Why do pregnant women need a maternity pillow? Types of pillows for pregnant women, characteristics and prices. What is a pregnancy pillow

Insomnia is familiar to many pregnant women. And how can you sleep when you are tormented by gases or toxicosis, your back hurts or your stomach is growing by leaps and bounds. Sleeping pills and soothing herbal infusions are contraindicated for pregnant women; will you really have to count sheep, toss and turn until the morning, and then nod off all day? Only pregnant women can appreciate such modern know-how as a pillow for pregnant women!

The benefits of pillows for pregnant women

It would seem, what is special about such a pillow? And why can’t we sleep on a regular bed, like our mothers and grandmothers did. However, if they had such pillows, they would easily solve many problems and forget about sleepless nights. A pregnancy pillow helps you find a comfortable sleeping position, reduces the load on the expectant mother’s body and relieves stress on the spine, and some pillows even allow you to sleep on your stomach.

Bananas, Horseshoes and Bagels

U-shaped horseshoe-shaped pillows are convenient because you can wrap yourself in them like a blanket, because they support the body of the expectant mother from all sides. Pillows with a hole in the inside, reminiscent of bagels, allow you to sleep on your stomach. G-shaped pillows are also very comfortable and a bit bagel-like, the banana pillow is suitable for side sleepers, and the L-shaped pillow is very compact, as is the I-shaped model, which gives relaxation to the neck and spine.

The best pillow - what is it?

Good pillows are filled with expanded polystyrene and holofiber, environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic materials that do not harbor mites and various microorganisms. New generation fillers do not allow moisture to pass through, do not absorb odors and are easy to wash. Expanded polystyrene balls take the shape of a sleeping person’s body and do not spring, while holofiber fibers, on the contrary, are a little springy. The pillowcase should be made of cotton, velor, linen or knitwear.

With a good pillow, your sleep will be sweet, sound and enjoyable!

Pregnancy is an amazing, but quite difficult period in the life of every woman. Surely each of the mothers will now remember back pain, sleepless nights and many other “charms” of an interesting situation. However, modern accessories can make the life of an expectant mother much easier, making waiting for the baby comfortable. These are mattresses with a special indentation for the stomach, so that you can allow yourself to roll over as you want. And if you don’t have one, a pregnancy pillow will help. Reviews (which is better, we'll figure it out today) are very important for a woman to do right choice, so today we will talk about them in more detail.

What is it for?

Every woman who made do with an ordinary pillow probably asked herself this question. “Why do we need some kind of special one?” many will snort. Extra waste money." And only those who already have one understand how comfortable a pillow for pregnant women is. Reviews (which is better, we have to find out), of course, are contradictory, but there is nothing strange about this, we are all different, everyone has - their own ideas about comfort, which is why manufacturers bring a fairly large line of products to the market. They differ in size, material, filling, and shape. We will tell you the pros and cons of the most popular ones so that you can make your choice. you shouldn’t wait until the last trimester, you will probably be very happy to sleep on it and actually early, and also actively use it after the birth of the baby.

Relevance from the point of view of modern medicine

Of course, it is quite possible to do without it; this is clearly demonstrated by the fact that our mothers and grandmothers calmly carried and fed their children without any special devices. However, if you follow this logic, you don't have to use washing machine and go to the river to wash clothes. Doctors emphasize that during pregnancy the load on female body increases greatly, it experiences serious unusual loads on all organs and systems. That is why it is extremely important that the expectant mother’s sleep is complete and sound, maximally restoring the strength lost during the day and giving a good mood. It is in order to achieve this that a pregnancy pillow is needed. Reviews (which is better, we are now finding out) will allow you to understand women’s impressions of this or that model, so that it is easier for you to understand what you need. Each pregnancy proceeds differently, some have a small tummy, so you can do without special devices. Others begin in the evening to build a real cocoon from a huge number of pillows, and then still suffer, moving them from place to place. Let's talk about the options available on the market.

The largest, U-shaped pillow

This is also the most popular form, it is the most popular and convenient, but, unfortunately, also the most cumbersome. It consists of an arch and two supporting elements. That is, he will wrap you in his arms, and you can roll over as often as you want. It will provide support for the tummy, you can put your legs on it, that is, a dream, not a pillow. It is very pleasant to hug her, but the best thing is that from the first time you will understand how much the load on the spine is reduced.

It would seem that this is the ideal pillow for pregnant women. Reviews, which is better, however, are in no hurry to determine, saying that it requires too much space. This is an option for a large bed, and if you like to sleep hugging your husband, then you won’t be able to do that with this pillow. Depending on the anatomical features of the woman, you can choose different sizes. If you are taller than 160 cm, then choose 340*35 cm, and for petite girls would be better suited option 280*35 cm. Most expectant mothers are happy to use this option, but there are also negative reviews. Those for whom it did not suit say that they were never able to adapt. The pillow turned out to be too dense, and a regular blanket or several small ones became a more comfortable alternative. The cost of such a pillow starts from about 3,000 rubles and ends at 5,000 (this usually applies to maxi models).

Opinion of pregnant women

Since this form is the most popular, there are many more reviews about it than about any other. So we will give them separate place. The first thing that expectant mothers emphasize is that it takes up a lot of space. A double bed with a width of 140 cm will immediately turn out to be cramped for the two of you, and your husband will have to seek refuge on the sofa. However, these pillows are incredibly comfortable. Those who have already tried the accessory in practice are advised to carefully choose, touch and watch them live, in the store. You need to choose a soft pillow that is pleasant to the body. The material of the cover is also not the least important thing; there are oak ones, which are unpleasant to touch, and there are delicate ones. However, be prepared for the fact that it may not suit you, but another mother, to whom you end up giving it as an unnecessary gift, will be delighted with it. But in general, reviews of U-shaped pregnancy pillows are very good, and they are used long after pregnancy is over.

A variation of this form is the “eight”. Very similar to its predecessor, but the rings are very comfortable for resting while lying on your stomach. Judging by the reviews, it is very well suited for placing and placing a child in it. And in order not to make a mistake, take a transformer. It consists of several elements and takes any shape.

The second option is “bagel”

This is another great pillow for pregnant and nursing mothers. Yes, yes, don’t think that with the birth of your baby you won’t need it. It is extremely convenient for optimizing the feeding of your baby, and then for teaching him to sit. And how often do difficulties arise in placing a mobile baby on the sofa, because he tends to roll off to the floor? And with such an accessory this problem is solved once and for all. But for now, it’s important for us to know which pregnancy pillow to choose. The shape (we will give reviews about each of them) is a very important criterion, since you will have to live with this thing for quite a long time, and many continue to use it after the baby grows up.

So, a compact “bagel”. It performs all the necessary functions, supports your head and back in a comfortable position, allows you to take a comfortable position and get a great night's sleep. On the one hand, it almost completely envelops the body, and on the other, it takes up much less space compared to the previous form. Standard sizes are 340*35 or 300*35. The pillow is suitable for both tall and petite women. Judging by the reviews, this option will be convenient for standard bed or on the sofa.

G shape pillow

The next pillow is for pregnant women. Which form is more convenient is up to you to choose, we only provide information. This is a kind of hybrid of the two previous forms, which is very popular with expectant mothers. Unlike the letter U, it is not so bulky; it can be placed under your head, wrapped around your legs, and used to support your back and head while reading a book or watching TV. The size of such a pillow is 300 by 35 cm or 350 by 35 cm. The cost of such models is from 3800 to 4200 rubles. However, not everyone found this form convenient. There are reviews that say that the G appendage is a big nuisance; without it, the model would have benefited. As they say, not for everybody.

Letter C shape

Reviews will help you make a decision when choosing a pillow for pregnant women. Which is better (price, of course, determines quality), the opinions of other women will help you figure it out. So, the next pillow is one of the most compact models; you can take it with you if you are planning a long trip. You can choose a size of 170*30 or 190*30 cm. Judging by the reviews of expectant mothers, it can travel with you throughout the house. You can put it under your back, under your stomach and comfortably sit on it while sleeping. The cost starts from 3200 rubles. and depends on the filler and material of the pillowcase.

Letter I shape, or "sausage"

The most compact, does not take up much space and can fit on any bed. However, it did not gain much popularity. Primarily because it additionally requires a pillow under the head, which is completely inconvenient. However, you can put a heavy tummy or legs on it, so how additional accessory can be used. However, when talking about what shape the most comfortable pillow for pregnant women is, it should be noted that this type is not among the first. Judging by the reviews, the leading shapes are U, G, C.

Letter "G" pillow

This is the last pregnancy pillow on our list today. Which form is better? Reviews suggest that there are so many people, so many opinions, so you will need to go to the store and carefully choose a thought for yourself. This model is a modification of the previous form, from which it differs in the presence of a head roll. This shape will give you normal sleep and comfort, and also does not take up much space on the bed. The total length is 230 cm, which is quite enough even for a tall woman. The cost of such pillows starts from 2,700 rubles.

Pillow fillers

It is extremely rare for cheap models to use foam rubber, but it loses greatly modern materials, so we won't consider it. After all, we need a high-quality pillow for pregnant women. Which filler is better? Reviews often mention that polystyrene foam balls squeak and rustle, so holofiber becomes the choice. However, it should be noted that this is only true for cheap models where the balls are large. More expensive pillows are filled with soft and very small balls that are pleasant to feel through the pillowcase. But there will still be a slight rustling sound, so if you are a very light sleeper, then this is not your option.

Comparing the most popular fillers

So, holofiber. It is also familiar to us as a filler winter clothes, light and warm. However, it very quickly loses its shape and bends under the weight of the body. It is very good that this filler does not absorb moisture and odors, it is not only soft, but also springy. In this case, you can wash the pillow directly with the filling. This product does not produce unnecessary noise and is also affordable.

Polystyrene foam balls allow the product to keep its shape for a long time and not sag under the weight of the body, which is important during feeding. The pillow will not absorb odor or moisture; it remains quite soft and dense. However, you can only wash the pillowcase, and such models are much more expensive.

As you can see, choosing pillows for pregnant women is not at all easy. A consultant in the department where you will buy it can also tell you which filler is best. In addition to the ones listed, the filling is padding polyester, it is very cheap, but the pillow will quickly lose its shape. Comfortable and artificial swan's down are two of the most modern filler, they are light and soft, hold their shape perfectly, and are hypoallergenic.

All of the fillers listed above are synthetic. There are no ticks in them, they do not fall off or roll down. Besides this there are more expensive models with natural swan down, feathers, sheepskin, natural silk, grass and rice, cotton wool and bamboo. However, they require special care, and the cost of such products is very high.

During pregnancy, a lot of new sensations appear, some of them very unpleasant. By the beginning of the third trimester, due to the enlargement of the tummy, discomfort occurs during rest. Towards the end of the term, it becomes increasingly difficult to choose a position in which you can relax, relieve the muscles and spine. In order for the rest to be comfortable, scientists together with doctors have developed a pillow for pregnant women - why it is needed, how it is useful and how it is used - further in the material.

Adequate sleep is the key to good baby health and Have a good mood future mother. Thanks to their original shape and ergonomics, special pillows help you get comfortable while lying and sitting, during sleep, daytime rest and feeding your baby. This is bedding different forms, colors and sizes, designed specifically for expectant mothers. It evenly distributes the load, relieves tension and helps you relax. But the main advantage is that it prevents you from turning over in your sleep, so unborn child reliably protected from accidental injuries.

Why a pregnancy pillow and what types of pillows are there?

This product unusual shape with soft, healthy filling, intended for rest during pregnancy and feeding a child, can be used as a regular sleeping pillow. The filler for these products is most often holofiber, polystyrene foam and padding polyester. They do not cause allergies, retain their shape for a long time and do not require special care. The pillows resemble the letters C, G, L, I and U, look like a banana, boomerang or cushion, some reach a length of two meters and are labeled “big”. This speaks to the ambiguous approach of the developers and makes it possible to solve sleep problems, taking into account the individual characteristics of the expectant mother. Which model is best suited is up to you:

Main advantages:

  • - the most common, convenient and practical option. It encircles the body when the expectant mother is lying or sitting; it can be placed under the stomach or legs. More suitable for spacious beds.
    1. it does not need to be twisted when turning from one side to the other;
    2. provides support for the cervical and lumbar regions, abdomen, and promotes muscle relaxation;
    3. becomes an excellent assistant during feeding, as it reduces the load on the hands. The mother should just lay the baby comfortably and rest her elbows on the pillow;
    4. can be used for a child, serve as support for the head and back when he learns to sit, protect against falls and act as a barrier for children who are particularly active.
  • - a more rounded version of the previous model, its other names are banana or boomerang. Relieves muscle tension and relieves stress on the spine, at the same time placing it under the neck and lower back, under the back and legs. Like the first pillow, it can be used during pregnancy and after the birth of a child, as it is a multifunctional option. Provides a pregnant woman with comfortable rest in a sitting position and sleep, protects against involuntary rollovers on her stomach and collisions in bed with her husband, and becomes an excellent assistant in the feeding process, reducing the load on the arms.


The range of such products is constantly expanding and replenished with new models. Expectant mothers no longer have questions about why they need pillows for pregnant women; they will come in handy even after the birth of the child. First of all, for feeding and for playing - the child feels great lying on a pillow, surrounded on all sides by a soft “side” that is pleasant to the touch.

The softest filler is, it consists of microscopic fibers and appearance resembles cotton wool. In second place is polystyrene foam - small, light balls that resemble foam crumbs, but are more durable. Both options are suitable - it all depends on personal preference. It is better to buy pillows for pregnant women from the manufacturer, for example, in the Mama Relax online store. In assortment big choice quality, as well as other products for parents and newborns.

My pregnancy made me happy. I never knew anything about toxicosis, headaches and cramps. Back pain didn’t bother me either, nor did lack of sleep. Perhaps, due to my inexperience in this matter, I believed that all these “troubles” of pot-bellied ladies must certainly manifest themselves in the first months of my pregnant life. But no, no changes occurred in me, only the weight kept gaining, and I came to the antenatal clinic more often than to visit my relatives.

But my belly grew and gained volume.

One night I suddenly realized that it was uncomfortable for me to lie on my side, on my stomach, on my back. And in the morning, when my husband brought me breakfast, I suddenly realized that I didn’t really like sitting.

Moreover, if from the outside everyone considered me a sweet, slightly curvy pregnant lady, then I considered myself a huge, clumsy mammoth. Every night now I spent hours trying to fall asleep, tossing and groaning, trying to find a comfortable position. My lower back was languishing from fatigue, and the massage that my beloved husband patiently gave me no longer brought any effect.

I courageously endured all the hardships and hardships brought to me by my pregnancy. Due to my paunchy position, I increasingly hung out on forums for pregnant women and postpartum mothers. I read, learned to be a good mother and talked with virtual friends. One day, I shared my problems with one of the forum users, she recommended me. To be honest, I was skeptical, but the idea stuck firmly in my head. I weighed all the pros and cons, and the very next evening my husband brought me my “life preserver.”

First improvements

We decided to choose a curved shape resembling the letter “U” for the pillow. It seemed to me that it would be more convenient than other forms (of which there are many, by the way).

I placed one end of the pillow under my back and put my leg on the other and fell asleep almost immediately! For the first time in many nights, nothing bothered me, didn’t press or push me.

I will remember my acquaintance with my pillow for a long time. While using the pillow during pregnancy, I identified several of its big advantages:

  1. High quality material and filler. For the gentle health of expectant mothers, only natural materials are used.
  2. The pillowcase is easily removed for washing.
  3. Relieves tension from the lower back and legs. Rest really becomes high-quality, and sleep becomes sound.

The nightly feeling that my stomach was bothering me disappeared on the first day of use. It didn’t appear again, because I didn’t want to part with my magic pillow anymore.

Types of pillows for pregnant women and reviews about them

I, like a comrade in arms with many of my pregnant friends, quickly reported to them about the amazing effect of the pillow. And I strongly recommended that everyone buy something new for themselves. I suggest you learn about the types of pillows for pregnant women in more detail:

  • mine turned out to be useful both before and after childbirth: first I slept in her arms, then my son;
  • fell in love with one of my friends for its comfortable support for the head and abdomen (or lower back - your choice);
  • The L-shaped pillow turned out to be quite compact and supported only the stomach and head, although, if desired, you can also throw your leg on it;
  • The G-shape also turned out to be very comfortable and comfortable, however, in my opinion, it is too big for a family bed;
  • An I-shaped pillow is the most budget-friendly and simplest option; I recommend paying attention to an L-shape with head support.

Is it worth buying a pregnancy pillow? My answer is definitely yes! Insomnia has disappeared, lumbar pain has disappeared, and the terrible lack of sleep is a thing of the past. My family got back their smiling and rosy-cheeked mother, and in addition, the pillow perfectly supports the baby now during feeding. I wish you good luck, dear mothers!

To create quality sleep and good rest, a pregnancy pillow is used various forms and fillers. Expectant mothers know that the second semester of pregnancy can be very irritable. It is simply impossible to fall asleep soundly - worries and anxious thoughts about the future interfere. TO psychological problems physiological ones are added: bloating, indigestion. It is estimated that about 5 pillows placed under parts of the body are needed to create comfort. One pillow desired design for pregnant women replaces many others.

What is a pregnancy pillow

A specially designed pillow helps women calm down and fall asleep during pregnancy. An enlarged belly makes it difficult to roll over and relax. A pillow for expectant mothers is a necessary thing; every woman will be happy with such a gift. Doctors say that full and healthy sleep is important factor during the period of gestation. In the later stages of pregnancy, a woman may lie down incorrectly, harming the baby. Models orthopedic pillows specially designed to prevent these situations.

What is it for?

It is very difficult for pregnant women to find a comfortable position for sleeping; they want to lie on their stomach, but this is prohibited. The next morning after a sleepless night, the woman becomes more and more irritable and a “vicious circle” results. Lack of sleep and rest cause a dangerous condition for the child and woman. The pillow for expectant mothers is designed to solve several problems simultaneously:

  • distribute the load on the spine;
  • promote relaxation of leg muscles;
  • can be used at any stage of pregnancy;
  • help you fall asleep at night and during the day;
  • can be used after the birth of the child.

How to sleep properly

Knowing how to use a pregnancy pillow can eliminate nagging pain in the lower back and back. There are just a few recommendations on how to sleep on a pregnancy pillow and make your sleep more productive. Doctors recommend sleeping on your left side, because only this position will reduce the pressure on the vena cava located to the right of the uterus. Lying on your left side, bend your right leg at the knee and place the product under it. It is worth considering that if the expectant mother has kidney problems, she should sleep on her right side, placing a pillow under or between her knees.

Buy a pillow for pregnant women

Such products come in a variety of shapes: boomerang, letters (G, U, C, J, I), bagel, big, banana. Before purchasing, each expectant mother must decide for herself on the form that will be convenient for her personally. You can go to a store that specializes in maternity products and touch each of the pillows. Ask the seller about the manufacturer and materials. Among the colors, give preference to blue and green shades. You can find out how much a pregnancy pillow costs and buy the product you like in the online store with delivery by mail.


Bed dress Horseshoe shapes are considered the most comfortable, they provide support from all sides - the head, back and legs. The Biopillow company presents its version of the product for pregnant women:

  • Model name: U maxi standard.
  • Price: 2640 rubles.
  • Characteristics: maxi size, material – microfiber with a “peach” effect, filling – hypoallergenic ecofiber, length 150 cm, width 60 cm, zipper.
  • Pros: takes up little space on the bed, round and symmetrical shape.
  • Cons: low quality pillowcases.

The Le Joy store presents products directly from the manufacturer. The convenience of the site is that you can choose one of three custom filler options:

  • Model name: U 360 LeJoy Comfort.
  • Price: 2690 rubles.
  • Characteristics: weight 3.8 kg, top made of cotton (high-quality calico), dimensions height 150x100 cm, width 35 cm, length 360 cm, filling options - artificial swan down or Thinsulate, polystyrene microgranules 0.5 mm, holofiber.
  • Pros: multifunctionality; when ordering on the Le Joy store website, the product comes in a gift box.
  • Cons: heavy and big.


The compact product is easy to carry around the apartment or take with you to the dacha. The product in the shape of a “crescent” is functional and not as bulky compared to other products:

  • Model name: “BioSon” Banana 180x30.
  • Price: 3000 rubles.
  • Characteristics: calico fabric, cotton composition, weighs 2.3 kg, packaging dimensions 0.75x0.65x0.25 m, polystyrene filler.
  • Pros: when sitting, it supports the back muscles, and when lying down, it’s convenient to place between your legs instead of a blanket.
  • Cons: expensive.

Buying a pillow for pregnant women in the online store “Eating with Mom” is very simple. A soft lilac banana for pregnant women with anti-stress balls as a filler:

  • Model name: Sofuto ST hard Stars and waves zefir.
  • Price: 2399 rubles.
  • Characteristics: banana pillow for pregnant women with a height of 160 to 190 cm, filled with TIS polystyrene foam granules, the pillowcase inside is entirely made of cotton, a removable pillowcase is made of poplin.
  • Pros: not as heavy as Bagel molds, you can adjust the hardness (via special valve part of the filler is removed).
  • Cons: polystyrene foam cakes over time.


A bagel-shaped bedding specially designed for expectant mothers takes into account all the anatomical features of a woman at any stage of pregnancy, is pleasant to the touch and does not wrinkle:

  • Model name: Bagel standard.
  • Price: 3600 rubles.
  • Characteristics: microfiber, ecofiber filling, pillow and pillowcase dimensions - 140x60 cm, Bagel model, filling weighs 3.7 kg, country of origin: Russia.
  • Pros: the filler holds its shape and is perfect for a wide bed.
  • Cons: bulky and large.

In the Best-Mam online store you can purchase products for pregnant women, including bedding that will help you relax. When purchasing on the company’s website, you will be offered a promotional gift:

  • Model name: Best-mam “Bagel” shape.
  • Price: 1999 rubles.
  • Characteristics: fabric – 100% cotton, White color, country of origin: Russia, bedspread with zipper, fillers – polystyrene foam balls, artificial swan down and holofiber.
  • Pros: cheap, comes with a nursing pillow or pillowcase with a zipper as a gift.
  • Cons: in basic configuration bedding with holofiber without pillowcase.


In G-shaped bedding you feel “like being in a cocoon”, only much more comfortable. Pregnant women can use it not only for sleeping, but also in a sitting position:

  • Model name: Farla Care G.
  • Price: 3000 rubles.
  • Characteristics: filling - polystyrene foam balls, comfort, cutting dimensions (150x100 cm), roller width 35 cm, cover made of high-quality white calico.
  • Pros: body support from all sides, a branded bag included.
  • Cons: takes up a lot of space.

The Dreamcatcher brand sells products for pregnant women and presents a wide catalog:

  • Model name: “G” 370x35 (holofiber).
  • Price: 2310 rubles.
  • Characteristics: holofiber filler (fiber balls), degree of elasticity – high, fabric – dense TIC (cotton), dimensions 370x35 cm, weighs 3 kg, satin piping.
  • Pros: inexpensive model, there is an original bag for transporting the product.
  • Cons: Wash by hand or machine on delicate cycle.


A product with artificial swan down and pillowcases with a zipper to choose from (cotton, sateen, polysatin, poplin) is presented in the Uyutson online store, delivery is possible to St. Petersburg, Moscow and the regions:

  • Model name: shape D 230 cm.
  • Price: 2700 rubles.
  • Characteristics: dimensions 230x35 cm, holofiber filling, artificial swan down, polystyrene foam balls.
  • Pros: additional compartment to support the neck and head, ensures a natural body position during sleep.
  • Cons: high cost.

Bedding from the BioSon company has a tail on which you can rest your legs or head, and the shape supports your growing belly:

  • Model name: BioSon for mom G 230x35.
  • Price: 1920 rubles.
  • Characteristics: dimensions 0.75x0.65x0.25 cm, country of origin: Russia, cotton, weighs 1.8 kg, for one person, filled with polystyrene foam and holofiber.
  • Pros: hypoallergenic materials that will not clump during long-term use.
  • Cons: to lie on the other side, you need to shift the bedding.


Russian manufacturer AlViTek presents a real find for a restful sleep, made in the form English letter I:

  • Model name: Roller holfit balls/teak.
  • Price: 1290 rubles.
  • Characteristics: filler fiber balls (holofiber), elastic, dimensions 35x190 cm, weighs 2 kg, satin edging.
  • Pros: cheap product, comes with a carrying bag.
  • Cons: hand wash only or machine wash, but delicate.

The popular hug pillow, presented on the official website of the Farla company, will be a wonderful gift for a woman in “ interesting position»:

  • Model name: Farla Care I170.
  • Price: 990 rubles.
  • Characteristics: Care product line, fillings - comforter and cotton, manufacturer Farla, I-shaped, dimensions 30x170 cm.
  • Pros: relieves tension from the back, provides additional support throughout the body.
  • Cons: when bent, it can return to its previous position.

How to choose a pillow for pregnant women

Based on all of the above, pillows for mothers vary in shape, size and manufacturer. Each brand uses its own materials and unique design. There are several important criteria, some of which must be observed in mandatory, the rest are just the woman’s personal preferences. Among the main recommendations that are worth considering before ordering a pillow for pregnant women are:

  1. Dimensions. The bedding is very long, because they are designed for the average height of the consumer. Standard size– 160-170 cm. Small products are also available, but they are more suitable for feeding. Tall women can safely buy products with a length of 250-320 cm. The main thing is to remember the dimensions of the bed when choosing a size.
  2. Environmental friendliness of materials. When choosing an external case, give preference only natural materials, for example, calico or cotton. These fabrics differ from other materials in their hygroscopic (easily absorbs moisture) and hypoallergenic properties. Plus, they are easy to care for. The task of the internal drive is to be elastic and keep its shape, so it can be artificial.
  3. Possibility of use after childbirth. Some products are universal; they are used for sleeping with a baby and during feeding.
  4. Convenience of the product. The purpose of purchasing a product is to increase a woman’s comfort during pregnancy and alleviate the condition. The pillow should take the right amount to the expectant mother shape, be moderately soft and support the body.
