Craft a flesh golem. Golem Science (Thaumcraft, Description, Instructions) (Magic RPG). Snow Golem in Minecraft

In the Minecraft game, golems protect residents from zombies and other creatures. In order for any type of golem to form independently, special conditions are needed, which, if necessary, can be recreated independently. There are several types of golem: iron, snow, stone, straw, wood.

Making an iron golem in Minecraft

Iron Golem It protects only from mobs; it is powerless against other sinister creatures. For it to transform automatically, the village must have 16 residents and 21 houses. If you cannot create such conditions yet, then you can make an iron golem yourself. To do this you will need a pumpkin, a torch and four iron blocks.

If you can't get blocks, you can make them from 9 iron ingots. Once all the elements are in stock, you can begin creating an iron golem. Place one iron block on the ground, then place a second one on it, attach two more blocks to its sides and place a pumpkin or torch on the block in the middle. After this has been done, the golem will come to life and begin to perform its function. As you can see, there is nothing complicated.

How to make a snow golem?

Role snow golem is very important in Minecraft because thanks to it you can lure the evil villagers into a trap. To build a snow golem, you will need two snow blocks, a pumpkin or a torch. Once all the components are assembled, you can begin construction. Place the snow slabs one on top, attach a pumpkin or a torch on top - you're done, the good mob is all at your disposal.

Making a stone golem

This friendly mob protects the player from zombies and other unpleasant characters in the game very effectively. In order to build it, you will need four stone blocks, a pumpkin or a lamp. Once you have collected all the elements, you can begin construction. First place one stone block, then place another one on top of it, then attach two blocks on the sides, you will get the letter “t”. Place a pumpkin or lantern on top in the middle, now you know how to make a golem in minecraft.

How to make a straw golem in Minecraft?

In order for the player not to remain hungry, it is necessary to build straw golem, he harvests crops and can find them within a radius of 10 blocks. To create it, just right-click on any of the blocks.

Making a wooden golem

Wood Golem He is also a good helper around the house, he collects everything he needs that is around him. To do it, you need to right-click on the chest.

Minecraft is a kind of sandbox for creative people, where you can fantasize and build whatever you like.

Crystal bell - opens itself after studying straw golems. With this tool you can control golems. To select a golem, click RMB on it. You can bind the golem to an inventory block, etc. by clicking RMB. If you click on the block again RMB, then the mark will be removed. Pressing LMB on the golem will allow you to collect it with all the improvements. Pressing Shift+LMB will separate the golem and the improvement, remove the heart.

Golem Upgrade: Air 8 Aer, 5 Motus. Increases speed golem and his ranged attack speed.

Golem Upgrade: Earth - to study you will need the following aspects: 8 Terra, 5 Victus. A golem with this improvement will be able to carry more items. Increases physical damage.

Golem Upgrade: Fire - to study you will need the following aspects: 8 Ignis, 5 Potentia. Increases interface golem up to 2 slots. Golem Melee Attacks set fire to.

Golem Upgrade: Water - to study you will need the following aspects: 8 Aqua, 5 Sensus. Increases line of sight golem, range And accuracy remote attacks.

Golem Upgrade: Order - to study you will need the following aspects: 8 Ordo, 5 Cognitio. Allows you to distinguish mark color. Expands the capabilities of some hearts.

Golem Upgrade: Chaos - to study you will need the following aspects: 8 Xaos, 5 Cognitio. A golem with such a heart begins reflect attacks. But he becomes less organized and attentive.

Improved Golems - golems gain the ability to contain one additional improvement. They move faster and their range of vision increases significantly.


Small cylinders - to study you will need the following aspects: 2 Pannus, 1 Victus, 1 Lucrum. A golem wearing such a cylinder has increased health And strength. All these improvements are equipped by RMB on the golem.

Small glasses- to study you will need the following aspects: 2 Pannus, 1 Sensus, 1 Lucrum. Increases radius of vision.

Little butterflies - to study you will need the following aspects: 2 Pannus, 1 Iter, 1 Lucrum. Increases speed.

Small fezzes- To study you will need the following aspects: 2 Pannus, 1 Potentia, 1 Lucrum. Increases health recovery speed.

Golem Crossbow- to study you will need the following aspects: 2 Telum, 1 Volatus, 1 Lucrum. Allows you to attack remotely.

Golem Visor- to study you will need the following aspects: 2 Tutamen, 1 Sensus, 1 Lucrum. Gives additional protection. Provides drops of experience spheres (I tried it on the server, nothing dropped...)

Golem Armor Plate - To study you will need the following aspects: 2 Tutamen, 1 Metallum, 1 Lucrum. Increases protection and reduces speed.

Golem Sledgehammer- to study you will need the following aspects: 2 Telum, 1 Metallum, 1 Lucrum. Increases damage.

To make the daily gaming routine of Minecrafters easier, the developers created iron and snow golems. Both types of golems described above are necessary, first of all, for protection from monsters.

Crafting an iron golem

The first type of golems is iron. They are ideal for protecting villagers from nightly zombie sieges. In fairly large villages (more than 21 houses with doors, and more than 16 inhabitants), iron golems spawn on their own.

If the village is too small, then the player can create an iron golem himself. To do this you need:

  • Pre-stock on 4 iron blocks and 1 pumpkin/jack-o-lantern;
  • Fold iron blocks vertically in a flat place into the shape of the letter “T”;
  • Place the pumpkin on the central block of the resulting structure.

Thanks to their colossal strength, iron golems kill most monsters with the first blow. However, even they are useless against creepers and ghasts. Also, by the behavior of the iron golem, you can understand the attitude of the villagers towards the player. If the villagers are also friendly to the player, the golem will give him a flower.

Iron golems that naturally spawn in large villages provide an endless source of iron ingots, but they can only be obtained by killing the golem.

Crafting a Snow Golem

The second type of golems is snow. These golems will not defend the village, but will attack all hostile mobs with snowballs. Also, in the places where the snow golem has visited, there will be a layer of snow, from which you can get snowballs with a shovel.

A snow golem is crafted similarly to an iron one, with the only difference being that instead of iron blocks you must use snow ones.

Despite the fact that players can craft golems, the golems themselves are mobs neutral in relation to the player; unfortunately, they cannot be controlled. If the player suddenly decides to attack the golem or the villagers he is protecting, then the neutral attitude of this mob towards the player will certainly change to hostile.

The iron golem serves as the protector of the villagers. It appears automatically when more than 20 doors and at least 10 adults appear in the settlement.

You can make an iron golem in Minecraft yourself. To do this, you need to place four blocks of iron on the workbench, and place a Jack-o'-lantern or pumpkin above them.

Pumpkin is a fairly rare item in the game; as a rule, it appears near settlements. Pumpkin can also be grown from a sprout.

To make a Jack-O-Lantern in Minecraft, you also need to get a pumpkin and craft a torch.

Snow Golem in Minecraft

The snow golem is also not dangerous, and is even useful for the player. With it it is convenient to make a path among the lava. It can also be used to continuously create snowballs. And if you place the golem next to the trap, separating it from it, you can lure evil mobs into the trap. This happens because the snow golem, throwing snowballs, attracts their attention.

To build a snow golem in the Minecraft game, you need to place a couple of snow blocks on top of each other in the crafting window, which can be made from snowballs, and place a pumpkin or Jack-o’-lantern on top.

Stone golem in Minecraft

The stone golem also has protective functions. He can fight hand-to-hand, protecting the player from zombies. This character can also serve as an endless source of arrows.

You can make a golem from stone in Minecraft using the same principle as an iron mod from 4 blocks of stone and a pumpkin.

How to make a golem in Minecraft?

Golem is a neutral mob whose function is to protect villagers from attacks by zombies, evil mobs and other unpleasant characters. There are several types of golems in the Minecraft game. As a rule, they are generated themselves, but this requires certain conditions. Therefore, in this article we will look at how a player can make a golem on their own.

How to make an iron golem in Minecraft?

The iron golem will protect the player from hostile mobs. But he will be powerless against creepers, ghasts, slugs and their lava variations.

First of all, you should choose a place for crafting. For the planned construction you will need a free space measuring 3x3x2.

Now you should get the following items to craft an iron golem:

  • 4 iron blocks;
  • 1 pumpkin;
  • 1 torch.

If iron blocks are not available, they can be crafted from 9 iron ingots.

Now let's look at how to make a golem. First, one iron block is placed on the ground, and another one is placed on it. In addition, on the sides, on the right and on the left, one more block is attached. Then the head is attached to the body. To do this, place a pumpkin or Jack-o'-lantern on top of the blocks to create a cross shape. After this, the golem will come to life.

If you don’t want to craft this mob, you can create conditions for it to spawn on its own. To do this, the village must have at least 16 residents and 21 houses. This way, the iron golem will appear automatically.

How to make a snow golem?

The Snow Golem is very useful for the player. Thanks to him, it will be possible to easily make a path among the lava. In addition, many people use this mob to generate snowballs. It can also be placed next to a trap, and in this way it will be possible to lure many evil mobs into the trap. However, the snow golem cannot cope with them on its own, so you will need to be well armed so as not to fall in battle.

To craft a snow golem you will need the following items:

How to make a snow golem? To craft it, you just need to stack snow blocks on top of each other and place a pumpkin or Jack-o'-lantern on top of them. That's all, the friendly mob is ready.

Players often have problems crafting this or that mob due to the lack of a pumpkin. After all, this is a rather rare item in the Minecraft game. However, pumpkins can be found in the garden, bought or grown from a sprout. You should take care of this item in advance, otherwise you won’t be able to craft a single golem.

How to make a golem from stone?

Stone is the most common material in Minecraft; there is no need to stock it up for future use, as it is always at hand. You can make a stone golem from it. It is also designed to protect the player and serves as a source of arrows, so it will be very useful. To craft a golem you will need the following elements:

  • 4 blocks of snow;
  • 1 pumpkin or jack o'lantern.

To make a stone golem, you need to allocate a free space measuring 3x3x2. Then 4 stone blocks are placed so that the letter T is formed. Now a pumpkin or Jack-o'-lantern is placed at the very top. That's all, the stone golem is ready. He will protect the player from zombies, and he does this very effectively, so you need to get such a bodyguard as soon as possible.

How to make a straw golem?

To make your workday in Minecraft easier, it makes sense to craft a straw golem. To do this, you need to right-click on any block, which will automatically be selected as the anchor location. The straw golem is ready! Once created, it will harvest the following:

  • potato;
  • watermelons;
  • pumpkin;
  • sugar cane;
  • cocoa beans;
  • cacti.

The straw golem is able to see crops within a radius of 10 blocks, so the player will definitely not remain hungry.

Wood Golem

A wooden golem can also be a good helper around the house. To create it, you need to right-click on the chest. After that, he will stand on it, examining the area in search of objects. As soon as the golem sees something, he will definitely pick up the thing and put it in the chest. You can place a chest with a wooden golem in the chicken coop, and if the chicken lays an egg, it will pick it up.