Rose variety “Charming Piano” with description, reviews and photos. All the secrets of growing bush peony rose piano Current questions about the Charming Piano rose


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Pink roses with dense double flowers are a classic for garden lovers in romantic style. In this regard, the Charming Piano variety is of constant interest to rose growers. The features of this plant, its advantages and disadvantages are discussed in detail in the proposed article.

Characteristics of the rose Charming Piano

Charming Piano is a very young variety obtained by the Tantau nursery in 2012. It is the result of a spontaneous mutation of the red-flowered rose Piano. On the manufacturer's official website it is defined as a nostalgic hybrid tea rose.

Under the term “nostalgic Tantau roses” the world knows a small but very diverse range of varieties that have good adaptation to different climatic conditions. This group includes both compact shrub forms and climbing roses. They are united by the ancient shape of the flower - densely double, cup-shaped, with a tight, heavy bud.

The main characteristics of the Charming Piano variety are as follows:

Evaluation parameter Characteristic
Color White-pink
Number of flowers per stem 3-5
Flower size 6-8 cm
Height 70-100 cm
Width 45-50 cm
Growing area (USDA) Zone VI (Lower Volga region, Voronezh, Kaliningrad regions, Rostov-on-Don)
Winter hardiness
Powdery mildew resistance ★★★
Black spot resistance ★★★
Rain resistance ☂☂
Flowering period ☀☀ (re-blooming)
Boarding time April or end of October

Tip #1. RoseCharmingPiano forms a small, compact, but well-branched bush, so it is suitable for both flower beds and container growing.

Reviews of rose growers about the Charming Piano variety

Despite the fact that the Charming Piano variety is only a few years old, Russian rose growers have already managed to test it on their plots and get their own idea of ​​​​the capabilities of this rose:

“Nice peony rose. I have an original seedling from Tantau, it was planted in the ground in mid-May. It showed itself in the first year, producing three waves of flowering during the season. In each wave, first-year students gave out 3 flowers. The flowers are soft pink, harmonious, withstood prolonged rain and hail, and stayed on the bush for a week. The bush did not hurt in any way, it grew normally. Problem-free rose, satisfied with the variety"(Tatiana, Moscow region).

“Charming Piano has been with me for three years. I still can’t figure out whether I like it or not, it’s a very controversial variety. The rose is in good health, does not suffer from anything (with preventative care, of course), has grown well (110 cm), and has decent foliage. Gives two waves clearly. It overwinters normally, under shields and spunbond. But flowers are good only in buds or half-opening. When fully dissolved, they look sloppy and faded. The aroma is very weak, does not at all resemble a nostalgic rose. I keep it out of pity, but I wouldn’t buy it a second time.”(Love, Smolensk).

“My Charming Piano is one year old. It’s too early to draw conclusions, but so far the impression of the variety is average. The bush is growing normally, the foliage is shiny, healthy, and has not picked up any diseases. It flourished in two waves. The flowers last a long time and do not burn. The persistent rain got a little worse. I didn’t like that, like the mother variety (Piano), the buds were reluctant to open.”(Julia, Rostov-on-Don).

"I plantedCharmingPiano this spring. The seedling grew confidently and quickly formed a neat, rounded bush just over half a meter in height. The leaves are beautiful and bright. It flourished according to the variety. It survived the rains better than some, but the outer petals were all speckled, which spoiled the impression. Covered with leaves and spunbond for the winter.”(Anna, Kaliningrad).

Thus, about the Charming Piano rose you can find both positive and negative reviews. The variety has not yet been completely mastered in our areas, but is being actively tested.

Analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the Charming Piano rose

Summarizing the stated characteristics and comments from the owners of the Charming Piano rose, we can draw some preliminary conclusions about the advantages and disadvantages of this variety. The obvious advantages include the following qualities:

  • actual resistance to fungal infections is high and corresponds to the declared one;
  • the variety has good growth energy, seedlings grow quickly;
  • the variety forms a beautiful compact bush with abundant dense and healthy foliage;
  • the variety overwinters well protective shelter even in climatic zones, located north of the recommended;
  • flowering is remontant, stable, long-lasting;
  • good flower resistance to rain.

Among the obvious disadvantages of the varietyCharmingPiano can be listed as follows:

  • reluctant opening of buds; under unfavorable conditions, the dissolution stage is greatly delayed or does not occur;
  • tendency to spots on the outer petals;
  • weak inexpressive aroma.

Tip #2. If for some reason the Charming Piano rose is not suitable, but you want to have it on your plot similar variety, you can pay attention to another product of the Tantau nursery - the Happy Piano rose. This hybrid tea variety also belongs to the series of nostalgic roses, but its flower is more fragrant and blooms more actively than that of Charming Piano.

Expert advice on growing hybrid tea roses in a container

As mentioned above, the Charming Piano rose is suitable for container growing. The world-famous expert in the field of rose growing, Dr. David Gerald Hession, in his book “All About Roses” gives the following recommendation for growing hybrid tea varieties in containers:

“First of all, you need to choose the right container. Some people think that only wooden tubs can be used, but in fact the container can be made of any material. It is much more important to choose the size. For medium sizes hybrid tea roses the depth must be at least 40 cm.

To ensure drainage, the container is placed on bars; for the same purposes, when planting, a layer of gravel or clay shards 2.5 cm thick is poured onto the bottom. mineral soil compost or lighter weight peat-based compost. Along the edge of the container you can plant early spring flowers, for example, primroses or small-bulbous plants, or ampelous ones, like lobelia.”

Current questions about the Charming Piano rose

Question No. 1. What causes red “freckles” to appear on the petals of Charming Piano and how to deal with it?

The red dots that plague many owners of the Charming Piano rose are not a disease, so there is no point in fighting this phenomenon. This is an anthocyanin barrier - a nonspecific protective reaction of a flower to various factors: temperature changes, cold rain or dew, heat or drought, mechanical damage. Spraying with pesticides will not help here. You can only strengthen the rose’s immunity with the help of potassium and phosphorus fertilizers, stimulants such as Epin-Extra or Zircon, and also protect the rose garden from pests.

Question No. 2. How to feed Charming Piano for better flowering?

In early spring, after leaving the winter hut, you can add good compost mixed with ash (1 liter jar per bucket) or use the complete complex Fertika Lux fertilizer. During the bud protrusion phase, it is useful to spray the bush with a solution boric acid or stimulant "Bud". In the middle of summer you can do foliar feeding superphosphate: pour 50 g of the drug into 1 liter hot water, leave for 3 hours, strain, pour water into a 10-liter bucket and spray the rose.

Rose Piano is unique in that it has a wide variety of color range. The description of this variety was first made in Germany in the mid-2000s, after which its varieties (Bridal Piano and others) began to appear one after another.

Rose hybrid tea Piano is a interesting combination romantic classics and bright, original beauty: each representative of this species has a characteristic spherical shape buds, strongly reminiscent of a large peony.

Description of the Piano rose and varietal diversity

All types of varieties are truly different big flowers, the size of which can reach from ten to twelve centimeters. After full opening, the peony-shaped flower turns into a cup with multiple dense petals. By the way, this is the form that used to be typical for roses belonging to the ancient English representatives.

The bush can form either one bud or several inflorescences, each of which produces from three to eight flowers. The smell is subtle, with pronounced raspberry notes. The bush itself is regular: it, like the flowers, also has the shape of a ball, and is not tall - no more than one hundred and twenty centimeters in height. Its width can vary from half a meter to a meter. The foliage is dark green, dense, glossy, and continuous and abundant flowering throughout the summer it gives the plant a luxurious look.

Hybrid tea rose Piano has several popular varieties, each of which has its own fans among rose gardening lovers:

  • Wedding Piano is a pale white rose with a creamy tint. It will look ideal in an ensemble with other plants, white or blue;
  • Charming Piano - a rose with a characteristic soft pink color, surprisingly combined with green tints;
  • rose Piano Freeland - deep scarlet, the best choice for romantic people who appreciate beauty ancient species;
  • Rose Pink Piano is a bold, bright pink beauty reminiscent of youth and a rich palette of emotions;
  • the Bridal Piano rose is simply pink, without shades, very delicate and airy, its flowers seem to float in the air, against the backdrop of dark foliage;
  • rose Happy Piano is a kind of golden mean between soft pink and bright Pink: the classic discreet color of the buds makes the bush especially similar to a peony;
  • Red Piano - distinguished by a thick burgundy color, giving the buds a velvety and special luxury.

Rules for planting and caring for rose Piano

Pianos are roses, caring for them is no different from caring for others. hybrid tea beauties. The main thing is to follow all agrotechnical measures step by step, and then all efforts will certainly be crowned with success.

Soil preparation and planting

Since this species was bred in the German nursery Tantau, in fact, it can adapt well to the conditions of our latitudes, however, to achieve optimal results when growing, you need to properly prepare the soil and place the seedlings in open ground in a timely manner.

First of all, the illumination of the area plays a role: sunlight should be sufficient for the full growth and development of young seedlings. A place that is too shaded and cold is not suitable, since the rose needs at least four hours a day to be in the sun. There should be no strong winds or drafts, which can cause diseases of the bush and its poor flowering.

Before planting, the soil must be fertilized with humus, manure or compost. The width of the hole is 100 cm, the depth is 50. It is this significant size that will allow the strong root system of the shrub to take root properly in the future. The bottom of the hole should first be lined good drainage(expanded clay, small pebbles, gravel) and sprinkle with clean fine sand.

You also need to remember to place the seedlings in a root growth stimulator three or four hours before planting. The process itself is simple: the bush is carefully placed in the hole, the roots are straightened, and it is gradually covered with fertile soil. At the end of planting, abundant watering and mulching follow.

Watering and fertilizers

Rose Charming Piano and other hybrid tea species are watered after the soil begins to dry out a little. However, you should not wait until it gets very dry. It is important to develop the right system watering and do not “overwater” the flowers, as excess moisture will lead to rotting of their roots. Before watering, the soil around the plant is mulched and slightly loosened. If the seedling is young, six liters of water will be enough for it, but for a mature shrub you will already need ten liters of water, designed for one water procedure.

Feeding is usually carried out according to a simple scheme:

  • May - nitrogen is added;
  • June - phosphates and calcium;
  • September - potassium.

You should not overdo it with fertilizing, as the bush will shed its leaves and stop blooming.

Disease Prevention

Shrub Pink and other varieties of this variety need preventive treatment antifungal agents to increase disease resistance. A composition called Epin is recommended, as well as the classic copper sulfate.

To avoid the appearance of mold, after heavy rains you should immediately remove rotten and damaged buds so that the infection does not spread further.

Piano rose pests

An undoubted advantage is that the Red Piano rose is rarely affected by pests, however, if such a disaster does occur, emergency measures should be taken. Aphids are afraid of ordinary things soap solution, which is easy to prepare at home, but when the need arises for quick processing, the best helpers will be special compounds, which will destroy it after the first spraying.

The appearance of damage on the foliage indicates that it has been attacked by caterpillars or beetles. Any insecticides that can also be purchased over the counter will help here. In the same way, spider mites are destroyed, which infect the rose during the hot season (its appearance is characterized by a white coating on the foliage).

Formative pruning

The Piano rose bush (including Piano Bridal Piano) should be pruned regularly so that it always has a beautiful, well-groomed shape. Current pruning is carried out in the summer, when some shoots begin to stand out from the overall picture.

You should also promptly remove diseased and dry branches, and reduce the rest by one third. A reduction by a third is carried out in the spring, and in the summer, in addition to cosmetic measures, faded buds and those stems on which there are no buds are removed.

Organization of wintering

This variety, including tender White Rose Wedding Piano is frost-resistant, but if you have to grow it in harsh climatic conditions, a shelter must be built. When the first stable frosts begin, the bush is sprinkled sawdust at the base. The thickness of the layer should be about forty centimeters, and after sprinkling, a hut of spruce branches is built over the bush. A foam cap can be very convenient and useful: know-how in the field of shelters. Roses are often covered with film, but there is a risk that part of the plant may rot, and under the foam, according to statements experienced gardeners, this doesn't happen.

The use of rose Piano in landscape design

Bush rose Piano will create on any garden plot an atmosphere of cozy English respectability combined with the romantic spirit of antiquity. The bush is densely leafy and lush, and therefore other plant and flower crops, in harmony with the color of its huge and luxurious buds, will perfectly fit into its beauty.

Rose Spray can be planted as a single shrub, but if you skillfully organize a group planting in which other varieties of the Piano variety will participate, the picture will turn out amazing: both in the flowerbed and on both sides garden path. When planting seedlings in the shape of a small triangle, you will get original thickets that will look natural when the bushes gain strength and growth. This form of planting involves the use of related color options- for example, pinks, which Piano is especially rich in.

She will feel great not only open ground, but also in large tubs, with the help of which they effectively decorate verandas, porches, entrance doors. Even sculptural forms are created from it - if the owner is able to master the technique of such unusual pruning.

Bush rose Piano. Short review, description of characteristics, where to buy seedlings: