Report on non-compliance of temperature conditions in the room. What are the norms for temperature in an apartment during the heating season according to SanPin? Reasons for complaining about low temperature in the apartment

Climatic the conditions of our country are such that the arrival of cold weather, houses and apartments need in heating.

If in private at home, he takes care of creating an optimal microclimate owner, then that's it apartment buildings houses are heated centrally.

Behind high-quality heat supply must meet either supplier organization(if the heat supply contract is concluded directly), or an intermediary - Management Company .

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Heating standards in the apartment

Price Heating services are growing, but the same cannot be said about quality. Utility workers refer for worn-out heating network, for low-quality products from suppliers, but recalculate They are not in a hurry to make up for their mistakes.

Meanwhile, options home heating have state standard . Failure to comply with limit values ​​entails at least reduction in pay.

At maximum deviations from the norms payment in general not produced (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011, paragraph 98). Read more about what the air temperature should be in heating season can be found from .

Restrictions on heat supply are possible:

  • No more than a day within a calendar month;
  • Within 16 hours, if the room temperature does not exceed 12 degrees;
  • Maximum 8 hours, if in an apartment 10 degrees;
  • Limit in 4 hours set at temperature at 8 degrees.

It is important to know: if the emergency situation was not eliminated in time, for each hour of non-compliance temperature regime payment for heat supply should be reduced by 0.15%.

Housing and communal services organizations should be guided by GOST R 51617-2000: “Housing and communal services”, where indicated characteristics maximum permissible temperature values:

  • In premises classified as common property(except attics and basements) - minimum 16 degrees;
  • In the apartment - minimum 18 degrees(in premises located at the corners of buildings20 degrees);
  • In the bathroom and combined with a bathroom restroomat least 25 degrees;
  • Attics and basements - from 4 degrees and above.

Interesting fact: from 0 to 5 am, the temperature in apartments may be lower than the maximum permissible, but only by three degrees, no more. Exceeding is also permissible - a maximum of 4 degrees.

In houses with two or more floors, staircases can no heating, if there is a heating system in the apartments. Heating of stairs and in areas with winter temperature from 5 degrees and above (SNiP 41-01-2003 “Heating, ventilation and air conditioning”).

How is air temperature measured?

Before demanding from utilities fee reduction, check tightness windows and doors. Representatives management organization Necessarily examine places of possible heat leakage, and if they find cracks with drafts - there will be no recalculation.

There are specific rules for taking measurements standards - clause 4 “Control method” GOST 30494-96:

  • When it's warm outside ( above 5 degrees) clear weather - cannot be measured. The sun warms the room and affects the temperature, increasing it;
  • Measurements are taken device With maximum deviation up to 0.1 degree;
  • A device with automatic temperature recording must be working at least two hours;
  • Hand-held thermometer temperature is determined at least three times, with a mandatory five-minute interval. Average the reading is taken as the room temperature;
  • Indications ball The thermometer is removed only after 20 minutes after installing the device.

Attention: measuring device must have a certificate and registration certificate, and also undergo annual verification for compliance with the manufacturer’s parameters.

How to correctly draw up a measurement report?

First of all, violation of heat supply parameters should be to report to the emergency dispatch service (ADS). Statement in oral or written form is subject to mandatory registration.

The dispatcher can explain situation if suddenly something happened on the heating main accident. When a service employee does not have information about the cause of a heat supply failure, he is obliged to send emergency team to find out the reasons and draw up measurement report, having agreed on the time and date with the consumer.

The temperature should be measured accurate a device that has everything Required documents. In the act are indicated such intelligence, How:

  • date and time drafting;
  • Apartment characteristics(address, area, number of floors, number of rooms);
  • Composition of the commission, including the consumer;
  • Meter data;
  • Temperature settings;
  • Signatures all members of the commission.

One copy of the act remains at disposal supplier services, second - at the customer's.

Important fact: the homeowner’s disagreement with the conclusions of housing and communal services employees must be reflected in the act and a new commission must be appointed with the involvement of employees of Rospotrebnadzor or the State Housing Inspectorate.

In addition to the fact that utilities must recalculate for violation obligations, in the contract for the supply of services there is, as a rule, a clause on collection from the performer penalties for poor quality heat supply.

Temperature regulation

During preparation heat supply systems for the heating season, utility workers must Rinse system and delete air jams.

If all necessary work are completed and the temperature in the apartments of other residents does not exceed standard indicators, it's worth looking other causes of discomfort (For example, depressurization thermal circuit apartments).

Creation options optimal microclimate with a lack of heat:

  • , sealing window openings and door joints;
  • Purchasing an additional heater (for example);
  • Installing a thermostat on batteries;
  • Installation instead of cast iron, possible with increasing sections. Read how to calculate the number of sections of heating radiators.

Increased heat transfer can be minimized:

  • Regular ventilation;
  • Installation of reflective screens(ordinary foil);
  • Limiting the access of hot water to the radiators(close the ball valve).

The rules for the provision of services are designed for the average user, individual conditions are created offline.
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Living in multi-storey building, we depend on central networks for almost everything. It's good if you have it at home heating system With . To those who warm themselves from central heating, sometimes you won’t envy. You can hear complaints from many dissatisfied users about the degree of heating of their apartments. Some people are too cold, while others live with an open window and pay exorbitant prices. If the situation is familiar to you, then you can call a commission, it will measure the temperature in the apartment. Based on this, a report will be drawn up for measuring the temperature in the apartment, a sample of which is listed below. Having this act, you will be able to contact the CHP, and, if necessary, the prosecutor’s office with RosPotrebNadzor.

Reasons for complaining about low temperature in the apartment

Not only the air temperature is measured, but also the walls.

Before measuring the temperature in the apartment, you need to familiarize yourself with regulatory framework. If the air temperature in your home does not fit within the limits established by state standards, then you can file a complaint to eliminate the discrepancies. Regulatory documents:

  • GOST No. R-51617-2000;
  • SNIP No.

According to these documents, the optimal and permissible temperature. There is also an upward and downward error. About, we already wrote. Main points:

  • minimum permissible temperature in the apartment, taking into account an error of 15 degrees;
  • maximum maximum taking into account an error of 30 degrees.

But even if these parameters are not met, the management organization can wash its hands of it. The fact is that heat loss in your home can significantly exceed the amount of incoming heat. If the temperature of the coolant in the heating system is within normal limits, then the problem of heat loss falls on your shoulders. How to correctly measure the temperature in an apartment? Doing this yourself is almost pointless, since when debriefing you need documents certified by signatures and seals.

If the temperature in the apartment is below normal, the first thing to do is call the dispatch service. The time and details of the employee who accepted the application must be recorded for possible further proceedings.

You can’t count on the fact that the service organization will easily admit its insolvency and meet you halfway; most likely, everything will end in court. After this, you need to write an application to measure the temperature in the apartment. You submit your application to the house management company (housing office), which is an intermediary between consumers (that is, you) and the heating station that services your home.

Complaint about low temperature in the apartment is drawn up in two copies, one of which will remain with you. This will be your insurance if the application is accidentally lost, as has happened more than once. To win the fight against the bureaucratic machine, you need to play by its rules. The main rule of bureaucrats: without a piece of paper you are a bug, but with a piece of paper you are a person.

Checking and measuring temperature

Each device must have a certificate of conformity.

The commission arrives at the time agreed upon with you, armed with certified instruments for measuring temperature and humidity. How to correctly measure the temperature in an apartment:

  • the test is carried out at an outside temperature of no higher than 5 degrees below zero;
  • In summer, measurements are taken at a temperature of at least 15 degrees. This is prohibited if there are no clouds in the sky during daylight hours;
  • measurements in each room are carried out separately.

The commission records all received data in an act, one copy of which you will receive in your hands. How to draw up a report on measuring the temperature in an apartment point by point:

  • apartment coordinates and owner details;
  • characteristics of the apartment (number of floors, number of rooms, degree of insulation);
  • characteristics of the heating system (normative and actual temperature with coolant pressure at the supply and return, wiring diagram, surface temperature of heat exchangers);
  • temperature of the air and the inside of the enclosing walls, air humidity;
  • The causes of low or high temperature are identified.

The document is supported by signatures and seals, without them it is just paper. On the act, you can leave your comments in the lines allocated for this.

Where to go if you have the act in hand

Once you have managed to measure the temperature in the room, you can contact the service organization with a request to correct the current situation. They have a week to review your application, after which some action must be taken. If there is no response from the service company, then you can complain about them. The prosecutor's office deals with such issues. A letter to RosPotrebNadzor - protection of consumer rights would be useful.

If the culprit is a discrepancy between the temperature conditions in the apartment regulatory documents is a housing office, then you can complain about it to the housing inspectorate. This is an organization that issues certificates to house management companies, which include housing and communal services.

All your requests to government bodies must be recorded. In court, you must present as many facts as possible of ignoring your complaints and, of course, evidence of failure to comply with the legal requirements of regulatory documents. Service company In addition to correcting the shortcomings, it is also obliged to recalculate the tariff for the period of provision of the service not in full.

What to do if the temperature in the apartment is below normal?

For services provided not in full, you may request recalculation at a different tariff.

It's cold at home, what should you do? To begin with, we measure the temperature ourselves and compare it with the standards in GOSTs and SNIPs. If the temperature in the apartment is below normal, call the dispatch service, record the time and operator details. Let a team come and check everything, maybe the reason is a simple blockage. We have already written about that. If the team was unable to help, go to your building management organization and write applications to measure the temperature in the apartment, keeping a copy with signatures and seals. Before measuring the air temperature in the apartment at your request, the commission must present certificates for the equipment.

Based on the results of the inspection, you are given a report, with which you can write a statement about low temperature in the apartment to the service organization (CHP). They must respond within a week, correct the shortcomings and recalculate the tariff for the period of provision of their services not in full. Low temperature in the apartment, where to complain to the CHP and Housing Office:

  • prosecutor's office;
  • consumer rights Protection;
  • housing inspection.

If the case goes to court, and you did everything correctly, then you will have in your hands;

  • endorsed copies of all your applications;
  • recorded request to the operational service of the service organization;
  • temperature check report;
  • certificates for equipment used during testing.

Based on GOSTs and SNIPs, most likely you will win the case. According to the court's decision, the service organization will have to fix everything, but in practice this is not always the case. Even if you win the trial, you may still have to wait a long time for justice. Your home may not become warmer, but at least you’ll get the tariff recalculated so you don’t have to pay for what you don’t get.

Utility fees are rising every year, especially in times of economic crisis. Unfortunately, nothing similar can be said about their quality. When citizens give a significant part of their hard-earned money to ensure comfortable living conditions, public utilities tend to show dishonesty on all fronts of their work.

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If, during self-measurement, you determine that the temperature norm is lowered, you should inform the Emergency Dispatch Service about this. If the disruption of heat supply is not caused by natural factors (for example, an accident on a heating main), the dispatcher calls an emergency team to the house, drawing up an official measurement report.

The measurement must be carried out with a registered device that has all the necessary technical documents. The act contains the following information:

  • date of its preparation,
  • characteristics of the apartment,
  • composition of the commission,
  • device data,
  • temperature values,
  • signatures of all commission members.

The act is drawn up in two copies, one of which remains with the owner of the apartment, and the other with the housing and communal services employees carrying out the measurements.

Air exchange rate

Air temperature is not the only parameter that directly affects the comfort and safety of people living in the house. Air exchange is important for the body: the presence fresh air, ventilation of residential and non-residential premises.

This parameter is also regulated by SanPiN regulations. Thus, the required air exchange rate for a living space with an area of ​​18 m² is 3 m³/h per person. square meter, for the kitchen - three times more.

Air exchange rate is a characteristic determined by the ratio of air removed or supplied from a room per hour to the volume of this room.

How to measure coolant?

The coolant in the central heating system is hot water, flowing from the tap.

You can measure its temperature different ways, but the simplest one is measuring tap water temperature with a thermometer, poured into a glass.

It is also possible to measure pipe temperature. The value of this parameter should be 50-70°C.

Responsibility of utilities for violation of temperature standards

If the indoor temperature in winter is below normal, what should you do?

By law, citizens have the right to demand reducing heat charges by 0.15% for each hour that utilities fail to comply with your temperature standards. After carrying out simple calculations, you can establish that after 4 weeks of providing low-quality home heating services, the payment for it is reduced by more than 90%. Of course, utility companies will not voluntarily agree to such a recalculation, and therefore we must go to court.

An application for recalculation of heating fees to the Management Company can be downloaded.

History knows examples when citizens managed to defend their rights. Thus, in 2014, a resident of the Perm Territory recovered 136 thousand rubles from utility services for the utility services’ failure to comply with their obligations to provide her home with heat.

Temperature standards in the apartment. Watch the video:

I, ______________________ (full name) am the owner of an apartment at the above address in a building managed by your organization.

In my apartment in the period from ______ to ________ there are cold radiators, and the temperature in the apartment is below the standard established by the Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Standards SanPiN, paragraphs.

4.3, 4.4, 4.8, 4.9, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 pp. 49-n).

Based on the above, I request that the temperature in the apartment be measured in accordance with the sanitary and epidemiological requirements for living conditions in residential buildings and premises.

FULL NAME______________________

If you notice that the temperature in your apartment is 15–16 degrees, dog cold, then write a statement (Document 15). After which representatives of the management company will have to come and check the temperature in the room. And draw up a corresponding document or act on the temperature change. If the temperature really does not meet the standards, then contact the prosecutor’s office and Rospotrebnadzor, as well as the housing inspectorate, demanding a recalculation of payments. It's your money, and you shouldn't just give it away.

Document 16. Memo on what to do if there are cold radiators in the apartment

What to do if you have cold radiators in your apartment

You need to start with the organizations that serve your home. If this is a management company, then all complaints should be addressed to it; if it is an HOA, go to the chairman. If the contracts were signed directly with service providers - water supply and energy supply organizations, then you will have to deal with them yourself.

First, look carefully at your contract. It may set out some special procedure for filing a claim. For example, only by registered mail or only to the head office of the management organization, etc. The written claim is submitted in two copies, one of which is handed to the executor, and the other is marked with acceptance. Make sure that the mark does not just contain the name of the person receiving, but contains the stamp of the organization, as well as the date and time of reception. If the claim is not accepted, then it must be sent by mail in a certified letter with a notification and an attachment. If you are asked to file a complaint by telephone, then you need to find out under what number in the log book the complaint was registered, and who received the call, and then duplicate it by mail. Keep a record of the conversation - this will help prove the fact and time of contacting the utility companies.

The claim must indicate that the temperature in the apartment is below the standard established by the Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Standards SanPiN, paragraphs. 4.3, 4.4, 4.8, 4.9, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 pp. 49-n), require temperature measurements in the apartment in accordance with the sanitary and epidemiological requirements for living conditions in residential buildings and premises.

A representative of the management company should come to your apartment and draw up a report stating that utilities are not provided or are provided with poor quality. If there are disagreements between you and the utility company regarding the quality of services, the inspection will be repeated. A representative of the Housing Inspectorate is invited to attend. In addition, you can call an independent specialist yourself.

Based on the results of the inspection, a report is drawn up, which is signed by you and the representatives of the commission. The document can also be signed by everyone present. The act is drawn up in two copies, one of which remains with you, the other with the utility companies. If it is known that the cause of the outage is an accident, no additional verification is required.

If the management company does not respond to your letter, or responds with an unsubscribe, but does not take measures to eliminate your problem, CONTACT sequentially to the following organizations (or better yet, several at once, of your choice):

1. To the State Housing Inspectorate of your area.

2. To the district office Federal service for supervision in the field of consumer rights protection and human well-being (Rospotrebnadzor).

3. To the local body of the Federal Antimonopoly Service (Teploenergo, CHP, Vodokanal and other suppliers are usually monopolists, and their actions are controlled by the FAS).

4. To regional (regional) and municipal (city, district) authorities - to the governor, etc.

5. To the prosecutor's office.

6. Go to court and demand compensation for your losses. For example, in winter you used heating devices and your electricity bill is significantly higher than usual. You can also demand compensation for moral damage.

When is recalculation due?

The law establishes deadlines for interruptions in the provision of utilities, after which the service organization is obliged to recalculate the fee for them.


At emergency shutdown heating should be restored in no more than 16 hours - if the air temperature in the apartments is not lower than twelve degrees. And 4 hours in advance if the temperature drops below 10 degrees. Exceeding the deadlines entails a reduction in the fee by 0.15% of the cost of the tariff for each hour of excess. And by the same amount - for each degree of deviation from the temperature regime.


If there is no water for more than eight hours in total within one month, or more than four hours at a time (and in the event of a pipeline accident, within 24 hours), the water fee is reduced by 0.15 percent of its cost for each hour of water absence.


Its temperature should be at least 50, maximum 75 degrees. Deviations are allowed at night by no more than five degrees, during the day - by no more than three degrees. For every three degrees of deviation of water from the standard, the fee is reduced by 0.1% of the cost for each hour of deviation. If the water temperature is below forty degrees, then hot water You can pay at cold rates.


If it is not available, the fee is reduced by 0.15% of the tariff price for each hour of non-provision of the service.

He may be absent from apartments for no more than four hours in total during one month. Its pressure must meet the requirements federal standards. If there is no gas for longer than this time, you can demand a reduction in the fee by 0.15% of the cost at the tariff for each hour. Absence normal pressure gives the right to exclude from payment the days during which substandard gas was supplied.

Be sure to write a request to the management company with a requirement to measure the temperature in the apartment.

Document 17. Example of calculations of fees for housing and communal services