Where can you get a job with a pedagogical education? School teacher, university teacher, kindergarten teacher. Who is better to work with and why?

The teacher is very noble and prestigious profession in the Russian Federation. But, unfortunately, working as a school teacher is not highly paid. Due to low wages, the job of a teacher has become not only prestigious, but also very in demand throughout the Russian Federation. Many teachers prefer to go to work in other countries and only a small number of teachers remain to work in their home country. In the ranking, teacher salaries remain at the bottom.

Not everyone can become a teacher. This is a difficult profession that requires patience, endurance and love for children. Therefore, the majority of teachers in the Russian Federation work not for financial gain, but out of vocation. They get moral pleasure from communicating and working with children. The peculiarity of a teacher’s work is that the teacher must find mutual language with children, try to unite the class, make them friendlier, and at the same time, schoolchildren’s performance should increase.

Many graduates of pedagogical universities, after completing their studies, express a desire to work in schools. There are several ways you can get a job as a teacher at a school:

  1. Already in their 2nd or 3rd year, young teachers undergo internships in schools. If future teacher If he establishes himself as a sociable and qualified employee, then he has every chance of remaining working at the school where he did his internship. The teacher will need to show all his skills and abilities in order to earn the trust of the teaching staff.
  2. The employment of teachers in schools is handled by local education authorities (GORONO - the city department of public education and science). If a future teacher wants to get a job, he can come to such an organization and find out about the availability of vacancies. You should come no later than May-June. During these months, the teaching staff is recruited.
  3. Independently check with schools about available vacancies. It's worth remembering that positive characteristic from the place of practice will only increase the future teacher’s chances of getting a job in a school. Therefore, you should not neglect the advice of “senior” teachers in practice.
  4. You can find a job as a school teacher on the Internet. There are many job search sites. On the website, you should go to the “Education” section, and the portal will automatically display vacancies in different educational institutions of the selected city.

One of the most famous job search portals in Russia is the Trudvsem.ru website. The website contains a nationwide database of vacancies. It is necessary to enter the requirements of the future teacher in terms of salary, region and work schedule, and after that it is worth choosing the field of activity “Education, Science”.

Home page of the website “Work for everyone”

  1. One of the most simple ways getting a job at a school means applying to your native educational institution from which you graduated. If during training the teacher has found a common language with the teaching staff and has established himself as a responsible person, then if there is free seats, the specialist will most likely be able to get a job.

Many ambitious people who want to devote their lives to teaching are interested in the question of whether it is possible to get a job as a school teacher without having a specialized education. Unfortunately this is not possible. A person will need to graduate from at least a pedagogical college or lyceum. But with such an education he can only become a teacher primary classes. In order to teach in high school, you will need to graduate from a higher education institution with a pedagogical focus.

In rare cases, you can get a job at a school without a specialized education. But for this, a person must thoroughly master the knowledge that he wants to teach children. The decision to hire is made by the school administration.

In order to get a job in a school, it is not at all necessary to have work experience. Specialists without work experience are accepted into both municipal and private schools.

To increase your chances of finding a job, you should look for work in areas where the percentage of demand for teachers is higher. In 2018-2019, the areas that most urgently need teachers are:

  1. Moscow region.
  2. Krasnoyarsk region.
  3. Krasnodar region.
  4. Leningrad region.
  5. Novosibirsk region.
  6. Sverdlovsk region.
  7. Volgograd region.
  8. Omsk region.
  9. Rostov region.

A properly written resume is very important when applying for a job. The resume contains information such as:

  1. Personal data.
  2. Experience.
  3. Education.
  4. Category.
  5. Qualification.
  6. Contact Information.
  7. Personal qualities.
  8. Discharge.

If a person already has experience working in a school, then the responsibilities performed at the previous place of employment are additionally included in the resume.

This information will help the school administration understand how qualified the employee is and what responsibilities can be assigned to him.

If the school administration is satisfied with the candidacy of the teacher, then a hiring order is issued. The order is drawn up by the employee personnel service. If one person is hired, then an order is drawn up in form No. T-1. If two or more people get a job, then the personnel officer draws up an order in form No. T-1a.

The order contains the following information:

  1. School name.
  2. Document number and date.
  3. Employment date.
  4. expiration date employment contract.
  5. Personnel Number.
  6. Full Name.
  7. Structural subdivision.
  8. Job title.
  9. Conditions of employment.
  10. Nature of the work.
  11. Salary and bonus for overtime work.
  12. Grounds for hiring.

The order is signed by the school director and teacher.

If the basis for hiring is not an employment contract, then the teacher is required to write and sign a job application.

Application for a job

To conclude an employment contract, the teacher must provide the school administration with a package of documents:

  • passport,
  • employment history,
  • education document,
  • personal medical certificate indicating that the teacher has no health restrictions for working at school.

It is worth noting that the first year of work at school is not easy. During this period, the teacher gets to know the children, exchanges experience and forms of work with other young teachers.

Adaptation to work at school takes on average from 6 months to 2 years.

Requirements for teachers

The main requirement for teachers of various specialties is compliance with Federal State Educational Standards standards(Federal State Educational Standard).

The Federal State Educational Standard clearly defines the personal qualities of schoolchildren, which the teacher should help develop. The Federal State Educational Standard indicates the main educational program, workload on certain subjects. Also, it is in the Federal State Educational Standard that the main disciplines for studying are indicated.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard, teacher primary school and high school students must have the following abilities:

  1. Organizational skills are the ability to unite students.
  2. Didactic abilities are the ability to prepare educational material.
  3. Receptive abilities are the ability to identify the characteristics of the psyche of schoolchildren.
  4. Communication skills are the ability to establish contact with children.
  5. Suggestive. Ability is the ability to emotionally influence a student.

Responsibilities of the teacher

The main responsibilities of a teacher at school:

  1. Monitoring the availability of notebooks for students.
  2. Checking notebooks.
  3. Monitoring compliance with order.
  4. Submitting grades to the class journal.
  5. Teaching a subject in your specialty (lesson teaching).
  6. Ability to find individual approach to every student.
  7. Drawing up calendar plans.
  8. Making report.
  9. Preparation visual aid to conduct a lesson.
  10. Participation in a meeting of the pedagogical council.
  11. Conducting parent meetings.
  12. Conducting educational work.
  13. Organization of extracurricular activities.

Advantages and disadvantages of being a teacher

Like every profession, the specialty of a teacher has its own advantages and disadvantages:


  1. Creative work.
  2. Systematic development of the teacher.
  3. Opportunity to earn extra money as a tutor.
  4. Schedule. Often teachers work only in the first half of the day.
  5. Vacation 2 months.
  6. Opportunity for career growth.


  1. Small salary.
  2. The profession is related to nervous tension. Because of this, teachers often have health problems.
  3. Strict dress code. The teacher is an example for students to follow. Therefore, the teacher is forced to dress strictly and in a business style for work.

For comparison, here is a video about working in a US school. radically different from ours.

Salary by specialty

It is worth noting that a teacher’s salary depends not only on the number of hours worked and qualifications, but also on specialization in the subject:

  1. Teacher Spanish earns from 45 thousand rubles per month.
  2. An economics teacher earns approximately 45 thousand.
  3. The teacher rightfully receives from 40 thousand.
  4. Teacher in English receives from 15 thousand. If the teacher foreign language If he gets a job at a private school, his salary will range from 30 to 60 thousand, depending on the level of prestige of the school.
  5. A vocal teacher earns an average of 34 thousand monthly.
  6. A physics teacher earns from 30 thousand.
  7. Teacher Japanese language receives from 26 thousand.
  8. A labor teacher receives an average of 20 thousand monthly.
  9. A primary school teacher earns from 23 thousand.
  10. Teacher French receives approximately 22 thousand.
  11. A mathematics teacher earns from 21 thousand rubles per month.
  12. A Chinese language teacher can count on a salary of 20 thousand.
  13. A Russian language teacher receives from 20 thousand rubles.

Salaries by region

The level of the average salary of a teacher directly depends on the region in which he carries out his work. labor activity.

City or countyAverage wage(expressed in rubles)
Yamalo-Nenets77 000
Chukotka75 400
German65 370
Khanty-Mansiysk56 900
Kamchatka52 300
Magadan58 800
Yakutia49 140
Moscow58 800
Sakhalin53 300
Komi39 460
Khabarovsk34 900
Tyumen33 700
Krasnoyarsk33 500
Saint Petersburg39 000
Arkhangelsk32 600
Sverdlovsk29 000
Karelia29 000
Irkutsk30 700
Tatarstan27 200
Buryatia27 000
Nizhny Novgorod24 800
Yaroslavl24 300
Tyva27 400
Vologda26 000
Omsk25 580
Kemerovo26 140
Permian26 230
Tomsk31 400
Ryazan23 000
Samara24 930
Novosibirsk26 120
Rostov22 600
Chelyabinsk27 000
Kaliningrad26 000
Lipetsk22 300
Smolensk21 600
Kaluga27 000
Stavropol21 500
Vladimir21 800
Altai22 000
Orenburg22 900
Voronezh23 000
Volgograd22 900
Astrakhan23 600
Tver23 820
Ulyanovsk20 300
Ingushetia21 170
Novgorod24 280
Adygea20 170
Pskov20 300
Bashkortostan23 500
Eagle20 000
Tambov19 600
Bryansk20 200
Belgorod22 900
Kalmykia19 000
Kirov20 260
Mound20 180
Kursk22 000
Penza21 450
Saratov21 280
Ossetia19 800
Kostroma20 260
Mordovia18 700
Dagestan18 500

All the professions in the world depend on a person who decided to devote his life to working with children and chose the profession of a teacher, because everyone - a simple worker, a doctor, a movie star, and a politician - began their education from school.

The most vivid memories are always associated with the first teacher, so primary school teachers must have not only the appropriate education, but also high moral qualities, love for children.

In order to work as a primary school teacher, you must obtain a diploma confirming receipt of higher or secondary specialized pedagogical education in this specialty; you can also undergo training in a related or similar field. However, preference is still on the side of specialists with higher education, which is due to the specifics of this profession. After all, a primary school teacher is, in one person, a teacher and psychologist, an educator and music director, a mathematician and philologist, and also a “school mother.”

You can get a pedagogical education on the basis of 9 or 11 grades, which will take 3 and 4 years of study, respectively. Higher education of the first level is a bachelor's degree (4 years), and the second is a master's degree (2 years). There is also a third level, whose graduates teach in higher education institutions.

How to become a teacher without pedagogical education

Recently, an increasing number of young people have expressed a desire to master the teaching profession and, according to classical way, boys and girls submit documents to teacher training colleges, universities and pedagogical institutes, the latter allows teaching in various subjects in high school secondary schools.

However, guided by changes in the system school education, which have been in effect since September 1, 2010, people without specialized education can be hired at school. Training can be carried out by a doctor, lawyer, economist, teaching a subject as close as possible to the specifics of their work. To obtain the proper qualifications, you must pass exams at one of the domestic pedagogical universities.

How to become a primary school teacher without pedagogical education

The same applies to primary school teachers. After all, a teacher is not so much a specialty as a way of life, a calling of the heart and soul. Often, even the highest education does not help if a person does not like children, does not have restraint and self-control, and cannot cope with his own emotions. Therefore, a naturally talented teacher can work without special education, having passed exams and confirmed his qualifications at the appropriate university.

How to become an English teacher at school

In order to teach English to children, it is imperative to acquire knowledge that not only teaches a foreign language, but also introduces them to the methods of teaching it at school. School methods are mastered at the Pedagogical University at the Faculty of Foreign Languages, as well as at the university, choosing to specialize as an English teacher.

School teacher English language is especially in demand, we can say that it is one of the most important professions modernity. After all, knowledge of English today is not just a tribute to fashion, but a necessity. Moreover, for the teacher himself, especially a young one, working at a school is an excellent experience in improving pedagogical and professional skills.

How to become a history and geography teacher at school

The profession of a school geographer and historian is one of those specialties for which love begins even when future teachers themselves go to school. Usually these are people who are in love with their land, the whole wide world and are capable of childish sincere joy in all its amazing manifestations, passing on knowledge and emotions to their students.

You can obtain the profession of a school teacher of geography or history by enrolling in the geographical or historical-geographical department of a pedagogical institute or university. The training time is usually 4 years.

But you can also get a secondary pedagogical education, after which you can begin working as a primary school teacher, while simultaneously studying in the correspondence department of a higher educational institution.

How to become a physical education teacher

It is hardly worth reminding once again about the importance of physical education for students. Schools are in demand for professional teachers who are able to instill in children a love of sports and convey the extreme importance of a healthy lifestyle, especially in modern environmental conditions.

You can get this profession at a technical school. physical culture just on full-time training. Graduates of the 9th grade usually study for 3 years and 10 months, and with a certificate of complete secondary education, the training period takes 2 years and 10 months.

Admission immediately after school to an institute or university in the department of physical education and sports will give you a diploma of higher education, which can be obtained after studying at a technical school, choosing both full-time and correspondence form studying at the university.

You might be interested.

By letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated August 10, 2015 No. 08-1240<О квалификационных требованиях к педагогическим работникам организаций, реализующих программы дошкольного и общего образования>In particular, the following is explained.

In accordance with Part 1 of Article 46 Federal Law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On education in Russian Federation"The right to engage in teaching activities is granted to persons who have secondary vocational or higher education and meet qualification requirements specified in qualification reference books and (or) professional standards.

Currently subject to application is the Unified qualification directory positions of managers, specialists and employees (section " Qualification characteristics positions of educational workers"), approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated August 26, 2010 No. 761n (hereinafter referred to as the reference book). From January 1, 2017, the professional standard "Teacher ( pedagogical activity in the field of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education) (educator, teacher)", approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 18, 2013 No. 544n (hereinafter referred to as the standard).

Both the reference book and the standard establish that a person applying for a teacher position must have a higher professional education or secondary vocational education in the field of preparation "Education and Pedagogy" or in an area relevant to the subject being taught, without presenting requirements for work experience or higher professional education or secondary vocational education and additional professional education in the field of activity in educational organization without any work experience requirements.

Thus, according to the above normative legal acts and explanations to them, it should be considered that persons who have, for example, a higher professional education in the field of training “Education and Pedagogy” (qualifications - “Philologist. Teacher of Russian language and literature”, “Historian. Teacher of History”, etc.) and (or) in the field corresponding to the subject being taught (specialties - “Russian language and literature”, “History”, etc.), meet the qualification requirements respectively for teachers of Russian language and literature, teachers of history and social studies, etc. d.

In addition, it must be taken into account that the lack of education on the part of the teaching staff (in the area of ​​training) in itself cannot be a basis for recognizing a teaching worker as unsuitable for the position held during his certification, if the employer’s submission, on the basis of which the certification commission makes a decision, contains a positive, motivated, comprehensive and objective assessment of professional, business qualities, results professional activity teacher to fulfill the duties assigned to him by the employment contract.

Thus, you may well become a teacher at school, but what depends on the specialty you receive. In addition, in the process of work, you will most likely be able to undergo professional retraining, that is, roughly speaking, retrain as a teacher in another subject. For example, at my school, half of the teachers had diplomas from a classical university, and for some reason I was more impressed with them, but this is purely IMHO.

That is, it turns out that you can study, for example, to become a teacher in college, and then simply undergo professional retraining in six months and become a teacher of mathematics or geography? Wow... But if a person is a cook or an engineer, he can, after undergoing professional retraining, become a teacher, say, a labor worker?


The easiest way is to find a job in your specialty after a pedagogical university or college. If you are upset by low salaries, it is worth considering options for state support for those young teachers who are ready to work in the outback. In some regions, for three years at school you can receive compensation equal to the first payment on a mortgage or even half the cost small apartment areas or edges. In addition, after several years of practice in a regular school, you can go to a private one or become a teacher at a college or university.

You can use the skills acquired at the university, in addition to knowledge of education. For example, what is relevant while it exists Unified State Exam system. With a diploma in teaching a foreign language, you can engage in translation or choose a profession for guests from other countries. A labor or art teacher can try his hand at organizing master classes for adults and children. A singing and music teacher is able to organize a studio for those who want to sing good karaoke.

Based on pedagogical education, you can get psychological training and develop a career in this direction. Or take special courses and get a job in the HR department. There is always a need for people who know how to teach others. People with pedagogical education are often in demand as secretaries and personal assistants. Employers believe that they have particularly enhanced organizational skills. And also that they have a high sense of responsibility, so after the Faculty of Education you can become a...

Finally, pedagogical education helps to work as counselors and educators in children's camps and sanatoriums. Also, a teacher's diploma is becoming a mandatory requirement for wealthy people who choose a nanny, governess or for their child.

If you feel the unrealized potential of a teacher in yourself, if you have been dreaming of a teaching job since school, undoubtedly, sooner or later you will be faced with the question: how to get a pedagogical education?


In many schools, career guidance classes are created at the senior level to help students decide on a career choice. If you are still studying and have a desire to become a teacher, try enrolling in teaching skills to finally be convinced of the correctness or incorrectness of your intentions.

You can enter a pedagogical school or college after the 9th grade. The duration of training in such institutions is about 3-4 years. Admission is based on the results of the State Academic Examination, although there may be entrance exams: usually mathematics and the Russian language, as well as an exam in the subject of the chosen profile of study. Training can take several forms: full-time, part-time and distance learning.

Find state universities, allowing you to continue what you started in education. Perhaps these will be found near your place of residence. In this case, it will be possible to avoid a long move and receive education close to home. This has a great advantage, since it will be possible for many college graduates to combine education with part-time work.

Decide on the form of receipt higher education. Part-time or part-time, also known as evening, will allow you to combine work with study. In this case, you will be able to maintain a stable income and not lose your job. If the education received in college does not satisfy the needs of the graduate, if there is a desire to obtain another specialty, one must follow a different model for choosing a university.

Contact your college psychologist. It happens that the graduate does not like the education given in college. Decide where to go to study