Nordmann fir (Caucasian): description, planting, cultivation and care in a summer cottage. Caucasian fir. Growing a tenacious conifer Caucasian fir in a pot for the New Year


Nordmann fir or Caucasian fir (Abies Nordmanniana)- very popular as Christmas tree. Very beautiful conifer tree, regular wide-conical shape. Once cut, it does not shed its needles for a long time. Such Christmas tree will remain fluffy for up to 10 weeks. But it is sensitive to dry air, so regular spraying is necessary. The natural habitat of these beautiful plants is the western part of the Caucasian ridge, where they form entire fir forests. Grows together with oriental spruce and beech. Caucasian fir- a tall, large tree, reaching a height of up to 50 m (there are specimens 80 m tall), with a diameter of about 7 m. Lives up to 700 years. The growth per year is about 15 cm, but in natural conditions it grows faster. The needles are dark green, shiny, up to 4 cm long, with reverse side lighter with two longitudinal stripes. The needles last up to 13 years. When rubbed it has a citrus smell. The cones are large, grow upward, brown-brown in color, and green at the beginning of ripening. Nordmann fir has high shade tolerance. Soils for Caucasian fir Light, neutral and slightly alkaline are suitable. But it can also grow on soils that are poor in composition. Reproduces only by seeds. Easily tolerates frosts down to -30° C. Under natural conditions it grows to the upper limit of forest vegetation. It needs watering in the spring; during dry periods, weekly sprinkling is sufficient. Loves moist air. But it does not tolerate waterlogging and soil compaction. Has deep root system. Two years after planting young plants, fertilizers can be applied. Does not require formative pruning. It grows poorly in urban environments due to sensitivity to air pollution.

Size: 50 m in height, growth per year is about 15 cm. With age, the growth rate increases. At 30 years of age, the height of the tree reaches 10 m.
Crown shape: Regular wide-conical, lower branches descend to the ground.
Needles: Dark green, long, with characteristic light stripes below.
Fruit: Large, green at first, then becoming brownish-brown in color. Up to 15 cm in length.
Light: Sun, partial shade, grows well in shade.

Undemanding to soils. Suitable with fresh, fertile, loamy, slightly acidic to alkaline substrates.Prefers damp places.

Frost resistance:

Frost-resistant. In the cold season, m Young growths must be protected from frost. Requires protection from strong winds, butIt is wind-resistant in sufficiently humid places.


Nordmann fir Most often used as a New Year's tree. In landscape design it is widely used for landscaping parks and gardens in North America And Western Europe. Suitable for single and group plantings. It is rarely used for urban landscaping due to weak stability to air pollution. Prized for its high quality wood.

As spectacular decoration The garden plot may include an evergreen plant, Nordmann fir, from the genus of the same name. If simple agrotechnical requirements for cultivation are observed, the tree will delight the eye with rich colors for many years.

Nordmann fir, also known as Caucasian fir, is presented coniferous trees, which in wildlife can grow from 60 to 80 m in height.

When choosing a plant for decorating a site, it is necessary to take into account a number of features of fir:

  • Crown - trees have a dense crown in the shape of a cone, the diameter of which can reach 3 m.
  • Trunk – the diameter of a powerful trunk at a maximum height can be 2 m.
  • Needles – dense needles up to 4 cm long and colored green.
  • Flowering phase is observed annually in the second half of spring, when male and female flowers are formed. female flower is represented by a green earring, and the male one by a reddish spikelet.
  • Cones are vertically attached fruits 20 cm long, the color of which changes from green as they mature to brown.
  • Root system - the taproot rhizome, when planted on rocky soils, can be located closer to the surface.

Common varieties and types

Based on the type species, breeders have developed various varieties, from which a gardener can choose the one that is most attractive to him.

  • Golden Spider is a dwarf variety that, after 10 years of intensive development, does not exceed 1 m in height and diameter. The needles are colored golden yellow, becoming whitish closer to the base.
  • Jadviga is a fairly heat-loving variety, characterized by rapid growth rates. The crown is formed by densely spaced shoots covered with dark green needles.
  • Pendula – variety presented large trees, which grow quite slowly. Graceful branches form a dense crown of bright green color.

Preparing and planting fir in a summer cottage

Since fir is an undemanding crop, every gardener has the opportunity to grow it if he responsibly fulfills a number of mandatory requirements.

Site selection and soil preparation

Caucasian fir can be planted both in sunny areas and in shady areas of the garden. The crop prefers fertile and loose soils. But if the tree ends up on heavier soil with an acidic reaction, the plant will still take root and continue to grow.

Timing and technology of planting

Seedlings purchased with a closed root system can be planted from spring to autumn, guided by the following requirements:

  • Digged for seedlings landing pit 60 cm deep and 80 cm wide.
  • A drainage layer is placed at the bottom of the hole, which will further protect the tap root system from stagnation of moisture.
  • The drainage is sprinkled in the form of a mound with a soil mixture of peat, sand, humus and loam in equal parts.
  • Next, the seedling is installed.
  • The recess is filled with the prepared substrate, which upon completion planting work compacts and moisturizes.

Features of caring for ornamental plants

Caring for Nordmann fir is simple and involves only standard care measures.


It is necessary to moisten fir abundantly only at a young age. When the tree matures and develops a taproot system, it will be able to receive moisture from the deeper layers.

Soil treatment

In order for the plant to grow healthy and not lose its decorative appearance, it is recommended to carefully free the tree trunk circle from weeds for several years after planting. If you use mulching, you won’t have to weed frequently. Over time, fallen pine needles will naturally create a layer of mulch.

Feeding and fertilizer

Feeding should begin after the plant reaches five years of age. The most optimal fertilizers are liquid mineral complexes For coniferous crops. Agrochemicals are applied during the active growing season.


There is no need to form a crown for Nordmann fir. But sanitary pruning, in which dried, damaged branches are removed, should be carried out every spring. The cut areas must be treated with garden varnish.

Protection from diseases and pests

The fir species is resistant to diseases and pests. But with constant overflows or planting of poor quality planting material The development of rust and gray rot may occur, which can be controlled by spraying with a fungicide. If the conifer is populated by false scale insects, spider mite, fir moth or Hermes, then you should resort to using an insecticide.

How to prepare Nordmann fir for winter

Caucasian fir has excellent winter hardiness, which only improves over the years. But young seedlings should be protected from frost by mulching trunk circle fallen leaves and covering the trunk with spruce branches.

Plant propagation

Due to the poor survival rate of cuttings, the typical species is propagated at home by seed:

  1. Fir seeds are stratified for 2 months by keeping the container with the seeds in the refrigerator.
  2. In spring, crops germinate.
  3. When the seedlings get stronger, they dive into separate containers, where they are grown before planting in open ground for 5-7 years.

Use in landscape design

Landscape compositions using Nordmann fir are varied and depend on the variety:

  • Tall varieties look impressive in single plantings on the lawn in front of the house.
  • Low-growing representatives are widely used when decorating the lower tier of alpine slides.
  • Medium-growing and slow-growing varieties go well with deciduous evergreen shrubs– boxwood, Thunberg barberry.

So, if a gardener has a desire to decorate personal plot conifer, then you can safely choose Nordmann fir, which is distinguished by its effectiveness and ease of care.

Evergreen coniferous plants always attract attention, and all thanks to their fluffy and fragrant branches, beautiful and slender shape. As a rule, these are forest dwellers; they are poorly adapted to polluted city air. Therefore, to enjoy the beauty and aroma, it is best to plant a coniferous plant in a garden at the dacha or country house. Many landscape designers advise paying attention to a tree such as Nordmann fir. Caring for it is quite simple, the most important thing is to choose the right place, compare the conditions that are most suitable for it with the climate in your region. In addition, it does not require additional pruning or crown formation, having a naturally beautiful shape.

Nordmann fir: description

This evergreen tree is also native to Asia Minor. It differs from the white variety in its higher decorative properties. The color of the bark is light gray, matte. The needles are dark green, rich in color with a characteristic shine and length from 15 to 40 mm, which creates a feeling of fluffiness. If you rub a few needles in your hands, you will immediately feel the tartness. citrus aroma - distinctive feature Nordmann fir. Compared to other relatives, this species grows very quickly. It can reach a height of up to 50 meters and a crown diameter of 7-8 m.

Nordmann fir has very unusual cones, large - up to 20 cm in length, cylindrical, abundantly covered with resin when mature. In addition, it is a long-liver, growing in nature for 500-800 years, and easily tolerates frosts down to -25-30 degrees. Caucasian fir (Nordmann) is popular in Europe as seeds and already mature plants in pots are actively sold in markets, stores, and via the Internet. The last option is the most humane; you can dress up the fir for New Year and Christmas, and plant it in the garden in the spring.

What place to choose on the site

Nordmann fir is a predominantly partial shade plant, although it can withstand both shade and bright sun. Due to its well-developed and powerful root system, it is resistant to winds. It is demanding of clean air and does not tolerate gas pollution in cities and industrial areas; this must be taken into account when choosing a location. Nordmann fir is unpretentious, but still does not like to be disturbed. Therefore, the location on the site must immediately be chosen as permanent, so that later there are no numerous transfers. IN natural environment habitat, but, for example, the Nordmann fir in the Moscow region will annually produce an increase of only 12-15 cm.

How to choose a plant

If you purchase seedlings, it is best to do it in the store and choose those in individual containers. Young firs with a bare root system take root worse and there is a high risk that the plant will die, especially for specimens that are sold on the market. An alternative is to buy fir from a nursery and have it dug up before your eyes. You should not take seedlings that are too small; it is best to give preference to medium-sized specimens aged 4-5 years. Be sure to carefully inspect the plant for damage by pests or fungal diseases.

The soil

It is best to plant Nordmann fir, like other conifers. in early spring- in April - or in the fall, in September. The depth and width of the hole depend on the size of the seedling and its root system, but not less than 70 cm in depth and width. Nordmann fir is undemanding in terms of soil composition, but still prefers loamy and light-textured soils. For better survival, you can prepare the soil for planting yourself. To do this, you need to mix clay, humus, sand and peat in a ratio of 2:3:1:1. It is recommended to add mineral fertilizer. At the bottom of the hole, be sure to pour a 20 cm layer of drainage (brick chips, large river sand, pebbles, sawdust). It is advisable to make the distance between trees in a group planting 3-5 meters; plants will look good individually, and the dwarf form is allowed even in a flower bed.

and watering

Nordmann fir does not like dry air, so you need to take into account specific climatic conditions when choosing this tree for your site. If the summer is too hot, you can spray the trees, but this should be done after sunset or early in the morning. The tree prefers moist soil, but without stagnant water, which is why it is needed good drainage upon landing. Usually, an adult fir needs enough natural moisture in the soil, so additional artificial watering is required only in the case of a very dry summer (2-3 times per season). Feeding should begin in the second or third year of growth. In the spring, granules of special fertilizers are added to the mulched soil near the tree trunk to coniferous plants or use Kemira-universal.

But young specimens of Nordmann fir need to be watered regularly at first, thereby maintaining the necessary soil moisture so that the plant can take root better. The circle around the tree must be weeded to remove weeds and it is advisable to mulch with peat or sawdust.

Growing from seeds

This is the main method of reproduction. Some sources also talk about cuttings, but this is quite difficult and the success rate is very small. You will have to wait at least six months for the roots to appear on the cuttings.

Nordmann fir seeds can be purchased or collected from an adult tree; this must be done before the cones open. Best time for planting in the ground - autumn. Fresh seeds have a very high germination rate. You can start planting in the spring, but for this you need to subject the seeds to stratification, and sow them at the end of March-April in shallow containers, to a depth of 1.5-2 cm. The temperature for seedlings is required 18-25 degrees, germination occurs on average after 3- 4 weeks.

Young seedlings need shading - this is important condition their successful growth. When the plants reach 15-20 cm, they can be planted on permanent place. In conditions severe frosts seedlings must be covered with spruce branches or special material, as there is a threat of freezing to the level of snow cover.

Pests and diseases

Nordmann fir is practically not susceptible to various kinds of diseases and pests, which is another big advantage when growing it on the site. But with excessive moisture or selection wrong place where there is stagnation of water, may appear fungal diseases, most often it is rust. At the first signs of damage, the tree should be treated with a solution of copper sulfate.

The most common pests are fir aphids and fir moths, which attack shoots. In this case, there can only be one way out - treatment with a solution of special insecticides. It also doesn’t hurt to do this for prevention in the spring.


If the garden area is small, then experts advise planting decorative forms - these are weeping, gray, erect, golden Nordmann fir (photo).

They all differ in the color of the needles, as well as the shape of the crown and size. The golden Nordmann fir grows only 1 meter in height in ten years. It has unusual needles of golden yellow color. Widely used in the southern regions for rock gardens. Weeping fir resembles a willow in shape, long shoots hang down, and is also small in size.

If the site requires beautiful tree, shade-tolerant and fast-growing, then, undoubtedly, one of the best candidates will be Nordmann fir. Reviews landscape designers about it are exclusively positive, since thanks to its even pyramidal shape and thick dark green shape it has high decorative qualities with minimal care.

Nordmann fir - amazing ornamental plant which will perfectly decorate your garden plot. The Nordmann or Caucasian fir was first described by the Finnish-Russian botanist Alexander von Nordmann. The tree got its name in honor of him. Caucasian fir belongs to the pine family. The Danish tree, often seen on screens when we watch Christmas films, is nothing more than a cultivated species of our fir or abies nordmanniana.

Description of Nordmann fir

Caucasian fir is a coniferous tree. The evergreen plant can grow up to 60 m and even 80 m in height in natural conditions.

Let's move on to a detailed description:

Under favorable growing conditions, a tree can live for about 700 years! Its growth does not depend on age.

Main varieties

Tree planting conditions

The tree is unpretentious, so the characteristics of your summer cottage will not affect its cultivation in any way. Moreover, growing conditions can be improved artificially.

Selecting a location. Caucasian fir is actively developing areas at an altitude of approximately 1200 m above sea level. m. In low areas it does not grow so well, but when ornamental cultivation it doesn't matter. main feature– the ability to grow actively both in the shade and in places that are well lit. Strong winds are not scary for the tree, but the level of air humidity in the place where it grows should be high.

The soil. The tree prefers soil that is nutritious and rich in mineral fertilizers. Planting is recommended in loams, but also in more acidic soil there is good growth.

Landing rules

Caucasian fir reproduces exclusively by seeds, which are stratified 1.5-2 months before planting. The seeds are placed in soil, previously poured into a container, and left in the refrigerator or basement. In the spring, the seeds are germinated in a warm place, and the resulting seedlings are planted in larger containers.

As a rule, a tree is grown in pots for 5-7 years and only then is it transplanted into open ground. This is explained by the instability of young seedlings that can die under unfavorable conditions.

The following plants can be planted nearby:

  • larch;
  • Rowan;
  • Thunberg barberry;
  • pine;
  • juniper.

Taking into account the above, it is better to plant fir on the site using seedlings purchased from a nursery. A hole is made for it, 60 cm wide and 80 cm deep. It is recommended to add a layer of drainage to the specified depth, which is required when planting (gravel or crushed stone is used).

For the successful development of the tree, a mixture of the following ingredients is prepared:

  • sand – 14%;
  • humus – 14.5%;
  • peat – 42%;
  • clay – 28%.

Complex fertilizer is added to the mixture, and part of it is poured into a slide at the bottom of the hole. The roots are spread along this hill, then everything is completely covered with soil, leaving only the root collar above the surface of the earth. Watering is only needed when planting.


Periodic watering and fertilizing are required, carried out only during the growing season. Only young seedlings are watered; mature trees do not need to be watered at all, because their roots are quite capable of providing sufficient moisture.

They begin to feed the plant 5-6 years after planting. Liquid complex preparations for fertilizing coniferous species are recommended as fertilizers.

Young seedlings are extremely sensitive to proximity to weeds, and therefore it is important to keep the area around the trunk clean. To maintain this very cleanliness, it is recommended to regularly mulch the soil around the tree using rotted sawdust.


In general, the tree does not require pruning, but if you need to make the tree more decorative, pruning is done. Old trees with a lot of dry branches are pruned. So that the appearance of the tree does not deteriorate because of them, the branches are carefully cut down, and the cut points are processed.

Pests and diseases

More detailed description problems:

Nordmann fir begins to bear fruit quite late. As a rule, you have to wait 10-20 years before fruiting begins. This process begins faster in hybrid varieties.

It should be taken into account that if there is insufficient moisture, the needles and shoots may dry out, so for planting, choose the variety on the site that has the highest probability of survival.

Relaxing in a park or walking in a park, going on a hike or going on a picnic in the forest, we notice a huge abundance of coniferous plants, which, without any doubt, delight us with evergreen colors, a unique aroma and unforgettable beauty.

Fir belongs to the pine family and includes about 50 species. IN Russian Federation(RF) such interesting specimens are very popular:

  1. Siberian fir;
  2. Korean;
  3. Caucasian

Siberian fir

Siberian fir – the most common type on the territory of the Russian Federation (Western, Eastern Siberia). Maximum height trees reaches about 35 meters. The trunk is tubular at the top and fissured at the bottom. The trunk diameter can be about 0.6 meters. The wood is pale yellow, actually white.

The photo of Siberian fir impresses with its huge abundance of cones, thin branches, abundantly covered with fragrant, non-thorny needles, and a narrow conical crown. The tree has an oblong tap root that goes deep into the ground, from which a huge number of lateral roots extend. Thanks to its strong root integrity and columnar crown, the Siberian beauty is resistant to gusty winds.

Powerful root system

However, on wet loamy, calcareous soils tree forms shallow root system. In particular, it is present on the roots. The bark of the plant is in most cases thin, dark gray in color with slight thickenings, which contain colorless, odorous turpentine, called “fir balsam.”

Tree buds are shrouded protective layer resins and are reliably protected by tightly adjacent scales. Lighting - shade-tolerant, but can grow excellently in illuminated places. Blooms in May average duration life about two hundred years. Therefore, you should take a photo against the backdrop of this beauty.

One of distinctive features Siberian fir from other conifers - shedding of scales from cones after ripening. After which protruding rods remain on the branches for a long time.

Korean fir - description

Korean fir or Koreana has an extensive cone-shaped crown and short, succulent needles. By the way, the height is within 15 meters. The branches grow in layers, and the cones look like small purple or blue cylinders (5-7 centimeters). It is well adapted for cultivation in the northern regions of Russia ( winter-hardy variety), has several subspecies that differ in scale and crown configuration.

It should also be noted that Korean fir is rarely used in landscape design of urban areas, because the tree is very susceptible to air pollution. Meanwhile, outside the city limits, in particular, on one’s own property, it is used without problems.

Korean fir - grows well in conditions middle zone, in mixed forests, and is also found in the wild, usually in the mountains, at an altitude of 1000 to 1850 meters above sea level. The needles (leaf) of this tree are glossy, two-colored - white below and dark green above.

Cones give auxiliary beauty to a tree in its adult status. The cone is distinguished by its rich purple or blue color and impressive size, which reaches about 10 centimeters in length and 4 centimeters in width. Inside are Korean fir seeds, which are oval-shaped spheres of a dark brown hue.

Fir is quite shade-tolerant, but is better formed with sufficient lighting. In the first years of life, it is better to organize partial shade; in the future, they can grow in open sunny areas. It is quite moisture-loving and needs abundant watering during dry summer times. On hot days, it is advisable not to forget about sprinkling the crown at least once a week. These plants look great in any season, so they are widely used in landscape structures.

One of the significant qualities of using Korean fir is the leisurely growth of these plants. In the conditions of the central Russian zone, the annual growth does not exceed 3-5 centimeters. For example, a thirty-year-old fir’s height varies within 3 meters. In addition, there are dwarf ornamental trees that are suitable for landscaping small dacha areas. The Korean fir in the photo looks great not only in combination with deciduous and coniferous trees, but also with shrubs.

Korean fir looks especially impressive in the photo next to birches, red-leaved maples and purple-leaved varieties. Small dwarf varieties fir trees are successfully combined with similar varieties of thuja, pine, cypress, spruce and juniper and are perfect for landscaping rocky mountains and planting in tubs. Perennials can become ideal neighbors for Korean fir. flowering plants, as well as fruit and berry crops.

Fir meets the main traditions of New Year's trees, and therefore it is not surprising that it is often used as a Christmas tree, for example, in the middle of a lawn. Possessing a lush crown, it will be able to preserve the picturesqueness of the lower branches for a long time, adding a touch of sophistication to modern design.

In addition, it has a significant advantage purify the air in the area of ​​the entire plot on which it is planted, collecting with its needles all kinds of harmful impurities from environment and releasing phytoncides.

Korean fir varieties

Korean fir - photos and perfect choice:

Korean fir care

During care it is advisable comply with agricultural technology requirements the variety or variety you purchased. In most cases, in the first two years after planting, you should only water the plant from time to time and loosen (superficially) near the trunk to a depth of five centimeters. In addition, it is worth eliminating all weeds and keeping the soil in perfect condition. In the third year of life, organic and mineral fertilizers. The soil is mulched and loosened. Among rottisite fertilizers, the multi-purpose “Kemira” is recommended. which in the early spring period applied in a volume of 150 milligrams for each plant.

Caucasian fir

The plant was liked by garden owners as a component of their garden space.

A tree of this species outshines its European counterpart rich and bulky crown, beautiful and wide needles, unpretentiousness and variety of colors - all this, of course, serves as a real reason to plant Caucasian fir on your site to create a unique landscape design. Thus, the abundance of cones and the height of the fir will give the garden a certain charm with its compositional completeness.