Charles University admission. Charles University in Prague is the first in the Czech Republic, known throughout the world. History ancient and recent

Prague Education Center

Charles University in Prague

City: Prague, Czech Republic
University type: state
Language of instruction: Czech, English
Number of students: 51 400
Studying programs: Bachelor's, Master's, Doctoral studies
Foreign students: more than 7000
Cost of education: in Czech for free, in English - from 2000 euros.

University information

The oldest university in Europe consists of 17 faculties, 6 centers of research and educational activities. The educational institution includes 3 institutes. Most of the faculties are located directly in the capital of the Czech Republic. The university offers those wishing to study 660 disciplines and 300 multidirectional study programs.

Training involves the possibility of enrollment in bachelor's, master's and doctoral programs with the possibility of defending a dissertation. The highest competition is noted for specialties related to psychology - up to 30 people for 1 place. Also considered popular are the faculties of medicine and philosophy, which are among the oldest in the university.

Charles University also has the largest number of foreign students, about 7,000. The most popular disciplines are: medicine, philosophy and law. Charles University has more than 200 international agreements with the best higher education institutions in Europe, Asia and America. Knowledge of the Czech language is one of the main conditions for applicants for free education programs.

You can learn more about preparation, admission and study at Charles University from this video. Evgeniya graduated from the preparatory course at the Prague Education Center and is now a student at the Faculty of Pedagogy, majoring in English and Russian languages. Despite significant competition, she managed to score a high passing score and enter a sought-after specialty.

Admission requirements for applicants

The list of conditions required to be fulfilled for admission will depend on the language in which you plan to attend lectures. There are 2 options for enrolling in a bachelor's degree - a program in Czech or English. In both cases, it will be necessary to confirm sufficient language proficiency to be able not only to listen to lectures, but also to write test papers to confirm your knowledge and level.

To study in Czech you need:

  • Successfully pass specialized exams in Czech;
  • Confirm your language skills by providing a certificate with a level of at least B2.
  • Provide a certificate of secondary education (nostrified)

For English-language study programs:

  • Successfully pass specialized exams in English;
  • Provide results of knowledge of the English language by providing the results of passing an international exam (IELTS - 6.5 and above; TOEFL, SAT - 550 and above).
  • Provide a high school diploma.

Entrance tests are taken during the following periods: July-September.

Applicants will have to pass 2-4 examination tests depending on the chosen faculty and specialization. There are areas that require practical work as an introductory work. Entrance tests are conducted both orally and in writing.

Admission procedure Charles University begins with filling out a written application (Czech “invitations”), the sending of which has clear deadlines. Faculties often have their own requirements for applicants, so samples and exact deadlines for submitting applications must be found on the page of a specific faculty.

Bachelor's degree - until the end of February
Master's degree (5-6 years) - until the end of February
Continuing master's programs (medicine, law) - until the end of February
Doctoral studies - until the end of April

Location of faculties

The campus is planned in such a way that all faculties are located as close as possible to metro stations (in Prague), which allows students to quickly move around the city. The address where the university, which dates back to the 13th century, is located: Ovocný trh 3-5, 116 36 Prague 1.

This is a huge educational complex of buildings, including a large university library, a school for studying foreign languages, a training center for applicants, an information technology center, a sports and recreation complex, an economic research center, a European information center, a center for the study of environmental issues, a university publishing house - all this is Charles University in Prague.

Faculties and specialties of Charles University

Faculty of Social Sciences

Bachelor's specialties:

  • Humanities studies

Master's programs:

  • Philosophy (German and French philosophy in Europe)
  • Historical Sciences (History of European Culture)
  • Media and communications
  • Social policy and social work

Entrance exams: Czech language, translation of scientific text from English, German or French into Czech, questions on the text in Czech

Faculty of Philosophy


  • Psychology
  • Political science
  • Pedagogy
  • English-American Studies
  • Historical sciences
  • Information Studies and Book Studies
  • Logics
  • French philology

Entrance exams: Czech language, specialized subjects

Faculty of Natural History


  • Biochemistry
  • Biology
  • Demography
  • Ecology and environment protection
  • Geography
  • Geology
  • Chemistry
  • Clinical and toxicological analysis

Entrance exams: Czech language, chemistry, biology, physics

Faculty of Physics and Mathematics


  • Physics
  • Computer science
  • Mathematics for Information Technology

Faculty of Education


  • School management
  • Special pedagogy
  • Psychology

1st Faculty of Medicine


  • General medicine (6 years)
  • Dentistry (6 years)
  • Nursing (3 years)
  • Specialization in medicine (adictology) (3 years)

Faculty of Law


  • Law and jurisprudence (5 years)
  • Confirmation of completed secondary/higher education
  • Certificate confirming the level of Czech language proficiency is not lower than B2
  • Successful completion of entrance examinations (depending on the faculty)


The issue of accommodation for students admitted to the University is resolved either by renting separate apartments or by registering residence in residences owned by the educational institution. Accommodation conditions range from blocks to apartments with individual shower and toilet facilities. Rent will cost €105-320 per month per person. Accommodation options are available in single and double rooms. Residences are located:

  • 2 - in Brandys nad Labem and Hradec Kralove;
  • 11 - on the territory of Prague;
  • 3 - in Pilsen.

For those who are studying and have a small child who lives with their father or mother in the Hvězdička dormitory in Prague, the university management provides the opportunity for the child to attend the paid kindergarten Max’s Montessori Language School. The Montessori education system is recognized as one of the most favorable for the psychological development of a child under the reliable supervision of experienced teachers.

Would you like to receive complete information on how to enroll at Charles University? Submit an application and our specialists will soon contact you and select the optimal preparation plan.

Department for work with applicants Prague Education Center

Do you have any questions? You can always contact the consultants of our central department for working with applicants of the Prague Educational Center or a regional representative in your city.

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Charles University in Prague - the most prestigious institution of higher education in the Czech Republic, the oldest university in Central Europe - was founded in 1348 by the Czech king and Roman emperor Charles IV. Not only Prague, but the whole world recognizes Charles University as one of the most outstanding educational and scientific centers in the world. Its scientific and pedagogical activities and unique historical traditions have long provided the university with the status of a significant cultural center of European education.

Charles University is a member of the Association of European Universities, along with Oxford, Leiden, Bonn, Sorbonne, Bologna and the University of Geneva. These universities (together with other leading universities in 113 countries, including 23 universities in the USA, 19 in Germany and 11 in France) form the so-called single educational space. Once you enter one university, you can continue your studies at another.

Charles IV is more to Prague than Peter I is to St. Petersburg. The widest and longest bridge in medieval Europe, the most beautiful Gothic towers, the richest townspeople... In a word, this Holy Roman Emperor and King of Bohemia was a benefactor for the Czechs. As the Czechs themselves joke, in Prague, no matter what you touch, everything is Karlovo.

Today Charles University is the largest university in the Czech Republic.

The founder donated estates and land to his university to “feed the house” in which students and professors lived. There they held scientific meetings and various celebrations. Such houses were called “koley” - from the Latin “collegium”, that is, a hostel. The center of Charles University was the Charles Wheel, housed in the magnificent house of the court coin master Jan Rotlev, who donated the house in the center of the capital for the benefit of education.

Over the course of several centuries, Charles University quickly spread throughout Prague. Now you can see its buildings in different parts of the central old part of the Czech capital; they, of course, serve as decoration of the quarter. Pay attention to the pompous building of the Faculty of Law, look into the library - one of the oldest buildings in the area, the Leninskaya halls were not nearby.

Prague, thanks to its university, quickly gained authority in Europe. At Charles University they taught philosophy, law, medicine, and theology. The best minds of the Czech Republic taught at the departments of the university at different times: priest and theologian, ideologist of the Czech Reformation Jan Hus (from 1409, rector of Charles University), physician Jan Yesseny, physiologist Jan Evangelist Purkynė, professor of philosophy, first Czechoslovak president Tomas Garrigue Masaryk, Nobel laureate , chemist Yaroslav Heyrovsky and others. Writers Karel Capek and Franz Kafka studied here at one time. However, even now Prague invites the best teachers from all over the world to teach at its university.

Today, Charles University is the largest university in the Czech Republic, with about 37,000 students from 48 countries studying in its 17 faculties. Moreover, among them there are quite a lot of Americans, British, Germans, Austrians and representatives of other countries that are far from “third world”. Of course, this is facilitated by high international authority, international recognition of diplomas and the quality of training of specialists.

Charles University

Admission to Charles University

If you dream of studying in Prague, Charles University is perfect for this - there are no quotas for foreigners here, which means the number of applicants is limited only by the general competition of the specialty, studying in the Czech language is free for foreign students, and the management of Charles University has taken care of to create optimal conditions for foreign students: residences and dining halls, 19 central libraries of the university and about 300 of their branches at faculties.

The most popular specialties offered by Charles University are economics and management, journalism, cinema and TV, sociology, medicine and pharmaceuticals, foreign languages, telecommunications and computer technology. So come to Charles University as a tourist or as an applicant. Prague is waiting for you!

A preparatory course followed by paid training in English will cost you approximately 5,000 EUR per year, and accommodation in a hostel - from 250 EUR per month; get ready to spend the same amount on food and pocket expenses. Prices on the page are as of August 2018.

Education systems in different countries

All articles about studying abroad on "Subtleties"

  • Malta + English

Best Universities in the World

  • UK Universities: Eton, Cambridge, London and others
  • Universities in Germany: Berlin im. Humboldt, Düsseldorf Academy of Arts and others
  • Universities in Ireland: Dublin, National University Galway, University of Limerick
  • Universities in Italy: Bo, Bologna, Pisa, University for foreigners in Perugia
  • Universities in China: Peking University, Beida University, Zhejiang University and others
  • Lithuania: Vilnius University
  • US Universities: Harvard, Yale, Princeton and others

Charles University in Prague is the most prestigious institution of higher education in the Czech Republic, the oldest university in Central Europe, founded in 1348 by the Czech King and Roman Emperor Charles IV.
Charles University is a member of the Association of European Universities, along with Oxford, Leiden, Bonn, Sorbonne, Bologna and the University of Geneva.
Teachers from leading universities around the world give lectures at its faculties.


  • three medical faculties;
  • philosophical;
  • natural history;
  • physics and mathematics;
  • pedagogical;
  • Faculty of Social Sciences;
  • Faculty of Physical Training and Sports;
  • Faculty of Humanities;
  • three theological faculties;

Some faculties offer instruction in English, namely:

  • medical (general medicine, dentistry);
  • physical training and sports (physiotherapy, physical education and sports).

Education in Czech for foreign students is free, in English from 7,000 to 15,000 dollars per year.

Studying at all faculties is possible with obtaining a bachelor's, master's and doctoral dissertation.

Duration of training: 3-7 years
Start of studies: September 1.
Students from 48 countries study here, and among them there are quite a lot of Americans, British, Germans, Austrians and representatives of other countries with a high level of socio-economic development.
This is facilitated by high international authority, international recognition of diplomas and the quality of training of specialists.

Catholic Theological Faculty

The Catholic Theological Faculty is the base faculty of Charles University in Prague (1348). In his educational and scientific activities he is mainly focused on the history of theology and art.

Evangelical Theological Faculty
The Faculty is open to anyone interested in studying theology. The undergraduate degree offers opportunities for basic theological education (Protestant theology), theology for lay people and experts from other disciplines (theology, Christian tradition), and Christian-oriented training in social work and teaching (pastoral and social work). The Master's degree provides preparation for ecclesiastical ministry and possibly doctoral studies in theology (Protestant theology), ecumenically oriented theology for the laity and specialization in pastoral care, emergency situations and humanitarian work (Christian humanitarian and pastoral work).

Hussite Theological Faculty
The history of the faculty goes back to the 20s of the 20th century. In 1921, the Hussite Theological School was founded, which is currently separated into a separate faculty of Charles University.

Faculty of Law
The Faculty of Law is one of the first four faculties of the university. In 1348 it was formed on the basis of the Faculty of Liberal Arts. The Faculty is of great importance in the construction of a legal and independent state of the Czech Republic.
The faculty provides comprehensive training for masters over a period of 5 years.

1 medical faculty
The First Faculty of Medicine of Charles University is the oldest medical faculty in Central Europe and the largest medical faculty in the Czech Republic. In Prague, the Metropolitan of St. Vitus founded the so-called “Special Study” in 1215, from which King Wenceslas II created a separate university in 1294. King Charles IV made it a faculty of Charles University.

2 Faculty of Medicine
The Second Faculty of Medicine continues the more than 662-year history of the Faculty of Medicine at Charles University and the Faculty follows the tradition of 57 years of pediatrics. The Faculty provides complete education in all areas of medicine, allowing for a deeper knowledge of especially pediatric medicine. The teaching emphasizes the developmental aspects of human life in health and disease from the fetal period to adulthood. The faculty's connections with the Motol Teaching Hospital, the largest teaching hospital in the Czech Republic, allow it to provide comprehensive, modern medical education.

Bachelor's degree Master's degree
Open days January 13, 2018
Application deadline until February 28, 2018 until February 28, 2018
Exam days June 11-12, 2018 June 14-15, 2018
Exams Specialty "Sanitation" First round. Biology test, general test. Second round. Interview. Specialty "Specialization in Healthcare". First round. Test in biology, physics, chemistry, general test. Second round. Interview. Specialty "General Medicine". First round. Test in biology, physics, chemistry, general test. Second round. Interview. Specialty "Specialization in Healthcare". Profile exam

3 Faculty of Medicine
The Third Faculty of Medicine is one of 17 faculties at Charles University in Prague. Teaching and clinical training is carried out in the premises of the third medical faculty at the University Hospital Vinohrady, within the National Institute of Health, Institute of Normal, Pathological and Clinical Physiology, at Bulkovka Hospital, Psychiatric Center Prague, Institute of Mother and Child in Prague, Central Military Hospital and Sisters Hospital Saint's mercy. Carla Borromeo, Prague.

Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
The Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen was founded in October 1945 as part of Charles University. The faculty is accredited for two master's programs and doctoral programs. Both programs are also offered in English.

Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Kralove
The Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové was founded in 1945, first as a branch of the Faculty of General Medicine, and then became an independent faculty of Charles University.

Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Kralove
The Faculty of Pharmacy, Charles University in Hradec Králové was founded in 1969. It has absorbed the old and long-standing traditions of pharmaceutical research from the foundations of Alma Mater. Students can attend lectures, seminars, practical classes, laboratory work, excursions, consultations and other forms of training, receive credits and take tests.

Bachelor's degree Master's degree
Open days December 13, 2017
Application deadline February 28, 2018 February 28, 2018
Exam days from June 9 to June 13, 2018
Exams Written examination in chemistry, biology and general subjects. For the specialty "Pharmaceutics" a written exam in chemistry, biology and general subjects. For the specialty "Sanitary Bioanalytics" specialized exams

Faculty of Philosophy
The Faculty of Philosophy at Charles University in Prague is a traditional center of learning. Its reputation is based on the unrivaled number of specialties that can be studied here for almost seventy years, the depth and intensity of training and its selective nature, as evidenced by the fact that every year thousands of people choose to enroll in this department. The Faculty of Philosophy has about 8,000 students, who often become leaders in public life in the Czech Republic.
The faculty has the opportunity to combine specializations.

Faculty of Science
The birth of the faculty was preceded by vigorous construction activity even during the reign of Emperor Franz Joseph I, who wanted to develop education in his empire. Albert, a picturesque area of ​​Prague, which is intended for higher education, was chosen for construction. Many famous figures studied within the walls of the faculty, such as Jan Svyatopolk Presl, Albert Einstein, Boguslav Brauner, Aleg Hrdlicka, Jaroslava Geyrovsy.

Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Astronomy, mathematics and physics began to be studied at the university from the moment of its creation. The Faculty was founded in 1952, separating from the Faculty of Natural Sciences. With the gradual development of science and practice, on the one hand, the number of students in mathematics and physics and the number of teaching staff are growing, on the other hand, there is a gradual differentiation and the emergence of specialized departments and research institutes. During its existence, the faculty has graduated many scientists, university teachers and secondary school teachers.

Faculty of Education
The Faculty of Education carries out not only pedagogical, but also scientific activities. Faculty members have more than a hundred degrees from domestic and international institutions. In addition to anthologies, textbooks and publications, the faculty publishes the journals Alma Mater, Music Education, Pedagogy, Special Education and Arts Education.

Bachelor's degree Master's degree
Open days December 6, 2017
Application deadline until February 28, 2018 until February 28, 2018
Exam days April 10-13, 2018. Creative exams
June 12-23, 2018. Exams for full-time study
Exams Entrance exams can be held in 1, 2 or 3 rounds and depend on the specialty. The creative exam determines the creative prerequisites for studying. The written exam consists of subjects provided for by the specialty. The oral exam is aimed at testing the applicant's ability and desire to study

Faculty of Social Sciences
The main task of the Faculty of Social Sciences, founded in 1990, after the collapse of the former Faculty of Journalism, is the development of science and scientific research in social scientific specialties that are directly or indirectly related to public administration, social, political, economic and cultural life of society. The faculty has separate specialties: economics, international territorial studies, political science and international relations, sociology and social policy, media and journalism.

Bachelor's degree Master's degree
Open days January 6, 7, 8, 2018, depending on specialty January 6, 7, 8, 2018, depending on specialty
Application deadline until March 3, 2018 until March 3, 2018
Exam days June 4-15, 2018 June 4-15, 2018
Exams Exams depend on the specialty and are divided into 2 types: oral and written. May include tests in general subjects, mathematics, and oral exams. Some specialties require a National Comparative Exam Profile exams by specialty

Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports
The Faculty of Physical Education and Sports is one of the youngest faculties at Charles University in Prague. It became part of it in 1959, initially as an institute of physical culture and sports, and since 1965 a faculty of the university. Initially, training at the faculty was aimed at school physical education teachers, but now the university provides training for bachelors, masters, doctors, advanced training and coaching courses for sports unions.

Faculty of Humanities Studies
The Faculty of Humanitarian Studies was created on August 1, 2000 from the Institute of Theoretical Education of Charles University. According to the plan with which the faculty was created, it pursues the following goals: higher education in the humanities, scientific work in a wide range of sciences about man and human society, further development of research with an individual curriculum.


Form of study:
R - full-time education
K - combined form of training
A - training in English
F - training in French
N - training in German

KTF – Catholic Theological Faculty
ETF - Evangelical Theological Faculty
GTF – Hussite Theological Faculty
YuF - Faculty of Law
1MF - 1 medical faculty
2MF - 2nd Faculty of Medicine
3MF - 3rd Faculty of Medicine
MFP – Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
MFGK – Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Kralove
FFGK – Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Kralove
FF – Faculty of Philosophy
FEN – Faculty of Natural Sciences
MFF – Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
PF – Faculty of Pedagogy
FSN – Faculty of Social Sciences
FFS – Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports
FGI - Faculty of Humanitarian Studies

Charles University in Prague- the oldest university in Central Europe and one of the oldest universities in the world, was founded by King Charles IV in 1348. Now it is the largest educational and scientific institution in the Czech Republic, recognized throughout the world. In addition, Charles University is an important cultural center due to its centuries-old history and traditions.

Charles University has 17 faculties: 14 in Prague, 2 in Hradec Králové and 1 in Pilsen. 53 thousand students study here - this is a sixth of all students in the Czech Republic. There are more than 7 thousand foreign students at Charles University.

An important area for Charles University in Prague is research activities. A third of all funds allocated by the state for these purposes goes to Charles University. Cooperation with foreign universities also plays an important role in the life of the university. In total, more than 600 agreements have been concluded between Charles University and partner universities.


The seventeen faculties of Charles University in Prague currently accredit 300 study programs with 642 specializations at bachelor's and master's levels. Five-year master's programs, which do not require prior undergraduate study, are being gradually phased out at Charles University and new applicants are no longer accepted. So at most faculties of Charles University it is now possible to study only according to the scheme of a three- to four-year bachelor's degree plus two years of master's degree. Read more about the education system in the Czech Republic in the article Study in the Czech Republic. Five-year master's programs will continue to exist in the specialties of Catholic Theology, General Medicine, Dental Medicine, Pharmacy, Law, Pedagogy and Psychology.

Since the academic year 2006-2007 at Charles University in Prague, studies in bachelor's and master's programs are carried out on the basis of an international credit system in accordance with the rules of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). These are the rules for converting academic hours into so-called “credits,” which simplifies the transfer of students between universities throughout Europe.

Charles University provides training at the following faculties:

Catholic Theological Faculty

  • Theology (Master's degree)

Faculty of Evangelical Theology

  • Social Work (Bachelor's Degree)

Hussite-Theological Faculty

  • Humanities (bachelor's and master's degrees)
  • Social work (bachelor's and master's degrees)
  • Specialization in Pedagogy (Bachelor's and Master's degrees)
  • Theology (bachelor's and master's degrees)

Faculty of Law

  • Law (Master's degree)

First Faculty of Medicine

  • Obstetrics (Bachelor's Degree)
  • Specialization in healthcare (nutrition specialist, occupational therapy, addictionology - bachelor's and master's degrees, physiotherapy - bachelor's degree only)

Second Faculty of Medicine

  • Physiotherapy (Bachelor's and Master's degrees)
  • General medicine (master's degree – 6 years)

Third Faculty of Medicine

  • Honey. sister (bachelor's degree)
  • Specialization in health care (detailed hygiene, physiotherapy, public health - bachelor's degree)
  • General medicine (master's degree – 6 years)

Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen

  • General medicine (master's degree – 6 years)
  • Dentistry (master's degree – 5 years)

Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Kralove

  • Honey. sister (bachelor's degree)
  • General medicine (master's degree – 6 years)
  • Dentistry (master's degree – 5 years)

Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Kralove

  • Health Bioanalytics (Bachelor's and Master's)
  • Pharmaceuticals (Master’s degree – 5 years)

Faculty of Philosophy

  • English-American Studies (bachelor's degree)
  • Czech language for silent communication (Bachelor's and Master's degrees)
  • Philology (large selection of specialties, philology of different countries - bachelor's and master's degrees)
  • Philosophy (bachelor's, master's)
  • Historical Sciences (Bachelor's and Master's degrees)
  • Information Studies and Librarianship (Bachelor's and Master's Degrees)
  • General theory and history of art and culture (bachelor's and master's degrees)
  • Pedagogy (bachelor's and master's degrees)
  • Translation activities (English, Russian, German, French, Spanish - bachelor's and master's degrees)
  • Social policy and social work (bachelor's and master's degrees)

Faculty of Science

  • Biochemistry (bachelor's and master's degrees)
  • Bioinformatics (together with the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics – bachelor’s and master’s degrees)
  • Biology (wide choice of specialties - bachelor's and master's degrees)
  • Demography (bachelor's and master's degrees)
  • Ecology and environmental protection (bachelor's and master's degrees)
  • Geography (wide choice of specialties - bachelor's and master's degrees)
  • Geology (wide choice of specialties - bachelor's and master's degrees)
  • Hydrology and hydrogeology (bachelor's and master's degrees)
  • Chemistry (wide choice of specialties - bachelor's and master's degrees)
  • Clinical and toxicological analysis (bachelor's and master's degrees)
  • Molecular biology and biochemistry of organisms (bachelor's degree)
  • Earth Science (Bachelor's Degree)
  • Epidemiology (Master's degree)

Faculty of Physics and Mathematics

  • Physics (Bachelor's and Master's degrees)
  • Computer Science (Bachelor's and Master's degrees)
  • Mathematics (bachelor's and master's degrees)

This faculty has a very large selection of specialties for master's degrees, i.e. students are divided into narrower areas.

Faculty of Education

  • Special pedagogy (master's degree)
  • Psychology (bachelor's and master's degrees)
  • Primary school teacher (master's degree – 5 years)
  • Specialization in pedagogy – secondary school teacher (bachelor’s and master’s degrees)

Teaching subjects such as English, Czech, French, Russian, German, music theory, conducting, playing music. instruments, computer science, mathematics, pedagogy, fine arts, social studies, history, chemistry, physical education, biology, geology, ecology, healthcare, special pedagogy. The teacher most often specializes in two elective subjects.

Faculty of Sociology

  • Economic theory (bachelor's and master's degrees)
  • Media and communications (journalism, marketing - bachelor's and master's degrees)
  • International regional studies (bachelor's and master's degrees)
  • International economic and political regional studies (master's degree)
  • Political Science (Bachelor's and Master's degrees)
  • Sociology (bachelor's and master's degrees)

Faculty of Physical Education and Sports

  • Specialization in healthcare - physiotherapy (bachelor's and master's degrees)
  • Physical culture and sport (bachelor's and master's degrees)

Faculty of Humanities

  • Humanities (bachelor's and master's degrees - a large selection of specialties for master's degrees)
  • Ecology and environmental protection (master's degree)
  • Philosophy (Master's degree)
  • Historical Sciences (Master's Degree)
  • Media and Communications (Master's Degree)
  • Social Policy and Social Work (Master's Degree)


The admission process to Charles University begins with a written application, which must be submitted by the end of February.

Since some faculties of Charles University in Prague have their own special requirements for applicants, applications may differ slightly. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the requirements of a specific faculty. The application is submitted directly to the desired faculty of Charles University. In addition to entrance exams in major subjects, foreign students who wish to study in Czech must pass an exam in the Czech language or provide a certificate of passing this exam (if, for example, they passed it as part of Czech language courses). Most medical faculties of Charles University, starting from 2018, accept only a certificate in the Czech language at level C1!

In addition to the completed application, the applicant must provide a receipt for payment for processing the application and entrance exams. The amount of this payment is CZK 650 and is non-refundable. If an applicant wishes to enroll in several specialties or faculties at Charles University, he must fill out an application for each specialty and provide a payment receipt for each application. Each applicant receives a decision from the dean of the faculty on the results of consideration of the application and admission to the entrance exams. After receiving such a Decision, the applicant has the right to review all materials that influenced the Decision. He also has the right to submit an application for review of the dean’s decision addressed to the rector.

Entrance exams for each faculty are very different; they can be oral or written, and also consist of several parts. It is necessary to take into account that the level of the Czech language for studying in philological and humanities specialties must be very high; for entrance exams you often need to bring with you a list of read literature in Czech, English or other languages. The commission usually asks questions based on the list of references.

We offer you admission to preparatory and language courses Charles University at university price, no extra charge and free visa support as a gift when registering for annual or semester courses at Charles University.

Thus, from us, free of charge, you receive visa support, assistance and detailed advice on preparing a package of documents for a student visa to the Czech Republic, preparing for an interview at the embassy, ​​as well as all the necessary advice about studying at Charles University, faculties, specialties, courses, etc. d.!

If you have any questions regarding admission to Charles University in Prague, entrance exams, specialties, open days and admission to the university, please contact or contact our specialists.

Read more about preparatory courses and Czech language courses at Charles University .

Charles University, which is now the oldest university in Central Europe, was founded by Charles IV. The exact date of its foundation is known - April 7, 1348. Then there were their own concepts of academic education, according to which the emerging university had only four faculties: Art, Theology, Law and Medicine. Master Jan Hus, a well-known historical figure, contributed significantly to the development of connections with the then existing intellectual movements that actively advocated the introduction of reforms in public and church life.

Subsequently, the Charles-Ferdinand University will be founded on the basis of the Faculty of Arts of Charles University (which, by the way, was the only higher education institution that successfully survived the Hussite Wars). Czech national identity, which was repeatedly tested, received powerful support from there.

In the middle of the 18th century, educational reforms slowly but surely began to be introduced and reached their maximum development at the end of the century, when education became available even to people who profess a non-Catholic faith. And then the traditional Latin language of instruction was replaced by the German language.

The year 1848 was a turning point, when another national, democratic and revolutionary revolution took place. When a new minister came to power, a wave of repression swept through, destroying a number of liberal reforms. The student democratic movement also suffered greatly at that time.

In 1882, the Viennese government made an important decision according to which the university was divided into two institutions - German and Czech. This happened thanks to the tireless increase in interest in Czech science, the development of cultural and political spheres. German and Czech institutions worked together until 1939, even after the independent state of Czechoslovakia was formed in 1918. When Czechoslovak statehood was established, Charles University acquired a status that adequately reflected its importance, both academic and cultural.

In 1939, the Nazi regime dealt a severe blow to the university. On November 17 it was closed, and the students studying there were mostly sent to concentration camps, some were executed, and the teachers were persecuted. The German part of the university was declared to belong to the Reich and existed in this status until 1945.

When Czechoslovakia was liberated in 1945, Charles University again had the opportunity to develop. True, this did not last long - three years later the February communist putsch occurred, which marked the beginning of repressions, purges and the end of all academic freedoms. This situation lasted for almost 40 years, and the situation changed slightly only in 1989, with the beginning of the November 17 revolution. Democratic changes again entered the life of the university.

Teachers at various departments at one time were the best Czech minds: the ideologist of the Reformation Jan Hus (he became the rector of the university in 1409), the physiologist Jan Purkynė, the physician Jan Jessenius, the chemist and Nobel laureate Jaroslav Heyrovsky, etc.

And today at Charles University, which is a member of the Association of European Universities, about 47 thousand students are educated in 17 faculties. The best teachers from the most famous universities in the world give lectures there. After completing 3-4 years, students receive a bachelor's degree, but the master's degree is preferable, which can be achieved 6 years after the start of training.

Faculties of Charles University:

  1. Faculty of Catholic Theology
  2. Evangelical Theological Faculty
  3. Hussite Theological Faculty
  4. Faculty of Law
  5. First Faculty of Medicine
  6. Second Faculty of Medicine
  7. Third Faculty of Medicine
  8. Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
  9. Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Kralove
  10. Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Kralove
  11. Faculty of arts
  12. Faculty of Science
  13. Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
  14. College of Education
  15. Faculty of Social Sciences
  16. Faculty of Physical Education and Sports
  17. Faculty of Humanities

Getting into Charles University is not so easy. You will be required to nostrify your certificate, knowledge of the Czech language and pass entrance exams depending on your specialty. Studying at Charles University is free, but to enroll there you need to take preparatory courses, which cost a lot of money. Don't forget about accommodation and food.