Mtusi lists of students on a paid basis. Rules for admission to the paid department. Enrollment deadlines for correspondence courses

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Latest MTUSI reviews

Anonymous review 17:10 10/02/2019

Anna Denisova 09:55 08/02/2019

In 2019, there was an influx in IT areas. Rating lists On August 1st they were not updated at all since 7 am. As a result, at 5 p.m. About 500 applicants rushed to submit consent for enrollment after seeing the low passing scores.

99% of them flew by.

The members of the selection committee cannot say anything - “we know as much as you do.”

Gallery MTUSI

general information

Order of the Red Banner of Labor federal state budget educational institution higher education"Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics"

MTUSI branches

MTUSI colleges

  • College Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics
  • College Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics - in Nizhny Novgorod


No. 02103 valid indefinitely from 04/21/2016


No. 02631 valid from 06/29/2017

Previous names of MTUSI

  • Moscow Electrotechnical Institute of Public Communications named after. V.N. Podbelsky
  • Moscow Institute of Communications Engineers
  • Moscow Electrotechnical Institute of Communications
  • Moscow Institute of Communications

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for MTUCI

Index2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014
Performance indicator (out of 5 points)4 5 5 5 3 6
Average Unified State Examination score for all specialties and forms of study66.39 64.7 60.9 59.50 63.25 66.52
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on the budget73.03 69.94 64.02 62.29 66.45 70.38
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on a commercial basis60.62 54.1 53.17 50.19 49.39 55.98
Average minimum Unified State Exam score for all specialties for full-time students enrolled43.79 41.66 43.73 45.24 41.25 49.28
Number of students5259 4825 5341 5174 5142 5493
Full-time department3138 2892 2997 2589 3114 3447
Part-time department90 62 54 172 0 0
Extramural2031 1871 2290 2413 2028 2046
All data Report Report Report Report Report Report

University Reviews

Connection, information Technology, infocommunications are the most dynamic, technological and promising sectors of the national economy


Today, Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics is one of the largest universities in Russia for training and retraining highly qualified specialists in the field of information and telecommunication technologies. Masters of their craft are graduated from the university every year, and training is carried out in more than 60 educational programs implemented within such faculties as: “Networks and Communication Systems”, “Information Technologies”, “Radio and Television”, “Digital Economy and Mass Communications” , “Correspondence Faculty”, etc. The field of knowledge acquired by MTUSI students is wide, including modern radio communications, video information technology, digital television technologies, Information Security and the fight against cybercrime, programming, next generation telecommunication network technologies, innovations in communications and microelectronics, infocommunication technologies and information society services, economics of the communications industry.

Departments and laboratories of MTUCI

More than 9,000 students study full-time and part-time at the university. MTUCI conducts hearings on a wide variety of courses in various specialties; there is the possibility of obtaining a second education or preparatory courses for entering a university. Students are trained at 40 departments of MTUCI, with 9 of them being basic departments of research institutes and major companies in the communications industry, which allows students to easily find a job in their specialty upon graduation. For example, in 2012, the Department of Networks and Fixed Communication Systems was opened jointly with PJSC Rostelecom. And in 2017, an Agreement was signed with the 1C company on the creation of a basic department of Corporate Information Systems at the university and an Agreement on cooperation and strategic partnership in the field of education with Kaspersky Lab.

Thanks to cooperation with well-known companies, the laboratories of all departments of the university are equipped with the latest technology, and the level of student training is constantly being improved in order to keep up with the times.

In the departments and laboratories of the university’s research center, developments related to mobile communications, as well as with television and radio communications. These studies are sponsored by both domestic enterprises and world-famous companies. They allow students to put the knowledge gained in lectures into practice, and, therefore, gain a deeper understanding of their specialty. Based on the results of such work, students and graduate students of MTUCI successfully defend master's, doctoral and candidate's dissertations, which are then used in other Russian universities to train students.

MTUSI and the international university community

The main principle of the university is its participation in the development of information communications in Russia and their promotion throughout the world. Thanks to this, MTUCI seeks to strengthen the country's authority and contribute to improving its economic situation. Thus, within the walls of the university, students will not only be able to receive necessary knowledge, but will also be able to use them to increase Russia’s authority on an international scale.

It is for this purpose that three interconnected processes are combined at MTUSI - study, science and production. For this purpose, a Technopark was created there, which geographically united the university itself and some firms and enterprises. It includes:

  • Training centers of various foreign companies, famous all over the world;
  • Centers for testing and subsequent certification of various telecommunications equipment; equipment design bureau;
  • Office for supply to the university necessary materials, transport, repair, publishing and many other enterprises that work in the interests of the university.

MTUCI tries to maintain friendly and partnerships with many universities around the world. This partnership is supported by agreements with 49 universities and 16 companies and organizations from 46 countries around the world. Thanks to such close cooperation, about 200 students, teachers and graduate students of the university annually participate in exchange programs with universities in Poland, Germany, Slovakia, Great Britain and China.

student life

The life of a student is not only about studying, sessions, lectures, exams, tests, and research. A huge part of student life is outside the departments and classrooms. That is why on the territory of MTUSI it is held educational work, thanks to which students can discover their other talents. They play KVN, sing and dance, and also compete with each other in a variety of fun competitions, create fascinating videos about university life, and maintain their own website. And since there is a saying: “In healthy body- healthy mind", then at the university there are many sports sections, whose participants take first places in competitions with other universities. Well, in the summer, MTUSI students can have a great time and make closer friends in a sports and recreation camp located on the banks of the Oka River.

About admission to study, the applicant submits:
- document(s) proving identity, citizenship;
- a standard document on education or education and qualifications (certificate/diploma);
- document(s) confirming a special right or advantage upon admission (if any);
- 2 photographs measuring 3x4 cm (for those taking entrance tests, conducted by SCF MTUCI independently);
- copy work book or a certificate from the place of work (for applicants for full-time training);
- other documents (submitted at the discretion of the applicant).

Deadlines for accepting documents:

Full-time education

June 13 - July 15 (for persons entering SKF MTUCI based on the results of entrance tests conducted by the university independently, for places within the admission target numbers)
June 13 - July 26 (for persons entering the SCF MTUCI only by Unified State Exam results, to places within the admission control numbers)
June 13 - August 12 (for persons entering SCF MTUCI under agreements for the provision of paid educational services)

Extramural studies

March 1 - August 12 (for persons entering SKF MTUCI based on the results of entrance tests conducted by the university independently or based on the results of the Unified State Examination)
Entrance tests conducted by SKF MTUCI independently are carried out in three streams: from March 12 to March 17, 2019; from July 15 to July 20, 2019; from 12 to 16 August 2019

How to submit documents?

First option: in person

Reception of documents will be carried out from June 13, 2018 at the premises of the admissions committee at the address: st. Serafimovicha 62, room No. 105, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on weekdays, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday.
The executive secretary of the selection committee is Sergey Arkadyevich Dokuchaev.
Phone: 262-04-76.

Second option: by mail

Documents submitted to SCF MTUCI can be sent by post to the following address:
344002, Rostov-on-Don, st. Serafimovicha 62, Admissions Committee.

Third option: email

To send documents by email priem@site. necessary:
1) Download and fill out the application form, certify it with signatures.
2) Send copies of your passport, certificate/diploma in .pdf format (no other format (jpg, jpeg, bmp, etc.) is valid).
3) Send a 3x4 photo in jpeg format (for those taking entrance tests conducted by SKF MTUCI independently)

Fourth option: via the Internet

Applicants who have passed the Unified State Exam can submit an application for admission to the SCF MTUCI on the website of the head university of MTUCI!register_skf

Deadlines for enrollment in full-time study at places within the admission target numbers:

July 27, 2019

July 28, 2019

July 29, 2019

b) the first stage of enrollment according to the general competition:

August 1, 2019 — acceptance of applications for consent to enrollment from persons included in the lists of applicants for the main competitive places and wishing to be enrolled at the first stage of enrollment in the main competitive places is completed;

within each list of applicants, persons who have submitted an application for consent to enrollment are allocated until 80% of the main competitive places are filled (taking into account rounding up);

August 3, 2019 - an order(s) is issued for the enrollment of persons who have submitted an application for consent to enrollment until 80% of the main competitive places are filled;

c) the second stage of admission according to the general competition:

6 August 2019 - acceptance of applications for consent to enrollment from persons included in the lists of applicants for the main competitive places is completed;

within each list of applicants, persons who have submitted an application for consent to enrollment are allocated until 100% of the main competitive places are filled;

August 8, 2019 - an order(s) is issued for the enrollment of persons who have submitted an application for consent to enrollment until 100% of the main competitive places are filled.

Deadlines for enrollment in places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services for full-time education:

Enrollment deadlines for distance learning:

Upon admission to the place within the control figures for bachelor's programs by correspondence course Enrollment procedures are carried out within the following deadlines:

August 17, 2019 - posting lists of applicants on the official website and at the information stand;

a) priority enrollment stage:

August 19, 2019 - acceptance of applications for consent to enrollment from persons entering without entrance examinations, entering places within the admission quota of persons with special rights, entering places within the target admission quota is completed;

August 20, 2019 - announcement and placement on the official website of the university and on the information stand of the admissions committee of the order for enrollment from September 1 of the following persons:

Applicants without entrance examinations;

Persons with special rights entering places within the admission quota;

Applicants to places within the target admission quota.

b) stage of admission according to the general competition:

August 19, 2019 — acceptance of applications for consent to enrollment from persons included in the lists of applicants for the main competitive places and wishing to be enrolled in the main competitive places is completed;

August 20, 2019 - an order(s) is issued for the enrollment of persons who have submitted an application for consent to enrollment, before the main competitive places are filled.

Upon admission to study under contracts for the provision of paid educational services acceptance of applications for consent to enrollment ends September 9, 2019

Today MTUCI is a large educational and scientific center for training and retraining highly qualified specialists in the field of telecommunications, computer science, radio engineering, economics and management. The University includes two regional branches in the cities of Rostov-on-Don and Nizhny Novgorod, Science Center, Institute for Advanced Studies, College of Telecommunications, Center for Pre-University Training, Educational and Scientific Test Site for New Technology. The teaching and scientific staff of MTUCI numbers about 700 people. Among them are over 100 professors and more than 400 candidates of science and associate professors. Among the University teachers are full members and corresponding members of a number of Russian and international academies, laureates of the Lenin and State Prizes, Government Prizes Russian Federation. The University has about fourteen thousand full-time and part-time students, graduate students, and students of various courses. Training is carried out according to modern multi-level system education - bachelor, engineer, master - in 25 specialties and 8 areas. Much attention at the university is paid to student research work, in which more than 900 full-time students participate as part of a single educational and scientific process. The main directions of their activities: individual targeted training of specialists at the request of enterprises, participation in contractual and state budget research work, classes in specialized clubs and schools, participation in scientific conferences and seminars, competitions, exhibitions of scientific and technical creativity of young people and Olympiads. The winners of exhibitions, competitions and olympiads have been repeatedly awarded medals and diplomas from the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, diplomas from Russian and foreign companies such as Cisco Systems, Ericsson, Alcatel-Lucent, etc. last years Educational work among students has significantly intensified. It is aimed at implementing creative, sports, social and civil-patriotic projects; to improve general culture, gain a clear civic position, implementation creativity and propaganda healthy image life. Students actively participate in various youth festivals, competitions, and championships; receive numerous prizes and diplomas. The university is the lead university in the Educational and Methodological Association for Education in the Field of Telecommunications (UME). It consists of higher educational institutions that implement basic educational programs in areas and specialties of higher education. vocational education, falling within the competence of the UMO. Today, UMO has over 80 universities not only in the Russian Federation, but also in neighboring republics.

MIREA - Russian Technological University is a state university, so most students study at the expense of federal budget allocations, but there is the possibility of studying on a contract basis (paid tuition).

Our advantages

The cost of training on a contractual basis at MIREA - Russian Technological University is significantly lower than the cost established in most state universities. You can familiarize yourself with the cost of training in 2019 in the Guide to specialties and areas of training).

Payment is made by semester.

Training on a contractual basis is possible in all areas of bachelor's training and specialties of the University for which recruitment is carried out. Contents and volume educational programs, special courses and discipline cycles fully comply with the requirements of the Federal State educational standards higher education (FSES VO) and may even exceed them, which is determined at the conclusion of the contract. Training is carried out in accordance with the Rules for the provision of paid educational services.

Paying students enjoy the same rights in terms of training as state-funded students: training is carried out according to the same curriculum how in separate groups(subject to the number of trainees sufficient to form a group), and together with state-funded students.

Full-time students, including those studying on a contractual basis, are given a deferment from military service for the entire period of study.

From year to year, there are areas of training that are traditionally particularly popular among applicants. And in 2020, for each set of entrance examinations, we made training areas with a reduced cost, we recommend paying special attention to them, they are marked in the Specialty Guide with an icon

Also, for those entering full-time study, discounts on tuition are provided, savings of up to 20%:

Standard discount

Submission of the original education document and payment for the first semester of study by July 26, 2020 (if the original is returned, the right to a discount is lost)
Shortage of 1-3 points to the passing marks for budget places in the relevant specialty/area of ​​training in 2020 after August 8, 2020 (the minimum points for receiving a discount will be indicated in the Specialty Guide after summing up the results of the competition for budget places)

Special discount

The increased discount is valid only when submitting the original document on education and paying for the first semester of study before July 26, 2020 (if the original is returned, the right to the discount is lost) and is available to the following categories of applicants:

  • Graduates of the College of Instrument Engineering and Information Technologies RTU MIREA
  • Graduates secondary schools, in which engineering classes from the list work jointly with RTU MIREA
    • GBOU of Moscow "Romanovskaya School"
    • GBOU of the city of Moscow "Center for Education and Sports "Moscow-98" of the Department of Sports of the City of Moscow"
    • GBOU of Moscow "School named after Artyom Borovik"
    • GBOU of Moscow "School No. 109"
    • GBOU of Moscow "School No. 283"
    • GBOU of Moscow "School No. 814"
    • GBOU of Moscow "School No. 843"
    • GBOU of Moscow "School No. 878
    • GBOU of Moscow "School No. 947
    • GBOU of Moscow "School No. 1002"
    • GBOU of Moscow "School No. 1212"
    • GBOU of Moscow “School No. 1231 named after V.D. Polenova"
    • GBOU of the city of Moscow “School No. 1236 named after S.V. Milashenkova"
    • GBOU of Moscow "School No. 1329"
    • GBOU of Moscow "School No. 1347"
    • GBOU of Moscow "School No. 1370"
    • GBOU of Moscow "School No. 1400"
    • GBOU of Moscow "School No. 1420"
    • GBOU of Moscow "School No. 1467"
    • GBOU of Moscow "School No. 1498 "Moscow International School"
    • GBOU of Moscow "School No. 1542"
    • GBOU of Moscow "School No. 1544"
    • GBOU of Moscow "School No. 1552"
    • GBOU of Moscow "School No. 1623"
    • GBOU of Moscow "School No. 1770"
    • GBOU of Moscow "School No. 1852"
    • GBOU of Moscow "School No. 2025"
    • GBOU of Moscow "School No. 2070"
    • GBOU of Moscow "School No. 2086"
    • GBOU of Moscow "Shuvalovskaya school No. 1448"
  • Applicants who have achieved the threshold amount of competitive points (will be published before the start of the admissions campaign)

    Set of entrance tests

    Threshold amount of competition points to receive a special discount

    Russian language, Mathematics, Computer Science and ICT

    Russian language, Mathematics, Physics

    Russian language, Mathematics, Chemistry

    Russian language, Mathematics, Social studies

    Russian language, History, Social studies

    Russian language, Mathematics, Geography

    Russian language, Mathematics, Creative exam

Educational loan with state support

RTU MIREA became one of the first universities to take part in the launch of a joint project
Ministry of Education and Science of Russia and PJSC Sberbank “Educational loan with state support.”

  • student rate 8.86% per annum
  • coverage through government subsidies 5.59% per annum
  • Grace period for non-payment of the loan: the entire period of study + 3 months

It will be possible to obtain an educational loan in all structural divisions of PJSC Sberbank of Russia. When applying you must have the following documents:

  • passport
  • agreement on the provision of paid educational services with RTU MIREA
  • invoice for payment from RTU MIREA

For borrowers aged 14 to 18 years, the following is additionally provided:

  • passports of legal representatives
  • Borrower's birth certificate
  • permission to conclude a loan agreement from the legal representatives of the borrower and the guardianship and trusteeship authorities

Pass entrance examinations (USE or internal exams) with minimum scores


Choose ONE area of ​​training or specialty and submit documents on a contractual basis


List of required documents:

  • Passport
  • Original or copy of a document about the previous level of education: certificate or diploma of secondary vocational education/higher education
  • Certificate 086у (for those entering the specialty 11.05.01 Radio-electronic systems and complexes)

If you submitted documents for the budget, then resubmit
No documents are required - just have a receipt for accepting documents with you.

Deadlines for accepting documents
for paid training

Conclude an agreement on the provision of paid educational services


Adult applicants can enter into an agreement themselves, but we recommend that parents (or legal representatives) enter into an agreement, since they can subsequently apply for a tax deduction.

For minor applicants: concluding an agreement is possible only with an adult representative.

Standard forms of contracts:

Model agreement on the provision of paid educational services in the field of higher education (with an individual) Model agreement on the provision of paid educational services in the field of higher education (with a legal entity)

Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics is a higher educational institution that annually attracts countless applicants with the brightest expectations. As of 2017, this university is part of SEFI - the European Society for Engineering Education. Its students have the chance to participate in foreign congresses and scientific seminars, be active scientific life, communicating with young experts and students from different countries abroad. In addition, MTUCI is part of the Association for Business Cooperation of International Departments of Universities in the Countries of Central and of Eastern Europe, which gives its graduates the opportunity to continue cooperation with some European enterprise after graduation. The university itself also has student laboratories from NEC (Japan), Motorola (USA), Cisco Systems (USA) and others, which cannot but speak of the level technical support this higher education institution.

As of 2016, this university is one of the best in the Russian Federation for applicants who want to become highly qualified specialists in the field of telecommunications, information and communication technologies, electronics and economics in the future.

Specialties that cannot be entered on a budget

However, such a higher educational institution, which is one of the largest universities, trains and retrains specialists not only in Russia, but also in Europe. In addition, it requires from its applicants either significant knowledge and remarkable intelligence, or huge capital investments, which not everyone is ready for.

Some specialties allow future applicants to enroll on a budget, but not all of them. Unfortunately, the official website does not allow us to find out the number of budget places, as well as which faculties and specialties provide them, but this is precisely what our article is for, from which you can find out comprehensive information about admission to this higher education institution.

Kazan universities offering free education

Here is a list of specialties for which admission is possible only on a commercial basis:

  • Information Security. This specialty, which implies comprehensive protection objects of informatization, provides only fifteen educational places for 2018, the passing score is two hundred and forty-five. To enter, you must pass the Unified State Exam in subjects such as Russian language, mathematics, computer science and ICT;
  • information security of telecommunication systems. Provides fifteen places on a commercial basis, and for admission you need to score one hundred and three points;
  • management. Training here is provided in such profiles as information management, marketing, production and financial management. For admission, the following exams are taken: Russian language, mathematics, social studies. The specialty provides fifty places for training, and the passing score is one hundred and forty-seven;
  • advertising and public relations. Here they teach information technologies in infocommunications and commercial sphere. To enroll, you need to pass Russian and foreign languages and social studies. In this case, twenty places are provided to qualify for which you need to score one hundred and seventy-one points;
  • fundamental computer science and information technology. Another specialty in which you can study to become a programmer exclusively for a fee. For twenty places, the competition starts from 169 points for the Unified State Exam, and you must pass the same Russian language, mathematics, computer science and ICT;
  • economy. Those who dream of studying accounting, analysis and auditing, the global economic situation, taxation mechanisms, and the economic sector of enterprises will also have to pay money for it. To enter, you need to write papers on the Unified State Exam in Russian language, mathematics and social studies. The passing score starts from one hundred and twenty-nine, and there are fifty places in total.

Which educational institutions lost their licenses this year?

Specialties for which admission to the budget is possible

For those who do not have the opportunity to enroll in the commercial department, but have a desire to study at one of the best higher education institutions educational institutions the city of Moscow and the entire Russian Federation, MTUCI in 2016 offers a huge number of budget places in a variety of specialties. Often the latter are quite close in profile to those for whom it is impossible to enter on a budget.

  1. Infocommunication technologies and communication systems. There are as many as eighty-eight budget places, and the passing score is only one hundred and forty-seven. In order to enter here, you need to pass the Russian language, mathematics and physics, and the lucky ones who pass the selection will study intelligent information and communication systems, information and communication technologies in services and communication services.
  1. Applied Mathematics. There are only twenty-five budget places that still have to be competed for, because the passing score starts at one hundred and ninety-five. To be admitted, applicants must write papers in the Russian language, mathematics, computer science and ICT.
  1. Infocommunication technologies and communication systems. Here, with the same entrance exams as for the previous specialty, the passing score is one hundred and seventy-seven, and there are three hundred budget places. Students here will learn to calculate and design structures necessary for communication, information and communication systems, as well as collect and analyze the data necessary for this, learn about the norms of such buildings, the need to adhere to them, and how to bring this to life.
  1. Automation technological processes and production There are only fifteen places here, and the passing score is quite high - one hundred and eighty-nine. For admission, an applicant must pass the Russian language, mathematics and physics. Although this is not an aircraft engine field, it requires applicants who are well versed in the specialty for which they are applying.
  1. Informatics and computer technology. With all the same exams and a total of twenty-five places in the budget department, the passing score is very high - two hundred and twenty-four.
  1. Information systems and technologies. For the same exams, the number of budget places for 2016 is much higher here, and the requirement for points is slightly lower. The entrance here starts from two hundred and sixteen.
  1. Management in technical systems. Those entering this specialty also take Russian language, mathematics and computer science and ICT. The total number of places in the budget form of education is twenty-one, and to take part in the competition, it is enough to score one hundred and ninety-nine points and above.
  1. Radio engineering. The following disciplines are studied here: audiovisual technology, various ways transmitting, receiving and processing signals using radio technology. In order to enroll in this specialty, you need to pass mathematics, Russian and physics. The passing score starts from one hundred thirty-one, and there are seventy-five budget places here.
  1. Applied Informatics. This specialty is chosen by those future programmers who want to work in the field of economics. At the same time, only thirteen budget places are offered for 2018, and to get them, you will have to fight hard, because the passing score starts from two hundred and eighteen. Applicants must pass exams such as Russian language, mathematics, computer science and ICT.