Thuja dutchana. Thuja - types and varieties. Thuja occidentalis "Aurea"

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    We vacationed in September with children, we liked everything. The room is quite old but clean. Lots of greenery. The downside is that there is not a single supermarket nearby. Nearby there are only small shops designed only for tourists. The beach is good for small children and for those who don’t really like to swim with a mask (the bottom is empty, just sand).


    The hotel was chosen according to the criteria - first line, sandy beach, variety of food, the territory must be green. We got everything right 100%. The beach is very, very clean, the entrance is gentle and not a single pebble, the sand is fine and pleasant... Children are just a pleasure .This best beach in Turkey. The hotel belongs to the ALBA chain. Our resort was the oldest, but its territory is the best - you can’t count all kinds of greenery, there are a lot of bushes and trees, beauty for the eyes. Read completely

    The hotel was chosen according to the criteria - first line, sandy beach, variety of food, the territory must be green. We got everything right 100%. The beach is very, very clean, the entrance is gentle and not a single pebble, the sand is fine and pleasant... Children are just a pleasure .This is the best beach in Turkey. The hotel belongs to the ALBA chain. Our resort was the oldest, but its territory is the best - you can’t count all kinds of greenery, a lot of bushes and trees, beauty for the eyes. There are sooo many gardeners in the mornings. They are watching. There is a separate children's playground in the style of the Smurfs - it's cute. Near it there is a stable with 2 horses. There are several swimming pools for kids. I don't think anything went swimming in them. Not the first line (because to the sea you need to walk along an alley (downhill) for about 7 minutes - past the promenade and the zoo (we didn’t really like it - the rabbits are the coolest, and the rest of the animals are not very well-groomed and midges fly there and bite). Sun loungers it wasn’t always enough, but if you turn to the scourge, he will find them. We were there in September - the sea was warm. At night we went to the beach to watch crabs. There is animation on the beach, only a game of volleyball. For children, I didn’t see animation on the beach - only on the hotel grounds. .Banana, cheesecake, parachute - everything is there. Food. I was very worried about this - both children have allergies. There is a separate table for children - this is just nonsense - sausages... everything that is definitely not good for the child. They fed from the common table. .the choice of dishes is huge, really. There are 3 rooms in the restaurant, in the evening they opened a 4th balcony for dinner, but everyone wanted to go to it - it was hot, so there were few seats there (mostly Germans, who pay for the waiter to take their place). and decorated. The waiters clearly treat the Germans better - those on the balcony). In the common rooms of the restaurant there are waiters - they bring drinks, which is also convenient. I took food, the waiter brought alcohol or soda. You have to take tea or coffee yourself. You drank alcohol white and red wine - bottled and I really liked it - not powder, and whiskey also bottles. Food - just 5 points - every day fish in different types (that’s what I was waiting for), salads, purees, grills, meat (that is, everything There was also fish in several preparations, meat, burgers, chicken, nuggets, side dishes - everything was replenished instantly, there was a lot of baked goods, sweets and honey in honeycombs were brought right out. Room. We had a standard room, but after paying $25 at the reception we got a two-room room and we didn’t wait for check-in, and at 10 am we were already in the room. The room overlooking the pool is quiet. With a balcony. Two rooms - a bedroom for us and children in another room with a bed. The mattress is excellent. The minibar was replenished, water and soda. Russian channels. The furniture is, of course, not very new and not so modern, but everything is clean and very neat. Air conditioning. Soap - not bags, but very liquid dosed good soap given. Didn’t dry out the skin after the sun. They changed everything without any problems if you asked and gave extra. Animation - an imported show every evening, the children were delighted with the children's animation, the girl lit up the discos for them, spoke both Russian and English - in general, both mothers and fathers danced. Exit the hotel - if you go to the right, there is only a pharmacy (they understand Russian there), to the left there is a large market and rental of electric cars is $12 per hour, and everything can be bought at normal prices - butter, sauce, sweets by weight (by the way, it’s better to go a little further and come to a road intersection, cross the road there and go left - the market will start again - everything is cheaper there). Local wine NAR - excellent - who likes fruit wines - this is for you, price 8-12 $, sauce 3-5, oil liter KRISTAL -8-12. stop right at the hotel - it’s a 20-minute drive to Side, keep in mind that all museums are only accessible with local money. Everything can be seen for free, the architecture is impressive. Get off at the stop in Side (the final one) and go straight to where everyone is)))))) To the shopping centers We didn’t go - we were there, it was a pity to spend time there. But people said they liked it, but the prices were the same as ours at sales. Maybe I missed something, I just wanted to write a little, as there is not a single review about this hotel.

Thuja .

Thuja- it is decorative, evergreen coniferous plant with a dense crown of the Cypress family. Thuja can be either a shrub or a tree. Thujas live up to 90 - 200 years.
A little history...
The homeland of thuja is America. Americans call it the “Tree of Life.” Europeans also could not help but notice the beauty and unusual shape tree and soon brought it to Old light in their gardens and parks. Thuja was brought to Russia in the 18th century, and it grew on the Black Sea coast, in the Crimea and in the Caucasus. Today Thuja can be found throughout Russia, as in more southern territories, and in the North of our country.
Highlighted in culture a large number of thujas have interesting pyramidal and spherical shapes, and their growth patterns are dwarf and tall. Thujas look great both in single plantings and in group plantings. This is a wonderful landscaping agent for our gardens, it is used in hedges and fences, it goes well with other garden plants, and also looks good on, which have gained great popularity in our time, alpine roller coaster and rock gardens. Thuja will decorate any garden with its beauty, purifying the surrounding air from harmful impurities and imparting a wonderful aroma. They are planted along paths in the garden, planted in alleys. Thujas tolerate cutting well and can be given different shapes.

Types of thuja
In nature, there are five types of thuja: Western, Chinese, Korean, Japanese and folded. All species are evergreen, so they are ideal for decorative landscaping. Moreover, all types of thuja differ in their crown shape, the color and shape of the needles, and their fragrant smell.

Thuja japonica - a tree reaching a height of 18 meters and having soft needles. Homeland - Japan. Frost-resistant, very tolerant low temperatures. Unpretentious in care and not demanding on moisture. But it cannot grow in polluted cities, since it is demanding on the cleanliness of the surrounding air, due to this it is not widespread.

Thuja Korean - a tree with a wide crown and spreading branches with soft needles. Homeland - Korean Peninsula. With unusual long (up to 20 mm) leaves with an elongated triangular-ovate shape. The color of the needles on the back side is a bright silver tone, on the front side it is a dark green tone. In Russia, it grows only in the southern regions, as it does not tolerate frosts above -100C.

Thuja giant or folded - This is a very beautiful shrub, resembling a cypress in appearance. The fastest growing type of thuja (up to 30 cm per year). Pyramid-shaped, 15 meters high and 3 - 5 meters wide. The needles of this species are shiny and dark green in color, with white spots below, and have a strong aroma. Winter-hardy and wind-resistant, does not tolerate high temperatures, grows well in humid areas. There are many varieties of thuja foldata.

Arbor vitae - This is an Asian species. Most often it has the form of a bush, reaching a height of 18 meters. It has cones 1-3 cm long. The branches are flat and grow vertically, not horizontally, like other species. Light- and heat-loving, drought-resistant, not demanding on soils, not winter-hardy.

Thuja occidentalis - the most popular type.
The tree is pyramidal in shape, reaching 15 - 20 meters in height and 3 - 5 meters in width. It has inconspicuous greenish-yellow flowers and red-brown cones. Thuja occidentalis has dark green needles, which are lighter below, and at winter time the needles turn brown, but turn green again in the spring. The root system is fibrous, branched, can lift road surface. Western thuja It grows well in partial shade and in the sun; if it grows in dense shade, it thins out, which spoils its appearance. It is not whimsical, is not picky about soil, and also grows well in humid and cool areas, does not tolerate drought and heat. Wind resistant. This species is suitable for cultivation in all regions. Thuja occidentalis is a long-lived tree, living up to 1000 years or more. The thuja occidentalis species has many varieties that have a variety of shapes, but thujas are especially distinguished for their beautiful and unusual geometric shapes: pyramidal, columnar, spherical and others. Also prized are dwarf and low-growing thujas and those with needles of unusual colors: golden, white-variegated.

IN middle lane A widespread species is the thuja occidentalis; other species in our area are not yet oklematized and are therefore dying. This species is the most unpretentious and undemanding to growing conditions.

Conditions for growing thuja
Thujas are unpretentious and grow in almost any conditions and on any soil: sand, clay, turf.They prefer lush, moist, fertile, slightly acidic soils.They grow well in the sun and in partial shade; in the shade they lose their attractiveness and begin to thin out. It is better to choose an area where there is no sun all day long. Trees do not like drought and high temperatures. In early spring, thuja can get a sunburn, which then quickly recovers. Thujas are moisture-loving and can grow on damp areas, but do not like close proximity groundwater(closer than 2 m), at the same time they are drought-resistant, although in very dry times it is better to sprinkle twice a week so that the needles do not lose their decorative properties. Arborvitae can be grown in open ground, and also as a potted crop. Can be used in single and group plantings, as a hedge.

Planting thuja
Thuja is planted in early spring in early April or autumn in October. When planting, the plant should not be buried; sprinkle soil at the level of the root collar, in places where stagnant waters(melt or rain) it is better to make a small drainage (20 cm). It is important to maintain the correct distance between thujas in a group planting; it can be from 1 to 5 meters, namely, when planting a single-row hedge, the distance is 1 meter, with a double-row hedge - up to 2 meters, and when planting large species thuja in the alley up to 5 meters. It should be remembered that trees will grow not only in height, but also in width.
Thujas with a closed root system take root much easier.

Thuja care
Thuja does not require special care; the main care is watering. As soon as you planted the thuja, then for the first month you should water it once a week, 10 liters each; if there is a drought, then 2 times a week, 20 liters each. Thujas love moist soils, under this condition they will have bright and lush needles. If the soil is dry, the crown will be sparse and the needles will begin to turn yellow. For the first three years, you need to loosen the top layer of soil around the tree to a depth of no more than 10 cm, because root system in thuja it is located almost on the surface of the ground; it should be mulched with sawdust or peat (mulch layer 7 cm). Once a year (it is better to do this in the spring) you need to fertilize the tree with mineral or organic fertilizers. Snowy winter even adult thuja can damage the crown and break branches and therefore should be taken in the fall necessary measures. To protect the crown from heavy snow, the tree is tied up, and in early spring, when there is still snow and the bright sun is already shining, the young tree should be darkened (from sunburn) covering material. Every spring you need to remove dry shoots. Hedge trimming should be done in a moderate amount, no more than a third of the shoot. Keep in mind that thujas should be cut with powerful pruning shears to avoid indentations at the ends of the cut.

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Landscape design plot

Landscape design of a site is a real art, which involves a whole group of specialists. Landscape design is distinguished by individuality, because you are unlikely to find two identical plots: each house with its surrounding area and landscape is unique. Therefore, designers and planners create a landscape design that is suitable only for you and where all your dreams are realized. Landscape design is only limited by your imagination. For example, you need to beautifully decorate your terrace for a pleasant pastime. Or maybe you are dreaming about small pond, where a cascade with murmuring water will be built. If the project includes a swimming pool, then a changing cabin is needed, and the ground around the entire perimeter must be covered with safe materials.
Having equipped a fountain, you can listen to the sound of falling water. For some, the presence of bodies of water personal plot is not necessary, then a landscape design specialist can create the appearance of the presence of water using a “dry” stream. Our fantasy landscape designers is limitless, and the photo gallery of our implemented projects will help you in determining what your summer cottage should be like. Our company employs creative personalities
, who are experienced and highly qualified specialists who are ready to fill your garden with life, which will bring you the joy of communicating with it for many years. Our landscape design studio strives to preserve and improve the natural environment that has developed on the site. In this regard, each tree, shrub or part of the relief, at your request, will become integral organic elements of the new garden design.

Our specialists love their work and will be happy to provide any assistance! Nursery

ornamental plants We are engaged landscaping personal plots, dachas, suburban and urban areas. Our task is integrated approach to landscaping

. We are ready not only to give you beautiful and adapted plants, but to deliver them and plant them. Our plant nursery employs only competent and qualified specialists in various areas

. Each of us has unique knowledge of planting and replanting plants, pruning trees and shrubs, we will tell you how to properly care for your garden and give recommendations on landscape design.
