Why does a man humiliate a woman with words? Husband constantly insults his wife, or Is it worth saving the family boat? Question for a system-vector psychologist. why does a man insult a woman

September 2, 2015

People often try to humiliate each other. There are several reasons for such actions, as well as solutions to the problem themselves. In this article we will find out the essence of the problem and find solutions.

In order to understand how to act when a guy humiliates you, you need to understand the reason for his actions. There may be several reasons and we will tell you about them.

Reasons why a guy humiliates a girl:

1. Self-affirmation. In this way the guy is trying to increase his self-esteem. Humanity has such a flaw as envy. Often, if a girl has a lot of positive qualities, then the guy is jealous. After all, it turns out that he is unworthy of her and she is more successful than him. That is why he tries to humiliate her to his level, thereby lowering her self-esteem and instilling in her that she is not that good.

2. Bitter experience. This should include the guy’s upbringing and life experience. Children, like sponges, absorb everything that happens in their family. Thus, they themselves observe relationships in the family and take such a model for their future family. If a guy’s parents often quarreled and humiliated each other, then it is very likely that in the future the guy will act like his father. But still, in rare cases, a guy manages to overcome himself and build his own family model.

3. Weak character. Guys who have not reached the level of a man on a psychological level can insult and humiliate a girl. Again, they don’t like the fact that the girl has a stronger character. And this is understandable because he wants to be in charge. That’s why he tries to humiliate the girl and piss her off, so that in the future there will be a reason to prove to her that he is better.

4. Energy vampire. There are people who use . They provoke conflict, and when a person begins to get nervous and waste energy on a quarrel, they absorb it.

As you understand, when a guy humiliates a girl, he does it in order to increase his self-esteem at her expense. It's low. But still, many girls go into conflict and try to prove otherwise. Thus, they doom themselves to eternal conflicts that will not lead them to the desired results. As they say, you can't put out fire with fire.

How to deal with a person who humiliates you:

1. Break off the relationship. In any case, this is the best way out of the situation. Why waste energy and time on a person who doesn't deserve it.

2. Increase your self-esteem. Let the man know by your behavior that you are an intelligent person and will not enter into conflict. At the first attempts to offend you, tell him about it. This way you will immediately put it in its place.

3. Teach your partner. Draw his attention to the fact that he should not raise his voice at you, nor should he insult or humiliate you. Don't be afraid to directly state that you see that he wants to start fighting, but you are not going to quarrel. Be calm and polite. Most likely, a man will be offended by such a relationship. He may become even more angry. This is due to the fact that he is used to seeing a different reaction. Therefore, he will want to complete the work he has started. In this case, tell him that you do not want to continue the conversation with him because you are offended by him. I advise you to ignore any further quarrel. Over time, the man will calm down and try to talk to you. But let me apologize first. Let him learn to be responsible for his words. After apologizing, warn him that if he continues to act like this, he won’t get away with it so easily. Be prepared that this will most likely happen again. But over time you will achieve your goal. Understand that it is very difficult to get a guy to treat you politely if you have misrepresented yourself in the first place.

I advise you not to allow yourself to be humiliated. Because it won't be better in the future. Give a worthy rebuff and show your boyfriend that you are a girl who is a person, has her own opinions and deserves respect.

The article contains only frequently asked questions from women who want to know what to do if a man insults and treats his wife or his girlfriend or cohabitant poorly. You should write about your situation in the comments.

What to do if your husband constantly insults and humiliates and beats, kicks, maims, leaves bruises and how to deal with this advice from a psychologist

If a woman is constantly subjected to domestic sadism and violence, she should decide for herself where she wants to move next, whether she wants to tolerate such an attitude towards herself and whether this patience is worth it. But she should understand that when raising the question of the constancy of these actions, one should not expect changes.

The first thing a woman can do is try to talk to her husband. If this does not help, the girl can try to change her behavior, image and appearance.

If a woman has become a victim of a sadistic husband and this problem cannot be solved in a good way, then she should run away from him, file for divorce and immediately contact a psychologist for qualified help.

How to behave if a husband calls a woman names, does not appreciate her and why this happens

There can be many reasons why a husband allows himself to offend his woman in any way. She should look around and answer a few questions for herself.

One of the main reasons for such behavior in men may be a similar pattern of behavior and relationships among his parents. In such a situation, you can try to change everything. He needs to show that relationships between two people in love can take place on a completely different level.

Sometimes a man's rude behavior towards his other half can be explained by his character traits. In such cases, his wife should try to understand him and stop paying attention to such antics of his.

Sometimes you just need not give any reaction to barbs and rudeness. Then, perhaps, he will not be interested, and he will stop behaving this way, seeing the woman’s indifferent attitude to what is happening. Having an honest conversation about how it might hurt can also make a difference. The main thing is to indicate to the offender that he is loved, despite the actions he commits. Love and affection can work wonders.

Why does a man humiliate and beat up every day or not every day, then does he love a girl?

The reason for a husband's aggressive behavior towards his wife may be herself. If a woman allows herself to swear in the presence of her husband, especially if this happens often, and there are no compelling reasons for such behavior, then sooner or later the man may simply not be able to restrain himself and fight back through aggression. The same reaction can be expected in situations where the fair half of the family itself throws its fists at its chosen one.

Often the reason for a man’s aggression can be alcohol, under the influence of which a man feels strength and an irresistible desire to show his superiority.

In such cases, the girl should not expect anything good from this union. If a man does not want to hear about addiction treatment and changing his behavior patterns in the family, then holding on to this relationship makes no sense.

A man who constantly beats a woman has no right to talk about love or any similar feelings for her. He doesn't even have basic respect for his other half.

My husband humiliates me and doesn’t understand that it hurts me a lot, how can I explain?

It is quite difficult to explain to a man who constantly raises his hand against his woman that he offends her in this way and hurts her. If a frank conversation on this topic does not produce results, then it may be worth taking radical action.

A girl should not forgive such an attitude towards herself under any circumstances. This could happen once by accident, but if it happens a second time, then you need to show the man that no one will tolerate this.

This can only be done by leaving him, without giving him the opportunity to fix everything and make amends with subsequent actions. You need to leave the man for a few days, give him the opportunity to think about his behavior and understand that this can lead to a breakup.

My husband gets drunk and morally humiliates me, I can’t do anything anymore, I love him.

If the husband allows himself to constantly get drunk, then the marriage no longer has a good and bright future. Moreover, if he can show aggression when drunk.

In such cases, there are only two ways out of the situation: treatment for alcoholism and changing the pattern of family relationships or divorce. A woman cannot endure humiliation, let alone beatings, regardless of her feelings for this man.

Why does a man humiliate a woman in front of friends and other people, mother-in-law, his relatives, when breaking up?

A loving man will never humiliate, much less use physical actions towards his wife in the presence of strangers. And it doesn’t matter at all who these people are: mother, mother-in-law, friends or outside observers. A loving man, in principle, will not raise his hand to his chosen one. If he allows himself to do this, then there should be no talk of love.

My husband humiliates me for my past, my parents, my dignity and appearance, my family

It doesn’t matter for what reason a husband allows himself to humiliate his wife. If he does this, it means that he does not respect the girl, does not appreciate her, does not love her. You should not tolerate such an attitude. Drastic measures need to be taken. The longer the weaker sex tolerates this, the greater the likelihood that the psyche will be broken, and after this we can expect the development of various kinds of complexes in a woman.

My husband humiliates me with words in the presence of children, I’m on maternity leave, how to put me in my place

The worst thing in such situations is that constant quarrels in the presence of children lead to the formation of the concept that such behavior is the norm. Children who grew up in such families will not be able to behave differently in the future, since they were not taught this differently. The boy will try to humiliate his wives, and the girls in the future will endure this in silence, or loudly respond to such provocations, dragging the conflict deeper and deeper.

Husband humiliates son from first marriage psychology

Aggression shown by a man towards a child from a previous marriage can be provoked by his jealousy of the past. In such situations, the child is a constant visual reminder that the woman had something, somewhere with someone, and not only did it happen, but also left its “consequences.” Men tend to be jealous of their ladies' past relationships.

Why does a man humiliate the woman he likes and loves every day during pregnancy?

If before pregnancy everything was normal in family relationships, everyone lived quietly, peacefully and in complete understanding, and after conceiving a child everything in the house suddenly turned upside down, the husband began to offend the expectant mother without good reason, then it’s worth thinking about whether he I'm to blame for this.

During pregnancy, the female body undergoes strong hormonal changes, against the background of which the woman’s attitude to what is happening around her changes. Quite often she becomes overly emotional, and she no longer gets enough attention. It may seem to the expectant mother that the whole world has either forgotten about her or stood against her.

My husband humiliates me during a quarrel but says that he loves me and doesn’t leave, but I feel bad without him, what should I do?

If a husband allows himself to systematically humiliate his woman, quarrel with her, use physical violence against her, then you should not even think about the love of this man. First of all, he does not respect his chosen one. And in a relationship in which there is no respect, there can be no talk of love. They should be broken before everything reaches a dead end and crosses the point of no return.

1 comment

    I offended my husband very much. He has been offended for 5 months now. He says rude and offensive words. I love him, but I can’t stand him. I tried to talk to him about this topic, but no results. He says it takes time. What to do?

Almost every girl has had to deal with disrespect and insults in a relationship. While some people immediately leave an unhealthy relationship, others are at a loss in such an unusual situation and cannot decide what to do if a guy abuses them. Sometimes girls simply put up with this behavior, and such relationships can last for years. How to correct the current situation in a couple?

Of course, a relationship in which a guy constantly insults his partner cannot be called normal. Therefore, a girl who is being abused or humiliated in a relationship needs to think about what it can give her. Unfortunately, it is unlikely that such relationships can give anything more than unpleasant memories or even psychological trauma - no love is worth listening to insults because of it. Thus, the best way out of this situation is separation; It is better to endure short-term pain after a breakup than to experience it for many more years in such a relationship.

But, of course, it’s not worth cutting from the shoulder either. First, you should understand the reasons for this guy’s behavior and explain to him that such behavior can lead to the collapse of the relationship. Perhaps, if it is possible to clearly convey to the partner that such treatment in a couple is unacceptable, then the relationship will be saved.

Some girls are sure that the reason why a guy insults them lies only in themselves, and they try to “correct” in order to deserve a good attitude. This is the wrong approach. Of course, all girls, like guys, can make mistakes, but in a normal relationship, all problems should be resolved by heart-to-heart talk, and not by insults and curses. No one deserves to be treated with contempt. Respect and good attitude in a couple do not need to be earned; they should be present in it by default.

Much more often, the reasons why a guy insults a girl have to do with the guy himself. Complexes, low self-esteem, low position in a friendly, educational or work team lead to the fact that such a man begins to release his accumulated anger on close people, especially weak ones - those who cannot answer him or put him in his place. Alas, very often girls turn out to be just such people - brought up in patriarchal traditions, they cannot position themselves in a relationship in such a way that they are respected and their opinion is taken into account. If a guy insults a girl, but communicates with other people respectfully, then she should learn a lesson from this situation and learn to put herself on the same level as her partner in the next relationship. However, much more often the opposite happens - girls do not go anywhere, but silently swallow the insult or bend over backwards to please their partner. All these efforts remain in vain - a man with such mental disorders will always find a reason to insult a girl, even if she is perfect. It is not easy to get out of such a vicious circle, which is why many girls receive psychological trauma.

The term "misogynist" is used to describe a man who hates women. Relationships with a misogynist are characterized by periodic outbursts of rage, which he explains by the woman’s “wrong” behavior - the misogynist will always find something to complain about and something to blame the woman for. Total control, insults, physical and emotional violence - all these are characteristic features of relationships with a misogynist, which traumatize and destroy a woman’s personality.

So is it worth clinging to a man who does not respect his girlfriend and does not want to admit his guilt? Are there really few truly worthy men in the world with whom you can build harmonious, calm and happy relationships? It often turns out that the only obstacle to happiness is the person himself. It's time to overcome yourself and discover a new life!

What to do if your husband constantly insults and humiliates you? How can I improve my relationship with a husband who calls his wife names, swears at her, makes offensive jokes about her appearance, and is rude to her in front of her children and friends? And is this even possible?

The husband constantly insults his wife, and she is exhausted trying to save a shaky relationship. A humble look, fashionable shoes, washed dishes, a delicious dinner (underline as appropriate) are used. However, the husband continues to insult. At the same time, few women know for sure how to tame the obstinate. And the cost of making the wrong choice can be prohibitively high.

In bed with the enemy

Women have thousands of reasons to share shelter with a tyrant. Yes, the husband insults and humiliates, but he doesn’t hit! Women compare their fate with the stories of victims of physical violence and consider themselves lucky. They mentally thank their husband for the absence of bruises, but how can they endure the fact that the husband constantly insults and humiliates?

The desire for the children to have a father, joint financial obligations to purchase housing, the hope of returning their former passion, and sometimes the fear of aggravating the situation with divorce - you never know the reasons that force you to endure for years that your husband insults and humiliates!

And wives turn a blind eye to angry sarcastic attacks, smooth out caustic remarks, and avoid flammable topics in conversation. Only for some reason the man yells louder and insults the woman more often, and no, no, and even raises his hand to his wife, which he has never allowed before. How far will this come?

“It’s already been a year since I left my husband. We established friendly communication. On weekends, he often takes his son to his place. Helps both me and my son financially, I don’t even ask for it. Sometimes he even gives me gifts. And I often joke: “If I had known earlier that being divorced from you was so pleasant, I would have done it a lot earlier.” Of course, someone reading my revelations may think that I was just lucky, or time healed me, or there was no love, etc. But anyone who has experienced domestic violence understands that this ending to my story is simply a miracle. And this miracle is available to everyone.”

“Jokes, insults, some words that touch a nerve. Every time it’s like a vicious circle. This is already the third serious relationship, as it seemed to me, and nothing can be changed. Am I choosing the wrong men? Or is there something wrong with me? In fact, everything is very simple. This is a life scenario for humiliation... I couldn’t understand what it was, where it came from? But now I see and can change.”

When a husband humiliates and insults because of troubles in his social life - he was unfairly laid off, his superiors did not appreciate him - he has the opportunity to integrate into public life and become caring and reliable again. Both his own work on himself and his wife’s support are important. Knowing about the structure of his psyche, she will be able to find the most suitable ones for this and inspire him to change.

The first lasting results come after studying free online lectures on system-vector psychology. Get a chance to understand the situation and find the best way out of the situation, register.

The article was written based on training materials “ System-vector psychology»

Lately, I often come across a question from girls: “What to do when a guy offends, insults or humiliates you as a joke?” First, let's determine how important this moment is to create a foundation of respect and mutual understanding.

If a girl, even as a joke, allowed a young man to insult her honor and dignity, then for a man this is a sign of his permissiveness.

It is worth noting right away that by insult we mean causeless attacks from a man. Because very often women perceive men’s insults and their irritation at the matter as insults (see article “). Learn to recognize this before forming your reaction.

If this is truly a groundless attack, then even a particularly well-mannered man who, in a fit of emotion, rudely touched a girl and got away with it, will subconsciously remember what right is at his disposal. Later this right will be used, becoming more explicit in accordance with his upbringing. After 3-4 years, he will be able to express whatever he wants without remorse, directly affecting the woman’s personality. And female value and dignity will simply slide to zero.

Who will bear the blame for family abuse? On your husband? To some extent, yes, but the greater reason will not be the upbringing of a man, but woman's reaction to his first insult.

The right to offend, humiliate, insult is created by none other than the girl herself.

If a woman initially sets the limit of what is permitted, then her partner remembers it and observes it for the rest of her life.

What does “getting away with it” mean in this case? This is a confused reaction from a woman, an awkward smile, a counter insult towards a man, or even the absence of any reaction at all. Such manifestations mean that a woman’s dignity is not very significant, the woman herself does not value herself very much, and this means this is normal for her.

When this is NOT the norm for you, then you will reactively begin to deny and condemn everything that goes beyond the boundaries of the norm.

You won’t allow yourself to be beaten with silent consent? You will have a self-defense reflex, just the same here: if you have dignity, then it will certainly force you to react with a clear protest.

Therefore, even if you insulted a young man in return (which is strictly prohibited in building harmonious relationships), this still means that you initially accepted the fact of the insult and only then did they enter into a game of “who will win”, in which there will never be a winner. You are making two mistakes at the same time: allowing yourself to be humiliated and turning the relationship into a battlefield to which you will return at times throughout your entire life.

How to respond to insults?

A woman by nature is not born to fight, therefore all her methods of sorting out relationships are calm and flexible. This means your actions should be filled with wisdom and patience.

So, if the young man with whom you are just creating an alliance has allowed himself to insult your honor and dignity, then express your dissatisfaction in a calm tone, and at the same time, with complete seriousness in your voice, declare your principles.

Your phrases should be clear, clear for understanding, and not ambiguous hints, as many are accustomed to expressing themselves.

Another prerequisite is that the speech should concern only your feelings and come from the first person. For example: “Dima, it’s unpleasant for me to hear such statements addressed to me” or “I’m not used to such treatment”, “Even if I’m wrong about something, you can explain it to me in a calm tone, and I’ll understand everything. This kind of treatment upsets me." Pay attention to the report itself: “I’m uncomfortable”, “I’m not used to it”, “It upsets ME”. You are only talking about your perception, without touching on the man’s personality.

In contrast to this, compare the phrases “Dima, this is ugly of you”, “Do you even understand that I’m offended?”, “How could you do this to me?” In such assertive phrases, the man’s obvious guilt is determined. By openly indicating your partner’s guilt, you force him to think about how to get out of the situation “cleanly”, and direct his attention to finding a way out of his guilt. Therefore, in such a context, a man will think about himself, and not about your feelings and principles.

Focus his attention on your feelings, and then he will remember the principles.

The next step is to express your request and describe the consequences if it is not fulfilled, so that such incidents do not recur in the future. For example: “I urge you not to repeat this again. Otherwise, I will regard any insult as a sign that you do not want to continue communicating with me” or “I ask you to forget about the insults if you want to maintain a warm relationship with me. I adhere to only respectful contacts; I do not accept humiliation.”

Thus, you clearly create a boundary of what is prohibited and talk about consequences, which he will encounter when crossing this line.

So, you have correctly identified your unpleasant emotions, shown your patience with respect to a specific incident in the present, and warned about the consequences that may arise if it occurs again. Most often this is quite enough.

If the man repeated his insult again after a short period of time, then carry out the agreed upon consequences in full. If you promised not to communicate, then stop communicating completely. You have the right to simply turn around and leave (turn off the phone conversation, stop correspondence), without further explanation, keeping your word that you gave earlier.

But never hang up if warnings about such consequences have not been discussed earlier!

At what point can you forgive the offender again? The manifestation of men's love and their serious intentions should be assessed by their specific actions. Such actions can be expressed as waiting for a girl on the street, unexpected surprises, sincere confession of his feelings (if he previously kept silent about them). These actions should show an effort on oneself for the sake of preserving the relationship.

Even 50 missed calls and a hundred empty messages (for example, “hello”, “how are you?”, “Are you still offended?”) are not a sign of real efforts and efforts to renew good relations with the girl, which means such a man is not committed to building harmonious relationships and starting a family. Accordingly, draw your own conclusions.