What to choose the color of the walls in the office. Color of the walls in the office, what color to paint the walls of the office. Monochrome and polychrome colors

Many of us, being at home, spend a lot of time on papers, computers and negotiations. It is often impossible to perform such work in a common living area, or, even more so, in a bedroom, since either other family members will interfere with you, or you will interfere with them. Therefore, in order to work, it is necessary to take separate room and arrange the design of the office according to personal preferences. And in order for harmony to reign in the office and the atmosphere to stimulate the brain, it is not enough to purchase comfortable furniture; First you need to take care of the key component - the color scheme.

The choice of color for the interior of the office

When choosing a base color for walls, floors and ceilings, consider the following factors.

First, the location of the room. If it is located on the south side, which means it is well lit, then it is better to give preference to neutral tones. If the windows face north, then the main gamma should be warm, bright and saturated.

Secondly, the type of activity. Do you spend a lot of time on calculations and data analysis? Then design an office in calm, neutral colors, but do not forget about bright splashes that will help you get a little distracted and relax. Are you a person of a creative profession and are you constantly looking for ideas? Then the most optimal fantasy stimulator will be a bright and contrasting gamma. Do you often have to meet with partners and clients on duty? Bet on the classic palette: you and your visitors will always feel comfortable.

And thirdly, personal tastes. If any color is unpleasant for you, you should not use it in the room just because the type of activity requires it. This is your personal space and everything in it should bring joy.

Monochrome and polychrome colors

Neither the first nor the second option is suitable for the design of offices in apartments. With a monochrome design, there is a chance that the room will look too formal, cold and office. If four or more colors are mixed inappropriately, the room can become a source of irritation, which can interfere with concentration or relaxation. What color technique is better to apply so that the interior of the office contributes to productive work? It is better to combine two, maximum three colors to create a comfortable environment.

Optimal color combinations for the office

Green-brown combination. Walls in green go well with brown floors (wood, woodgrain laminate or linoleum) and furniture. Green is an excellent tool for relaxation and distraction from current tasks, and brown is for stimulating brain activity. Moreover, this combination looks the most natural and is often used to create an eco-style.

Brown and pastel combination. It is worth noting that this combination of colors has long been considered the most suitable color scheme for an office in an apartment. Why? But because the brown gamma creates an atmosphere in which it is easy to focus on work and, if necessary, it is easy to be distracted and relax. You can dilute the brown-pastel "hegemony" with bright red or burgundy accessories.

Repairs in the office can take place according to two scenarios: the traditional one, when white, light beige or light gray tones are chosen for the walls, as well as the non-standard one, when you want to create interesting design precisely due to the decoration of the walls. In the latter case, repairs usually involve the development of a design project and the involvement of specialist designers.

The choice of an unconventional way to complete the finishing does not always lead to an increase in the cost of the project. Moreover, the cost of planning and design pays off much faster than the cost of simply painting the walls in the same color as it was. Creation of original office design, including at the expense of interesting finishes walls

  • improves the efficiency of office workers,
  • provides them with comfort in the workplace,
  • increases the attractiveness of the office and the services offered to customers,
  • forms a positive opinion about the company.

It is safe to say that the efficiency of its work and profit in the short term depend on how much repairs in the office cost.

Color selection principles

The color of the walls is chosen depending on

  • room area,
  • location of windows relative to the cardinal points,
  • the size of the windows and the degree of illumination of the room.

In some cases, lack natural light can be corrected by adding additional light sources. Traditionally, warm tones are used to decorate walls, north-facing rooms, while cool tones will help cool the interior of south-facing rooms.

In addition, the choice of wall color affects

  • choice of interior design style,
  • wishes of the management, owners and employees of the office,
  • the color of the furniture, if it is not supposed to be replaced,
  • color of others finishing materials if they are already selected and purchased, and
  • principles of the influence of color on the human psyche.
  • Psychologists believe that the choice of colors in the design of the office, and in particular for wall decoration, affects efficiency, composure and concentration, brain activity, the state of the nervous system and fatigue. Long-term practice has proved the validity of their conclusions.

    So psychologists think that

    • excess bright colors distract, overload nervous system, excites,
    • variegation can cause headaches and increase fatigue,
    • calm warm colors able to improve performance
    • cold shades visually expand the space, give it volume, and also contribute to concentration,
    • the combination of cold and warm shades allows you to achieve the desired for effective work psychological background,
    • green color has a positive effect on vision, gives rest to the eyes during hard work on the computer, promotes concentration, but this does not mean that the office should be completely solved in green tones, it is quite enough to have details and spots of this color,
    • gray calms and pacifies,
    • pale yellow increases mental activity,
    • purple and blue can suppress emotions and even cause depression, in the office, purple has a negative effect on mental activity, and blue reduces efficiency and sets you in a dreamy mood,
    • pink shades also reduce performance and are not recommended for office space decoration.

    For wall decoration in offices where employees are engaged in creative work, it is recommended to show more creativity, use more color combinations and smooth transitions. Premises in which strict calculations are maintained or sales are carried out should be issued in a more simple style so that nothing distracts employees and customers from the main task.

Repairs in the office can take place according to two scenarios: traditional, when white, light beige or light gray tones are chosen for wall decoration, and non-standard, when you want to create an interesting design precisely due to wall decoration. In the latter case, repairs usually involve the development of a design project and the involvement of specialist designers.

The choice of an unconventional way to complete the finishing does not always lead to an increase in the cost of the project. Moreover, the cost of planning and design pays off much faster than the cost of simply painting the walls in the same color as it was. Creation of an original office design, including through interesting wall decoration

  • improves the efficiency of office workers,
  • provides them with comfort in the workplace,
  • increases the attractiveness of the office and the services offered to customers,
  • forms a positive opinion about the company.

It is safe to say that the efficiency of its work and profit in the short term depend on how much repairs in the office cost.

Color selection principles

The color of the walls is chosen depending on

  • room area,
  • location of windows relative to the cardinal points,
  • the size of the windows and the degree of illumination of the room.

In some cases, the lack of natural light can be corrected by adding additional light sources. Traditionally, warm tones are used to decorate walls, north-facing rooms, while cool tones will help cool the interior of south-facing rooms.

In addition, the choice of wall color affects

  • choice of interior design style,
  • wishes of the management, owners and employees of the office,
  • the color of the furniture, if it is not supposed to be replaced,
  • the color of other finishing materials, if they have already been selected and purchased, as well as
  • principles of the influence of color on the human psyche.
  • Psychologists believe that the choice of colors in the design of the office, and in particular for wall decoration, affects efficiency, composure and concentration, brain activity, the state of the nervous system and fatigue. Long-term practice has proved the validity of their conclusions.

    So psychologists think that

    • an excess of bright colors distracts, overloads the nervous system, excites,
    • variegation can cause headaches and increase fatigue,
    • calm warm tones can increase efficiency,
    • cold shades visually expand the space, give it volume, and also contribute to concentration,
    • the combination of cold and warm shades allows you to achieve the psychological background necessary for effective work,
    • green color has a positive effect on vision, gives rest to the eyes during hard work on the computer, promotes concentration, but this does not mean that the office should be completely solved in green tones, it is quite enough to have details and spots of this color,
    • gray calms and pacifies,
    • pale yellow increases mental activity,
    • purple and blue can suppress emotions and even cause depression, in the office, purple has a negative effect on mental activity, and blue reduces efficiency and sets you in a dreamy mood,
    • pink shades also reduce performance and are not recommended for office space decoration.

    For wall decoration in offices where employees are busy with creative work, it is recommended to be more creative, use more color combinations and smooth transitions. Premises in which strict calculations are kept or sales are carried out should be decorated in a more strict style so that nothing distracts employees and customers from the main task.

Usually in the office, the entire interior is designed for prying eyes. But if customers do not appear at the enterprise in person, then the interior is not given of great importance. Of course, no office can do without technology, comfortable furniture and stationery, but very rarely employers take into account color accent in the interior.

But the color scheme of the office is of great importance, since it is the color that influences the formation of the emotional background, can encourage work and mental activity, or vice versa - reduce efficiency. To properly design any office, you need to pay more attention to color.

First of all, it is necessary that the color matches this place. That is, for the design of the office, it is necessary to take into account that the color scheme tunes in to the working mood, encourages composure, balances the nervous system, and helps reduce fatigue.

With the harmonious use of color, these tasks are not difficult to solve. Bright colors can distract, excite, overwhelm workplace. In the same way, variegation is not suitable for a study; in such an interior, headaches may begin by the end of the day. good influence on the human psyche are calm warm colors They also have a positive effect on improving performance. Cold shades promote concentration and visually expand the space. The best solution for the office there will be a combination different colors in order to achieve the necessary psychological background.

Green color can help to concentrate, in addition, it affects vision positively. Gray color brings confidence and calmness. Soft yellow helps in establishing mental activity. And here are the blue ones purple colors suppress emotions and can lead to depression. In an office environment, purple can reduce performance and produce a depressing effect. Blue is able to cool emotions and tune in to daydreaming. pink shades It has a relaxing effect on the human psyche and therefore also contributes to a decrease in efficiency.

If the work is mainly related to mental labor, then it is necessary to bring into the interior various shades, which will smoothly flow into each other. All this can expand the boundaries of perception and give inspiration and new impulses in creativity.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the side of the world that the office windows face, since warm shades will add heat to the room located on the north side, and cold ones can cool the interior of the rooms on the south side.

The color scheme of the walls in the apartment affects the well-being, performance and mood. The choice of color for a particular room is based on some factors:

  • type of room and its purpose (living room, bedroom, kitchen, children's room, study or office);
  • location of the premises;
  • the presence, number and location of windows;
  • interior.

Proper design of the house and the living room in particular will improve the feeling of comfort, give you the opportunity to relax or, on the contrary, concentrate on work in the most suitable conditions.

Colors for decorating an apartment

When choosing , it is necessary to take into account the fact that it is permanent place for relaxation and comfort. With an insufficient feeling of comfort at home, it is difficult to have a good rest, restore the body and prepare for a new working day. Home wall colors have a unique effect on mood and condition.

Having decided on the interior design, the location and color of the furniture, you can select matching colors for painting. Harmonious combination furniture and walls will make any room a desirable place for spending free time, relaxing or working.

Wall in the living room

The color schemes for decorating the living room are based on the fact that the whole family gathers in this room to relax and spend free time. This part of the apartment is where guests come and where all the holidays are celebrated.

The interior in the hall should cheer up, please, but at the same time, have calming and relaxing properties - too bright color of the living room walls will cause fatigue from the room, make you look for warmer and more comfortable corners for relaxation.

To decorate a spacious living room, it is recommended to use delicate and bed shades of blue, pink, yellow, beige, golden, brown and gray-green colors. For a small living room, more saturated options are suitable - purple, blue, yellow or purple.

Colors for decorating the bedroom

The design of the walls of the bedroom should relax and soothe as much as possible. The use of bright and flashy tones for this room is strongly discouraged.

The main colors that will help you sleep and relax are warm colors: shades of yellow, options for white or green. Darker bedroom walls color solutions but warm tones will also bring a sense of security and tranquility.

Suitable colors for the kitchen

Choice kitchen design depends on the size of the apartment and the room itself. For little cozy kitchen walls fit light colors, invigorating, bringing coolness and energy. For this type small rooms blue, light green, blue-blue color schemes will be suitable. You can dilute with yellow or white flowers.

Decorating the kitchen large sizes, you can safely use bright and saturated colors: red, yellow, orange or blue. They will go great with light furniture and dishes, in addition, stimulate the appetite.

Colors for children's rooms

Children's room is a territory of joy, development, creativity, games. Children are attracted bright colors, stimulating the mental and physical activity of the child, as well as contributing to the development and growth. Despite the vigor and activity that red, orange, yellow colors, the walls of the children's bedroom should also provide a sense of warmth and a sense of protection, calmness.

as a sedative and warm designs you can use gray, gray-blue, gray-green or pale yellow tones. For full development and relaxation children's bedrooms require several color schemes. The room can be painted in several colors by issuing warm shades a sleeping corner and brighter areas for games and entertainment.

Another option to add stimulating colors to the nursery is to use bright accessories and interior details: a rug, a picture, a wardrobe, pillows, toys or watches.

Office colors

The office is a place of work and mental activity. The design of this part of the apartment requires color schemes that stimulate work, which will not irritate or bother when working. For painting the walls of the office, beige, brown, gray colors which go well with wooden furniture and give the office a stylish and expensive appearance.

Colors for office decoration

The colors of the walls in the office are the cause of efficiency, fatigue, Have a good mood, activity. Depending on the painting of the workplace, the efficiency of employees, comfort and attractiveness of the office can increase. As at home, the color of the walls depends on the area, the presence and location of windows and the lighting of the room, as well as on the activities of workers.

For creative and creative employees working in the field of art, they will have a positive effect unusual painting walls with bright color schemes. But you should be careful, because the excessive saturation of the interior design in the workplace contributes to fatigue.

For serious positions and strict office work, the staff should be surrounded by walls of light cold shades that will not distract from work.

Office Design Rules

For the most efficient activity of employees, it is recommended to follow some rules for office design:

  • pink shades are not recommended;
  • purple and blue colors negatively affect mental activity and reduce performance;
  • very bright and colorful walls tire and overload the nervous system.

A good choice for office space:

  • office walls in warm colors increase efficiency;
  • pale yellow - increase mental activity and activity;
  • cold color will increase the size of the office;
  • a combination of cold and warm colors help mental activity;
  • gray is soothing.

Walls office space it is better to paint several color options, depending on the working area or recreation area.

Color combination

The combination of wall colors is great solution when it is necessary to make a room that has a calming and relaxing effect, but at the same time highlight its individuality and emotional coloring.

The combination can be used for any room: living room, kitchen, nursery, bedroom, as well as for the office. Monochromatic wall decoration can be diluted with horizontal or vertical lines, geometric shapes, color inserts or an accent solution. When using a combination, it is necessary to ensure that the room is not overloaded with excessive brightness.

Accent and bright wallsgreat option or for a spacious kitchen. Dilute color scheme living room will help horizontal stripes or painting the walls with the “gradient” technique, which uses four shades of the same color, one side of the living room is painted with each shade.

Combinations of beige, mint shades are well suited. Geometric shapes made in bright colors, – great decoration for the wall of the nursery or kitchen.

The main and most important conditions to choose the color of the walls, the purpose of the room is: rest, work, entertainment. Having decided on color shades and interior, the apartment will become its own protective refuge from adversity and problems, the cause of good mood and positive emotions, and will also provide opportunities for a strong, calm and carefree holiday.