Snakes in clear water. Why do you dream about snakes in water? What does it mean if a snake bites in water in a dream?

Sea snakes are very dangerous and unpredictable reptiles. Not much is known about them, although these predators cannot be called rare animals. They spend almost all their time in the depths of the sea.


They live in the coastal tropical waters of the Pacific and Indian oceans. They also live in the seas from the eastern coast of Africa to the western coast of Central America. Sea snakes are found in the Red Sea, in the northern waters of Japan, Caribbean. IN different sources There is information that reptiles live in other territories, but this opinion is erroneous. For example, sea snakes are not found in the Black Sea, they are simply often confused with a water snake.

Reptiles are most attracted to the mouths of those rivers that flow into the sea. They usually give preference to coastal areas 5-6 km from the coast. However, the predator can swim a maximum of 160 km from land.

It is not uncommon for a sea snake to be washed ashore by waves, or to remain on land during low tide. If the reptile cannot reach the water, it will die. She can stay on land for a maximum of about two hours, after which she begins to go blind and suffocate.


Sea snakes form a separate family and number about 48 species. Most of these reptiles cannot move on land because their bodies are only adapted to life in water.

Such a predator usually has a bright color - contrasting rings of light and dark shades. Flat-tails are the most brightly colored. The abdominal scutes of reptiles, unlike their amphibian relatives, are reduced or completely absent as unnecessary.

The scales of the sea snake do not overlap each other like tiles, but are arranged in a honeycomb pattern.

The body shape, depending on the type of reptile, also varies. Basically, sea snakes have a very narrow head and the same neck region. This allows you to detect and reach prey even in the narrowest crevices of the reefs. Despite this, the reptile is capable of swallowing an animal that is twice the girth of the predator.

The sea snake has a laterally flattened tail that resembles a fin. He helps her when moving.

Options and behavior

Usually a sea snake small size, reaches only 70-140 cm in length. The exception is the spiral leaftail, which grows up to 2.7 meters. The weight of snakes is also small - from 0.6 to 1.5 kg. Moreover, females are usually larger than males.

Despite these parameters, these are very dangerous animals, since all species are poisonous.

It is worth noting that large sea snakes are just a myth that sailors used to love to tell upon returning from their voyages.

The reptile swims both backwards and forwards at the same speed. Maybe long time be motionless. Neutral buoyancy is provided by a layer of fat that hugs internal organs predator.

Usually snakes do not swim deeper than 30 meters, but if necessary they dive to 100 m.

Breathing Features

It has been proven that sea snakes breathe through skin penetrated by blood capillaries. Despite the fact that the predator has thick scales, 25% of the oxygen necessary for life is absorbed through it. Thus, the reptile can stay under water for 1.5-2 hours. However, these reptiles do not have gills, which is why they are still forced to rise to the surface to breathe. To do this, the snake exposes only the tip of its head with nostrils from the water. When diving, they close, which prevents water from entering the respiratory tract.

The right lung of the snake is extended along the entire length of the body, right up to the tail. It also acts as an air and swim bladder reservoir.

Underwater, the reptile can absorb oxygen through the mucous membrane of the oral cavity.

Due to the structure of the respiratory tract, the animal cannot hiss, but instead makes gurgling and gurgling sounds.


The sea snake is active at any time of the day. In the morning and evening, most often it is on the surface of the water, basking in the sun.

The sea snake's diet consists of fish, eels, shrimp, and less often crustaceans. They hunt mainly from ambush or pretend to be dead, while simply lying motionless on the surface of the water, which attracts the attention of curious fish. Just a sudden movement of the predator allows it to catch the prey. The reptile may also pursue its prey, especially while awaiting the consequences of its bite.

When it enters the body, the poison does not cause the development of a tumor or hemorrhage, but acts on nervous system. In this case, paralysis of the respiratory center occurs, which leads to the rapid death of prey. The sea snake swallows its prey completely, starting from the head. If the fish is large, then it absorbs it gradually, digesting it as it goes. It is not uncommon to see the reptile with its victim's tail sticking out of its mouth. But the sea snake avoids prickly fish, so you can see sea bass swimming freely next to it.

After the meal, the reptile arranges a “quiet hour” for itself. For example, flat-tails crawl out of the water onto reefs and expose to the sun exactly that part of the body where the swallowed prey is located.

Sea snake venom

It has been proven that these reptiles are one of the most poisonous animals on earth. The predator's teeth are located on the upper jaw. They are without special labor bite through fish scales. It follows from this that human skin is not a serious barrier for them.

The venom of a sea snake is much more toxic than that of its amphibian relatives; just one drop of it can kill 10 people. This is due to the fact that fish are less susceptible to it, unlike warm-blooded animals. It is worth noting that in young individuals it is toxic from birth.

The most venomous sea snakes in the world belong to a species called Dubois.

Sea snakes shed more often than land snakes - every 2-6 weeks. They crawl out of the old skin by clinging to the roughness of the bottom or scratching their heads on the stones. Those species that live only near the surface of the water, due to the lack of a hard surface nearby, curl into a ball and seem to squeeze themselves out of the old skin.

The reptile's teeth are numerous, hooked and very sharp. In addition to poisonous ones, there are also simple ones.

Sea snakes and man

People often have to deal with reptiles, since quite often they get entangled in nets along with fish. However, most often it is taken out with bare hands, released back into the water, or killed. This is due to the fact that even the most sea Poisonous snakes Only as a last resort do they use their formidable weapons as defense. Mostly only during hunting.

But, for example, in India, on the coast of Goa, sea snakes are also very often caught in nets (up to 100 at a time), and fishermen stun them and leave them on the shore. Therefore, if you see a reptile, you should not come close to it: in this state, its behavior can be unpredictable.

However, the snake is still considered to be of little danger to humans, since it does not perceive it as prey and itself tries to avoid contact.

Consequences of a bite

If the poison does enter the human body, it can cause serious consequences and even death if appropriate measures are not taken. The bite itself is usually almost unnoticeable, and swelling and redness around the wound are also rare. However, help must be provided to the person as early as possible.

The first symptoms of poisoning are thirst, headache, vomiting, sweating, and a rapidly swollen tongue. They usually appear half an hour after the bite. Also changes the color of urine - it becomes brown or black.

A similar condition in a person is observed for several hours, then the muscles are paralyzed. Depending on the amount of poison that enters the body and the person’s parameters, death occurs after a few hours. The main reason paralysis of the respiratory center becomes. It is worth noting that in our time there is an effective antidote, so at the first symptoms it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor; first, the affected part of the body should be immobilized.

Vacationers are often bitten by Red Sea sea snakes because their peace is disturbed by swimmers. This most often happens in areas with dense vegetation.

Statistics show that an encounter with a dangerous reptile results in death only in 3% of cases. Most often, bites are observed below the knee.


Most species of sea snakes produce offspring once a year. The male has two penises at once (the so-called hemipenises), but during the mating process he uses only one. The process itself can take quite a long time, so the reptiles have to go up to breathe. At this moment, the male is attached to the female by the hemipenis, and until mating is over, he will not be able to separate from her.

Some species of sea snakes have a courtship process. For example, in the tortoiseshell and olive snake, the male pursues the female and touches her neck and head. During the breeding season, sea snakes can form aggregations that stretch for tens of kilometers.

Pregnancy (depending on the type of reptile) lasts from 4 to 11 months. Females even form some kind of placenta. Perhaps because of this, the cubs are born large, sometimes reaching half the length of their mother. However, there are only 1-2 small snakes in a litter.

They are born tail first so as not to choke, and immediately wrap themselves around the back of the material. Young individuals will live in the lagoon for several months, after which they move to more deep places. At first, a mother takes care of her children. After two years they reach sexual maturity. The total lifespan of a sea snake is 10 years.

However, not all of them are viviparous: for example, flat-tailed fish lay eggs. The mating process also takes place on land, in shelters on the shore.

Who is a danger to the sea snake

The formidable predator also has its enemies. The most important of them is the Indian sea eagle, for which the reptile is daily food. He grabs a sea snake in flight from the surface of the water.

Sometimes a dangerous predator also becomes a victim of a shark, especially a tiger shark. By the way, the remains of snakes are often found in her stomach. Other predatory fish pose the same danger.

In many countries, especially tropical ones, the sea snake is a commercial object. Quite often it is exported to Japan. If giant sea snakes existed, they would be a desirable trophy for the population of these countries.

Seeing snakes in a dream is a bad sign.

Snakes in a dream mean our enemies and envious people, rivals (and more often rivals), cunning and deceitful people. Sometimes a dream about snakes predicts illness.

If the snake is calm in a dream, then avoid conflicts and risky ventures.

If she is aggressive or wiggling, then you are in danger from enemies who hate you.

Try to accept necessary measures precautions.

A snake baring its teeth at you in a dream is a sign that someone wants to take revenge on you for an insult.

If you dream that a snake has wrapped itself in a ring around you and is ready to attack, then your situation is irreparable. You are completely at the mercy of your enemies. Try to free yourself from the snake in your dream. In life, this will help you get out of serious trouble.

If a snake bites you, beware of an accident. Be extremely careful.

A dream in which you saw a snake bite someone else means that your friend will suffer from your actions.

Fighting a snake in a dream is a sign of danger. Beware of enemies and illness. If your conscience is not clear, you face imprisonment.

A dream in which you saw how a small snake turns into a huge snake ready to attack you means great danger, which you did not notice at the very beginning.

If in a dream you manage to avoid meeting him and save yourself, then in life you will pass a difficult test with honor, overcome all the obstacles prepared by your enemies and literally come out unscathed. Sometimes such a dream is attributed to illness.

Holding a snake in your hands in a dream is a harbinger of a quick and successful victory over your ill-wishers. Sometimes such a dream predicts to you that close person may betray you. Especially if the snake changes its behavior or color while you are holding it.

A dream in which you saw an acquaintance or friend with snakes visible from behind your back warns: beware of a conspiracy against you.

If in a dream the snakes are obedient to this person, then in life you will have a powerful intercessor who will protect you from troubles.

If you dream of children playing with a snake, then you should take better care of them so that they do not fall into bad company. Otherwise they are in great danger.

The same thing means a dream in which you are trying to protect a child from a snake. But such a dream also warns you that you should take a closer look at your business partners. Some of them may betray you.

Killing a snake in a dream is a sign of victory over a formidable enemy, the fulfillment of a desire and great honors.

A dead snake in a dream is a sign that you blindly trust people and they enjoy your trust. Sometimes such a dream tells you that some danger has passed.

If you are bitten by a dead snake in a dream, then hypocrisy will upset you, and your enemies will triumph.

Seeing a viper in a dream and handling it quite normally foreshadows that you will enter into an arranged marriage, but will not be happy. If you dream that a viper scared you, then beware of the enemy’s revenge.

A dream in which you saw that a snake was relentlessly following you warns that you will be tormented by remorse.

Seeing that a snake has fallen on top of you is a warning about the machinations of a person in power.

Seeing a lot of vipers in a dream means that you will face disputes with partners or discord in the family.

Seeing yourself surrounded by snakes is a warning that the people around you, for the most part, do not wish you well. Leaving such a place in a dream means that you will successfully get out of a difficult situation and slanderers will not damage your reputation.

Seeing an anaconda (sea boa) in a dream is a sign that you will have a hard time in life. Anaconda lives only in water. Such a dream predicts that you should protect yourself and insure yourself on all sides in order to avoid great danger. Such a dream encourages you to fight to achieve your goal.

Dreams about snakes also include a rare dream about Medusa the Gorgon. Medusa Gorgon is a character Greek mythology. Her image always meant victory over powerful enemies that no one could cope with. She had many snakes on her head instead of hair. No one could defeat her.

Medusa Gorgon was a symbol of the fight against fatal evil. Seeing her in a dream is a harbinger of victory over an all-powerful enemy or evil, unless in a dream her anger is directed against you.

Being the Gorgon Medusa yourself with thousands of snakes on your head is a sign of a glorious victory over your enemies.

Accidentally stepping on a snake in a dream and not being bitten is a sign that you will make a mistake and miraculously avoid the bad consequences of your frivolity.

If the snake managed to bite you, then you will have to pay dearly for your rash actions.

Non-venomous snakes or snakes in a dream mean a far-fetched danger or a false alarm.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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    Eat different types snakes, even those who live in water. Among them there are those that bite, and there are those that do not bite. Sea snakes usually bite. In any case, when you see a snake in the water, it is better to stay away from it.

    Basically, the myth that snakes are safe in water arose based on the fact that the snake simply cannot push off anything to make the necessary sharp jerk to bite. In fact, this is not the case, and in the water the snake can strike with a fatal bite, so do not let your guard down and be careful at all times.

    Only sea snakes bite in water, and not always.

    They are most aggressive during the mating season.

    Poisonous land snakes in the water do not touch a person, they are busy with the fact that they need to swim across the river and so that no one touches them.

    So the snake itself will not swim up to you and bite you in the water. She doesn't need to do this.

    Any snake can bite, whether on land or in water. If you press her or climb into a snake’s nest, then she will defend herself, but except to bite, she cannot do anything else. But more often, when meeting a person, they move aside.

    Sea snakes are deadly. There is only one piece of advice - do not disturb them, do not approach them and stay as far away from them as possible. They are not too fast in the water, but I don’t recommend relying on it.

    All snakes bite: both poisonous and non-venomous. But if you don’t touch or scare them away, then you don’t have to worry. Therefore, you need to be extremely careful not to step on or hurt, otherwise the snake will bite you.

    The world is huge and there is an incredible number of varieties of organisms, and there are also a lot of species of snakes. There are poisonous ones, and there are completely safe ones, there are sea ones, and there are land ones. Therefore, it is difficult to answer this question unambiguously. Let's just say there are snakes that can bite in the water, although there may not be many of them. In any case, you should behave very carefully and carefully with snakes.

    I read the question and immediately remembered the movie Anaconda. There, a huge snake also swam in the water, but did not kill with poison. In water, the goal of any snake is to survive. It is not convenient for a snake to pay attention to a person, much less bite him, and there is no time for this. At the same time, if you see a snake in the water, be careful and do not come close. For wherever the snake is - on the ground or on land - the chance that it will bite is high. Even in the water. So speaking in simple language - snakes bite in the water

    Snakes don't bite in water, except sea snakes.

    There are more than 170 species of snakes in Thailand and about 50 of them are deadly poisonous. But they live mainly in the jungle. And if your goal is sea ​​coast, that is, the hope of not encountering them at all. Sea snakes, whose bite is the most poisonous and dangerous, as it deprives a person of the ability to move, are found closer to the Australian coast and in Thailand it is unlikely to encounter them. But you shouldn’t relax, because besides snakes, in Thailand there are a lot of other funny creatures on land and sea that you need to stay away from.

    In the sea, jellyfish pose a great danger, many of which can cause paralysis immediately after touching them, and the resulting burns take a painful and long time to heal. In addition, there are lionfish or lionfish in the sea

    During the day she hides in the shadows of corals, and in the evening she swims out in search of victims. Poisonous in itself, it can cause severe respiratory paralysis. There are all sorts of other animals there, such as scolopendra, malaria mosquitoes and poisonous caterpillars. But, as they say, he who does not take risks... The main thing is to get all the vaccinations and not to be overly curious and gullible.

    Poisonous snakes are dangerous everywhere. Even if they may not bite in the water, you should not relax when meeting them and think that they will not touch you. Who knows what's on their minds. Therefore, in any case, do not tempt fate and do everything possible to avoid encountering them. Take all safety precautions.

    There are snakes that hunt in water, the answer is obvious, if this is the place for hunting, then it uses the whole range of possibilities available to it, that is, it bites and injects poison.

    A snake, if it is poisonous, is an extremely dangerous animal both in water and on land.

According to many interpreters, the snake in night dreams embodies not only secret ill-wishers, but is also considered the root of wisdom and knowledge. Water is considered to be the personification of infinity, passionate feelings, and intuition. In the hope of figuring out why snakes in the water dream, you need to remember the dream you had. This is the only way you will be able to find out the hidden meaning of a dream vision.

Saw a water snake - be afraid of past events

The Wanderer's interpreter gives a definition of why one dreams of seeing sinuous snakes in the water. According to him, the dreamed image represents a threat associated with past events in the dreamer’s life.

A dreamed huge white reptile expresses crushing, dangerous knowledge of other people's secrets that you may not be able to hide.

According to Noble dream book, a dream about a large water viper, is comparable to the threat of plunging into sadness when there are many of them - soon awaits you severe stress and depression.

I had a chance to watch a large viper crawl out of the water, prophesying the health of the body and increasing immunity.

Looked like it was floating in the river a large number of small snakes, or the entire brood of evil vipers? In reality, unforeseen difficulties will arise in the current case. Perhaps their appearance will be interconnected with the machinations of enemies.

Viper bite - warns of misunderstandings

Did you dream about a snake biting you? Beware, there is a big risk from the water element in the future. Did water vipers bite your leg in your sleep? Someone from your environment is trying to control your actions.

Did you happen to fight in a dream with a large predatory anaconda that bit you many times? The dream thus warns you of unfavorable feelings. Perhaps, as a result of a strong surge of emotions, your plans will go wrong.

In rare cases, the appearance of a large snake, according to the dream book, expresses an influential personality. In the dream, did the anaconda inflict multiple lesions? A quarrel with your boss or business partners is possible.

When the dreamer sees that while in the river, the snake sank into the water and swam away, this means that soon there will be a chance to significantly increase your income or climb the career ladder.

Type of reservoir as an indicator of the environment

Often, snakes in a pond are seen by the fair sex as a positive sign. Were the reptiles in purified and mirror water? Soon you will gain complete independence. If you saw a cobra in a dream, watch the actions of your significant other, there is a threat of betrayal.

Swimming in a polluted pond with snakes in it predicts retribution for an unseemly act you have committed against your lover.

In her night dreams, many snakes warn a young girl about evil enemies who are spreading false rumors about the sleeping woman. This can cause significant harm to a love relationship.

What color were the reptiles?

Explaining why snakes in water dream, the Modern Interpreter focuses special attention on their color. For example:

  • A dreamed black reptile indicates that the dreamer is afraid. In some cases, a similar dream expresses the betrayal of a lover.
  • According to the dream book, you happened to cut off the head of a black snake in your night dreams - you will be able to overcome obsessive fears.
  • A green snake in a dream, according to the interpreter, is a symbol of the arrival of a new stage in life, recovery from illnesses, and getting rid of everything bad.
  • For married persons, a turquoise snake in clean water, promises the conception of a child.
  • If you saw a yellow reptile - expect illness, betrayal and hypocrisy.
  • If you dreamed that you were bitten by an asp, you will soon have to suppress unpleasant feelings within yourself.

Interpretation of dreams in Miller's interpreter

As the dream book indicates, snakes in the water are comparable to the fears of a sleeping person, which will very soon be replaced by happiness. A dream in which a reptile stings you indicates harm caused by our enemies or competitors.