How to make adhesive. What does PVA glue contain? First, let's repeat the general rules for gluing objects

Making PVA glue yourself without leaving home is the topic of today’s article.

Without exaggerating, we can say about PVA glue that it one of the best and most popular adhesive materials. This glue is used for gluing paper, wallpaper, and some other surfaces.

I would like to immediately note that preparing such glue yourself is not a difficult task.

If a situation arises in which you urgently need to glue something together and there is no time or opportunity to go to the store, then you should not be upset, you can prepare PVA yourself. If you follow all the rules and tips, the prepared glue will turn out no worse than the purchased one, and you will be able to save money.

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Polyvinyl acetate information

What is polyvinyl acetate? This is the well-known PVA glue. If we talk about the production of glue in industrial scale, then they make it using special equipment. To make it, you need to mix polyvinyl acetate dispersion and filler. All this is mixed in a mortar mixer.

I would like to say right away that there are enough types of this glue. The most common are: wallpaper glue, stationery glue, universal glue. At home you can make an analogue of PVA glue, why an analogue, but because making everything according to the recipe will be problematic. But the analog will be no worse than the original.

Recipe for making glue at home

There are several ways to prepare glue, but this is the simplest and most common. Besides, everything necessary ingredients Apart from photographic gelatin, it is easy to buy in every pharmacy. True, this recipe will still need flour; of course, you can’t buy it at the pharmacy, but any grocery store, as they say, will help.

What ingredients are needed to make PVA glue?

  • Distilled water. You will need about a liter and a half of this water.
  • Ethyl alcohol, you need about 25 ml.
  • teaspoon glycerin. This is approximately 5 grams.
  • the same amount of photographic gelatin.
  • And, of course, flour. It will take about 100-110 grams.

Preparation: stages

  1. First you need to soak the gelatin in warm plain water. for a day.
  2. Then you need it dissolve using a steam bath.
  3. Next, you need to add water and flour to the gelatin.
  4. The resulting mixture should be kept on fire until a consistency resembling thick sour cream.
  5. While the mixture is on fire, it should be stirred without interruption. After obtaining the required consistency, the mixture must be removed from the heat and allowed to cool slightly.
  6. Then you need to add glycerin and alcohol, mix the resulting mixture so that there are no lumps.

Once the mixture has completely cooled, it can be used to glue the same materials for which PVA is usually used.

Rules for storing glue

You can store your own prepared glue no more than six months.

It is perfectly stored at a temperature of 15-20 degrees above zero. If you leave it at room temperature, then nothing bad will happen. But if the temperature is low, that is, it has dropped below zero, then its shelf life in this case is no more than 30 days.

Where can you use PVA glue?

Application area of this product is quite wide. It can be used to glue wallpaper, wood elements, and fiberboard.

In this article:

Glue is a substance that is used in household and in almost all areas of production. The reason for such popularity of adhesives is the ability to connect objects that are different in shape, composition and not the same in size. Modern views adhesives provide high connection reliability and aesthetics.

Due to the huge scope of use of adhesives in the household, there are very often cases when glue is urgently needed, but it is not available. And then many people wonder how to make glue at home?

So let's look at how to make different kinds adhesives at home.

How to make PVA glue at home

In order to prepare PVA glue with your own hands, you need to select the following ingredients:

  • glycerin – 4 grams;
  • wheat flour – 100 grams;
  • distilled water – 1 liter;
  • ethyl alcohol – 20 ml;
  • photographic gelatin – 5 grams.

Some of these raw materials are always available at home, and the rest you can buy at the pharmacy. Before preparing the glue, you need to soak the gelatin in plain water a day before.

When the gelatin has already infused, it is necessary to build water bath from kitchen utensils. Place all raw ingredients, not including alcohol and glycerin, in a container and cook in a water bath.

Stir the resulting mixture constantly and wait until it reaches the desired consistency (thick).

When the mass has become thick, you can add ethyl alcohol and glycerin to it. Next, you need to thoroughly stir the mass until there are no inhomogeneities in it. After the mass has become homogeneous, you can stop the process of preparing the glue. Use homemade glue You can use PVA as soon as it cools down.

DIY wood glue

Quite often in the household it is necessary to glue wood, cardboard or paper. And then it is best to prepare wood glue at home. To prepare it you need a tile of wood glue. Before directly preparing the glue, you need to break the tiles into small pieces and place them in a container. Next you need to fill the pieces of tile cold water, wait 10-12 hours until the glue absorbs water and forms a gelatinous mass.

After this, the container with glue must be placed in a water bath and stirred constantly so that it does not burn. If you need wood glue of a thin consistency, then it would be advisable to add hot water to the mixture. There is no need to bring the glue to a boil; when there are no lumps in it, it means it is ready.

If you need to join the leather with wood glue, then you need to add glycerin to the prepared mass. Calculation: 1 teaspoon per 0.5 liter of glue.

Features of preparing tile adhesive at home

If you have already purchased facing tiles and want to work, then you need to prepare tile adhesive with your own hands. As a rule, the adhesive mixture is prepared from cement and sand, water and PVA glue. Sand acts as a filler and should be small sizes, the maximum grain diameter is no more than 2 millimeters.

The ratio of cement and sand should be 1:3. In this case, the measure is not the weight of the materials, but their volume. For example, 2 buckets of cement require 6 buckets of sand.

It must be remembered that tile adhesive hardens quickly and must be prepared immediately before installation. facing tiles. The tile adhesive solution can be used for no more than three hours.

Making glue at home is carried out in the following sequence of actions:

  • Cement and sand are thoroughly mixed.
  • Then water is added to the resulting mixture, having previously dissolved PVA glue in it. A bucket of tile adhesive requires 0.5 kg of adhesive. If the tiling work will be carried out in a room with high humidity, for example in a bathroom, then the volume of glue can increase and reach a maximum of 3 kg.
  • Then the tile adhesive is thoroughly mixed, its consistency should be thick. If the mass has become homogeneous, it means that the glue is ready for use.

The bonding strength of tile adhesive prepared by yourself is quite high, but is inferior to industrial analogues.

How to make casein glue at home

If casein powder is available

According to its properties casein glue similar to carpenter's adhesive, but it is not afraid of moisture. Making casein glue with your own hands is quite simple. To prepare it, you need a flat container, casein powder, borax and water. First, casein powder is poured with water and allowed to brew for three hours. Then the borax must be dissolved in hot water in a ratio of 1:7. The resulting solution is added to casein. This mixture is heated in a water bath to 70 ° C and stirred constantly. The glue can be used 40 minutes after it is removed from the water bath.

If you do not have casein powder, then you can prepare it yourself.

How to make casein glue from milk

To prepare casein powder, you need skim milk. The milk is placed in a warm place to sour and then filtered using cotton wool or blotting paper. Next, the casein remaining on the paper is washed in water and boiled. Finally, the casein must be spread out on paper and dried at room temperature.

After preparing the casein powder, you can begin to produce glue. To prepare the glue you need borax, water and casein powder in a ratio of 1:4:10. Next, mix the raw ingredients, but first add half the water. Then add the remaining water to the resulting thick consistency and mix everything thoroughly. Casein glue must be used immediately; it hardens after 3 hours.

Features of preparing wood glue

Making your own wood glue is very easy. The composition of this glue includes: flour, water, aluminum alum, rosin in a ratio of 40:10:1.5:3. All raw materials are filled with water and mixed thoroughly. Then the mixture is placed on low heat and heated. As soon as the glue begins to thicken, it is removed from the heat.

Wood glue must be used immediately before it hardens.

How to make waterproof glue

Quite often, households need glue that is not afraid of dampness. This type of glue is commonly called waterproof. Waterproof glue is used when making facing works in kitchens and bathrooms. This type of glue can be purchased at finished form, or you can cook it yourself at home.

There are several ways to produce glue at home:

1. The first method of preparing glue requires cottage cheese or curdled milk, slaked lime. These two components are mixed until a thick, homogeneous mass is obtained. After this, the glue is ready for use, but you must remember that after applying the substance to the surfaces, you need to carefully compress and dry them.

2. Adhering to the second method of making glue, you need to purchase 100 grams of high-quality wood glue, 35 grams of drying oil. Wood glue is placed in a glass and simmered over low heat until it becomes liquid. Then add drying oil and stir the mixture thoroughly. This glue must always be warmed before use. This DIY hot glue perfectly connects wooden surfaces, used when laying tiles, it is not afraid of either cold or hot water.

Knowing how to prepare various types of adhesives at home, you can always complete all tasks efficiently and on time. household work, creating a cozy and pleasant atmosphere.

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Types of wood adhesives for wood

It is difficult to choose wood glue given the many brands that have appeared in Lately On the market. There is polyvinyl acetate (PVA, which comes in yellow and white) and polyurethane and epoxy and even traditional bone or flesh glue.

All of them are designed for gluing wood to wood, as well as fabric, paper and leather.

To choose exactly the best option, review the tables and descriptions below to help you make the right decision.

If your product will not be exposed to moisture, use the top table, and if it will be exposed to moisture, use the bottom table, even if the project is intended for indoors. Then check the open time of the glue and other characteristics.

Quick tip! It is likely that the bottle with moisture-resistant or waterproof glue PVA will be sufficient for most of your indoor and outdoor projects.


Open time

less than 5 minutes

10-15 minutes

20-25 minutes

60 minutes



Cyanoacrylate (“second” glue), thixotropic PVA (no-drip), polyurethane hot melt adhesive, 5 minute epoxy adhesive

Standard PVA, moisture-resistant PVA, dark moisture-resistant PVA, polyurethane glue

Slow-set PVA, moisture-resistant Slow-set PVA, water-resistant PVA




Reversible gluing*

Traditional carpentry (bone or flesh) glue

Modified wood glue

“Steam treatment allows the connection to be disassembled if necessary.


Open time

less than 5 minutes

10-15 minutes

20-25 minutes

60 minutes

Occasional hydration

Polyurethane Adhesive - Hot Melt, 5 Minute Epoxy Adhesive

Moisture-resistant PVA, dark moisture-resistant PVA, polyurethane glue

Moisture-resistant slow-set PVA, water-resistant PVA






Polyurethane Hot Melt Adhesive, 5 Minute Epoxy Adhesive

Polyurethane glue

Waterproof PVA




Immersion in water

Types of adhesives for wood and carpentry


This glue general purpose suitable for all interior wooden products not exposed to dampness. In addition to being widely available, it can also be considered the most economical option among the others.

Strengthening: 24 hours


Has the same properties as regular PVA glue, but has an extended open time, making it easier to assemble and adhere to large or complex projects.

Strengthening: 24 hours


Designed for use on vertical surfaces, for example, when decorating premises. The thick consistency and high initial adhesion allow you to fix the parts by hand for several minutes without the formation of streaks or drops.


The best adhesive for outdoor items that are exposed to snow and rain, but not constantly wet. Suitable for any home projects, especially those that may come into contact with water or food, such as wooden utensils or cutting boards.

Fixation with clamps: 30 minutes

Strengthening: 24 hours


Has the same properties as standard waterproof PVA glue, but has a longer open time, making it easier to assemble and adhere to complex projects.

Fixation with clamps: 45 minutes

Strengthening: 24 hours


This is just a version of moisture-resistant glue with the addition of dye. Dark color makes glue lines less noticeable on dark wood, such as mahogany or walnut.

Fixation with clamps:

Strengthening: 24 hours


This adhesive meets the highest requirements for water resistance, including even short immersion in water, but at the same time costs less than polyurethane or epoxy. It requires no mixing and is less hassle than other waterproof glue types. It's also great for projects that don't require water resistance.

Fixation with clamps: 30 minutes

Strengthening: 24 hours


This glue sets and hardens with the presence of moisture, so it is suitable for working with raw materials, for example, preservative wood. If the parts are dry, wet one of the surfaces before assembling the joint. The glue is squeezed out into foam and hardens. Wear rubber gloves when working with it, as contact with skin causes the glue to turn black and stains are difficult to remove.

Strengthening: 24 hours


Choose this adhesive for jobs that require fast setting, such as gluing parts that are difficult to secure with clamps. A special thermoelectric gun is required for application. Two varieties are available with setting times of 30 and 60 seconds.

Fixation with clamps: 1-2 minutes Strengthening: 24 hours


This glue, known since ancient times, is indispensable when repairing antique furniture and musical instruments. Prepare a portion of the required volume by dissolving the dry powder or granules in hot water. When it cools, the glue thickens, so a special container is required to retain heat. Dried glue can be softened warm water or ferry.

Fixation with clamps: 10 minutes Strengthening: 24 hours


A ready-to-use liquid version of traditional wood glue. It is also softened by steam or hot water, and the connections can be disassembled. It does not need to be mixed or heated, so it is more convenient to work with.

Fixation with clamps: 60 minutes

Strengthening: 24 hours


Before use, you need to mix two components - resin and hardener. Filling gaps and cracks well, it is ideal for joints subject to heavy loads and also completely immersed in water (it is used in shipbuilding). But this is one of the more expensive types of glue.


Fast setting makes it good choice for assembling parts that are difficult to fix with clamps. Bonds oily woods such as teak, suitable for end gluing or gap filling, but is less strong than standard epoxy glue. It is slightly cheaper than cyanoacrylate glue, so for small projects choose the option with a double syringe dispenser.

Fixation with clamps: 5-20 minutes Strengthening: 24 hours

What to do if the craving for creativity takes you by surprise at night, and the glue inappropriately runs out? It's dark outside, the shops are closed, but continue favorite hobby absolutely necessary. Making your own glue is actually a simple procedure that does not require special chemical knowledge or specific ingredients. You most likely have all the ingredients in your kitchen. Knowing how to make glue at home with your own hands, you won’t need to run to the store for a new tube. Here are a few recipes.

Making glue at home (three simple recipes)


  • Wheat flour;
  • water.

Place some flour in a bowl and add a little water. Begin stirring the flour, adding water (as needed) until smooth and free of lumps. Place the bowl over low heat and, stirring constantly, bring the mixture to a boil. Leave to cool naturally at room temperature.

Flour paste is not stored. It deteriorates quickly and is suitable for quick use.

Wheat glue for paper


  • white wheat flour - 1.5 cups;
  • boiled water - 2 cups;
  • cold water - 1 glass;
  • sugar - 0.5 cups;
  • alum - 1 tablespoon.

Mix flour and sugar, adding slowly cold water. Beat the mixture until there are no lumps and the consistency of a paste forms. Place on the heat and simmer the paste until it becomes a little hard. Remove from heat and add alum. Let cool naturally at room temperature.

Stored in a tightly sealed plastic container slightly longer than flour paste. The hardened mixture can be soaked by adding a little boiling water.

Milk soda


  • powdered milk- 2 tablespoons;
  • hot water - a quarter cup;
  • vinegar - 1 tablespoon;
  • soda - half a teaspoon.

Mix the milk powder well with some hot water and add vinegar. The reaction with the vinegar in the hot water should cause the milk to separate into clumps of flakes and liquid whey. Continue stirring until the milk is completely separated.

Separate the resulting “yogurt” from the liquid whey by carefully decanting it. This is best done with a paper napkin.

Collect all the "yogurt" in separate container less and beat until smooth. Add a teaspoon of boiling water and a quarter teaspoon of soda. Foaming of the mass may occur ( chemical reaction soda with vinegar). Stir the mixture until smooth. Add water if the mixture is too thick, and if the mixture is clumpy, add a little more baking soda.

Doesn't last long. If the smell of spoiled milk appears, the mixture should be thrown away.

Types of glue

Surely, almost every one of us has used it, but rarely thought about its constituent ingredients and methods. industrial production. Glue is a substance mainly made from natural or synthetic substances.

Natural adhesives

Produced from plant (resin) or biological sources (bones, skin). Invented in ancient times, when savvy people realized that animal bones, skins, skins and connective tissues could be extracted by special processing collagen protein with sticky properties. Today the majority adhesive compositions It is produced on the basis of biological substances, and the process of obtaining the cool mass differs little from the prehistoric one. Most often, the sticky mass is produced by dehydrating the hides. The skins are first soaked in water and then treated with lime. Lime is neutralized with a weak acid solution. Next, the skins are kept in water at 70 degrees, due to which a substance is released from the tissues, which is scraped off and used for its intended purpose.

The source of the sticky substance is also casein, milk, ambulin obtained from cow blood serum, fish heads, bones, skin, scales, air bladders of some fish, from which a white, odorless substance called “ichthyokol” is obtained.

Vegetable glue is obtained from starch, which is found in vegetables and grains, gum, agar and algin from algae, and gum arabic - the milky sap of some trees.

Synthetic adhesives

Cyanoacrylate is the main ingredient of synthetic glue, also known as “superglue,” discovered by Harry Coover (1942) in the research laboratories of the Kodak company, which was engaged in the creation of optically transparent plastic. In 1958, Cyanoacrylate was already sold in stores under the brand name “Superglue”.

Epoxy two-component adhesives are of industrial importance: epoxy resin and various modifications of additives that improve elasticity and give the product certain physical and mechanical properties.

The most famous and often used adhesives in artistic creative practice are, of course, polyvinyl acetate (PVA) and carpentry. Slightly less used is the so-called “office glass” based on liquid glass.

Purchased glue again did not meet your expectations? If you know how to make glue at home, then you will never again depend on the level of integrity of manufacturers. At any time you can cook with your own hands required quantity mass capable of gluing any surface.


Flour paste is suitable for gluing all types of paper and has proven itself when gluing all types of wallpaper. To make it, take 6 tablespoons of wheat flour for every liter of water. Stir the flour so that there are no lumps left in the mixture (the consistency should resemble liquid sour cream). Slowly pour the resulting solution into boiling water, stirring continuously with a spoon or wooden stick. Let the mixture boil a little and remove from the stove. As soon as the paste has cooled, you can work with it.


To create PVA glue, for each liter of distilled water you will need 100 g of flour, 20 ml of alcohol, 5 g of photographic gelatin, 4 g of glycerin. You can find photographic gelatin in photographic stores; everything else can be found in pharmacies. Pour gelatin with water and leave to swell for a day. Then you can start cooking.

Stir the flour with a small amount of cold water (until the consistency of liquid sour cream). In a water bath, heat the water to a boil, add gelatin to it and carefully pour in the flour and water mixture in a thin stream (do not forget to stir so that lumps do not form). Continue heating the resulting mixture, stirring continuously. Heat it to a boil, but do not boil. When the mass thickens and acquires White color, pour in alcohol and glycerin. As soon as the resulting mass becomes homogeneous, turn off the stove.

You can work with homemade PVA glue immediately after it has cooled. In order for your PVA to come out of high quality, it is very important to constantly stir the mass while it is on the fire. This will have to be done almost continuously for 10 minutes. This glue can be safely stored in a tightly closed container for up to six months.

Casein glue

This glue is used when gluing wood and leather. It is prepared in 2 stages:

  • Isolate casein from cottage cheese. To do this, soak the curd mass for 15-20 minutes in a soda solution (2 tablespoons of soda per liter of water), rinse and squeeze. Dry the resulting low-fat cottage cheese until hard and grind it using a coffee grinder. The result is dry casein.
  • Pour water little by little into a container with dry casein and be sure to stir. For 1 part casein, 2 parts water is required. After adding liquid, mix the resulting mass thoroughly. You will have to stir for about half an hour, but you can speed up this process if you take a mixer.

It is necessary to make casein glue immediately before starting to work with it. When the glue is ready, you can only work with it for the first 2-3 hours. It then hardens so much that it becomes unusable for further use.

Universal glue

This glue is capable of tightly joining metal, porcelain, leather, and wood. To prepare it you will need acetone and old linoleum(for 1 part linoleum you need 2 parts acetone). Cut the linoleum into small pieces, place them in a tightly closed container and fill with acetone. Close the container with a lid and set aside for 12 hours in a dark place. As soon as the pieces of linoleum are completely dissolved in acetone, the adhesive mass will be ready for use.