Magnolia plant planting and caring for it. Magnolia is an exotic flower. Reproduction of large-flowered magnolia

One of the most beautiful trees is the beautiful magnolia, which belongs to the magnolia family. Anyone who has seen her unusual flowering at least once will never be able to forget this moment. The emerging luxurious inflorescences on bare branches, without a single leaf, are especially impressive.

The magnolia tree is a miracle

flowers look like a butterfly

First of all, because blooms incredibly beautiful bright big flowers similar to exotic butterflies... At that moment, when many plants have not yet had time to release leaves, the beauty already pleases those around her with her flowering.

She begins to release the first flowers in April, and they fill gardens and parks with their vanilla aroma.

It prefers to grow in the southern regions, where a warm climate prevails. Magnolia flower, which is endowed with the brightest colors, does not allow all tourists to look away from themselves.

Some people who dream of seeing her bloom do not go on vacation warm summer, and in the middle of spring, when it is still quite cool and the sun is just beginning to warm everything around.

Legends and myths

It was brought to the territory of Europe from mysterious China.

According to one of the Chinese legends, the beautiful flowers blooming on the tree are young beauties who once lived in the same village. When it was destroyed by enemies, and only one girl managed to escape death. It was she who asked Mother Earth so that the dead girls could live on.

In the morning, when the invaders saw a tree that suddenly appeared, they decided to get rid of it. Having cut it down, they split it into the smallest chips and scattered it around the neighborhood, only in those places where the chips fell, young sprouts appeared, which were called magnolias.

If you dream of seeing this amazing flower, then this can be done not only in the southern regions and warm countries, because the growing magnolia in Belarus also produces beautiful flowers.

To do this, you just need to visit the Minsk Botanical Garden, where the first garden of these beautiful trees was laid a couple of years ago.

What you need to know about magnolia

In the presented family, there are about 70 varieties of plants. The shape of the crown can be either spherical or wide pyramidal. Depending on the height, the height of the tree also changes. Some of the representatives can grow up to 20 meters, but generally their height varies from 5 to 8 meters.

At least once, having seen this, you will surely want a charming woman to grow in your garden. It looks great both in a single planting and next to coniferous evergreen bushes.

How is flowering

After planting, if conditions for growth and development are favorable, most trees begin to bloom only after about 8-10 years.

A variety of colors and flavors will allow you to choose the most suitable variety for you. Some of the representatives release buds only after the leaves appear on them, while others first of all release and dissolve their gorgeous buds, and only then the leaves open on the branches.

But no matter which of the varieties you choose, planting this beauty in your garden, you will become the owner of a unique plant.

After flowering has ended, petals begin to fall off from each flower, which slowly descend to the ground. “Magnolia rain” is what gardeners call this process.

But even this beauty has its drawbacks. You don't need to sleep near her! The fact is that the aroma emanating from flowers is often very strong and if you inhale it for a long time, then a headache may soon appear.

Magnolia species

There are many species, of which, by crossing one with another, even more varieties of unusual appearance and colors have appeared. Consider the main "basic" and popular among fans of exotic gardening hybrid varieties.

  • Magnolia star

Correct planting and caring for the Magnolia stellata flower. After this variety begins to bloom, the entire surrounding area is filled with an unforgettable aroma. In March, the first flowers begin to bloom, after which leaves saturated with emerald greens appear. Closer to autumn, they become brownish - bronze. Stellata stands out for its extra decorative characteristics due to the unusual coloration of autumn foliage.

  • Siebold

This the species is considered the most frost-resistant, after all, he is able to withstand frosts, reaching up to 36 degrees. The height of this shrub reaches only 4 meters, and its branches are covered with elongated leaves, among which you can see snow-white flowers. Flowering begins after leaves appear on the branches. Magnolia Siebold is grown throughout Russia, and in special large tubs, which can always be brought in if needed, are cultivated even in the Urals and Siberia.

  • Magnolia Cobus

Proper seating and grooming yields stunning results in decorative variety... It begins to bloom in mid-spring, releasing fragrant white unforgettable flowers. Magnolia evergreen with the onset of summer colors its foliage in a rich green color, and as soon as autumn comes, it turns yellow-brown.

  • Lily Magnolia liliiflora

This variety originates in China and is bred throughout Europe.

Considered a two-tone variety... The outer side of the petals is crimson red, while the inner side is snow-white or white-pink.

The flashing bloom begins in early spring and continues for several wonderful weeks, filled with an airy scent spread by the buds.

  • Black Magnolia Nigra

Refers to the lily-colored species. The flowers on the outside are painted with a ruby ​​color of the stone, but the inside of them is white lilac. Due to this color combination she looks almost black... You can see these unusual beautiful flowers in the 30th days of April or in the early days of May.

  • Magnolia Susan planting and care

A hybrid of the star-shaped and lily-colored varieties. Susan is the most popular species among exotic lovers.

Large 15 cm lily-shaped inflorescences at the base are richly pink-crimson, and lighter at the tips, as if glowing.

During a long and lush bloom which begins at the end of May, less often in June, you can enjoy a pleasant, unobtrusive aroma.

  • Soulange tulip magnolia

Planting and leaving is the same. The shape of the flowers of this variety can be both goblet and tulip-shaped. The tulip variety begins to bloom before the first leaves appear on it. After the fragrant flowering is completed and the last petal falls from the plant, decorative dark green obovate leaves continue to decorate it.

  • Ash's magnolia

Magnolia ashei. The leaves, which are 70 cm long and 30 cm wide, are colored green. Their lower part is silvery gray and slightly pubescent. First, leaves appear on the tree, and only then in the last days of the spring month of May or, somewhere in the beginning of June, gradual flowering begins. Creamy white flowers that give off a light citrus jasmine scent, have a circumference of about 20-30 cm.

  • Jenny hybrid

Magnolia soulangeana Genie. The result of crossing Nigra lily and tulip Sulangi. The beauty of outdoor planting and care, which will not take much of your energy, releases unforgettable ruby ​​red petals. Tulip flowers begin to open in late April and early May, before leaves appear. This the variety is one of the hardy (among the dark magnolias) and is able to withstand up to 30 degrees of frost. After the first wave of flowering, lasting for about a few weeks, has ended, you can enjoy the second stage, which will begin in late summer.

  • Willow

A very rare specimen for wide access. Finding this variety in stores will not be easy. The height reaches 10 meters, the shape is pyramidal. The bark is smooth, silvery. Fragrant flowers about 8 cm in circumference.

  • Cuvenian

Hybrid of willow variety and Kobus. Decorated with 10 cm bell-shaped snow-white flowers, which emanate a delicate aroma.

Flowering begins in May before the leaves appear on the tree. A fast growing variety that can cope with light frost.

it seems that not only from flowers, but also from foliage and branches comes a thin, barely perceptible anise aroma.

  • Pointed

It is a rather large tree, decorated with pointed twenty centimeter leaves. The petals are yellow-green and bloom only after the foliage has appeared on the branches. The crown is pyramidal in shape, smoothly turning into spherical. The height of this variety can be up to 24 meters.

Sulanzha variety in Crimea Yalta video:

Magnolia planting and care in the open field

As mentioned earlier, the tree prefers to grow in cities and countries where a warm and humid climate prevails.

Having decided to decorate your garden with this sample, make sure that it will develop comfortably in your region.

  • For disembarkation, a sunny place is suitable, where there are no north and east winds and drafts.
  • It should also be borne in mind that the bush should not be placed near large trees, since a solid shadow is harmful to it.
  • Slight shading is allowed if planted in the southern region.

Some of the varieties like the Lebner, Cobus, Star Magnolia, and a few other varieties will do well in open areas.

But this cannot be said about capricious decorative varieties such as Siebolda, Sulange or, for example, Chinese magnolia, because they need places where constant and bright sunlight does not fall.

What should be the soil

Gardeners wondering how to plant a magnolia should first find out what soil it prefers to grow in. It will behave well in slightly acidic, organic-fertilized soil.

To prepare the mixture, you will need:

  1. 2 parts of turf land
  2. 1 share of peat
  3. 1 share of compost

The soil in which the tree will be planted must be drained, not forgetting to loosen it. In the event that the area where the bush is planted contains too dense soil, be sure to add sand to it.

In addition, if it is possible to add rotted horse manure to the ground, it will also not be superfluous.

What to look for when landing

When a magnolia is planted in the suburbs, planting and care should be borne in mind that it is not too difficult, but still requires some attention.

  • The first thing you should pay attention to is the root system of the seedling, since the hole where the bush will be planted should be 3 times larger than the roots.
  • Also consider the fragility of the roots, which can be easily damaged if you compact the soil hard after planting.
  • Don't forget to cover with bark conifers near-trunk circle, which will keep moisture in the soil.
  • When buying seedlings, you need to give preference to meter specimens, on the stems of which there are 1-2 buds.
  • The root system must be closed so that it does not dry out. The roots stored in the container can be planted at any time of the year except winter.

When seedlings are planted

Planting magnolias in the fall is the most favorable time. Mid and late October are most suitable for this procedure, because at this time the seedlings are at rest. If you plant in the fall, then almost all the seedlings will take root. If you decide to plant in the spring, then it should be done in April. But do not forget to take into account that even minor frosts will harm the future tree.

Proper watering

Watering is an equally important process that should be given your attention.

Young trees, which are no more than 3 years old, need careful watering more than others. Water them often and abundantly.

In the event that the weather is dry, then do not let the soil dry out, this can be prevented using the mulch method.

Mulching is preferable:

  1. peat
  2. sand
  3. spruce branches

How to fertilize and feed

Advice! After planting, the magnolia should not be fertilized for the first few years, but after three years, start feeding. It is worth applying fertilizers from the first days of spring until autumn.

fertilizer for growing tree

To do this, you can buy mineral fertilizers and use them according to the instructions.

You can also make your own feed using 20g of ammonium nitrate, 15g of urea, and 1kg of mullein. All this must be diluted in 10 liters of water.

Remember that one bush takes about 40 liters of water. It is necessary to fertilize once a month, using the prepared dressing instead of the usual watering liquid.

Sometimes it happens that the magnolia bush begins to dry out ahead of time, but behind this there is a real threat. The fact is that there can be a sufficient amount of fertilizers in the ground and additional fertilizing led to their excess. To avoid death, be sure to stop fertilizing and water a little more.

Magnolia care and cultivation: transplant

Magnolia prefers to grow all its life in the place where it was originally planted, but only sometimes there are situations when it needs to be urgently transplanted. To do this, you need to find a site that suits her by all criteria.

  • Before starting to dig up the bush, be sure to thoroughly water the soil around it.
  • It should also be borne in mind that the earthen coma that remains on the root system depends on how well the planting specimen will take root in a new place.
  • The plant should be moved with oilcloth or plywood.
  • You need to transplant, observing all the rules, as when planting.
  • The first thing to do is to dig a hole, lay drainage, sand, do not forget about fertile land, and only then you need to install a tree and fill the hole with earth.
  • Tamp the soil a little, but do not use force so as not to damage the root system.

Plant pruning

Magnolia is a tree or shrub, if you decide to plant something, it is worth remembering that it is unnecessary to cut branches to form a crown. Also remember that pruning is not done in the spring, as sap will start to come out of the cuts at this time of the year, which can lead to the death of the tree.

After waiting for the magnolia to bloom, carry out a sanitary pruning. Frozen branches, wilted flowers, dry shoots are removed from the shrub. Those stems that are frozen must be removed to a healthy area. Do not forget to process the cuts using a garden pitch.

How does it endure wintering

Magnolia growing in middle lane Russia is carried out in almost the same way as in other regions. Be sure to cover the bush, even if it is hardy. Spring frosts kill the buds, so flowering will not come at all in the future.

Burlap is best for shelter. It is necessary to wrap it up in several layers, without injuring the branches. The trunk circle is also wrapped in mulch, only this should be done a little later, when the ground is slightly frozen. In the event that you rush to do this a little earlier, then there is a risk that mice will start in it.

Now that you know how to cover a magnolia for the winter, you can be sure that no frost will be terrible for it, provided that the rules of wintering are observed.

For many years, it was believed that these representatives of the magnolia family were not disturbed by pests and ailments, but there are still problems that can be encountered when growing a shrub.

  • If yellow spots appeared on the leaves, and their veins remained green, then this means that the plant was attacked by chlorosis. This is an indicator that the soil contains a lot of lime, in which the roots cannot grow, which leads to their death. Adding sour peat or coniferous soil to the soil will correct the situation. Special ready-made products will also help regulate acidity.
  • Excess nutrients also harmful, as it will slow down the development and growth of the shrub. You can find out about such a problem by the drying edges of the leaves in the last days of July. To remedy the situation, you need to stop feeding and start watering the bush a little more.

With the onset of cold weather, rodents can attack, which feed on the roots and root collar. Finding out about such a problem is not easy, because for this you need to remove the top layer of soil. In order to get rid of pests, use 1% Fundazole solution.

To avoid the problem in the future, you need to cover the trunk circle only after the soil is freezing.

Reproduction methods

There are three different ways to propagate magnolia.

Seed reproduction

Seedlings that were collected on the territory of Ukraine or Vladivostok will best take root in central Russia, and the grown seedlings will tolerate frosty days much better. The seeds collected in the southern regions are poorly acclimatized in the north.

  • Seedlings are not stored, so magnolia from seeds is grown at home immediately after they are harvested in the fall.
  • Be sure to slightly damage the seed coat as it is too dense.
  • As soon as you complete this procedure, get rid of the oily layer by washing them in soapy water and rinsing in clean water. After all the necessary steps have been completed, proceed to sowing.
  • You will need seedling boxes filled with a versatile substrate where the seeds are sown to a depth of about 3 cm.
  • Take them to a dark, cool place where they will be stored until early spring.
  • After the spring days come, you need to put the seedlings on the windowsill, not forgetting to periodically moisten the soil.

It will take about a year before the seedlings reach 45 cm. Magnolia tree description, which tells that you need to start diving after only a year. It is worth replanting in light soil, which contains peat. Remember the most favorable time for a pick is autumn.

Layers as a method of reproduction

propagation by cuttings

For this purpose, you will need young shrubs that are no more than 2 years old, as they grow faster than older trees.

Stop your choice on the shoot, which is located the lowest. Without separating it from the plant, lay it in a previously prepared hole and cover it with earth. In order for it to take root for sure, it is necessary to pinch off the layers.

After a year, roots should appear on them, which are a sign of readiness, the layering, which means that you can separate it from the main shoot and plant it in a container, where it will grow until the period comes to plant it in open ground.


This method is only used if you have a heated soil greenhouse. If these conditions are not present, then the cutting will not take root. The most suitable time period for cuttings is mid-late June.

Why magnolia doesn't bloom long after planting

  • Freezing.

The formation of buds, the flowering of which begins the next year, takes place in late summer and early autumn. This means that if the buds are frozen, then flowering will not begin.

  • Growing from seeds.

Become an owner flowering plant you can only a few years after planting. The first flowering comes from which variety you have chosen. It is worth choosing seedlings that have been propagated by grafting. They begin to bloom 2-4 years after planting. In the event that the bush has grown, but flowering has not begun, this means that you have purchased a tree grown from seeds. Such a copy will delight you with its flowers after 10 years.

  • Improper care.

Prefers to grow in areas protected from the winds. It is also necessary to apply fertilizers in a timely manner, which will help the buds to set. Abundant watering is equally important for active growth and development. Dry autumn can cause insufficient moisture to the kidneys.

Use in landscape design

Magnolia is an unusual and beautiful tree, the flowering of which begins quite early and unexpectedly even for its owners. It adorns parks, alleys and other public recreation areas with its beauty. But only its flowering begins very early, so only owners of the most beautiful shrubs can enjoy the fragrant exotic flowers.

They will feel great in group plantings next to other plants that need similar care and growing conditions. There are varieties that thrive in slightly shaded areas. This is the reason that in the vicinity of the bushes it can calmly be located, green fern, and some evergreen conifers covering the ground. The magnolia tree in Sochi on the Crimean peninsula feels good even in frequent estates without special care, since the soil is almost always wet and will not dry out.

Preparing for winter and pruning a magnolia tree video:

Surely many people at least once had to stop in the spring in front of someone's yard or garden, involuntarily admiring an unusual picture - luxurious pink, white or purple flowers on a beautiful and delicate tree without leaves. This is a magnolia in bloom. At first glance, it may seem that such a miracle can only be nurtured by experienced gardeners, having invested a lot of money and putting in a lot of effort. Let's try to figure out if this is so by talking about how to grow a magnolia.

Magnolia- deciduous or evergreen decorative tree and shrubs with a height of 2 to 30 m with beautiful large flowers up to 25 cm in diameter, which are located one at the ends of the branches.

This is a very ancient plant. It is believed that it is the progenitor of modern flowering plants. This tree is popular in China, where there are many beliefs about it.

Did you know? Magnolia is appreciated not only for its beauty. Its leaves, flowers and fruits contain essential oils that help with high blood pressure, rheumatism and digestive problems. They are also used in perfumery.

The tree got to Europe in the 17th century and it was here that it got its name - Magnolia - in honor of the director of one of the botanical gardens in France, Pierre Magnol. Since then, breeders have developed a huge range of species and varieties of magnolia. Today, about 80 species are cultivated, different in shape and size of the crown, color and shape of flowers.

Magnolia: choosing a place to plant

Before you take care of growing magnolia in your garden and caring for it, you need to choose the right type, variety and place for planting. Since the main problem with the magnolia tree is poor frost tolerance, when choosing a plant type, you need to pay attention to how cold winters are in your area, and which type is right for your climatic conditions. The most frost-resistant are the Kobus and Lebner magnolias. The magnolias of Soulange, Wilson, Ash tolerate the harsh winters relatively well.

When choosing a site for planting, it is necessary to take into account that this plant does not tolerate drafts well, therefore, the site should, if possible, be sheltered from the wind from the north and east, for example, by taller trees.

Important! Do not plant magnolia under fruit trees falling fruits can damage the flowers and break the branches of the plant.

It is necessary to take care of sufficient illumination of the place so that the tree is not located in deep shadow. Also, the plant should not be exposed to direct sunlight. Exceptions may be for Lebner's magnolias, Kobus and stellate, which can grow in open areas. The cobus is also resistant to exhaust gases and industrial emissions, which allows it to be dropped off near busy highways and in industrial areas.

Today magnolia is often used in landscape gardening, so many recommendations have been written on how to grow a flower-tree with your own hands, the main of which we share with you.

When to plant magnolia in your garden

The tree can be planted both in spring and autumn. Although experienced magnolia owners recommend the latter option. This is due to the fact that before the autumn planting, the plant is dormant, and it is easier for it to endure the winter this way. And during the spring planting, the tree begins to grow actively, gives a large increase and often meets winter already with shoots, which by this time have not yet had time to become covered with wood and die off.

How to plant a magnolia

Magnolia is not very whimsical, however, when planting and caring for it, you must observe some simple rules, which, first of all, relate to the composition of the soil, watering and feeding.

Soil composition

Magnolia sapling is best purchased from well-established specialty stores. They are usually sold in containers there. Such plants tolerate well both spring and autumn planting, since they are planted with a clod of earth to which they have already adapted. Experienced gardeners recommend purchasing 1 m tall plants with a pair of flowers already in full bloom. This way you will know for sure that your local climate is right for this type of magnolia.

The soil for planting should be light, well-drained and moderately moist. A neutral or slightly acidic soil rich in organic matter is perfect.

Important! Lime and saline soil is contraindicated for magnolias.

If the soil in your area is limed, then peat can be added to it, which will increase the acidity.

Optimal soil composition:

  • deciduous or sod land - 1;
  • peat - 2;
  • sand - 0.5.

Magnolia planting scheme

The planting hole should be prepared in advance and is 3-5 times the size of the root system of the tree. Drainage is poured at the bottom of the pit - 15 cm high.Then a layer of sand (10 cm), a layer of manure (15 cm), again a layer of sand (15 cm) and a prepared soil mixture are laid. After that, the seedling is placed in a hole and covered with earth, while making sure that the root collar is not buried. The maximum recommended depth is 2.5 cm. The soil should be lightly tamped and watered abundantly. The area near the trunk can be covered with coniferous bark, which will keep the desired moisture level.

Magnolia does not tolerate transplants, so it must be immediately planted in a permanent place. If you plan to plant several trees, then the distance between them should be at least 4-5 m.

Magnolia care features

Once a magnolia is properly planted, its well-being will depend on caring for it. In this case, there are no fundamental differences from caring for ordinary fruit trees.

Watering the plant

Watering is necessary only for young plants, and during dry periods, for adults. For the well-being of the tree, it needs watering once a week in the amount of 2-3 buckets of water. If the summer is too dry or the magnolia grows in sandy soil, then the regularity and abundance of watering can be increased.

Soil care

The roots of magnolias are shallow, so the ground in the root area must be loosened to a depth of 20 cm, and this should be done with caution, preferably without using a shovel or rake. It is better to pull out weeds by hand. After the tree reaches 3 years, the trunk circle can be mulched with organic materials (pine bark, peat, sawdust, manure). This will insulate the soil and serve as an additional source of nutrients. After this procedure, the soil can no longer be loosened.

When and how to fertilize magnolia

You need to feed and fertilize the tree no earlier than 2 years after planting. In early spring, you can feed your beauty with a mixture of 1 kg of mullein, 15 g of urea, 25 g of ammonium nitrate. At the beginning of autumn, fertilizing with nitroammophos (20 g / 10 l of water) is useful. Watering rate - 40 liters per tree.

You can use the fertilizer "Kemira-Universal" (1 tablespoon / 10 l of water), as well as special fertilizers "For Magnolia".

Important! If at the end of July the leaves on the magnolia began to dry, this means that there has been an overdose of fertilizers. In this case, the plant is prescribed weekly abundant watering.

Plant pruning

Since magnolias do not tolerate pruning well, this procedure is necessary only for decorative purposes in the first years after planting to give the desired shape crown. It is contraindicated to get carried away with this process, as it can provoke less active flowering. In the future, only sanitary pruning is recommended once a year, in which dry, curved, damaged branches are removed. If the crown is thickened, then it is thinned out. In order for the sections to heal quickly, they must be covered with garden var.

Magnolia: how to keep a plant in winter

Mature trees in winter period transfer the temperature to -25-30 ° C. Therefore, the question of how to preserve mature magnolia in winter is no longer in front of its owner. But you need to worry about young plants. In the first 3 years, their lower part of the trunk and root system (or even completely a tree) must be insulated with a special agrotechnical cloth (lutrasil), burlap, straw or spruce branches. With age, the frost resistance of magnolias increases.

In subsequent years, the land in the near-trunk circle in the fall needs to be mulched with sawdust, pine bark, and peat.

Magnolia breeding methods

Magnolias reproduce in three ways:

  • seeds,
  • layering and cuttings,
  • vaccinations.


In nature, magnolias are propagated by seeds carried by birds. You can also try sowing the tree from seed. This should be done in the fall, right after picking the berries. Or put it off until spring, but keep the seeds in the refrigerator in a plastic bag.

Previously, the seeds must be poured with water for 3 days, and then cleaned from a dense oily shell (for example, by rubbing through a sieve). After cleaning, they should be washed in a mild soapy solution and rinsed in clean water several times. Sow in boxes to a depth of 3 cm in universal soil. Place the containers in the cellar until spring. At the beginning of March, they need to be moved to the windowsill before shoots appear. You can plant seedlings in a year. So you will have a magnolia grown by your own hands, by the time of which you will already know well how to care for it.

Magnolia is one of the oldest genera of plants in the Magnoliaceae family. The genus consists of 120 species, about 25 species tolerate frost rather persistently and are actively grown in regions with a temperate climate. The genus received the name "Magnolia" as a sign of respect for the famous professor, talented botanist Pierre Magnol. Magnolias naturally grow in mixed and humid rainforests. At least 45 species of culture are threatened with extinction.

Every connoisseur and admirer flora Those who are lucky enough to see magnolia flowers, feel their smell, there is an irresistible desire to plant this outlandish beauty in their garden. Magnolia pleases with wonderful flowering not only in home gardens, it is often used for landscaping megacities, planting in parks and squares.

Magnolia is an evergreen or deciduous tree (shrub). The plant has large, fragrant, snow-white, mother-of-pearl, wine flowers. The beauty of culture arouses interest and attracts to itself from time immemorial.

For example, representatives Indian people people living in Mexico used the magnolia flower in ritual and magical rites, they called it "ear flower", since the fleshy petals of the plant with curled edges resemble a human ear. The plant was associated with feminine beauty, affection, natural essence. British writer and scientist K. Lewis devoted more than one year to the study of this plant, calling magnolia "an aristocrat of the plant world."

Many peoples of the world composed legends, tales, poems about magnolia flowers.

A well-known Chinese legend tells that a long time ago bloodthirsty robbers captured a small peaceful village, exterminated all men, old people and children, destroyed an abundant rice crop, and tied up a hundred of the most beautiful girls and left them in the main square. For three months the criminals reveled in their power, and every day, at dawn, they killed one of the slaves. Before her death, the last of the captives fell to the ground, on which the lifeless bodies of her friends rested, and began to cry bitterly: “ Motherland! You knew our ancestors, you saw our suffering and death. Do not let decay devastate our young and beautiful bodies. Don't let us disappear forever! " In the morning, when the bandits woke up after a merry drinking binge, there was not a single dead girl on the square, a gigantic wondrous tree grew at the place of their death, and a hundred snow-white buds attracted the eyes of people. Then the murderers violently chopped the tree into small pieces and scattered them across the steppes and fields. Where a part of the outlandish tree turned out to be, a new plant grew, and every next spring a hundred fragile buds bloomed, a hundred resurrected girls' hearts. This tree was the magnolia.

With its marvelous flowers, wonderful magical leaves and unique fruits, magnolias are undoubtedly extremely attractive trees and shrubs.

Magnolia flower is a beautifully flowering evergreen or deciduous tree and shrub with spectacular leaves, fragrant flowers, and wonderful fruits. The bark of the plant is smoky or brown, even, covered with scales or grooves. The leaves are large, oblong or oval, with a solid, without teeth and grooves, edge of the leaf plate.

Describing magnolia, one cannot but touch upon its large, snow-white or crimson, single flowers... Enchanting timeflowering magnoliabegins in early spring, in April-May. Magnolia scent treacle, with slight citrus nuances. He inspires perfumers to create a variety of exquisite floral arrangements.

The fruit of the culture is a composite leaflet, similar in shape to a cone; magnolia seeds ovoid, triangular, resinous. The flowers of the plant bloom earlier than the bees and butterflies appear, so beetles carry out pollination of the flowers.

Interestingly, the flowers of the southern culture do not possess nectar, but the pollinating insects are attracted by the pleasant sugar aroma in the air.

Magnolia caredoes not cause any particular difficulties even for novice florists. Plants should be planted in sufficiently lighted areas, protected from gusty winds. You also need to provide the culture with a fertile soil of a porous structure with a large amount of organic matter, regular watering.

The first year after planting, the plant gives a tiny increase, because all its resources are spent on the formation of an additional secondary root system. After two years, the growth of the southern charmer is much greater. After 3 years, the magnolia is already actively growing.

Leaves, fruits and bark are used in traditional medicine and homeopathy, cosmetology, perfumery. The leaves of the plant contain trace elements, iron salts, carbohydrate-containing substances with cardiotonic activity. The enchantress fruit contains an essential oil that is composed of essential omega-3 fatty acids.

The beauty of magnolias, like a magnet, attracts attention and does not let go for a long time. The first thought, when they talk about the wonderfully flowering trees and shrubs of Chinese and Japanese origin, comes to the well-known sakura but magnolia in these distinctive countries they value no less. In Chinamagnolia symbolizesspring, feminine charm, respect for femininity and beauty. It is considered the flower of innocence and has significant religious significance. The ancient Chinese science of energy flows teaches that magnolia means love, attraction, attachment. When a man gives his beloved a magnolia flower, he makes it clear that he will show morality and chivalry.

It is important to remember that for the most partmagnolias are poisonous.They are stored in a well-ventilated area, otherwise the person may develop symptoms of poisoning: dizziness and migraine.

Magnolia - plant, which is planted singly and in union with other crops. The living green hedge, made up of different types of trees and shrubs, is attractive all year round due to the dissimilar structure, color and shape of the plants inside it. In spring and summer, they delight with a varied shape, color of foliage and flowers, then berries and fruits. In autumn, they admire the variegated color of the leaves, which, depending on the time, acquire all kinds of colors, thereby making the hedge a decoration of alleys and parks.

How it blooms

Magnolia is a fairly ancient culture. It appeared in the Mesozoic era, when the Earth was inhabited by various reptiles. Modern gardeners appreciate exotic magnolia for its interesting crown shape, marvelous leaves, and unique flowers. The queen of the garden blooms from April to May, attracting the attention of thousands of people. Snow-white, mother-of-pearl, lilac, scarlet flowers completely cover the trees. The breath of the wind carries the delicate scent of flowers, giving joy and hope. Overlook,how magnificent the magnolia blooms, impossible.

When it blooms

The time of flowering enchantress comes in April-May. Deciduous forms of the culture bloom even before the leaves appear. In addition to the warm southern regions, some species of exotic plants grow well in northern latitudes. Magnolia looks amazing among evergreen cypresses, dark olive yews and fragrant pine. It catches the eye with a wondrous crown shining in the sun with magical, large, fragrant flowers. When the tree is in bloom, it seems as if it is decorated with milky-cream bows, and its strong polished leaves seem to be covered with emerald varnish.When magnolia blooms, nature explodes with fresh colors, spring really comes in cities.

Plant care

Magnolia objectively considered demanding in care culture. In relation to her, you need to show attention and care. One of the important conditions for the proper development and growth of a plant is the choice of a place for planting. Moist, fertile, well-drained soils, preferably acidic, are ideal.

Anyone who wants to have information about the lack or excess of certain nutrients in the soil of his garden can take samples from various sites and send them to a special laboratory.

The first means for improving the soil is compost, which will provide humus formation, enrich the soil with nutrients, and increase the ability to accumulate moisture. Clay minerals, such as "Betonit" offered by the trade, actively bind moisture, silica dust releases minerals and trace elements.

The site for planting an exotic plant should be illuminated by the sun, protected from gusty winds. A slight shadow is acceptable. Basic care when planting species such as magnolia sulange, magnolia stellate, magnolia large-flowered and others, consists in regular, proper watering.

Every time, especially for those new to gardening, a disturbing question arises about the pruning technique: “Why prune at all, if in nature trees do without any intervention?”. Our garden trees, too, will not die without pruning, but over time they "run wild", twigs and branches, intertwining, will create chaos, the beauty of flowering will fade, and will no longer please the eye. Sick, dry damaged branches of the plant are removed. Magnolia leaves do not need full pruning.

Many people solve the fertilization problem by introducing nutritious mineral salts, which are very convenient to work with, since they are a ready-made complex mixture. This leads to the impoverishment of life in the soil. Compost and other organic fertilizers provide the earth with nutrients: the humus content rises, life in the earth is activated. Gardeners who are close to nature do not distinguish between fertilization and soil maintenance. If almost all fertilization problems in the garden could be solved with compost, then the plants would get enough of it. The lack of nutrients is eliminated by other measures: green fertilizers, the introduction of slurry or humus mixtures.

Magnolia is quite responsive to the addition of fertilizers, but in the first 2 years after planting, it is not recommended to use them. After three years, the plant already needs to obtain additional vital nutrients. Fertilizers are added from early spring to late summer.

Fertilizer recipe: mix 20 gr. ammonium nitrate, 15 gr. urea and 1 kg of cow dung, add 10 liters of water. One tree consumes 40 liters of fertilizer.

To avoid harm to plants, fertilizers are applied in portions, trying to avoid overdose. If too much fertilizer is applied, then in summer the leaves of the plant will dry out. A good, but rarely used, natural and effective complex fertilizer is sludge from a pond. Such feeding stimulates the vegetation of the crop, enhances the protective properties of plants, and prevents the rapid evaporation of moisture from the soil on hot days. The extracted silt is dried and periodically brought into the ground during digging. It is permissible to breed silt in water and water trees with this solution.

In winter, in order to avoid damage to the wood by fluctuating temperatures, it is recommended to cover the tree trunks with cloth bags, and protect young plants with mats or spruce branches. All trees must be watered generously before the first frost. The deeply moistened soil protects the tree root system from freezing in winter time, especially with sharp temperature fluctuations. If this has not been done in advance, they use winter, not very frosty days in order to saturate the earth with water.

Magnolia trees and shrubs are planted in the garden not only because of the beautiful flowering, but also for the bizarre crown shape, the juicy color of the leaves. There are columnar, upward-looking forms, spreading or elegantly hanging down with bizarrely curved and twisted branches. Our garden is not enough even to partially exhaust this diversity.


In the first three years after planting, magnolia is extremely moody in terms of soil moisture. Watering is necessary abundantly, but not very often. It is not recommended to water it constantly and little by little. On very hot days, drying out of the soil must be prevented. Watering is advisable not in bright sun, but early in the morning or in the evening: drops falling on the leaves of magnolia act like small magnifying glasses and can cause burns.

During mid-summer drought, mature trees rarely require additional watering. Young trees, on the other hand, cannot stand dry. Mulching will help preserve moisture. Under an air-permeable layer of mulch several centimeters thick, the earth remains loose, the growth of weeds is suppressed and, thanks to decay, useful substances enter the soil. Where it is impossible to mulch the land all year round, it is necessary to take care of such coverage, at least in autumn. It decays during the winter and leaves behind a loose, fertile soil that is easy to cultivate in the spring.


Sometimes it happens that a slight damage to the plant due to frost cannot be avoided. Frozen branches of the plant are cut to healthy, untouched by the cold wood, the places of the cuts are lubricated with garden var, a natural remedy that helps woody tissues to recover. The culture does not need special pruning, but the damaged branches must be removed.


Despite the fact that many species and varieties of magnolia are frost-resistant, it will not be superfluous for them to arrange a warm shelter for the harsh winter period. Even in a practically mild climate, the weather is unpredictable; cold winters cannot be ruled out. Minor frosts can damage young plants and flower buds.

It is necessary to better prepare for winter and collect material for shelter in any corner of the garden. The material can be: reed or straw mats, mature compost, spruce branches, spruce branches. In autumn, the trunks of trees and shrubs are wrapped in dense burlap, and when the ground freezes a little, the trunk circle is also covered.

Diseases and pests

Shrews and moles cause great harm to trees. Mammals damage the root system of the plant, undermine the roots. The most terrible pest is considered to be a water or earthen rat, which gnaws at the roots of young trees, as a result of which the tree can die in a short time. It is often possible to easily pull a young tree out of the ground and discover that it is missing roots. The water rat places its pantries at a depth of about 40 cm. The shape of the rat's passages is varied, in contrast to the round passages pulled out by moles. This difference is especially important for fighting the water rat using traps, since the moles are protected, they cannot be destroyed.

Preventive measures for rodent control include roosting for birds of prey, removing dense grass from garden lawns, placing tree roots in wire baskets for planting. Gaseous chemicals are highly undesirable as they harm the environment.

During a hot, sultry summer, it can negatively affect plants spider mite... The harm caused by mites is to damage fiber and suck out juice. When sucked out, the affected parts of the leaf are clarified. The affected leaf turns yellow or gray relatively quickly. Then the leaves dry up and fall off. The shoots damaged by the tick are cut, in advanced cases, the affected plant is treated with chemicals.

Planting and breeding

There are several ways to spread the plant:

  • growing magnolia from seed,
  • reproduction of magnolia by cuttings,
  • layering,
  • vaccination.

Magnolia seeds it is necessary to sow in the ground immediately after ripening or stratify them before planting.Planting magnoliapretty seeds difficult way, therefore, other methods of plant propagation are most often used.

Magnolia acuminata 'Yellow Bird'

How to grow from a seed n

Grow magnolia from seedsquite troublesome. This is far from an easy thing, how may seem at first glance. Sow magnolia seeds preferable in autumn, since it is difficult to keep them until spring. Due to the fact that the seeds are covered with a strong oily shell, it is better to scarify them first, that is, deliberately damage the seed shells in order for them to sprout faster.

Scarification of seeds is a long and difficult process. The most straightforward way to injure the shell is to grind the seeds with a file or make cuts in the seeds. sharp knife, avoiding complete thinning of the shell. Many gardeners immerse the seeds in hot water for several days, maintaining the temperature at least 40 degrees until the seed coat is soaked, or place the seeds in a mixture of sand and fine gravel for 90 days, stirring occasionally, thereby erasing the seed coat. Sometimes, to destroy the shell, the seeds are soaked for at least 3 days in a solution of potassium permanganate, wood ash, and baking soda.

After the scarification process is completed, the magnolia seeds are washed with soapy water, removing the oily layer, then rinsed clean water... Following this, the seeds are sown to a depth of 3 cm in a container with fertile soil and removed to the basement.

In the spring, containers with seeds are placed on the windowsill, making sure that the earth does not dry out, and seedlings are expected to appear. Young seedlings grow slowly at first: in a year the plant will hardly reach 50 cm in length. After a year, the seedlings dive and are planted on a permanent site.

How to plant

A well-groomed garden begins with the acquisition of high-quality planting material capable of rapid establishment. This is the guarantor of rapid growth and correct development of plants in the following years. It is extremely important that each plant is healthy: a diseased seedling will become a source of infection and treatment will be required for diseases and pests of all crops planted in the garden.

Magnolia saplingsare grown not in open ground, but in greenhouses, immediately in plastic containers, peat pots or in plastic bags. As a result, the root system of the seedling is formed from a young age and becomes compact. Florists always thinkhow to plant magnoliaso that it will delight you with flowering from year to year, and how to overcome the main difficulties that arise when growing this tree.

When planting a plant with a seedling, take into account that the planting site must be protected from winds, the soil is not too calcareous, and moist. Before planting, an earthen mixture is prepared: the earth is mixed with rotted compost and sand. Next, the seedling is lowered into the hole, without deepening the root collar, it is covered with an earthen mixture, so that a hole is formed around the culture. The soil is compacted and watered. After a while, allowing water to be absorbed, the trunk circle is mulched. Mulching is understood as covering the ground with natural materials that rot over time and therefore must be replaced from time to time.

The planting pattern of magnolias in the garden is due to the fact that the plant will take up a lot of space in the future (some specimens reach 10 meters in height and 5 in width). The distance between magnolias is at least 5 meters. If the site small size, then you need to plant magnolias in groups: one tree magnolia, and several shrubs around it.

As for the timing of planting, the bulk of flower growers are sure that it is better to plant a crop in the fall before the onset of frost, when young seedlings are no longer growing. If we talk about the springplanting magnolias, then there is a danger that in the spring minor frosts may occur, which can harm trees.

How to propagate

Reproduction of magnolialayering is not difficult. In the spring, they bend down a part of the branch closest to the ground, sprinkle it with earth, pin it. After 2 years, large roots are formed on this branch.

After the formation of roots, the cuttings are carefully separated from the mother plant and sent for further development to an institution for growing and breeding plants.

There are still ways how can you propagate magnoliae.g. plant propagation in a greenhouse semi-lignified cuttings.

An excellent period for the propagation of magnolia by cuttings is the middle of summer, when the culture grows intensively.

Cuttings are cut from young plants, leaving several leaves in the upper part, and the lower part of the cutting is treated with a stimulant for root growth. Cuttings are planted in boxes with a damp substrate: clean sand, mixed with perlite or peat is allowed. It is necessary to constantly monitor a stable temperature of at least +22 degrees. If lower or higher temperatures are allowed, drying out of the earth, cuttings may die. After 2 months, the culture takes root. The exception is cuttings of large-flowered magnolia, they take root after 4 months. After a year, the seedlings are planted in a prepared garden plot.

Application in medicine

In official Chinese medicine, it is valuedmagnolia officinalis... Healers practice the use of magnolia extract, which has the ability to suppress the action of adrenaline. The Chinese recommend taking the extract for prolonged high blood pressure. Plant extracts contain magnolia oil and substances that can kill bacteria.

Leaves, fruits, flowers and bark are used for treatment. The leaves are picked by hand, being careful not to damage them, then carefully laid out on trays and dried in the shade or in a dryer. To prevent uneven drying, the leaves are periodically turned over. The finished raw materials are kept in packaged form for no more than 4 years. Correctly harvested and dried leaves have a bitter taste and a green-brown color.

Alcohol tincture of leaves exotic beauty reduces heart pain, normalizes heart rate, improves well-being.

Tincture recipe: 10 g of leaves are poured with 100 ml of alcohol (70%), insisted for at least 14 days, while constantly shaking. The tincture is drunk 30 drops 3 times a day, along with meals.

Magnolia fruits and seeds are harvested in late autumn. The fruits of the eastern enchantress also have effective healing properties, which are prescribed by traditional healers for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, joints and muscles, damage to the cardiovascular system. Tincture of magnolia seeds is recommended by herbalists for the treatment of respiratory diseases and for painful conditions, accompanied by fever and chills.

The bark of the tropical enchantress has found its use in traditional Chinese medicine for healing various kinds of diseases. The bark of the plant helps with inflammation of the gastric mucosa, autoimmune diseases, inflammation of the colon. Bark is advised to be used as a stimulating drug in the absence of labor in women. Dried bark is used in the treatment of disorders of the digestive system: vomiting, diarrhea, flatulence, lack of appetite. The bark helps with asthma, relieves spasms of various types, increases the rate of urine formation and, thus, reduces the fluid content in tissues and serous cavities, restores the process of sputum advancement, and accelerates its excretion. Traditional healers prescribe alcohol tincture from the bark, seeds and fruits of magnolia to relieve fever attacks and regulate the cardiovascular system.

Alternative medicine uses the beneficial properties of magnolia bark to prevent the vital activity of harmful microbes in the mouth and the occurrence of caries, with diseases of the joints and muscles, and loss of appetite.

Medieval healers used magnolia bark instead of cinchona bark to treat an infectious disease called malaria.

Scientists have discovered the compound magnolol in the bark of magnolia, which, as they prove scientific work, has the ability to reduce the risk of developing certain forms of cancer. The professors believe that the extract prepared from the bark of magnolia has a therapeutic effect against cancer of the prostate, lower, end part of the digestive tract, and also reduces the risk of malignant diseases of the hematopoietic system. A compound has been found in the bark that increases blood glucose levels, which is why traditional medicine is actively showing interest in magnolia. The use of magnolia extracts corrects carbohydrate metabolism in the body and those suffering from diabetes mellitus, taking magnolia preparations, control blood sugar levels. Magnolia bark reduces appetite, avoids eating excess food, which is important in the process of losing weight. Naturally, uncontrolled consumption of medicinal extracts can damage health.

Before deciding to be treated with herbal extracts, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will calculate the appropriate dosage, taking into account the sensitivity to drugs.

Magnolia bark also contains a natural hormone-like substance that accelerates protein synthesis, the formation of new cells and muscle structures. Culture preparations help fight asthma attacks, seasonal allergic rhinoconjunctivitis. A course of healing extracts improves overall well-being, prevents future allergies. Magnolia bark is harvested in spring.

The use of magnolia preparations several times increases the level of organic compounds in the brain that carry out neuromuscular transmission, at the same time inhibiting the development of Alzheimer's disease. Preparations based on the plant give a tangible result: oxygen enters the brain faster, which allows the elderly to maintain lightness, clarity and quality of thinking, sharp memory. Magnolia bark contains important elements: magnolola and honokiola. Thanks to these components, the activity of brain cells increases, which is the prevention of memory loss. The substance honokiol has psychotropic medicinal properties. Honokiol, together with the therapy prescribed by the doctor, is effective against cancer cells.

Magnolia preparations have a beneficial effect on the endocrine glands, reduce the release of cortisol, eliminating anxiety, fear, depression. Healing infusions of the plant, stimulating the production of the hormone of joy dopamine, help to cope with a depressed, depressed mental state, a decrease in vitality in the body, and nervous exhaustion. Healthy drinks can help you cope with increased level everyday stress, to survive the difficulties associated with the accelerated pace of life of a modern person.

Thanks to the healing qualities of magnolia, the removal of chemical compounds (poisons, drugs) that harm the human body is accelerated.

It helps with fatty liver hepatosis. Preparations based on the bark and flowers of the tree are necessary for drinkers to protect the liver from the harmful effects of alcohol.

Magnolia is one of the finest plants in the world, a natural resource that is fully utilized in the cosmetics industry. Magnolia is intended for people with the following difficulties: fading and dry skin, the appearance of dilated capillaries, redness and irritation, weak, shine-free hair, skin lesions with fungi. Magnolia extract is an essential component of a wide range of skin and hair care cosmetics. Many connoisseurs of Russian traditional medicine recipes cook decoction of magnolia leaves to restore hair density.

Decoction recipe: pour three tablespoons of dry magnolia leaves with a liter of boiling water, leave for an hour, filter. Rinse hair with broth.

There is no doubt that magnolia is in demand in the production of perfumery products.

Found its place in folk medicine and the essential oil of magnolia. It is extracted from the flowers and leaves of the tree by industrial steam distillation. The production technology is rather complicated, and therefore the final product is quite expensive. Magnolia oils are surprisingly soft, delicate, fragrant, therefore they are an integral component of expensive elegant perfumes.

Alternative medicine actively uses essential oil for diseases of the respiratory tract, it works properly in the form of inhalation for colds, flu, coughs. Experienced masseurs, using oil in the process of massage, relieve painful manifestations of joint and muscle diseases. The oil helps to fight against skin aging, acne, eliminates acne, has a positive effect on the skin, almost completely removes inflammatory processes on the skin of the face. Lovers folk remedies Appreciate the delicious, invigorating scent of Magnolia Oil, which is a versatile remedy that promotes recovery nervous system, relieving the stress of the working day, eliminating the consequences of stress.

To strengthen hair, beauticians add a few drops of flower essential oil to masks and shampoos. For shiny hair, a mixture of magnolia oil, almond and olive oils is heated, a warm product is applied to the hair, a shower cap is put on to enhance the effect, and the nutrient mixture is kept for at least two hours. After the specified time has elapsed, the hair is washed with water. Regular use of this mask is a great way to give your hair a dazzling shine. Cosmetologists advise oil to combat hair loss. With the help of this miracle remedy, they strengthen hair and get rid of dandruff. For this, before washing the hair, oil is rubbed into the scalp and left for an hour, then the head is thoroughly washed with a mild shampoo.

The dosage of oils is made precisely in drops, and not in teaspoons and tablespoons. Otherwise, there is a possibility of burning the skin with essential oil, which will cause irreparable damage to the appearance and will require long-term treatment and a number of procedures to restore. If the burn cannot be avoided, the affected area is smeared with vegetable fat. To eliminate the manifestation of allergic reactions, nourishing oil is dripped onto the wrist and the skin's reaction is monitored throughout the day.

Avoid getting esters in the eyes and on any mucous membranes. If it was not possible to prevent the oil from entering the eyes, they must be rinsed with ophthalmic drops and clean boiled water. In pregnancy and chronic neurological diseases, the use of essential oils is contraindicated. Older women with fair skin the number of used essential oils needs to be cut.

It is important to remember that magnolia is a poisonous plant, therefore the use of preparations containing it requires special care. A blooming beauty can cause migraines, nausea, and dizziness. Taking large-flowered magnolia in doses greater than the recommended ones will lead to a disorder of the body's vital functions. It is necessary to take the product inside very carefully and only on the advice of a specialist. You should be extremely careful about tinctures, extract or essential oil of magnolia during pregnancy, lactation, and childhood.

Beneficial features

Large-flowered magnolia is not included in the collection of standards that determine the quality indicators of medicinal substances produced in the country and preparations made from them, but the beneficial properties of the substances contained in the leaves, bark, flowers and fruits of this plant are used for the manufacture of tinctures, extracts, essential oils. Numerous studies have proven the beneficial effects of magnolia tincture on the human body: it is used in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system, high blood pressure. Magnolia tincture eliminates spasms of smooth muscles of internal organs and blood vessels.

Modern scientific research has shown that substances containing nitrogen, extracted from magnolia leaves, can cause an expansion of the lumen of the arterial vessels of the extremities, which is extremely important for patients with coronary heart disease.

The preparations of the plant localize pain in the region of the heart, excite and regulate its activity, and eliminate congestion. Magnolia bark has life-giving properties, which is used to treat inflammatory changes in the gastric mucosa, diseases of the colon, neuromuscular diseases, and to stimulate labor.

Magnolia alcoholic tinctures help in the treatment of many heart problems, chronic inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract. Magnolia has pronounced antimicrobial properties that can resist inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity. Folk healers also use the fruits of the tree, for example, for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, musculoskeletal system, diseases of the joints and muscles. A tropical plant helps to improve the defenses of the human body, has a good immunostimulating effect. The tincture is also prescribed for a painful condition, accompanied by fever and chills, an acute illness characterized by periodic attacks of fever.

Alternative medicine piggy bank is extremely rich in recipes that help to resist various ailments. Inhalation with magnolia oil relieves attacks of suffocation and coughing in various acute viral diseases... A popular way to treat colds: add a couple of drops of oil to hot water and breathe the mixture for 15 minutes twice a day.

The recipe for alcoholic tincture for the treatment of patients suffering from a pathological increase in blood pressure: equal amounts of seeds, fruits and bark of magnolia are crushed, mixed, then a tablespoon of the collection is poured with a glass of ethyl alcohol.

The bottle with the mixture is placed in a place protected from direct sunlight for two weeks, shaking it daily. After the specified time has elapsed, the agent is filtered. A person suffering from hypertension is prescribed 20-30 drops of tincture during meals, in the morning and in the evening. The duration of the course of treatment is 1 month.

Application in landscape design

Whether we are talking about setting up a new garden or redeveloping an existing one, it should be borne in mind that there is no firm established rules, instructions or templates to create your dream garden. Gardeners love to experiment, for this they have a wide field of activity. The garden resists the daily rush, is not subject to external constraints and regulations, reflects the personal habits and inclinations of the owner. The beauty of magnolia blooms easily competes with the charm of any spring flowers, easily giving the garden an exclusive look.

Blooming magnoliais used in full by landscape designers in the process of landscaping huge areas of megalopolises and home gardens. Just as the perfect melody is born from individual musical sounds, harmony can be created from the correctly selected color tones of beautifully flowering trees. For those who like the play of colors, who love to experiment and are not afraid to create new combinations, a truly boundless kingdom of trees opens up, inviting to choice.

Due to its amazing beauty, any kind or shape magnolias becomes a wonderful decoration, both of a tiny garden and a huge large park, evenin the middle laneour country. The plant acts as a solo specimen and in spectacular hedges.

Trees are the center around which the rest of the plants are grouped, or a link between different garden spaces. ... A green hedge of trees and shrubs is a living architecture that adorns the garden and protects it from wind, noise, dust and prying eyes.

V landscape design next to magnolias various conifers and deciduous plants are planted. For the abundance of brilliant flowers and easy care, gardeners love such plants as:japanese magnolia, blue magnolia, large-leaved magnolia, star magnolia and many others. Ensembles of pink, scarlet, creamy magnolia varieties themselves bear color opposites. The background does not matter here, since it is hardly perceived by admiring eyes.

For gardeners, magnolia is a rare and unusual tree with an extraordinary shape of foliage, voluminous flowers. Attracts the attention of plant lovers original magnolia fruit ... A culture with magical flowers will be the highlight of every garden, no matter what style it is conceived. Magnolia will help to make the garden noticeable, stylish, memorable, and unforgettablethe scent of magnolia flowerswill fill the space with warmth and spring. Where blooming magnolias are planted, a romantic flair reigns throughout the spring.

Magnolia is a stunningly beautiful evergreen flowering tree that you can admire endlessly. Luxurious flowers of white, pink or purple hues have a delicate and exotic look at the same time. It is rare to meet a person who does not know in which natural zone a magnolia tree grows and how it looks. Our article is for those who fell in love with this plant at first sight and wants to grow it in their area. We will share with you a photo of a magnolia tree, as well detailed information for planting and caring for him. So let's start by getting to know this wonderful plant.


The magnolia tree belongs to the genus of flowering plants from the Magnoliaceae family. A deciduous evergreen plant can be represented by both a tree and a shrub, the height of which can be from 2 to 30 meters. It grows in the Crimea and the Caucasus. When the magnolia tree is in bloom, it is covered with large flowers of incredible beauty. Sometimes their diameter can reach 25 centimeters. The first magnolia trees grew in the era of the dinosaurs, which means that they are more than 100 million years old. During excavations, archaeologists have discovered a petrified flower that is more than 95 million years old.

The plant came to the territory of Europe in the seventeenth century. The name of the genus Magnolievs was given in honor of the director of the French botanical garden - Pierre Magnol. To date, two hundred varieties of this plant are known to be sick, most of which grow in subtropical latitudes (for example, the white magnolia tree).

It is very popular in China and Japan, where there is even a beautiful legend about it. Many centuries ago, a Japanese girl named Keiko was engaged in the manufacture of paper flowers, selling which she earned her living. However, their price was negligible. Once a parrot, whom she often fed, said that flowers can be revived by sprinkling them with a drop of their own blood. The main thing is that it is not the last drop of blood in the body. The girl successfully used the secret revealed by the parrot, but her boyfriend turned out to be too greedy. He forced the girl to revive the flowers until the last drop of her blood was consumed. After Keiko's death, the last flower she made was called magnolia. Since then, this flower has been considered a symbol of the generosity of the soul.

Seat selection

Before you start growing a magnolia tree, it is important not only to familiarize yourself with its species and varieties, but also to prepare a place for planting it. Even though this plant is quite frost-hardy, you should carefully consider the choice of a variety that is suitable for your region. For example, the Kobus and Lebner varieties have maximum frost resistance. Soulange, Ash and Wilson tolerate the winter well. In warmer regions, for example, in Sochi, absolutely any magnolia tree takes root.

It is also worth noting that magnolia does not tolerate drafts. Therefore, when choosing a place, you should give preference to areas covered by taller trees. However, too close proximity to fruit crops is undesirable - falling ripe fruits can damage the magnolia flowers. Adequate lighting of the site is also important - both deep shadow and prolonged exposure to direct sunlight are unacceptable. But there are also exceptional varieties that perfectly tolerate bright sunlight: Kobus, Lebner and star magnolia. And Kobus is also resistant to exhaust gases, which is why it is often planted along highways.

Optimal planting times

To get a beautiful flowering, as in the photo of a magnolia tree, it is permissible to plant it both in autumn and spring. However, many gardeners suggest giving preference to autumn planting. This is due to the state of dormancy in which the tree is with the arrival of autumn, which makes it easier to transfer the winter period. And having planted magnolia in the spring, in the phase of active growth, the tree will quickly overgrow with young shoots, which will not have time to be covered with a layer of bark before the arrival of winter and will simply freeze.

Soil requirements

Magnolia tree seedlings intended for planting must be purchased in trusted places and specialized stores. They are mainly sold in small containers. This is convenient when transplanting them into open ground - there is a better adaptation to new conditions due to the preservation of an earthen coma around the roots. Experienced gardeners advise purchasing magnolia saplings that have reached a meter in height, as well as with several blossoming flowers. This purchase guarantees the healthy condition of the tree and its ability to bloom.

The soil for planting a magnolia tree should have a light structure and good drainage. The best option would be a neutral or slightly acidic soil with a fertile composition. With a high alkalinity of the soil, a little peat is added to it. For self-preparation of the soil mixture, you will need 1 part of sod land, two parts of peat and 0.5 parts of sand.

Landing scheme

A pit for planting a magnolia tulip tree is digging 4-5 times larger than the size of its root system. A drainage layer is poured onto the bottom of the pit - at least 15 centimeters. After that, a ten-centimeter layer of sand and a layer of manure 15 centimeters high are laid, and again the same layer of sand. Only after that, the prepared soil is poured into the hole and the seedling is installed. The tree is sprinkled in such a way that its root collar is not buried, that is, no more than 3 centimeters. After planting, the earth is well compacted and spilled with water. The area near the trunk is covered with coniferous bark to retain moisture.

Since magnolia does not tolerate transplants, plant it immediately in a permanent place. When growing several trees at the same time, keep a distance of about 5 meters between them.

Watering and feeding

Only young magnolia trees, as well as adults, need watering, but only during periods of prolonged heat and drought. For the safe growth and development of the tree, a weekly application of water in the amount of 2-3 buckets is required. In dry summers and with a high sand content in the soil, watering is more frequent.

The first feeding of magnolias is carried out no earlier than two years after planting. With the onset of spring, a mixture of a kilogram of mullein, 15 grams of urea and 25 grams of nitrate is introduced into the soil. With the arrival of autumn, fertilizer based on nitroammophoska in the amount of 20 grams per 10 liters of water will be more useful. One tree requires at least 40 liters of such a solution. Specialized fertilizers for magnolia such as "Kemira-Universal" are also used.

Soil care

Since the roots of the magnolia tree are shallow, loosening of the soil should be done to a depth of not about 20 centimeters. In addition, this process should be as accurate as possible, without the use of a shovel or a rake. Weeds are preferably removed manually. And three years after planting a tree in open ground, it is advisable to mulch the near-trunk area. Coniferous bark, peat, manure and sawdust... Such a coating will protect the tree from moisture loss, insulate the soil and act as a source of nutrients.


A flowering magnolia tree is quite difficult to tolerate pruning. That's why this procedure produced only in the first years and with the aim of improving decorative properties... You should not get carried away with the process of crown formation, as this can negatively affect flowering. For an adult tree, only sanitary pruning is recommended, with the removal of dry, damaged and diseased branches. Such processing is carried out no more than once a year. It is permissible to thin out a crown that is too dense, but at the same time it is important to immediately process the cut sites with garden pitch in order to avoid the loss of nutrients.

Preserving the tree in the winter

An adult magnolia can withstand temperatures as low as -30 ° C. Therefore, it absolutely does not need additional care in winter. However, young trees (in the first three years of life) are rather weak. To protect them from frost, cover the lower part of the trunk or the entire tree with special agrofibre, burlap or spruce branches. Every year the frost resistance of the tree increases, and therefore it is quite enough to mulch the near-trunk territory with sawdust, bark or peat.

Seed reproduction

In natural conditions, the magnolia tree propagates by seeds carried by birds. You can try to sow a tree from seeds in your area. Seeds are harvested in the fall, after full ripening. Seeds are planted immediately or deposited until spring. In the second case, they are stored in a bag placed in the refrigerator.

Before planting, they are poured with water for three days and cleaned of the oil shell. This is done by rubbing it through a sieve. The next stage of preparation is washing the seeds with soapy water and rinsing with clean water. Sowing is carried out to a depth of about three centimeters, after which the box with plantings is removed until March. In early spring, it is put on a well-lit windowsill for seedling to emerge. The first year of the plant's life, cultivation is carried out at home. Only next spring are seedlings planted in open ground.

Cutting and propagation by layering

Usage vegetative ways Reproduction of the magnolia tree promotes faster flowering than seed propagation. These methods are good for the condition of the tree, especially in the early years of growth.

Reproduction of magnolia by air layers is carried out in late spring or early summer. For this, a circular cut of the bark is made on the branch without touching the wood. Its width should be about 3 centimeters. The cut site is treated with a growth stimulant (for example, "Heteroauxin"), covered with moss and wrapped in a film. The branch is tied to adjacent branches to protect it from damage caused by strong winds. After two to three months, roots are formed on the cut, ready for transplantation.

Cuttings are carried out at the end of July. Cuttings are cut from the branches of a young tree, leaving at least two leaves. The lower part of the cut is treated with a growth stimulant, after which the cutting is planted in the sand. Germination of the cuttings is best done in greenhouse conditions, at a temperature not less than + 22 ° С and moderate humidity. Rooting occurs 1.5-2 months after planting. In winter, the cuttings are transferred to a warm room, and the next spring they are transplanted into open ground.

Reproduction by vaccinations

This method of propagation of the magnolia tree allows for faster growth, earlier fruiting and better endurance. But this method is quite time consuming and will require patience. Grafting is carried out in the spring, in a greenhouse or growing in the open field. There are three grafting methods: side cut, improved copulation, and butt. In addition, for such reproduction, a queen cell is sometimes required, but it is not always at hand.

Diseases and pests

As such, the magnolia tree does not have diseases. Problems can only arise with improper care. For example, excessive fertilization of the soil becomes salty and leads to a slowdown in the growth of the tree. The oversaturation of the soil with nutrients can be recognized by the drying edges of the leaves. The necessary measures to save the tree in this case is to increase watering and reduce the application of top dressing.

With a high lime content in the soil, chlorosis can develop in magnolia. It looks like yellow spots on the leaves, and the veins of the leaf retain their green color. The root system in such soil dies quickly enough. Therefore, at the slightest sign of a disease, a little peat and coniferous land should be added to the soil. If these measures are not successful, then you should use iron preparations and other special chemicals.

Among the most harmful insects are rose thrips, mealybugs, peach aphids, spider mites and transparent mites. All of these pests damage the tree by sucking out tree sap. The infected and weakened plant showered the leaves as early as July. And sometimes insects weaken the tree so much that for a whole year it does not give growth at all. Moreover, many pests carry dangerous viruses. You can save yourself from the invasion of insects with the help of solutions of acaricides. The best drugs of this kind are "Aktellik" and "Aktar".

A tree with incredibly beautiful flowers that will decorate your garden, make it bright and expressive, filling it with an alluring vanilla-lemon scent. And do not be afraid of her possible capriciousness: I will try to dispel all doubts and share the intricacies of growing and caring for magnolia.

A symbol of virgin purity in China, magnolia is held in high esteem in our country too. Its extraordinary beauty and delightful aroma have long been admired.

In the middle lane, it begins to bloom as early as April, when most of the trees are not even covered with leaves. Apparently, this is why the huge flowers are surprising and delightful. Although magnolia is valued not only for its beauty. Its leaves, flowers, fruits and even bark contain - a unique antiseptic for hypertension, rheumatism and diseases of the digestive system.

Magnolia (named after the famous botanist P. Magnol) is one of the brightest representatives of the Magnolia family, which has over 70 species. Its luxurious trees with a wide pyramidal or spherical crown can reach 5-8, or even 20 m in height. Depending on the variety, the flowers can be white, pink, purple, red, and even lilac. True, out of 120 varieties, only a few manage to grow in the middle lane (the rest are really capricious and simply will not survive our harsh winters): magnolia kobus, magnolia stellata and some of their hybrids. Later we will analyze them in more detail, but for now, let's discuss the nuances of growing this amazing plant.

Planting magnolia

Before you start planting a magnolia, you need to choose the right seedling: it must have one. You can read and see what else to look for when choosing seedlings in the following materials:

The landing site is determined in advance, given that the magnolia:

  1. Prefers areas protected from winds and drafts;
  2. It absolutely does not tolerate heavily limed soils: roots hardly develop in them and may die. If this is the case in your area, mix it with acidic, this will lower the pH;
  3. It grows poorly on heavy, waterlogged and sandy soils.
The best place for planting will be sunny, in the southern regions - a slightly shaded area with light fertile soil.

About landing dates most gardeners agree that it is better to plant magnolia in the fall, when young seedlings have already stopped growing, as if "falling into hibernation." Autumn planting should be done in mid-late October, when there are no severe frosts yet, and the unbearable heat is gone.

Relatively spring planting opinions differed. Some gardeners believe that young magnolia saplings, like most trees, can be planted in the spring - in April. The latter insist that even small ones are capable of causing irreparable harm to trees that have already begun to grow, after which rehabilitation will be long and, most likely, ineffective. To listen to such conflicting opinions or not is up to you. But think about whether the risk is justified: after all a properly planted seedling in the fall will take root almost 100%.

Having chosen a place, we begin to cook landing pit... Please note that the size of the pit should be three times the volume of the root system of the seedling.

  1. Having taken out the required amount of soil, we mix it with the rotted one.
  2. If the soil is too dense, add a little sand.
  3. Having prepared the earthen mixture, we place the seedling in the planting hole, in no case deepening the root collar, and fill it with the mixture so that a small hole forms around the tree.
  4. Then we slightly compact the earth in the hole and water it well.
  5. As soon as the water is absorbed into the soil, mulch the trunk circle with peat / sand or cover it with bark.


If it was not possible to avoid a little freezing, and the tops of the branches are still frozen, it is necessary to draw the branches to healthy wood, and cover up the cuts. In addition, it is necessary to cut off all damaged, dry and crisscrossing branches inside the crown. And here formative pruning of magnolia is not needed.

Fertilizers and feeding

Although magnolia is very responsive to application, it is not recommended to feed her in the first 2 years of life... But three-year-old magnolia seedlings already need additional nutrients, so fertilization will be very useful. It is necessary to apply fertilizers from early spring to late August... , which increases the plant's tendency to freezing, can be used only until mid-July.

Fertilizer can be prepared by yourself using 20 grams of ammonium nitrate, 15 grams of urea and 1 kg of mullein, diluted in 10 liters of water... Fertilizer consumption for 1 tree is 40 liters.

You can also use a solution of complete mineral fertilizer "Kemira-Universal", for the preparation of which I dissolve 1 tbsp in a bucket of water. drug. There are also a number of fertilizers created specifically for feeding magnolia: for example, AGRECOL "For Magnolia".

And remember: everything is good in moderation. This is also true for fertilizers, the excess of which can only harm the plant. If an overdose does occur, which can be determined by old leaves drying out at the end of July, try to fix it with weekly abundant watering.

Types and varieties of magnolia

Magnolia can be deciduous or evergreen. The first reacts to temperature changes only by changing the timing of flowering, and the second is not capable of withstanding large frosts at all, therefore, in the middle lane it is cultivated only in greenhouses with a certain temperature regime.

Among the 120 varieties of magnolia, there are not so many winter-hardy and relatively winter-hardy varieties. So, to winter-hardy varieties that can be grown without problems in the middle lane include:

  • magnolia cobus(Magnolia kobus),
  • magnolia star(Magnolia stellata),
  • a hybrid of star magnolias and cobus - Magnolia Lebner.
To relatively winter-hardy in which in very coldy only part of the flower buds will freeze, garden forms Ash and Soulange.

Magnolia kobus

Magnolia trees of the Kobus variety reach 8-12 m in height and are distinguished by an unusual crown, which in the first years of life has a pyramidal shape, which changes to spherical with age.

Magnolia Kobus is rightly considered the most hardy and unassuming variety to care for, but it is rarely cultivated here. But the point is this: from the germination of seeds until the period when the tree pleases with its color, it will take about 30 years. Although those who know how to wait will be rewarded a hundredfold: in addition to the fact that the magnolia of the cobus variety is undemanding to care for, in April-May it will delight you with incredibly beautiful white flowers with a purple base. Dark green leaves turn yellow-brown with the arrival of autumn and fall off only by mid-autumn.

Magnolia stellata

More often a tree, less often a shrub, up to 5-6 m in height, with a spherical or oval crown, magnolia star-shaped reaches 4.5 and even 5 m in width. During flowering, Magnolia stellata exudes a very pleasant, enveloping and persistent aroma.

And the stellate magnolia blooms earlier than the others - in March-April, after which the whole tree is covered with dark green leaves up to 7-10 cm long, which become bronze-yellow by autumn.

Magnolia Loebneri (Magnolia x loebneri)

Lebner's magnolia is a hybrid of cobus and star magnolias, which took the best from its parents: the endurance and beauty of the crown of the former and the delightful aroma of the latter.

Lebner's magnolia is a tree with a rounded crown, reaching a height of 9 m. The fragrant flowers of Magnolia x loebneri, white with a slightly pinkish tinge, bloom in April, and the green leaves all summer, just like the star magnolia, turn yellow by autumn. bronze color.

Magnolia x soulangeana

Magnolia Soulange is most often found in our markets.

It is a 5-10-meter tree, in April-May, covered with a solid carpet of fragrant pink-purple flowers with a diameter of 10-25 cm, which resemble tulips. The dark green leaves of the Soulange magnolia turn dirty yellow by autumn.

Ash's magnolia (Magnolia macrophylla ssp.ashei)

One of the most beautiful and hardy deciduous magnolias - Ash's magnolia - will delight you with rapid flowering already at 2-5 years of age.

Ash's magnolia tree reaches a height of 5, and sometimes 7 meters and almost never suffers from recurrent frost. And the thing is that it blooms much later than other species - in the middle, and sometimes closer to the end of May. In addition, flowering lasts much longer than early flowering ones. Huge white flowers with a cream shade reach 25 and sometimes 30 cm in diameter, and amazing tropical leaves reach 50-70 cm in length.

In this article, I tried to reveal all the secrets of growing magnolia. But maybe for some of you they are not news at all, and magnolia has been growing in your garden for a long time? Share your impressions of growing this wonderful tree, I will be very grateful to you for that, because there is nothing more valuable than your own experience!