What is more profitable: water supply or well? Well or centralized water supply. Watering with tap water

To supply water to a private home, you can connect to central networks or install an autonomous source.

Each of these options has limitations in application, positive and negative sides.

Wells are becoming more and more popular, and more and more owners country houses stop at this water supply option.

Connection to central networks is convenient for several reasons:

  • it's easier and cheaper to carry out, although permission is required from the organization supplying water and servicing the network;
  • water is supplied in unlimited volume, it is usually enough for all wiring points;
  • independence from electricity supply to the house.

But central water supply not always available in the private sector. Exit - o development of a local source, which also has some advantages.

  1. Worn-out urban networks affect water quality
  2. The central water supply contains residual chlorine.
  3. Central water treatment plants In some areas, water purification fails.
  4. In case of accidents or scheduled repairs, the water supply is temporarily interrupted.
  5. You will have to pay monthly for water supply.

If autonomous water supply is more attractive, all that remains is to decide what it will be - a well or a borehole.

Types of wells and their features

There are three types of wells:

  1. Abyssinian well, or needle well, – inch pipe, which narrows, turning into a filter pipe with a sharp tip. The depth of the source is no more than 12 m, and the surface of the water surface should be no deeper than 8 m due to the capabilities of surface water supply equipment (electric or hand pump). Average productivity – 1 m3.
  2. Filter well(well on sand) is drilled at a depth of 15 to 50 in the sand layer. Its productivity is up to 1.5 m 3 /hour. This type of underground source consists of a water supply shaft, which is also a casing pipe, a head, a bottom filter at the lower end of the column, and a deep-well pump.
  3. Artesian well can produce over 2 m 3 /hour of water. The aquifer runs at a depth of more than 100 m and is located between 2 layers rocks, usually limestone. The structure consists of a casing, water supply pipes, a deep-well pump and a head.

Advantages and disadvantages

A well in a private house has pros and cons, which largely depend on the type of source.

But there is also several common benefits:

  • water security from external influence;
  • productivity is usually sufficient for full water supply at least a small house.

Among the disadvantages of wells is noise, but the head is often located outside the house in a special caisson. Even if the source is in the basement, the noise is minimal.

Another disadvantage is the need to purchase additional equipment.

Pros and cons of the Abyssinian well

"Abyssinian" is very simply designed. There are other positive aspects:

  • easy installation and dismantling
  • possibility of driving in the basement even a ready-made house;
  • service life – on average 15 years, after its completion, the structure can be dismantled and moved to another location;
  • low cost arrangement;
  • performance– about 1 m 3 per hour, this is enough to service a small country house;
  • if a hand pump is used, then water supply does not depend on electricity.

Negative characteristics are:

  • impossibility of construction in rock and when the water layer is deeper than 12 m;
  • the possibility of contaminants leaking from the surface.

"Gerbil": pros and cons

Productivity sand well usually enough to service a small cottage.

Drilling and installation are carried out quickly. Water is usually of good quality, but there is probability of external influence, and in some regions the iron content is recorded in the source.

This source also has several negative characteristics:

  • short service life– up to 15 years;
  • susceptibility to siltation, especially during downtime;
  • need for annual flushing bottom filter.

Pros and cons of an artesian well

This source has other advantages.

  1. Free from pathogens and surface contamination.
  2. Long service life.
  3. Consistency of water supply regardless of the season, drought, etc.

But the disadvantages are also quite significant.

  1. Drilling is carried out only by specialists.
  2. To carry out work, you must obtain permission; it is also necessary to license the source and enter it into the register.
  3. High cost of arrangement.
  4. Water is often characterized by high mineralization, which requires the purchase of a water treatment station.

“Artesian” is the most productive source. It may be enough to provide for a group of cottages and an entire village.

The need for maintenance and arrangement of wells is a common disadvantage

A sand well and an “artesian” are technologically advanced sources of water. When arranging them, in addition to drilling and installing pipes and a pump, you need to take care of several elements.

  1. To protect the well head and equipment from atmospheric influences need a caisson. This is a sealed container with a bottom hole into which the head fits. Usually the caisson is buried in the ground.
  2. To reduce the number of pump on and off cycles, it is important to install a hydraulic accumulator. This is a container for collecting liquid. It is installed either in the basement of the house or in a caisson.
  3. Pump operation is controlled and protected by automation. Its installation and launch is best left to professionals.

The well itself and the equipment need maintenance.

  1. When debit decreases and sediment appears in the water, the source is cleaned. You can clean the filter well yourself with help vibration pump. Artesian well being cleaned various methods, but it is better to leave the procedure to specialists.
  2. Clean the hydraulic accumulator once a year.
  3. Serviced annually deep well pump and automation, which is best left to the specialists who install the equipment.
  4. Check the tightness of the joints in the caisson, especially at the point where the head enters the tank.

Advantages and disadvantages of wells

For small country house, which is used only in summer season, more often they equip a well.

The positive properties of such a source are:

  • simplicity and low cost installation;
  • possibility of manual water lifting, which is important in case of power failures;
  • ease of maintenance.

But the source also has disadvantages:

  • low productivity;
  • exposure to external pollutants;
  • the complexity of digging and the need to remove soil.

Features of autonomous water supply systems

Installation and operation of an autonomous home water supply system requires knowledge of several nuances.

  1. When choosing a pump, it is important to take into account not only the flow rate of the well, but also its depth, the distance from the source to the house and the height of the building.
  2. The volume of the hydraulic accumulator depends on the number of water consumers. It is usually calculated that there are 50 liters of water per person.
  3. Before commissioning the source it is important to conduct microbiological and chemical analysis of water. If necessary, select water treatment equipment.

Cost of implementation of two types of systems

Fee for connection to the central network depends on the region. The minimum price is 12-15 thousand rubles. Tariffs for water supply also differ.

Turnkey filter well costs about 200 thousand rubles. An artesian well is at least 2 times more expensive.

Well with all materials will cost about 15-25 thousand. About 25 thousand and cost Abyssinian well Full construction.

A well is a more expensive source of water supply and requires special costs. It is better to use it if there is no possibility of connecting to central networks or the water from them is of very low quality.

At the same time, you should not save money by choosing cheap equipment and hiring dubious companies to install it. For drilling, you need to choose a company that operates in your region and has great experience And good feedback. Also, do not neglect performing initial and annual water tests.

The garden and vegetable garden need watering, and the water utility requires the owners to garden plots execution of special “irrigation” contracts at unpleasant tariffs. Why pay for irrigation? drinking water, if you can saturate your garden with moisture from your own technical well for free.

Watering with tap water

Having a central water supply on the site, gardeners spend drinking water for irrigation and pay considerable sums for irrigating gardening plantings. How much money does it cost? Let's do the math.

Monthly average required consumption water on square meter vegetable garden area (area according to the cadastre), according to official housing and communal services standards, is equal to 0.276 cubic meters of water with a central water supply. Those. watering a garden of 10 acres requires 276 m 3 of water, the cost of which the owner will pay for 4 months (May-August) annually.

Considering the tariff price cold water"Ufavodokanal" in 2018, for May-June, garden irrigation of 10 acres will cost 13,121.04 rubles, and for July-August - 13,800 rubles. Thus, by watering garden vegetation with drinking water, the owner of a plot of 10 acres will spend 26,921.04 rubles this year.

Water prices are rising year after year, so next year it will be even more expensive to water your garden with drinking water. Moreover, water for domestic needs on the individual housing construction site will also be taken into account by the water utility and paid for in separate amounts.

The calculation performed was made for tariffing according to water supply standards without a water meter (meter) - with it it usually turns out to be somewhat more expensive. However, it may turn out cheaper if the spring and summer turn out to be rainy.

Watering from a well

The gardener pays the bills for watering from the water supply, although he can easily reduce them by turning to us to drill a well. Well cost process water, by and large, will be determined only by the costs of filtration - eliminating iron and suspended matter. You cannot drink this water, but you can water your plantings with it as much as you like.

The depth of the technical well is less than 35 m (usually 10-25 m). Its hourly flow rate rarely exceeds 2 m 3 of water, but this is enough for irrigation and household needs (bathroom, washing dishes, etc.).

Our drilling rates will allow gardeners to get a stable source of irrigation water from a 20-meter well for 30,000 rubles. Is it expensive? With a similar amount, the owner of a garden plot of 10 acres annually pays for four months of watering from the water supply. Moreover, the well will provide water to the garden for at least ten years.

Filtration of industrial water

Sometimes, water from a technical well requires water treatment before irrigation. However, water is not required for irrigation drinking quality, it is enough to reduce the concentration of ferrous iron in its volume.

A simple way to remove iron into a trivalent sedimentary state is by aerating water. Needs saturation well water atmospheric air, for which spray nozzles and an aquarium compressor are used. If better water purification is required, the aeration block is supplemented with a filter element filled with birm material. This sorbent mechanically captures aqueous iron and does not require frequent replacement, only regeneration by backwashing clean water(not chlorinated).

Water supply for drinking, well for irrigation

By combining two water sources in a private household - a central water supply and a technical well - its owner achieves the best conditions saving on water. At the same time, independence is achieved from external water supply communications, known for inconsistency of pressure and periodic breakdowns due to wear. If there is a technical well on the site, there will always be water for irrigation.

If you are lucky and you own a plot of land near which there is a water supply, then you have a choice: provide yourself with water from a personal well or through a central water supply system. Each option has both its advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, the final decision is made taking into account their needs, the geochemical composition of the soil, cost earthworks And economic feasibility project.

Water supply through a well

All water wells are usually divided into filter and artesian wells. The first type includes shallow wells with a depth of up to 30 m, and the second type includes deep wells, reaching aquifers at a level of 250 m. Depending on the depth, filter wells are also divided into: small, medium and deep. The deeper the drill goes, the cleaner the water. Therefore, moisture can be taken from small wells only for watering the area.

Artesian wells require the use special equipment. Their drilling costs much more than filter ones, but the water quality is noticeably higher. Thus, choosing one or another type of well allows you to optimize water supply costs, taking into account your requirements for water quality.


  1. The water supply does not stop during the repair work on the central water supply.
  2. The site is provided with water of optimal quality.
  3. You don't need a project to complete the work.


  1. Water from artesian wells is considered national wealth, so its use is taxed.
  2. High cost of drilling deep wells.
  3. If other wells appear in the neighborhood, the water level in the well may drop.
  4. Additional costs for pump and electricity.
  5. Water mineralization.

Central water supply

This method of solving the problem, except financial costs requires obtaining permits, as well as completing water and sewer projects. The mineral composition of pipeline water leaves much to be desired, so connection to a central water supply is chosen in cases where drilling wells is impossible or economically infeasible.


  1. Low system maintenance costs.
  2. The cost of the work is lower than when drilling a well.
  3. The ability to provide water supply where drilling is problematic.


  1. Poor water quality.
  2. The water supply is entirely dependent on the condition of the central water supply and is interrupted during repair work.
  3. A high tariff can make water consumption unprofitable.

Let's sum it up

Before you make a final decision, set your priorities. If you have high demands on water quality, and your budget allows you to equip your own personal water source, then it is best to drill an artesian well. Central water supply suitable for those who want to save themselves from the unnecessary hassle associated with equipment maintenance.

If it is possible to connect a country house to a centralized water supply network, many will say that you need to choose this method to provide yourself with drinking water. To support their opinion, they will give arguments such as:

  • as the only one worthy alternative centralized water supply is relatively high;
  • problems may arise related to the actual implementation of work on the construction of a water intake structure on the site;
  • the costs of purchasing and installing filters are high.

In general, the size of the capital investment for drilling a well, the purchase of pumping and filtering equipment and later the cost of servicing the water intake source in this case are cited as the main factors in favor of centralized water supply.

Meanwhile, everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance: get permission from Vodokanal, lay a pipeline, install water meters and use the water supply as in a city apartment. It is worth understanding in more detail and identifying all the negative aspects of providing water to a country house through a centralized water supply. But first, about the advantages.

All the benefits of centralized water supply

  • Vodokanal is responsible for the water supply to the house: it checks the chemical and bacteriological composition of the water, carries out all water treatment activities, maintains and repairs main networks, and maintains the required water pressure.
  • The second undeniable advantage is independence from power supply. Even if there is a power outage in the house, water will flow to the water taps regularly.

This is probably all, although this is quite a lot. As for the initial capital investments, ordinary people often make the mistake of thinking that the cost of connecting to a centralized water supply is cheaper than the cost of drilling a well.

The nuances of connecting a private house to centralized water supply networks.

Let's consider the main actions of the owner who has decided to enter into a water supply agreement with Vodokanal. First, you need to obtain permission to tap into the backbone network. Then wait for delivery technical specifications for connection and order development based on them design and estimate documentation. Conclude an agreement with a licensed organization to carry out work on laying a pipeline from the main pipe to the site. Lay pipes and install meters.

All stages are carried out taking into account the requirements of Russian legislation, namely, Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 416 “On water supply and sanitation” and related amendments and regulations of the Government of the Russian Federation.

And now more about capital investments. You need to know that the estimated cost of connecting to the network is affected by the expected daily water consumption. According to Vodokanal tariffs established in 2015 by the Tariff Committee of St. Petersburg, you will need to pay 17,330 rubles for 1 m 3 /hour. And the water consumption is country house large enough: in addition to the kitchen, bath, toilet, water is needed in the bathhouse, on the street for watering lawns, greenhouses and garden plants. But this ridiculous amount only emphasizes the global nature of further expenses.

Cost of gasket 1 linear meter pipes with a diameter of 20 cm from the main network to the house is 12,490 rubles. It is easy to calculate that if the main pipe is located only 50 meters from the site, laying water supply networks from connection point to connection point water supply networks to the central cold water supply system will cost 625 thousand rubles. Let's reduce the size of the pipe by half. The amount will decrease slightly and amount to 563 thousand rubles.

And these are not all the disadvantages.

Disadvantages of using centralized water supply networks

In addition to capital investments, a centralized water supply system will require a monthly payment for water use, and tariffs, as we know, are rising. Complete dependence on the water supplier is also confusing: for the duration of the planned or emergency repairs the house may be left without water. Guarantee high quality The supplier will also not be able to provide water due to the deterioration of the main pipeline. Vodokanal representatives themselves admit this.

So perhaps the installation additional system Water purification cannot be avoided. And if there is insufficient water pressure, which is also a problem with the central water supply system, you will have to purchase and install additional pump equipment. And now we can draw conclusions regarding the choice of source of water supply for a country house. Probably, the alleged problems with drilling and well development are no longer problems in the direct sense of the word.

"Well or centralized water supply", BC "POISK", tell friends: February 16th, 2016