Tomato tree. Octopus tomatoes: features of growing a tomato tree

Most vegetable growers dream of growing tomato trees. The most popular varieties of such plants are japanese tree Octopus f1 and Italian Cherry, the features of which include high yield. From one bush you can harvest more than 10 kg of crop. Before you start planting these tomatoes, you need to figure out how to grow a tomato tree.

You can understand what kind of miracle this tomato tree is with the help of its description.

They belong to indeterminate plants, which differ from others in their resistance to diseases, high yields and constant growth. During the first months after planting, the bush should not bear fruit so that it has time to fully form. During growth, such a tree cannot be pinched. This can disrupt the growth of the plant and subsequently lead to its death.

A distinctive feature of tomato trees is that they form many shoots and branch well. Thanks to this, they can grow to an area of ​​about 5-10 square meters.

On the bushes, small clusters with several fruits are formed every 3-4 leaves. The weight of each of them can reach 200 g. The fruits are colored bright red and have a round shape. On the outside they are covered with a thin skin, under which there is a fleshy and dense pulp. The main advantages of the fruits include the fact that they are not prone to cracking and are stored for quite a long time.

Advantages and disadvantages

The popularity of tomato trees is due to the fact that they have many advantages. These include:

  • adaptability to any level of humidity;
  • resistance to diseases such as late blight, tobacco mosaic virus and fusarium wilt;
  • resistance to sudden changes temperature;
  • the presence of developed and branched roots;
  • ease of cultivation;
  • tall bushes that can grow up to 3-5 meters.

The disadvantages of the Octopus F1 tomato tree include the fact that it takes up quite a lot of space. Another disadvantage is that it is recommended to grow it in heated greenhouses.

What you need to grow a tomato tree

Before landing tomato tree V open ground or greenhouse, you need to figure out what you need to have for this. For this you will need:

  1. Seeds. It is recommended to use seed tall varieties, since they produce the most ovaries and grow well.
  2. Preparations for the preparation of fertilizers, fertilizers and compost. For this you can use “Baikal EM 1”. However, such preparations should be used only if EM technology has previously been used on the site.
  3. Shelter film or greenhouse. In the Urals or Siberia, it is better to plant tomato trees in heated greenhouses. This will allow you to grow tall plants over one meter in height. Residents of the southern regions can do without a greenhouse. To grow a tomato variety, ordinary plastic film will be sufficient, which can protect the bushes from night frosts.
  4. Metal barrel without a bottom. Tomato trees must be planted not in holes, but in special containers with holes. The side holes are needed to saturate the soil with oxygen, and the bottom holes are needed to supply moisture. If there is no barrel, then wooden boxes can be used instead.
  5. Air pump with hose. It will be needed to improve ventilation of the plant’s root system. To do this, several holes are made in the hose, after which it is lowered to the bottom of the container where the tomato tree will grow. It is recommended to turn on the pump every 10-20 minutes.

Growing seedlings

It is necessary to plant seedlings early, so you can start as early as January or early February.

Seed preparation

Before growing tomatoes, you need to prepare planting material. To increase the germination of Octopus F1 seeds, you need to warm them up in advance. To do this, they are placed in an oven preheated to 50-60 degrees for several hours. Throughout this time, the oven temperature can be gradually increased to 70-75 degrees.

They can also be heated with water. To do this, tomato seeds are poured into a small jar, which will need to be placed in a pan of hot water.

In addition, the seeds are disinfected before planting. There are several solutions that can be used to eliminate the infection:

  1. Aloe juice. It can be purchased at any pharmacy or squeezed from the plant yourself. To prepare the solution, the juice must be diluted with water in equal proportions. The seed must be kept in the mixture for at least 15 hours.
  2. Fitosporin. A few drops of the drug must be mixed with 300 g of water, after which planting material can be added to the prepared solution. It should be soaked for no longer than two hours.

Soil preparation

It is necessary to plant seeds not in ordinary soil taken from the garden, but in previously prepared soil. Preparing soil for planting seeds is not so difficult: add one part at a time to one part of the turf soil. river sand and peat.

The resulting mixture is thoroughly stirred and watered with a nutrient solution, the composition of which includes 10 grams of urea, 30 grams of superphosphate and 10 liters of water.

You should also disinfect the soil in advance. To do this, it is treated with a weak manganese solution and special antifungal agents.

There is another way to disinfect the soil. In this case, the soil will have to be placed in a fabric bag and placed in the oven for 20-30 minutes. This will help cleanse the soil of all pathogenic microbes.

Planting seeds Plant the seed tomato tree can be placed in small boxes or pots. To begin with, the containers are filled with moistened soil, after which small holes are made in it in which the tomatoes will be planted. The distance between the grooves should be about 5 cm. After planting the seed in the soil, the containers are covered with glass or plastic film

to ensure optimal humidity levels.

Planting seedlings

Growing a tomato tree in open ground or a greenhouse begins with planting seedlings. Planting of seedlings should be carried out in mid-April or early May.

Preparing the site

Before growing a tomato tree, you need to prepare a planting site. The barrels in which the seedlings will be planted should be placed in the most illuminated place in the greenhouse. It is also necessary to ensure that there is enough space around them, since one tomato tree can spread its branches several meters to the sides.

Soil preparation Before pouring the soil into barrels for seedlings, it must be prepared. bottom layer

It is better to prepare urgasa in winter. To do this, place a garbage bag with several drainage holes in a plastic bucket. Small organic waste is placed in the bag, which must be periodically sprayed with a solution of the EM preparation. You can install a small weight on top, with the help of which liquid will be squeezed out of the contents of the bag.


Only the most powerful and largest grown seedlings need to be planted. Holes are made in the barrels, the depth of which should not be greater than the pots where the seedlings grew. It is necessary to install a support near each hole so that in the future the bushes do not break under the load of fruit. After planting, it is not recommended to water the seedlings for two weeks.

Features of care

To grow a large tomato tree Sprut F1, you need to properly care for it.

Working with soil

Caring for any plant includes loosening the soil. This needs to be done 1-3 times per season. This is done in order to get rid of the crust that may have formed on the surface after watering. The first loosening is carried out 10 days after planting the seedlings.

Feeding and watering

Fertilizing should be done at the beginning of summer, since it is by this time that the tomato tree consumes everything nutrients, located in the soil. It is recommended to periodically add boron to the soil. If the plant lacks this substance, its stems will become very fragile and brown spots will appear on the fruits. In addition to boron, mullein, superphosphate and ammonium nitrate are added to the soil. Fertilizers should be added to the soil periodically every 2-3 weeks.

Plant bushes should be watered much more often. This is done 2-4 times a week, and at least a bucket of water is spent on one bush. When watering, it is better to use the sprinkler method. In summer, tomato trees need to be watered daily.


The leaves on the bushes should be picked off a week after planting the seedlings in barrels. First, only the bottom leaves are torn off, while the top few rows remain untouched. After this, the shoot is covered with a soil mixture made from earth and urgasy. It will not only nourish the tree, but will also help strengthen the root system. Repeated stepsoning is carried out after a week.

All varieties of tomato trees can be planted, except Surgut F1.


Sometimes the ripening of fruits on trees slows down. To speed up this process bushes must be processed periodically. To prepare a solution for spraying tomatoes, you need to chop up young pine shoots and place them in freezer. After that, they are filled with water and boiled for about 30 minutes. Then the broth is filtered and diluted cold water in a ratio of one to three. It is necessary to use the prepared mixture during the formation of buds.


Anyone can grow this plant. In order to grow it, you need to familiarize yourself with the technology of growing a tomato tree.

Breeders – amazing people, capable of striking the imagination with the results of their work. Their new creation - a tomato tree - caused a storm of emotions among summer residents and gardeners.

Uninformed people may not even know that such a plant exists in nature. However, this is not a fairy tale, but a tomato hybrid bred by professionals. It was not called the octopus for nothing: as it develops, the bush, like the animal of the same name, entwines itself in the greenhouse. The tomato tree Octopus f1 is an indeterminate variety. This means that the possibility of hyperintensive growth is genetically inherent in it.

The plant realizes its potential only under proper growing conditions.

An adult tree is amazing: a height of 4 m is far from the limit for it, the diameter of the crown is up to 6 m. An ordinary-looking bush grows to such a size in just 1-1.5 years. It is incredibly productive - yielding up to 14,000 tomatoes (approx. total weight 1.5 t).

Every 2-3 leaves, clusters of 5-6 tomatoes are formed on the giant. Each weight is 0.1-0.16 kg. The round fruits have excellent taste. The pulp is juicy and fleshy. The giant is developing using hydroponic agricultural technology in a greenhouse that is continuously heated. The changing seasons of the Russian climate are detrimental to the bush. Without protection he will not survive.

When growing a tomato tree, the first 7-8 months concentrate on the active development of green mass. During this period, tomatoes are not allowed to ripen. After the crown has formed, the phase of intensive fruiting begins. There is no need to trim the shoots: they all bloom and delight with tomatoes.

The tree needs intensive nutrition. Susceptible to various diseases.

The tomato tree Octopus f1 is simply a fantastic tomato, the long-term cultivation of which will require the use of modern agricultural technologies.

An exotic plant can also be grown in ordinary greenhouses. The easiest way to do this is to warm time year: before the onset of cold weather, the bush will have time to stretch out enough and produce a harvest (up to 10 kg).

Variety f1 produces fruits before the first frost, tomatoes are stored well. Considering this, you can get fresh vegetables for 8-10 months.

Features of seasonal plant cultivation:

  1. Seeds are sown early: in January or February. Additional lighting and heating will help the seedlings appear faster and ensure full growth of the seedlings.
  2. At the beginning of summer, it is time to plant young plants in open ground or a greenhouse.
  3. Pinching the main root will stimulate the formation of shoots.
  4. To ensure there is enough space for spreading bushes, plants are planted at a distance of 1.5 m from each other.
  5. The shoots do not take root.
  6. The tree needs regular application of mineral and organic fertilizers.
  7. The culture loves abundant and systematic watering.
  8. Disease prevention is an important undertaking. The rhizome is treated with iodine solution: 1 bottle of the substance is poured into 10 liters of water.
  9. It is possible to propagate a tomato tree vegetatively. For this purpose, healthy stems are cut from the plant at the end of the season. They are used as cuttings and rooted in a greenhouse.

Even without having special skills and special equipment, you can grow a tomato tree and reap a pretty good harvest.

To use this method, you will have to stock up on:

  • Continuously heated greenhouse equipped with fluorescent lamps.
  • Container for planting (height - not less than 0.5 m, area - 1-1.5 m2). An old bathtub will do.
  • A lid for the container that will protect nutritional composition from high temperature in summer. It is made from sheet foam. A hole is made in the center for the wood.
  • Dishes for diluting solutions.
  • Compressors. They will saturate the nutrient fluid with air.
  • Specific fertilizers - components of the hydroponic solution (Chesnokov and Bazyrina).
  • Glassy. Planting cubes will be made from it.

Hydroponic technologies – best option for cultivating exotic plants.

Hydroponics: how to proceed?

The first stage is preparing a nutrient solution. For the substance you will need:

  • 0.2 kg ammonium nitrate
  • 0.5 kg potassium
  • 0.009 g iron citrate
  • 0.55 kg superphosphate
  • 0.003 kg boric acid
  • 0.3 kg magnesium
  • 0.002 kg manganese sulfate

It will be easier to work if you prepare the mother liquor first. You need to add a little water to all the components separately. Drain all liquids into one 10 liter container. Fill it to the top with water and mix everything thoroughly. When a nutrient solution is needed, 1 liter of the resulting concentrate is dissolved in 100 liters of water.

Further actions:

  1. Seeds are sown in August. They are placed in a recess made in a glass wool cube (20x20 cm).
  2. The blanks are moistened with the prepared nutrient liquid. Place in a container filled with the same solution. The cube should be half immersed in it. The surface of the glass wool should not be allowed to dry out: it should be moistened several times a day.
  3. Before sprouting, the cubes are hidden under a lid. They will appear in approximately 60 days. From this moment on, air supply tubes are supplied under each cube.
  4. The protection is removed. Seedlings develop until 5-7 leaves appear. For them, it is important to maintain optimal temperature conditions and lighting.
  5. If everything is done correctly, the seedlings will develop quickly. Soon the plants will need support. For this purpose, a mesh is stretched at a height of 2.5 m, which is entwined with tree shoots.

Using the hydroponic method requires considerable effort and considerable costs.

Maximum enthusiasm, love for everything unusual - and a fabulous tomato tree will grow in the greenhouse. In the open ground it will not become gigantic, but it will please you with abundant harvests.

More information can be found in the video.

Tomatoes are tasty and healthy vegetables, which is why this crop is so widespread among gardeners. Many of them prefer not to stop at banal garden beds. They are always experimenting with different varieties and methods of their cultivation. The tomato tree Octopus F1 is excellent option for lovers of such experiments.

Tomato Octopus

Not long ago, photographs of this variety of tomatoes spread all over the world, which aroused the envy and surprise of almost all tomato growers. The Octopus F1 was first demonstrated to the general public in 1985 in Japan, at international exhibition EXPO. A huge tomato tree, grown from a single seed, occupied a central place in the government pavilion. During the six months of the exhibition, more than 13,000 fruits managed to ripen on its spreading branches.

Behind last years Octopus F1 was chosen by many gardeners. This hybrid tomato tree is characterized by high fertility: you can collect up to 1.5 tons of fragrant and tasty fruits from one bush. Therefore, it is not surprising that growing these wonderful vegetables is the dream of many gardeners.

So, what kind of miracle is this tomato tree Octopus F1? Can it be cultivated in home gardens or is it suited to grow only in laboratory conditions?

Description of the variety

Octopus is an indeterminate variety, that is, unlimited in terms of growth, characterized by high yield and resistance to various diseases. A tomato tree takes a very long time to grow, as it perennial. During the first 7-8 months the bush is not allowed to bear fruit. This is necessary so that it can fully form. In no case should you resort to stepsoning as you grow, as the culture simply will not tolerate this.

The plant branches well and forms shoots, due to which proper cultivation and its care, its crown can occupy an area of ​​up to 50 square meters. m. On the shoots, brushes are laid every 3 leaves, on which up to 5-6 fruits weighing up to 160 g are formed, which have wonderful taste and excellent keeping quality.

The yield of this tomato variety is impressive: the record fruit harvest from one tree is 1.5 tons. However, becoming, so to speak, the tomato king is not so easy. Growing a full-fledged bush will require not only a lot of time, but also a fairly large year-round heated greenhouse, hydroponics and other wonders of modern agriculture.

But if such costs are beyond your means, you don’t need to say goodbye forever to your dream of cultivating this variety. And under normal conditions, summer residents can grow a tall bush, whose yield will reach 10 kg.

Features of the variety

This variety of tomato tree has some peculiarities in its growing methods.

The first planting method is the usual one, which is carried out during the season. Cultivation is carried out in a standard way: a tomato tree grows in open ground or in a greenhouse, depending on climatic conditions. In one season, you can collect 10-12 kg of fruit from a tomato tree.

The second method is the use of special technology. Such plants are not limited in growth and delight gardeners a bountiful harvest(in one season you can collect 1-1.5 tons of tomatoes from one bush). True, growing according to this principle will require much more time - almost a year and a half. Therefore, certain conditions will be required.

The first method is simpler, and the second, despite the fact that it is more labor-intensive, is more interesting. After all, one tomato bush can replace an entire plot of these vegetables.


Why should you choose this particular tomato? The tomato tree is one of the best indeterminate varieties and has:

  • well-developed, widely branched root system;
  • high growth rate;
  • increased heat and cold resistance;
  • resistance to a number of diseases, such as tobacco mosaic virus, cucumber mosaic virus, late blight, Septoria causing white spot, fusarium wilt and drying out;
  • adaptability to humidity.

Thanks to the wide internodes of the hybrid, it is possible to form bushes up to 4-6 meters high.

In addition, caring for the Sprut F1 variety during the growth process is quite simple. The tomato tree does not require pinching or removing excess ovaries. Fruiting occurs on all formed shoots.

Reviews from gardeners about the variety

Some of the lucky owners of a tomato tree say that its fruits are quite sweet, and even make jam from them. The latter call this variety a technical hybrid, which stores well, but is completely tasteless. For some, it grows several meters in size. And for some, it is practically no different from ordinary tomatoes. Therefore, some gardeners are satisfied and plan to expand their plantings in the future, while others sincerely regret that they spent so much effort and time on it.

Which one is right and why are the results so different? In order to get an answer to this question, you should carefully study the conditions that are necessary for the Sprut F1 variety.

Conditions necessary for successfully growing a tomato tree

1. This tomato variety is indeterminate and grows within two years. Consequently, it can be productively cultivated only in well-heated areas. all year round greenhouses with fairly intense lighting.

2. A real tomato tree grows no earlier than after 1.5 years. The first 7-8 months only shape the bush and do not allow it to bloom. The size of the greenhouse must be spacious so that it can accommodate a plant 4 meters high and with a crown of the same width.

3. The description of this variety states that it should be grown constantly using the necessary fertilizers. It is not advisable to plant this plant in open ground, since it is unrealistic to realize, even partially, the existing possibilities in one summer.

Tomato tree: how to grow at home?

The greenhouse soil familiar to everyone will not suit the capricious Octopus: not even a properly balanced substrate can provide proper nutrition and plant development over several years. In greenhouses, this hybrid is most often grown hydroponically. This is one of the main conditions that allows you to avoid the appearance of various diseases and pests during such a long period of growth and development of the bush. Because this tall plant, he needs proper care - timely feeding and full lighting, otherwise the bush will not reach the desired height.

Where to begin?

To get a tomato tree at home, you first need to prepare a room - a greenhouse with artificial lighting. Any container with a depth of at least 50 cm and a diameter of 1.5 m is suitable for planting. Very often, gardeners use unnecessary old bathtubs for this purpose.

Take a bucket or any other container to dilute the solution and aquarium compressors to enrich it with air. You should purchase suitable fertilizers for the hydroponic solution from a specialized store. You will also need glass wool for the planting cubes.

It should be remembered that growing a tomato tree hydroponically is considered one of the most effective ways. The soil is completely protected from infection and drying out. The most important thing is to maintain the desired temperature of the solution. In the warm season it should be up to 25 degrees, in winter it should not fall below 17 degrees.

Experienced gardeners paint containers in White color, which helps prevent it from overheating in hot weather.

Hydroponics solution

He is preparing according to to the following principle. For one large bucket of water add:

  • 550 grams of superphosphate;
  • 300 grams of magnesium;
  • 500 grams of potassium;
  • 200 grams of ammonium nitrate;
  • 0.3 grams of boric acid;
  • 0.2 grams of manganese sulfate;
  • 0.9 grams of lemon iron.

1 liter of the prepared solution is diluted in 100 liters of water and mixed thoroughly.

Planting a plant

In order for a healthy and strong tomato tree to grow, the seeds are planted closer to autumn, at the end of August. Cubes are made from glass wool, the size of which is 15x15. They have small holes for seeds.

Before disembarking planting material it is dipped into a nutrient solution for a few minutes, then planted in containers. All subsequent care for tomato seedlings consists of daily moisturizing (several times a day). About 2 months after the shoots appear, the seedlings are transplanted into glass wool containers with larger size. All cubes are supplied with air supply tubes. Next, the tomatoes are placed in a container (for example, a bathtub) and covered with a lid made of polystyrene foam.

In the autumn-winter period, plants will need additional lighting. 12 hours of daylight is exactly what tomato plantings need. This condition should be provided to the plant almost until the end of February. During this period, tomatoes may periodically produce flower buds that need to be broken off. This is done in order to form a branching dense crown. It must be remembered that the tree should not bear fruit until 8 months. The first fruits will begin to appear in May. If all rules of agricultural technology are followed and correct temperature regime, then the plant will grow very quickly.

A trellis is used as a support. The mesh, onto which the tomato branches will be tied in the future, is stretched at a height of 2-3 m.

Tomato tree at home: seasonal cultivation

This tomato hybrid is often grown seasonally, which is no less effective. This method is used in cases where conditions do not allow the cultivation of full-fledged plants. At seasonal cultivation you can get more than 10 kg of fruit, which is also very good. In addition, this hybrid bears fruit until frost. Tomatoes keep well. Tasty and aromatic fruits can be obtained 8-9 months a year.

Features of growing Sprut F1 tomatoes using the seasonal method:

  • Landing seed material carried out in mid-February, not earlier and not later.
  • After the seedlings have grown stronger, they are planted into separate containers.
  • Tomatoes must be planted at a distance of 2 meters from each other.
  • With this method of growth, pinching is not carried out.
  • Full development and good growth bushes can be achieved by regularly feeding the plants (at least once every 20 days).
  • With the seasonal method, a tomato bush can grow up to 5 m high. To prevent this from happening, the plant is pinched on the main stem after reaching the required height.

The tomato tree is a unique discovery of breeders. With the right and successful cultivation With proper care, you can get a rich harvest with fairly high taste.

The dream of any vegetable grower or just a tomato lover is to grow big harvest this tasty, juicy, useful product. But to do this, you need to plant a huge number of plants, take care of them, so that you can then take the red fruits with great pleasure, and then preserve them, process them into juices, and so on.

It may seem like just a fantasy to want to grow a real tomato tree, so as not to bother with dozens or hundreds of bushes, but to plant two or three such trees, care for them and collect tomatoes as they ripen. But there really is such a giant plant. Let's figure out how to grow a tomato tree in your garden.

Imagine a real tree, the crown of which is completely strewn with tomatoes. And its trunk is not like that of a baobab, but fragile, thin, which can break without tying it up. Fruits begin to appear on the branches after flowering. At first they are green, and then, after reaching a certain size and “maturity”, they turn red. Here it is unusual tree Can, having put in a lot of work and having patience, grow on your own summer cottage in the garden.

However, a tomato tree does not easily turn into a Klondike tomato. It doesn’t always take root everywhere. Climate and soil are the main conditions that can affect its “life.” Although even now, enthusiasts manage to grow tomatoes in open ground, not to mention in greenhouses.

The Japanese showed everyone who is trying to “make a fairy tale come true”, ensuring that from one tomato tree get a huge harvest that their efforts are not in vain. Back in 1985, Country enthusiasts Rising Sun They grew a tomato vine from just one tomato seed in six months, on which, almost losing count, “Doubting Thomas” counted 13,312 fruits! Here, of course, there were some who were gaining strength computer technology. From the day of “birth” until “growing up,” i.e., until the moment ripe tomatoes appeared on the tree, it was monitored around the clock by computers that constantly regulated modes:

  • air;
  • drip irrigation;
  • lighting.

Tomato tree or tomato tree Octopus F1 – bred several years ago hybrid variety racem tomatoes, which has aroused great interest among farmers, gardeners and summer residents who like various innovations and wonders. Unusual plant is indeterminate, i.e. having no growth restrictions, a hybrid with good developed ability to intensive shoot formation. Its height can reach 4 meters or even more, and its crown area can be 40-50 square meters. meters. The annual harvest of Sprut F1 is simply fantastic - about 14 thousand tomatoes, the total weight of which is 1.5 tons.

The miracle tomato got its name for a reason - the tomato tree, like an octopus, entwines itself with the entire frame of the greenhouse built for it. The main features of this variety of tomatoes are enormous growth energy, power, productivity and disease resistance. He is genetically endowed with a powerful root system and well-developed surface leaf apparatus.

The brush of the hybrid Sprut F1 is laid after two or three leaves. Each of them produces 5-6 fruits with an average weight of 100-160 grams. Tomatoes are round in shape, fleshy, juicy, with excellent taste.

The growth process of a tomato tree lasts on average 1-1.5 years, therefore, in the climatic conditions of Russia, productive cultivation is possible only in year-round heated and illuminated greenhouses. The first 7-8 months need to focus on the formation of the tree, not allowing it to bear fruit. There is no need to carry out pinching in the crown - all shoots should bloom and produce a harvest. Further, when the crown has already formed, a period of fruit formation and active fruiting begins.

Tomatoes of the Sprut F1 variety can be planted in both professional and amateur greenhouses. When grown in a regular greenhouse for three summer months beginner gardenercan get pretty tall plant, which will bear about 10 kg of fruit per season. But intensive mineral nutrition in addition to the most favorable conditions (enough heat and light) will allow you to grow a huge tree with good yield.

When growing a tomato tree in a professional greenhouse, you should abandon soil and soil - potential breeding grounds and reservoirs of pests and diseases. Despite the good disease resistance of Octopus F1, it is advisable to exclude unfavorable factors that can harm the plant. For this indeterminate tomato, the hydroponic method is best suited, i.e. method of growing without soil on an artificial nutrient medium. It will provide good air permeability to the roots of the plant, which will prevent the entry of too much large quantity moisture and drying out. The tree will receive nutrition and moisture in doses. Glass wool cubes can be used as a substratum (solid soil substitute). For full development Octopus F1 special attention should be paid to feeding with mineral salts.

It is also permissible to grow a tomato tree in open ground, but in this case the height and yield of the plant will be much more modest.

The tomato tree Sprut F1 is a miracle of selection that absolutely anyone can grow if desired. A little patience, enthusiasm and love for your work - and your greenhouse will be decorated with a luxurious plant, and your table will be decorated with juicy and tasty tomatoes.