When is the best time to replant an adult thuja tree? How to properly replant thuja in the fall. Varieties and types of thuja for the garden

Thuja is a beautiful evergreen plant that belongs to the cypress family. Thuja can be both a shrub and a tree, reaching a height of up to 10 meters. The plant is a perennial, so it is often used to decorate home gardens, landscaping areas and in landscape design generally.

The plant is very unpretentious in care. Even a novice gardener should not have any difficulties. The shrub feels equally good both in urban conditions and outside the metropolis. Growing thuja is permissible in any soil, regardless of its composition. The only thing that must be taken into account is timely pruning, crown formation and replanting.

When is the right time to replant thuja? What is the best way to do this so that the plant feels good in a new place? Transplantation is carried out either in spring or autumn, depending on the purpose, but not in summer. Thuja usually tolerates transplantation well, but in the first days it requires especially careful care, and you also need to know what to feed and how to reanimate the plant in extreme cases.

Thuja is a shrub or tree that is resistant to drought and frost and is easy to care for. Growing the plant is permissible in any soil and terrain, but you should still not plant the tree in an open, windy area.

Plant varieties are presented:

  1. Low-growing varieties.
  2. Tall varieties.

The main difference lies in the height of the plant. Other characteristics fundamental differences Dont Have. Both types of plants are similar to each other and to other representatives of the cypress family. They have a narrow, elongated crown, scaly leaves arranged in pairs on the branches, and small oval cones at the ends of the shoots.

Timing of plant transplantation

You definitely need to know the time frame when it is permissible to replant thuja. The optimal time is early spring or the first half of autumn. Spring terms - March-April, autumn - September-October.

Preference should still be given to spring replanting, since in the fall there is always some probability that the plant will not have time to take root before the first frost and will die after the onset of cold weather.

You can replant both young ones (for example, from a pot to a large pot or into open ground), and big thuja, but the procedure has a number of differences. When transplanting a young bush, you need to dig up the soil around it with a shovel, and then dig up the seedling and, together with the lump of soil, transplant it to a new place. The main difference between transplanting an adult plant is that the soil should be bayoneted not at the time of the procedure, but 8-10 months before.

Basic rules of procedure

The procedure for transplanting a thuja, however, like any other plant, requires compliance with certain rules. Before you start transplanting, you need to decide on the most suitable place. The tree loves the sun very much, but it is still impossible to plant it in an open area where the plant will be exposed to direct sunlight and will be exposed to gusts of wind all the time. The sun will cause thuja burns and dehydration. It is especially undesirable to choose an area where the sun shines on the bush at noon. Drafts and constant exposure to gusts of wind lead to plant disease and do not allow the creation of a lush crown. It is not recommended to plant on the northern side of the site.

The plant is unpretentious to soil, but it is still recommended to prepare a nutritious soil mixture in advance. For this purpose they are used river sand, peat, humus, rotted coniferous flooring, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers (added as desired, their purpose is to promote better survival of the plant in a new place).

Next, you need to prepare the hole. It is advisable to dig it up at least 15-20 days before planting. An exception is that the plant is replanted within the same area. Then the hole can be dug directly on the day of transplantation. The depth of the hole should be about one meter.

The first layer of the hole is stones or crushed bricks. This is drainage. Then mix the prepared soil mixture thoroughly until smooth, and then pour it onto the bottom of the prepared hole on top of the drainage layer. It is advisable to ensure that the roots of the thuja do not touch fertilizers.

Thuja transplant algorithm

In order to properly transplant thuja, it is convenient to use the following algorithm:

  1. Dig up the plant or carefully remove it from the pot. Moreover, you need to dig it together with a lump of soil, digging a trench with a diameter of 25-30 centimeters around the trunk.
  2. Inspect the root system. Roots that are too long need to be cut off. Rotten or dry roots are also cut off.
  3. Next, a hole is dug that is suitable for the size of the plant’s root system. Drainage is laid at its bottom, then the soil mixture is poured.
  4. The rhizome should be placed in a hole, sprinkled with earth, compacting the soil.
  5. Water the plant thoroughly.
  6. It is advisable to mulch the soil, but you need to act so that the mulch does not touch the trunk.
  7. Water the thuja constantly until it takes root. Watering should be done at least twice a week.

This step-by-step technology correct transplantation thuja.

Note! Do not raise the root collar of the plant too much above the ground or, conversely, dig it in too much

Keep in mind that planting should be done in the spring before the growing season begins. During this period, the tree is too weak to be replanted. The likelihood that it will take root is an order of magnitude lower. That is why it is recommended to replant the plant immediately after the last snow melts. Don't delay this process.

If you need to move a plant outside the site, you need to act very carefully. After digging up a shrub or tree, excess soil is carefully shaken off its roots. Next, burlap is put on the root system and in this form the plant is transferred to a new planting site. But it is not recommended to remove the bag from the roots immediately before planting.

There are no special rules for caring for thuja due to the unpretentiousness of the plant. But it is still recommended to adhere to certain recommendations. Replant thuja in the spring (you can also do it in the fall), but not in May. In particular, special attention is paid to watering. It is necessary to water the plant after planting twice a week until rooting, and then once a week. In hot and dry weather, the amount of watering should be doubled.

Advice! Two to three days after watering, you should weed the soil. There is no need to do this too deeply, since root system Thuja has a superficial occurrence.

Sprinkling is recommended from time to time. An ordinary hose from which to water the tree will help with this. Sprinkling is an opportunity to saturate the plant with moisture and wash away dirt and dust. This procedure helps prevent the occurrence of fungal diseases.

In summer, thuja can be fed. Organic and mineral fertilizers. Prevention of diseases and insect attacks will also be useful. To do this, it is enough to periodically spray the thuja with insecticides and fungicides.

IN autumn time it is important to correctly carry out the preparation procedure for winter period. To do this, it is advisable to tie thuja branches around the trunk. This will eliminate the possibility of them being damaged by the weight of snow in winter. But you shouldn’t press the branches too hard against the trunk. If necessary, you can perform a sanitary pruning by removing affected and dry branches. At the end of autumn, thuja is watered abundantly, with the exception of too much rainy autumn. The last procedure before winter is to thoroughly insulate the root collar through mulching.

When spring comes, clean up winter shelters not needed right away. Otherwise, bright sun rays can damage the delicate needles. It is also difficult for adults to bear the spring sun. That is why winter shelters are removed gradually. First, remove them for half an hour, then for two hours and gradually increase the time.

From the third year of the plant’s life, you can begin to feed the bushes with mineral or organic fertilizers. Mineral fertilizing is applied once a year in the spring, organic fertilizing is applied two to three times per season.

Until what age can thuja be replanted? You can move both young (3-5 years old) and adult (20-30 years old) thuja to another place. There are no differences (except for bayoneting).

If everything is done correctly, then “spherical”, “smaragd”, “danica” or any other variety of thuja will show off on your site. Carry out the transplant in accordance with the recommendations, and then the plant will not turn yellow after transplantation, will take root and will delight you with health and beauty for a long time.

Thuja is a plant of the Western Hemisphere. It was brought to Europe from America. Belongs to the cypress genus. Does not require special care, but in order to enjoy the greenery, you need to take seriously the recommendations for fertilizing and choosing a place for planting.

Many gardeners who decided to acquire coniferous plants and try their hand at growing thujas, they admitted their mistakes, which included improper watering and fertilizing. Many people chose the wrong place for the thuja, so it subsequently had to be replanted. Fortunately, the plant tolerates transshipment to another place well and does not suffer.

General care rules

For the tree, choose a place that is lit, but can be slightly shaded, for example, near a solid fence or behind the house.

In dark places, conifers feel bad, because sunlight, necessary for the formation of chlorophyll, is absent or available in insufficient quantities. Such places are usually:

  • among tall trees shading young plants with their crown;
  • between buildings.

Thuja is a moisture-loving plant. In summer you can sprinkle daily. The procedure helps clear the crown of dust and promotes the opening of leaf stomata, which improves gas exchange.

The tree has a superficial root system. In dry summers, the top layer of the earth quickly dries out, forming a dense crust on the surface that does not allow air to pass through. Therefore, when planting, it is recommended to mulch the root zone with bark, pine needles. If you do not use mulch, you will have to frequently water and loosen the soil to ensure oxygen access to the roots.

Thuja needs to be trimmed often. The more regularly you do this, the better the shoots grow and the more magnificent the crown looks.

If a group of plants is growing, then they need space and need to trim the shoots laterally. Single plantings involve thinning pruning to ensure air access to the trunk and internal shoots. The branches are cut by a third. The optimal time is spring, before the buds open.

Feeding is carried out in autumn and spring. In summer, fertilizers are applied if the soil on the site does not hold nutrients well, for example, on sandy soils.

Plant thuja: autumn or spring

To choose the right place, you need to consider the following:

  • Pay attention to where the area is illuminated during the day. It is there that it is not recommended to plant thuja, as in summer time she will become severely dehydrated from the scorching rays. The tree needs morning and evening sun.
  • Drafts. The plant does not like them and reacts with weak shoots, sparse branches, and yellowing.
  • Where water stagnates. Roots, submerged groundwater, rot because breathing and intake are disrupted nutrients in fabric. The greens turn yellow and dry out. It may take 2 years to restore processes.

The choice of the season when it is better to plant thuja - in spring or autumn - depends on local climatic conditions. If you plant a tree in August, then before the onset of cold weather it should be at least 2.5 months.

During this time, the plant should have time to take root in its new location and regain its strength. After this, wintering is not scary. The later you replant thuja in the fall, the less time there is for adaptation and confidence that the tree will survive the winter. Therefore, to avoid risk, conifers are planted in the spring.

Step-by-step guide: how to plant thuja

When a seedling is purchased, the size of its root system is assessed before preparing the hole. The planting hole must be wider than the earthen coma by 40 cm and deeper by 30 cm. Depending on the variety, measure the distance between plants.

For tall thujas that grow in height, the distance is 1 m. Wide and tall - 1.5 - 1.7 m. Low, wide - 1.5 m. When forming an alley, the distance is maintained from 2 to 4 m.

To plant you need:

  • Dig a hole according to the size of the plant.
  • Place a bucket of compost or humus at the bottom. Fresh or half-rotted manure cannot be used, since the increased nitrogen content is harmful to coniferous crops. Potassium-phosphorus mineral fertilizers are used. But here you can’t do without personal experience, since many gardeners tried several mixtures before selecting food for thujas in accordance with the type of soil and its chemical composition.
  • Drainage is placed at the bottom. This is especially useful on clayey heavy soils. Part of the soil is mixed with sand or broken bricks.
  • Plant the plant and sprinkle it with soil, then water it so that the soil settles and add more soil. Compact the root zone and mulch.

When mulching, you should not touch the trunk and branches, as under the influence of moisture they will quickly rot and get sick.

Fertilizers for conifers

When planting thuja in autumn or spring, fertilizing is applied. Next time this will need to be done in a year or two. If mineral mixtures or organic matter were added during planting in the fall, then in the spring only general care measures are carried out without fertilizing.

Video: Features of planting thuja in spring, summer and autumn

From the third year after planting on the site, fertilizing is carried out twice: in autumn and spring. It is better to use easily soluble substances and add them with water. In this way, good growth can be ensured, since thujas respond well to watering and quickly grow in height. It is preferable to use organic matter with a low nitrogen content in the spring - compost or humus; in the summer, phosphorus supplements will be useful; in the fall, potassium is needed.

Growing from seeds or using seedlings

Arborvitae are propagated by seedlings purchased from a nursery or by seeds. If it is not difficult to plant a seedling, then you will have to tinker with the seeds. It may take about 5 years until the seedling can be planted in open ground.

Collect seeds in mid-autumn - mid-September or early October. They should be stored until spring in a well-ventilated cloth bag. Before planting, soak in water or a special nutrient solution for 12 hours. After this, dig in drops to a depth of 5 cm and sprinkle with compost or peat. It must be taken into account that seed propagation may not repeat the maternal forms, and the plant will look different.

You can try to germinate roots in a cutting taken from an adult plant at the beginning of the growing season - May June. The cutting must have a lignified shoot 7–8 mm wide and at least 12 cm long. It is better to cut it from the side branches - they form roots faster than the apical ones. The cutting is left in water until the root appears. Then you can transplant into flower pot into compost filler.

To speed up root formation, longitudinal cuts are made along the cuttings and the needles and bark are removed. The cut is made obliquely. These procedures will help avoid rotting of young roots under the bark. You can use a root formation stimulator, but you should leave the cutting in such a liquid for no more than a day.

When planting thuja cuttings in autumn or spring in pots, they need to be placed in warm room, well lit so that the greenery gets used to the amount of light. Transfer to a large container is done as needed, when the root system fills the entire pot. After a few years, such a seedling is taken outside and replanted.

Fertilizing is carried out according to the rules: at planting, then a year later when transshipping to a new place, and so on.

Care and preparation for winter

IN middle lane most often grown western thuja, since the eastern one does not take root due to frost. However, it is impossible to completely cover evergreen conifers. This threatens yellowing and drying of the foliage.

Young plants are given shelter in the form of a hut made of boards, followed by wrapping with lutrasil. But this applies to very small specimens that are completely buried under the snow. Further, these activities are not carried out, otherwise in the spring you will have to cut off most of the branches with brown needles.

Large plants have their crowns tied up to prevent them from breaking under the weight of snow. The branches are tied in several places and not tightly. In winter, during snowfall, you need to remove snow from the branches so that it does not turn into ice.

At home (America and East Asia) thuja can grow up to 20 meters, but in our weather conditions it rarely reaches half of this height. However, many summer residents value the dwarf varieties, which do not grow higher than a meter. They are excellent for playing the role of tapeworm, creating compositions on the site, or for. The most patient gardeners can grow thuja from seeds, which ripen in small cones in the fall. But it will take as long as 5 years to grow a seedling! The advantage of this method is that it will be grown on local soil and will become more adapted to your climate.

The best time to plant seeds is, of course, spring. It is better to plant them immediately open ground, choosing a well-lit place with nutritious soils.

Seeds should be sown to a depth of no more than 5 cm. It is advisable to cover the planting site of thuja in the spring with a layer pine sawdust to conserve moisture. As a rule, shoots will appear quite quickly and amicably. Young sprouts do not tolerate direct sunlight very well, so they need to be shaded. Do not allow weeds to grow, weed them while they are still small, otherwise when removing large plants you can damage the sprouts themselves.

Fertilize the seedlings well with diluted slurry (1 part slurry to 20 parts water); after each watering, do not forget to loosen the soil. An easier way is to propagate thuja by shoots. To do this, you will need two to three year old shoots or a one-year semi-lignified shoot, split off with a piece of the parent tree. Cuttings root best after treatment Heteroauxin. They should be planted in a light and nutritious mixture of peat and turf, to a depth of two to three centimeters. It is highly advisable to grow seedlings in greenhouses, since in the open sun they have little chance of survival.

Replanting thuja in spring - is it possible?

Experienced gardeners unanimously say that the most best time for replanting thuja - this is autumn (September-October). This is true - during the rest of the fall the roots manage to grow small roots and successfully survive the winter. However, if you missed this deadline, and the thuja on the site is shaded by another shrub, replanting the thuja in the spring is not only possible, but also necessary. It is important to carry it out before the plant’s growing season begins, so you should take up the shovel as soon as the snow has melted. This plant has a shallow root system, so it won’t be too difficult to dig it all up along with a lump of earth. which protects the roots.

First dig around the tree in a circle, and then carefully remove it and transfer it to a cart or to another landing site. To prevent the tree from standing for a long time without soil, it is better to take care of the planting hole in advance. It is enough to dig it up a little more than an earthen clod of the plant. Even before transplanting into the hole, you need to pour several buckets of water, and also pour phosphorus-potassium fertilizers onto the bottom, which are sprinkled with a layer of soil. After placing the tree in the hole, cover it with a mixture of peat, turf soil and compost.

Caring for thujas in spring - what do conifers like?

All types of thuja love regular watering and sprinkling. The plant will grow and develop best in partial shade and sunny areas where there are no drafts. Without care, thuja loses its decorative effect, forms many cones and becomes dull. Therefore, every spring it is necessary to remove dry branches and branches that spoil the shape. The shape of the plant can also be ruined by fallen snow, so it must be tied up for the winter.

Trees should be fed moderately, in the spring with a small amount of nitrogen fertilizers, and in the summer with potassium and phosphorus fertilizers. In order to promptly protect the thuja from the false scale pest, it must be sprayed even before the buds open with karbofos; it will also help with aphid attacks. It is better to take care of spraying in a timely manner - prevention, as experience proves, is much more more effective than fighting with pests upon their detection. For example, it is very difficult to completely get rid of false scale insects.

Evergreen thujas can decorate any garden or small area near your home. Such beautiful bushes or trees are very popular among gardeners; they are used to create hedges. And if you need to transplant thuja in the fall, we will tell you how to do it correctly.

Choosing the place and timing of thuja transplantation

If you plan to move the plant to another location in the fall, keep in mind that the optimal time for this will be mid to late September. A later transplant is undesirable, since the thuja needs to take root in a new place in order to calmly overwinter and not die.

We recommend more attention pay attention to choosing a place to transplant shrubs. Although this plant is unpretentious, it grows well and does not wither only in areas that are well lit. Shade is not suitable for shrubs. This is probably the main requirement for the future location. As for the quality of the soil, thuja can grow on turf, loamy and peat soil.

How to replant thuja in the fall?

The planting hole is dug depending on the size of the root system, but the depth should be about a meter. If you are replanting several thujas at once, the distance between planting pits should reach 60-100 cm. If the soil in your garden is heavy, we recommend placing a layer of drainage at the bottom - broken brick, expanded clay, pebbles (crushed stone). The soil can be mixed with a small amount of sand and peat and poured onto the drainage layer. We place the seedling in the hole so that the root collar is located exactly at the level of the ground surface. If you move your thuja from one place to another, when digging at the roots of the bush, it is better to leave an earthen lump. We straighten the roots of the plant and cover it with soil, trampling it down from time to time. At the end of the work, all that remains is to water the bushes and...

IN further transplantation and caring for a thuja involves timely watering and fertilizing, which will help you better survive a change of location.

Thuja is a green, unpretentious plant to grow, often used to decorate summer cottages.

There are many varieties of these plants, they can grow both in the form of bushes and in the form of trees. Bushes make beautiful hedges; trees will decorate any alley or yard.

Thuja can be transplanted at any age, you just need to follow some rules. Spring replanting must be done immediately after the ground thaws. If you delay with it, the thuja will hurt.

Preparing the site

To plant a plant, you must choose sunny place or partially darkened.

The area should be cleared of remnants of leaves and weeds, it is advisable to even dig it up.

Then dig a hole with a depth and width half a meter greater than the root system of the plant. Fill the hole with plenty of water. For the soil you will need:

  • river sand;
  • peat;
  • wood ash;
  • humus;
  • rotted pine flooring from the forest;
  • You can add phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.

Take note: thuja can be grown from seeds in plastic pots, on the balcony.

Everything should be mixed thoroughly. Fill the bottom of the hole with drainage and potash fertilizers. Broken bricks can be used as drainage. Plant the tree in such a way that the root system does not come into contact with fertilizers.

Preparation of the bush

To transplant or transplant mature plant you need to dig it up.

Since the root system of the thuja grows superficially, it should be dug out with soil. To do this, you need to dig a trench around the tree, at a distance of 25-30 cm.

Cutting off long roots, if any. Transfer the entire lump with roots and soil to the prepared hole.

Having placed the thuja in the hole, you need to dig it in ready-made mixture and water generously. You should also mulch the soil around the planted plant, but do not allow the mulch to touch the tree bark.

Do not dig in or lift the root collar too much above the ground. The plant needs constant watering; until it takes root, it is enough to water it twice a week. Adult thuja Watering is necessary only in dry times.


In the first month after transplanting the thuja, it is necessary to sprinkle it.

The plant has a negative attitude towards dry air, and on hot, dry days, sprinkling should be done twice a day, after sunset.

After transplantation, the thuja should be fed with a zircon solution, it stimulates root growth.

The solution will also protect the plant from various diseases that are dangerous in the first stages of restoration of the thuja in a new place. Before winter, the thuja must be tied up so that the tree or bush does not lose its beautiful original shape. It is worth feeding the tree moderately, in the spring - nitrogen fertilizers

, and in the fall - phosphorus. To prevent pests from attacking the thuja, it should also be sprayed with protective solutions.

It is better to carry out preventive spraying than to deal with them for a long time. The plant may die if the soil is over-watered.

If the thuja ends up in the water once, it’s not a big deal; it’s enough to remove the dead shoots and branches using pruning shears. Treat roots and branches with an antifungal agent. If the thuja is constantly in the water, it must be urgently transplanted to another place. Thuja will become great decoration

for any garden. The advantage for gardeners is that there is no need to constantly care for the plant. All thujas respond well to pruning; they can be formed into any desired shape that will easily fit into the design of the yard.