We grow greens at home in winter. How to grow greens on a windowsill in winter, vitamins on the table all year round

No matter how hard we try, the body cannot stock up on vitamins for the whole year. When it’s snowing and cold outside, you really want fresh greens! Of course, now you can buy it in stores, but it is much more pleasant to eat a sandwich in winter, sprinkled with “live” vitamins from your harvest.

What can you grow on a windowsill in winter?

With additional lighting

You can grow not only, but also crops , . Or do ( , ) And ( , dining room ) . To do this, it is necessary to illuminate them 6-8 hours a day until the total daylight hours are at least 14 hours. This is within the power of enthusiasts who are willing to spend not only time, but also money. Best to use fluorescent lamps white or daylight at the rate of 200-300 W/sq. m. Lamps are placed at a height of 10-50 cm above the plants. They are illuminated from October to February, after which there is enough natural light.

Without additional lighting

An important point is the substrate. It can be prepared in advance, composed of different components (humus, sand, etc.), or you can use a ready-made one from the store, slightly improving its composition. Most purchased soils are based on a mixture of highland and lowland peats. To improve their physical and chemical properties you can add agroperlite and vermicompost in a ratio of 4:1:1. It is also worth stocking up on plastic film or a plastic cap to cover the crops for the first time to increase (after the emergence of seedlings, the cover is removed). For most plants, an air temperature of 16-18 ° C is sufficient, with more high temperatures It is necessary to monitor the humidity of the substrate and air, spraying the seedlings in a timely manner.

Many experts advise periodic feeding using liquid complex fertilizers. Given the short growing period and the ability of leafy vegetables to quickly accumulate nutrients, you should probably refrain from using mineral fertilizers, and you should also be careful with organic ones (nitrates accumulate from both some and others). It's better to get a smaller harvest than to get poisoned. If any organic component (compost, humus, vermicompost) is added to the substrate, this is quite enough for a short-term vegetable crop.

Learn more about how to grow plants, . Please also pay attention to the information block to the left of the text. The links in it lead to articles on related topics.

Probably, many have thought more than once about starting to grow greens right in the house on the windowsill. This is especially true in winter period. And even when a snowstorm is blowing outside the window, there will always be aromatic, tasty and, most importantly, very healthy dishes with herbs on your table. It won't be possible to grow her special labor, but, as in any business, there are several rules and secrets that you need to know in order to get a rich harvest.

What greens can be grown on a windowsill?

The number of different types of greens that can be grown at home is quite large. Only the most common ones will be described here:

  • Parsley, dill, green onions- this is the greenery most beloved by many housewives, which they most often use for cooking.
  • Arugula- this is a very tasty salad that grows well in the house and does not need any special care. The main thing is not to forget to water it on time.
  • Thyme (thyme) You can also grow it at home. It is quite unpretentious, but incredibly loves moisture. Therefore, this plant must be watered regularly.
  • Basil It is also very often eaten and quite easily grown at home. Loves light, moisture and warmth.
  • Oregano (oregano) It's also quite easy to grow on a windowsill. She feels great in the warmth and is very unpretentious. It can grow for several years.
  • Sage You can also grow it indoors. However, it is worth considering that it requires increased attention and care.

Of course, you can grow many different greens, for example, spinach, lemon balm, savory, and this list can be quite long. The main thing is to know how to properly care for different types plants and what they prefer most.

What you need to plant greenery

Before proceeding to the direct sowing of seeds, it is necessary to prepare all the necessary equipment and soil. So, you will need:

  1. Boxes, flower pots or any other container of suitable size.
  2. Special soil that you can buy. But if possible, you can collect the soil yourself in the garden or garden. However, at home it will need to be calcined in the oven or spilled with a weak solution of potassium manganese in order to eliminate all pathogenic bacteria and small insects present in the soil, which can subsequently destroy your plants.
  3. Prepare all the necessary seeds.
  4. Stock up on special fertilizers designed for greens.
  5. Also, if possible, prepare special lamps to illuminate the plants. This will be needed if, for example, the weather is cloudy for a long time or something blocks the sunlight (a building, a tree growing in front of a window opening, etc.) and thereby prevents the greenery from growing and developing normally.

Secrets of growing fragrant parsley on the windowsill from seeds

Parsley is loved by many housewives and is often used as a seasoning or decoration for dishes. It's quite easy to grow. There are two ways to get juicy and tasty greens at home. Namely: sowing with seeds and planting with roots.
In order to sow parsley seeds, you first need to prepare them. To do this, soak them for a couple of days, remembering to change the water at least twice every 24 hours. And just before sowing, it is best to put the seeds in a weak solution of potassium manganese for half an hour.
After this, you can sow parsley, having previously prepared the boxes with soil. The soil should have a loose structure, and a small drainage layer should be laid at the bottom. Sow according to package instructions. The approximate row spacing is 3–4 cm, and the planting depth is about half a centimeter, and it is best to carefully sprinkle them with loose soil on top. The seedlings can also be thinned out if necessary. Make sure that the soil does not dry out, but is not too wet.
The best temperature for growing parsley is +15…+20⁰ C. If the temperature is lower, the plants will greatly slow down their growth, and if it is higher, it may dry out. It is also recommended to use additional lighting as needed.

Growing parsley with roots at home

In order to grow parsley with roots, you will need a container filled with loose soil, with a mandatory small drainage layer at the bottom, and the roots themselves. It is best to mix humus, soil, sand and peat in proportions 1:1:1:2, but regular store-bought soil is also perfect.
As a rule, planting is done in late autumn. To do this, you need to dig up the roots of this wonderful plant. Perfect size for planting it is considered: width - 3 centimeters and length - 5-6 centimeters. The greens are carefully removed and the roots are planted in a box. You can place them close to each other. Cover them with soil on top, so that only the tops remain on the surface. Before doing this, you should thoroughly moisten the soil. Then you need to water the parsley generously.
Until the shoots appear, the boxes with planted roots should be kept in a very cool place. After the first greens appear, remove the parsley to a warmer place up to +20⁰ C. Plants love moisture, but do not overdo it, as if you water too often, the roots may rot. Also, if necessary, you need to use additional lighting.

How to grow fragrant dill at home

Growing dill at home is very easy. First, prepare the seeds. They need to be soaked for germination for 2 days. After this, we move on to preparing the land. Pour small stones, pebbles or broken bricks into the container intended for planting, so much so that the layer covering the bottom is equal to a couple of centimeters. Then add a mixture of ordinary soil from the garden with neutral soil purchased, they are taken in a 1:1 ratio.
Dill is not sown too thickly, and the seeds are sprinkled with humus or soil on top and everything is thoroughly watered with water at room temperature (it is better to use settled water). Then the container should be covered with film or a plastic bag and put in a dark and fairly cool place for 7 days.
With the appearance of the first shoots, the dill must be moved to the windowsill. It is worth considering that optimal temperature for the growth of this fragrant plant is 18⁰ C and it loves light very much. In this regard, if dill lacks natural light, it will begin to turn pale. Provide him with additional lighting and then there will be no problems. Do not forget that the plant must be regularly watered and fed with mineral fertilizers.

Growing green onions on the windowsill

Growing green onions on a windowsill is also very easy. To do this, you will need bulbs that are free from rot and damage. It is also worth preparing non-acidic soil, preferably purchased soil. But onions can still be grown in water or used instead of soil, cotton wool, sawdust or other materials that absorb moisture well.
Before planting, it is recommended to soak the bulbs in cool water for several hours, and then remove the excess husk. To grow green onions in water, you will need a container, the upper diameter of which will be several centimeters narrower than the head itself. Plain water is poured into it and the onion is placed so that only the roots touch the liquid.

Onions are planted in the ground in this way:

  • A drainage layer consisting of small pebbles or pebbles is poured onto the bottom of the planting container. Earth or other filler suitable for planting is poured on top.
  • Then the bulbs are planted fairly close to each other.
  • Pour everything thoroughly with cool water.

Planted bulbs should not be immediately exposed to light. Put them in partial shade for a few days until the root system gets stronger, then you can move the container with the onions to the windowsill. The optimal growth temperature is 18⁰…23⁰С.

Growing arugula at home

Arugula is a very healthy and incredibly tasty salad that you can grow on your windowsill. However, before you start sowing, you just need to know a few nuances about growing this lettuce.
For sowing you will need fairly wide boxes and purchased soil. It is not recommended to use soil from a vegetable garden or garden. To begin with, a two-centimeter drainage layer is poured, and after that there is soil. Seeds should be sown in strips, the distance between which will be at least 3 cm. Cover the floor with a centimeter layer of soil. Then you will need to water the arugula warm water, using a spray bottle so as not to wash the seeds.
Cover the container with film, but leave small holes around the edges to allow oxygen necessary for normal growth, and put it in a dark place for a couple of days. Then move the arugula to the windowsill, choosing the sunniest place. But it is worth considering the fact that these plants do not tolerate prolonged exposure to direct sunlight. Therefore it is recommended top part Cover the windows halfway with white paper sheets. Arugula should be watered regularly and the soil should be loosened as necessary.

How to grow thyme (thyme) at home

Growing thyme on a windowsill is quite simple, and if you consider that this plant is perennial and not picky, it becomes clear that there will not be much trouble with it. Most often, growing greens of this kind in a pot is not very big size.
To begin with, you will need to pour a drainage layer (2 cm) onto the bottom of the pot, and then the soil itself. Experts recommend using purchased soil. Then several seeds are placed and sprinkled with a thin layer of earth on top. After this, it is necessary to thoroughly, but very carefully moisten the soil.
Until the plant becomes strong enough, it is recommended to shade it, avoiding prolonged exposure to direct sunlight. Otherwise it may burn. After germination, you need to thin out the thyme, leaving the strongest shoots, and the weak ones can be pulled out or transplanted into another container.
Thyme should be watered as needed, that is, do not allow the soil to dry out or become waterlogged. If you are going to use it all year round, then additional lighting may be required in winter. And if not, then the plant can simply be removed to a fairly cold place for the winter, but the temperature there should not be lower than -5⁰ C.

Basil is very aromatic and is quite often used as a spice in various dishes. It is easy to grow at home and can be done at any time of the year, be it winter or summer.
It is best to plant this kind of greenery in separate pots, as the bushes grow to a decent size. You can grow basil from seeds or use shoots for this, but it’s worth considering that the young branches of this greenery are too tender and take root in a new place extremely poorly.
For planting, you can use either purchased soil or soil collected from the garden, but it will need to be calcined in the oven. A drainage layer of a couple of centimeters is placed at the bottom of the pot, and then the soil. Make a small hole in the middle and place a few seeds there. Cover them with a small layer of soil and gently moisten it with a spray bottle.
After the basil sprouts and gets a little stronger, you will need to loosen the soil every three days to saturate it with oxygen. Main secret growing this greenery in watering. So, you need to water it every day, preferably in the morning. If the room is hot, then the number of waterings increases to 2 or 3 per day. But you need to pour water little by little. Basil loves the sun and grows well at a temperature of +25⁰ C.

Growing oregano at home

Oregano, or oregano as it is also called, is quite successfully grown at home. It is unpretentious and can grow for several years, delighting you with its fragrant greenery.
Most often, these greens are grown from seeds. To do this, they are sown in separate pots. So, you will need to pour a two-centimeter drainage layer at the bottom of the pot, and pour any soil on top. Oregano is particularly undemanding to the soil, but it loves the sun. That’s why you should allocate a window sill for it on the sunny side.
Make a half-centimeter depression and sprinkle a pinch of seeds there, and cover them with soil on top. Very carefully moisten the soil and cover the pot with film or glass, but do not forget to leave a small hole through which air will flow. Place the container in a shaded place until the first shoots. By the way, they will have to wait quite a long time - about half a month or even more. All this time, make sure that the soil is always moist, but do not allow the liquid to stagnate.
When the shoots appear, the pot can be moved to the windowsill. If necessary, additional lighting must be done. Oregano should be watered once every two days, but every day you need to spray the leaves with water at room temperature.

How to grow sage on a windowsill

Growing sage on a windowsill is pretty simple task, which will require a little effort and little expense on your part. First you will need to prepare the seeds. Before planting, they are soaked for one day using a damp cotton wool or cloth.
To plant, you will need a fairly large pot, at the bottom of which a drainage layer of 2 cm is placed. After this, soil should be poured into the container. Fertile soil with a loose structure is perfect for this. If you use garden soil, you will first need to disinfect it and remove all debris.
Sow sage seeds to a depth of 0.5 cm, and then moisten the soil. Place the pot in a dark place and make sure the soil is constantly moist, but the main thing here is not to overdo it.
Sage grows quietly in partial shade, but for greater aroma it requires exposure to light for at least 6 hours a day. A grown plant should be watered rarely, but quite generously. You need to spray the leaves with a spray bottle every day and it’s also worth remembering that this plant hates drafts.

How to grow spinach at home

Spinach is also very often grown at home. It's very easy to do. These greens are usually sown in special boxes. To begin with, a drainage layer is laid on their bottom, which should be at least 2 centimeters in height, and then soil is filled in. Experts recommend purchasing coconut fiber and vermicompost for growing spinach and mixing them in a 2:1 ratio.
After this, seeds are sown into moist soil to a depth of 1 cm, which should first be filled with warm water for 12 hours. clean water. Just before sowing, it is recommended to keep the seeds for at least half an hour in a weak solution of potassium manganese. After the spinach is sown, it is recommended to cover the box with film and not remove it until the first shoots. But don't forget to leave a hole small size for free passage of air.
This greenery feels excellent at a temperature of +15⁰...+18⁰ C. It can also withstand temperatures down to +8⁰ C. It is necessary to water and irrigate the leaves with a spray bottle every day. This is especially worth paying special attention to if the apartment is hot and the air is very dry.

Growing fragrant lemon balm on the windowsill

The very aromatic herb, called lemon balm, is also quite easy to grow at home, and there are several ways to plant it. For example, if you have garden plot lemon balm bush, then you can divide it and plant it in pots. You can also plant a layer or cutting of this plant in a container or grow it from seeds. By the way, purchased lemon balm branches are suitable for cuttings, if they are fresh enough.
A mixture of coconut fiber and vermicompost (2:1) is perfect for growing this kind of greenery. Seeds pre-soaked in a weak solution of potassium manganese are sown at a half-centimeter depth and the soil is well moistened. Then the container, which can be either small or large, is covered with film. After the first shoots appear, the film is removed, and when the lemon balm grows, it will need to be planted in fairly large pots, if small ones were used before.
This aromatic plant requires regular watering and sprinkling of leaves with water. But do not overdo it, since stagnation of fluid, as well as its lack, have a detrimental effect on lemon balm. She loves light, but also tolerates its lack well. Resistant to cold and heat.

Is it possible to grow greens at home?

As you can see, growing greens on a windowsill is quite simple, and the choice of different types is simply huge. And if you treat every task with love, then everything will work out. Grow greens all year round and delight your family and friends with aromatic dishes and drinks. Good luck!

Growing greens on the windowsill of an ordinary apartment allows you to easily provide its inhabitants with fresh vitamins all year round. Many housewives are fond of growing herbs on the windowsill. If it is not possible to harvest from summer cottage, this method of gardening may well help out lovers of fresh parsley and dill.

Juicy onion on the windowsill

Growing onions on a windowsill is extremely easy. Experienced gardeners do this in two ways:

  • traditionally in the ground;
  • hydroponics method.

Owners of small window sills, planting bulbs in the ground, can wisely use the space by arranging vertical beds. To do this you need to take an empty plastic bottle from under the water and cut holes in it in a circle. Next, you need to fill the bottle with soil in layers and lay out the bulbs in rows so that their heads stick out from the holes made. If the ground in such a structure is replaced mineral wool, then the beds will turn from traditional to hydroponic. When working with mineral wool, do not forget about rubber gloves, which will help protect your hands during planting.

How to grow onions for greens on a windowsill. Photo

How to choose onions on the windowsill

When starting planting, it is necessary to carefully select planting material. Bulbs must be tight round shape, with a shiny husk and no signs of rotting. Their root cup should be well developed. Preference is best given to bulbs that have begun to sprout.

If sprouted bulbs cannot be found, experts recommend making a careful cut at the top of the bulb parallel to the root cup. Before planting in the ground, the bulb can be soaked briefly in water.

Rules of care

Growing onions on a windowsill requires knowing some little secrets. Onions produce green feathers well when temperature from 18 to 20 degrees above zero. Raising the temperature to 24 degrees will speed up this process, and if it reaches a level of 30 degrees, green growth will stop.

Growing onions on a windowsill for greens. Photo

With the growing method using hydroponics When the bulbs are in water, care must be taken to ensure that they do not begin to rot. To do this, you can lift the body of the onion above the liquid using a cardboard or plastic circle with a hole in the center. In addition, to prevent the development of putrefaction, a 4% solution can be periodically added to the water. hydrogen peroxide or faint pink solution manganese.

Contrary to popular belief, you should not place onions in a window close to the light immediately after planting. For the first 10 days it should be in a dark, cool place. During this period, the formation of the root system occurs. Subsequently, the onion gratefully accepts a large number of Sveta. If natural light not enough, can be used backlight, having built it from fluorescent lamps.

Juicy onions on greens on the windowsill. Photo

Green salad on the windowsill

Juicy green salad leaves are an indispensable addition to many vegetable and meat dishes. This plant is popular among lovers of tasty and healthy food. That is why many gardeners are wondering how to grow lettuce on the windowsill of their apartment. Experts recommend using such lettuce varieties as Odessa, Rand Credo, and Lol Rossa for this purpose.

Growing lettuce on a windowsill. Photo

You can grow this plant in a pot of soil throughout the year. The salad produces lush greens, but quickly fades away, releasing arrows. Having harvested once, the bush must be destroyed and a new plant planted in its place.

Secrets of planting and care

Before planting, lettuce seeds should be soaked in a slightly pink solution for several hours. potassium permanganate. After this, they need to be planted half a centimeter into the ground. It is better to immediately use a fairly large container, since lettuce does not like transplanting. But what he really loves is a large amount of light and moisture. In conditions of excessive dryness and poor lighting, the leaves of the plant become weak and pale. The salad should not only be watered, but also generously sprayed. In winter, the plant needs lighting.

After planting the seeds in the ground, the container must be covered with cellophane and not opened until the sprouts hatch. This usually happens within 3-4 days. The optimal temperature for plant growth is 18-20 degrees Celsius. Heat negatively affects the harvest because it accelerates the plant's shoots.

Parsley on the windowsill. Growing

It is difficult to imagine what plant could compete with parsley in popularity. Almost no dish of Russian cuisine can do without this greenery. Knowing how to grow parsley on a windowsill, you can have fresh branches of this useful plant on your table all year round.

Parsley on greens on the windowsill. Photo

How to plant correctly

Growing parsley at home is not particularly difficult. This plant is very grateful and very picky. You can plant it:

  • seeds in spring;
  • root crops throughout the year.

Planting parsley with root vegetables

The root crops of the plant should be planted in a container at a distance of at least a centimeter from each other. At the same time, they need to be covered with earth so that the tops stick out on the surface. Drainage It is not necessary to use it in such a planting. The earth needs to be tamped down well and generously water.

Parsley on the windowsill. Photo

Green shoots will appear within a couple of days after planting. From this point on, the plant must be provided with sufficient light. The first harvest can be harvested in about two weeks. Experts recommend periodically rotating the container with the plant around its axis so that the growing bush forms symmetrically.

Planting parsley seeds

Unlike growing using root crops, the seeds will germinate and produce the first harvest no earlier than a month after planting. However, such a plant will delight its owner with lush greenery for much longer.

Caring for parsley on the windowsill

Optimal for growing greens temperature are 12-18 degrees Celsius, but parsley easily tolerates significant drops to 5 degrees Celsius and even lower. The heat causes the plant to stretch upward, and its leaves become lighter.

Growing parsley on a windowsill. Photo

Parsley, as a moisture-loving plant, needs to be generously water water at room temperature. However, in winter, the amount of watering should be reduced. To maintain high yields of bushes, it is recommended to fertilize them once every 2-3 weeks. A teaspoon is suitable as a top dressing agrolife or one cap Rostorma two parts water.

Dill on the windowsill

Growing dill on a windowsill can be done all year round. True, depending on the time of planting, it requires different levels of care. Greens grown between May and September cause the least trouble. At this time of year, dill receives a sufficient amount of light and heat. But in winter, the delicate greenery of this plant must be carefully illuminated and kept at a comfortable temperature.

Growing dill on a windowsill. Photo

Planting dill seeds

Any gardener knows how to grow dill on a windowsill. Before planting, the seeds need to be kept in an intense pink solution of potassium permanganate to awaken in them vitality. Dill, like parsley, can be planted with picking and without her. Be sure to add a layer to the bottom of the container. drainage. After planting the seeds in the ground, it is recommended to cover the container with film to create a greenhouse effect and speed up the emergence of seedlings.

Dill crops grow best when temperature 15-18 degrees Celsius, but are not afraid of temperatures dropping to 8 degrees, so they grow well in winter on glazed loggias.

Dill loves moisture, so it needs to be watered abundantly in the summer, during periods of high temperatures. In winter, the intensity of watering should be reduced.

The first harvest can be harvested a month and a half after planting.

Sorrel on the windowsill

Growing sorrel at home is not only simple, but also very useful, since this plant actively releases oxygen. Sorrel is a very popular herb among housewives, so many of them know how to grow sorrel on a windowsill.

How to plant

How to care for sorrel on the windowsill

For the first week, it is recommended to keep the plant at temperature+ 10 degrees, then it can be increased to 20. Immediately after planting, the soil must be thoroughly moistened; as the greenery grows, watering must be done as needed.

As fertilizers when growing sorrel, you can use a decoction of onion peel, coffee grounds or drunken tea.

Greenery on the windowsill. Photo

At an early stage of ripening, sorrel requires a lot of light. Mature plant tolerates dark places calmly. The first harvest can be harvested in a month. Experienced gardeners claim that with quality care, they harvest three harvests in a row from December to April.

Growing basil on a windowsill

Any variety of this plant is perfect for growing basil in pots on a windowsill. The keys to success are:

  • sunny place;
  • warm;
  • fertile soil;
  • abundant watering;
  • presence of drainage.

Growing greenery on a windowsill. Photo

Rules for planting basil

Many housewives deprived of their own plots would like to know how to grow basil on the windowsill own apartment. This extremely useful plant reproduces in two ways:

  • seeds;
  • vegetatively, using cuttings.

Basil planted seeds, will require more effort, but will please the owner much longer than plants grown from cuttings.

To propagate basil vegetatively, you need to take several of its branches, bought in a store or market, and put them in water. After 7-10 days they will produce roots, after which the shoots can be planted in the ground. Two weeks after planting, the plant will be suitable for consumption.

When planting seeds you should:

Rules of care

  1. Basil is very sensitive to light, so you need to find the brightest place for it.
  2. This plant feels good at a temperature of 20-25 degrees Celsius and can hardly tolerate any, even slight, drop in temperature.
  3. Basil needs regular watering. In addition, he likes to be sprayed with water every day.

When harvesting, you must first cut off the side shoots. In this case, the plant will grow rapidly.

Rosemary on the windowsill

Rosemary is loved by gardeners for its beauty and benefits. It is an exquisite spice, a delicate fragrant ornamental plant, and also a raw material for the preparation of medicines.

Rosemary is not easy to grow on a windowsill, but the results are worth the effort. In order to successfully cope with this task, you need to follow the recommendations of experts who explain how to grow rosemary on an ordinary windowsill.

Despite big variety varieties of rosemary can only be grown at home fragrant rosemary.

Rosemary on herbs on the windowsill. Photo

Landing conditions

  1. It is recommended to grow rosemary in spacious pots, since this plant has a branched root system.
  2. Planting rules require an expanded clay cushion and slightly alkaline soils.
  3. Rosemary needs constant feeding. The soil needs to be fertilized every 14 days in the summer and at least once in the winter.
  4. The plant needs to be provided with sufficient light and a comfortable air temperature.
  5. The plant does not tolerate excess moisture, so it is better to underwater it than to overwater it. With a lack of moisture, rosemary leaves turn yellow, and with too much moisture, the roots begin to rot.

Growing rosemary from seeds on a windowsill

Rosemary can be grown from seeds, but this is not easy, since the seeds of this plant have poor germination. Spring or autumn are suitable for planting seeds. Before planting, the seeds should be wrapped in wet gauze and leave for a couple of days. After this, they need to be placed in well-moistened soil and covered with a film of polyethylene, making several punctures in it.

You will have to wait from two to four weeks for germination, regularly watering soil. If the seedlings do not germinate after a month, you need to repeat the planting procedure again. When the seedlings reach approximately 9 centimeters in height and acquire three leaves, you can pick. During the entire growth period of the plant, it must be replanted into increasingly larger pots.

Propagation by cuttings

By cutting off an adult plant, you can get shoots for its further propagation. In this case, you need to cut off the shoots from the top of the rosemary and make sure that they have a woody stem structure.

You need to remove the lower leaves from the cuttings and place them in a container with wet mixture peat and sand or just into water. After roots have formed, the sprouts can be transplanted into ceramic flowerpots.

Rosemary flowers

In order for the plant to bloom, it must be placed in a colder environment. The air temperature can be about 10-15 degrees Celsius. During this period, the plant does not need to be watered and the leaves should not be picked off.

Flowers and the top parts of annual plants can be used for food.

Spinach on the windowsill. Growing and care

Growing spinach on a windowsill is not difficult. This annual plant is very popular among chefs. Its juicy leaves are added to salads, first and second courses.

Many housewives know how to grow spinach on a windowsill. This plant is very unpretentious and lends itself well to cultivation throughout the year.

Growing greens on a windowsill. Photo

Sowing spinach

Spinach is grown from seeds. Before planting, they need to be placed overnight in a container of warm water to soak the hard shell, and then put into a solution potassium permanganate for a few hours.

Spinach on the windowsill. Growing and care

When planting in a pot, you need to add a layer to its bottom. expanded clay, then put a layer of earth. Seeds can be planted to a depth of one and a half centimeters. While waiting for the shoots to appear, the pot should be covered with cellophane.

Features of caring for spinach on the windowsill

The first greens after sowing can be harvested around the end of 3 or 4 weeks. But after just a month and a half, the plant becomes unusable.

Growing herbs in pots on the windowsill is a very rewarding and fun process. Once you master it, you can decorate your diet with a variety of green seasonings for many years.

In winter, there is such a shortage of fresh herbs and vegetables from the garden. What can you grow on your windowsill to enjoy? natural products? The list of crops suitable for apartment conditions is quite wide - from parsley and lettuce to tomatoes and cucumbers.

You can grow greens on a windowsill in winter or summer in the same way as in the garden. But keep in mind that some plants are quite demanding. In this article we will look at easy-to-care crops.

If you are a beginner gardener, and therefore do not know what you can grow on the windowsill, then it is better to start with green parsley. A spices- basil and rosemary will not only come in handy in the kitchen, but will also spread their aroma throughout the apartment. More experienced amateurs can immediately start by growing cucumbers, tomatoes, and peppers.

Children will also enjoy the winter garden. Even a baby can grow on a windowsill. Caring for plants will not only captivate the child and give him a new useful experience, but also provide him with vitamins.


After you have decided what to grow on the windowsill, you need to prepare pots, soil, and seeds. The set is the same for most cultures. Experienced summer residents Those who know how to grow seedlings on a windowsill already have almost everything they need.

To set up a vegetable garden on a windowsill, you will need deep boxes or wide flower pots for planting plants. They can be equipped with plastic covers to create a greenhouse effect. For these purposes, you can also use ordinary plastic bags.

The pots need to be filled with soil from a flower shop or a self-prepared substrate. It is better to avoid using soil from the garden or vegetable garden, as insect larvae and weed seeds may remain in it. If the soil from the street is not prepared and calcined, then there is a high probability that you can grow one weed on the windowsill.

You also need to prepare a container for settling water - tender young plants should not be watered directly from the tap. You will also need a spray bottle or a small watering can.

Foil, which is placed behind the plants for reflection, will also be useful. sunlight. If foil is not used, then boxes and pots with plants must be turned 180 degrees daily, otherwise they will tilt towards the window and grow crookedly.

If the plants are grown in spring and summer (planting in February-March), then they will have enough sunlight from the street. And here winter Garden, planted in the fall, will require additional lighting. Fluorescent lamps are suitable for this.

You should understand that you can grow only undemanding herbs on a windowsill in winter without lighting, but you can get good harvest You won’t be able to grow tomatoes without using phytolamps. In winter, on sunny days, additional lighting will be needed in the evening, but in cloudy weather, the lamp will have to be turned on for the whole day.

Green onions

Children are shown how to grow onions on a windowsill in kindergarten. This is the easiest crop to grow at home, it does not require special care, grows quickly and is very useful.

To force feathers, you can use both large onion sets (selections) and ordinary onion turnips. Feathers from a small bulb are more delicate, but the small head wears out quickly. A larger bulb produces abundant greens for a longer period of time.

Not only self-grown onions are suitable, you can also use those purchased at a supermarket or a store for summer residents. The easiest way to plant onions for forcing is in water. To do this, you need to take a small glass and fill it with plain water or a nutrient solution. The bulb must be installed so that only its tip touches the surface of the liquid. You need to change the water every day.

When planted in water, the bulb may begin to rot and emit an unpleasant odor. This can be avoided, since you can grow onions on a windowsill by planting them in the ground. The substrate must be poured into a shallow plastic box. If there are no drainage holes at the bottom of the container, then to prevent rotting of the roots, it is reasonable to pour a small drainage layer of expanded clay, pebbles, broken bricks, etc.

There is no need to bury the heads; plant them tightly; the bulbs are not afraid of close proximity. Plantings must be watered frequently, preventing the soil from drying out. Do not use all the seed material at once, it is better to break it into several portions and plant it 2-3 weeks apart, then there will be enough fresh onions for the whole winter.

Green onions can be grown not only in boxes. Onions for forcing can be planted vertically. To do this, you can purchase a special flowerpot at a store for summer residents or make holes yourself in a plastic bottle filled with soil.


What can a beginner grow on a windowsill? Another simplest crop to grow on a windowsill is watercress. He is famous for his beneficial properties, and its unpretentiousness makes it one of the most common salads for growing at home. Watercress is ready for consumption within 2-3 weeks after planting. Seeds can be purchased at a gardening store.

To grow lettuce, you don’t need a deep container; a regular tray will do. As a substrate, you can use a thin (about 3 cm) layer of clay or peat soil, fabric folded several times, cotton wool or paper towels.

Watercress should be planted densely so that the young plants support each other. Press the seeds a little into the moist substrate. The plant does not require additional lighting; just place it on the windowsill.

How to grow lettuce on a windowsill? The main thing is not to let the soil dry out, although you shouldn’t overwater the salad either. The plant does not like heat. The optimal temperature is no higher than 18 degrees Celsius. To avoid overheating in winter, just move the container with the salad closer to the window.

In order for green watercress to be constantly present on the table, you need to plant it according to a scheme that is convenient for you. You can sow a new container every week or two or add a small amount of seeds every 3-4 days.

Leaf salad

Growing leaf lettuce is already somewhat more difficult. To know how to grow lettuce on a windowsill, you need to take into account the variety of the plant being grown. The varieties Lollo Rossa, Lollo Bionda, Odessky, Vitaminny, New Year, and Red Credo perform best in apartment conditions.

In autumn and winter, leaf lettuce will need additional lighting. If the room is hot and dry, the plant does not receive enough moisture, then the leaves will become bitter, become coarse, and flower stalks will quickly form. Leaf lettuce loves moisture, coolness, feels good on glassed balcony until late autumn.

Leaf lettuce is planted in the ground quite densely, at a distance of 1-2 cm. Before the first shoots, the container is covered to create a greenhouse effect. Over time, thinning to a distance of 4-5 cm will be necessary. The plant needs watering and good lighting.

After the bushes begin to produce arrows, they become unsuitable for consumption. They can be removed and new seeds planted in their place.


Many housewives wonder about the windowsill. After all, you often only need a few leaves of this plant, and you don’t want to buy a whole package in the store. In spring and summer period Parsley can be grown from seeds. The plant is light-loving, so in winter it will need additional lighting. The seeds germinate rather slowly, but the bush will last a long time. Parsley is not picky about temperature; it grows well on a windowsill or balcony. Watering is done abundantly. In winter, parsley needs to be watered less often.

It will be possible to cut the first greenery only after a month and a half, but it will be possible to do this for a whole year. It is better to soak it in a solution of potassium permanganate before. Parsley can be planted in small containers, in peat cups or directly into flowerpots.

In autumn and winter, because growing from seeds at this time is too long and labor-intensive? There is another way - forcing it from the rhizome. This method is somewhat simpler and better suited for the autumn-winter period. Planting material you can prepare it yourself at personal plot or buy it at a regular grocery store.

The rhizome should show no signs of wilting, and the apical bud should be intact. The root crop should be placed in a pot and sprinkled with damp soil. Roots that are too long can be planted at an angle.

The first green shoots will appear within a few days after planting, and the leaves can be cut off in a couple of weeks. Greens will appear on the rhizome within six months.


What can you grow on a windowsill besides regular onions, parsley, and lettuce? Something more exotic like basil or rosemary.

The type of basil does not matter; green or purple will do. Basil can be propagated either from seeds or from cuttings. The plant is thermophilic - the optimal temperature is 20-25 degrees, and moisture-loving - good drainage and abundant watering are required.

Cuttings - quick way growing basil. You can simply buy a few branches in the store, put them in water and after one or two weeks move the seedling with roots into a pot. The young shoots will be ready for cutting in a couple of weeks. It is better to cut off the side shoots.

Basil planted from cuttings grows quickly, but also blooms quickly. As you know, after the start of flowering the plant is unsuitable for food. To have fresh basil on your table all the time, you need to replant the plantings every 3-4 months.

Planting basil from seeds will require more effort. But such a bush will not bloom for about a year. The seeds need to be soaked, covered, and the sprouts transplanted into pots. Grow basil using seeds better in spring, since additional lighting will be required in winter.


Rosemary on the windowsill will not only decorate the kitchen, but will also come in handy when cooking. This plant can be grown in the summer in the country, and in winter it will feel great at home.

You will need a wide pot with a thick drainage layer. Rosemary is demanding of light and air. He prefers the south side, and in summer the pot with the plant must be planted in open ground, take it out to the balcony or place it outside the window, otherwise the leaves will not accumulate a sufficient amount of essential oils.

Both seeds and cuttings are suitable for planting rosemary. The seeds of the plant have poor germination. They need to be soaked for 2 days, then placed on the ground without sprinkling on top, covered with film and sprayed every day with a spray bottle. If seedlings do not appear after 4 weeks, new seeds are planted. When the seedlings produce three or more leaves, they are planted in spacious pots.

It is easier to grow rosemary using cuttings. For this you need a woody shoot of the plant. It is placed in a container with water or wet sand, and after rooting it is transplanted into a pot.

Rosemary loves frequent but moderate watering. It is better to dry out the soil than to flood it. If there is a lack of moisture, they will begin to turn yellow. lower leaves plants, and if there is an excess, the roots will rot, which will lead to the death of the plant.

If in winter you provide the plant low temperature(up to 5 degrees), then rosemary will bloom in spring. An adult plant needs to be constantly trimmed to form a bush.


Growing cucumbers on a windowsill in winter is a rather tempting prospect. This can be done not only by an experienced gardener, but also by a beginner. Cucumbers grow quite quickly; you can get the first harvest in just a month and a half.

Not every variety of cucumber is suitable for growing on a windowsill. Firstly, it must be self-pollinating. During flowering, the bush must be shaken daily for pollination to occur. Secondly, it will be much more convenient if the plant is a bush plant. Thirdly, for home grown would be better suited early variety. Finally, ideal option will be a shade-loving plant. You can grow cucumbers on the windowsill in winter of the varieties Connie, Masha, Legend, Debut, Polet, Babylon. Knowing the necessary parameters, you can choose another variety.

Growing cucumbers at home has its own subtleties. After all, to provide everything the necessary conditions may not be easy. Cucumbers are light-loving, so windows on the south and east sides are suitable for growing them. If there is still not enough light, then additional illumination will be required using fluorescent lamps.

The room temperature should not be below 20 degrees, so you should not move flowerpots too close to a cold window. Cucumbers love moisture very much, so you need to make sure that the soil does not dry out. The flowerpot with the plant can be placed in a bowl of water. The leaves need to be sprayed with a spray bottle twice a day.


Many people think that growing tomatoes on a windowsill is a very difficult task and inaccessible to a beginner. But this is not true at all! Moreover, for indoor growing there are special varieties.

When visiting a gardening store, note that some seed packages say “Recommended for pot growing”, “Window harvest”, “Home garden”. And the names of the varieties themselves are telling - Room Surprise, Balcony Miracle, Japanese Room. There are also hanging varieties that will look great in flower pots - Peruvian Homemade, Cherry, Talisman.

Even if you don't find special indoor varieties, regular ones will do. Please note that these tomatoes must be determinate (short, or better yet dwarf), self-pollinating (for pollination, the bushes are shaken during flowering) and small-fruited. For example, Alaska, micro, Pearl (red and yellow), Canada News, Minibel, Pinocchio, etc.

Tomatoes can be planted immediately in large pots or picked, choosing the strongest sprouts. During the period of flowering and fruit set, tomatoes need to be watered generously and the leaves should be sprayed.

The room where tomatoes grow needs to be regularly ventilated - plants do not like stagnant air. In winter they need additional lighting. The plant must be fed periodically. The first fruits can be obtained in 3-4 months.

Tomato - perennial. At home with good care it will bear fruit for several years. After a period of active fruiting, the bush needs to be transplanted into a larger pot and updated by pruning the branches. In addition, tomato can be propagated by cuttings. A plant grown from a cutting will begin to bloom within a few weeks.

Sweet pepper

How to grow peppers on a windowsill? Doing this is no more difficult than growing tomatoes. True, you will have to wait longer for the harvest - 5-6 months. But pepper is a perennial plant; with good care, annual replanting and pruning, it will bear fruit for several years. The plant can be propagated not only by seeds, but also by cuttings. Pepper care is also similar to tomato care, but with one significant difference- if the tomato does not tolerate stagnant air, then the pepper is afraid of drafts, so it is better not to place them on the same window.

Self-pollinating early-ripening varieties are best suited for growing in an apartment - California Miracle, Oda, Jupiter, Patio-Ivo.

Pepper needs good light, warmth, and loose soil (it is necessary to loosen the soil regularly). This plant is not capricious, and will delight you with its fruits for a long time. You can grow it at home and hot peppers, but these plants should not be in the same room, otherwise cross-pollination will occur.

I think you will agree with me that it is very nice to come into the kitchen on a cold winter morning to drink aromatic coffee and make yourself a sandwich with greens.

Yes, not store-bought, expensive and grown in an unknown place, but from your own small home garden.

How sweet it is to look at a frosty window and see a tender one - a little hello to sunny summer.

So let's create it!

What you need for a mini-garden

◊ Containers. It is best to use plastic (wooden ones can leak) or wide clay pots. Each type of greenery needs its own home (many plants do not combine with each other).

◊ Soil. Suitable soil is a mixture of garden soil, sawdust, peat and clean sand in equal proportions. You can buy ready-made soil for seedlings. Before pouring it into containers, place it at the bottom. thin layer small pebbles, pieces of broken brick or crushed foam. This is drainage (it is necessary to drain excess water when watering, otherwise the greenery on the windowsill may rot).

◊ Lamps(luminescent, white spectrum). Highlight small garden it is necessary in the winter months so that the duration of daylight hours is 13-15 hours.

  • You can purchase special timers and set the backlight time in advance, which is very convenient.

◊ Polyethylene film. It is necessary to create a greenhouse effect so that seeds germinate better.

But the most important thing that is needed is your desire to always have fresh greenery on the windowsill in winter, a good mood in the fall, a constant supply of vitamins in the spring and the beauty of tender seedlings in the summer.

Growing dill

This fragrant herb is quite unpretentious for home life. Knowing some tricks, you can provide yourself with a constant supply of fragrant and very healthy greens.

Choosing a variety

Not every variety of dill will give you a lush one with excellent taste. The following varieties are best suited for a mini-garden:

♦ Early ripening. It will be possible to harvest 35 days after the first shoots.

  • Grenadier. Delicate dill, beautiful, with a light shade of leaves. It is unpretentious, with lush greens.
  • Gribovsky. Resistant to diseases, undemanding in care and temperature conditions. The dark green leaves are fragrant and tasty.

♦ Mid-season. They produce more greenery and leaves. Dill of these varieties will be ready to decorate your table 40-45 days after germination. These species also form umbels and seeds, ideal for pickling, canning and seasoning.

  • Richelieu. Fragrant blue-green lacy leaves. One of the most beautiful varieties, which will become a highlight in our home mini-vegetable garden.
  • Aelita(leafy). The large, dense dark green crown has an excellent aroma and excellent taste.

♦ Late ripening. They form lush, fragrant greenery. These varieties are characterized by a high content of nutrients.

  • Kibray. Wide, green, with a soft yellow tint, the leaves have a large supply of vitamins and have a sweetish taste.
  • Firework. The dark bluish crown is spicy and aromatic. Greens on the windowsill with this variety of dill are very productive. It grows back quickly after cutting.


Pre-soak the seeds for a day in warm water. Change the water every 6 hours. Then dry them a little and immediately sow them in abundantly moistened soil.

Sow in beds 15 cm apart in pre-made furrows. Or directly onto the soil, sprinkling a 2 cm layer of soil on top.

  • Advice. Sow seeds 3 weeks apart. Then you will provide yourself with fragrant herbs for the entire winter period.

Dill on top kindergarten cover with plastic and hide in a dark place for a week, where the temperature will be at least +20° C.

As soon as the first shoots appear, lower the air temperature at night.

Dill care

What does dill need? Adviсe
Watering drinking plenty of fluids regular watering, especially during seed germination
Top dressing complex mineral fertilizers("Rainbow" would be better) fertilize the soil once every 14 days after watering
air temperature the best temperature for him is from +18° to + 20° C dill on the windowsill will tolerate lower temperatures (up to +8° C), if the temperature exceeds the limit of +20° C, increase the light (otherwise it will grow sluggish and too light)

You can sow greens constantly (every three weeks), in the freed area after cutting.

Growing parsley

Fragrant parsley will be a useful decoration for any dish and a constant supplier of vitamins all year round.

Like dill, this greenery on the windowsill is quite unpretentious in home gardening.

Choosing a variety

Parsley comes in two types. Root (its roots are used in cooking, for preparing medicinal decoctions) and leaf (to obtain lush, thick and aromatic greens for the table).

♦ Root parsley. It forms thick, light-colored roots. Early-ripening varieties are best suited for drying, and late-ripening ones for long-term storage.

  • Sugar(early variety). 3 months after the first sprouts appear, this parsley is ready for use. Such rooted greens on the windowsill have the best taste.
  • Harvest(mid-season). Parsley fully ripens in 4-5 months. The white pulp of the root vegetable has a faint aroma.
  • Berlin(late ripening). The harvest can be harvested after 5-6 months. This variety has a delicate spicy taste and is very juicy.

♦ Leafy. Such varieties are grown for their lush, fragrant greenery. Leaf parsley has two types of leaves: regular and curly (they are very impressive when decorating dishes). Cut leaves retain their aroma for a long time and do not turn yellow for a week. Leafy greens on the windowsill grow back very quickly after cutting.

  • Curly Sue(early ripening, curly). You can cut it after 1-2 months after germination. It has dark green, curly leaves. It is fragrant, rich in vitamins and exquisitely beautiful.
  • Esmeralda(mid-season, curly). The thick curly crown is very fragrant and has a sweetish taste. The harvest can be harvested after 2 months.
  • Bogatyr(late ripening, smooth). One of the best varieties leaf parsley. It is distinguished by particularly fragrant leaves and high yield. Parsley of this variety can be cut for the table after 2-3 months.


Soak a cotton cloth (or gauze) in boiled water and place the seeds in it. Wrap the gauze with parchment and place it in the cold. Let the seeds stay there for a week.

Ventilate them every day and re-moisten the gauze. After a week, the seeds are ready to take root in the ground.

Sow them 0.5 cm deep, cover with a layer of soil on top. Then cover the pot with plastic and place it in a dark place.

Cover the ground itself with a damp cloth. Water once every two days. Take care of the seeds - ventilate and moisten them every day with a spray bottle. After three days, the first timid shoots will appear.

Remove the cloth from the ground and move the pot itself to a well-lit windowsill. As soon as there are more shoots, build a dome-shaped support from thick wire and use it to raise the film a little higher.

It can be removed completely when the shoots begin to spike. Spray the young shoots with water often.

Young shoots need to be thinned out so that the distance between them is at least 4 cm.

Parsley care

What does parsley like? Adviсe
Watering moderate watering water once every 3-4 days, do not allow the soil to become completely dry or, conversely, excessive soil moisture
Top dressing standard superphosphate solution dilute 5 grams of granules per 1 liter of boiled water; parsley at home requires feeding once a month
air temperature best t° from +22° to +24° С this greenery is very afraid of drafts and cold

If the leaves of the grass begin to turn yellow, remove them immediately. Perhaps this is a sign of illness. If yellowness recurs, make a water solution of organic soap and spray the entire plant with it.

Growing cilantro

Cilantro (or coriander) is a very unpretentious, cold-resistant plant. It is in the same class as parsley (it is even called “Chinese parsley”).

But this greenery on the windowsill will fill the entire garden with a stronger, deeper aroma. Cilantro is brighter, richer in taste, and its leaves are more tender.

Choosing a variety

To get a rich harvest, it is best to plant essential oil coriander varieties: Beam, Amber, Change.

By the way, coriander greens must be eaten before they bloom. When flowers appear, cilantro develops a specific, not very pleasant aroma.


In order for cilantro to germinate faster, its seeds must first be germinated in damp sawdust at an air temperature of +17° C to + 20° C.

As soon as the first shoots appear, we replenish our greenery on the windowsill with a new plant. We plant the sprouted cilantro seeds in moistened soil to a depth of 2 cm. Sow in rows with a distance of 5-10 cm, cover the seeds with a layer of soil on top.

Cover the pots with film for the first time. But be sure to check them every day, water them and ventilate them.

In two or three weeks, the coriander will make itself known with its first shoots. And we solemnly transfer them to our home garden.

At first, greenery needs good air humidity (spray it often with a spray bottle).

Caring for Cilantro

The vagaries of coriander Adviсe
Watering moderate watering water constantly, in small portions, do not allow the soil to dry out, otherwise the plant will be weak
Top dressing complex fertilizers (best "Flora") dilute the composition at the rate of liter of water per 3-5 ml of product
air temperature favorable t° from +10° C to + 12° C cilantro can withstand frosts down to – 5° C (it is best to grow coriander on the balcony)

The first harvest after the sprouts appear can be harvested a month later. Cilantro on a windowsill can only tolerate one cut. But if you remove 1-2 leaves from coriander, then extend this period by two weeks.

After you have cut all the plants, dig up the soil, update it by one third and add ash (50 grams of ash per 6 kg of soil). Then moisten the soil with a heated solution of manganese (1%) and sow the coriander again.

Greenery on the windowsill will bring you a lot of pleasure, joy from the beauty you created with your own hands, which in gloomy autumn and frosty winter will remind you of a warm summer.

Have a rich home harvest!

Now, my dear readers, you know how to grow vitamin-rich herbs (dill, parsley, cilantro) at home, and in the next article of this series (“Vegetable garden on the windowsill”) I will talk about growing them at home. What plants would you like to grow more in your home? Write about it in the comments and I will try to describe in detail the process of growing these plants.

See you soon!