Metaphorical associative cards as a tool in the work of a practical psychologist. Metaphorical cards in the work of a psychologist Cards with which a child psychologist works

Metaphorical cards are psychological pictures that depict people, events and abstractions that cause each person to have their own associations. Working with metaphorical associative cards refers to projective techniques, as it helps to reveal the individual mental contents of the client through the transfer to the cards. In identical pictures, one person who thinks positively and is in a good mood can see celebration, joy, delight, happiness and other positive contents, while another, having internal problems, will transfer them to cards and see some kind of tension, resistance, war, anxiety. A person projects his subconscious onto a picture without realizing it - it is this unawareness that in reality does not allow solving his problem.

Metaphorical associative maps are good because they are a translator of the unconscious to the level. The unconscious operates with images and pictures, while the consciousness thinks in units of speech - words, phrases. At the same time, unconscious processes are the largest part of the mental iceberg, only a small part remains for consciousness, which no longer solves, but only explains unconscious impulses.

In, as a rule, generic, childhood traumas are hidden, which create prohibitions in a person for certain actions. A person may desire something, but the unconscious, following its goal of preserving life and mental balance, does not let him in, because a certain trauma has occurred here. Even another person could face danger, which can remain in the subconscious and will prevent the repetition of a negative, possibly, experience. With the help of pictures, you can extract what hinders the achievement of goals.

Metaphorical cards - a guide for a psychologist

How do metaphorical mind maps work? The person describes the picture that he pulled out at his request, the barrier is quietly removed. He does not talk about himself, and therefore relaxes, working with metaphorical associative maps releases painful blocked experiences that a person cannot raise in the usual way. Through the cards, pain can be detected, pulled out and worked through until complete healing.

Clients love interacting with metaphorical pictures because most of the time they need to relax and play, even this has a beneficial effect on their emotional state. If the client does not always take work with projective cards seriously, then with the professional work of a psychologist, tremendous work can be done with deep internal changes that the client cannot fail to notice in himself.

There are many different configurations, methods for laying out cards and sets. For example, the Persona deck is used when working with personal aspects and in constellations. In consultation with her, the psychologist asks the client to find a face that matches the current state, then the desired, problematic, or such that no one has seen the client. The client lays out and talks about the cards, then the psychologist offers to move them, if there is such a desire. There is also a children's version of the deck - "Personita".

Oh cards contain not only pictures, but also frames for them with words. First, a frame is laid out, and a picture is placed on it, and the psychologist asks the client what they mean. The client is trying to understand this metaphor. However, there are no strict rules here, if the picture and the word for it do not connect in any way and do not resonate, the material did not go well - you can replace the picture.

There are card sets for dealing specifically with traumatic experiences, for finding resources, even blank sets for drawing what you want. Many card sets also have a digital option that allows you to consult remotely, saving the entire process in a presentation. It can be transferred to the client, he will be able to continue to interact with it, consolidating the results of the work.

Metaphorical associative cards even allow you to conduct an independent session, and you can use the cards in a very creative way, moving away from the instructions. Laying out and interpreting the cards, a person with experience begins to realize his current inner state, experiences, and attitudes.

The meaning of metaphorical cards

The law of metaphorical cards - the card itself does not mean anything, it contains what the client sees. Methodically, metaphorical cards are associated with the Rorschach test, in which the subject should examine the image in ink spots. Of course, each person begins to talk about himself, seeing what worries him. Over time, the direction has developed into a whole class of projective techniques that easily bypass the client's resistance, solve the problem of verbalizing the problem.

Metaphorical cards help to work when a person does not even find what to say about his own people at all, is defocused, cannot realize why he feels bad. Describing card after card, for example, using the six-card technique, when you need to describe each image in relation to the word laid out to it, the client usually understands by the sixth card what his problem is, what is worth working on, what is his main theme. Since the technique is projective, working with metaphorical cards has a big plus - there is no retraumatization. A person always talks about the map as about some object that is outside, he does not need to immerse himself in his experiences. Do not confuse metaphorical cards with divination, tarot cards and other esoteric techniques.

Metaphorical cards themselves do not reveal anything, except for what is contained in the unconscious of the person himself, and therefore they can help in finding internal solutions and resources, but they cannot answer whether something will come true from the outside without the intervention of the subject and his mental forces. To eliminate the association with Tarot cards, some psychologists have even begun to call metaphorical cards projective cards.

Metaphorical cards are also rarely used for psychodiagnostics due to compliance with the law that the metaphorical card itself does not carry any meaning, except for what the client sees in it.

How to work with metaphorical cards?

In the process of work, the psychologist as a leader asks leading questions, the client answers, describes the picture, verbalizing and then realizing his mental contents transferred to it. For example, a client asked to find his destination. The psychologist asks him to say his question and draw one picture from the "Person" set. The client turns it over and sees a person with ambiguous emotions. The psychologist asks to describe who he sees on the map, to tell what this person is like. After that, the psychologist offers the client to analyze how the description of the person in the picture corresponds to the client’s personality, what is the similarity.

If he saw something very unpleasant for himself in the picture, causing discomfort, he can immediately work out this problem, find a resource for it. For example, black hair for the client was associated with a difficult character, then the psychologist suggests that he choose one more card from the next “Person” deck to solve this problem, having expressed aloud before that the desire to find a resource that can help the most. For example, it turns out to be a card with a person covering his face with his hands. The client describes him as playing hide-and-seek, now in the game, in a state of concentration, waiting, which we all experienced as children.

If this is not enough for the client, he can choose other pictures in the open. For example, for self-confidence, he stops at the image of a person diving against the backdrop of the sun and fine weather. He is purposeful, his body radiates strength and relaxation, he feels good and enjoys his body. The card can even be placed on top of a previously drawn card that causes discomfort, as if overlapping it.

Having described the resource map, you can put it aside and look again at the first map that previously caused unpleasant associations. The psychologist asks the client to see what has changed on her. Surprisingly, what I didn’t like seems to soften - ugly hair becomes quite attractive, a prickly look becomes kinder. The client already reports that the person on the map has confidence, he is going in the right direction.

Often during the sessions, the picture changes literally before our eyes. If the client’s facial expression was tense, his eyes sadly closed, then after interacting with the map, adding forces and resources, other states, the client sees calmness, even some kind of joy, relaxation, changes for the better immediately occur. As soon as he starts working with the cards, he seems to give a command to the subconscious, which perceives the images of the pictures and already at the conscious level returns the answer, as a result of which life changes occur.

Techniques for working with metaphorical cards

Metaphorical maps are a good working tool that, in an easy, relaxed way, reveals the deep contents of a person that he could not even tell right away.

There are many techniques for using metaphorical cards, moreover, you can freely invent new ones, use several decks at the same time. For example, if a person has laid out a card of the current state, and with it a card of the ideal, you can invite him to find a card and a transitional state that will allow him to achieve what he wants. You can ask questions and take out cards at random, you can look at the cards, simply explaining what you see on them. Each metaphorical deck usually has about 90 cards, so there are quite a lot of storylines that can be decomposed. Having extensive experience working with different sets of cards, a psychologist can choose the most suitable deck for each client and his problems.

In classical counseling work, the psychologist usually asks the client leading questions about each card, and the questions must be open-ended and not lead the client to the content that the psychologist himself could put into the card. For example, if a mountain or a volcano is shown on the map, the psychologist only asks what kind of mountain, what kind of volcano, where they are, what is happening there. Listening to the content of the client, at the end the psychologist finds out from the client, maybe he has something else about it.

There are also techniques that are mainly based on the game. For example, in the “Obstacles and Opportunities” technique, the psychologist acts as a leader and asks the players to select 5 cards blindly, without even asking any questions before that, without formulating requests. The game is associative, therefore there is no gain here, except, of course, the psychological benefit from the conclusions obtained. The psychologist asks the first player to look at the cards without showing them to others, and choose one that shows an obstacle or difficulty. For example, he chooses and lays out a card with a house, saying that it is falling apart. The task of the second player is to find among his cards and lay out the one that depicts an opportunity to solve the problem. The first player to present the problem listens and accepts the proposed solution. If it turned out to be, as he considered, inappropriate or insufficient, he reports this, the second player again offers an opportunity card. After the decision is made, the players change places.

After the game, the psychologist asks the players to analyze whether the game intersects with life, whether the participants have discovered any personal problems, as well as solutions for them. An explanation in front of other participants, therefore it is not necessary for him to be detailed, it is enough to understand the situation for himself, voicing a little. However, often even before that, participants understand what determines their choice of cards.

The next technique is called "The place and time of my dreams." The client is asked to choose one of the cards turned upside down, before that, you can also not formulate a request. Looking at her, he should think what kind of country it is, what time, whether ours, the past. What does he need to stay in this time. The client can imagine himself in it, as if entering the world depicted on the card, and walk around in it, look, even mentally take a gift for himself or a loved one. The psychologist asks again leading questions, asks what the client found useful for himself in this time, what resource he was able to replenish.

The Dead End Technique is suitable for finding a way out of difficult situations and analyzing recurring problems that the client cannot solve in any way. To determine the current deadlock situation, several cards are laid open in front of the client, it is proposed to choose one that describes the current state of affairs as accurately as possible. You should choose with feelings, the card that attracts the most attention. Having chosen, the psychologist clarifies what the client clings to on this card, where the eye is drawn all the time. Paying attention to this detail, the client should observe what emotions appear in him. Perhaps on the map he will also find something that he does not like, causes rejection, unwillingness to look at this element of the map. Next, the psychologist asks to talk about the situation depicted on the card and the hero of its plot.

The next alignment in this technique is the images of various doors as ways out of the situation. The client needs to select one and describe what the door is, whether it can help get out of the impasse, whether it is difficult or easy to get into it, whether it is open or closed for him. Then perhaps the client can imagine what is behind the door, describing their feelings. If for the client this door is not an exit, then the psychologist specifies where it can lead.

Then follows the layout of the cards on the issue, which prevents you from getting out of the impasse. Here the client can choose up to three cards, those that describe fears and blocks. The psychologist clarifies what the client himself means in each selected card, which, perhaps, frightens the client or hinders the search for a way out, asks to tell the story of each card, about the characters depicted on it, in order to reveal as much as possible what blocks the client, does not allow him to get out of a difficult situations. Often, secondary benefits of the client are also found on the cards, the psychologist asks him to think about what benefit he gets from remaining in this dead end, from which fear may protect him, what is even more terrible can happen in life if he nevertheless decides to change. By being aware of their fears, blocks, and secondary gains, the client can move on and have a chance to overcome the impasse.

The last alignment is resource. Again, there are several cards in front of the client with what can help get out of the impasse, make changes. The psychologist asks him to choose those that are support and resources for the client, on which he can rely, and after choosing, describe each. The client tells what is most interesting, positive for him on the card, what attracts attention, causes a surge of energy, gives strength. The psychologist suggests considering which of the depicted resources the client already has and which can be attracted, think about how the resource can be used, what can be done in the near future. The more detailed the client answers the questions, describing the map, the more meaningful he will get the result, the more interesting discoveries he will get about his dead end, about why he is in it, why he needs a dead end. This can become a point from which the client can even turn his worldview around.

With the help of associative metaphorical cards, you can work with the Shadow. The psychologist then asks the client to create a mental intention, and then choose himself from a deck of cards with faces, how the client now sees and accepts himself, then his opposite. The gender and age of the person depicted on the card does not matter, only his emotions are important. If the client finds it difficult to choose only one card for each of the incarnations, he can choose two or even several.

Describing the first hypostasis, the client tells what he sees on the card, what feelings and emotions are present on it. If the person depicted on it, according to the client, is looking at someone, the psychologist asks to choose from the deck the one he is looking at, what can be done in private, and then describe. Next, the psychologist leads the client to a description of the opposite card. Then he asks if the cards are correctly placed in front of him on the table, or if the client wants to change their positions. Most often, the client pushes back the opposite card, symbolizing his Shadow.

The psychologist asks the client to analyze the interaction of antipodal cards, asking if one card sees the other. If so, how do the personalities depicted on them relate to each other, is the opposite card of the main card needed, can the main card thank its opposite for something, what negative does the opposite card bring to the life of the main card, if you want to move it away.

If the cards do not see each other, then what needs to be changed in the layout so that they see each other. When the client changes the position of the cards, the psychologist will know what has changed in the main card. When the client talks about the negative qualities of the antipode, the psychologist listens, then offers to transform these qualities, replacing them with positive synonyms, and sums up, saying what positive grain was found, how the main card can integrate these qualities, how it will change after that, can it thank its own the opposite and what feelings after gratitude it experiences.

After the work done, it will be great if the client, on behalf of the main card, expresses gratitude to the antipode card for the transferred resource. Perhaps after that the client will again want to change the arrangement of the cards on the table or even replace one card with another from the deck.

This technique allows you to work out the shadow qualities of the personality, as a result, the client can integrate, accept his shadow side. The psychologist asks what the client feels in connection with the work done, how his feelings have changed after reconciliation with his previously repressed part.

There are 6 different category decks in the set. Each deck is a thematic selection of special words revealing a specific topic.
1) Feelings and states
2) Fears and concerns
3) Secondary benefits
4) Values ​​and needs
5) Qualities and skills
6) Action and balance.

The study of these important topics helps to deal with obstacles to solving problems, find resources, support, human growth zones and set true goals.
"Psychologist's CARD FILE" as a tool can help to explore these topics in more depth, and find answers to questions:

Feelings and states
Me: How do I feel? What feelings do I not understand? Which ones do I suppress? My "alphabet" of feelings? What feelings do I want to experience? What kind of pleasant emotions can I get?
"Emotions are the foundation of our self-understanding and relationship with other people" - quote.

Fears and concerns Q: What fears are bothering me? What are they "protecting" from? What is behind my fear? How to get started?
“A person who is afraid of suffering is already suffering from his fear” - M. Montaigne.

Secondary Benefits: What benefits do I get from an unresolved situation? What secondary benefits do I get from my psychosomatic symptom? Why is this important to me? What else is behind this? How can I get this benefit differently?
“A secondary benefit is that benefit that keeps a person in the problematic state that he received.”

Values ​​and Needs: My value system? What is really important to me? My priorities? My current needs? How to set goals correctly? How to make the right choice? How to make the right decision? What are the ways to resolve internal conflict? What do I want?
“To be a whole person is to act in accordance with your core values” - quote.
“Just because a need is hidden doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.” – Erich Fromm

Qualities and skills
: My virtues? My resources? What will help me? What qualities do I need to develop? What do I want to be?
"The qualities of a person are a kind of building blocks from which a person's personality is formed."

Action and balance: What am I doing wrong? Where am I wrong? What should I change in my behavior? What should be done differently? What is out of balance? What is my new action plan?
“To have what you never had, you must do what you never did” - quote.

The manual describes in detail the possibilities of working with the kit.
Each topic is revealed, the importance of working with it and practical applications, both in diagnosis and therapy.

"Psychologist's CARD FILE" is a tool that can be useful in your work:
psychologists, consultants, psychotherapists, leading psychological and transformational games, specialists in working with metaphorical associative maps, as well as for people involved in their personal growth.

Metaphorical associative cards are a set of various kinds of pictures, the size of which can reach the size of a postcard. Such cards can contain images of people, their interactions, animals, scenery, life situations, and more. The uniqueness of this method lies in the fact that the associations caused by the picture are able, on an unconscious level, to open access to the depths of one's own soul. In the images on the cards, a person sees himself from the outside.

The process is not accompanied by stiffness and other limiting emotions, and this affects the creation of a favorable atmosphere that encourages relaxation and trust, which is extremely important in the work of a psychologist. The method of associations helps to quickly clarify and understand the needs of a person, study his incomplete internal processes and solve these problems with the help of cards.

Advantages of metaphorical cards:

  • when working with visual images, a person's conscious censorship decreases, which makes it easier to work with his unconscious subconscious conflicts;
  • cards provide an opportunity to see a true picture of interpersonal and other relationships of a person with the surrounding reality and images living in his inner world;
  • great for working with people who are poorly aware of their feelings and rely more on facts than on emotions;
  • help to overcome internal resistance, which very often does not lend itself to any method;
  • open up great opportunities for creativity, self-development, self-knowledge and are combined in work with all known methods of psychotherapists;
  • a universal technique that can be used in almost all situations and in different age categories.

What problems and questions can be worked on with the help of metaphorical cards?

This technique is suitable for questions of various topics. For children, the most relevant are the problems of relationships with parents, peers, the elimination of various phobias and psychological assistance in critical situations (loss of loved ones, divorce of parents, etc.).

Adults, on the other hand, can turn to metaphorical maps to cope with the experience of loneliness, diagnose the family system, find resources to achieve the necessary goals, resolve the problem of choice, and much more.

Metaphorical cards allow:

  • determine the causes of the events and find a way out of the current situation;
  • analyze your future, line of conduct (in business, in a team, etc.);
  • adjust personal relationships, solve family problems;
  • develop abstract and creative thinking, logical abilities;
  • find the source of the disease and focus on working with its symptoms;
  • give free rein to your intuition and subconscious wisdom;
  • activate internal resources and unleash creativity.

Types of cards and their classification

Currently, the technique of working with metaphorical cards is becoming very popular because of its effectiveness, convenience and safety for the client. Psychologists and psychotherapists take part in the development of new decks, taking into account the most diverse needs and topics of their clients. Cards are produced in different countries, the very first were the decks of German manufacturers and thanks to Moritz Egetmeyer they spread all over the world.

The basic and main set are OH, Persona and Saga, the rest of the decks are considered more highly specialized. They are used for requests that are less popular.

OH is a set of 2 decks of cards, one of which contains pictures and the other contains words. By placing an image in a framed card with a word, the client expresses his vision of the resulting combination. These cards are used to work with the unconscious, with emotional disorders, intrapersonal conflicts, to determine interpersonal relationships and search for an internal resource.

Persona contains a set of portraits of people of different gender, age and nationality. The metaphor of these portraits allows you to work on such requests as social relationships, subpersonalities, role dispositions, emotional disorders and psychosomatics.

Saga is a kind of "fairy tale therapy". The deck contains artistic cards that depict fairy-tale characters, scenes and phenomena. With their help, they work with experiences, look for an internal resource.

Working with children using metaphorical cards

Metaphorical associative cards provide an opportunity to establish emotional contact with children of different ages. The big advantage is the fact that children perceive this method of therapy as a game, and this is the guarantee of a painless session that is not capable of injuring the child.

Working with adults using metaphorical cards

The cards are able to illuminate all the dark corners of the subconscious and answer the most exciting questions. This technique is suitable for absolutely everyone and answers questions from many topics from different areas of life. 15-20 minutes are enough, and with the help of the therapist's correctly asked questions, the client independently finds a way out of the depressing situation, solves his problem.

As a practicing psychologist, I really like to use metaphorical cards. Working with them is always exciting for both the client and me. Metaphorical associative cards allow you to subtly and painlessly get in touch with the client's inner world and find a solution to problems in it. I believe this is the main advantage and unique feature of this method.

Fragment of client session using metaphorical associative cards.
Published with the consent of the client.

Sets: “Duet”, “Image of a woman”, “ON” Cards.

Woman 55 years old. With higher education. Holds a leadership position. Works 12 hours a day. Divorced for over 20 years. Was in a civil marriage. There is an adult son and two grandchildren.

Inquiry: How do I get over a breakup with (the breakup happened 3 months ago) who left for someone else?

K: 1 picture.

P: Why did you choose these particular pictures? What attracted you to them?
The only thing that attracts me in this picture is that the woman is well-groomed.
P: How old is she? What is her character?
K: 35 years old. Well, gentle nature. Such a sensitive one.
P: What does she do in life?
K: She is a person of art. Maybe a ballerina.
P: Does she have a family?
K: She has a husband and 1 child.

2 picture.

K: It's the same here. She is well-groomed. I love femininity. This woman is older, more mature, she is 45. She has a family: a husband and 1 adult child.
P: What does she do?
K: She works somewhere in a leadership position. Both personalities are strong.

3 picture:

The image of "not me". A woman with a tear on her face in black clothes.

K: I don't like these cards because I don't like people who dress in black. This is despondency and, in general, depression. And it annoys me. Like a depressive state and already a couple of times I cried.
That's not mine. It irritates me, and the black color irritates me, and these tears - it’s not clear what. It is not clear what kind of face, sad.
P: What do you think she is crying about?
K: Maybe about the loss of a man.
P: Does she often lose a man?
K: No, I lost it once. She is 50 years old. Some kind of failure.
P: Why?
K: I don’t know, it looks like, well…. Eyebrows are strange, black circles under the eyes. An insecure person.
P: Does she like herself?
K: No.
P: Why? Is she called? Did she decide that herself?
K: I made up my mind. I thought of all sorts of nonsense. I don't even want to look at her. She is unpleasant to me. These images are unpleasant to me.
P: Let's close them, turn the pictures over if they are unpleasant for you.

4 picture:

Witch on a broom.
K: I don’t let any negative otherworldly forces come to me. I am a religious person.
P: Let's go back to those two portraits that you liked. Which of them do you like more?
K: I like the 1st card better. She's all right. She is a confident woman.
P: Let's use the "Duet" and "ON" set to look for the answer to the question you asked me:
“How can I get the man who betrayed me out of my life? What do I need to do?"

5 picture.

Dolphins and hands.
K: To let go of the man who betrayed her, she needs to find a new one. These are the hands of a new man. There will be a new friend, new sensations. I love dolphins. It's something nice, friendly. Dolphins are our friends. Comfort appears.

6 picture.

Bicycle wheel.
K: Life goes on, good feelings. Attention, care, flowers, beauty. It's not clear to me, what is it? (stick in the wheel). I don't even want to decipher it. I must not have sticks in the wheel.

7 picture.

K: I'm already in the family, doing cleaning and waiting for my beloved person to come home from work.
P: Do you need a man who wants to communicate with you now, but you don’t really like him?
K: I don't like it all. This is death.
P: The word "Must" is on the map. Link it to the picture.
K: No one owes anything to anyone. I don't even feel comfortable talking about it. He is a sick man, I don't want a sick man. Who is he to me?
P: And if a completely new man appears in your life, how will you feel?
An interesting start at dawn. This is the road that leads to new life.

8 picture:

Fire and ice.
…………………………… (blank)

K: The man who left for another woman constantly gave me some kind of gifts. Constantly looked after. Said he loves me. Ice is on my side. I didn't even tell him that I liked him. He asked me, but I was silent, because outwardly he did nothing for me. Before that, I had a man, 17 years younger, and therefore this one doesn’t work for me at all.
P: In fact, there is no point in worrying about the fact that he left for another. You didn't love him.
K: There are no feelings, but I'm worried. Maybe it's my ego that's hurt.
P: Most likely, you inspired yourself that he offended you?
K: Yes.
P: Although I myself am an ice mountain in relation to him?
K: Yes.
P: It turns out that parting with him is only good for you. There will be a new dawn, a new beginning, a new road.

.... (pass).
P: A crying woman is what prevents you from living today. You have a certain program on the subconscious: “I am ugly,” because she does not like herself.
K: Well, I think about myself: I'm 55 years old, what beauty can be?
P: You can be beautiful at the age of 90. You need to take your age group. What is the point of being equal to a girl who is 16 years old?

K: Well, yes. No, I'm very confident. I want to do plastic surgery in the future, because I work with people. And they already write in the reviews "an elderly woman." And so I'm sure of myself. Among my peers, no one looks better than me. Well, in childhood we had a very difficult financial situation.

P: Very deep, in the subconscious, you still have the thought that you are ugly. If you are so confident in yourself, why are you suffering from the fact that a man left for another woman, despite the fact that you did not even love him?

K: He cooked food, I don't like to cook. He gave all sorts of gifts.
P: So I suffer from the fact that the conveniences are gone?
K: Yes. I have rarely seen such people.
P: But still, you didn't love him, did you?

K: Yes. I didn't have feelings for him. He is like a friend. He is 60 years old. I was interested in talking to him. Here is a new man who wants to communicate with me, he never even called me by name. It's embarrassing for me.
….. (skip).

P: Summarize:
The main idea that should settle in your head:
“I am now, the way I am, beautiful and successful.”

Regardless of whether you get plastic surgery on your face, you won't, you're still beautiful. In my age category, I'm generally super. And I will meet the man I deserve.

K: It is very difficult to find a decent one. Everyone changes. We have to be content with what came.

P: If you are content with what has arrived, you will never get what you deserve.
If you settle for less, then life won't throw you other options.
If you accept what you don't like, you don't love yourself enough.

At the end of the session, the client was asked to work with

Every year, Metaphorical Associative Maps (MACs) have become more and more popular with psychologists and psychotherapists, as well as other representatives of the helping professions.

It is safe to say that MAC is a new breath of air in the ocean of psychological modalities, methods and tools. And indeed, despite the obviousness and simplicity of the pictures, the depth and effectiveness of work through the projective tool makes itself felt at the very first consultation or in the first minutes of the seminar.

Knowing the basic principles and norms when working with clients through MAC, you can achieve significant results. In addition, Cards have excellent benefits, which puts this tool far ahead. For example:

  • Cards, if you work with them correctly, are absolutely harmless and safe for customers.
  • Maps work in real time. Everything that the client sees on them is exactly what happens inside the client. If there have been any changes in the process of work, then, accordingly, the client's perception also changes, which is reflected in his interpretation in the map.
  • Maps reveal the most relevant, which reduces the time to identify the primary request.
  • Cards need not be called psychotherapy, but can be played or explored through.
  • Maps help to work with both concrete tasks and abstract objects.
  • The cards can be used with both children and adults; both low and high intelligence; both individually and in a group.

In general, to be sure, Metaphorical Associative Cards, due to their wide application, quickly merged into the expanses of psychology. At the same time, an entire industry has emerged for teaching the use of maps in psychology, where they show a variety of approaches and techniques. And everything would be fine, only after completing the training, not all students begin to apply the MAC in their practice.

What is the reason for such dynamics?

Firstly, in training there is no structure of the levels of perception of clients when working with cards, hence the specialist lacks clarity of what he is doing and where he is going with the client.

Secondly, psychologists often forget about their professional position when working with cards, and then the client does not work with what he is ready for, but with where the psychologist led him. And as a result, as if the work was done, and the client was dissatisfied.

Thirdly, the basis for good work is not the tools of a psychologist and not the modality of the methods used, but the very state of the psychologist, his sensory-emotional state. And, as a rule, in training this fad is often not even discussed.

Fourthly, training groups only teach, although the last form of training is training according to the principle of three elephants: Training - Treatment - Practice. Thus, the information is remembered and structured in the mind of the student.

Having the shortcomings listed above, the student finds himself with a whole battery of techniques, but without clarity in his head. And the client of such a specialist begins to feel that he is being dragged somewhere. Which, in turn, affects both the therapy itself and the authority of the psychologist.

And, summing up this article, I would like to wish future specialists who plan to work with Metaphorical Associative Maps to act very carefully and not to rush. And at the training courses on the MAC, ask questions to the leader of the seminar more often. After all, your well-being and the well-being of your client depend on it.