Practical recommendations: how to glue veneer? How to do veneering yourself - technology and step-by-step instructions Gluing veneer at home

Those who make repairs with their own hands should take a closer look at such material as veneer. He is thin layer wood, that is completely natural material.

It is classified into the following types:

  • standard: made from walnut, oak, cherry and other types of trees,
  • special: varieties of rare and valuable tree species are used for production,
  • root sections of tree species unsuitable for furniture production, but with an interesting pattern and texture (for example, eucalyptus or myrtle),
  • exclusive: has a non-standard texture or size.

The material can be peeled, sawn and planed. The latter has greater value and practicality and is used most often in the furniture industry.

Most often they are glued to MDF veneer, for example, on wall or façade panels. Doors made of natural veneer also look stylish.

This material has an aesthetically attractive appearance and can be glued to any wooden surface. At the same time, the price of the material is quite affordable, so without special financial costs You can transform the interior of an apartment or country house.

The advantages of veneer include:

  • durability,
  • moisture resistance,
  • environmental friendliness,
  • strength.

It should be noted affordable price this material with high aesthetic qualities and practicality. That is why it is chosen for finishing furniture, doors and other interior items at home.

Let's figure out how to properly glue veneer so that it lasts a long time and the surface acquires a beautiful new color.


When working with veneer, it is important to carefully prepare the surface. If it is coniferous material, remove the resin with a knife and treat the area with acetone.

It is also necessary to remove any knots and irregularities, get rid of greasy stains, chips and cracks. To obtain a smooth surface, it is sanded and primed.

Many people are interested how to glue veneer onto chipboard or plywood. It is easiest to work with flat surfaces, for example, a coffee table without protrusions or other shaped elements.

To finish it with veneer, you will need:

  • sheet of white paper
  • iron,
  • thin cutter,
  • sandpaper,
  • glue,
  • wooden block.

Select several sheets of plywood in width and length, preferably with a small margin. Veneer can be simple or figured. In the first case, the fibers are arranged in parallel; in the second, the pattern is more varied, and you can experiment with it.

Apply a thin, even layer of glue to the table surface and to the veneer sheets.

Place a sheet of material on Right place and iron with a heated iron. To avoid burning the veneer, use a white sheet of paper as a layer between the material and the iron.

Iron the heated area with a wooden block.

Place the next sheet slightly overlapping and repeat the procedure. Excess material is carefully cut off.

It is important not to overexpose the glue while it dries, as it quickly loses its properties.

After finishing gluing, make sure there are no air bubbles by tapping the surface. If they remain, cut them with a thin cutter, pour a little glue if necessary and heat them again with an iron.


  • the color of the veneer sheets should be matched to the color of the wallpaper, furniture and other interior elements,
  • veneer sheets of different tree species joined together look original,
  • If you decide to pre-paint the sheets, wash them after painting running water and dry in a warm place, but not near heating appliances.

Thus, following a simple algorithm, you can quickly, easily and inexpensively give a second life to many things in the house, as well as realize your design ideas.

First of all, you need to inspect in detail the surfaces being coated and remove all irregularities, potholes, chips, as well as other damage and defects. It is better to sand the area.

In the case when coniferous lumber is used as a base, be sure to look for the presence of resin, it should also be scraped off with a knife and, for the sake of accuracy, rinsed with a solution (an aqueous 25% solution of acetone or an aqueous 5-6% solution of soda ash). Concentrate the concentration, Since the veneer does not stick well to the knots, it is better to drill them out and erase them, and seal such a space with glue plugs. The moisture content of the veneer should be in the range of 8-10%, and of the parts being veneered - 7-9%.

To level the surfaces of the base, it is possible to use putty of the following composition:
a) rosin - 60 segments zinc white - 30 segments wood flour - 10 segments Rosin must first be melted;
b) urea glue - 67 segments, wood flour - 33 parts.

For gluing veneer, it is best to use protein glues - flesh or bone.

When using prepared glue, be sure to check it. To do this, dip a wooden stick into the prepared mixture and, after mixing the glue, remove it. If an even, continuous, transparent stream flows from the stick, this is good glue and can be used. If, instead of a continuous stream, individual drops flow from the stick, then the glue is too liquid and cannot be used, since the veneer simply will not stick.

If the glue is too thick, the glue slides off the stick slowly, in clumps, or does not flow at all. You can't use this type of glue either. It will lie unevenly on the surface.

To obtain glue of the required thickness, add solid particles of glue in the first case and water in the second. Heat the glue in the glue bottle again to the desired state.

In production conditions, veneer is usually glued in special hydraulic presses heated.

At home, you will have to use the manual “touch” method. Its essence is as follows: a thin layer of glue is applied to the prepared surface with a hard brush along the grain of the wood, making sure that no lumps form and there are no uncoated areas.

After applying the glue, wait a short time for 3-4 minutes and apply veneer sheets.

Having placed the veneer on the base, you need to smooth it with a dampened rag, and then start lapping, and the lapping hammer or iron should be heated to a temperature of about 150-200 ° C, so that during lapping, the glue located under the veneer warms up again and gains stickiness. The veneer should be ground along the grain, from the middle to the edges.

It is very important that during lapping, excess glue and remaining air are squeezed out. Grinding is carried out until the veneer sheets are completely glued. Immediately remove any squeezed out excess glue with a damp cloth.

Sometimes veneer gluing is done as follows: a layer of glue is applied to the base and remains there until it dries. After about an hour, the surface of the glue is moistened with a dampened rag, veneer is applied and rubbed in with a heated iron. The veneer is glued very quickly and reliably.

You can assemble small sheets of veneer into a set before gluing required sizes. To do this, the veneer sheets are laid out according to the selection, face up, the trimmed edges are carefully joined and secured with adhesive tape. The set is turned over and can be applied to the surface to be tiled.

And yet, at home, preference is usually given to sticking individual small sheets onto the surface sequentially, one after the other. In this case, the sheets are usually glued from the middle of the surface to be coated to the edges. The glue is not applied to the entire surface at once, but only to the place where the veneer sheet is glued specifically (remember: we numbered and outlined the set).

The main difficulty when veneering with individual sheets may arise due to the fact that moistened veneer has the ability not only to curl, but also to expand across the grain. And therefore, after you have lapped the first sheet of the set and glued the next sheet next to it along the joint parallel to the grain, a fold will form from the expansion of the veneer.

If you rub this place again by moving the entire sheet, then after drying, when the veneer sheet shrinks slightly, the seam will separate. To prevent this, the subsequent sheet is not rubbed close to the previously glued one, but with a slight overlap on it. Once the veneer has expanded, the lap is cut by cutting through both sheets of veneer.

The cut strips of veneer are removed. The junction of both sheets is again rubbed with a heated iron. To ensure that the seam does not come apart when it dries, adhesive tape is glued over the seam, which is subsequently peeled off.

Quite often, people carrying out repairs or working with wood may need to stick veneer onto the surfaces being treated. At the same time, it is very important to know how to glue veneer correctly, because the final appearance of the surface that is being pasted depends on this.
The preliminary stage consists of inspecting, leveling and cleaning the surfaces on which they plan to glue the veneer. If there are unevenness and damage on this surface, they must be eliminated using a plane or sandpaper with varying degrees of grit. If the tree releases resins, they must be removed and the area washed with a solution of soda or acetone. Before you start gluing veneer, you need to make sure that the surface of the wood is completely clear of debris, dust or small sawdust. If they get under the veneer, it can lead to poor-quality sizing or the appearance of tubercles. The optimal humidity for veneer is considered to be around 8-10%.
The best types of glue for gluing veneer are bone or protein based glue. On an industrial scale, veneer gluing occurs using heated hydraulic presses. In small workshops or at home, it is possible to perform this procedure manually. Before properly gluing veneer, a small layer of glue must be applied to completely cleaned and prepared surfaces using a stiff brush. In this case, it is important to completely coat the entire surface, but not to allow large sagging or lumps of glue. Places that will carry increased load(corners, ends and edges), it is necessary to coat especially carefully. After a few minutes for the glue to dry, you can begin the process of applying veneer sheets. After applying, the veneer must be carefully smoothed using a damp piece of cloth. The lapping process consists of smoothing the surface with glued veneer with an iron or lapping hammer, with an operating temperature of 150-200 degrees. This procedure is necessary to warm up the glue and improve its adhesion. Grinding must be done from the middle to the edge; it is unacceptable to leave air bubbles or excess glue under the veneer.

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In order to update some interior details, you don’t always need to spend a lot of money; it’s enough to simply cover them with veneer. This applies, first of all, to shelves, doorways in the form of an arch, cornices and much more. At the same time, it is important not only to choose the right quality finishing material, but also the adhesive composition. Next, we’ll look at what glue to use to glue veneer, as well as how to do it correctly at home.

Preparatory work

First of all, it should be noted that the interior items on which the veneer will be glued must be made of chipboard, plywood or furniture boards (most importantly, wood). Their surface should not be greasy, have resin stains, knots, cracks or chips. Existing defects must be filled with wood putty and then thoroughly sanded. Before filling, knots must be removed and, if necessary, a rough surface must be created for better bonding, which can be easily done using a special plane with fine teeth.

What to do with veneer?

After preparing the base, you can proceed to preparing the veneer itself (see video). So, you need to unpack it all and select sheets whose pictures are similar. This is necessary in order to ready product it looked as natural as possible. After marking, the sheets are cut. This can be done at home using sharp knife and rulers. When working with veneer, you need to know that it can be simple and figured. Simple sheets are considered to be those on which the fibers are arranged in parallel, while figured sheets are those with the help of which you can obtain various interesting figures.

Pasting methods

The base on which the sheets will be glued must be degreased, after which it is covered with glue for gluing the veneer. The most popular method of gluing sheets is tightly. The glue for it is thick and applied hot. You need to make sure that it dries on the base, because otherwise the adhesive solution may appear on the surface, especially if the veneer is very thin. After the contact adhesive for the veneer has begun to set, it’s time to lap the sheets. This is done using a special lapping hammer, which is constantly moved in the direction of the fibers.

The grinding process begins in the middle of the sheet, gradually moving the tool heated to 85°C to the edges, while removing excess glue. It is advisable to wet the veneer during operation. warm water. This is done so that the adhesive solution does not have time to dry too quickly. If it so happens that not the entire base was covered with veneer glue, bubbles may form, to eliminate which you will have to cut the sheet with a blade and inject a small amount under it. adhesive composition. After this, the veneer is processed again with a lapping hammer or a warm iron. Thus, you can quite easily glue veneer at home.

Which glue is better?

It is very easy to get confused among the variety of adhesive solutions. What glue is best for gluing veneer to plywood or other similar material (see photo). Very often, when gluing sheets tightly, ordinary PVA glue is used. But it is only suitable for smooth surfaces. More complex elements can only be made using more reliable compounds, for example, adhesive solution For wooden surfaces Titebond. But it is worth noting that it does not cost that little. In addition to the above compounds, veneer can also be glued using polyurethane, epoxy, as well as soluble hide or liquid hide glue.

    It is best to start sanding the base for veneer with fine construction sandpaper and finish with fine sandpaper.

    The color of the veneer sheets must be selected so that they harmoniously combine with wallpaper, furniture, etc.

    The patterns left from sheets made from various types of wood are very interesting.

    With the cold dyeing method, the coating of sheets at home turns out to be more uniform and stable.

    After staining the veneer, it must be washed under running water and then dried in a warm place, but away from direct sunlight.

People who want to update their furniture, but do not have the opportunity to buy new products, should pay attention to veneer. It consists of sheets of wood that come in different thicknesses and colors. The veneer is glued to old furniture which improves it appearance. Such finishing will reliably protect objects from damage in the future, which is why many are interested in the question of how to glue veneer to a base. This is quite possible at home.

How to glue veneer: description of the main types of material

How to glue veneer correctly?

There are also root cuts of trees, from which nothing can be created on furniture production. However, they are still used because of the unusual pattern.

What glue should I use to glue veneer?

When working with thin wood, it is better to use contact adhesive. It provides strong adhesion to surfaces. You can also try a different type of glue.

  • PVA. Suitable for gluing even parts when this is done tightly using a hot iron.
  • Titebond. It is considered a professional moisture-resistant solution and is suitable for working with more complex elements.
  • Epoxy resin. It is also used for adhesion of thin wood to plywood and fiberboard, but not everyone likes it.

Remember that veneer is a porous material, so lubricate it only with thick glue that does not contain water-based solvents.

How to glue veneer at home?

Gluing veneer to a base is also called veneering. When performing the procedure, follow certain rules:

  1. Prepare the surfaces to be bonded so that they are clean and level.
  2. Inspect the veneer. If it has a layer of glue underneath protective film, remove it and go over this place with an iron.
  3. If there is no adhesive layer, apply it, and when everything is dry, glue the strip of wood to the base.
  4. How to glue veneer with an iron? Do this by smoothly guiding the device along the direction of the wood grain.
  5. Then be sure to varnish the veneer to protect it from external influences.