The worst turn of events. How to remove fear from the subconscious

The sound of a thunderstorm alone can send shivers all over your body, giving you goosebumps. Fear of thunderstorms is a fairly common occurrence. Someone just feels a little uncomfortable, while someone waits in horror for the next roll of thunder. No matter how serious your phobia is, you can manage your fear of thunderstorms by asking loved ones to support you, try to identify the cause of your fear, and find ways to distract yourself.


Determine the reason for the fear of a thunderstorm

    So, make a plan of action in case of a thunderstorm. Right installed lightning rod - best defense against thunderstorms in any building. Having a plan prepared in advance will help reduce the fear of a thunderstorm. Think about what place in your house (or apartment) will be the safest during a thunderstorm - it should be away from windows. Rooms on the ground floor of the house or basement are perfect for this. If you live in an apartment, you can arrange yourself a shelter in case of a thunderstorm in the bathroom, pantry or dressing room.

    • Think about what you will do if a thunderstorm catches you off guard while you are outside or in your car. For example, if a thunderstorm starts, you can immediately drive into a parking lot or park your car at the side of the road. It is quite safe to be in a car during a thunderstorm.
  1. Prepare for a thunderstorm to control the whole situation. If you face your fear on purpose, you will be less sensitive to the experience. Consider listening to audio recordings of thunderstorm sounds to start with, they should definitely have a lot of thunder. Do this kind of warm-weather workout to make sure you're safe. To dull the feeling of fear, try listening to such audio recordings several times a week.

    • You can also watch videos of thunderstorms. Start watching videos only when you get used to the sounds of a thunderstorm a little and stop feeling terrified while listening to audio recordings.
    • Don't be discouraged if you don't get used to them right away, or if you don't see much change the next time you encounter a thunderstorm. It will take time to begin to calmly deal with what scares you.
  2. Start to gradually reduce the number of devices and safety equipment that you use. People who are afraid of thunderstorms often use different subjects, which help them feel calmer when a thunderstorm comes. To try to break the dependence on these items and reduce fear, simply use less of these items and devices. This will help you feel more comfortable over time during a thunderstorm, and you will not have to constantly resort to the help of outside means and objects. Try to make some small change every time there is a thunderstorm.

    • For example, you can start using more light blankets, stay in the living room during a thunderstorm, and not hide in your bedroom, or at least leave the door open while hiding in the closet.
    • All this should be done gradually, because you will not be able to get rid of all these habits overnight. If needed, you can ask someone to stay with you while you give up some habits and "safe items".
  3. Set yourself limits on checking the weather. You should not constantly look at the weather forecast just because you are afraid of an upcoming thunderstorm. This habit only adds to the anxiety, not helps you. Instead of obsessing over the weather forecast, focus on being able to control the situation if a thunderstorm hits unexpectedly.

    Try to take your mind off the storm. Find ways to have fun so you don't have to worry about the storm. This will help you gain control of the situation by focusing on something positive instead of fear, and will also help you learn to control yourself during a thunderstorm.

We periodically need to get out of the comfort zone and act in one way or another, taking risks or back. The only thing that gets in the way is fear from time to time. Of course, fear is created by nature as a quality that protects against any misconduct. But it happens that this property becomes so strong that it obscures the clarity of mind and the ability to perceive what is happening in the light of rationality. and rise above them? is a question that in a certain life span asks almost every person.

The more life experience, the stronger the fear

The newborn does not know fear because he has never experienced it. Gradually as you acquire life experience and the emergence of diverse situations, a person begins to be afraid. He has an understanding that a certain situation can end unfavorably.

Such negative thoughts interfere with living a full life. To improve the situation, you just need to realize the need to solve the problem, since everyone can overcome fears. With an increase in negative experience, a person fears an increasing number of adverse factors. However, the negative experience different people differs from each other. Therefore, it is far from always that what frightens one person causes similar sensations in his acquaintances.

Fear of experiencing fear

Over time, a person may begin to fear situations causing fear. That is, he is not afraid of any object, namely the feeling of fear. Such a person makes efforts to consciously avoid relevant situations.

In this case, you need to identify the cause of fear, and then engage in the development of self-confidence. Do not assume that the task is large and impossible. In fact, it’s just worth dividing it into small sub-items, which require almost no additional effort to complete. This is especially true for athletes. And after completing small tasks, you should deal with larger issues.

Don't Suppress Fear

Those who are in a state are deprived of the ability to make decisions and act. Fear can arise before some new actions that have not been done before. If a person has become interested in how to overcome fears, then first you need to admit to yourself that they exist. Because only if you honestly discover these qualities in yourself, you can take measures to eliminate them.

It is better to act, despite. If you repeat this several times, then gradually it turns out to overcome your fear. After all, too much fear only interferes. Therefore, you need to make every effort, because to overcome fears is to make them afraid of themselves.

Making a willful decision

As long as there is no clear program regarding their actions, fear increases. Therefore, you need to make a decision about how to act in this situation. After a certain course of action has appeared, fear shrinks into a ball. Of course, he waits for some time to see whether the decision will be accurately implemented. But when it turns out that a person is not going to deviate from the intended plan of action, the fear becomes less and less until it disappears completely.

What is fear? - only emotion. She is able to fill everything with herself, becoming a large jellyfish. Is it really worth allowing this unreasonable "object" to influence own life? Of course not. That is why it should be turned into a small compressed ball, which subsequently disappears.

When making a decision, a person may worry about its correctness. If you look at the question from the point of view of rationality, it becomes clear that any action is always preferable to fear of the unknown. After the first steps are taken in the direction taken, the situation becomes clear. And it becomes possible to turn it in the right direction.

The worst turn of events

In overcoming fear, it often helps to work out the question "how to overcome fear of the unknown?" That is, in this case, one should reflect on the topic: what will happen if ... Usually, such reasoning lifts the veil of secrecy and it becomes clear that the outcome is, in principle, not dangerous. Often people think that the result will be frightening. But with this exercise good example gradually it becomes clear that the problem disappears.

If it turned out that the unpleasant sensations persisted, then we should think about what the inner voice is telling us. Therefore, if intuition really saved from an unfavorable event, then this is just wonderful. In such cases, you need to rejoice in your own sensitivity and thank her for salvation.

Analysis of the situation

Careful consideration of what is happening without hiding from oneself unfavorable and “ugly” qualities is the best option to fight fear. The analysis helps to understand the following points:

  1. What exactly is scary?
  2. What causes fear?
  3. Is it worth spending your internal reserve on a negative emotion?

The list can go on until you receive internal state satisfaction. The essence of the method is a thorough study of the "enemy". Because only knowing your fear fully, you can learn how to overcome it.

And if there are several options for eliminating fear, then you need to work through each of them. It helps to use your own imagination, because when you scroll through the situation in it, it becomes very clear. A person who has overcome fear always figured out in advance how to do it.

Someone might think that analysis is something long and boring. In fact, it is absolutely not true. It is very interesting to reveal the positive and the negative without obscuring it with anything. After all, it is not necessary for anyone to provide the information received. She's only going for herself.

Common phobia: Fear of death

So many deaths that are considered normal. But it happens that everything becomes very serious and turns into such phobias as:

  1. Swim in the sea.
  2. Ride a car.
  3. Touch the handrails public transport and others.

It is worth accepting your death as a phenomenon that is the logical outcome of the life of every person. Since to overcome the fear of death is to actually understand the beauty of the present moment. Yes, everything will end, and even King Solomon did not escape this. That is why you need to appreciate every breath you take, and make every action consciously.

And if a person is afraid to live?

You should rejoice at what is happening, perceive it from a positive point of view. Even if situations develop in an unfavorable way, they should be taken as a test. It is better to consider them as lessons. After all, a person is born in order to become better, to learn something.

And those individuals who are afraid to leave the house in the morning are likely to wake up in their declining years. They will understand that their whole life has passed by, and nothing has been done. And in order to avoid such a turn, one should think about the questions: is there any point in experiencing the fear of life? How to overcome it?

Childbirth is painful

Expectant mothers are always very worried before childbirth. This is due to whether everything is prepared for the future baby at home. Also, any woman is worried about such issues:

  1. How to deal with pain.
  2. Is there enough strength?
  3. Will everything go well and so on.

Since overcoming the fear of childbirth is already the key to the success of the event, you should work on it. As for the pain, you should realize that it will be very strong and accept it as it is. You need to take care of physical fitness and health for 9 months, following the recommendations of the doctor and attending special courses for expectant mothers. As to whether everything will go well, the doctor should think. Therefore, before giving birth, you should take care of a good specialist.

The main thing is to tune in to the positive. For each of your actions, only favorable views should be taken as the basis. And in such an important matter as the birth of a new person, this rule should be considered an axiom. Everything will be fine, because there are simply no other options.

What if you're scared to board a plane?

Facilities mass media do not always feel sorry for the public, talking about unsuccessful flights. Often the information is accompanied by colorful photographs or a meaningful video. At the same time, impressionable citizens decide to travel long distances exclusively by trains.

Trains are very good, although much longer. But how to overcome the fear of flying if you need to get to another continent? The most best recommendation It's about getting away from what's going on. If the person sitting next to you is disposed to communication, then you can get to know him. Communication with a fellow traveler is a pretty strong distraction. No need to drink coffee, because the heart rate will increase and the excitement will increase. It is preferable to pay attention to alcohol, which will help relieve stress.

Fear is part of life. Every person is afraid of something. Even, for example, a very strong and formidable athlete, to whom everyone around respectfully nods, is also capable of experiencing. Perhaps he is afraid to eat a product with the presence of Escherichia coli in it. Options can be very diverse. And this does not mean that you need to surround yourself with a vacuum. After such an act, life turns into existence, and its taste simply disappears. That is why it is necessary to answer the question for yourself: “How to learn to overcome fears?” And first they should be identified and subjected to a thorough analysis.

So what do you do with your fears? Fight? This activity is absolutely useless.

The more you fight fear, the more power you give it. Fighting fear only makes it worse.

It is difficult to completely overcome your fear, but you can try to reduce fear yourself.

Look fear in the eyes

To do this, you need, firstly, to recognize it, to agree with fear, to say to yourself: "Yes, I'm afraid." More often we are ashamed to admit even to ourselves our fear, we avoid talking and thinking about it. Thus, we seek to "run away" from our problems, from our fears.

But, unfortunately, you can't run away from yourself. And those problems from which we seek to escape, to which we turn a blind eye, only become aggravated and begin to haunt us.

Fear - this is an obstacle in our path, the "brake" that prevents us from achieving our goals. The absence of fear, self-confidence already provides 50 percent of success in any business.

In order to overcome your fear, you cannot “turn away” from it, pretend that there is no fear. On the contrary, you need to fearlessly "go" to your own fear, to your problem, and for this you need to "turn to face it", "look your fear straight in the eye", admit to yourself: "Yes, I'm afraid to speak in front of the public, I'm afraid of change, I'm afraid to make a mistake". Then the fear will subside.

Analyze your fear

Then determine what you are afraid of. For example, if you are afraid to walk the streets when it gets dark, then you are either afraid of the dark (darkness presses), or you are afraid of aggression from others (robbery, rape).

See how likely it is that you will be attacked. If you are afraid of flying, determine if you are afraid of heights or that the plane will fall and crash. How likely is it to fall? Say to yourself: "This is just my fear. In reality, this situation does not exist."

Play with your fear

This technique will help you overcome your fear by living it. When we live through a negative situation mentally (we get acquainted with our fear in detail, “go on our own fear”), then, as it were, we rehearse the negative situation, and after several such rehearsals, fears decrease and even completely disappear.

Imagine the worst thing that happened in your life. For example, you went on stage to read an important report and could not utter a word, blushed, turned pale, stood, you were thrown rotten tomatoes, and you left the stage in disgrace. After that, you could no longer look your colleagues in the eye, the boss yelled at you and fired you from work, and you, to your surprise, remained alive and well.

Then imagine that this negative situation has been a big uplift for you in life. For example, you found an even better, better paid job where you no longer need to perform on stage, or even changed your profession.

As you can see, the worst thing in life can turn out to be a great success.

Play this situation mentally several times, your fear will decrease. Moreover, you will understand that there is no reason for fear. It can only be a small annoyance in your so pleasant life. Or maybe you really should change your job if it brings you more fears than pleasure?

Or, for example, if you are afraid of contracting some terrible infectious disease, imagine that you were infected with it and you were cured (moreover, no one even knew about it, and if someone found out, they reacted to it quite calmly) . In general, the world did not turn upside down as a result of your illness, you remained alive and well, loved and adored by everyone.

If you are afraid of an incurable disease, imagine that you managed to recover, and as a result you became wiser, more sincere, more cheerful, revised your life values, wrote a book on how to recover from this disease. All in all, it did you good. Of course, you can reconsider life values, become more sincere and cheerful right now, without waiting for a serious illness, and fear will go away by itself if you live through it and understand that any illness (as well as any negative situation) is a life lesson. And if you learn it right now, then negative situation, diseases will not come into your life for anything.

In general, mentally play out the most terrible situations several times a day. different options, but always end them safely to "not include negative program". Your fears will be greatly reduced.

These techniques do not help to work out the underlying causes of fears, but if fears consume you, then it is better not to delay and turn to a psychologist for CONSULTATION

Article by the psychologist of the CENTER "5YA!" Marina Morozova

Source -

Even the bravest people are often afraid. It doesn't matter what scares them: spiders or injections, dates with people and fights, heights or darkness. The most important thing is that these fears can and should be fought. We can't let them hold back our lives. Remember, there are no people who are not afraid of anything, there are only fools.

To learn how to conquer fear, you must first acknowledge it. Many people deny the obvious things because of which they suffer greatly. For example, a person may be afraid to drive a car, but will stubbornly deny it, often creating obstacles on the road for other vehicles.

You will take the first step on the path as soon as you acknowledge the existence of fears. To do this, you can use two simple techniques:

  • Write down your fear. This will be enough to understand how to conquer the fear of death. The fact is that the record, as it were, officially admits that you are afraid of something. You can also be more specific about the problem you want to solve. You can use this method to solve any problems. Be sure to write that soon you will be able to get rid of it.
  • name it. It can be difficult to determine exactly what we are afraid of. Just some strange feeling eats us from the inside. Spend a few hours on quiet meditation to determine what is causing the imbalance.

Describe your fear as fully as possible.

You need to explain in as much detail as possible the reason for your fears. Every thing in this world has a beginning and an end. In psychology, everything happens exactly the same. Fears rarely appear on their own, so it would be nice to remember how it all began. If you can understand in detail how it affects you and what methods of dealing with it have proven to be the most effective, then you will move very far forward.

Set aside half an hour or an hour for yourself. Of course, the more the better, but it's also not worth wasting time. Take a white sheet of paper and a pencil. Find a secluded place where nothing can distract you. You can also turn on your favorite music that sets you up for work. Answer the following questions:

  1. Is the source of fear really dangerous for you? This is very important, especially if you want to understand how to overcome children's fears. Of course, fear is an absolutely healthy emotion, which is designed to protect us from various troubles, but in modern world this feeling can appear without the threat of danger. Try to find out if it's really dangerous. Lay out these thoughts on paper in as much detail as possible.
  2. How does fear affect you? Maybe he makes you mumble when you're trying to get to know a pretty girl. Or maybe you decide to stay in bed for two hours longer so as not to go for a couple to an unloved teacher ()?
  3. What exactly causes fear? Maybe it's just a representation of how you stand on top. Or the approach of a person to whom you have a strong dislike. This will determine how strong he is and how you can fight him.
  4. Where did this fear come from? Does it have something to do with your childhood or past? How long have you been under its influence and how often does it manifest itself?

Set yourself a bold goal

Nothing motivates action more than a truly ambitious goal. This will allow you to understand even how to overcome the fear of a fight. You need to be specific and measurable about what you want to change and achieve. Of course, the main goal is to conquer fear, but it is far from specific. It is best to perform decomposition, that is, to break the goal into several small ones. They should help in achieving the main.

I'll tell you how to do it in my example. I was very afraid of heights. There was an abandoned construction site not far from my house, where other boys were constantly climbing, but because of the fear of heights, I could not fully play with them. Then I decided on the first day to just walk around. Then I went over the thickest sections on not very high altitude. Each time I climbed higher and tried to climb to more dangerous areas. At the end, I could safely run on top speed along a beam two feet wide at a height of several meters.

But you may have other situations:

  • The fear of spiders is well treated with the help of Internet videos. You can also try to pick up an ordinary house spider (if you find it), they are really harmless. Of course, with large poisonous individuals, this method is better not to apply.
  • To understand how to overcome anxiety and fear of relationships, then try to first meet people through the Internet, then use Skype, and then move on to real life.
  • If you are afraid of the dark, then start by using nightlights and reducing the amount of light.

Start a confrontation

As is known, The best way to overcome fear is to look him straight in the eye. Of course, for this you need to be a very brave person, but it is these people who, as a rule, achieve the greatest success. This is especially true if there are any particular events or circumstances that make you feel fearful.

My friend Kostya was very afraid to start relationships with girls. In the company of friends, he was the soul of the company, but as soon as the fair sex appeared nearby, he became a completely different person: timid, quiet and completely inconspicuous. Of course, he really didn't like it, and he enrolled in a pickup truck school. They didn’t help him much there, and in the next joint gathering, I suggested that he simply “approach like a peasant and start a conversation.” The next time he did everything according to plan and his dating practice had its first success. Of course, it was far from ideal (I won’t go into details), but it was clear that he began to overcome his fears.

I can also advise you to use two simple practices:

  1. Immediately imagine the worst of options and evaluate it appropriately. Well, let's take the example of Kostya. If he comes up to meet a girl, the most she can do is send him off. Of course, this is unpleasant, but people do not die from this, but only gain experience. This will allow you to understand that even under the worst set of circumstances, it is unlikely that anything really bad will happen.
  2. Repeat over and over. Let's say you seriously intend to approach a girl today and get to know each other. You may not succeed - after all, fear was developed long time, but this is not a reason to give up or stop. Try again and you will surely succeed. I believe in it.

Create ideal conditions to fight fear. There will always be circumstances that will tell you: "Stop, don't do it, it's better to do it next time." But you yourself perfectly understand that this is wrong. Let's say you dream about the restaurant business, but every time you put it off. However, if you don't try, you won't be able to understand.

And you should not associate your failures with fate or with any other higher powers. This is a very good excuse, because it makes you believe that not everything is in your hands. In fact, it is you who controls the future, and it is your choice that determines what result you can achieve.

If possible, surround yourself with people who also want to learn how to overcome fear and depression. Imagine that you are surrounded by those who simply do not want to develop. Under such conditions, it will also be difficult for you to go to new level.

Try to change your views on the subject of fear

Remember that fear is not only negative, but often positive emotions. Think of people who go in for extreme sports. They are literally torn apart by adrenaline, but they still continue to do it and get unprecedented pleasure. Also, people often prefer to watch horror films, because they really allow you to get new emotions (especially compared to modern Russian comedies).

So the next time you really want to conquer fear, try looking at it from a different angle. There is even such a book “Change your approach”, which helps to view certain phenomena in a different way. For example, if you are afraid of heights, then you should watch parkour videos to at least slightly ease your fear. Maybe it will even become your biggest advantage, because you will experience real emotions.

This is also one of the recommendations. Fear is a great tool for effective solution many problems. It serves as a kind of pointer to which you react in any situation. After the first wave of discomfort has passed, try the following:

  • To learn how to conquer fear, try to get to know her better. This is especially true when you have this feeling because of the unknown.
  • If it involves any kind of commitment (fear of giving up projects), then try to use fear as the main stimulus for good preparation and thorough rehearsal.
  • You can also think about the possibilities that will open up for you if you can overcome fear. Well, let's say you're afraid of water. If you manage to conquer fear, then you will be able to swim a lot, go boating with friends and significantly enrich your life with useful emotions.

How to Conquer Fear When Nothing Helps

It also happens that fear cannot be overcome even after several trips to a psychologist. There is nothing to be ashamed of in this (even if you are a healthy man and are afraid of little mice). This is the same emotion as sadness or joy, that is, it is impossible to completely get rid of the feeling of fear, it just takes more vivid forms in some people.

Understand that fear is a completely natural situation for our body. All living beings are afraid, so don't be too hard on yourself. Of course, when you went to the page about how to overcome fear, you expected that you could completely get rid of it, but this is really impossible, so don’t reproach yourself.

There are also situations when you are VERY STRONGLY AFRAID of something. And all attempts are in vain, and may even cause harm. You should not rush to the next attempt with the last of your strength, especially if the consequences can be sad. Do not give in to stress because of unsuccessful attempts, you will only harm your health.

But if you have at least small victories, then start enjoying them. They really cost you a lot and took you to the next level. Let's say you decided, but were afraid to film yourself on camera. After you've shot your first video, just pat yourself on the back (literally) and say how great you are.

Of course, the most important thing, if your fears are really serious, is to seek help from specialists. They are really experienced people who will help you deal with this difficult situation. And, while fighting your fears, do not forget about safety. Do not iron poisonous snakes without special protection.

This is the end of the article on how to overcome the feeling of fear. If you have any questions - welcome to the comments. And don't forget to subscribe for new interesting articles. Bye!

A moment of excitement under the dentist's office is a natural thing - as you know, SPA procedures are not performed in it. It is worse if the fear of dentists is in the nature of a psychological phobia: a person is ready to endure a toothache for days and drink it with pills, delaying a visit to the dentist to the last and comparing it with execution.

Someone is afraid of mice, spiders, and you are a dentist? How you ended up in the ranks of dentophobes and what to do about it - we will understand in our article.

Signs of Dentophobia

We have to talk about dentophobia, a pathological fear of a dentist, when, as soon as you cross the threshold of his office, you begin to experience panic fear. The heartbeat becomes more frequent, breathing becomes uneven, cold sweat appears on the forehead, dizziness and spasmodic pains in the abdomen can be observed.

How Panic Fear Occurs

The abode of fear is our brain, and it penetrates there through visual analyzers, eyes and hearing organs, and ears.

Information about what you see dental office and the noise heard from the drill is processed in an area of ​​the brain called the thalamus. Further, the disturbing impulse is transmitted to the amygdala, which colors emotions and plays leading role in the development of fear.

Another part of the brain, the locus coeruleus, stimulates the fear response: sweating, high blood pressure, and abnormal heart rhythms. Both the amygdala and the blue spot are located near the temporal region of the head, so when we panic, the first thing we feel is how “fear pulsates in the temples.”

Why is there a fear of the dentist?

According to psychologists, the main reason for the development of dental phobia is the negative experience of treatment in the past. “Pre-war” drills, a tired, angry uncle-stomatologist and an office lined with “hospital” tiles in a state clinic - yes, they will do more harm than help, 20% of patients with dental phobia think. This mindset is accompanied by:

  • Acute, throbbing pain with purulent inflammation of the tooth, pulpitis and periodontitis, when it hurts even to touch the tooth;
  • Neurosis due to a sleepless night or a stressful situation that happened the day before;
  • Past trauma, fractures, post-traumatic disorders;
  • Feeling of helplessness when lying down in a dental chair;
  • Embarrassment for the unsatisfactory condition of the teeth in front of the dentist.

It's a paradox, but the longer you put off a visit to the dentist, the more difficult, lengthy and expensive the treatment will be. 2 more factors that may influence the decision to part with caries or a huge flux on the cheek are:

  1. The harm of painkillers - namely, their effect on kidney function, arterial pressure, the ability to reduce the threshold of pain sensitivity and thin the blood.
  2. The development of complications of caries and chronic inflammatory processes in the periodontal tissues, which are accompanied by acute pain, aggravated at night.

Painless caries treatment with the Icon method

Fear of dentists: today and 10 years ago

The first thing to realize is from the time of your last visit to the dentist until today a good hundred innovations were introduced in dentistry. For example, for the treatment of caries, drilling with boron may not be required: at its initial stages, the diseased tooth is “cleaned” with a laser or impregnated with an infiltrant (Icon technology).

Drills, which modern dentistry is equipped with, are practically silent and create minimum level vibrations - so you can forget about a half-hour "sawmill" in your mouth.

There is good news for dentophobes with intolerance to anesthesia: the injection site will be pre-covered with an anesthetic gel, and the anesthetic injection itself will be carried out by an ultra-precise computer system (STA). Moreover, they will “freeze” 1 tooth, locally, and not half a cheek, as “in the days of the USSR”.

Another innovation: virtual tours on the websites of private clinics. This way you can “walk” through the dentist’s offices, assess the level of comfort, choose a dentist and feel more confident when you come to the appointment.

To get started, set yourself up for 1 trial visit to the dentist. Survive a half-hour session, and then decide what to do next! The advice of psychologists will help to reduce the emotional burden.

  1. Plan a trip to the dentist in the morning so as not to languish all day in the agonizing expectation of a meeting with the “esculapius”.
  2. Make an appointment with the dentist and come 5 minutes before the appointed time - you can’t stay under the dentist’s office longer.
  3. Take someone close with you - their support will help overcome the fear of the procedure.
  4. Clearly describe the nature of the toothache: where it hurts, how it hurts. This will allow you to do without unpleasant instrumental research methods - percussion, tapping and probing, sending you, if necessary, immediately for an x-ray.
  5. Ask your dentist to additionally numb the injection site. With fear of tooth extraction, you can use the sedation procedure, and spend this time in a medical sleep.
  6. Agree with the doctor about the signs that will allow you to control the course of treatment. For example, tapping on the arm of a chair will be a request to give you a moment to rest.
  7. Recall a life situation in which you showed courage and endurance. Then you felt like a winner, right? Anchor this feeling and set yourself up for victory over dental phobia.

In premium clinics, during the procedure, you will be offered to listen to music or watch a relaxation video, so the stories of friends about an hour of rest in dentistry are quite true.

Medical treatment of dental phobia

In rare cases, dental phobia acquires signs mental disorder: the patient is covered by seizures panic fear in the dentist's chair, which can even end in convulsions. Then prescribe the administration of selective serotonin antidepressants: citalopram, fluoxetine or sertraline. The course of treatment lasts from 3 weeks to 3 months and takes place under the supervision of a psychotherapist.

According to statistics, every fifth patient of dentists is a dentophobic; dentists are trained to work with them back in medical universities. Therefore, do not hesitate to warn the doctor about your fear - he will tell you what and how he will do, how long the session will last and what sensations you are supposed to experience. Talking to a dentist can be reassuring and reassuring before any dental procedure.

About methods of anesthesia in dentistry - in our article!