Where to go to work without work experience? Where to go to work in a crisis? How to find a job during a crisis

Despite the serious economic crisis, in 2019 Moscow offers a better chance of finding a decent job than any other city in Russia or neighboring countries.

Below you will find some tips on how to look for interesting and high paying job from direct employers in Moscow.

How to find a job

Let's start with a reminder that you should not neglect the help of old acquaintances and former colleagues. Even if no one could offer you anything at the moment, a recommendation from a colleague former place work can positively influence the decision about your candidacy.

At the beginning of the search, you need to determine the requirements for the future workplace. This will help not only narrow down the range of choices, but, most importantly, highlight priority search sources.

For example, if you are looking for a low-skilled job close to home, you should more attention devote attention to bulletin boards, local district newspapers and direct visits to a possible employer. Highly qualified specialists, managers and office staff should consider vacancies on leading Internet sites.

Where you don't need to look for work

You can paraphrase and soften the wording a little: try not to use the services of agencies that provide employment for money. All reputable agencies take money from the employer, who has significantly more opportunities to find a good employee for himself.

Think about which employers use the services of agencies that take money from applicants. Most likely, your expectations will be disappointed; at a minimum, you will receive worse conditions than those mentioned at the beginning.

Where to look for work

My personal experience limited to the two largest Runet sites:

  • hh.ru
  • SuperJob.ru

You can easily find other sites with job advertisements yourself. By the way, many employers post their vacancies on several sites at once. But this applies to large companies with large budgets, while small ones can use the services of less “promoted” agencies and online platforms.

Some employers post jobs directly on their own websites. And even if there are no published vacancies, no one prohibits you from contacting a representative of the company of your dreams. This is exactly the case when persistence is rewarded.

Another option for finding a job is social networks. Of course, VKontakte and Facebook are quite suitable for some types of activities, but for most they are almost useless. There are communities of professionals for this, for example Linkedin.com or professionali.ru

Large recruitment agencies such as Kelly Services and Manpower can be recommended. These agencies are engaged in the selection of qualified personnel mostly for Western companies. There is only one downside to applying through such an agency - at least one additional interview at the agency. By the way, they also post their vacancies and select applicants on sites like hh.ru based on the resumes left on them.

How to write a resume

Whichever job search method you choose, you'll need to create or update your resume. Don't underestimate its importance, as you will be judged by how and what is written there. And your career may never take off after a brief review by an HR specialist and then tossing it into the trash.

Although writing a resume is a whole science, modern sites like hh.ru have a convenient interface with tips, which allows you to create quite decent resumes even without much experience. Please note that you can export to different formats: PDF or Word. This can be convenient when sending by email or for fast printing on the printer.

Here we will only focus on important points In creating a resume, which are often forgotten:

  • The size does not have to be very large, it should be laid out on two sheets, but the most important information such as education and last place work must be on the first sheet.
  • If you still need more than two pages to describe your qualifications, it is better to make two versions of your resume: full and shortened.
  • If you are planning to apply for vacancies in different areas, it makes sense to make different resumes, since detailed description experience in one area may be perceived as a lack of experience in another.
  • Check the text carefully for grammatical errors and try to avoid using dubious phraseological units. If there are errors, you will not have a chance in comparison with other resumes, even for vacancies that do not require direct work with texts.
  • Feel free to show all your achievements, of course, only those that reflect success in professional activity. Beware of writing lies. If this comes up during an interview, even a minor lie can ruin your candidacy.
  • Do not underestimate the presence of a photo in your resume; in most cases, the presence of a photo will be perceived positively by the recruiter.
  • There is no need to describe your hobbies in detail at the end of your resume; few people are really interested in this and in some cases can only do harm.

Why do you need to write a cover letter?

To understand the importance of a cover letter, imagine yourself as someone who will be sifting through dozens of letters from job applicants and selecting the top candidates to interview. There is no guarantee that all resumes will be thoroughly studied first and only then invitations for an interview will be sent. Most likely, resumes from those letters will be studied first, the text of which was more suitable for the definition of the vacancy or the recruiter simply liked it. Thus, it may simply not come to the point of studying your candidacy. Therefore, you should try to write cover letters not according to a single template (this will be immediately noticeable), but focusing on your strengths in the light of the requirements of a particular employer.

The main task at this stage is to please and sell yourself as expensive as possible. Try following these simple recommendations:

  • Check yours appearance, it should be neat and not provocative. They will greet you based on their clothes and there may not be a second chance.
  • Show your interest. Think about the questions you will ask in advance. The employer must be sure that time wasted communicating with you for a reason. Disable mobile phone, do not be distracted by extraneous things.
  • Do not show excessive ambitions; they must correspond to the position for which you are applying.
  • Conduct yourself with dignity. Don't hesitate to ask if anything is bothering you. Under no circumstances should you tearfully beg and show a willingness to do anything for this job; after such emotional outbursts, the employer will most likely refuse you.

How to look for a job during a crisis

This probably sounds strange, but the answer from most recruiters is exactly the same as at any other time.

The main thing is not to sit idly by, and not limit yourself to a couple of large sites on which you posted your resume. Use everything available sources information. Improve your skills. Try new activities. Maybe it's time to change things. For some, the crisis opens up new opportunities.

Surprisingly, but true: in any, even the most difficult times, some candidates look for a job for months, while others already have several interesting offers in the first week. Olga Litvinova, HR Director of EvrazHolding LLC, believes that this is not an accident, and explains how to become a sought-after candidate.

I received a letter from a classmate with whom I had not communicated for many years - she was expecting a child, and her husband was laid off at work. A relative called: she had been staying at home with her baby for several years, and now it was time to look for a job closer to home. Former colleague I wrote that I was tired of my work - every day. And everyone has the same question: “What to do? How to look for a job, because everything is so difficult in the economy!”

First, let's define how searching for a job during a period of economic difficulty differs from searching in a stable or growing market. There are two fundamental points: the search period and the willingness to compromise.

Search interesting option may take a while. Employers are concerned about increasing operational efficiency, are reducing investments in new projects, are less likely to “outbid” people from competitors, and are becoming more demanding. Under these conditions, the applicant often has to agree to a simpler position, not the highest salary, or an inconvenient office location. There are also other “compromises”: expanded functionality, larger volume of work, urgent employment contract. Why in quotes? Because in fact, they can be used to your advantage: to demonstrate your loyalty and adequate understanding of the situation, to gain new experience and prospects for future career growth.

The need to be mentally prepared for long working hours, time pressure and multitasking, often for less money, leads many to a state of stress. If earlier during interviews candidates said that they wanted to develop new competencies at their future job, now development and professional capitalization lie in the ability to use all previously acquired knowledge and experience to achieve results. Happening a large number of mergers and acquisitions, many companies are optimizing their headcount, causing the supply of vacancies and the demand for qualified employees to be asymmetrical. Those who are left without work often have to take a position at a lower level or agree to a temporary contract.

Therefore, the first step in this situation is to calm down. Not to be confused with “relax and do nothing”! The right psychological attitude is half the success. In the eyes, voices, and letters of those who are now “out of work,” one can read fear and an unconscious expectation of failure. Thinking that “everything is bad, the market is difficult” is a losing strategy in advance. Paradoxically, very strong emotions, including a great desire to get a job, reduce the effectiveness of the process. Therefore, pull yourself together, take a deep breath and give yourself the attitude: “I will definitely find a good job!”

Step two is to think. It is very useful to treat the problems that you face as tasks that you just need to take on and solve. Believe me, the task of finding a job is far from the most difficult in your life. What kind of work can you do? Consider not only the obvious options, but also possible related professions. In which companies will your experience be most in demand? Who can help you in the search process? How will you look for a job other than job sites? What knowledge and experience are you most in demand in the current market situation? At this stage, do not discard any, even the most incredible ideas - you never know in advance which method may work.

Is it possible to go down the path least resistance: Are there any opportunities at your current job where you are well known and hopefully valued? I had to deal with a situation where an employee was offered to leave the company by agreement of the parties, but he showed his extreme loyalty and asked for some time to negotiate with the heads of other structural divisions. As a result, he found a rewarding position in another department and quickly learned the skills needed for his new role.

Step three is to prepare. From the moment you last time were looking for a job, a lot could have changed. At this stage, the help of a professional, such as a recruiter who has a good understanding of market trends, will be very valuable. Perfect option, if you can match with someone based on the quality of your resume and the adequacy of salary expectations.

Here is a short list of points by which you can check your readiness to search for a job.

1. Updated resume. A very important point, pay special attention to it! Every little detail is important: the presence of Russian and English versions (if the work requires at least basic knowledge foreign language), updates on the latest professional training and courses, and thorough spell checking. Professionals will appreciate it if you indicate not just job responsibilities, and yours real achievements- what the company didn’t have before you or what you managed to significantly improve. It is advisable to write about professional achievements as specific as possible, expressing the results in numbers, percentages or other qualitative units.

2. Cover letter: prepare a template in advance in which you outline your strongest points professional quality. But be sure to modify it depending on the company and the vacancy for which you will apply. So that in 15 seconds of reading it is clear that you are the very candidate who is worth paying attention to. Put originality and sincerity on one side of the scale, and brevity and capacity on the other. It's important to find balance!

3. Recommendations. It is better to get written recommendations in advance, but in practice they are rarely useful. Much more often reviews former leaders and colleagues will be collected by telephone. This is an additional argument in favor of the fact that you need to leave the company on good terms, transferring the affairs in a quality manner and maintaining warm relations with the team. Think in advance, or better yet, agree with those who can act as your recommenders if necessary.

4. Image. Spend some money on a new business suit, quality shoes and the minimum necessary business accessories. This will give you confidence and help you not think about how you look during the interview. Coco Chanel said it very well: “You never get a second chance to make a first impression.”

5. Preparing for an interview: think about it and, if possible, practice answering questions, sometimes unexpected or not very pleasant. If you are looking new job, without yet quitting your current job, this will help avoid many unnecessary questions. Even if the recruiter or employer’s representative does not ask them, he may think to himself: “Why did he leave his job without finding a new position? Were there any conflict situations? If you were laid off, why was this choice made?” It is important that your answers are truthful and correct in relation to previous employers. It is also useful to remember in advance and write down your strong qualities and examples that will clearly demonstrate them. If possible, prepare a portfolio (examples of your work and successful completed projects). In a stressful situation, this will be very useful for you. Homework: It will definitely raise your self-esteem and add self-confidence.

Step four is to “cast your nets.” Do not limit yourself to one search method: in a situation where a job is very much needed, ask your friends, attend specialized conferences or exhibitions, share your resume on social networks. Think about how you can positively stand out from other candidates? Excellent resume and cover letter, a well-thought-out and original call, excellent recommendations and portfolio, excellent answers to questions and confidence in the interview? Remember that finding a job is also a job. To achieve success you will need activity, flexibility and perseverance. Set yourself up to believe that any professional communication, telephone or face-to-face interview is an experience that brings you closer to your dream job.

Now you are ready to search. I sincerely wish you good luck!

Even during a crisis, there are a number of companies that show growth. If you are a specialist in any field or a manager, then you should think about looking for a place in a company that is guaranteed not to fall apart in the most unstable times. Of course, no one can give guarantees. But there are still a number of industries that need employees even during a crisis. What kind of companies are these?

1. Training companies. During the crisis, firms that engage in applied training show growth. So, this is everything related to programming, sales, languages, handicrafts (for example, cutting and sewing courses) and so on. Applied learning is something that can be used after completing courses for the benefit of oneself and society. For example, having learned to sew, many open their own small-scale production and sell products. Manicure courses are gaining popularity in moments of crisis and when people have a strong desire to better provide for their families. Such companies need managers who can ensure the smooth running of all processes. The manager sets up the system and makes sure that the company develops. Also, such companies may have a need for teachers, as well as other employees (you need to look specifically at each area, but the essence is clear).

2. Companies that produce low-cost goods and niche products. During a crisis, people start buying selectively. Some people go into austerity mode and spend money only on the most necessary and important things, so the most profitable companies become those that sell cheap street food, some small items, inexpensive cosmetics and gifts, kitchen utensils and goods for handicrafts, which themselves are inexpensive if they are small packaged. On the other hand, niche products are also gaining popularity. It can be anything. For example, health products and some unique designer items that are handmade, for example, very large knit cardigans or sweatshirts with signature motifs of a certain region. There are a lot of ideas. Such companies may need specialists in sales, business development and the development of new popular products.

3. Positions in marketing and advertising companies. Advertising and marketing may be considered niches that fall into crisis, but here everything is not so obvious. Firstly, any company that cannot keep sales at the proper level needs “someone anti-crisis” to come in and help keep the company afloat. Secondly, company clients themselves need more effective solutions, so if you are a marketing genius, you can count on very good positions.

4. Management. Let's be clear. The word “manager” is now everywhere and almost sounds like a curse. But the manager’s task is to provide people with work and the company with uninterrupted processes! And nothing else! Therefore, if you offer efficient systems and decisions, then how can someone not hire you? But you shouldn’t indulge yourself with illusions. To understand that you are professionally suited for this role, the management team will most likely assign you a couple of difficult tasks. How about thinking about how you would join a company? network marketing? Are you still thinking about catalog sales? And here successful managers They will immediately understand that they need to build a team, devote part of their time to recruiting, and part to marketing, and so on.

5. Sales agents. If you enjoy selling and closing deals, then this is your job. During a crisis, sales agents can earn more than marketers in the office. So think about whether to go for a leadership position or do what you are good at.

6. Personnel without work experience. Finally, reliable companies are those who endlessly need cheap labor. If you are satisfied with being a promoter, a waiter, a maid, or making cold calls in call centers, then you can realize yourself without any problems. Another issue is that you should not wait for a promotion. On the other hand, companies that work in the streaming production of goods and services develop faster during a crisis, so the opening of new points and production facilities can give you a chance to move up. career ladder. And even in a crisis.

Hello dear friend!

I hope I won’t upset you too much if the question “ Where to look for work during a crisis ?”, the answer will not be original: “Basically in the same place as not during the crisis.” Fundamentally, nothing has changed in the labor market, it has just shrunk slightly. By the number of offers and by salaries.

Difference between big city and a small city is that in a big city you can see more, and in a small city you can hear more.

I’ll make a reservation right away, in recent years 20 nothing revolutionary happened in job search methods. Or maybe I don't know something, which is unlikely.

Instead of looking for miraculous methods and unique jobs that suddenly appeared out of nowhere along with the crisis, it is more important to focus on the right actions and avoid ineffective ones in order to avoid wasting time and money.

1. Connect the “inner circle”. Relatives, acquaintances, colleagues

The most obvious way. So much so that someone will say: “Well, captain obvious.”

Everything is true, but in this case it is more important not so much what to do, but how to do it.

A) Remind yourself. Give your resume to your friends, colleagues at your current or past work. Most will approach this formally, that is, they will not refuse you, but it is unlikely that anyone will jump out of their pants. Someone will arrange a formal interview so as not to offend you.

Be sure to periodically fiddle with them. It is important. Every reminder you give is a stimulus to action. About the fourth or fifth time, it will really start to work. Or he will directly say that he cannot help. At least there will be clarity.

B) Don't wait!

Even if they promised you something. The saying “they wait three years for what is promised” applies to this case. Work through all job search channels in parallel. If you inadvertently inconvenience someone, don't worry - they will understand and forgive you.

2. Post your resume on job portals

Specifically Headhunterand Superjob. You can also post on the rest, but be prepared for the possibility that there may be calls and letters from companies that are not interesting to us, or even outright scammers. We'll talk about this a little later. In the meantime, so as not to forget, bookmark the site with a black list of employers: Antijob

If you are a resident of a metropolis or a large city with a population of over a million people and are applying for the position of a manager or senior specialist, do not waste your time. The entire labor market is in the Internet . Recruiters of Moscow companies do not even look at newspapers and magazines and do not publish vacancies for positions of managers and specialists in the press.

If you see vacancies for managers in the media, it’s probably some kind of “Nicanor’s office.” We'll talk about them later.

If you live in small town, - you can try.

3. Recruitment agencies

It makes sense to contact a recruitment agency in the following cases:

  • If you do not want to shine on the labor market by publishing your resume in the public domain. For example, you work and don’t want your current employer to see you there.
  • If you are a specialist in a very popular field, for example, a SAP programmer of certain modules.
  • If you are a TOP manager

Reason: Agencies receive their profits from the employer. About 20% of the applicant's annual income. The employer submits an application to the agency, a contract is concluded and the agency searches. What positions does the employer apply to the agency for? These are TOP managers or scarce specialists. Accordingly, all the agency’s efforts are spent on these applications.

For mid-level and especially lower-level positions, orders are rarely placed with agencies. I sent my resume to agencies when I was a job seeker, then in 2009 there was such an option on mail.ru - send to all agencies in Moscow. There's no point.

There are paid features like resume promotion. But it will be about the same thing that you will pay the same Headhunter for the first line in the list. What is highlighted in yellow on the site.

That is, they won’t get hurt, simply because their margin doesn’t come from here. Unless there is one of these rare applications at hand and yours summary at the same time.

If your resume ends up in the database, consider it buried. They will not search the databases, but will look at current resumes on portals. The same applies to recruiters of employer companies.

In general, it is possible to send your resume to recruitment agencies, but the efficiency is low. Paid services I don’t recommend using it - it’s a waste of money. Better read my articles)

From time to time, offices appear that are used as recruitment agencies. There are different names: information Agency, employment agency, etc. We will return to them later in the article. There is only one goal - to rip off money from you, and after a while - the trace goes away.

The main rule: Don't pay! In the labor market, the employer pays.

4. Social networks and forums

Search for yourself. Your chances are where you find them. Try the following strategy:

  • Choose a dozen companies you would like to work for.
  • Find their social media pages.
  • Start a conversation. Behind each such page there are living people.

And most importantly: in between, tell us about your achievements. About what an outstanding specialist you are. Do not be shy. And you will be noticed.

5. Online consultants

Often these consultants offer a free consultation. Usually the first one. You can take advantage of this, it won't get any worse.

6. Transition to free bread

Such a knight move is quite possible. Moreover, if you are still unemployed, you can try. Freelancing, consulting, coaching, blogging, information business. The author of these lines is a living example of such a turn in his career. And quite successful.

It is clear that turning off the beaten path is not an easy and responsible decision.

I will refrain from foaming at the mouth to encourage you to do this. You decide. But I would like to help you navigate the ocean of possibilities. In the “Career Turnaround” section of my blog, I will talk about the possibilities of remote work, Internet professions and much more.

This article has . About how to look for a job correctly, without taking rash steps that lead to loss of money and time.

Thank you for your interest in the article. I would appreciate your comment (at the bottom of the page).

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Have a nice day and good mood!

Don't get used to it. However, the tactic of “laying low and waiting for better times” is still the main and erroneous survival strategy for many compatriots. The fear of career changes is especially strong. However, many phobias and prejudices in this regard are nothing more than myths. The most common superstitions about finding a job during a crisis in an article on Executive.ru experts from leading Russian recruitment agencies expose.

Myth one: in a crisis you can easily find an excellent specialist

It would seem that in a crisis, finding effective specialists becomes a more than feasible task - just look at the resumes of the army of people who want to work in your company, because many competitors have closed projects and reduced staff in order to avoid additional costs. Therefore, a lot of unemployed aces have accumulated on the market. However, do not delude yourself.

As the Managing Director notes recruitment agency Rational GrainOlga Stepanova, in a crisis it is no easier to find a competent expert than in calm times, although there are certainly more candidates on the market. “The layoffs, first of all, concern those with whom they have long wanted to part ways; secondly, they say goodbye to highly paid specialists, then to the middle-class workers. At the same time, effective specialists are rarely fired; their departure is often caused by the liquidation of the company or the curtailment of areas. However, they quickly find a new place for themselves. Most often they are invited to work based on recommendations,” says Stepanova.

In turn, many qualified candidates leave the idea of ​​changing jobs until better times. According to Olga Stepanova, employers often take advantage of this by cutting employees’ wages and putting more work on them additional tasks, placing in unfavorable conditions. As practice shows, many candidates who nevertheless decide to leave during the “crisis” phase take a long vacation and, finally, can do what they have been putting off for a long time, or find a new job within an acceptable time frame. In any case, they will not be left without work.

Myth two: in a crisis it is better to lie low and wait out the turbulent times at your old workplace

For many potential candidates, searching for a job during a crisis is like fishing during a storm – it takes a lot of effort and time, and there may not be any results. And in general it’s good if it doesn’t get covered by a wave and thrown overboard. So it’s better to calm down and wait for calm. However, this myth is another popular misconception. So partner of a recruiting company Antal Russia Natalya Kurkchi notes that the decision to postpone career changes until later is not best idea. “Think about it: isn’t it a greater risk to stay in your current company just for the sake of stability? Perhaps tomorrow your layoffs will begin, and the company will not be able to get out of the difficult period without losses. If you feel it's time to take the next step in your career, don't put it off until better times. Companies that hire employees during a crisis recommend themselves as more reliable. Employers expanding their staff today are looking for new opportunities, which means that you will have a chance to develop with the company and build a career,” advises Natalya Kurkchi.

Myth three: salary comes first for candidates when looking for a job during a crisis

Money matters. And for many specialists they are the main motivating factor, however, in a crisis, things with material motivation are somewhat different, and when looking for work financial compensation often fades into the background. What actually motivates job seekers today?

Yulia Artemova: Wages in a crisis are often not the main incentive

According to the head of the Executive Search and Management Selection department in the Construction and Real Estate industry of a headhunting company "Agency Contact" by Yulia Artemova, in a crisis, candidates are ready to consider the most attractive job first, stability and real project, and not wages, but it, of course, still remains an important factor in the transition. “A crisis is best seen as a time of change and opportunity. What does it mean? It’s worth thinking about increasing personal KPI for the company, preparing an action plan for training in missing competencies, organizing work more efficiently, “grouping”, so to speak. The result was needed yesterday - that’s the motto today. Nowadays, companies are focused on effective leaders, not on employees languishing in the office. In this regard, many carry out a multi-stage personnel assessment procedure, as a result of which the staff is optimized by 10-15%,” says Yulia Artemova.

Myth four: during a crisis, job seekers reduce their salary demands

Many candidates during an unstable economic situation are afraid of not finding a decent place. In order to somehow make the task easier and get at least some work, they reduce salary requirements and present the low salary as desirable to the employer, says the HR manager of the Office Recruitment department of an outsourcing company. "STS Group" Elena Sentsova. But this tactic is wrong.

Elena Sentsova: Before changing jobs during a crisis, ask yourself one thing important question

“Before resorting to such a strategy, you need to answer yourself the question: is this the job you would like to have? Is the salary commensurate with your skills, abilities and experience? After all, if the applicant is a professional in his field, he will find a decent job even in a crisis. Like gold, the desired position does not lie on the surface - you need to look for it. And practice shows that a thorough search will sooner or later be crowned with success,” states the specialist.

At the same time, recent studies indicate that even during a crisis, the salary expectations of most employees continue to rise. Thus, according to a study conducted by Antal Russia in 2015, the majority of employees of Russian and international companies, as well as job seekers looking for a new job, describe the country’s economic prospects in negative or neutral terms, but despite this, only 12 % of respondents confirmed that they are ready for a salary reduction. At the same time, the difficult economic situation and the risk of dismissal did not affect people’s desire to increase their income - 40% of respondents have increased their salary expectations over the past three months. Experts call such sentiments natural. By increasing salaries, employees are trying to make up for inflation and currency exchange rate fluctuations. In addition, the “spoiledness” of the candidates also plays a role, many of whom significantly inflated their prices during the good years and now do not want to give up their usual level of income. However, reality has changed. Companies are now looking to do more with fewer resources, the demands on candidates are increasing, and not all applicants will be able to get the salary increase they want.

Myth five: in a crisis, companies do not “hold on” to employees, because there are a lot of free candidates on the market

Logic dictates: why should employers hold on tightly to their staff and struggle to motivate employees if, during a crisis, bosses receive piles of resumes from unemployed people who want to work more and get paid less? But such a vision of affairs is nothing more than another myth that has nothing to do with reality. So, according to the head of the company’s practice Luxoft Personnel by Natalia Marchenko, two trends have emerged in the candidate market today. “On the one hand, the market is replete with job seekers who are left without work due to cutbacks or optimization of production in their companies due to the crisis. These are either ordinary full-time employees whose responsibilities can be redistributed among other employees, or specialists who were invited to work in the company for a specific project, but in modern economic conditions Having such positions on staff costs the company too much, they are abolished,” says the expert. – On the other hand, companies are trying to retain unique specialists. Such rare personnel are always in demand, and the crisis is not a hindrance to them. Employers are ready to raise their salaries and consider individual working conditions. Against this background, the salary expectations of such professionals have increased.”

Natalya Marchenko: During the crisis, two interesting trends emerged in the personnel market

Also, according to Natalya Marchenko, now among candidates the percentage of those who refuse to move to new company at the final stage, when they have already been sent an official invitation to work. “This happens because, firstly, people are afraid to change jobs in the current unstable economic situation - it is unknown what will happen to the new company tomorrow, how the adaptation process will go. Secondly, the current employer, having learned that such a specialist plans to change jobs, makes a counter offer to the employee, offering a promotion wages"- says Marchenko.

Myth six: it is impossible to build a career during a crisis

Russians are accustomed to dealing with difficulties, so for most the word “crisis” no longer evokes panic attack. Everyone knows how events develop in such a situation and believes that in one or two years the market will recover. Economic sanctions and deprivations are perceived calmly by many, and perhaps the only thing that can really pull the rug out from under one’s feet is the loss of a job. “Indeed, it would be foolish to deny that serious layoffs are not taking place at the moment, that a large number of personnel, including very professional ones, are being released from the market. But at the same time, we believe that now is not a bad time to develop a career! – confident recruiter, consultant in the company’s “Career Consulting” department Cornerstone Ekaterina Trubnikova. – The experience of our company – and over the 22 years of our existence we have gone through all stages of economic turbulence – proves that a crisis is a time of new opportunities.”

According to Trubnikova, today companies that have a margin of safety are actively considering candidates, gradually replacing the “weak links.” Therefore, if you are a professional with proven efficiency, then now you have a good chance to get into a large, stable, developing company. Of course, such transitions do not always promise an increase in the compensation package, but an expansion of functionality, interesting experience and you are definitely guaranteed good prospects. “Now it is very important to competently stand out from the general mass of candidates in conditions of enormous competition. You must understand that the HR manager within the company receives more than three hundred resumes a day, after some time they all become, as they say, the same person, the choice becomes more complicated, since it is simply impossible to invite all applicants for an interview! So proper positioning is now on par with professionalism, and if you don’t feel confident in your abilities, then it might make sense to turn to a career consultant.”

Myth seven: in a crisis, many will certainly be fired

One of the most common myths among candidates during a crisis is the myth that now many will certainly be fired. The operating director told Executive.ru about this misconception Wyser RussiaOlga Ovchinnikova. According to her, on the one hand, during a crisis, many companies actually reduce staff in order to optimize their structure and personnel costs, however, firstly, this does not apply to all companies, and, secondly, this does not necessarily affect exactly you. “The common idea that everything is bad for everyone does not correspond to the truth, since even in difficult times of crisis there are and are emerging businesses that feel confident,” says Ovchinnikova. – It has already become a textbook example that during the crisis period, when people began to visit cafes less at lunchtime and more often take food with them to the office, in England the business of a company that offers the market convenient and functional lunch boxes has grown rapidly. And there are many such examples.”

The second important circumstance is the clearly increased desire of responsible and far-sighted companies to retain their staff as much as possible, compared to previous crises. Moreover, for an ambitious person in a crisis there are even more opportunities for advancement, since in any difficult situation initiative and fighting qualities acquire special value. “Instead of demotivating yourself with the often unfounded fear of being fired, take the initiative and come to management with your ideas and proposals. The chances that this will be appreciated are high,” the expert recommends.