Turnkey installation of rolled lawn. Laying technology and rules for growing rolled turf. Rules for laying rolled grass

Rolled lawn and its installation is the topic of this article. So, how to lay it correctly rolled lawn?

What is rolled lawn

Rolled lawn is a ready-made natural grass cover grown in a nursery, then cut from the field along with the turf and cut into rolls of the same size (this is done with a special combine). In most cases, for ease of transportation and work, turf is cut into pieces about 40 cm wide and no more than 2 meters long. The weight of such a roll does not exceed 15-20 kg.

It is impossible to grow a rolled lawn with your own hands, but you can buy ready-made, freshly cut rolls of turf with grass in a nursery or specialized store. After this you can either hire professional company installing roll-up lawns on a turn-key basis, or install them yourself on your own site. The roots of the grass will grow into the soil, and the grass will firmly establish itself in its new location. If you decide to lay the rolled lawn with your own hands, then in order for the turf to grow in without problems, the rolls must be laid correctly.

Work planning

Laying rolls yourself is not difficult, but when planning it you should consider the following.

The best time to landscape your lawn is in spring or early fall. In the summer heat, very abundant watering will be required. It is best to plan all work for dry weather with moderate temperatures.

The lawn should be laid immediately after it is delivered to the site. It is advisable that no more than 2 days pass from the moment of cutting it to laying it. Therefore, all preparatory work must be completed before delivery. If for some reason the turf was not laid immediately, it should not be left wound in rolls. They need to be rolled out and watered well.

Calculation of the number of rolls. The construction of a green lawn should begin with calculation required quantity turf. To do this, you need to decide on the area of ​​​​the future green lawn. The calculation formula itself is quite simple. We calculate the covering area in square meters. m., then divide it by the area of ​​one roll. The resulting number is rounded upward.

Stages of work

The entire installation technology is quite simple and consists of the following steps.

Site preparation

Laying a lawn is impossible without proper site preparation. It must be carried out very carefully, and not one of its stages should be neglected. The quality of the future green lawn directly depends on it.

Now we’ll tell you exactly how to lay a rolled lawn.

Roll stacking


The installation of a rolled lawn is effective method creating a quick grass lawn. But laying a rolled lawn is only half the battle; now it needs to be brought to the state of an actively growing green lawn. To do this, you need to carry out daily abundant watering. For irrigation, it is best to use a sprinkler; it will evenly and gently water the grass without causing any harm to it.

To make sure that the rooting process is going well, you can carefully lift the edge of the sod. If white roots are visible there, then everything is fine. The grass has enough moisture and successfully takes root in its new location.

Two weeks after installation, watering can be reduced to 2 times a week. Now is also the time when it is best to do the first mowing. The grass should be cut across or diagonally from the direction of laying.

After this, fertilizing with complex fertilizer must be carried out. A month later, the haircut is repeated. The direction of mowing this time should be at an angle to the previous one.

The last time to mow is in the fall before the onset of a steady cold spell. In the spring of next year, immediately after the snow melts, small punctures are made in places where water accumulates on the turf. And after the onset of steady warming, they carry out a haircut. Also in the spring, the lawn must be fed appropriately.


We talked about how to lay rolled lawn. Installing a rolled lawn, as well as caring for it, do not require any special knowledge or skills, but, nevertheless, must be done correctly if you want to avoid problems with turf growth and strive to enjoy beautiful lawn many more seasons to come.

Today we will talk about this interesting material like a rolled lawn. This is a very popular ground covering today, not only in suburban areas. We'll tell you how to properly lay lawn rolls and some of the nuances of the process. We will also denote the positive and negative sides this unique material. Once you understand this topic, you will be able to easily control the craftsmen who have been entrusted with laying the rolled lawn on your property. summer cottage. So to speak, to be “on the same wavelength” with them.

What is rolled lawn

Essentially, it is grass that is planted on a special basis. As the latter, burlap, cardboard or polyethylene mesh are used. The base is laid on a flat surface, this can be a dirt platform or shelving equipment. A layer of turf soil mixed with peat and sand is poured onto it. The main task is to bring the acidity of the mixture to neutral, as in nature. The thickness of the poured layer is 3-5 cm.

After preparation, grass seeds are sown. As soon as the plants rise to a height of 10 cm, they are cut off. This is done two or three times to strengthen the root system. After 2 months, the covering material is ready.

Manufacturers most often offer grass mats 2 m long, 0.4 m wide and 2-2.5 cm thick.

Laying technology

The technology for laying rolled lawn is divided into two main stages: preparation and laying the lawn itself.

On our website you can find contacts construction companies who offer the service of developing projects and carrying out landscape improvement work. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Preparatory stage

First of all, prepare the area itself on which it is decided to lay rolled grass. To do this, remove debris, stones, and pull out weeds. Then the drainage system is prepared. They do it like this:

    Filming top layer of soil to a depth of 20 cm.

    Fall asleep a layer of pebbles that is leveled horizontally.

    Next layer of sand. It is leveled and compacted.

    Fall asleep selected soil.

    Conduct rolling the soil using a metal roller.

If the soil on the site is sandy, then drainage system need not. It will only be necessary to clear the area and level it.

And the last process on preparatory stage– marking. If the planted area is large enough, it is recommended to divide it into strips. That is, pegs are driven in along the edge of the site in increments equal to the width of the rolled lawn. The same thing is done with opposite side. After which the pegs are connected to each other with twine.

Please note that the grass should not be taller after germination garden paths. And if we take into account that its height does not exceed 5 cm, then, starting from this indicator, the site is leveled.

Main stage

In principle, there is nothing complicated about this. It is necessary to lay the rolls evenly next to each other, leaving no visible gaps. It is important to lay the first roll correctly. That is, parallel to the edge of the area where the material is rolled out.

Since the rolls themselves have a certain length, often each of them does not cover the length or width of the site. Therefore, the rolls are laid in a checkerboard pattern. This is when the edge of one of them lies next to it, but to the middle of the canvas. When the entire area is covered with grass, soil mixed with sand is sprinkled between the laid strips. This way the edges of the laid roll are protected.

And a few more features of laying rolled lawn:

    Gap between herbal materials should not exceed 1 cm.

    Stow rolls overlap forbidden.

    It is forbidden lay sections from rolls less than 1 m long. The edges of the material are the most vulnerable areas that do not take root well.

    It is better to lay lawn in rolls in dry, cool weather.

    In hot weather, grass watered generously and several times a day.

    During the installation process, the layout is carried out from one side of the landscaped area to the other. advance on unfolded rolls is prohibited.

    If If there is a reason to step on the laid lawn, it is better to place a wide flat object under your feet. For example, a sheet of plywood, or at worst a board. This will reduce point loads that can damage the grass.

After 15-20 days, the first mowing is carried out. Experts recommend keeping the grass height no more than 5 cm. Although this is just a recommendation.

How to care for your lawn

So, the installation of the rolled lawn has been completed, the area has been watered, what next? The main task falls on the owner suburban area. And it consists in not overdrying the laid material. Therefore, the grass must be watered all the time.

By the way, in order to understand whether the laid grass layer is dry or not, you need to periodically lift the edge of the outermost layer. If the layer itself is wet, then this is normal. If it’s dry, you’ll have to increase the volume or frequency of watering. The recommended dose of water for irrigation is 10-15 liters per 1 m2 of laid surface. Please note that this must be adhered to in the first two weeks after installation. After which the frequency can be reduced.

How to choose the right one

Today there are a huge number of manufacturers who offer rolled lawns. Therefore, it is difficult for a person who does not know the intricacies of the construction of the proposed materials to choose quality product. So here are some tips.

So, what should a lawn in rolls look like:

    With good root system, where in large quantities White roots should stand out.

    Turf layer thickness along the entire length of the strip should be the same within 2-4 cm.

    The soil should not be very clayey and not very sandy. There should be no stones in it.

    Grass color should be juicy and uniform throughout the entire plane.

    Must not be pests both in the soil layer and in the grass layer.

    Complete no bald spots, which indicate the low quality of the proposed material.

    There must be grass beveled.

A few words about the last position. It is necessary to point out that some unscrupulous producers in this way try to hide some deficiencies in the vegetation cover. For a high-quality layer, the bevel should be small so that the quality of the grass is clearly visible. The best option the height of the grass is 3 cm. And the mowing should be uniform over the entire area.

Buy material that was removed from the turf on the day of sale. If you are offered an old, stale product, then it will smell like rotten grass, and the tips of the cover will be yellow.

Advantages and disadvantages

Let's start with the positive characteristics.

    No need ready soil, sow grass and care for young greenery.

    Ready-made green coating is easy tolerates low frosts, drought and is immune to various diseases.

    Doesn't allow you to grow weeds.

    Simplicity care

    Long-term exploitation.

And the characteristics are negative.

    High price. Rolled lawn with installation costs on average 400-700 rubles per 1 m2. The price range depends on the planted area. The higher the last indicator, the lower the price.

    A large number of low quality products on modern market. You can purchase material that simply will not take root or will last one season.

    Life time an order of magnitude lower than that of a seeded lawn.

Video description

And at the end, watch the video on how to properly lay lawn rolls:

Conclusion on the topic

So, we examined a topic in which we placed great emphasis on the technology of laying a lawn from roll seed. This process is actually simple, but it has many pitfalls, ignorance of which will lead to a decrease in the quality of the final result. Therefore, invite specialists and make sure that they do everything correctly.

Summer residents have already lost the habit of spending time in greenhouses and vegetable beds. Family holiday should be calm and cozy in order to replenish the energy reserves expended during the year. Therefore, a soft green cover in the area around the house is simply necessary.

Rolled lawn: how to choose

The lawn is convenient for both relaxation and active games. It is better to choose not a seed lawn, but a rolled lawn, the laying technology of which allows you to quickly equip the site. An undoubted advantage is the absence of weeds. Roll coating will serve for 7-8 years, requiring a minimum of attention and care. You just need to water it in a timely manner and regularly trim the “green carpet”, and the landscape of your country house will always please the eye.

If you are faced with a choice: buy a rolled or seeded lawn, be guided solely by your own preferences. High-quality green cover will not grow in one season. If you want to please your eyes with fresh greenery right now, rolled grass for the lawn is optimal choice. The main thing is to correctly lay the bays with sprouted grass, and in a month you can enjoy a green lawn.

Types of rolled lawn

The production of rolled turf is a business that does not generate income from the start. The grass grows for at least two years. Landscapers often choose unpretentious grasses. Only in three years, when it strengthens root system, you can cut off a layer of turf for subsequent replanting.

Producers grow the following “green assortment”:

  • Universal variety: 60% bluegrass, 30% fescue, 10% ryegrass;
  • Shade-tolerant variety: 80% fescue, 20% bluegrass;
  • Sports variety: 50% meadow bluegrass, 25% red fescue, 25% ryegrass.

Sports turf is unique. The coating is resistant to trampling, drought, and can withstand frosts up to 35⁰. If you decide to make a golf course or tennis court near your house, choose a sports roll variety.

Purchase and delivery details

Where to buy rolled lawn? This issue must be approached with a certain degree of responsibility. In the nursery, layers of turf are cut into strips measuring 2x0.4 meters. Immediately roll up so that the root system does not dry out. When choosing coils in a store, pay attention to the following points.

  • Clean cover and absence of weeds. At the time of purchase, the turf should contain no more than 1% clover, dandelions and weeds.
  • Uniform germination without bald spots. Turf cutting must be done on the pre-arranged day when shipment is scheduled. The width of the rolls can vary by no more than 15 mm.
  • Strength of the root system - the grass should not move away from the layer or be damaged when cut and rolled.
  • The layer of cut turf must contain at least 50% roots.

You should take into account the nuances of delivery in vehicles of different tonnage:

  • 20 tons: 14 pallets;
  • 10 tons: 7 pallets;
  • 5 tons: 4 pallets.

In hot weather climatic zones and in summer period It is recommended to deliver rolls in refrigerators. The temperature should not exceed 20⁰. It is necessary to take into account the unloading conditions so as not to damage the rolls.

Rolled lawn: laying technology

Laying of rolled lawn begins with elementary mathematics. Measure the area of ​​the area where you plan to lay the lawn. For 1 sq.m. 1.25 bays are required per 10 sq.m. – 12.5 bays. For a site of 50 sq.m. without additional structures in the form of flower beds, fountains or slides, you will need 62.5 bays + 5%.

Roll lawn technology allows you to complete all the work without the help of specialist gardeners. You can make a flat green area in front of your house yourself. Before laying the rolled lawn with your own hands, you need to clear the space and prepare the soil.

Important point: The lawn does not like excessive moisture!

If on site clay soil, it is necessary to remove a layer of top soil, at least 40 centimeters deep. The resulting pit is filled with gravel. The pillow must be at least ten centimeters. The same layer of sand is laid on top.

Important: Geotextiles can be used instead of sand.

All layers are well compacted. For these purposes, you can use a mini roller or wide boards for uniform compaction. After laying the sand-soil layer, lay the soil that was previously removed on top.

Important nuance: The soil must be clearly leveled along a horizontal line!

The next stage is applying lawn fertilizer and compacting. If your feet do not sink into the ground, then you did everything right. Preparatory work must be carried out immediately before laying the rolls. Otherwise, the roots may not take root in the new soil. This is fraught with the risk of the lawn drying out and clogging the area with “unnecessary” grass.

“Rolled lawn is our salvation from wasting time and extra effort!” - this is probably exactly how it would be worth advertising roll-up lawns. But before you rejoice at the fact of purchasing such a miracle, you should better understand the advantages and disadvantages of a lawn. Many amateur gardeners most often do not know about the difficulties in planting a rolled lawn. In this article we will look at the advantages and outline the main problems and disadvantages that you may encounter. We'll tell you about the rules for caring for rolled-up lawns and why you should lay your lawn in the fall.

Laying a lawn with your own hands is not an easy task, so many people think that it is better to immediately contact the experts. Is it so? And what is required to lay a high-quality and durable lawn with your own hands? And most importantly, where should amateurs start?

The very idea of ​​not sowing a lawn, but laying it ready-made came from America. There is a common stereotype that some Americans don't even realize that they can grow a lawn. The spread of rolled lawns is associated with saving time. For many, a rolled lawn is a real salvation. Unevenness and problem areas, as well as the tendency to frequent weather changes, helped popularize the roll-out lawn in our country. Laying a rolled lawn is simple, convenient and stylish.

How to choose a rolled lawn?

They began to call it roll because of its appearance. Transportation of the lawn is more successful when rolled up, with the grass inside. Each roll weighs approximately 30 kg and is approximately 2 meters long. Cutting, transportation and processing are carried out in dry weather to prevent mechanical damage. Most often, such lawns are transported on special pallets, and this helps to avoid deformation.

When you choose a roll for your lawn, you need to pay attention to the following parameters:

  • Roll color. The color must be uniform and light green, also make sure there are no spots orange color or deposits.
  • Condition of the turf. According to experts, best moment for cutting the lawn - after two years. Then a living and healthy root system is formed. Pay attention that there are no bluish tints, because this may indicate that the lawn is already “stale”.
  • No pests. You should check this before purchasing. But at the same time, pay attention to other parameters, because if the pests were poisoned quite recently, then chemical damage may remain on the grass.
  • Lawn length. Manufacturers who adhere to all standards know that the lawn must be mowed regularly, which means that when purchasing you should look at the length of the grass.

Choosing a rolled lawn is not an easy task. To do this according to all the rules, you can seek help from specialists, or simply watch several training videos on our website.

Advantages of rolled lawn

Among the advantages of using rolled lawn, experts highlight the following:

  • Possibility of use in problem areas. This especially applies to slopes, where there is a high probability of soil “sliding”. Rolled lawn does not allow this.
  • Strengthening the soil. You lay the lawn on top of already prepared soil, and thanks to its wide root system, the grass helps stabilize the soil.
  • Minimum amount of weeds. A rolled lawn will protect against the appearance of unwanted vegetation for the first two years, guaranteed.
  • Save time. Rolled lawn does not need to be grown, constantly fertilize the soil and monitor the weather for the seeds to germinate.
  • Possibility of active use. If the weather was favorable during installation, then after 2-3 weeks you can actively use such a lawn.

Roll lawn laying technology

Before directly laying the rolled lawn, you should carefully prepare the soil. First of all, fertilize it by adding peat, then add fertilizer and move it until it becomes homogeneous. After this, be sure to compact the soil and make a flat surface; if necessary, you can create a drainage system.

When you start laying layers with your own hands, you should adhere to several basic rules:

  • Do-it-yourself styling is best to start with in early spring or in autumn (the soil is not frozen and not too dry).
  • Start laying from the place where the rolls were folded.
  • Do not allow the roll to bend, turn over, or stretch across the surface.
  • Lay rolled lawns only in a checkerboard pattern. (If you are installing it yourself, watch the video on the Internet first).
  • Professionals advise laying layers with a maximum overlap of a few centimeters. This will ensure that there are no gaps between the rolls.
  • Place only on level ground. The formation of holes or bumps should not be allowed.
  • Finish the row with only a whole piece or half.
  • Press down the row using a board, but try to control the process with your hands.

After laying, you need to continue growing the lawn and monitor the process as the lawn takes root. Try to water the lawn thoroughly for 2 weeks and never allow the soil to dry out.

Please note that you should not allow pressure on the lawn for a month. There should be no movement on it, otherwise you may experience pitting.

What problems might arise?

Let's look at the most common problems that a novice gardener may encounter:

  • The lawn is not thriving. Orange spots or gray streaks may form in the grass. This indicates that you are not watering the soil enough, or are watering it unevenly. Watch a video about watering rules.
  • The lawn is thinning. This tells you that there is not enough light somewhere, this can be observed when laying the lawn in the fall. If you cannot eliminate the cause (immovable objects), consult with specialists about the best option source settings artificial light for rolled lawn.
  • The lawn is starting to rot. The solution to this problem lies in the timely removal of excess grass, and you should also pay attention to more intensive care (mowing more often).

If you still haven’t been able to fully understand the intricacies of laying a rolled lawn with your own hands, then we suggest you watch a video that will help clarify some ambiguities:

If we compare modern dacha and the one that was about 30 years ago, then these are two significant differences. The Soviet one had a sea of ​​garden beds, because it was simply impossible to provide the family with vitamins in any other way. Today there is an abundance of stores, which means you can equip your dacha paradise for relax. And an indispensable attribute of the design was a lush, thick, soft lawn on which you can lie down, like on a carpet, and enjoy the floating clouds. But so that the sown grass pleases beautiful view, at least a year must pass, but I don’t want to wait for that. However, there is a simple solution - buy grown grass in a store. Laying a rolled lawn is quite simple and does not require any special skills, but within a month you can have picnics on it.

Specialized nursery companies are engaged in growing rolled turf. The period from sowing the seeds until the finished lawn goes on sale is three years. Most often, the seeds of the most resistant and easy-to-maintain grasses are used: meadow bluegrass and red fescue. In order for the grass to acquire density and density, it is grown for two years. During this time, the lawn has time to grow a strong root system, which will allow it to quickly take root when transplanted. Only for the 3rd year, the finished grass “carpet” along with the roots is cut into layers using special machines and mechanisms. The strips are immediately rolled up so that the root system does not dry out, and transported in coils to places of sale.

All grass coves offered in stores look the same. They are cut into strips, two meters long and 40 cm wide. Usually the length of the stems reaches 6-7 cm, and the layer of the root system is more than 2 cm. One bay has a very noticeable weight - within 25 kg.

A quality lawn has uniform thickness of turf and grass along the entire length of the roll. This is checked by the side cut

But these parameters are not enough to determine the quality of the lawn. To check whether the cultivation technology has been violated, you need to roll out the roll of turf and look at the cut layer on both sides.

Please note the following:

  1. Are there any weeds among the blades of grass?
  2. How uniform is the grass, are there any bald spots (spots where the grass has not grown).
  3. Look at the rolled out coil from the side: the cut layer should have the same thickness.
  4. Grab the edge of the roll with both hands and pull it slightly toward you. If the grass gives way and begins to lag behind the main layer, it means that the roots of this grass are poorly developed. This material does not take root well, so it is better to avoid it.
  5. Lift up a piece of the roll and look at the quality of the roots. They should be intertwined as tightly as possible. The fewer gaps between them, the better.

How many rolls will you need to buy?

Don't buy lawn offhand. If it is not enough, then you will have to buy more. The calculation technology is as follows: measure the parameters of the future site and multiply them. For example, length 6 m, width 5 m. Multiply 6x5. We get 30 sq.m. This is the area of ​​your future lawn. If the site is flat, without bends or flower beds, then 5% of the area is added to accurately count the rolls. Those. to 30 + 1.5 m = 31.5 sq.m. If the future lawn is designed with bends, paths and other distortion of geometry, then 10% is added to the area, because the amount of waste will increase. Those. 30 + 3 = 33 sq.m.

Knowing the square footage, we calculate how many bays of grass we will have to buy. Area of ​​one roll: 0.4x2=0.8 sq.m. This means that 1.25 bays will go per meter square of your site. Accordingly: 2 squares = 2.5 bays. For 10 squares there will be 12.5 bays, etc.

If you plan to lay a rolled lawn on an area with bends, paths or ridges, then add 10% to the area of ​​the future lawn for waste

Preparing the soil for laying

Before you buy grass in rolls, you must fully prepare the future site. Because the technology for laying a rolled lawn is such that it is laid on the same day you bought it, or within 24 hours. The further you delay the deadline, the weaker the root system will take root. In addition, you must lay out the entire rolled lawn with your own hands at once. Only in this case will the grass take root evenly, and the surface will be perfectly smooth.

Let's consider what kind of work you will have to do in advance, before going to the store. Land preparation is a very important stage; it will determine the quality of grass survival. The better you cultivate the soil, the faster you will be able to use your lawn. It includes:

Clearing and digging. Preparation begins with clearing the soil of all kinds of debris. When digging, be sure to remove all roots. perennial weeds. They have such a powerful survival rate that the same dandelion or wheatgrass will break through the grass cover, and pull out mature plant it will be very difficult to get to the root.

Creation of a drainage system. The lawn does not like highly moist soils, so drainage is installed in low-lying areas and soils with a high clay content. It is done as follows:

  • They cut off the fertile soil to a depth of 40 cm and take it out in a wheelbarrow, dumping it somewhere nearby (it will come in handy later!).
  • The finished pit is covered with a gravel-sand cushion: 10 cm of gravel, then 10 cm of sand (sand can be replaced with geotextiles).
  • Everything is compacted thoroughly.
  • The cut soil is brought back and scattered flush with the overall height of the entire area.
  • It is very convenient to navigate along the stretched twine. Drive pegs into the corners of the site and pull a rope on them exactly at the height of the ground. When topping up, you will see in which places it is worth raising the soil, and in which places you should remove the excess.
  • Sprinkle lawn fertilizer over the soil and lightly rake it in.
  • The finished site must be compacted tightly. This can be done with a homemade roller or a wide board with flat surface. Check the compaction quality when you step on your lawn. If the earth is not crushed under your feet, it means it was compacted well.

Rules for laying rolled grass

When the soil is ready, with peace of mind, go to the store and buy grass. It is best to plant lawns in spring or autumn, when there is enough moisture in the ground and there is no particular heat.

Let's look at how rolled lawn is laid:

  • Start laying the rolls from the part of the site where you stacked them. This will avoid frequent transfers, during which the soil crumbles and roots are destroyed.
  • We place the roll exactly on the corner of the platform and unwind it in a straight line. The first roll turns out to be the last one and it is important to lay it as evenly as possible. You cannot bend, twist, or wrap the grass. If a corner of a flower bed gets in the way of the roll, then roll along it and remove excess grass by cutting it with a knife.
  • The principle of laying out adjacent rows is similar to brickwork: the rows cannot have the same joints. Those. try to ensure that the joints of the second row fall in the middle of the rolls of the first row. This will allow the grass to settle in more evenly.
  • There are no overlaps in the installation of a rolled lawn. The rows should be adjacent to each other, like vinyl wallpapers, – the denser. Discrepancies of more than 1.5 cm are not acceptable.
  • The weakest areas of a lawn in terms of survival are the edges. Try not to lay them in pieces. Use trimmings of less than a meter for the middle of the site, and lay the edges in strips of more than a meter.
  • After laying out the first row, it is pressed down using a board. Be sure to run your hand over the grass to see if there are any holes or mounds underneath. If you feel unevenness, lift a piece of grass and add soil (or remove excess). After checking, tamp again.
  • When the first row is laid out and rolled down, a boardwalk is placed on it, and the next rows are laid while standing on it. This will further compact the grass and prevent it from being crushed by your feet.

Laying a rolled lawn is similar in technology to brickwork: joints in adjacent rows should not coincide with the joints of the previous one

All rolls are rolled out only in a straight line, without bends or distortions. And if there is a path on the way, then the unnecessary part of the lawn is cut out with a knife

Rolls should not be laid overlapping, otherwise unevenness will form. They are laid tightly end to end, like wallpaper, with a gap of less than 1.5 cm

If unevenness is detected, carefully lift the edge of the lawn and add a little soil under it or, conversely, remove excess

When laying the first row is completed, lay out the second, standing on wooden shield or a board so as not to spoil the fresh grass surface with your feet

After the lawn has been laid, it needs to be grown. To do this, the grass is watered for two weeks. Try not to allow the soil to dry out. Best to use automatic watering fine sprinklers. Also, avoid walking on grass for a month. As a last resort, use boards or flooring to move, but remove it immediately. Fresh grass and soil are easily pressed under the weight of your feet, and your lawn may end up with dents.

Constant watering of a rolled lawn for two weeks - required condition for its good survival, especially if the weather is warm

Front of work after planting the lawn

In a month you will be able to walk on a beautiful green lawn, but the work does not end there. In order for the grass to survive the winter well, you need to care for it as follows:

  1. Make sure that weeds do not sprout.
  2. Carry out the first haircut after 4 weeks, trying to mow only the tops.
  3. The following haircuts are carried out as needed, choosing a more convenient height for yourself. But the entire cutting must be raked and removed.
  4. Before wintering, the last cutting is carried out so that the grass has time to grow about 4 cm and with it goes under the snow.
  5. Water as it dries. In the absence of precipitation - once every 10-12 days.
  6. In winter, the lawn is completely cleared of accumulated debris and the leaves are raked.

If you pay enough attention to the lawn, then in the spring the grass will delight you with a uniform and lush covering.