How to make money on VKontakte with your group. How to make money on a group in contact (VK): Complete guide! Factors influencing community income

Not many people know about it how to make money in contact. In fact, out of the entire huge army of users of this social network, only a small part of them receive income from it.Some people think that only its creators and people close to them can make money on VK.

I hasten to please you, in reality today everyone has the opportunity to receive money from a contact.And not only that, there are still a lot of ways to earn money online. I wrote about them in an article.

Now let's talk about how you can make money on VKontakte. No special skills or abilities are needed! Simple daily actions will bring you additional income.It's time to learn about ways to figure out how to make money on VK and decide whether you should do it. Just imagine, now you may have an additional source of income. It would be a shame not to try.

Instead of pointlessly spending hours, days and weeks texting with friends and acquaintances, you can spend this time usefully. To start earning money you just need to register on VKontakte. But what am I talking about, you’ve already done this a long time ago and can’t wait to try to make money.

How can a simple user make money in contact?

In reality there are not so many of these methods. They can be divided into 3 main areas.

The first and second methods bring income immediately, that is, you can earn your first money today. The third option involves the preliminary creation and promotion of your own group. Only after this you will be able to make money on it.

If you urgently need money and don’t mind your page, you can sell it and win the jackpot. But this will be a one-time income. Now the new owner will be able to manage your account as he wants. By the way, according to the rules of this social network. Networks such sales are officially prohibited.

However, those who are interested in this topic can find interested people using Google using the query “sell account”. The cost will depend on the number of friends, year of registration and many other factors. By the way, VK even has an application that will estimate the price of your page.)))

We earn money on VKontakte on our page, stable income!

What exactly will you have to do? Everything is as simple as shelling pears here. You will carry out various tasks and assignments for other people interested in certain activities. For example:

  • Like and write a comment.
  • the necessary information.
  • Join the group and tell your friends.
  • Add as a friend or, on the contrary, add new friends.

As you can see, everything is very simple. But there is one significant drawback, namely, after active earnings and various entries and additions, your page can turn into a trash heap. Therefore, I would recommend that those who are going to make money in contact create a second account specifically for these purposes. After all, there is even a risk that, having detected suspicious activity on your part, the administration of the social network will block you. I wouldn’t want to merge my real page with many friends and acquaintances.

If we talk about payment, I’ll say right away that you won’t become a millionaire and you won’t win big. You won’t be able to earn a lot of money this way, but it’s still at least something. It’s realistic to get 1000 - 2000 thousand rubles per month. After all, they won’t give you much for such simple actions. How to make money in contact on your page, where to start and where to find those who will pay you? It turns out there is no need to write letters to everyone and offer your services. For this, there are special services where you register and start completing the tasks you like.

Here are some of the best sites as an example:

  • - a very profitable project!

How to make money from your VKontakte group? The most profitable way!

If you already have your own group, you can start making money from it. This method will bring much more money than the previous one. But here you need to know some features.

Making money on a group includes a number of specific, sequential actions, after which you can start making money in a contact.

  1. Come up with what your group will be about.
  2. Choose the right name for it (plays one of the very important roles), read the details on the page
  3. Creating a group is the easiest step; it takes no more than five minutes. However, this also has its own characteristics, I have a separate article where I describe all the pitfalls of this process.
  4. Filling it with interesting and most importantly useful material for users.
  5. Attract as many living and active people as possible.
  6. Constantly add new materials and promote your group.

Only after doing all this can you start making a good, profitable and more or less stable income.

There are several ways to make money from a group on VK:

  • Post advertising posts.
  • Make money on affiliate programs.

Advertising is one of the main sources of income from the group. That is, someone wants to post a message on a wall in your community with a link to their website, product or service. This person pays you for it, and you publish what he needs.

The price of one such post can reach up to 1000 rubles. It all depends on the number of people in your group. Although this is only one of the factors that influence the price. People in your community need to be active.

Advertising can be placed for a specific time and place. You may be offered direct advertising, but the easiest way is to add your community to a special exchange where this process is automated. Here are two good exchanges for example:


To make money on affiliate programs, your group must be alive. This means that all its participants are real people. They are interested in the topic of the community, they come to it every day. Well, naturally, the more such subscribers, the higher the earnings.

The essence of making money in VK on affiliate programs is simple. You need to place a beautiful post with a link to the desired product or service on the wall. An interested person follows the link, buys it, and interest is added to your account. For an advertising post in a group you receive a fixed amount once. Here, every person who buys a product or service will bring you income. That is, you can earn money every day, and new subscribers will only increase your final income.

Finding such affiliate programs for a group is not difficult. Just use the search engine.)))

How much can you earn in contact per month?

Well, the most interesting thing is not limited. It can be 20, 30 or 50 thousand rubles. For example, just one advertising post in an active community with good traffic can cost from 1000 rubles. Of course, you can sell your group for very good money, but in this case the earnings will be one-time. Better develop it to receive passive income over time.

Are there any other ways to make money on VK?

Yes there are options. And although they are not suitable for a beginner, I consider it necessary to briefly talk about them. And so, here you don’t need to like, create groups, and so on. These are the methods:

  • Creating a beautiful menu for groups on VK. You need to be able to work with Photoshop and know the basics of HTML. The cost of one menu is from 100 rubles and above. I've seen prices of several thousand.
  • Promotion of other people's groups in contact. Here you need to know the basics of promotion on social networks.
  • Filling and maintaining the community. You create beautiful and interesting posts and post them in the group.

Now you know how to make money in contact. Believe me, today many people receive from this social network. network decent income. You can start with simple actions and, over time, develop. Try it too!

Are you one of the users of the social network VK and have you heard that you can earn decent money here? Yes, it really is possible, which is what many users do successfully. Do you want to become one of them? Today we will reveal all the nuances and tell you in detail how to make money from a group in contact.

There are, of course, other small part-time jobs, but you shouldn’t count on high incomes there. It is the creation of your own resource - a group or, as they also call it, a public page - that can help you reach at least the average salary in your city, and with the right approach you can count on significantly more money.

From this article you will learn:

What you need to know about making money on VKontakte groups

There are tens of thousands of groups and communities on the social network VKontakte. Initially, the majority was created with the aim of creating a place for like-minded people to communicate and exchange information, but it soon became clear that with their help you can get a good income.

It’s difficult to answer unequivocally how much you can earn from a VK group; it all depends on many factors, such as:

  • number of subscribers;
  • subject;
  • promotion methods.

If you approach the matter responsibly and correctly use the available means of promotion, over time you can achieve the fact that the community will bring in enough money to live on per month.

You need to be prepared for the fact that you won’t be able to make quick money from your group: you need to attract a large number of subscribers, regardless of what method of making a profit will be used, advertising, partnership or another. You also need to choose the right profitable topic in which you are focused.

IMPORTANT. If you develop too quickly and using “illegal” methods, the site may block the community for cheating members.

We will tell you in more detail about how much VKontakte group administrators earn and how they do it.

TOP 5 ways to make money on groups in VK

You can start earning money using a group in contact using following methods 👇 :

  • placement of advertising posts;
  • participation in affiliate programs;
  • offering your services and goods;
  • video posting;
  • sale of a ready-made community.

Many owners often combine them, receiving additional profit.

I have listed and want to talk in more detail about these 5 options, but this, of course, is not limited to this. As the community develops, you will have new ideas for monetizing it, the main thing, as they say, is to start.

Selling advertising


How many subscribers do you need to receive benefits? Most advertisers prefer to cooperate with public pages where the daily reach of users exceeds 20 thousand. If you have achieved this result, register on the advertising exchange of the VKontakte website and receive a decent profit.

Selling goods and services

In this case, you can make money in two ways:

  • By organizing an online store– many people are now ordering goods from foreign sites such as AliExpress and reselling them at a higher cost.

How much can you earn from a VKontakte group this way? Everything depends, again, on the number of subscribers, the relevance of the products offered and their prices. On small products, the owners of a well-promoted public receive from 1000 rubles per day , for larger entrepreneurs this amount can reach several tens of thousands.

Partnership programs

To make money from your group, you can use affiliate programs: you sell someone’s product, and for this you get a percentage of the cost. There are many affiliate programs on the Internet, not all of them offer exactly products - a percentage may be paid:

  • for user registration and spending on a dating site;
  • concluding an agreement for the provision of advertising services or the creation of a website;
  • for issuing a credit card at a bank, etc.

ADVICE. You need to choose the right ones that can interest a significant part of your group’s audience, since your earnings directly depend on how well you guess the needs of your audience.

Video posting

How to make money on VKontakte on video? It’s quite simple if the number of subscribers in the group is more than 15 thousand people (such restrictions are in the rules of the sites listed below). The method only works during live viewing and is not effective if the number of participants has been increased. There are two most popular collaboration services:


You pay for every view from 30 to 80 kopecks , so it will be easy for each owner to estimate how much they can earn from their VKontakte public page.

Selling a community

Is it possible to make big money by selling a public page? Definitely yes.

The scheme is simple - just 3 steps:

  • you create a public page;
  • attract a certain number of subscribers;
  • put it up for sale on third-party services.

ADVICE. If you develop a VKontakte group for a long time, taking into account the time costs, it will not bring you high income. It is much more profitable to create a specialized community dedicated to the release of a new game or a large-scale event, and promote it according to the most popular requests.

An example of a community where you can sell and buy publics

How much the owner of such groups earns from sales is a complex question, it all depends on the number of subscribers and the topic. There are offers of up to 1,000 rubles or less for relatively new publics, while a well-promoted community can cost tens of thousands.

How much do popular VKontakte groups earn?

To find out about the earnings of specific groups, you can look at how much they sell advertising for (this is the most common way to make a profit).

Example 1. Community – placement price – 14 thousand rubles with an audience of almost 4 million subscribers .

Example 2. "" – the cost of an advertising post is almost 5000 rub. with subscribers in 60 thousand with a ponytail.

Example 3. «» – 3.6 thousand rubles at 1.1 million subscribers .

Example 4. "" - will place an advertising post for 5.7 thousand rubles , audience - 3.3 million people joined the community .

An important factor that advertisers pay attention to is daily advertising coverage, that is, how many people viewed the advertising post. This data is also visible on each screenshot.

Where to start making money on VK groups - step-by-step instructions

You already know how to make money from VKontakte groups, now we’ll tell you step by step what you need to do in order to start receiving income. To do this, follow 6 steps sequentially 👇 .

Step 1 Selecting a topic

You can select three main topics, which allow you to earn maximum amounts on VKontakte:

Step 2 Create a group

Almost everyone knows how to create a group on VK: you need to go to the appropriate section on your account and select the “create community” option. Next, you select its type, come up with a name, fill out the description and the necessary data.

Step 3 Filling with content

To develop a contact group and make money from it, you need to fill it with interesting and, preferably, unique content.

For maximum efficiency, you need to create a schedule according to which the posts will be posted.

IMPORTANT. Activity hours vary significantly for each audience. Therefore, it is important to understand when people who have joined your community are on VK. For example, for a student audience, posting in the first half of the day is incorrect, since students are either sleeping or in classes.

All work on filling can be done by auto-posting services, which will independently select the appropriate information and post it strictly at the specified time.

Step 4 Promotion

I repeat that before you start promoting groups, you need to fill them out at least a little, since no one wants to join empty communities.

There are paid and free methods for promotion.


  1. Mutual entry– announcements about them can be found or created in the appropriate public pages. It is ineffective, since you can recruit no more than 25-35 people per day who will be inactive.
  2. Cheating with automatic free services. Allows you to attract a larger number per day, but users, as in the previous case, will be inactive.
  3. Mutual advertising. An effective method if you have 500 or more subscribers. It consists of searching for groups interested in mutual advertising.


  1. Purchasing entries on specialized services. Good promotion requires significant costs, while most users will not be interested in the topic, and some of them will even be bots.
  2. Paid advertising. Effective if you have at least a thousand subscribers. The most common option that everyone has seen is adding an incomplete post with a link to the public page.

Step 5 Monetization

After the public has gained a certain number of joined users, you can begin monetization - earning money from the VK group. Place ads, add paid videos, participate in affiliate programs and various projects that offer payment for certain actions - placing orders, registering in services, views.

Step 6 Withdrawing money

Each affiliate program offers withdrawal of earned funds to different wallets - YandexMoney, WebMoney, Qiwi.

IMPORTANT. Please note that there is always a minimum withdrawal requirement and some have an initial time limit.

What can a beginner expect?

I wonder how much VKontakte communities earn from advertising? The average statistics are as follows:

  • If you have 5 million or more subscribers – from 5 to 20 thousand rubles for 1 advertising publication.
  • From 500 thousand to 2-4 million people – 1-5 thousand rubles for the post

For smaller communities, the price is individual and depends on a large number of factors: topic, age and solvency of the audience, and others.

In general, you can successfully make money on other social networks. Read it and maybe you will be inspired to create your own YouTube channel.

So, we have described in detail how you can make money on VKontakte public pages and provided approximate income data. As already mentioned, the benefit depends on many circumstances, and often differs greatly among the owners of groups with similar topics. Now the main thing is for you to take the first step, knowing that this business can turn out to be quite profitable, and perhaps soon you yourself can easily tell anyone how you can make big money on social networks.

You will find out whether you can make money from a group on VK, how much money it will bring and what to do to increase your income. Read about what kind of group to create so that it makes a profit.

23.03.2018 Andrey Kushchev

To receive a stable and high income, you don’t have to go to the office or create a business offline. One of the most accessible and popular types of online business is the creation and promotion of VKontakte pages.

How to create a group, promote it and make money from it - read the article.

VKontakte is a great platform for making money

Advertising on the Internet is expensive. The demand for it is always great and continues to grow. Traditional businesses strive to advertise their brand on social networks, and online stores use them as an important source of additional traffic.

Administrators of large public sites earn millions of rubles. The cost of one advertising post in their communities reaches 50 thousand rubles, or even higher.

The screenshot shows how much one post costs in popular public pages. But this is not the limit. VKontakte rules allow the admin to publish 5 advertising posts per day - 3 through the official advertising exchange and 2 by personal agreement with the advertiser.

Often, professional admins have several public pages, each of which brings in a stable income.

What group should I create to make a profit?

Choosing a topic is a primary task. Success and income directly depend on this. The topic should be interesting to you and your future audience. Only with this approach will you be able to create and publish interesting content for which users will subscribe to your public page.

Three main themes are in constant demand - entertainment, women's and business themes.

Entertainment theme

Pages dedicated to humor, films and television series are the most popular. They gain an audience of millions. They usually advertise consumer goods - watches, gadgets, sneakers, glasses, etc.

Women's group

Women are the most active audience on the Internet. It's easier for them to sell, so advertising on pages with women's themes costs more.

In addition, such platforms are easier to promote - women join communities more often than men and are more active in them.

Business topics

Success stories, motivational posts and useful tips for entrepreneurs are a relevant and popular topic for the male segment of social network users.

Such sites are more difficult to promote, but they are usually attended by men over 20 years of age. This is a solvent audience - a real boon for advertisers, so they are willing to pay well for placing their advertisements in such groups.

There is very high competition among public administrators on popular topics. Promoting a community and making it competitive will not be easy - it will take a lot of time, effort and money.

How to make money from a group on VK - step-by-step instructions

To start earning money, you need to decide on a topic, create a public page and start promoting it. Each of these stages is equally important and requires a responsible and creative approach.

Let's try to understand each of the points.

Step 1. Select a topic and analyze competitors

Choosing a topic is the most difficult and important task, on which the success of promotion and future income depend. There is high competition in each area.

Topic selection includes:

  • competitor analysis;
  • audience analysis.

High competition is not a reason to abandon the topic that interests you. Analyze your competitors' content. Most of them will be of low quality - this increases your chances. If you are confident that you can do better, this is your topic. Perhaps you have a unique idea - that's even better.

Step 2. Create and fill the group

Depending on the selected topic, a page or group is created.

A group is an open or closed community in which people with similar interests gather. For example, fishing enthusiasts exchange their secrets, write reports on the success of trips to the pond and share interesting stories. Often promoted groups are more active than pages.

Publics are public pages. They have a more official and unified format - posting memes, news, music, movies, life hacks, recipes, stories, materials for specialists, instructions, videos, etc.

People join groups for the sake of communication, and subscribe to pages to receive interesting and useful information.

After creating a community, you need to set an avatar, and, if necessary, create a menu and wiki pages.

If you want your avatar to be unique, order it from a designer. Do not steal from competitors under any circumstances - this is prohibited by VK rules. The content must also be original. Remember: your job is to be better than your competitors.

Step 3. Promote the page on VK

Promotion is the most difficult process. It requires complete dedication and considerable investment from the page owner.

To promote a public website, you need investments - you can’t do without them. After creating a group and starting posting content, start promoting it.

There are two main ways to attract subscribers:

  1. Targeted advertising – use of targeting tools.
  2. Advertising in competitor communities - mutual PR or paid posts.

Additionally, use competitions - they help to gain subscribers. For example, you have a group of fishing enthusiasts. Use it with a good wobbler, line or set of hooks. One of the conditions of the competition is reposting the entry and subscribing. The method is low-cost but effective.

Step 4. Choose a monetization method and receive income

There are several ways to make a profit from a site in VK:

  • monetize traffic yourself - sell your own products or promote an offer using the CPA model, receiving a high commission for the sale of other people’s products;
  • post other people's posts - this method is more stable - regardless of the advertiser's success, you receive a fixed fee.

Experienced administrators use both methods. If advertisers are not always placed, monetizing traffic yourself will allow you not to lose income.

How much can you earn

Income depends on many factors - the number of subscribers, their activity, the topic of the community, and the purchasing power of the audience. There are thousands of groups on VKontakte. Most of them are abandoned and inactive.

The earnings of administrators differ significantly. There is no average number. Some people earn 100 rubles a day, while others earn 50,000 rubles per post.

A lot of subscribers is not an indicator. The main criterion for evaluating a community is the activity of subscribers. The higher this indicator, the higher the publication price for the advertiser.

3 main rules to earn more

Most admins fail for the same reasons - incorrect approach to promotion, copyright infringement and irresponsible approach to business.

To earn more and avoid common mistakes, read the main rules, following which you will definitely achieve success.

Rule 1: Work hard

The VKontakte community requires full dedication from the admin, especially at the initial stage of its promotion.

To prevent the reader from getting bored and leaving you, you need to regularly publish interesting materials for him. They need to be searched, processed and published - this will take a lot of time.

Audience activity needs to be stimulated with surveys, competitions, and lively discussions.

Even if you already have a well-promoted community, the approach to work should not change - subscribers can always go to competitors. Always expand. Professionals create and lead dozens of groups - all of them generate income.

Rule 2: Create quality content

Low quality content is a recipe for failure. It is better not to publish anything at all than to publish bad articles, reviews or photos.

You also can’t steal from your competitors - your group will be banned, and your subscribers will be able to see who stole from whom. The administrator of a competing public site only needs to leave one complaint against you in VK support and confirm the fact of plagiarism in order for you to be blocked.

As you may have guessed, we will talk about how to make money on a VKontakte group. In general, this is a very popular thing nowadays. The question is often asked: “How much do they earn from contact groups?” You can earn good money just by sitting at home. And it’s worth considering the fact that you can work for yourself. Income may vary. Both big and small. It all depends on the effort you put in.

So, let's move directly to the topic of our article. How to make money on VKontakte groups? By the way, you can also come across such a concept as monetization of VKontakte groups. This is exactly what we will discuss today. Now we will try to explain it to you. Let's look at some popular ways to make money from groups.

Online store

Nowadays, online stores that advertise and sell their products directly in VKontakte groups are very popular. You can also create your own group in which you will sell something at your discretion.

These can be various products, from T-shirts to household appliances. Posts with products can be diluted with regular posts to reduce the effect of annoying advertising. You can earn from 1000 rubles per day. And do not forget to take into account the interests of the assembled audience. What to sell? Look at people, conduct a survey about what your potential customers need most.

If you have a hobby or are knowledgeable in a particular area and it is in demand by the masses, you can advertise services in your group. Services can be different: repairs, photography and video shooting, holding events, teaching foreign languages ​​or natural sciences. In general, anything, as long as the public demands it.

Do you understand this? Then go ahead and sing, as they say. I know one girl who speaks German and English well. She created a corresponding group in contact. It advertises its distance learning services. She has a large audience. Now she earns money by tutoring languages ​​and has an additional salary. Now, she has expanded her staff and it is easier for her to cope with the workload. Accordingly, the number of people she can train has increased. In general, think for yourself.

If your daily user coverage exceeds 20-30 thousand people, then feel free to register the group on the advertising exchange. On the menu " Community Management" there should be a section " Advertising Exchange" This confirms the desired user coverage. If there is no such function, then you should work on daily coverage again and again. (help) and (answers to frequently asked questions) - these are links for those who are interested in this section of making money on Vkontakte groups. Here you can learn more about the topic “advertising exchange”.

In your group, you can advertise other people's products, and for each item sold you will receive a percentage of the sale. Everything is very simple. All you have to do is find a partner and promote his interests on social networks. Good advertising will pay off for you, believe me.

Affiliate programs by type of payment are of the following types:

  • payment when placing an order ( CityAds);
  • payment for action ( Badoo Partners, ActionPay).

It is very important to monitor the minimum withdrawal amount. It is important that it does not exceed 500 rubles. The approximate income from an affiliate program is not particularly limited. This amount starts from $50. In general, it depends how it goes.

Having brought your VKontakte group to mind (interesting posts, number of people, etc.), you can set prices for advertising. That is, you place posts advertising other groups or products from stores, and for advertising you will be given a fixed amount. This is also a very good option for making money in VKontakte groups. But to do this you will have to make your group attractive to potential clients.

No one wants to deal with a group that has low visitor activity. Here are some links for finding advertisers:,,, . Be sure to check it out! Don't forget about restrictions on advertising posts. If I'm not mistaken, that's about 3 posts a day.

Another way to make money on a VKontakte group. You are simply wasting time and effort on creating and promoting your group. Then, or on certain forums, look for buyers. You can earn 30 thousand and 50 thousand rubles. It all depends on you and the time you put into this matter.


If you decide to seriously make money on VKontakte groups, then you need to understand three things:

  1. You have to work hard;
  2. Be able to create high-quality content for your group;
  3. Know how to present your product.

These three rules will help you in this type of Internet earnings.

But one more thing that I would like to discuss is how to promote your VKontakte group.

To get started, you can use the service There you can wind it up if you need it. You can pay for your advertising in other groups that already have very good subscriber activity. In the Fastintop service you can earn points and use them to exchange them for subscribers, likes and reposts. Well, also, if you have it and they watch it, then you can leave links to your group under the videos. Anyone who is interested will join you.

And finally
Even if you don’t have your own group and want something different, it doesn’t matter. In Contact, you can work as an administrator in someone else's group. You will be able to host it and moderate it. You can also design groups. They also pay good money for this. The choice is yours. Weigh everything carefully, discuss it with yourself and come to a unanimous decision. Good luck in your endeavors and earn a lot of money!