How to open a makeup school and make a business out of it. How to open your own business: permanent makeup studio

Many girls dream of having their own beauty salon, because this has only advantages - full access to services, and even a constant income. But is everything really so simple and rosy?! The owner of a small beauty studio shared her experience with our readers - she told how difficult a woman’s path in business can be, especially when starting from scratch.

Word, as always, to the author

My name is Ekaterina. Now I'm 33 years old. Received legal education. She completed an internship at one of the leading companies in the city in automated accounting of “salaries and personnel.” IN currently I am a final year student majoring in “Organizational Financial Management” at the Faculty of Finance and Economics. I worked in a bank for about a year, however, due to my character and unwillingness to obey, I quit.

I spent most of my working life working development of own business projects in areas such as retail grocery and alcoholic products, freight transportation, beauty.

The real story of my business - “Beauty Studios”

The idea to start providing beauty services arose completely spontaneously, since I did not have any skills or ability to provide these services. I am one of those women who love visiting beauty salons. The cost of services for procedures is not cheap. And, probably, every woman would like to have her own own salon, where you can visit at any time and get any desired service, for example, get a manicure, pedicure, hairstyle, and so on.

I started draw up a business project. To do this, I needed to answer the following questions:

  • What premises will my business be located in? Does the premises have a large area, including several offices, or a small area with a single office (studios)?
  • How much money do I need to start and how much am I willing to invest?
  • Where and how to look for clients?
  • Where to look for masters?
  • What kind of income do I want and can make from this business?

Analyzing the profitability of beauty salons owned by my friends and the profitability of private offices providing one service, I came to the following conclusions. Beauty salons provide several rooms and provide several services.

Rent for a beauty studio

However, rent 100 square meters in a room equipped as a beauty salon costs 100,000 rubles per month. Payment for public utilities is about 10,000 rubles per month.

In addition, premises already equipped to house a Beauty Salon are not rented out, but are sold as ready business even if their profit is 0, or they work in the red.

The right to rent such premises is sold for quite large amounts. The selling price of the leasehold right varies in my city from 300,000 to 500,000 rubles, depending on the territorial location. In this case, the costs required to start a business are too high. It must be remembered that for several months, and maybe always, the salon will work at 0 or minus. Renting such premises and renting out offices is not profitable. An office more expensive than 10,000 per month cannot be rented out.

All my friends who were involved in this business, renting large areas, failed. Some gave up earlier, some later. Some people managed to work at least at 0. For others, at minus.

They siphoned money from another business or, using credit funds, paid for the rent of the salon until they realized that nothing would change further or until sources of financing ran out. You can easily check this information by going to ad sites. If such a business were profitable, there would not be such a massive offer for sale and rental. And, if you call and ask a question why you are selling, the answers will be from the series, I want to invest in another business, I urgently need money for an operation, etc. They will assure you that the income here will be huge, at the meeting they will even provide a notebook for registering visitors, perhaps fictitious. Yes, there are salons that really bring good profits, mainly those who opened them back in the 90s.

My investments

Naturally, potential clients believe that if a salon has been around for a long time, then everything is in order there, and there is no need to fear disappointment in the service provided. And so, I answered my first question. I don’t want to get involved in a dubious adventure, to invest huge amounts of money on my whim. Since a beauty salon is not the goal of my whole life. I just wanted it, that's all...

I decided that I was ready to invest no more than 20,000 rubles in my new hobby. I would be ready to lose this amount without regret in case of failure in this project.

I decided to rent a room of about 20 square meters with a rent of no more than 10,000 per month. Where this premises will be located and how I will look for clients, I combined it into one question. Due to the lack of a client base, it is more advisable to rent premises where there is good foot traffic.

I started looking for advertisements with offers to rent small spaces. The most a chic option There was an advertisement for renting an office in an existing hairdressing salon for only 5 thousand rubles a month. I knew very well this hairdressing salon, which had existed since my childhood, located in a very public place. The flow of clients there was such that 3 specialists did not have time to serve clients, creating a queue. In order to get to the hairdresser, it was necessary to pass by my office, which I called “Beauty Studio XXX”. I rented this premises.

Almost bought it new furniture on ad sites, spending 7 thousand rubles on it. And so the office was ready for work. And so, I spent 12,000 rubles on rent and furniture. There were 8,000 rubles left in reserve.

I ordered a huge one advertising poster your studio. I spent 7,000 rubles on its development, printing and installation on the wall of the building in which the hairdressing salon and my studio were located. I hung a mini poster on the door of my studio that cost 200 rubles.

Both posters contained information about the services provided, namely:

  • Manicure
  • Pedicure
  • Eyelash extensions
  • Nail extensions
  • Nail coating with gel polish
  • Wedding and evening hairstyles
  • Makeup

Thus, I kept within the amount that I planned to spend on the start.

Searching for employees for the studio

The next task was to find craftsmen. I posted an advertisement offering to work in my studio on a flexible schedule. There were a lot of calls. I spent about 3 days selecting suitable employees. For each service there were 5 masters who were ready to come to the studio and provide services by agreement.

Why 5? Because at least 1 master had to be free at the time the client needed. All these people worked either in other salons or in their own offices and needed additional income.

Therefore, I was calm that we would be able to provide services at the time desired by the client. My task was to attract clients and plan office opening hours. We agreed with the craftsmen to work 50/50. I had to provide the place of work and the client, and they would work on their own material. We set the prices as average for the city.

Remained last question. How much profit did I want to make? In order for this business to be financially interesting to me, I had to earn at least 50 thousand rubles.

The first working day has begun

There was a stream of people going to the hairdresser. The door to my studio was open and people couldn't help but look inside. stood manicure table, a couch for eyelash extensions, a mirror and a chair for hairstyles. And now the first potential client crossed the threshold of my studio. She was interested in manicure. I performed the functions of an administrator. She clarified when it would be convenient for her, what type of manicure she would like. She also asked questions regarding the duration of the procedure, the experience of the master, etc. Since I myself was a frequent visitor to salons and offices providing similar services, I easily answered all her questions. The client named the time that suited her to receive the service. We agreed on a price and she left. I immediately called the manicurist. She must be at her main job at the designated time. I called another master. The time was right for her, and we agreed on her visit to the studio. And so the first service was provided, the money was received and divided. The client left satisfied. The studio began to work on this principle.

Still have questions?

Perhaps the reader has a question. How to be sure that the master will do his job efficiently. I could be wrong, but I think that from one 15-minute conversation it will be clear what this master is like and what he can do. Not a single one of them let me down, and there was not a single dissatisfied client. First of all, I analyzed the professionalism of the master. The second requirement was a neat appearance. Third, the master had to be easy to communicate with.

On average, I earned 500 rubles from each service. The average monthly salary was 60,000 rubles. Of this, I paid 5,000 rubles for renting the studio.

This went on for about 3 years until the long-awaited pregnancy has arrived. I sold the furniture overnight and terminated the lease. The business was successful and reasonable in terms of investment. There weren't huge profits, but there weren't huge business risks either. The amount earned monthly was very significant for my city.

In this article I do not give any advice, since there cannot be a single identical city, its economic conditions, fashion, nor can there be identical entrepreneurs. The purpose of this article is only to narrate my own experience. Perhaps he can be useful in at least some way.


The field within which we work - beauty and style - is a little contradictory. On the one hand, he has very good performance. Thus, as RBC recently reported with reference to the Market Analytics agency, the volume of relevant services provided by hairdressers and beauty salons grew throughout the entire period from 2010 to 2016: the physical volume index never fell below 100% compared to the previous year.

If we talk about total volume market in terms of turnover, then from the same 2010 to 2015 it expanded 5.1 times, from 9.7 to 49.7 million rubles. These dry figures and facts confirm what we, market participants in different segments, already know: neither the crisis, nor the rise in prices, nor inflation, nor the reduction in income forced Russian women to sacrifice beauty.

Of course, the continuation of the crisis in 2016-2017 nevertheless forced other experts to put forward less optimistic forecasts. However, the Russian market is still assessed as far from saturation. From the point of view of earnings and from the point of view of self-realization, your own beauty and style studio looks like a very promising option for an aspiring entrepreneur with relevant interests.

At the same time, the market is still gradually creating difficulties for brave singles who are ready to compete for success in the beauty and style market. For example, the BusinesStat agency points out the following trends that will have to be faced in 2017 and subsequent years:

  • an increase in the number of salons, generating additional competition;
  • consolidation of network players, competition with which will require great strength, energy and ingenuity;
  • activation of affiliate programs, making the life of a brave loner difficult;
  • further development, implying creativity and invention.

Studio vs. Salon

Of course, in the beauty salon market - as in any other market - there is a certain gradation of establishments. For convenience, they can be divided into economy class, middle class and premium. However, as soon as this material based on mine personal experience, is dedicated not just to salons - but to studios, with their own brand and image - then the last two are automatically implied.

In principle, if there is financial resources- no problem. The Internet is full of fairly detailed calculations of the costs that will have to be incurred. If you want to open a salon as a franchise, then everything will be presented turnkey. And, if you find a good place, hire good specialists and you work yourself, then very soon you will reach relative profitability, which will allow you not to live in poverty.

However, your own studio is not the same as a regular salon. A studio means a certain author's project that is inextricably linked with your name, your vision, your concept and your special specialization. If you manage to promote it, then your profits and intangible returns from your work will be many times greater than typical salons, be they mid-range or premium.

Moreover, thanks to your “cult” status, in a sense, and loyal audience, all the problems mentioned above can bypass you. The intensity of competition for you will decrease, networkers will not squeeze you out, potential partners themselves will offer you various cooperation programs, and life itself will generate reasons for SMM and self-promotion.

However, opening a medium- or premium-class studio - namely, an author's studio, and not just another salon - is much more difficult.

Instructions for starting a business

If we talk about how exactly we went towards opening our studio, then the roadmap that could be recommended looks like this.

Irina Petrova - businesswoman, certified makeup artist and laureate of international competitions

1. Obtaining qualifications

Gaining initial clientele requires qualifications. Of course, in the case of serious work, working as a private master and the presence of at least some circle of initial clientele, “word of mouth” with a recommendation about “golden hands” may be enough.

However, if the stated goal is a personal studio, then you cannot do without a package of regalia, supported by practice. Of course, this will require effort, time and financial investments. At the same time, you shouldn’t get hung up on these expenses. Even if the project with his own studio does not work out, then a master with a set of diplomas from good schools will clearly not be left without work.

In any case, my first step in this field was exactly like this. I came to the market with an education in pedagogy and sociology, as well as experience in the field of office management and civil service. It was necessary to acquire a lot of new competencies, immediately and quickly.

So, in 2009 I covered the following areas: “Evening hairstyles and styling”, “Eye design” and “Professional makeup artist”. And these are just the aspects covered at the very start as a foundation. Later they were followed by “Modeling hairstyles on long hair", "Evening makeup", a special course on wedding hairstyles and framework programs "Runway and fantasy makeup" and "Stylist-image maker".

Again, this is not minimum requirements for the very beginning: at the first stage it is quite possible to get by with just a couple of programs. However, they must be quite professional and prestigious. As a result, you will immediately receive, firstly, skills, secondly, a credit of trust and, thirdly, with proper sociability, a number of contacts.

As key factors when choosing courses, I recommend paying attention to:

  • the history of the school, how old it is;
  • reviews on the Internet in general and on social networks in particular;
  • the effectiveness of the courses, that is, whether they are mentioned on the websites of existing studios and, most importantly, in connection with the winners of certain competitions.

2. Legal registration

Many private home workers often ignore this measure, which I would not recommend. The reasons are clear: legal red tape, regular reporting, registration costs and, most importantly, reluctance to pay taxes when working in the shadows. And although all these motives are absolutely adequate, it is still worth registering. At least if you plan to have your own studio: I had it in my head from the very beginning, so for me there was no question.

Of course, many will argue that the design can be left until better times. In response, a wisdom as old as the world itself comes to my mind that “there is nothing more permanent than temporary.” When it comes to opening a studio, legal status is no less important than expert status. After all, having registered, the level of trust in me immediately increased.

In the end, no one forbids continuing to work as a home worker, being individual entrepreneur. However, you must remember that you are aiming higher and building the potential to do so. And, of course, there is no need to immediately follow the path. It’s quite enough for a start, as it was with me.

3. Decisive stage

A person on the street at this location may well think that what follows is the opening of a specialized outlet, repairs and advertising. Well, if resources allow, then it is quite possible to begin these steps (especially contextual advertising and advertising on social networks).

However, based on the experience of my project, it is appropriate to suggest a completely different focus: competitions. Participation in them is relatively affordable. And, at the same time, successful performances immediately provide the necessary press and contacts.

It cannot be denied, of course, that the status of a contestant brings with it expenses and nerves. Moreover, the endurance test situation itself - with external assessment, limited time and high demands - certainly carries a lot of stress. I myself am sometimes scared to remember the pressure that I faced at first. And yet, you can’t do without this stress test when entering the major leagues.

So, my brand got off to a strong start with its victory at the Rococo Bride festival back in 2012. After which I managed to “show up” at the “Open Championship in Hairdressing”, “Neva Banks”, Russian Beauty Award, etc. And only after that collaborations with magazines, celebrities, hotels and designers became possible. Without competitions, reaching this stage would have been impossible.

At the same time, it is important to note the point: you should not grab all the competitions. My own project was initially aimed at the wedding theme, as one of the most attractive and profitable. However, if you see your studio working in a different field - urban fashion, for example - then you need to go there. There is no shortage of competitions. At the same time, if you lose, you should not be upset. This experience, in any case, is worth a lot and will definitely help, albeit as a highly paid employee.

4. Diversification

On the one hand, the studio, as an author's project, should not chase all the rabbits at once, remaining true to itself. So, for me, the wedding aspect is still the basic DNA of the business. However, under no circumstances should we stagnate and rest on our laurels.

So, I supplemented our main wedding package with “related” areas that require similar competencies: images for photo shoots (moreover, holiday and evening images also naturally ended up in our package). Secondly, we have developed certain programs for corporate clients. Thirdly, we launched our gift card. Finally, based on the studio, I also launched my own courses and began working with children, preparing them for photo shoots.

In general, even though the wedding business is still key for me, additional areas have allowed me to strengthen my brand and, of course, make additional profit.


Your own studio - just a studio, and not a beauty salon or home practice - requires serious evidence of your own qualifications, legal status, prizes, or at least participation in industry competitions. If these three components are combined with the available resources, as well as an aesthetic sense, a general outlook and a little luck, then success in this endeavor is quite possible.

Lately, makeup and make-up services have become more and more in demand. Basically, makeup is for women, and it is applied according to different cases. This could be evening makeup, in honor of some significant event, or it could be everyday makeup, unobtrusive, and used every day. They also do makeup for photo shoots, clothing shows, presentations and exhibitions. The scope is quite wide and covers many aspects of our lives. Don't forget about men's makeup. Although men do not use cosmetics as often as girls, makeup is for powerful of the world This is also becoming popular.

As you can see, makeup services are in demand, but there are not so many professional makeup artists, and even fewer quality schools that train these same makeup artists. On modern market There is a demand for make-up artists who are offered vacancies in various fields: from studio make-up to field work at serious and presentable events.

Article on the topic:

But in this article I would like to talk not about how to make money on makeup services, but about how to open your own school and transfer skills and abilities to young professionals. I would like to immediately say that in order to open a makeup school, you yourself must have the skills to work in this field, be a professional, understand all the subtleties and nuances, follow new trends in the fashion world, and understand what will be relevant by that time how your students will receive their graduation diplomas. In a word, you must be a professional who will not just teach, but ignite a spark of creativity in young makeup artists.

Makeup and makeup - what's the difference?

Many may ask this question - what is the difference between makeup and make-up? It would seem that these concepts are very similar, and, most likely, these words are synonyms. But if we look at the issue in more detail, we will understand that there is a difference between makeup and make-up, and it is quite significant.

Makeup is the ability to correctly apply cosmetics in order to make oneself more attractive, hide some defects and blemishes of the skin, and give the face correct color and tone.

Makeup is not just the ability to apply cosmetics, it is the art of creating an image using the play of shadows, colors, and shine. Makeup artists work with professional photographers and present their work at various exhibitions and shows. Not a single fashion show is complete without the work of a good and professional makeup artist. A makeup artist must be able to surprise, attract the viewer’s eye, give an emotion, and fix it in the mind for a long time.

Therefore, if you want to open makeup schools, makeup schools also differ in their profile. First, decide what you want and what you can do? If you can simply teach girls how to apply makeup correctly in order to look fresh and beautiful every day, then this is the right path to opening a makeup school. If you creative person If you like to constantly create something new, create, and surprise with your creations, then make-up school is your profile.

Article on the topic:

Choosing a school format

We have already said above how make-up differs from make-up, and how, based on these differences, you can choose a school format. Let's take a closer look at the school of makeup and the school of makeup, and understand what features, pros and cons of each of them.

  • Opening a makeup school implies certain consultations on how to properly apply daily makeup, how to put on makeup during the day, in the evening, and what tones to use depending on the event and setting. There may be several formats. Firstly, this individual consultations. As a rule, the basics of makeup can be learned in just a few lessons. The master breaks the course into 5-7 lessons, the first of which is introductory. Next, there will be instructions regarding the individual features of the facial structure, selection of the best makeup options, methods and techniques will be developed that will be optimal in a particular case.

For each student, one is selected color palette cosmetics, and already on himself he learns everything that the master offers.

Makeup school, as a rule, is aimed at teaching the student to work with himself, first of all, to be able to properly apply makeup to his face. This is the main difference from makeup schools.

Of course, no one will forbid you to apply makeup to other guys and girls after completing your training, but if you want to go beyond standard techniques and constantly develop, then it is advisable to immediately go to a makeup school.

  • Makeup school is no longer just some private consultations, these are full-fledged professional courses that will require large investments, skills, abilities and serious organization. Such courses prepare masters who plan to connect their lives with makeup artistry, people who want to work in this field and make a living from it. After completing these courses, each student receives a certificate (diploma), certified by the signature and seal of the master who conducted the training.
Article on the topic:

What does the success of a makeup school depend on?

Any business has a set of certain factors on which the final result of the business depends. Makeup school is no exception, and in order to achieve success, you will need:

  • Qualified teachers. As a rule, makeup schools are opened by people who are themselves professionals in this field. They create personalized schools, brand themselves, promote their name, which over time becomes popular in certain circles. But what to do if this topic interests you, but you don’t have the skills? Then you will have to act as an investor and attract good masters to your school. To do this, you will have to interest them, and this interest will be financial. Good master, who has a name and experience, will not teach for 200-300 dollars. Of course, salaries may vary depending on the region and city, but, as a rule, big cities make-up artists earn from $1000 and above (if they are truly professionals in their field).

Over time, you can offer jobs to the best graduates of the school. Help them open branches of your school, thereby creating a wide network throughout the city. This is a plus for you, and for young masters good opportunity gain tremendous experience and establish yourself in the makeup services market.

  • Advertising. As you understand, opening a makeup school entails costs for an advertising campaign. In the first months of work, you need to announce yourself loudly and confidently. Students have this saying: “In the first years you work for your grades, then they work for you.” Everything is the same with makeup school. First you work for the image, then the image works for you. But in order to get the first students, fulfill orders, make shows and presentations, you need to give good advertising and attract attention.

There is no need to invent much here. Use outdoor advertising (billboards, city lights, banners and streamers), advertise in local fashion magazines, become a sponsor of some fashion evenings, offer your services, free of charge, to a leading photo studio, with the condition that they indicate you as a master makeup. There are many ways to make yourself known, and you should make the most of them all. Also, don’t forget about advertising on the Internet. You definitely need to have pages on social networks where you regularly post photos of the work of students at your school, shoot videos about classes, and write small blogs that talk about the daily life of your makeup school.

  • High-quality cosmetics. This pleasure is not cheap, but if you raise the bar, then you need to keep it. Use only high-quality cosmetics, and teach your students to work with good and expensive materials. The final result largely depends on the quality of cosmetics.
Article on the topic:

Start-up capital to open a makeup school

If we talk about the costs that are necessary to open a makeup school, the main ones include:

  • Room. To begin with, a room that can accommodate 7-8 people (6-7 students and a teacher) is enough for you. Certainly, perfect option- This is a room with transparent walls, which is located in a shopping center. This way, you will attract attention, and many visitors to the complex will learn about your school. But rent in good complexes is not cheap, and it is not always affordable for a novice entrepreneur.

It is impossible to say the exact amount you will spend on rent. A lot depends on the city, area, and even the type of office you choose.

  • Set up of student workplaces. This item will make up the bulk of the costs. You must purchase furniture, mirrors, tables, various stands for appliances, etc. Also, do not forget about the cosmetics that will be needed for the first group of students, brushes, and special tools. You may find makeup schools that charge students for makeup in addition to tuition fees, but this is not a good practice. Reputable schools provide everything of their own, and the price for consumables is included in the final tuition fee.
  • Advertising. As we wrote above, advertising costs will be mandatory. If you think that your school will become famous without advertising, then don’t be surprised why in half a year you can barely recruit one full-fledged group. Advertising should be varied: promotions, outdoor advertising, online advertising, custom articles and advertising in fashion magazines.

The profit of your makeup school also directly depends on the “promotion”, on the professionalism of the masters conducting the training, on the size of the group and the frequency of classes. As a rule, a good makeup school pays for itself in a little more than a year, and then every month brings more and more profit.

According to statistics, 85% of women have resorted to the services of a professional makeup artist at least once in their lives. Weddings, special events, corporate evenings, photo shoots, fashion shows and other events encourage the creation of a certain image, so ladies who are not well versed in this skillful process prefer beauty salons. Due to such demand, the topic of how to open a makeup school has found its niche among the original modern business ideas.

The history of makeup dates back to ancient times, when people painted their faces in anticipation of battle, religious or magical rituals.

They used organic, readily available materials - chalk, ocher, multi-colored clay, coal, plant sap, etc.

The purpose of such manipulations was to become like your totem animal - a crocodile, a tiger, a lion - and to frighten your enemy. Ancient people believed that in this way they acquired the skills and strength of predators, and therefore were able to withstand any opponent.

Scientists have found that the first fashionistas who began to use makeup to improve appearance, began the ancient Egyptians, who learned to make something similar to modern powder to eliminate facial skin defects. They also used soot for eyeliner, plant sap to give a ruddy appearance and copper sulfate as eye shadow. IN Ancient Rome such fashionable delights were not held in high esteem, and the application of cosmetics became the prerogative of courtesans.

Until the 19th century, decorative cosmetics were actively used among women in Europe, until the continent was swept by the trend towards purity. Ladies took baths and brushed their teeth several times a day, and makeup was out of the question. Over time, the former love for cosmetics returned, but the makeup became more restrained.

Interesting! Arsenic could previously be found in some powders, and false eyebrows were made from rodent skins.

The target audience

In order to start organizing a business project such as creating a makeup school, you first need to understand who will attend such classes and for what purpose - to gain basic skills in applying makeup for your own use or to take a make-up artist course for use professional techniques in the fashion industry as an opportunity to earn money.

It is necessary to clearly distinguish between the theses “makeup” and “visage”. Makeup is the art of emphasizing attractive facial features and correcting imperfections using decorative cosmetics.

In turn, makeup is a technology for creating a certain image, which, in addition to applying cosmetics, includes the selection and modeling of hairstyles, the choice of clothes and accessories. Here it is important to know not only the basics of cosmetology, but also to have hairdressing skills and feel the harmony of color.

Form of training and course content

Make-up courses, which last on average 5-6 lessons, provide students with theoretical and practical skills in techniques for applying daytime and evening make-up on themselves.

Often such lessons are conducted in the form of individual meetings, where a specific type is discussed, but there are also group classes. The average price for such services is 5,000 rubles.

Training professional makeup artists requires a lot of time, because the acquired knowledge will be applied not only on yourself, but also on your potential clients. The cost of such training is 4-5 times higher, and the course itself consists of 13-15 lessons, upon completion of which the student must demonstrate the acquired knowledge on practical experience in the examination paper. Each “graduate” is awarded a diploma with a seal educational institution.

Legal registration

The first thing a novice businessman will face when organizing a makeup school is registering a business in tax office, after all, after going through this procedure, all actions will be illegal and may threaten the imposition of penalties with administrative (and in some cases criminal) liability.

To get started you will need:

  • register with the tax inspectorate as a private educational institution, depending on the scale of the proposed activity and the involvement of co-founders, it can be both individuals and legal entities;
  • choose a tax system;
  • draw up a rental agreement for the premises;
  • to conclude employment contracts with teachers.

You should be aware that it may be necessary to obtain an educational license if the school’s activities will be accompanied by final exams and the issuance of relevant documents on receipt of education or qualifications. If the training is carried out in the form of irregular courses or seminars, then obtaining an educational license is not necessary.

The procedure for obtaining an educational license is as follows:

  1. Opening of a private enterprise.
  2. Collection of required documents:
  • application for a license;
  • a copy of the lease agreement for the premises in which classes will be held or a certificate of ownership thereof;
  • a copy of the registration certificate of the private enterprise;
  • a copy of the tax registration certificate of the private enterprise;
  • copies of the conclusions of the SES and fire inspection on the compliance of the premises with safety standards;
  • a document confirming payment of the state fee in the amount of 7,500 rubles.
  1. Submitting an application with the above package of documents by mail or in person to the executive services involved in licensing educational activities in a particular region.

The issuance of a license is possible after the conclusion of an expert commission, which is created no later than 20 days from the date of submission of documents. The decision to grant or refuse to issue a license for educational activities transferred within 60 days from the date of acceptance of the documents.

Important! Legal aspects of registration entrepreneurial activity You can leave it to qualified lawyers or do it yourself.

Premises, equipment

To conduct classes, you will need a room, which at first may be relatively modest and sufficient to accommodate 6-7 people at a time.

The amount spent on renting the premises may vary depending on the area of ​​the city and the state of repair. When choosing a hall for a school, you should give preference to central areas settlement with convenient transport interchange and good traffic.

The most expensive will be the arrangement of study places with the necessary furniture:

Lighting plays a big role in preparing the space of a room. If the rented area does not have one, then it is worth equipping each training place with additional lighting fixtures. The atmosphere in the room should reflect the specifics of the activity.

In addition, you will need to purchase consumables - cosmetics and tools for applying them, the cost of which can vary tenfold. The main thing here is the balance of price and quality - expensive cosmetics will hit your pocket hard, and cheap ones can negatively affect the school’s reputation.

Attention! The cost of renting premises, repairs, purchasing equipment and materials will cost an average of 150,000 rubles.


In the case where the business idea is a familiar area for the entrepreneur, you can save a lot on personnel - the training work will be carried out directly by the founder of the project. However, if an entrepreneur has nothing to do with the art of makeup and visage, then it is impossible to do without the involvement of teachers. It is important to find qualified specialists; the demand for school services will depend on this. Remuneration in this area occurs, as a rule, by deducting a certain percentage from each student.

Marketing, promotion

Due to the fact that there is high competition in the beauty industry, the first thing you should think about when calculating a business plan is advertising. You can use all kinds of Internet resources.

Creating your own website will increase the chances that people will learn about the makeup school more people, and maintaining groups and video channels on the World Wide Web creates interest in such a topic. Advertising on social networks, radio, television, by posting and distributing flyers - all these means are excellent for attracting customers.

You can also use marketing ploys such as offering a free first lesson or discount for group lessons, holding seminars and educational meetings in collaboration with cosmetics agents.

Basic costs and payback

A business idea related to organizing a makeup school requires a relatively small initial investment. financial costs.

Having 200,000 rubles and knowing the information provided, you can calmly set about creating your own educational institution for women.

Initial costs include:

  • registration costs;
  • renovation work in room;
  • purchase of equipment and materials;
  • production of printed products;
  • advertising.

You will also need to pay monthly:

  • rental of premises;
  • wages teachers;
  • public utilities.

The size of the investment directly depends on the region in which the project is planned to be opened, and the return on investment depends on productive advertising activities and the right choice locations to create a makeup school. On average, full payback occurs after 1.5-2 years of work. This time will be enough to make a name for yourself in the regional fashion industry.

Ksenia Nikitina

Founder and creative director of the Iconface professional makeup school. Makeup artist, international class master

I came to Moscow from Dnepropetrovsk. At home, I received an architectural education - I studied for 6 years at the Dnieper State Academy of Construction and Architecture, and became a specialist. Since then, I have been “delirious” of ideal proportions, looking for harmony of lines and shapes. I thank education for my structural thinking. I drew and mastered makeup techniques - it fascinated me. It turned out better and better - I tried endlessly, prepared models for shooting, honed the technique on different faces.

My first teaching experience happened in 2001, at the VIS-ART makeup school (Ukraine). I worked for a year and realized that I wanted to move on. I easily packed my bags and moved to the capital.

I already had the idea of ​​my own school in my head, but I wanted to explore all aspects of the process. From 2005 to 2008 I taught at the Moscow School of Makeup Artists “Forum” (then it was the most famous in Moscow). The Forum trained fashion industry specialists - they focused on glossy magazines, fashion shows and cinema. In 2008, I stood at the origins of the Make-up Code image school - there I began developing my own teaching methodology. The point was to produce not just makeup artists, but modern specialists in their field. I “rehearsed”: I observed, I drew conclusions.

In 2011, I gathered my courage and opened the first enrollment in my own school of makeup artists, Iconface. From the very beginning I set the bar high for myself. I had the best cosmetics, for example, Shu Uemura, a brand for makeup artists Ben Nye and Illamasqua (it doesn’t exist in Russia yet). For the first three years I was in Iconface 24 hours a day. I gave the students everything, taught everything I know, answered any questions. That is why people came to me from other cities and countries. From the very beginning, I put myself in the place of a student and paid maximum attention to visitors. It is important for me that the student receives comprehensive information when going to Ksenia Nikitina.

When I opened the school, I realized that my family was suffering, then I decided to recruit helpers. Hardworking, honest, with a sparkle in their eyes. I am proud of my team - only fans of their profession work for me. They like to come early in the morning and leave after midnight. I, in turn, never offend anyone! My important principle- pay people money for any work. My team receives a salary, but gives me much more - they begin to live by their work.

To create the best school makeup, you need to sincerely promote the growth of each employee. I teach everyone! Working at Iconface begins with the position of an assistant: you take all the school courses for free and reach such a level of knowledge that I would be pleased to call you part of the team.

Why did my school quickly become successful? I'm not trying to save money on what's important. Now the Iconface office is located in the Moscow City “Federation” tower, in the offices - panoramic windows with perfect natural light. We thought out the interior down to the smallest detail - it is very functional: powerful lamps, modules for storing huge stocks of our cosmetics, high chairs, which are really comfortable to sit on.

I rely on caring: after classes, I help draw up a case and advise on opening my own LLC. If people believe in me and want to study at Iconface, I want to complete the program 100 percent. From the very beginning, I put myself in the place of a student and paid maximum attention to visitors. Imagine: a guy is flying to me from Vladivostok, he spent crazy money on a ticket. He rents an apartment in Moscow for a month, pays for food, but his questions are not answered! This is a disaster.

I come to work like it’s a holiday! I can paint, talk and explain for five hours straight. My profession is not a way to make money. I see in it a huge opportunity for self-realization, helping people and loving them. Many people consider my work fun and easy - no one thinks about sleepless nights, two children (the second is 5 months old) and responsibility.

People always come up to me and ask what they need to do to work at Iconface. First of all, you can’t ask me such questions. Secondly, I myself see who can do this. We are looking for people who understand what work is. It's like a sport, people train here every day. Those who see how work actually happens and are willing to work quickly become stars and are chosen by big brands.

On the final day of the Foundation course, I spend 5 hours telling people about the year of their life after Iconface - telling them what they need to do to become a star. Make a portfolio, hone your technique, create the perfect case, select working photos. Who follows these tips? 1 percent! I ask students to use the hashtag #iconface so I can see their progress. From last year’s intake (15 people), there are only two girls who “plowed” as I asked. If I need people, I will take them.

I have a favorite graduate - Tim Leo. You will be surprised, but I do not consider him initially talented. He has his own shading technique; Tim doesn’t hold the brush according to the canons. When I let Tim out, I said: “If you don’t draw every day, nothing will work out.” He painted from morning to night, looking for any job. 5 years later he became a big star.

What do I think about natural talent? I have only one example on my team - Anastasia Kruglova. She draws brilliantly. All the rest are plowmen who have reached Kruglova’s level through constant work.

Text: Dilyara Telyasheva

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