Why do you dream of pink tulips? The influence of the shade of buds on the interpretation of dreams. Dream Interpretation - Red

Tulips- these are spring flowers that lift your spirits and evoke light and joyful thoughts.

See tulips in a dream- sometimes this is a good sign, and sometimes not so much. However, the shade of colors, their number and the plot of the dream add additional details to the prediction and make it more accurate and specific.

A common feature of all dreams about tulips is the short duration of the event that they announce. For example, blooming garden of these flowers promises the dreamer wealth and prosperity, albeit rather fleeting.

Tulip color

It is believed that red tulips in a dream - this is a sign of the future financial well-being. This may mean that you will win a lottery or an expensive gift. In addition, the red buds of these flowers in a dream can precede the emergence of ardent love.

Pink tulips promise a particularly romantic and tender date. If you dreamed of pink buds, in the near future you will have love adventure or a wonderful continuation of an existing love story.

Yellow tulips are not a very pleasant sign - they dream of betrayal, deception, betrayal or separation from a lover. Do not be upset in advance - perhaps you will be deceived to a much lesser extent than you expect. In addition, the “black streak” of life is always followed by a “white” one - wait a little, and the good news will visit you again.

White tulips may mean future difficulties in a romantic relationship. Perhaps you are facing an acquaintance that is better to avoid, or simply a not very successful date. Also, white buds indicate naivety and poor awareness.

Black tulips in a dream foreshadow hard times, a time of loneliness and melancholy. This could very well lead to depression. Don’t be upset, because you have an advantage - you are forewarned, which means you are forearmed.

Get ready look philosophically look at the world and look for something good in it - and you will definitely find something to be happy about. visit more often fresh air, admire the beauty of nature and do more good deeds.

Helping even strangers, you can not only take your mind off sad thoughts, but also improve your mood and start "boomerang" of good, knowing that it will definitely return to you.

Blue tulips indicate that unrequited love awaits you. Don’t rush to get upset - a feeling without an answer can fray your nerves, but in itself it is certainly wonderful.

Besides, no one knows how this story ends. It is quite possible that after much torment you will find mutual feelings.

Purple tulips portend problems in the family. Knowing this, prepare to endure everything with courage and stock up on kind and calming words for your loved ones.

Multicolored tulips indicate the frivolous attitude of the one who dreams about them. Having seen such a dream, you can be sure that those around you will notice your immaturity. It's good that you learned about this, because now you can start changing. If you don't grow up, a lot in life will be missed, and your goals will not be achieved.

The plot of the dream

If in a dream you collected tulips, awaits you mutual feeling. Your lover will be a person whom you respect very much and whose sympathy will seem to you a real gift of fate.

Another interpretation suggests that picking tulips means the beginning of a serious love relationship. Be careful because similar dream It can also mean a romance that will pass violently and will soon end.

Bouquet of tulips dreams of those who are overly arrogant and arrogant in their interactions with people. This is a signal that you need to change for the better, otherwise failures in communicating with people and loss of friends are guaranteed.

Also a bouquet of spring flowers can predict a little joy, a fleeting love affair or an unexpected monetary reward.

If in a dream you planted tulips, spousal jealousy, unfair attacks, scandals and interrogations await you. Also similar plot may indicate that your superiors are too picky about you.

Have to have patience and attention to the comments of others, so as not to cause trouble.

Weeding tulips portends fruitless work, and watering these flowers is wasted energy on communicating with people.

Inhaling the aroma tulips in a dream - to a change in habits and established way of life. It is quite possible that your worldview will change, and this will have a very positive impact on the course of your entire life.

Buying tulips in a dream signals the upcoming suffering of unrequited love.

If a woman dreams that the man gave her tulips, this portends a break in the relationship. If a man has such a dream, it means failure in marriage.

Whole tulip field portends an important event, which will not leave your feelings calm. Mental anxieties and worries will take over you for a long time.

Lonely flower indicates that the dreamer considers himself better than others and thereby ruins his life.

According to various dream books

According to Miller's dream book
, tulips are dreamed of by those who are ready to start married life. If in a dream you were given a bouquet of tulips, this means that the person who shows sympathy for you does not take you seriously.

If in a dream you yourself gave someone these spring flowers, this shows that you are in love with a frivolous person who is not worth you. If you dreamed of withered tulips, this indicates belated repentance for love mistakes.

According to the Sonan dream book, dreaming of tulip bulbs predicts a major brawl in public place or a serious scandal at work.

By noble dream book Grishina, dreamed tulips warn that your conceit and arrogance are crossing all boundaries.

Hold a tulip in your hand- to an unrequited feeling or to working in tandem with an arrogant colleague. If a man dreamed that he was picking tulips, this predicts reciprocity from a proud and unapproachable beauty.

According to the gypsy dream book, tulips in a dream foreshadow future wealth. If in a dream there was a whole garden of tulips around you, not only “mountains of gold” await you, but also glory.

According to Miss Hasse's dream book, tulips in a dream are a sign of a frivolous approach to life. If in a dream you picked the buds of these plants, your wishes are ready to come true. If a man watered tulips in a dream, he would soon be in danger of falling in love with a stupid girl.

Dream book of the 21st century claims that tulips indicate frivolity. Collecting these plants means your wishes will come true, receiving flowers as a gift means having a pleasant time, and caring for them means peace in your soul.

Modern dream book claims that tulips are a symbol of love and marriage. Withered flowers indicate that regrets about lost love will not save anything.

By the latest dream book , a tulip in a dream may mean that the person who sees it has witchcraft and magical abilities. If you plant these flowers in a dream, many problems will quickly appear, and if you eat a bud, the respect of those around you will leave you.

As we see, tulips in a dream can warn a person about a lot of things. However, do not forget that the events of your life depend more on you than on your dreams. It doesn’t matter whether tulips brought you good or bad news in a dream - try to turn it to your advantage.

Since ancient times, the tulip has been considered a symbol of wealth, luxury, material well-being and love. Dreams refract reality, therefore they receive a different interpretation and interpretation. Turning to dream books, we will together try to answer the question of why tulips are dreamed of. When interpreting dreams, it is important to take into account the nuances: flower size, color, quantity, who dreamed it and under what circumstances.

Condition of flowers

Living tulips in a dream - getting rid of the negative in the soul and body, marks the onset of a new period of life.

Withered - bad luck in love, love repentance.

Fallen ones - a problem with making friendships.

Beautiful – omen of a pleasant event.

Seeing artificial tulips in a dream promises the onset of a bad streak in life.

Closed buds - meet your fate in a person you didn’t pay attention to.

Interpretation of sleep by bud color

Answering the question of why red tulips are dreamed of, dream books say that this is a favorable sign that predicts material well-being and profit. Burgundy - an increase in vitality and mental strength.

Yellow tulips are dreamed of as a sign of betrayal, deception on the part of a loved one. For married people, a dream in which the other half gives yellow tulips, portends a family quarrel or divorce. Flowers are given by a friend or colleague, beware of betrayal, it is undesirable to trust secrets.

Pink – love relationship, romantic meetings.

Black - the dream is considered unfavorable, predicting trouble, sadness, failure, loneliness and depression.

Violet - problems will arise in the family. Blue - unrequited feelings.

An unfavorable acquaintance promises a dream with white flowers.

Multi-colored tulips are dreamed of as a prophecy of a useful and kind deed.

The meaning of vision by the number of flowers

Lonely flower - blossoming, overcoming melancholy and loneliness.

Several buds in a bouquet - prosperity in love.

A lot - expect an event that greatly influenced your feelings.

Location of plants in dreams

In the garden - you have to go through a shock situation

In a vase - the appearance of a suitor who secretly desires a love relationship with you.

At the grave - with life path The temporary and fleeting things will go away. Read more about what you dream about here.

In the garden - portends a favorable period, the acquisition of property, a meeting with a loved one.

B is a sign of a difficult period in life.

In the field, wild flowers of this species are considered harbingers of sadness and sorrow.

Actions with tulips

Seeing means changes in life and a change in financial situation. Inhaling the aroma of flowers - hypocrisy prevents you from building relationships with other people.

Planting bulbs in - to a family scandal, suspicions of treason, jealousy. Watering - fall in love with a stupid girl. Growing in the garden is a serious test. Blossom - a long-awaited wish will come true.

Tearing - a dream promises elation and fulfillment of desires. Picking it from the garden promises a whirlwind romance. Cutting off - a direct conversation is possible, which you will regret.

If you dream that you were given a bouquet of tulips, you have many admirers in your life. Giving it yourself is a sign of imminent love.

Buying is an unsuccessful love relationship. Selling is a favorable period, good luck in your endeavors.

Gives tulips - soon wishes and dreams will come true.

Trample and throw away means a desire to end the old relationship.

More versions of dreams

Seeing a bouquet of tulips is considered a harbinger of success in all endeavors.

A bouquet of multi-colored ones is a frivolous and frivolous attitude to life, a sign of change.

A bouquet of white tulips is a sign of loneliness. For married couples - disappointment in each other.

A bouquet of red ones - fate is preparing a gift, changes in love and finances.

Prepare for conflict in a public place. This is how dream books answer the question of why tulip bulbs are dreamed of.

Field colorful flowers- a favorable dream, foreshadowing fame and prosperity.

The meaning depends on who dreamed about the plant

For a lonely girl to see buds - a quick marriage.

Flowers that a girl dreams of in a relationship speak of spiritual purity.

Pregnant women are warned against injury.

This does not bode well for a married woman.

For a lonely man, a dream about tulips predicts a meeting with a narcissistic and selfish woman; the acquaintance will develop into a romance and end with a wedding.

For a man in a relationship, it indicates excessive arrogance.

For a married man, it indicates the fidelity of his wife.

Let's turn to famous dream books


To see multi-colored tulips - a variety of events and impressions will appear in life, replacing each other like a kaleidoscope.

Red for women means the onset of menstruation; for girls it foretells the groom.

Tearing is a warning against excessive talkativeness.

Fading - an indication of selfishness in the dreamer.


Red – promises mutual love and loyalty.

White - the onset of a period of sadness and mourning.

Drops of dew on the petals signify tears.

Yellow symbolizes separation for a woman, and for a girl it foretells a boyfriend: married or widower.


When interpreting dreams about tulips, Freud took into account the position of the flower, and not the color of the bud.

Being in the house means the selfishness of the spouse. Accept it or leave it.

Bouquet - there will be a reason to reassess life values ​​and priorities. Receiving a bouquet as a gift means loneliness and unfulfilled dreams.

Dried buds are a symbol of illness or separation.

To plant - surprise the people around you by performing a noble deed or making a wise decision.

Family dream book

Red color is a symbol of spirituality. A person thinks about his soul, thinks about plans for a long period.

White color - will upset a loved one

Eastern dream book

Fading is a sign of loss, sadness and difficult experiences.

Planting tulip bulbs predicts the accomplishment of a noble and wise deed.

Multi-colored - for a fun time.

Flowers in a vase - to betrayal.

Yellow - intrigues of envious people.

Black foretells a special event.


Tulips in a dream warn a person about excessive complacency and arrogance.

Holding in your hands means unrequited love.

Tearing - to gain the favor of a proud girl.

Gypsy dream book

They portend wealth.

Being among blooming tulips means wealth and fame.

Tulip is a plant with a unique character. One flower emerges from one bulb. He is a loner and an egoist. Take this into account when interpreting dreams, which probably contain hidden indications of individuality and creativity. In any case, rejoice in the good meaning of the dream and do not focus on the bad.

Tulips are typical female sign. In his dream book, Sigmund Freud offers several interpretations of what tulips mean in dreams. Picking flowers in a dream, according to a psychologist, means the need to think about life and priorities. Tulips in the room mean the secrecy of the sleeper, who is not used to putting his feelings and emotions on display. Seeing a garden strewn with tulips in a dream foreshadows a romantic adventure or date. Dried buds in Freud's dream book are a symbol of imminent illness or separation from a loved one. Receiving a bouquet of tulips as a gift from a fan in a dream can mean prolonged loneliness and unfulfilled dreams. A dream in which the dreamer plants tulips has an interesting interpretation: you will amaze the people around you by doing a noble deed or making a wise decision.

Those who dream of black tulips should prepare for a not very positive period in life. You will have to spend time alone. The melancholy and sadness can be so intense that you become depressed. Try to prevent this from happening: go for walks more often and do not refuse to help the people around you. To understand why you dream of white tulips, you should also refer to the dream book. This symbol can mean trouble in personal life or a bad acquaintance. Blue tulips in dreams mean unrequited love in reality.

Yellow tulips in a dream according to one of them famous dream books- a symbol of betrayal or deception in reality. It is quite possible that betrayal from a loved one or separation awaits you. When you hear unpleasant news, do not lose your composure and be patient: after the clouds there is always sun. The black tulips of life evoke negative associations for many people. In a dream, these flowers do not predict anything good.

The meaning of a dream radically changes not only appearance and the shade of the tulip, but also the actions that you perform with flowers. Just seeing the buds without touching them is a very bright and significant symbol that can be interpreted in different ways:

Gives an explanation of why tulips are dreamed of and Miller’s dream book. According to this interpreter, they symbolize married life and love relationships. If in a dream they give you tulips, then in reality an attractive, but not very serious person has sincere feelings for you. If, on the contrary, they gave you tulips in a dream, then you are the one living love feelings to an empty and overly frivolous representative of the opposite sex.

Seeing red tulips in a dream according to the dream book material well-being. You can expect a big cash win or an expensive gift in the near future. In any case, whatever it is, yours financial situation improve. Pink tulips predict a particularly pleasant romantic date. When you go to meet your loved one, you can expect a pleasant surprise and large quantity passionate confessions and tenderness.

Many people love tulips for their beauty and the feeling of spring that these flowers give with their appearance on city streets. If you dreamed of tulips in a dream, this is extremely good sign. The future of those who dream of these flowers is usually joyful and happy. To find out exactly why tulips are dreamed of, you should use a dream book.

If in a dream you saw black tulips, get ready to experience not the most positive life period. You will have to spend some time alone. The melancholy and sadness will be so strong that prolonged depression may even develop. Filmy recommends walking outside more often and not refusing to help those around you, even strangers. This way your own troubles will be forgotten faster.

To see a tulip - such a dream reveals your frivolity; you dreamed of a whole flower bed or clearing at once - this indicates that your indiscretion will go beyond all imaginable limits; tore it down - wishes will come true, even the most incredible, especially in love affairs; watered - the object of your love will be a stupid person who does not deserve you to waste your mental strength and precious time on her.

At all times, people have tried to lift the veil and look into the future. Dream interpretation was no exception. The desire to find answers, to guess what awaits a person, has given rise to a huge number of dream books. Well-known fortune tellers and soothsayers (Vanga, Nostradamus, Messrs. Hasse) always had their own dream books. Pundits (Jung, Freud, Miller) did not stand aside either. Of the dream books, it’s hard to say the most complete. Each of them is unique, and the interpretation of the same symbols may differ.

Red tulip flowers in a dream - you don’t have to do everything as you say. It's a good time to make plans for the future, just remember that money is not everything and mental health is no less important than a plump wallet.

Tulips are a typically feminine sign. And if you dreamed about them, a woman should think about her behavior. Very often, these flowers symbolize fleeting pleasure, and white tulips indicate frivolous behavior or a dissolute life with frequent changes of gentlemen. For a girl, red tulips speak of her moral purity, and for older women they foretell the imminent onset of menstruation. In addition to the symbol itself, the actions that accompany it also have meaning in the interpretation of a dream. Thus, picking or cutting a tulip in a dream may indicate that a person subconsciously strives for self-satisfaction. The presented bouquet symbolizes the hidden desire for intimacy. If you throw away tulips in a dream, this may indicate an imminent break in the relationship between lovers. Trampling flowers in a dream is not very good good omen. It says that a person is only interested in himself and does not pay attention to the feelings of others.

Young tulips with buds symbolize the fulfillment of material desires, unexpected meetings or good news. But dry and wilted flowers promise troubles and losses. White tulips are a sign of sad loneliness. Love excitement awaits those who drown in a sea of ​​tulips in a dream.

Picking tulips in a dream means that a person needs to think about his life and change his priorities. Revealing dug up tulips promises the machinations of ill-wishers who will do their best to hinder business. Tulips in the house speak of the secrecy of a person who is not used to showing off his feelings. A garden full of beautiful flowers portends a love date or an amazing romantic adventure. A person who plants tulips in a dream will amaze others by doing a noble deed or making a wise and fair decision. If the tulips wither in a dream, this may indicate an imminent breakup of a relationship with a loved one or an illness. Receiving a bouquet of these flowers as a gift from admirers or admirers speaks of long-term loneliness and unfulfilled plans.

Bright blooming tulips portend pleasure, marital fidelity and love in marriage. White ones symbolize sadness, and dry or wilted flowers promise minor troubles or love repentance. If in a dream tulips grow in the garden, this means a quick acquisition of property, and wild tulips that bloomed on unkempt, weed-overgrown land are harbingers of sorrow, especially white. If you give someone a bouquet of tulips in a dream, in reality it will manifest itself as being captured by a nice but frivolous person. The same can be said if you receive a bouquet of these flowers as a gift - a pleasant, but empty person has feelings for you.

The tulip, according to this dream book, is a symbol of frivolity. If you dreamed about picking a tulip in the garden, your cherished wish will soon come true. Watering a flower means calm times are on the horizon. Receiving flowers as a gift means easy love experiences.

If a woman sees tulips in a dream, who should she think about her behavior. Often these flowers are a symbol of fleeting pleasure, and white tulips indicate the dissolute life of a girl with a frequent change of gentlemen. Picking or cutting a tulip in a dream indicates that a person subconsciously strives for pleasure. And the presented bouquet is a hint of intimacy. If in a dream you throw away tulips, in reality you may have a serious quarrel with your loved one. Trampling tulips in a dream is a bad omen. It means that a person is busy only with himself, and does not care about the feelings of others.

Young tulips with buds symbolize the fulfillment of material desires and foreshadow unexpected meetings with friends. However, dry and wilted flowers in all dream books do not bode well. White tulips usually dream of loneliness.

Dream Interpretation Flowers - Flowers are blooming - for good. As you dream of flowers, there will be some kind of joy for you; weddings White flowers are a great joy. If you dream about a bunch (bouquet) of flowers, it means a change in life. If a girl dreams of flowers, then she will meet gentlemen (color is a girl’s destiny). Of course, if you dream of a flower, it’s good, but if it’s dark, it’s bad. If the flowers are with dew, it will end in trouble; wilted flowers - a warning of danger; dried flowers - for evil. The flowers are beautiful, and then they fall off - it’s not good, the children won’t feed. Dreaming about picking flowers is good, but dreaming about planting them is bad. It’s the same with a tree: if it grows, it’s good, if it falls, it’s bad. House flowers bloom - to death. Picking flowers brings tears to your eyes. Red flowers - before the wedding. Someone gave, gave a bouquet of flowers - joy, acquaintance. Watering flowers means joy and happiness at home.

Dream Interpretation Flowers is a sign of events and relationships. Flowers symbolize holidays, funerals, meetings, partings, anniversaries, love relationships. Flowers in a dream symbolically communicate about the corresponding future internal and external processes in the life of the sleeping person. They talk about possible joy or sadness. Flowering (of bushes, trees) refers to prosperity and success in reality. Wildflowers - more often, to joy and good luck. Indoor flowers (blooming or fading flowers) mean corresponding family joys or sorrows. Wilting or artificial flowers in general definitely indicate deterioration in human relationships or affairs.

Why do you dream about Flowers - Life, beauty; flowering of an individual, often due to a new relationship, including love and tenderness, as well as the genital (depending on the shape of the flower). A distinction should be made between wild and cultivated flowers. Wooden bouquets for food exist in other great apes, so flowers may be associated with oral. In dreams, the husband’s creativity is his Anima. Picking flowers. Loss of virginity. Blue flowers. Soul, mystery, romance. Round flowers. Mandala or mother's womb. Lay flowers, give them, especially to the dying or dead. Antagonism, a hidden desire for the death of a given person. Acquisition own life through the wooden ones to the deceased. Clover. Trinity. Lily. Innocence. Red lily. Masculinity. White Lily. Femininity, free love. Rose. Actually Anima, the mother's womb. Rosebud. Innocence. Rose with four petals. European lotus, Rosicrucian rose. Lotus. Corresponds to the symbolism of the rose in Western culture. Births and first appearance. Mystical center. Anima. Flowers in a pot. Cultivation and desire to preserve love.

Flowers are blooming - good luck. As you dream of flowers, there will be some kind of joy for you; weddings White flowers are a great joy. If you dream about a bunch (bouquet) of flowers, it means a change in life. If a girl dreams of flowers, then she will meet gentlemen (flowers are a girl’s destiny). Of course, if you dream of a flower, it’s good, but if it’s dark, it’s bad. If the flowers are with dew, it will end in trouble; wilted flowers - a warning of danger; dried flowers - for evil. The flowers are beautiful, and then they fall off - it’s not good, the children won’t feed. Dreaming about picking flowers is good, but dreaming about planting them is bad. It’s the same with a tree: if it grows, it’s good, if it falls, it’s bad. House flowers bloom - to death. Picking flowers brings tears to your eyes. Red flowers - before the wedding. Someone gave, gave a bouquet of flowers - joy, acquaintance. Watering flowers means joy and happiness at home.

Seeing a tulip means damage from arrogance and swagger. To have a tulip is to deal with an arrogant person / to fall in love without hope. Tearing a tulip means achieving pride and beautiful woman.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Flowers

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Dream Interpretation - Field

(See interpretation: earth)

A field in a dream symbolizes your life. The larger and smoother the field in your dream, the longer and happier you will live your life. Walking across a field in a dream is a sign of freedom and independence, happiness and satisfaction. See the interpretation: cliff, road, stones and further by the names of grains.

Gullies and potholes in the field mean obstacles and misfortunes. A cultivated field in a dream foreshadows wealth and prosperity, while an abandoned one portends unexpected disappointment. Cultivating a field in a dream is a sign of good luck in a difficult task. Such a dream predicts that you will achieve wealth through honest and hard work.

A cultivated field (plowed) in a dream is a harbinger of great luck and wealth. Level harrows in the field mean that your life will return to normal, change for the better, you will be able to put things in order in your home or business. Sometimes such a dream foretells that profitable proposition cooperation or matchmaking will not work out. Especially if you see someone harrowing your field.

Walking behind the plow yourself in a dream means that you will have to work hard to make ends meet. Another meaning of this dream is housework. Seeing the harvest or reapers in a dream is a sign of prosperity for the family. See interpretation: grain, bread.

Damaged harrows are a sign of impending confusion, confusion in business or personal matters. A devastated, burned field in a dream foreshadows losses, losses and deprivations. Measuring a field in a dream foretells disputes with relatives over ownership of property.

Sowing grain crops in a dream means good prospects for the future.

It is believed that sowing wheat in a dream is a sign of the birth of a son, and sowing rye in a dream is a harbinger of the imminent birth of a daughter. If you dream that birds in the field are pecking at seeds, then losses await you. If in a dream you can drive away the birds, then your losses will not be so noticeable.

If in a dream you see seeds sprouting, then great success awaits you thanks to your extraordinary abilities. Seeing or collecting a rich harvest in the field is a sign of prosperity and wealth. After such a dream, you should expect that all your troubles will soon end. To see a field sown with millet in a dream is a sign of easily acquired wealth and great joy.

If in a dream you see a huge field sown with rye, then the dream predicts that you will get rich from trade deals or will be able to sue someone for a large inheritance. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows the conclusion of a profitable marriage, a cheerful feast and gifts. Seeing a plowman at work in a dream means that your business will go uphill.

If he is idle, then expect failures and disappointments. Seeing a mown, harvested field, especially in the rays of sunset, means that your business will soon become unprofitable or end in failure.

Seeing or loading sheaves of straw in a dream means that your work will be difficult and unproductive. A dream about her foreshadows the decline of your affairs and failures. If you dream that the floors of your house are covered with straw, then you should be wary of a trick or a trap set by your enemies.

Knitting sheaves of wheat or seeing them in a dream is a sign of profit, prosperity and happiness. Often such a dream predicts the assumption of responsibility or obligations that will tie you hand and foot. Feeding cattle with straw in a dream means that you will be able to find a way out of a difficult situation. See interpretation: roof.

Burning straw in a dream means a wasted task. Sleeping on straw in a dream is a harbinger of poverty and need. Rearranging sheaves in a dream is a harbinger of bad changes. Seeing hay in a dream is a sign of great happiness, wealth and great profit. Often such a dream indicates that you will become the owner great fortune.

Raking hay in a dream foretells an increase in wealth. Resting or lying on the hay in a dream foretells peace and family happiness. Chewing hay in a dream means that you will get into debt and if you cannot pay it off, creditors will ruin you. After such a dream, expect hunger, deprivation, and a streak of failures. See interpretation: agricultural implements.

Interpretation of dreams from
  • If a man dreams of a tulip, then he may soon win the favor of a narcissistic beauty.
  • The appearance of a flower in a woman’s dream is an unfavorable sign. She risks falling in love with a proud macho or an arrogant egoist.

Now, let's figure out from the dream books what the dream in which you saw tulips is for.

Vanga's Dream Book

  • If you dreamed of a field of tulips, an event will occur that may greatly hurt your feelings. It will be difficult to part with this pleasant state, but soon the emotional outburst will fade away.
  • Picking or cutting a tulip means a frank conversation, which you will later regret.
  • A tulip in a girl’s dream speaks of moral purity; women - a harbinger of imminent menstruation.
  • Trampling flowers is a sign that indicates the selfishness of the owner of the dream.

Miller's Dream Book

  • Blooming tulips bright color is a sign that speaks of marital fidelity, pleasure and love in marriage.
  • White flowers symbolize sadness and sadness. Dry ones promise love repentance.
  • Tulips in the garden - to the quick acquisition of rich property. Wild flowers, especially white ones, growing on weeds are a sign of sorrow.
  • If in a dream a girl receives a bouquet as a gift, a man who is pleasant but empty inside has feelings for her.

Freud's Dream Book

  • If you pick a flower, then you should think about your priorities in life, maybe they need to be changed.
  • Dug up tulips indicate the machinations of ill-wishers who are trying in every possible way to put a spoke in your wheels.
  • Tulips in the house speak of a person who is not used to opening up to people.
  • If you plant these flowers in a dream, then in life you may make a wise decision or do a noble deed.
  • The flowers have dried up - you may have to go through a breakup or illness in life.

Interpretation based on a specific color of tulips

  • Red flowers can suggest that it is time for the owner of the dream to make plans for the future. It is also necessary to remember that money does not play the main role.
  • Yellow speaks of envy on the part of others, betrayal or deception. For a girl, they foretell a quick separation from her lover or a complete break in the relationship.
  • Pink - for a quick romantic date.
  • White - sadness due to problems in love.
  • Blacks talk about possible depression, the onset of a dark streak in life.
  • Bouquet of flowers different color indicates that others do not take the owner of the dream seriously.

Everything that a tulip means in a dream affects a person’s feelings, relationships and love. But in some cases, this means a quick change of opinion, views on some exciting occasions - when the dreamed plant has a smell.

People in whose lives creativity plays a major role have unconventional, creative thinking. In such cases, studying the dream book, a tulip can be compared to a glass that is full of new ideas. This is a kind of symbol of the embodiment of creative ideas.