

Even if the room is devoid of any architectural features, highlighting separate part smooth wall with contrasting wallpaper, you can:

  • Wallpaper inserts: wallpaper as an art object

Decorating the kitchen interior with wallpaper inserts involves working on top existing finishes, i.e. The walls of the room must be previously wallpapered or painted. There is absolutely nothing complicated about this combination technique. It is advisable to make inserts from thick, massive wallpaper, preferably on a non-woven basis. Inserts are selected in various sizes and shapes; they can either contrast with the general background of the walls or echo it in color, texture or ornament.

Wallpaper inserts: wallpaper as an art object looks appropriate and attractive in this interior, but if it covered the walls completely, it would look tacky and annoying

Bright splashes with floral prints, monograms, geometric shapes, abstractions or thematic kitchen and gastronomic motifs look most advantageous on a monochromatic background. Classic interiors are characterized by framing the inserts with borders, moldings or slats. The Baroque style assumes the presence of frame structures of square or rectangular shape. Complex geometric shapes will be an organic complement to neoclassicism and avant-garde.

  • Wallpaper patchwork: patchwork combination

A very unusual way to decorate kitchen walls is a patchwork combination of wallpaper or the so-called wallpaper patchwork. Remember colorful quilts? Something similar can be implemented on the walls of the kitchen. This option will certainly appeal to those who find it difficult to choose just one sample of wallpaper from the widest range available on the market.

Patchwork wallpaper combination in the kitchen is a task that can be accomplished experienced designer or a person with an innate sense of style and proportion

Despite all its colorful playfulness and childish naivety, the patchwork technique of combining is one of the most difficult. Firstly, in the case of patchwork, you will have to work not with large pieces of wallpaper, but with “rags”, which will take much more time and require a lot of patience. Secondly, you need to be able to select materials that can be combined into a harmonious integral composition, and not a kitschy “miracle with feathers and a bow on the side,” although perhaps this miracle will become your strong point, who knows. Risk is a noble thing, but if you are not confident in your design genius, it is better to play it safe: select materials that combine with each other.

A patchwork of wallpaper in a kitchen interior can become the main decorative element

To avoid purely technical problems with pasting and joining, choose wallpaper of the same type, for example, vinyl on paper based. It’s great if the wallpaper is from the same collection with overlapping motifs. You can take “rags” of different colors, the main thing is that they are united by texture, pattern or ornament. Wallpapers of different shades of the same color and texture, for example, purple, lilac, lilac and eggplant, will be perfectly combined.

Photo options for combining kitchen wallpaper

Luxurious embossed wallpaper with an exquisite pattern looks even more respectable against a simple light background

An accent wall in the kitchen interior, located in the dining area, attracts the attention of guests in the calm atmosphere of this kitchen

Volumetric wallpaper inserts give this spacious kitchen... simple interior more attractive look

An accent wall in a contrasting kitchen serves not only as a backdrop for the dining area, but also as an important decorative element

In this sweet and cozy kitchen V rustic style the main emphasis is on the design of planning details

Combining wallpaper in a classic interior usually involves using a single color range

Usage different styles wallpaper in one room allows you to get an interesting and effective result

Using photo wallpaper with a non-trivial plot is an excellent opportunity to create unique interior in the kitchen

A common way of interior design is alternating vertical stripes.

Stylish bright wallpaper will be created in the dining area good mood and will give you energy for the whole day

In the interior, stylized as rustic, used unusual option horizontal division of walls

The combination of lighter wallpaper on top and darker wallpaper on the bottom usually fits harmoniously into the interior

An accent wall with a macro image in the kitchen interior always looks unusual and stylish

Contrasting wallpaper with an interesting pattern can easily cope with the role of a decorative element of the interior.

Contrasting black and white wall this kitchen emphasizes the brightness and cheerfulness of the yellow kitchen set

Interesting option kitchen decoration with wallpaper different colors background and the same pattern

In order to fully appreciate the decorative effect of this wallpaper, you need both space and correct lighting

A simple pattern on a light background does not require any special conditions and goes well with any plain wallpaper

Unusual wallpaper with complex and beautiful pattern will fully reveal their decorative possibilities only in appropriate circumstances

An accent wall, echoing the color of the kitchen unit, perfectly serves as a background in this kitchen.

A win-win option for the kitchen is the choice of beige or brown colors as the basis of the interior

This kitchen uses the standard method of horizontal division, but more dark color selected for the top of the walls

The same pattern on a different background creates an unusual visual effect

In a light and spacious kitchen, contrasting inserts look perfect