What should a bedroom be like according to Feng Shui? General rules for the bedroom in Feng Shui. Feng Shui bedroom: rules for activating zones

When furnishing a Feng Shui bedroom intended for nighttime rest, we suggest taking the advice of Lilian Tu, a world-famous author of books on Feng Shui and a practical master of ancient Chinese geomancy.

Why is it important to follow the rules of Feng Shui in the bedroom?

Bedroom feng shui has a huge impact on the health and personal happiness of the home owners. In a properly furnished bedroom, energy flows harmoniously, so husband and wife enjoy a life of love and harmony. In such a family there are no divorces or separations; the spouses are healthy, happy and understand each other.

With poor feng shui in the bedroom, the relationship between spouses worsens. It is likely that a third party will intervene in the relationship, and mutual reproaches and discord will begin. In a house where the bedroom is filled with negative energies, you can’t even dream of happiness and health.

It doesn’t matter whether you are married or single, good feng shui in your sleeping room will come in handy. Romantic relationships play a huge role in our lives.

If you choose the life of a single person, then in a properly furnished room you will be able to sleep well, be filled with positive energy, thanks to which you will be lucky in all areas of life.

There is nothing more important than the correct Feng Shui of the bedroom; health, success at work and family happiness depend on it.

What should a bedroom be like according to Feng Shui?

The furthest part of the house or apartment should be allocated for the bedroom. Sharp corners of walls or furniture should not be directed toward the front door of the room from the outside. Dangerous protrusions need to be rounded off, all sharp things should be hidden.


The bedroom is furnished with minimal furniture. A bed, bedside tables and a wardrobe are enough for furnishing. Minimalism in the decor, as opposed to clutter, creates a calm and prosperous atmosphere in the bedroom.

Furniture should be chosen with a matte surface. Glossy materials are not suitable, since any shine should be avoided in the bedroom - it interferes with a good rest.

The bed is the main furniture in the bedroom. A husband and wife should not sleep on a bed with separate mattresses - this will psychologically separate them. A good bed should have legs, as there should be a clear gap between the sleeping person and the floor.

You need to pay attention to the design of the backrest. The bed must have a headboard, and a solid one, not a lattice one. Beds without a headboard are unfavorable from a feng shui point of view. The back should be rectangular; semicircular ones indicate incompleteness and encourage spouses to cheat.

The stock must be stable. Avoid buying round beds or mattresses filled with water. Check the fastenings for security often.

The bed is placed with the head of the bed against the wall, leaving free approaches on the right and left. There should be nothing hanging over the sleeping person’s head, including lamps and chandeliers. The ceiling must be strictly horizontal.

If the ceiling above the sleeper narrows, the person will develop illnesses over time, and in the place above which the ceiling becomes narrower. Feng Shui does not prohibit multi-tiered ceilings and complex shapes, but in the bedroom the ceiling should be simple, horizontal and even.

Never sleep with your feet facing the front door, so as not to invite death on yourself.

Single people who want to find a partner should not sleep on a single bed. Buy a double bed. According to Feng Shui, when we buy something for another person, we energetically attract him to us. If your goal is to remain the loneliest creature in the Universe, then you can continue to sleep on a single bed).


When choosing the color of wallpaper for the bedroom, you need to be guided by the correspondence of the room to the side of the world.

The color of the ceiling should be lighter than the floor. Fashionable design techniques such as a black ceiling and white floor are best left for the living room. According to the rules of Feng Shui, a room for a night's rest is decorated in a classic style - it promotes proper rest and relaxation.


Pictures should depict paired objects or symbols of love. For a couple at the peak of love, the image of peonies is suitable. Experienced spouses should avoid peonies when decorating an apartment, as these flowers cause a surge of love feelings and can contribute to infidelity.

Another flower that can improve the fashion sense of a bedroom is the orchid. A living epiphyte will not work. It is able to draw energy from a person when he is sleeping and in a relaxed position. But paintings depicting orchids would be appropriate. This flower symbolizes harmony in family relationships, especially if its petals have red hues.

In the bedroom of spouses dreaming of a child, you can hang a picture of happy children. You should be wary of paintings depicting wild animals and landscapes that carry the unbridled energy of nature. Images of noisy holidays are not suitable.

The picture should evoke romantic feelings. It doesn’t have to be drawn on paper; tapestry or embroidery will do. The images are placed on the sides of the bed or opposite it.


The light should be dim and diffused. In Feng Shui, light is a special tool that can be used to attract chi to a certain point in the room. To do this, just illuminate the desired area with a spotlight. In the bedroom, this way you can activate the southwest.

Another way is to hang a small crystal chandelier in this part of the room and turn it on for several hours every day. You cannot hang a large lamp above the bed, it will interfere with your rest. Sconces or floor lamps are placed on the sides of the bed.


You can improve the energy in the bedroom with the help of symbols of love luck. The best of them is mandarin ducks. You will need not one, and not three, but strictly a pair of ducks. This figurine can be purchased at the souvenir stall. If you can’t find tangerines in the retail chain, buy a figurine for the southwest depicting a pair of budgies.

The bedroom is not only a place for romance, but also a room in which a person spends most of the day. This is worth taking advantage of to awaken the energy of luck in yourself, and not only love luck.

To attract favorable opportunities, a picture depicting a pair of goldfish is placed under the mattress, where the pillow lies. Frequent travelers and those who work in the media are advised to place a spiral-wound sink under their mattress.

There are different opinions about the placement of flowers. Many masters consider this unnecessary, since any living creature, even a plant, interferes with the energy background of the room, introducing its own aura into it. In the bedroom, such interference is unnecessary, since only the energy of the owners should be present in such an intimate place of the house.

Lilian Tu explains that the main thing is to have a sense of proportion. One or two flowers in the bedroom will not hurt anyone, but it is important that they are alive and not dried or artificial. Cacti, vines, violets and large plants in pots cannot be placed in the bedroom. You can: aloe, begonia, ficus, geranium - these plants are energy donors.

What not to put in the bedroom

You should not clutter the sleeping room with items that do not contribute to maintaining cleanliness and order. Any dirt, dust, boxes with old things are prohibited - all these are sources of dead energy that bring chaos and destruction.

There should be no mirrors in sight in the bedroom - these objects emit yang energy. In such bedrooms you won’t be able to have a good rest and sleep, and constant lack of sleep leads to illnesses and problems in your personal life.

Inappropriate items: TV, computer, laptop. They make it difficult to relax and carry a lot of energy. For the same reason, any vessels with water will be superfluous: indoor fountains, aquariums.

It is very dangerous to keep any broken things in the bedroom. They need to be thrown away or repaired. Broken objects poison those in the room with their yin radiation, like poisonous breath.

No less dangerous are open shelves hanging opposite the bed. People sleeping on it will certainly get sick. Open shelves cannot be placed in other rooms. They need to be replaced with shelves with doors or doors should be hung on already hanging furniture.

And one last piece of advice, without which all interior improvements will be of no use. You need to go to bed before midnight. At night, Yin energy reigns over the world. It is difficult for a person to work; his whole body strives for rest. By staying awake at night, a person violates the laws of nature, which can destroy his health and even change his personal destiny.

The ancient Chinese teaching of Feng Shui (literally “wind and water”) teaches people to use the mysterious forces of the planet to attract good luck, health and prosperity in general. Adherents and simply admirers decorate their homes strictly according to the canons of Feng Shui. According to Feng Shui, the bedroom is a place only for sleeping. Decorating in this style will not only be a full-fledged bedroom, but can also contribute to a comfortable rest.

The main thing in arranging a bedroom is not “special” figurines/paintings/vases, but the correct arrangement of furniture and the room itself. For the bedroom you need to choose the room farthest from the kitchen and toilet. If we are talking about an apartment, then the bedroom should be as far as possible from the front door. If we are talking about the house, then it is advisable to place the bedroom on the second floor, above the living room and in no case above the front door.

There are a number of rules that are aimed at the well-being of spouses, health and a positive mood:

  • The lighting should not be bright - it is better not to hang a chandelier directly above the bed, and for night lights it is worth purchasing dim bulbs;
  • It’s good to have a lot of mirrors, but at the same time place them so that you don’t see yourself in bed;
  • The mattress must be solid;
  • The bed should have a void underneath, but it was impossible to store things there;
  • From the bed you need to see the entrance door to the room, but not be close to it;
  • It is better to fill the sharp corners of the room with something.

Ideally, according to Feng Shui, the bedroom should not have any furniture except a bed and a couple of nightstands. It is also desirable to have no living plants - their energy will interfere with the energy of the hosts.

How to Feng Shui place a bed in the bedroom

A separate topic is the location of the bed in the bedroom. Sleeping on the floor is very unfavorable, as is being too high. There should be nothing hanging above the bed so as not to interfere with energy flows. All things from under the bed should be removed so that Qi energy circulates harmoniously throughout the room.

  • Do not place the bed in a niche or under a beam;
  • Do not place the head and legs against doors and windows;
  • Do not place between the window and the entrance to prevent drafts from sliding across the bed;
  • Do not place the headboard against the wall where the door is located.

The headboard should be located where the personal favorable direction is. This is individual for everyone. It is not recommended to place sockets and electrical appliances at a distance closer than one and a half meters from the bed. There should be no pictures, lamps or shelves above the headboard. One of the walls should be "protection and support", so the bed should not be in the middle of the room.

If there is a TV or computer in the bedroom, then at night it is advised to cover them with a cloth, or remove them completely.

The bed should correspond to the size of the bedroom. That is, a small room does not need a huge bed, and vice versa. It is best, if possible, to place the bed in the farthest corner. But if the layout is absolutely correct, and you still feel discomfort, then the problem may be the poor energy of the room itself.

In this case, you should seek professional advice from a Feng Shui specialist. In rare individual cases, it happens that the situation should be completely different from what science advises, for example, at the door. The master will definitely figure this out, and sleep will return to normal.

Position of the bed relative to the door

Of course, there are many rules in the placement of a bed according to Feng Shui. They don't appear out of nowhere - some have psychological properties, some have physical properties, but they all have common sense. A bed near the door, even from the point of view of a person not familiar with feng shui, is not a good idea. The inhabitants of such a bedroom will almost certainly be uncomfortable with constant drafts. According to Feng Shui, the human soul goes on a journey during sleep. His energy becomes weaker and more vulnerable. If you sleep with your feet towards the door, then negative energies can penetrate from outside, which can even completely displace the soul from the body shell. Doors, particularly in the bedroom, receive great attention.

For example:

  • If the door is opposite the windows, then it is recommended to place flowers on the window sills;
  • It is better if the door opens inward;
  • It is better to install doors that are solid and light.

Furniture arrangement according to Feng Shui in the bedroom

Particular importance is given to the arrangement of furniture in the bedroom. According to this science, the corners of all pieces of furniture should be rounded, because an acute angle is a conductor of negative Sha energy. So how to arrange it? Since the bedroom is intended specifically for relaxation, then, first of all, it is worth getting rid of unnecessary things, including furniture. The less it is, the better.

Here are a few techniques for the correct and favorable arrangement of furniture, as well as how to furnish it:

  • It is best to place objects along the walls;
  • It is worth making sure that the furniture is only necessary;
  • There should be no furniture in niches;
  • The sleeper should not be reflected in mirrors;
  • And no sharp angles should be directed at the sleeping person;
  • It is preferable to place a closet with valuables in the south or southwest, but so that the doors open to the north;
  • Open bookshelves promote disease;
  • It is better to place the dressing table in the east or north, but not opposite the window;
  • It would be best for wardrobes with clothes to be placed in the northwest;
  • A fireplace in the bedroom will carry negative energy.

Feng Shui aquarium in the bedroom

To decorate a bedroom, experts advise using objects that relate to Yin energy - soft, passive, while at the same time, excluding, if possible, objects of active and hard Yang energy.

The aquarium embodies the element of water, which is, in fact, part of Yin, but it is not recommended to place it in the bedroom; rather, it belongs in the living room.

There are several reasons for this:

  • There is a high risk of theft;
  • The possibility of large financial losses increases;
  • The harmony of the marriage is disturbed.

Therefore, it is better to abandon this element of the interior. Feng Shui advises to completely exclude from the bedroom any objects that carry the energy of water or hint at humidity. This applies not only to the aquarium, but also to paintings with a water theme - lakes, rivers, seas, waterfalls.

Feng Shui mirror in the bedroom

Of course, no home can be complete without a mirror. It is a strong item: it reflects all negative energy. Therefore, it is highly not recommended to hang it in the bedroom, because all the reflected negative energy will fall directly on the inhabitants of the bedroom.

But if you still really need a mirror, then experts offer the following solutions:

  • Oval or round shape is preferable;
  • On the contrary, there should be objects with strong positive energy - photographs with happy people, or flowers;
  • It is better to hang the mirror at night;
  • Do not place it in front of a window or door;
  • A framed mirror is best for the bedroom.

Color and materials in the bedroom according to Feng Shui: design

For Feng Shui style bedrooms, it is recommended to use a pastel palette. But you shouldn’t completely avoid bright colors if they don’t disrupt the harmony. The best colors for decorating a bedroom are pink, green and blue. They help you relax and unwind. It is preferable to buy furniture from natural wood.

In addition to strength and convenience, some types of wood also have a healing effect:

  • Pine;
  • Birch;
  • Ash;
  • Maple;
  • Linden.

There are also a number of types of wood that take away positive energy: bird cherry and fir. After the bedroom is completely furnished, it needs to be “activated”, that is, positive energy must be launched. This is not difficult to achieve.

To enhance conjugal feelings, there should be objects in the bedroom that are symbols of conjugal love, such as ducks carved from wood.

Experts advise hanging pictures exclusively with love themes. Another option for “activating” love energy would be lamps. It is recommended to leave small crystal lighting fixtures on at night for at least three hours.

Harmonious Feng Shui bedroom (video)

A properly decorated bedroom in Feng Shui style is a guarantee of comfort, tranquility and harmony. Even if you don’t believe in this teaching, the correct arrangement of furniture will still please the eye and set you in a positive mood.

A well-arranged bedroom according to Feng Shui will help ensure sound sleep, excellent health, and harmonious family relationships. This is actually not an unfounded following of fashion trends, but a science that covers aspects of all human life.

According to Feng Shui, a bedroom has rules for its arrangement, which consist of important points. They must be adhered to in order to achieve the plans:

  1. Choose the right colors and appropriate lighting.
  2. Carry out the arrangement, clearly understanding what should be in the bedroom.
  3. After arranging the bedroom, you should maintain order and not clutter the space with unnecessary objects.
  4. The interior of the bedroom should be filled only with the right accessories and decor.

Feng Shui for the bedroom is a very important point, so do not neglect it. On the contrary, it is worth paying attention to the place where the merging of the opposite energies of calm and passion occurs.

The location of the bedroom in a house or apartment according to Feng Shui

The creative flows of “qi” energy will depend on the place where the bedroom is located.

Planning the layout of rooms in the house according to the rules of Feng Shui

The location of the room on the northern side promises the owners deep sleep. The complete rest that a person receives will help him recover faster from routine everyday activities. However, lonely people and those prone to depression do not need to consider this arrangement as ideal. The lack of full sunlight can only slow down energy and aggravate the situation.

The northeast is filled with excess energy "qi". This direction will have too much activity and is not suitable for the bedroom, especially for those who have trouble sleeping or have health problems. It is also not worthwhile to equip a nursery in this area, since children may not have the best influence on their parents’ lives in the future. For younger members of the family, the north-west is contraindicated, as it initiates the manifestation of excessive activity. But for adults and established individuals, this is an ideal direction.

The East is well suited for young people who have not yet decided on their life, but are pursuing a specific goal. The energy of this side of the world will help in realizing and expanding your view of the world.

Those who want to choose a southern direction should take into account that it will not be suitable for their restful sleep, but it will be great for young people who strive for passion and intimacy.

The Western direction will only be favorable for romantic energies, but not for career growth.

The southwest side is undesirable for children or teenagers, as it has unstable and disturbing energies. If the bedroom is already located in this area, you can work on a favorable installation of the sleeping area.

Also, according to Feng Shui, the location of the bedroom is not recommended near the kitchen and toilet.

Feng Shui color scheme for the bedroom

Color can have a powerful effect on a person. It is used for stimulation and for sedation. By adjusting the intensity, you can change the energy background depending on your needs. Therefore, you should definitely pay attention to Feng Shui.

For those who have a relaxation room located in the southeast or east, it is advisable to give preference to shades of green. They symbolize the tree in China.

It is preferable to make the walls of the southwestern and northeastern sides brown, sand, or beige. In order to diversify the chosen color, you can add the color of gold.

Fiery colors for the bedroom have a beneficial effect on married life, so rich red and burgundy colors are suitable for the south side. You don’t have to cover the room completely with red wallpaper; appliqués or patterns are allowed.

The northern direction represents water, so in the north and northwest you can glue wallpaper with a blue tint. This type of wallpaper for the bedroom will create a meditative state and help you gain both mental and physical health. You should not combine them with white or silver.

The bedroom, which is located in the west, should be made in silver, purple and lemon shades. In such an environment, thinking becomes clearer and more active.

In addition to the classic wallpaper options and their combinations, you can give preference. First of all, they should be chosen based on their own feelings. The image should evoke calm and good mood. In this case, an image of mountains would work well. It is not advisable to stick images of water behind the headboard. It is beneficial to use photo wallpapers with couples in love in the bedroom.

When choosing a shade for the ceiling, you can choose between acceptable white or beige.

The flooring can be either light or dark. The main thing is that it is made of wood or laminate.

For curtains, the acceptable color range is from flesh to black.

When choosing bed linen, only light shades are allowed.

How to arrange a bed according to Feng Shui

The most common prohibitions on placing a bed in a room include placing it opposite the door, where the legs “look” at the doorway. And also opposite the mirror, which during sleep will cause a loss of energy and strength.

A headboard near a window is also an undesirable option. The exception is those cases where thick curtains are used that will not let in light.

If you want to place the bed against the wall, it is important that there is no restroom across the wall. In this case, the second side of the bed should be free.

In a family case, the adjoining of the bed to the wall is, in principle, unacceptable, and the bed should be in free space on the sides.

When placing the bed, you must be guided by the cardinal directions. Every single area of ​​life can be improved by choosing the right direction.

Where the head of the bed “looks” to the northwest, a stable relationship between spouses will develop.

A bedroom where the bed is located on the east side is ideal for newlyweds. A joint holiday will contribute to better knowledge of each other and good mutual understanding.

For older people who pay special attention to their health, experts recommend placing the bed in the northern part.

The south side will perfectly support the energy of passionate and loving people.

It is better not to consider the northeast and southwest as an option for those who are worried about their sound sleep and emotional state.

Adhering to the rules, it is necessary to ensure that the bed is not located in a draft, since the energy should not be sharp.

Sleeping on the floor has become especially popular lately. But according to ancient teachings, this is not a good option, nor is sleeping on the top bunk of a bunk bed.

Arrangement of other furniture in the bedroom according to Feng Shui rules

The bedroom should not contain anything unnecessary. This is especially true for bulky furniture and significant recesses, since all this leads to a loss of overall positive energy. However, if you still have large objects, then it is better to distribute them in the corners of the room so that the center remains free.

It does not allow placing various pieces of furniture above the head, as this is not only unsafe, but also contrary to the laws of Chinese teaching.

And, naturally, large pieces of furniture should not be placed next to the bed. You can turn to the classic version and place small bedside tables or a non-bulky chest of drawers at the head.

What flowers can be kept in the bedroom according to Feng Shui?

According to the Feng Shui system, all plants are divided into Yin and Yang. The first variant of flowers according to Feng Shui includes violet, crassula, and begonia.

Male flowers in the house are chlorophytum, dracaena, and various citrus fruits. They grow upward, thereby directing the movement of energy.

To ensure that the microclimate created in the room is favorable, it is recommended to use both Yang and Yin flowers.

South-facing windows can be decorated with geraniums that bloom pink or red.

A pomegranate on the western window will help to establish harmony between spouses. You can also put chrysanthemum or white roses there, which symbolize love.

Ficus has a beneficial effect, especially on women who are trying to get pregnant. The plant also purifies the air, normalizes sleep and much more. The best place for ficus will be the southeast side.

Not worth keeping. It is necessary to take into account some plants that, in principle, are best not placed in the room. Monstera can be given first place in the negative rating. It not only absorbs energy, but also has a suffocating effect on a person.

Orchids in the bedroom, apart from visual beauty, will not bring anything good to the owner. The plant activates the nervous system, disrupting sleep and causing aggression.

Interior items and accessories in the bedroom according to Feng Shui

After the location of the bedroom and the main furniture has already been decided, it is the turn of interior design.

The first thing I would like to start with is a mirror, which is found in almost every room. So, according to Feng Shui, the bed should not be reflected in it. Placed at the foot of the table, it can cause discord in family life. Small mirrors will be the best alternative to use.

You should not place clocks, aquariums, or fireplaces in the bedroom. All these items, for one reason or another, cause a deterioration in well-being and human relationships.

Chinese teaching attaches great importance to images. Some can and even should be hung in this room, but some cannot. Images of water, wild animals, parties and holidays are strictly not suitable. Also, you should not give preference to autumn landscapes.

But the theme of flowers, especially peonies, is very welcome. Paired images of birds also have a beneficial effect. It is important to listen to the sensations that the image evokes.

When hanging pictures in the bedroom, you should remember that you should not place them above the bed or several of them at once. The most favorable place is considered to be the wall opposite the sleeping bed.

Feng Shui masters recommend hanging fans in order to drive away negativity and receive positive energy flows. A fan depicting coniferous trees and flowers has a good effect on health, level of vigor and strength.

The teaching contains many secrets and directions that are difficult to lay out at once. However, by trying to remove or add elements to the room, according to the rules described above, after some time you can experience positive changes on both the physical and moral levels.

Bedroom feng shui has a huge impact on a couple's marital happiness. When the bedroom qi is harmonious and a conduit of good fortune, the couple enjoys a relationship of mutual support and harmony. Each spouse performs specific functions in the family. In such a family, everyone is healthy, misunderstandings are minimized, and separation and divorce of spouses are completely excluded.

When the qi in the bedroom is disharmonious, the relationship loses support, deteriorates, and, of course, marital happiness floats away.

If you are married, then it probably makes sense to get serious about establishing good Feng Shui in the bedroom, because relationships with your loved one play such a significant role in our lives.

But a dream that attracts success does not only refer to marital happiness. The concept of “success” must be considered in the broadest sense of the word, because if your sleeping place is oriented in the right direction and enjoys excellent Feng Shui, then luck will enter into all areas of your life. You will experience success at work and in relationships with others; you will be healthy, and, of course, happy in your home and in your family.

Bedroom shape and layout according to Feng Shui

Start by making sure your bedroom has the right shape. The best shapes are square or rectangular. If your bedroom has a built-in bathroom, try to separate them somehow so that the bedroom does not become L-shaped. A closet in an L-shaped bedroom creates several interrelated problems. The two most destructive of them are caused by the appearance of the so-called missing corner and the placement of the toilet in one of the corners of the room, but it is not at all excluded that this corner corresponds to a favorable direction for the owner of the bedroom. This can “suppress” all luck. In addition, such an angle creates a poisonous arrow aimed at the bed. The protruding beam above the head of the bed also sends sha qi to everyone who sleeps under it.

All together and each individually of the mentioned characteristics can bring a lot of trouble to the inhabitants of the bedroom. The destructive energy of a ceiling beam can be successfully repelled by attaching bamboo sticks tied with red tape to the edges of the beam. Place a decorative screen to cover the poison arrow of the corner.

Unfavorable bedroom layout. Due to the placement of the bathroom in the bedroom, a missing corner is created, the outline becomes irregular and a poisonous arrow corner is created. To improve Feng Shui in such a bedroom, you need to put a screen that reflects poisonous arrows, and hang bamboo sticks tied with red ribbons from the beam protruding above the bed.

Bedroom with a favorable layout. The shape of the bedroom remains correct and there are no missing corners. Protruding corners send sha-qi, but this problem is solved if the corner is covered with a cabinet.

A successful layout, in which the master bedroom is adjoined by an adjoining bathroom, means that these rooms are located next to each other. However, such a layout should ensure that both doors do not open along the same straight line and are not aimed at the bed. In addition, the bed should not be placed against a wall adjacent to the toilet.

“Weakening” a dangerous corner with a cabinet is preferable to herbal therapy, since No plants or any water elements should be brought into the bedroom.

Feng Shui bedroom door

The placement of the bedroom door often causes problems. The most common of these problems are listed here. Keep in mind that one possible solution to the problem is to move the door, but this is not always feasible. So, along with listing all the taboos, an approximate plan for correcting or at least reducing the problem is given:

1. The door to the bedroom should never be on the same line as the door to the toilet or bathroom. This is fraught with major failures, especially if the bed is located in the gap between both doors. In such a situation, it is highly recommended to place a screen or partition directly in front of the bathroom door. The screen partition should simultaneously block the view of this door from the bed.

2. The bedroom door from the outside should not open onto the stairs. If the staircase is too close, the qi becomes uncontrollable and then it is absolutely necessary to hang a very bright lamp on the ceiling between the staircase and the door.

3. There should be no other door opposite the bedroom door, either across the corridor or across the landing. Otherwise, a situation of confrontation arises, which leads to quarrels and misunderstandings. Hang an oriental one instead wooden bead curtain, smoothing out the effect of opposing doors. The situation gets worse if only half of the other door is visible from the side of the bedroom door, that is, if these two doors are not exactly opposite each other. In such a situation, try to put something between them. This may be a plant or a type of partition.

4. The bedroom door should not go to the corner formed by the junction of two walls perpendicular to each other. If the bedroom is located in this way, then place a creeping plant in front of this corner, which will dispel the deadly breath sent to the door.

The main taboos in the bedroom

Never forget that the bedroom is a place of rest and relaxation. Yin rather than yang energies should predominate in the bedroom, since a bedroom that is too yang will cause excessive activity in the owners. With these points in mind, it is not difficult to understand why Feng Shui experts and masters actively advocate against placing too many symbols of good luck in the bedroom. After all, this will activate the energy of the bedroom.


It follows that although water promises wealth, and watery characteristics are essentially favorable, it would be a grave mistake to give the bedroom aquatic characteristics. For example, if you are sleeping and there is an aquarium behind your bed, you will either be robbed or robbed, or you will suffer great financial losses. Save water features for the living room and garden. In this case, water means not only round aquariums and fountains, but also, and even especially, paintings depicting seascapes, picturesque lakes and waterfalls. Don't hang such pictures near your bed. However, in the bedroom blue color is quite acceptable, although it symbolizes water, but it is better to avoid black color.

Flowers and other plants

I know many people won't like this, but you shouldn't put flowers or any other plants in your bedroom, especially those that are in the growing phase. They symbolize extremely strong yang energy. In a woman's bedroom, plants upset all luck in love. Flowers in the marital bedroom lead to quarrels and mistrust. It is better not to hang paintings depicting flowers in the bedroom. Flowers are believed to bring good luck only in the only situation where you intentionally want to bring active yang energy into the room, and this only happens if the person is recovering from an illness. But even in this situation, it is not recommended to keep flowers in the room for too long.


A mirror located opposite the bed is a serious Feng Shui taboo. If there's one thing that can ruin a marriage, it's the mirror in the bedroom. I am always strongly against large mirrors in front of the bed, no matter if they are placed on the wall, on the ceiling or on closet doors. Mirrors reflect a sleeping couple targeted by sha qi, which leads to a lack of mutual understanding, and often to a loss of trust between partners. In addition, mirrors in the bedroom seem to introduce a third party into the marital relationship. Basically, anything that has a reflective surface should be kept outside the bedroom. If you have a TV in your room, cover its screen with a cloth before you go to bed. If you have mirrors that reflect your bed, remove them from the room or cover them with curtains. Don't let mirrors ruin your marriage.

Open shelves

If you have open bookshelves opposite your bed, then it's only a matter of time before you inevitably get sick. Open shelves symbolize the blades that cut you while you sleep. In fact, open shelves will not create good Feng Shui anywhere. I highly recommend hanging doors on these shelves unless you arrange the books on the shelves in such a way that the blade effect disappears.

Optimal directions for sleep

To begin with, you should not block or block the passage to your bed, and also place it in such places where it becomes a target for poisonous arrows that send illnesses and failures. Once you have ensured that nothing in your personal environment can cause you harm while you sleep, take the next step: consciously connect to your favorable sleep direction.

Feng Shui recommends specific favorable directions for sleep, which are based on the formula Bagua And Lo-shu. Once you find out, you will establish depending on which group - Eastern or Western - you belong to.

For example,

KUA 9 - Belongs to the eastern group, N - north, S - south, E - east, W - west,
SE - southeast, SW - southwest, NE - northeast, NW - northwest
Orange color - Favorable direction
Black color - Unfavorable direction

Now let's figure out how to use these directions? To do this, choose the type of luck that you want to activate (love or success or development or health), and then orient your bed so that you sleep with your head in the desired direction.

Your group's four lucky directions involve four different types of luck.
The first type is the best because it brings you success in all your endeavors. This direction is also called direction sheng qi. Anyone who is engaged in business or making a career and at the same time wants to get rich should sleep with his head in this direction.

The second direction for sleep coincides with the direction for your health, which is called “heavenly doctor”. This is a great direction to connect to if you are sick or recovering from an illness. The Chinese call this direction pull and.

The third direction is your family and romantic direction. Connect to this direction if you want to strengthen your marriage or partnership, if you want, but cannot have children, if you strive for love, but cannot find the one you need. The Chinese name for this direction is nyanyan, and this type of luck is associated with love, marriage, trust, good children and unity of souls in the family.

The fourth direction is called direction fu wei and brings good luck in the field personal development. Let the one who gnaws on the granite of science or works on a dissertation sleep with his head in this direction.

As for the practical side of using these wonderful favorable directions, sometimes it is quite difficult. Sometimes, for example, things turn out in such a way that connecting to your so-called direction becomes impossible. And this is because most bedrooms are very small and cramped, and after satisfying all the previously listed taboos, you may be disappointed, since sometimes you are simply deprived of the opportunity to use the power of your direction.

Another disappointment may be the fact that the rooms are almost never exactly oriented in cardinal directions. Compass directions in real life are never so clearly “cut out”, and you may find that you have to place your bed in the most inappropriate place. And don't even sleep in your first best direction! It's possible that the orientation of your room only allows you to connect to your second best direction.

Substantial part Feng Shui allows for compromises. Of the four directions, there will be at least one that you can use. remember, that a dream in which your head is oriented in any of your favorable directions at least means that you are not sleeping in a direction that is detrimental to you.

The other four unfavorable directions are very negative, and therefore I always advise you to make every effort to come to any of the four favorable directions, no matter how difficult it may be for you to do so.

If partners have different favorable directions

If partners sleeping in the same bed have a different set of favorable directions, Feng Shui It is always emphasized that the predominant favorable direction should be considered the direction of the man, or the owner. But if you are a woman, if you sleep on a double bed with your partner and you are the one who has problems, then regardless of his personal direction nyan yan, even if it is different from yours, you must rearrange the bed so as to take advantage of the force your his favorable direction.

There is no easy way to reconcile two sets of happy directions in a union between two people. When both partners have the same set of directions, practice Feng Shui easily. When they have different directions, difficult decisions have to be made.

Furniture for sleeping according to Feng Shui

The main piece of furniture in the bedroom is the bed, so the design of the bed, the type of its headboard and the type of mattresses you use add additional shades to the Feng Shui coloring of the bedroom.

Never sleep on round beds or beds with synthetic film mattresses filled with water. I can't think of anything worse than sleeping on such an obviously unstable bed. In general, the best criterion for assessing the quality of a bed is to see how stable and durable it is. Never sleep on an unstable bed, and often check that all bolts are tightly tightened.

The headboard also has its own Feng Shui meanings, although my personal experience shows that this is not so important. I will only note that the bed must have a back, preferably a solid one, and not made of rods. If there is no backrest, such a bed is unfavorable. Copper backs are not welcome, and semicircular ones are not as favorable as rectangular ones, since a semicircle suggests incompleteness.

Symbols of good luck in the bedroom

You can awaken the energy of luck by placing symbolic objects under your bed that bring good luck. The nature of these luck items depends on the type of luck you are seeking.

To enjoy additional protection or attract favorable opportunities, place a symbol in the form of two fish - painted or gold - under the mattress where your head lies.

If you want great luck when traveling, place a sink under your mattress. It is also a great solution for those who are doing business in the media system. In essence, any shape of decorative shell will do, but a shell of a shape such as rapan is considered especially favorable.

Improving your love life with Feng Shui

Romantic and love luck can also be improved provided that energy of the love angle - southwest- your bedrooms are further awakened by auspicious objects symbolizing marital bliss. The best symbols of a happy love life are a pair of mandarin ducks. Not one or three, but a couple. If you put only one mandarin duck, it means that there will be nothing at all, and if you put three, you will become a ladies' man. These wood carved ducks can be purchased at a Chinese goods store. And if you don’t find them, then replace them with a pair of “love birds” - budgies.

Another wonderful symbol is the double luck sign, which in China is considered a universal symbol of marital happiness. In the southwest you can also hang a love picture. A more complex method uses lamps. The most effective of them are crystal ones. Hang a small crystal chandelier in this area of ​​the bedroom and leave the light on for at least three hours every night.

Keeping the fire of love alive in the bedroom

Often marriages break up due to poor Feng Shui in the bedroom. It is impossible to list each and every individual sign that creates an overall unfavorable situation, but the main problems relate to the following:

1. Never place a large mirror directly in front of or above the bed.

2. The TV screen in the bedroom leads to separation of the couple.

3. Do not sleep under a large lamp on the ceiling that “cuts” the bed into two halves. The negative energy coming from above symbolically divides the bed in two and “cuts” the sleeping couple in the same way.

4. The bedroom should not be located under the toilet. Never sleep in a bedroom that has an upstairs toilet above it. The toilet throws out the qi of bad luck, which creates problems in the relationship between spouses.

5. Don't sleep on a double bed with two single mattresses. This gives rise to a symbolic separation of the couple, which may well become real. If each spouse has a different set of favorable directions, it is much better to sleep in two different beds and even in two different bedrooms. But sleeping on a shared double bed with two single mattresses is considered a bad omen.

"Treatise on the Yang Dwelling"

This popular classic states that there are several methods for determining the location of the bedrooms of various family members.

1. Elderly people should sleep in bedrooms facing west. In the Forbidden City in Beijing, all the palaces reserved for the elderly ladies of the court are on the western side of the city. The reason is that the energies of Western rooms are considered more favorable for the older generation. This recommendation is the same as the Bagua method for the placement of bedrooms, since according to Bagua, the northwest should be the place of older fathers, while the southwest should be the place of older mothers.

2. Growing children, especially the young sons of the family, should sleep in the east, where the yang energies are at their zenith. Also, according to the Bagua method, the east is considered the best position for the eldest son.

3. The eldest daughter's bedroom should be located in the southeast. Both of these directions relate to the element of wood, which represents abundant growth.

based on materials from Lilian Tu