How to properly connect a bathtub to the sewerage system and water supply: instructions for selecting materials and installation. How to connect a bathtub to the sewer yourself and avoid annoying mistakes Connecting a bathtub to the sewer


When carrying out renovations in the bathroom and replacing old plumbing fixtures with a new product, you must not only purchase it, but also connect the bathtub to the sewer with your own hands, installing it in the place designated for it. It is not difficult to carry out such work, since it does not require special skills.

A home craftsman needs to know how to properly connect a bathtub to a sewer system. To do this, he needs to follow the installation instructions and understand the nuances of the repair (read also: “Where to start a bathroom renovation - the secrets of proper planning for a bathroom renovation”).

Pipes for connecting the bath to the sewer

According to experts:
  • before connecting the bathtub to the sewer, you should buy a special siphon, which is equipped with devices that ensure a tight connection of plumbing fixtures directly to the drain (read: “Which siphon for a bathtub is better to choose - types, design features”);
  • installation of sewerage in the bathroom using corrugated pipes (shown in the photo) is allowed only as a last resort, since such a connection cannot be called ideal for a number of reasons. The fact is that folds on the pipes contribute to the accumulation of debris and it is almost impossible to clean them, and in addition, during operation they contribute to an increase in hydraulic resistance;
  • connecting the bathtub to the sewer is considered correct when the siphon outlet is mounted higher sewer pipe. The height difference should facilitate the rapid and unhindered drainage of wastewater. Violating the rules governing how to connect a bathtub to a sewer will lead to waste water stagnating and a blockage appearing;
  • The drainage system must be cleaned periodically. To provide access to the siphon, an inspection hatch is purchased and placed on a protective screen.
When creating a sewer system in a bathroom, pipes for supplying it to the plumbing are selected according to the following principles:
  • for installation of the system, preference should be given to rigid plastic pipes, even if it is necessary to use knee elements;
  • if the sewer system in the bathroom has complex design and it is problematic to connect it with the siphon outlet, corrugation is used.

Pipes intended for connecting the siphon to the sewer are made of hard or smooth flexible plastic (product diameter 40 millimeters). When the sewerage system in the bathroom is made with your own hands using pipes of 50 mm diameter, you will need to use a rubber adapter of 50/40 mm. If the sewer system in the bathroom is made of cast iron elements, then the installation of an adapter of 73/40 millimeters will be required.

The procedure for connecting the bathroom to the sewer

The process of how to connect a bathtub to a sewer consists of several stages:
  1. First of all, carefully study the instructions that manufacturers enclose with their products, in this case, the siphon. The product is assembled according to the manufacturer's recommendations. All included gaskets must be in place.
  2. Plastic parts The siphon (see photo) is assembled by hand. The use of gas and open-end wrenches is not allowed, as plastic threads must be handled with care (read also: " ").
  3. After the siphon is assembled, the corresponding end of the product is placed in the sewer pipe, and its other end is connected to the drain hole of the plumbing fixture, not forgetting to use sealing gaskets. An overflow pipe is also connected to the bathroom.
  4. Do-it-yourself sewerage installation in the bathroom is done in such a way that all joints are made airtight. Silicone is not able to replace special gaskets; it can only be used to additionally process the joints of individual elements.

How to connect a bathtub to the water supply network with your own hands

When the problem of how to assemble a sewer in the bathroom has been solved, and the plumbing is connected to the sewer system, we begin to check the tightness of the connections and the quality of the drainage arrangement waste water. To do this, plumbing fixtures are connected to water supply network.

The connection process is as follows:
  1. On pipes supplying cold and hot water, a shut-off valve is installed in front of the connecting fittings so that in the future it is possible to carry out repairs or change the mixer.
  2. Eccentrics are connected to the fittings. To ensure the tightness of the connections, use tow with paint or fum tape. Eccentrics are needed for the correct connection of water supply pipes with connecting nuts.
  3. To hide the unpresentable appearance of eccentrics, decorative attachments are used.
  4. Rubber gaskets are inserted into the connecting nuts, which will ensure the tightness of the pipeline (in this case, fum tape is not used).
  5. Then the mixer is screwed on, and both nuts must be tightened to prevent distortion. Under wrench To avoid scratching the chrome surface, use a cloth. Excessive force should be avoided.
  6. After connection is completed, the system is checked for leaks by opening both taps and checking for leaks. Even after the water is turned off, it is necessary to continue to monitor the connections between the pipes and the plumbing, since leaks may occur under pressure.
  7. If a leak is detected, the leaking unit must be redone. Most often, the cause of the malfunction is an incorrectly installed or poor-quality gasket.
According to professionals, you should not choose reinforced hoses for water supply, as they are very unreliable. A more acceptable option is corrugated pipes, made from of stainless steel.

Knowing how to make a drain in a bathroom and connect the water supply to the plumbing yourself will help the home craftsman do this work correctly. If you are unsure of your own skills, it is better to turn to experienced specialists.

After purchasing a bathtub and installing it in the appropriate room, it is necessary to carry out operations to connect it to the sewer lines.

This task is not difficult, however, in order for everything to be as effective as possible, you need to adhere to several simple rules, which will be discussed in this article from the site

  • To carry out this operation, you will have to acquire a special siphon, which has holes for overflow and drainage. It is recommended not to use flexible corrugated pipes, as they have many disadvantages, such as rapid contamination and high resistance to water;
  • most suitable option– flexible or hard plastic pipe;
  • Before connecting the bathtub to the sewer, you will need to clearly arrange the height difference in the drainage area and the connection point. The height of the siphon outlet must be clearly selected, which will allow the water to drain much faster. If you do not pay attention to the altitude difference, the water will stagnate in the bathtub;
  • access to the siphon must be free, since it will have to be repeatedly cleaned from contamination in the future;

Connecting the bathtub to the sewer

If the sewer system is installed from plastic pipes, the siphon is connected using a special smooth pipe, the diameter of which is 40mm. You can use a cut plastic pipe with the same diameter. In the case where the pipeline is 50mm, you will have to use an adapter from 40mm to 50mm.

If the sewer pipe is cast iron, then it is necessary to use a special coupling made of rubber 73-40. The remaining operations are similar to plastic pipes.

  • first, the siphon is assembled according to the instructions that come with the product;
  • You should not ignore the sealing gaskets, otherwise there is a possibility of a stench in the bathroom;
  • install a siphon;
  • if it is necessary to tighten plastic elements, it is necessary to do this exclusively by hand, without using machinery, as it can damage the threads or fastenings;
  • after installation, a pipe is connected to the device at one end, while the other is led to the sewer pipe and connected;
  • During installation, it is necessary to strictly monitor the tightness and tightness of the joints. If a problem occurs, it is necessary to fix it immediately, otherwise in the future it will require more effort;
  • in the case where the bathtub is installed close to the wall, the joints are tightly sealed with sealant, otherwise water will get under the bathtub.

What to do if unpleasant odors begin to appear in the bath

In the case when in the bath there is bad smell, this situation is not encouraging, but on the contrary, saddening. Next, let's look at why this happens and how to get rid of it.

One of the reasons is improper installation of sewerage. It is necessary to check the presence of a water lock under the bathtub, sink and on siphons, because it is this that cuts off all unpleasant odors. If a water seal is installed in the toilet, but odors are still present, you need to make sure that the siphons are installed correctly.

If corrugated tubes are installed instead of siphons, then they must be replaced, since water plugs do not form in them. If this is not possible, then you need to bend the tubes so that water collects in them, which forms a water lock.

The water plug may also be missing due to a broken siphon, which can be guessed by the characteristic loud squelching sounds. The most common reason failure of the siphon - its large pipe, due to which the water pressure drops noticeably. If this is the reason, the siphon is replaced.

Also, there may be no water plug due to poor ventilation in the sewer, or the diameter of the riser is too small. In this case, air is formed in the pipe. It is quite difficult to do such work on your own, so it is easier to invite a specialist.

Water also evaporates in the pipe if the room has not been used for a long time. In this case, machine oil poured into the hydraulic lock will help.

If all operations have been completed, but the smell has not been eliminated, you need to check for ventilation pipe. Such a pipe is connected to a riser on the upper floors and leads to the roof. It plays the role of a hood and gets rid of all unpleasant odors.

If this is not the reason, pay attention to the inspection hatches, namely their tightness.

It happens that during installation the rubber band falls off the hatch, causing it to not fit tightly to the pipe and allowing odors to pass through.

The same problem can arise due to mechanical damage sewer pipe.

The last possible cause of smell in the bathroom is clogged drain which needs to be cleaned from time to time.

Sewage installation (video)

If you couldn’t get rid of the odors on your own, then the last option remains - inviting a qualified specialist who will find and eliminate the cause.

Connecting bathroom plumbing (sink and bath) to the drain is not a difficult job. But in order for these devices to work correctly, there are several general important points to consider.

Connecting the sink and bathtub drain pipes to the sewer system must be done with the installation of appropriate water seals.

Bathroom plumbing connection diagram.

That is, for both the sink and the bathtub, devices should be connected for this purpose, which, by creating a water plug inside themselves, will prevent the appearance of unpleasant odor from the sewer. Such devices are called siphons. Currently, the existing market offers a great variety of siphons for plumbing. But, as a rule, siphons made of plastic are most in demand. They are inexpensive and durable. Also, when arranging the connection of water drain pipes to the sewer for the sink and bathroom, many are faced with specific features these connections, the specificity of which is that the main thing for a sink is to choose the right siphon, taking into account its configuration and dimensions, as well as the possible need to connect water drainage from the sink through its siphon washing machine. The connection of the bath to the sewer is carried out using appropriate devices, taking into account its location and existing sewer pipes.

Scheme for connecting the sink siphon to the sewer.

The connection of the sink siphon to the sewer is simple: through a 50/40 rubber coupling, in the case of 50 mm plastic sewer pipes, or through a 73/40 adapter coupling, in the case of cast iron sewer pipes. The size of 40 mm is indicated because this is the diameter that, as a rule, the drain pipe in siphons has. To connect the drain fittings to the sewer when the diameter of the pipe is 40 mm, a sealing gasket is used, which is put on the inserted tube. The same gasket can be used if the inlet pipe diameter is 50 mm, and a 40/50 adapter tube is used in the drain. To facilitate the organization of the joint of these pipes, it is recommended to coat the sealing gasket used on top with soap or dishwashing gel.

The situation is somewhat different when connecting a bathtub.

How to connect a bathtub to the sewer?

After the bathtub has been purchased and delivered to the bathroom intended for it, it must be installed correctly, taking into account the configuration of the room, existing pipes, utilities and design solutions owners.

Scheme of connecting the toilet to the sewer.

Having decided on its general location, which will subsequently determine the connection of water and sewerage pipes, it is necessary to adjust its stability, height and slope.

Bathtubs can be installed on legs, stands or other supports. Moreover, they must withstand a mechanical load of at least 100 kg applied to the long side of the bath anywhere vertically downward, and be stable.

In addition, the height of the bath should be at least 145 mm from the floor to the bowl outlet. This is done so that the necessary height difference can be created in the area between the drain hole and the connection point to the sewer. If there is no height difference or it is insufficient, the water from the bowl will come out poorly and possibly stagnate. In addition, the resulting space between the floor and the bottom of the bowl will allow for relatively free access to the drain for possible revision or replacement of the siphon.

After installing the bathtub on the above supports or supports, make test measurements of the resulting heights: a) from the clean floor to the outlet, b) from the clean floor to the top of the side of the bowl at four points in its corners. The latest data should not differ from each other by more than 4 mm.

After the work on its installation and adjustment is completed and the bowl is finally fixed vertically and horizontally, you can begin connecting its drain to the sewer.

Selecting a siphon to connect the bathtub drain to the sewer system

It is recommended to connect the bathtub to the sewer pipe using an appropriate siphon - a special fitting that contains components that provide connection to the drain hole and overflow hole (photo 1).

  • have high hydraulic resistance;
  • quickly become clogged with dirt;
  • poorly cleaned.

The best choice would be a drain device, structurally consisting of a rigid or flexible, but smooth plastic pipe. If the configuration of existing sewer pipes allows the use of drain device, consisting of two bends of rigid pipes, with the required turns, this will be the optimal solution.

But if the situation does not allow the use of any of the recommended options, then all that remains is to use a structure made of corrugated plastic pipes.

Assembling and connecting the bathtub drain to the sewer system

Assembly and installation of the siphon.

Siphon installation diagram.

When the drainage device has been purchased in accordance with the recommendations for selection, you can begin its installation. When assembling and installing the device according to the instructions supplied with it, some order should be observed. First, the water seal system is assembled into one whole, consisting of drain and overflow parts, since in the installation kit it comes in the form of separate fragments. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the presence, quality and condition of the gaskets, as well as the fixing nuts of the system.

During installation, the nuts should be tightened carefully and without distortion and tightened by hand without using instrumental force, so as not to damage the material of the structure and not to break the thread when tightening. An overflow is mounted on the bathtub, securing it in the hole of the bowl using a decorative trim and a screw. After that, a plastic tube is attached to the overflow, the free end of which will be attached to the corresponding drain outlet.

Next, a sealing ring is placed in the bowl body on the drain hole, and a metal drain neck is installed on top of it. The assembled drain is brought from below to the neck and connected with a fastening screw. The next step is to connect the overflow and drain using a plastic overflow tube, which is attached and attached to the drain. When carrying out the above work, you should pay attention to how each sealing gasket is located on the drain and overflow holes of the bowl. In addition, it is necessary to carefully check the correctness of all connections made to avoid possible leaks.

Connecting the drain to the sewer

Scheme of connecting the drain to the sewer.

Once the plumbing drain has been installed and checked, it can be connected to sewer network by means of a piece of rigid or flexible smooth plastic tube (if such a connection is not possible, then corrugation is used). If the sewer system is constructed using cast iron pipes, then a 73/40 rubber adapter coupling should be used to connect to it and seal the drain inlet.

If the building's sewer system is made of plastic pipes with a diameter of 50 mm, then it is recommended to enter the drain through a 50/40 rubber adapter coupling or using an appropriate adapter from 40 to 50 mm. In the latter case, to seal the joint on the drain pipe inserted into the sewer, it is recommended to put on a 1.5 mm thick sealing gasket so that top part the input was additionally sealed with waterproof sealant. Similarly, it is recommended to perform a drain insertion if the diameter of the sewer pipe is 40 mm.

In order to make sure that the mounted drain and overflow of the bowl are working properly, you need to fill it with water to the overflow level and, while draining the water, check all loaded connections for leaks. If the siphon connections remain dry, then you can conclude that the job is well done.

Connecting the bathtub to the sewer: assembly, installation

Connecting the bath to the sewer is carried out using appropriate devices. Its location and the location of existing sewer pipes are taken into account.

Connecting the bathtub to the sewer and water supply system with your own hands

After the bath has been delivered to the place where it is planned to be installed, a very important stage begins - connecting the bath to the sewer. Connection to engineering communications are not considered very difficult, so you can do them yourself. Understand the intricacies self-installation The instructions presented in our article will help.

Preparation for installation

Place and materials

During installation, a number of important points must be taken into account:

  1. It is recommended to connect the bathtub to the sewer pipeline using a bathtub siphon - a special device that has components that provide connection to the drain hole and overflow hole.

Bath siphon

  1. If installation is carried out independently, then the use of corrugated tubes is not recommended, as they have a number of disadvantages:
  • they have high hydraulic resistance;
  • contaminants quickly accumulate in them;
  • Such tubes are difficult to clean.

It is better to choose a siphon without corrugation

  1. Before connecting the bathtub to the sewer, it is necessary to ensure that the height difference between the drain pipe and the connection point is arranged correctly. In this case, special attention should be paid to the height of the siphon outlet to ensure best stock drain water from the bath.

If the height difference is not made or it is insufficient, this will lead to stagnation of water in the bath.

  1. It is necessary to provide free access to the siphon so that it is convenient to dismantle it if necessary to clean it inner surface from pollution.

Pipe selection

You can use either rigid or smooth flexible plastic pipe, guided by the following rule:

  • if it is possible to connect the bathtub to the sewer using a rigid pipe, for example, a pipe consisting of 2 elbows with the necessary turns, then it is better to use this option;

Connection with rigid pipe

  • if connecting rigid pipes causes difficulties, then corrugated pipes should be used.

Connection using corrugated pipe

Selection of pipes for connection to the sewer:

  • If the sewer system is installed from plastic pipes, then the siphon is connected using a special smooth flexible tube with a diameter of 40 mm or an ordinary rigid plastic pipe with the same diameter is used for this purpose.
  • If the diameter of the sewer pipeline is 50 mm, then it is necessary to additionally use an adapter that allows the transition from 40 to 50 mm.
  • If for sewer system Was used cast iron pipes, then before connecting the bathtub to the sewer, you need to purchase a 73/40 rubber coupling for the connection.

Bath connection technology

The procedure for connecting the bathtub to the sewer system

The connection procedure is as follows:

Connecting networks to a plumbing fixture

  1. Assemble the siphon in accordance with the instructions supplied with it, paying special attention to all the necessary sealing gaskets.
  2. The plastic fasteners are tightened by hand, acting very carefully. Tools are not used, as using them can break the part.
  3. After the device has been installed, one end of the pipe is connected to it, and its other end is brought to the sewer drain hole and a connection is made.
  4. Connecting the bathtub drain must be accompanied by careful control over the density of the assembled joints to ensure a high degree of their tightness.

If the slightest malfunction is detected, it is necessary to eliminate them immediately, otherwise during operation it will be necessary to replace defective elements of the system.

  1. If the sides of the bathtub are tightly adjacent to the walls, the joints must be carefully sealed so that water does not have the opportunity to penetrate under the bathtub.

Connecting the bathtub to the water supply

Just like connecting a bathtub to the sewer with your own hands, it is also possible self-connection to the water supply and installation of a mixer. You don't have to call a plumber to do this.

Connection diagram for the bathtub to the water supply

Let's consider this technology:

  1. A shut-off valve is installed on the pipe in front of the fittings, the presence of which is necessary to shut off the water when replacing the mixer or in case of repair.
  2. Eccentrics are attached to the fittings located on the mixer (first by hand, and then tightened with a key). In this case, FUM tape or a specialized thread is used, intended for connecting elements of the plumbing system.
  3. Decorative attachments are put on the eccentrics.
  4. On the mixer, rubber or silicone gaskets are inserted inside the threads, and then the mixer is screwed to the eccentrics (in this case there is no need to use FUM tape or thread).

Mixer connection process

The bathtub connection diagram must necessarily include a check of the quality of the work performed - if leaks are detected in the mixer, the gasket is replaced - it is possible that the leak occurred due to a defective gasket.

  1. The mixer is screwed on both sides at the same time. In this case, the gaskets are evenly sealed.
  2. If the bathtub comes with a mixer when purchasing:
  • That permissible level the height of the pipes is below the level of the bathroom, since in this case the connection is made using reinforced hoses;
  • it is not necessary to align the ends of the pipes - such hoses are very flexible;
  • The basic rule in such a situation is to ensure that the length of the reinforced hose is slightly longer than the distance from the bathroom to the end of the pipe.

Screwing pipes to the mixer

After completing all operations to connect the bath to the water supply and sewerage, turn on the water and observe for leaks. If there are leaks, then you need to make sure how well the gaskets are secured, and also make sure the quality of the gaskets themselves (if they are of poor quality, you will have to replace them).

Following these simple rules will allow you to efficiently connect the bathroom to the sewer and correctly install the mixer. With this approach, the bathtub will last for many years!

Connecting a bathtub to the sewer with your own hands: diagram and technology

You can connect the bathtub to the sewer and water supply system yourself, using the instructions provided in the article. It also presents detailed diagram, how to connect a bathtub to communication networks.

How to properly connect a bathtub to sewerage and water supply: instructions for selecting materials and installation

After completing the main stage repair work In the bathroom and purchasing plumbing fixtures, all that remains is to connect the bathroom to the sewer and connect to the water supply.

Independent work is carried out in the following order:

  • Choosing a location, installing a bowl.
  • Siphon assembly.
  • Connection to the sewer pipe outlet.
  • Connection to water supply.
  • Checking correct installation and tightness.

Preparation for connection: selection of materials and installation of the bathtub

Before connecting the bathtub to the water supply and sewerage pipes, you need to prepare the materials and choose a place to fix the bowl. The main problem is to determine the correct installation height in order to correctly connect the siphon, and to guess the location of the mixer if you choose a model with wall mounting above the side of the bathtub.

Installation and connection diagram of plumbing in the bathroom

Simultaneously with the connection to the sewer, installation of mixers is carried out

Bathtub installation: important points

Basic conditions that should be met during installation for correct connection baths:

  • Correctly determine the height from the bottom to the floor.
  • Level and fix the bowl using a level.
  • Properly install the decorative screen.

Selecting a location and adjusting the installation height

Determining the distance from the floor to the lowest point of the bottom must be carried out taking into account the height of the sewer pipe outlet. The second criterion is the type and depth of the siphon tank, the distance from the outlet pipe to the floor. The higher the bathtub is installed, the less problems will occur during installation.

Installation height – most important condition successful connection

Height distance between pipe and sewer drain should be at least 4 - 6 cm. The slope of the pipe from the outlet of the siphon to the insertion into the riser will ensure rapid drainage of water, and a sufficient depth of the siphon will ensure the absence of an unpleasant odor from the drain. Under standard conditions, it is enough to leave 15–25 cm in height from the bottom point of the bowl to the sewer outlet.

Leveling the bathtub with a laser level

After installation, you need to level the bathtub, determining the level of deviation along the horizontal upper edge. The angle lowered below the level must be raised.

Types of siphons: which one is better to choose

The choice of model and material of manufacture depends on the initial data: when installed on new bath you can choose almost any siphon if it is possible to adjust the height of the bowl. When replacing an old siphon, you will have to focus on the type and height of the bowl and select the product based on measurements.

Even inexpensive models complete with corrugation for connection

The main materials for the manufacture of budget siphons are polypropylene and PVC. Completely identical in appearance, the materials differ radically in their performance characteristics.

Part sizes and pipe diameters

A polypropylene kit is more expensive, but will last a couple of years longer than a PVC siphon. The structure of the material is smooth, without roughness and pores: plaque is not deposited on the smooth walls, narrowing the internal lumen of the pipes. Propylene threaded connection parts are stronger than PVC threads: there is less risk of breaking fragile parts when screwing.

Classification by functionality:

  1. Classic siphons. They are equipped with a plastic or flexible tube connecting the outlet from the overflow to the drain. Simple design has the advantage of durability and the absence of mechanisms that often fail. The disadvantage is the need to close the drain with a lid before adding water.
  2. Semi-automatic products. In addition to the tube from the overflow to the bottom of the siphon, siphons are equipped with a mechanism with a cable. The lever is located on the inside of the overflow. When you turn the handle, the drain closes - there is no need to use the lid on a chain and bend over to install the plug.

Automatic models - convenient, but expensive and unreliable

  1. Click-clack or automatic. To fill or drain water, just press a button or turn the lever - the bottom drain will automatically close.

What you will need for assembly: pipes and adapters

In addition to the siphon, to connect the bathtub to the sewer you will need:

  • Sewer pipe and, if necessary, turn. It is better to buy plastic rigid pipes. If there is no space to install rigid wiring, you will have to install corrugated flexible pipe. The diameter of pipes for local sewerage is standard - 40 mm.

Flexible adapter for plastic

  • If the diameter of the sewer pipe differs from the diameter of the bathtub drain pipe, you need to prepare adapters. For plastic pipe connections - rubber corrugated coupling 50 mm x 40 mm. In an apartment with an old cast iron riser, you will need to install an adapter 73 mm (standard diameter of cast iron pipes) x 40 mm.

Adapters for cast iron

  • FUM tape, silicone for lubrication rubber seals(gaskets), moisture-resistant sealant for processing joints and bathtub edges, gasket repair kit.
  • A knife for cutting plastic, if you need to cut off a corrugated hose or pipe.

Assembling the pipeline and connecting the bath to the sewer

To perform the installation correctly, first check the equipment and assemble the siphon. Installing the drain is much easier on an inverted bathtub. After installing the bowl, you only need to connect the drain to the bathroom drain. Before starting assembly, it is worth checking the condition of the drain holes in the bowl: back side Acrylic, plastic and cast iron bowls may have uneven surfaces. All defects must be carefully cut off or cleaned with sandpaper.

Siphon assembly diagram

Assembling and connecting the siphon

Most models are fully equipped with drain grates and covers. Before connecting the siphon to the sewer in the bathroom, be sure to inspect the grates, tightening bolts, and gaskets.

The grille must be replaced with a compatible model if:

  • The hole is designed crosswise in the form of two crossbars: through such a drain, long threads, hair and debris can easily get into the siphon along with water. This grille does not perform the function of a mechanical filter.
  • There is also no need to install a stainless steel grate with long oval slits - such a drain is difficult to clean.

It is difficult to remove debris from narrow crevices

The most reliable are all-metal or plastic grilles with small holes around the circumference. In a bathtub with such a grate you can wash woolen items and blankets - the drain will not become clogged. When replacing the grille, it is better to choose a kit with a stainless steel bolt. Metal fasteners rust quickly - to disassemble the grill for cleaning, you will have to break it.

Fine mesh instead of a cross is the best choice

Inspect the gaskets. Durable and elastic seals - made of dense rubber, rubber. If cracks are visible on the rubber, it is better to replace the seals immediately. Before installation, the gaskets can be lubricated with silicone for better fixation.

Testing and assembly before installation

Assembly and installation procedure:

  1. According to the factory instructions, all parts are connected to each other. The plastic threads are not tightened tightly. There is no need to use keys; excessive force may crack the threads.
  2. Install overflow and bottom drain grates.

  1. A siphon with drain grates and pipes is connected to the gasket from the outside. The gaskets are installed with the narrow part of the cone towards the pipe.

  1. Connect flexible hose or a plastic overflow pipe to the drain pipe.

It is more convenient to carry out preparatory work on an uninstalled bath. Only after leveling and final fixing of the bowl can the connections be tightened.

Installation and connection of pipes

To properly connect a bathtub with an installed siphon to the sewer system, you need to correctly mount the outlet from the drain. It is advisable to use a rigid plastic pipe. A corrugated flexible hose is used only when there is no height space for a rigid connection.

Correct connection with slope

When connecting, maintain a slope: from the point of exit from the siphon to the point of entry into the sewer, a height difference of up to 5 cm is required. Ideally, if it is possible to connect the points with a straight piece of plastic pipe without turning.

Laying corrugated hose

The corrugated pipe is laid in such a way that there are no sharp bends or loops - it is better to cut off the excess length. The disadvantage of this connection is the uneven surface inside the hose. Debris clings to the protrusions of the corrugation, creating blockages. But cleaning or replacing a flexible hose is not difficult.

Assembling the outlet from the pipe and turning

The pipe connected to the siphon is discharged into the sewer. If necessary, install an adapter. After completing the work, the joints are additionally sealed, but only after checking the tightness.

Connecting to the water supply and installing the screen

If you have successfully connected the bathtub to the sewer with your own hands, you can proceed to the last stage: connecting the faucet and installing a decorative protective screen.

Mixer connection procedure

The mixer is connected to the pipes using threaded connections. The thread is pre-wrapped with tape, making sure that the strip does not bend or protrusions form. Screw the right and left threads alternately evenly. Install decorative conical overlays to hide the joints.

The decorative screen is installed so as to leave a small gap from the floor - up to 5 - 7 cm. Such a gap will not be noticeable, but will ensure constant ventilation and protect the space around the bowl from the appearance of fungus and mold. In the place where the drain exits into the sewer, you need to leave an inspection window, make a door on hinges from the material of the decorative shield - you will not need to remove the screen from the sealant to repair or eliminate the leak.

Fixation with sealant is carried out only after checking the tightness of the sewer drains.

Checking correct connection and sealing

Checking before sealing the screen and bowl edges

Checking the correct connection of the bathroom to the water supply and sewerage system consists of two stages:

  1. Checking the mixer connection. Open the tap and evaluate the tightness of the connections between the pipes and the mixer. If the connections are dry, it means the installation was carried out correctly.
  2. Water is drawn into the bath. Inspect the bottom where the drain exits. When installed correctly, the lower part of the pipe should be completely dry. The bowl filled with water can be left for several hours. If no leakage appears, the siphon is assembled and secured correctly. Remove the lid and observe the rate of drainage. If the water leaves at an acceptable speed, the angle of inclination is chosen correctly. In addition to the drainage speed, you need to inspect the pipe connections - there should be no moisture on them.

After completing the check, you can treat the edges of the bathtub with sealant and install the screen.

In addition to installation difficulties, when independently conducting During work, problems and breakdowns arise due to errors in the selection of pipes and drains. And only an experienced craftsman can set a clear horizontal line when installing the bowl. Therefore, it is better if specialists handle the plumbing connections - you won’t have to pay for the repair of ceilings to the neighbors below, repair constantly clogged drains and change a leaky siphon.

Do-it-yourself connection of a bathroom to sewerage and water supply: selection of materials and installation steps

How to properly connect a bathtub. Installing a siphon and connecting pipes with your own hands. Selection of pipes and materials. Installation and connection rules.

After the bath has been delivered to the place where it is planned to be installed, a very important step begins - connecting the bath to the sewer. Connecting to utilities is not considered very difficult, so you can do them yourself. The instructions presented in our article will help you understand the intricacies of self-installation.

Preparation for installation

Place and materials

During installation, a number of important points must be taken into account:

  1. It is recommended to connect the bathtub to the sewer pipeline using a bathtub siphon - a special device that has components that provide connection to the drain hole and overflow hole.

  1. If installation is carried out independently, then the use of corrugated tubes is not recommended, as they have a number of disadvantages:
  • they have high hydraulic resistance;
  • contaminants quickly accumulate in them;
  • Such tubes are difficult to clean.

  1. Before connecting the bathtub to the sewer, it is necessary to ensure that the height difference between the drain pipe and the connection point is arranged correctly. In this case, special attention should be paid to the height of the siphon outlet to ensure better drainage of waste water from the bath.

Pro tip:

If the height difference is not made or it is insufficient, this will lead to stagnation of water in the bath.

  1. It is necessary to provide free access to the siphon so that it is convenient to dismantle it if it is necessary to clean its internal surface from contamination.

Pipe selection

You can use either a rigid or a smooth flexible plastic pipe, guided by the following rule:

  • if it is possible to connect the bathtub to the sewer using a rigid pipe, for example, a pipe consisting of 2 elbows with the necessary turns, then it is better to use this option;

  • if connecting rigid pipes causes difficulties, then corrugated pipes should be used.

Selection of pipes for connection to the sewer:

  • If the sewer system is installed from plastic pipes, then the siphon is connected using a special smooth flexible tube with a diameter of 40 mm or an ordinary rigid plastic pipe with the same diameter is used for this purpose.
  • If the diameter of the sewer pipeline is 50 mm, then it is necessary to additionally use an adapter that allows the transition from 40 to 50 mm.
  • If cast iron pipes were used for the sewer system, then before connecting the bathtub to the sewer, you must purchase a 73/40 rubber coupling for the connection.

Bath connection technology

The procedure for connecting the bathtub to the sewer system

The connection procedure is as follows:

  1. Assemble the siphon in accordance with the instructions supplied with it, paying special attention to all the necessary sealing gaskets.
  2. The plastic fasteners are tightened by hand, acting very carefully. Tools are not used, as using them can break the part.
  3. After the device has been installed, one end of the pipe is connected to it, and its other end is brought to the sewer drain hole and a connection is made.
  4. Connecting the bathtub drain must be accompanied by careful control over the density of the assembled joints to ensure a high degree of their tightness.

Pro tip:

If the slightest malfunction is detected, it is necessary to eliminate them immediately, otherwise during operation it will be necessary to replace defective elements of the system.

  1. If the sides of the bathtub are tightly adjacent to the walls, the joints must be carefully sealed so that water does not have the opportunity to penetrate under the bathtub.

Connecting the bathtub to the water supply

Just like connecting a bathtub to the sewer with your own hands, it is also possible to connect to the water supply and install a mixer yourself. You don't have to call a plumber to do this.

Let's consider this technology:

  1. A shut-off valve is installed on the pipe in front of the fittings, the presence of which is necessary to shut off the water when replacing the mixer or in case of repair.
  2. Eccentrics are attached to the fittings located on the mixer (first by hand, and then tightened with a key). In this case, FUM tape or a specialized thread is used, intended for connecting elements of the plumbing system.
  3. Decorative attachments are put on the eccentrics.
  4. On the mixer, rubber or silicone gaskets are inserted inside the threads, and then the mixer is screwed to the eccentrics (in this case there is no need to use FUM tape or thread).

Pro tip:

The bathtub connection diagram must necessarily include a check of the quality of the work performed - if leaks are detected in the mixer, the gasket is replaced - it is possible that the leak occurred due to a defective gasket.

  1. The mixer is screwed on both sides at the same time. In this case, the gaskets are evenly sealed.
  2. If the bathtub comes with a mixer when purchasing:
  • then the permissible level of pipe height is below the level of the bathroom, since in this case the connection is made using reinforced hoses;
  • it is not necessary to align the ends of the pipes - such hoses are very flexible;
  • The basic rule in such a situation is to ensure that the length of the reinforced hose is slightly longer than the distance from the bathroom to the end of the pipe.

After completing all operations to connect the bath to the water supply and sewerage, turn on the water and observe for leaks. If there are leaks, then you need to make sure how well the gaskets are secured, and also make sure the quality of the gaskets themselves (if they are of poor quality, you will have to replace them).

Following these simple rules will allow you to efficiently connect the bathroom to the sewer and correctly install the mixer. With this approach, the bathtub will last for many years!

Proper installation of a bathroom drain with your own hands allows you to reduce to a minimum the possibility of overflowing the water bowl in the room. water procedures. It is necessary to maintain order in this area, since water can fill the bathtub faster than it can drain. At the same time, there is not only the possibility of flooding the floor, but also flooding the neighbors. A piping or drain-overflow system allows you to organize the drainage of water from the bathtub into the sewer channel.

Standard drain design and semi-automatic

The design includes several tubes with hoses connected to the sewerage pipe system, as well as 2 bathtub openings:

  1. Upper.
  2. Lower.

The top drain is provided to regulate the volume of water in the bath and reduce the likelihood of overflow. Another hole is located at the bottom of the bowl; it serves as a drain. Included standard model plum includes the following elements:

  • siphon in the form of a pipe;
  • necks for draining and overflowing;
  • a tube for connecting the siphon to the sewage system;
  • corrugated hose for pouring water into a siphon.

A siphon, or pipe, is a barrier against the penetration of pungent odors from the apartment. To fill the bowl with water, you will need to cover the hole at the bottom with a stopper. Correct operation The drainage system requires timely replacement of seals that are already worn out. The semi-automatic device differs from the standard drain-overflow model in its modernized design, which includes all listed items, as well as additional:

  1. Valve plug.
  2. Cable responsible for controlling the plug.
  3. Rotary ring, valve, button, handle.
  4. A mechanism that allows the plug to be lowered and raised.

For the entire system to work, the cable must be tensioned and relaxed. This is done by turning the valve or pressing a special button. In the design of the semi-automatic device, the drain-overflow hole is located behind the control unit.

Among the advantages of this system are the design and convenient operation of the structure. The disadvantage of a semi-automatic system is not too high level its reliability.

Automatic drain device

If your budget allows, you can buy an expensive automatic model. It will also be beneficial to purchase an inexpensive standard model. Prices for automatic structures range from $20-55. Distinctive feature automatic mechanism associated with the presence special valve. After pressing it, the plug automatically closes the drain hole in the tank.

The provided valve retainer allows you to maintain its position. To drain the water you will need to press a button. The automatic lowering and raising of the valve occurs as a result of spring compression. The automatic drain system has the following main features:

  1. The drainage is controlled by feet.
  2. The visible part is compact in size.
  3. Availability of a large assortment of buttons.

An automatic drainage system is often used to equip baths for children. As a result, the water container does not need to be turned over manually to drain the water. Main disadvantage automatic device Bathroom drain and overflow is difficult to replace the button.

If a valve breaks down, the system is completely renewed. This is a rather serious drawback, since the price of an automatic bathroom drainage device ranges from $60-280.

Replacing the old siphon and caring for it

If a puddle of water regularly appears on the floor in the bathroom after it has not completely drained into the sewer system, this means that the siphon has begun to leak. In this situation, you cannot hesitate, that is, you will need to immediately begin replacing the old siphon with a new part.

Otherwise, the breakdown will lead to the appearance of mold due to increased humidity levels, an unpleasant odor and many other problems.

  1. Replacing the siphon and connecting the bathtub to the sewer with your own hands is done in the following sequence:
  2. The worn out drainage system is being dismantled.
  3. The presence of burrs at the location of the neck is checked.
  4. The rubber gasket is installed.
  5. The back of the drain pipe is pressed tightly against the gasket.
  6. The gasket is placed on the front side of the siphon.
  7. A screw is inserted and carefully tightened.
  8. The drain and overflow neck is reinforced with corrugation.
  9. The siphon is connected to corrugated hoses.

The hose discharged into the sewer is secured to the siphon using a union nut.

  • semi-automatic and automatic require periodic processing of parts, which allows you to maintain the shine of the metal;
  • regular inspections are organized in order to identify possible leaks;
  • broken sealing requires changing the seal or tightening the joints;
  • a clogged siphon is cleaned with a plunger or using a small brush attached to a wire;
  • Removal of blockages is carried out using alkali contained in chemicals.

The listed measures are applied when problems with blockages occur, so the system needs periodic inspection and prevention.

What to pay attention to

From the very beginning you need to figure out how to remove the old siphon. To do this you need to have a set of keys for clamping nuts. They are easily unscrewed using a tool, and the entire system is disassembled into a certain number of component parts.

A mandatory element is draining the water, which acts as a water seal by unscrewing the plug. In some cases, the nuts “grow” to the thread and are almost impossible to unscrew by hand. This is where the grinder comes to the rescue.

Before you remove the old siphon yourself, you need to familiarize yourself with the drainage diagram in the bathroom. To unscrew the clamping nuts, you will need to use a set of wrenches, which will make it easy to disassemble the old system into a certain amount components. When attaching the drain and overflow neck, it is necessary to tighten the screw. At the same time, it is important not to damage the element by calculating your strength.

To ensure that the fastening of the parts is reliable and there are no leaks, you will need silicone sealant for coating joints. It is necessary to use it before starting assembly, since it can dry quickly. Replacing the drain can be done in a lying or sitting position.

When replacing the siphon, you should remember the rule that the tightness of the tank will depend on the quality of work. Only competently done repairs will solve the drainage problem. Expert advice will help you figure out how to properly replace the siphon yourself.

Proper installation of a drain in a bathroom requires compliance with the following recommendations:

  1. When carrying out work, the sequence must be observed.
  2. For processing various connections seals will be required.
  3. Care should be taken when tightening parts.
  4. Tightening the threaded elements by hand ends by tightening them 1/4 of a full turn.

Connecting the bathroom to the sewer requires even tightening of the nut, so its stability should be checked every time. You should begin installing a siphon in the bathroom with your own hands only after the bowl has been securely fastened, which, if necessary, will need to be leveled and secured. There should be a gap of 15 cm or more between the container and the floor.

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