Clematis Multi Blue: description, planting and care in open ground. Clematis "Multi Blue": variety description, photos and reviews Flowers are colored depending on the plant variety

Clematis multi blue – unique variety with large double flowers that captivate at first sight. Knowing how to grow this variety correctly, you can create unique design, decorating gazebos and house facades, providing an admiration of luxurious blooms all summer long.

This variety is attractive not only for its high decorative effect, but also for its unpretentiousness. The variety belongs to the Patens group. This bushy deciduous vine is compact. Its shoots grow up to 2 meters in length during one growing season. Young stems are fragile and very flexible. With age they become denser, but at the same time remain pliable.

  • The root system of the variety is located almost on the surface, and therefore loosening is highly undesirable. Moreover, it is very easy to damage the roots and cause the death of the vine. To prevent the appearance of crust on the soil after watering, its surface must be mulched.
  • The growing season of the vine begins with the first warmth, and the plant quickly grows. Its leaves are oblong, rather narrow, with a pointed end - grow up to 10 cm in length.
  • Flowering and bud formation occur throughout the warm period. The flowers are double, very lush violet-blue in color. The diameter of the flower is 18 cm. Its center consists of many thin stamens of intense pink and, less often, red color. The underside of the petals has slight pubescence.
  • Flower vine is recommended for growing in open ground. However, if desired, it can be planted on the balcony if a large load is allowed. When growing this way, the plant will need a large container of soil.

Planting in open ground

Planting clematis in open ground should be carried out according to certain rules. Violation leads to the fact that the plant becomes very sick and for a long time cannot please with vigorous flowering. If everything is done correctly at the time of planting the seedling in open ground, there will be no further difficulties with growing the vine. The main thing is to give it time to get stronger.

How and when to plant?

The plant should be planted in the spring, before its buds are very swollen. Planting clematis with leaves is highly undesirable, but possible. In autumn, it is also permissible to plant vines, but this period is used only in the southern regions, since there is a high risk that the flower will not have time to take root and will freeze in winter.

  • The plant is planted in a hole 60x60x50 cm. At its bottom, a drainage layer of broken bricks and expanded clay is provided. After this, an earthen mound is formed on which the plant is installed. Its roots are evenly distributed over the mound.
  • The root collar is buried 8 cm. This, when the soil subsides, will prevent exposure of the roots, which, if not immediately noticed, will easily lead to the death of the plant.
  • The soil around the clematis must be compacted, after which it is watered very generously.

Soil and site preparation

The area where clematis will grow is weeded at a distance of at least 1 meter from the hole prepared for the vine. This is necessary so that weeds do not choke the plant. The location is chosen precisely so as not to subject the plant to repeated stress during additional replanting.

  • The soil for the mound is taken from the soil that remains after digging the hole, but enriched with humus, wood ash and manure. The first and third components are needed in the amount of ½ bucket, and the second - in the amount of 2 handfuls. If the soil is particularly poor, then a complex mineral fertilizer(strictly according to instructions).

Landing nuances

It is necessary to plant clematis in a sunny and not windy place, where it will not be exposed to water flowing from the roof. At noon, the area where clematis grows should be in the shade, as this will ensure long-term preservation attractive looking flowers. If they are exposed to the sun all day, they will begin to fade.

Clematis care

Caring for the plant is not difficult if it is properly organized immediately after planting.

Watering and fertilizing

Watering should be regular. In spring, clematis is watered once a week, and 5 liters of water are poured under it. With the beginning of flowering, watering is carried out 2 times a week, using 10 liters of water for each vine. It is necessary to water in the evening, after which the soil is mulched.

They begin to feed clematis from the second year of its growth. Until the buds are laid, they are used nitrogen fertilizers, and then potassium-phosphorus.

Organic matter is added in the middle of the flowering period and at the end of September. For this, a solution of chicken manure is used.


Pruning is done as necessary in order to improve flowering. In June, after the end of the first wave of flowering, weak shoots are cut off. Also at this moment, damaged and diseased stems are removed. Before winter, the plant is cut to a height of 1 meter, as this allows it to be better covered for the winter. Cut the stems so that at least 5 buds remain on them. The plant belongs to type 2 pruning.

Preparing for winter

For the winter, the vine is cut off almost completely, leaving a stem 40 cm long. Cover the clematis on a dry day with light frost. Peat is poured onto the ground around the plant and covered with spruce branches - this will prevent dampness. After this, the already shortened stems are placed on such a pillow, covered with spruce branches and covering material.

In the spring, as the snow begins to melt, the shelter is gradually dismantled, removing one layer at a time every 5 days. This makes it easier for clematis to adapt after winter.

Clematis Multi Blue: diseases and pests

Pests and diseases with proper agricultural technology usually do not affect the plant. If after winter the shoots begin to get a little warm, they should be trimmed as much as possible and the plant should be watered with a weak solution of manganese.


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Multi Blue is a variety of clematis that is very popular among summer residents. These vines are compact, can grow in a group, and produce throughout the summer. beautiful flowers violet color with a blue tint. They can be placed near a gazebo, an open veranda, or a fence made of lattice or mesh. The plant has the ability to hold on to such a fence.

This plant can radically change the appearance of the facade of a house. The liana climbs bushes and conifers of small height.

This plant is charming; many people love Clematis for its beauty.

Exist ways to grow it quickly and ensure flowering in large quantities.

General information about Clematis

Clematis is considered perennial vine, profusely flowering, this plant is considered queen climbing plants . It grows on any continent and is classified as a member of the Ranunculaceae family. Clematis Multi Blue is called Clematis, Lozinka. Botanists have counted two hundred and thirty species of this plant in nature, fifteen species are found in Russia. The shoots of Clematis Multi Blue are about three meters long; with the help of the petioles of their leaves they cling to any objects. The leaves are arranged oppositely, the shape is entire, there are also trifoliate, or with a pinnate dissection.

The flowers are colored depending on the plant variety:

  1. Yellow.
  2. Purple.
  3. Blue.
  4. Blue.
  5. Raspberry.
  6. Pink.
  7. Red.
  8. White.

There are varieties that have small flowers, with a diameter of up to five centimeters. There are also varieties in the large-flowered group. They surprise with their flowers; the size of the flowers reaches twenty centimeters. During the first period of its life, the plant strengthens its root system. When root system strengthened, the plant begins to pay attention to the development of stems and flowers.

It has been established that Clematis grows in the same place for up to twenty years. Blue Clematis is brought to Russia in the form different varieties. Varieties included to the Montana group should not be supplied to areas with cold winters. Clematics of this variety will not develop correctly in cold conditions.

There are Blue vines that have a part above the ground able to adapt to Russian winter. Its vines grow during the season, due to this the size of the bush from the buds increases, they wake up in the spring on shoots from last year that have successfully overwintered. Many species of Lomonos also winter well in Russia.

The following species winter well in Russia:

  1. Patens.
  2. Jacqueman.
  3. Viticella.

Varieties that grow well in the middle zone:

  1. Multi Blue.
  2. Joan Picton.
  3. Gypsy Queen.
  4. Purpurea Plena Elegance.
  5. Ballerina.
  6. Nikolay Rubtsov.
  7. The President.
  8. Hope.
  9. Minister.
  10. Cuba.
  11. Silver stream.
  12. Luther Burbank.
  13. Elegy.
  14. Cosmic melody.


Member of the Patens group, very popular among gardeners. Main advantages:

  1. Compactness.
  2. Attractiveness.
  3. Unpretentiousness.

Gradually, the stems turn into wood. During the looping season, the plants grow approximately two meters. Young shoots are thin, flexible, light brown in color. Later happens compaction of stems, flexibility is maintained, and are securely attached to the support.

The root system is fleshy, has many small roots that are located close to the soil. In this regard, it is better not to loosen the Multi Blue variety, but if you plan to loosen it, then this should be done carefully. Mulching will be very beneficial for the roots of the crop. The unfolding of leaves on the shoots occurs early, as soon as the warmth arrives. The dark green leaves have petioles, they are thin, then they become stronger and become woody. With the help of petioles, the shoots are attached to a support and climb up it. During everything summer season buds constantly appear on the vine.

After some time, the buds turn into flowers; they are double, lush, and consist of four to eight petals. The shape of the petals is correct, they are oblong, their tip is sharp. The variety has several forms, most often with flowers that are blue, purple, or bluish.

Less commonly you can find plants whose petals are pink, with a white edge. The petals have veins and are pubescent underneath. When the flower is fully open, it looks like a bowl, its diameter reaches eighteen centimeters. In the terry center there are many stamens, their color is rich Pink colour, or intense red.

How to land

It is best to plant individually or in a group. in early spring, around mid-May, and also possible in September. If the seedling is in a container or pot, then its root system is considered closed. Such specimens can be planted in summer.

It is recommended to buy seedlings aged two years, since they already have a strong root system that has from four to six strong roots, their length should be from ten to fifteen centimeters. Pruning is carried out or cuttings are separated from the bush, and later pruning is done. The plant can then be sent for sale. Plants are sold in nurseries and garden centers.

It is worth giving preference to such seedlings that were grown in an area that is more similar in climate to the one in which the plant will be planted. Annual seedlings brought from Poland and Holland are more difficult to take root; they will bloom later than necessary. When choosing a clematis seedling that has an open root system, you need to choose one that has many dormant buds.

It is necessary to monitor the moisture content of the roots, they should be without thickening, there should be no signs of rotting on them. With purchased Multi Blue in a container Before planting, you need to keep the root system in water directly in the container for about fifteen minutes. Then the earthen ball must be removed from the water.

For clematis, you need to choose a place on the site where there should be sun. A little shade is also acceptable. It is undesirable for there to be winds in this place; they can break the shoots. You should not place seedlings or cuttings near a solid iron fence, since in the summer it is very hot near a solid iron fence, this will negatively affect the plants.

The distance from the fence to the plants must be at least one meter.

You need to keep in mind that clematis cannot be planted in places where water may stagnate, as they can destroy the plants. Clematis will grow more efficiently in areas where the soil is slightly alkaline. The pit should be spacious, the size is about 60*60*60. You must remember to put drainage in this hole, which can be gravel, pebbles, expanded clay, and small stones. A bucket of compost soil is added to the pot, which is mixed with dolomite flour, the amount of flour is about four hundred grams.

A mound is constructed and garden soil and compost are mixed to create it. The seedling is placed in a hole on a mound. The root neck should be buried eight centimeters. The kidneys need to be sprinkled river sand, after that you need to fall asleep soil mixture, so that water cannot linger at the base of the bush. Over time, a tillering center will form from the buried buds; later there will be a strong bush, it will have many shoots that bloom profusely; neither frost nor the hot rays of the sun will harm them.

When the soil mixture has already been compacted around the seedling, you need to water the planting site. In a situation where there are several seedlings, you need to maintain a distance between them, this is about one and a half meters.

What care should be provided

For clematis to grow vigorously, it needs support. As a support, you can use a trellis, an arc, a lattice or mesh fence, or tree trunks. Some of the branches can be directed along the cord. This plant needs regular watering, once a week. In the hot summer and there is no rain, you need to moisten the soil two or three times a week. To reduce the evaporation of moisture from the soil, you need to mulch it with pieces of bark and compost. It is necessary to pull out weeds near clematis in a timely manner.

According to the European method, which regulates the cultivation of clematis, the root system of the plant cannot tolerate the sun. To solve this issue, our flower growers built lawn near the bush. However, flower growers and soil scientists have found out that if the plants are too close to the roots of clematis, then they take away nutrients from the soil, and clematis shoots grow worse. It has been established that the plant develops maximally with the maximum supply of sunlight to it.

From this it was concluded that the vine is not afraid of the sun, but of insufficient moisture in the soil. Europeans began to water the plant less than ours. If it is possible to water clematis frequently, then you should not make a lawn close to the root system.

Fans of breeding clematis say that good fertilizer- it is alkaline, which has a lot of nitrogen in it. You need to prepare this fertilizer in a barrel of water, add the weeds there, wait for them to ferment there, and put a certain amount of manure in the barrel. After two weeks, this infusion will be ready for use.

This solution should be used to water clematis bushes. If there is a need to speed up the preparation of this fertilizer, you can add the Baikal Em additive to the barrel. If you don’t want to make such fertilizer yourself, you can buy ready-made ready-made fertilizers are made on the basis of ammonia. When choosing, you need to pay attention to the composition, it should contain molybdenum, boron, cobalt, and other elements. It is necessary to frequently add ash under the clematis. You can water it with water to which you have added dolomite flour. Clematis need to be fertilized three times per season.

Feeding should begin starting from the second year after the clematis is planted. Manure should not be poured under vines, as various fungal diseases may develop. During rainy summers, shoots may wilt. This trouble can be avoided by dusting the bottoms of the shoots of vines with ash after a rainstorm. In June, clematis may wilt. A soil fungus may be to blame for this situation. Spraying the vine will help here copper sulfate spring and late autumn. Prevent the disease from developing powdery mildew It is possible if you use the drug Topaz, and you can also powder it with colloidal sulfur. Care will prevent the disease from developing, and the plant will gradually recover.

There are ways to propagate clematis:

  1. At the base of a bush that has already grown, dig up and take away several shoots. This needs to be done in the spring.
  2. Cuttings. This must be done in June. Cut the shoots into two knots. Place one of them in moist soil, cover the other with earth. Place a cap on top, you can use it from a cut-off plastic bottle.

Pruning RULES

Buds will appear on the shoots in early June, then flowers will appear. No need to shorten the loops. In spring and autumn, pruning should be done carefully. Autumn pruning carried out at an altitude of 100-130 centimeters, closer to winter, when cold weather is expected any day, you need to choose a dry day and cover the shoots. You need to put humus under the bush, 25 cm high, and put spruce branches on the raised surface.

Shoots that have been previously trimmed must be carefully removed from the support, rolled into a ring using the ponytail method, tied with wire, and placed on spruce branches. Place the spruce branches again. Cover the slide with non-woven fabric. The last layer needs to be laid plastic film, it needs to be pressed down with bricks from below.

If there are mice and the like, you need to put Storm tablets near the bush, this will protect the shoots.

In most cases, multi blue tolerates frost. The plant may be damaged due to damping off. In spring, you should not be late in opening Multi. Opening should not be done all at once, but gradually. In the first ten days of April, remove the polyethylene and non-fabric, after about four days, remove part of the spruce branches, by the end of April the rest is also removed, provided that the weather is favorable, if the weather is bad, then a little later. If the soil has excessive moisture, you can save the plant with a fungicidal agent, then replant it in another place, such care will help save the plant.

If care is carried out correctly and the environment is favorable, it is likely that clematis will confidently grow shoots in the summer and open large beautiful flowers.