How to plant a lemon from a seed so that it bears fruit. Video: briefly about the features of growing a citrus tree at home. Basics of Transplanting a Lemon Tree at Home

Lemons are delicious and healthy, and they're a source of mass. essential vitamins. Their seeds germinate easily, so anyone can easily grow a small lemon tree on a windowsill. But in order for the citrus to bloom and, moreover, begin to bear fruit, you will either have to wait a lot or help the plant, acting according to science.


1 The easiest and easiest way is to make a purchased tree that is already ready for this bear fruit. But it’s much more interesting to grow it yourself. First prepare the soil for planting. Take flower pot 3-4 liters with one or more holes at the bottom. Fill the bottom with a small layer of expanded clay or river sand, they will play the role of drainage. Fill the pot to the top with special purchased soil or ordinary soil mixed with sand and humus. The soil substrate should be quite loose; in dense soil, lemon roots will not grow well.

2 Make a small hole in the ground, place a lemon seed in it and lightly sprinkle it with soil. Do not bury the seed too deep, 5-10 mm will be more than enough.

3 Water the soil well, cover the pot with film and place in a warm, bright place, but not in direct sunlight. Seed germination can last from 1 to 4 weeks; the fresher the seed, the faster it will germinate. Remove the film from the pot. Water the lemon as the top soil layer dries. Water for irrigation must be settled to completely remove chlorine compounds from it, which are harmful to lemon. It is better if the water is warm. Don't forget that lemons are still southern plants.

4 A tree from a seed grows quickly; in 2-3 years it can reach a height of half a meter or more. But such a citrus will not begin to bear fruit very soon. You will have to wait 10-15 years to get the first small fruits. To get your own lemons in the very near future, the plant must be grafted with a cultivated cutting. In this case, it will be able to produce the first harvest in 2-3 years.

5 If there is nowhere to buy a cutting, then begin to gradually trim the crown of the seedling. The tree, firstly, will look neater, and secondly, you will encourage it to form new shoots. Shoots of order 5-6 are exactly what you need. On them, the wild lemon forms the first ovaries. Many amateur plant growers do not know about this feature of lemon trees, and therefore cannot wait for the harvest for years and even decades.

6 For the winter, move the lemon to a cool room and give it a period of rest; in the summer, return it to its usual place. Care for the tree with love, and it will definitely delight you with yellow, fragrant fruits.

These are the lemons my mother-in-law grows. The photo was taken on New Year's Eve.

A few more tips

How to grow pineapple at home? Quite simple! - detailed description.

Growing citrus fruits for subsequent grafting

All citrus trees can be grafted onto each other. What you plant is what will grow.

This is in theory. But in practice, different varieties and varieties have resistance to diseases, scion survival rate, tree height, fruit taste, unpretentiousness, etc. depend on the rootstock.

For indoor mini-gardening, I won’t say that there is a very big difference, but still there is one. If I describe all the nuances, not many visitors to this site will read the page to the end. Therefore, I’ll just give general recommendations.

  1. Read more information. Read it again in a week
  2. Buy good soil from the store or prepare your own.
  3. For subsequent lemon grafting, I recommend planting lemon, citron, orange or grapefruit. (Listed in order of preference)
    To graft a tangerine, I recommend planting seeds of citron, grapefruit, lemon, (orange or orange only for the pros).
    For orange grafting - seeds of orange, bitter orange, grapefruit, lemon, citron.
    In February - April, you need to choose a high-quality, beautiful fruit in the store. And eat...
    And hold the seed-stone under your tongue for about ten minutes, immediately plant it in a pot of soil and water it.
    I repeat, the seeds should not be dried - bury them in the ground immediately! This is the minimum program.
    If you want to grow a better tree, plant several seeds at a time.
  4. After about three weeks, young shoots will appear. Care for them like seedlings.
  5. After 3-4 months, that is, after the second wave of growth, remove weak seedlings. Remove well-growing ones from the ground and trim the taproot as shown in the picture (photo).
    These will be the trees for grafting.
  6. Lemons grow at an average speed, after about a year and a half they reach a height of 40 cm and the thickness of the stem at the base becomes 8 mm. - this is an ideal seedling for grafting.
    Oranges grow relatively slowly from seed. Grapefruits are the fastest growing.
  7. Typically, seedlings are grafted between six months and three years of age. At this age, the vaccination survival rate is higher.
    But in some cases, older trees can also be grafted.
  8. It is better to graft seedlings in March - June. I mean better for the amateur owner, less hassle.
    I, “plants for myself,” graft all year round.
  9. Sometimes they bring me, one might say, “slightly alive” seedlings for grafting. It is with great displeasure that I vaccinate them, of course.
    Don't make that mistake. A normal seedling should be fresh, green and with a lot of leaves.

On the windowsill you can grow not only citrus fruits but also tomatoes - both tasty and beautiful. (details follow the link)

More mother-in-law home grown lemons, photo.

What to do in winter

- Is it possible to plant lemon seeds in winter??
- Yes, you can plant it in the cold season. True, it is advisable to make a micro-greenhouse from two bricks, two tin cans and a plastic bottle. Whether additional heating is needed depends on the temperature in your room.

In the photo you see such a greenhouse, in a hurry.

Description: B tin can you need to pour a little water, put an island from a small tin can (from foie gras), which must have holes. Place a plastic pot with good drainage and light soil, plant the seed and cover with trimmed plastic bottle. It is advisable to place the entire structure on the windowsill, where it is lighter. But keep in mind that direct sunlight passing through droplets of water, like through lenses, can easily burn holes in the leaves. I still recommend placing a weak incandescent lamp underneath. 15W will be enough to maintain temperatures up to +30°C and humidity like in a bathhouse! (The lamp is turned off at night.)

Everyone knows lemon - this evergreen perennial is a guest from the subtropics, which has taken root quite comfortably in our houses and apartments. The homeland of lemon is Southeast Asia; more than a thousand years ago, these fruits were brought from India, and over time they found popularity in Africa and America. This deservedly popular citrus can take up residence in your home. You will learn how to grow a lemon from a seed at home in this article.

This citrus tree produces flowers several times a year. Home-grown lemon fruits have a thinner rind and a more intense aroma than those grown in open ground. To grow a lemon from a seed, you will need to create comfortable conditions for it: high-quality ventilation, lighting, periodic feeding with fertilizers, individual approach according to the time of year.

One of the main stages is selection quality seeds- This is the guarantee of the future harvest. For planting material Seeds from purchased ripe lemons are quite suitable. Sow many seeds at once so that you can select the strongest shoots later.

What kind of plant is lemon?

Lemon is considered an evergreen bush and belongs to the Rutaceae family. Lemon leaves and twigs in large quantities have glandular cells with pores that secrete phytoncides and essential oils - this fills the house with a wonderful aroma and improves health.

Lemon looks interesting - it is a small tree, although it all depends on the variety - there are trees even three meters long. Lemon has fleshy, glossy, dark green leaves and small spines on the trunk. Lemon blooms beautifully - the flowers are red-pink on the outside and white on the inside. Lemons used to be exotic, but today they are no longer so rare, even in our apartments with a far from tropical climate.

Lemon tree - care rules and growing problems

Growing lemons at home requires special care. If you follow all the rules, you can get flowering and fruiting plants.

  • Lemon requires additional lighting - especially in early spring and in autumn.
  • You need to create a humid climate in the room. To do this, spray the plant more often. Give him a shower, wash the leaves - lemons are tropical inhabitants and love high humidity.
  • Frequent transplants are important for young lemons. We prepare the ground as for the first planting. Plants must be replanted with a clod of earth. New pot take 5-7 cm more. Young - once a year, mature plant can be replanted every 2-3 years. The best time in summer is June, and in winter we replant in February.
  • In the period from February to September, lemon grows more actively - so you need to feed the bushes with biofertilizers at this time, alternating with mineral ones. We feed only liquid fertilizers. Don't forget the rule: less is better than more.
  • We form plants correctly. To make the tree more luxuriant and the side shoots grow actively, pinch the crown. It is better to do this in the first year of growth.
  • For proper crown formation, you should turn the pot a quarter every week. In the future, a well-formed trunk will affect the quality of the fruit.
  • If the lemon at home began to bloom in the first year, then you need to pick off all the flowers - do not regret it. The lemon will spend all its energy on flowers and then wither. Lemon can be allowed to bloom when the plant has at least 15 leaves per flower!

Growing lemon indoors. What should the soil be like?

Ordinary soil from the garden or purchased is not very suitable for lemon to grow and develop, so it is advisable to create the necessary mixture yourself.

For ideal growth and development of 4 cups of soil (100 g each), it is recommended to use the following ingredients in appropriate proportions:

  • 2 tablespoons of ash;
  • 6 tablespoons of leaf humus and manure;
  • mix with 200 grams of sand.

The resulting mixture is diluted with water and placed in a pot prepared for lemon. It is important to compact the soil so that air voids do not form in the root area.

After about six months, when the lemon has grown a little, it is transplanted into a larger container. It is advisable to prepare the soil composition in the same proportion as the previous one. You can, of course, buy soil in a store, but it is sold with a high alkali content. It is preferable to grow lemon from seeds at home in neutral soil.

If there is no other way out, you can neutralize the alkalinity of the soil by adding to the soil citric acid, but the main thing is not to overdo it (use a solution of water with 2-3 drops of acid for irrigation).

Lemon from the seed: where to start?

Only freshly collected seeds are used. They are selected from ripe fruits that do not show signs of disease. Purely theoretically this is true, but lemons come to us from supermarkets and bazaars.

Such fruits certainly cannot be called freshly picked. What should I do? Dried seeds that have been left for a month at room temperature significantly lose their germination capacity, but still germinate.

To grow lemons at home one hundred percent, you need to stock up not with one or two seeds, but with a much larger quantity. Out of a dozen seeds there will definitely be several sprouts.

Don't be afraid to grow many seedlings at once. It is not a fact that all your lemons from seeds at home will survive to bear fruit. Some will die due to disease, others will suffer when you vaccinate them.

We begin to grow homemade lemon from seeds as follows:

  • We buy special soil or prepare the soil ourselves from river sand, turf soil, and humus.
  • Place the prepared soil mixture into separate small pots or cups.
  • We plant the seeds in moist soil to a depth of 3 cm.
  • Cover the top with film to create a better microclimate.
  • We are waiting for the sprouts to appear in about 3 weeks.
  • If 2 shoots grow from one lemon seed, one (which is weaker) should be removed.

Citrus plants obtained from seeds adapt to indoor conditions better and are more hardy and viable compared to cuttings or grafted ones. Fully fruit-bearing cultivated seedlings grow from the seeds. Their only drawback is that they begin to bear fruit late.

Growing Lemon

The time for sprouts to appear depends on the temperature in the apartment. This usually takes from 2 weeks to 1 month. As soon as 4 or more leaves appear on the sprout, you can remove the film if you made a greenhouse and place the pot with sprouts in a well-lit place. It is important that young leaves are not exposed to direct sunlight, otherwise the young shoot will die. Monitor the watering schedule. Water the soil as it dries out. The water must first settle and be room temperature. For watering it is recommended to use and rainwater, but make sure that the water is not cold.

You should not feed lemon sprouts in the first months. In spring and summer, you can add a little fertilizer every 14 days. But only a little, proceed from the fact that it is better to feed less than to overfeed. Remember, the lemon tree is very demanding and capricious. The slightest disturbances in care and changes in environment will have a very unfavorable effect on the tree. Excessive sun, strong winds and drafts can cause your plant to lose its leaves. Non-compliance temperature regime also undesirable for the sprout.

With the arrival of autumn, watering is carried out as little as possible. The reference point is the state of the top layer of the earth. Feeding is necessary only once every 30 days.

It is worth starting to form the crown on time; this must be done already in the first year of the young seedling’s life. All weak, inward growing and deformed branches should be removed.

As soon as the seedlings sprout, you should select the strongest ones and transplant them into a larger pot.

In order to choose the right seedlings for transplanting, you should pay attention to the following criteria:

  • crown. We need to look at its density. To determine this, pay attention to the distances that pass between the buds on the lemon seedling - they should be minimal.
  • needles. Their number on the trunk should be minimal.
  • leaves. The more there are, the better. It’s good if they are strong and do not fall off from the slightest breeze.

All seedlings that are weakened, have thin shoots and insufficient leaves must be discarded immediately.

Care during the fruiting period of lemon

Fruiting lemon requires special care at home:

  • High-quality and additional lighting. This plant requires bright, but diffuse light. IN winter time every year, lemons are illuminated with LED or fluorescent lamps.
  • High air humidity, which can be achieved using electric humidifiers.
  • Regular lemon transplantation - at least once a year. End of February – beginning of March – best time to carry out this procedure at home. To replant, you need to take a container 2-3 cm larger in diameter than the previous one. Lemon is planted in a nutrient mixture of leafy, humus soil with the addition of rotted leaves in equal proportions. You can also use ordinary garden soil if you add horse manure to it in a ratio of 1:3.
  • Regular application of fertilizers even for transplanted specimens. Plant nutrition at home is carried out from February to September. The fertilizers that the soil is rich in only last a few months for lemons. Optimal nutrition for this plant at home also consists of all the necessary microelements that are included in complex fertilizers.

This fertilizer is applied in liquid form, first diluted with water. 1 gram of substance is consumed per liter of water. When using a weakly concentrated fertilizer, the risk of burning the roots of the lemon plant is reduced.

Many gardeners alternate mineral fertilizing of lemon with preparations containing organic components.

Lemons can bloom at home already in the first year of life. It is recommended to remove all flower buds. Flowering takes all the strength and energy from the plant, as a result of which it can simply wither. Only a few flowers are allowed per lemon plant.

Only after a few years can you see the results of the effort and time spent. The lemon tree will fully bloom and begin to bear fruit. A home-grown lemon tree differs from a purchased specimen in its tolerance to indoor growing conditions. In the future, such a plant will require the same care as, for example, geranium or ficus.


We are often convinced that it is extremely easy to make plants grown from seeds bear fruit. That regardless of whether you are the owner of a grafted plant grown from a cutting or a tree seed, you will still receive your first harvest no later than four years later. You are being deceived.

  • Firstly, the date of entry into fruiting of citrus fruits grown different ways, are different.
  • Secondly, the mere presence of a tree at home does not mean that it will bloom at all. It requires proper care, attention, the creation of optimal conditions for fruiting, fertilizing, lighting, temperature conditions, microclimate and much, much more.

The timing of the onset of fruiting for various lemons is as follows:

  • trees from seeds bloom in 8-10 years;
  • citrus fruits obtained by cuttings from earlier flowering tree will bear the first fruits in 3-4 years;
  • plants grafted with layering from a fruit-bearing tree can bloom the very next year after grafting;
  • all these terms become irrelevant if the cutting for rooting or grafting is taken from an adult plant that has never previously bear fruit.

The result of growing lemon

Growing lemon for the purpose of obtaining good harvest, the process is long, but not difficult if you follow all the rules described in our instructions. Take care and fertilize your tree, and it will thank you with excellent fruits.

I would like to present you with another article from the series “Vegetable garden on the windowsill”. In this article we will talk about growing lemons at home .

Homemade lemons– universal healers, rich suppliers of vitamins. This evergreen tree with fleshy leaves can decorate any interior and will become a source of pride for the owner. The process of growing lemons is one of the most exciting activities in floriculture. What benefit does it bring?

  • A generous, uninterrupted supplier of the most valuable vitamins to your table.
  • A unique air ionizer in the home. Leaves lemon at home They release beneficial volatile phytoncides that refresh the microclimate and fill the air with the healing aroma of essential oils.

All the secrets of the home doctor

In fact, lemon is a hybrid. A mixture of bitter orange and citron. Its official name is Citrus Limon. With proper care, this tree can provide your family with up to 50 fruits annually (fruit production depends on the plant variety).

Let’s make a reservation right away: in order to get a fruit-bearing lemon at home, we need to not only grow it from a seed, but also graft it. You can use already grafted young seedlings, but this is a bit expensive and not so interesting. Therefore, we stock up on patience and nurse our fragrant pet on our own. The following varieties of homemade lemons take root best in the house and begin to bear fruit faster:

  • Meyer. Short stature. Fruits with a more sour taste can be eaten when they are not ripe.
  • Pavlovsky. The height of a lemon can reach 2 m. Large fruits with thin skin, very fragrant. The most adapted to home conditions. Propagates well from cuttings.
  • Novogruzinsky. The fruits have a strong, delicate aroma and practically no seeds. It can bear fruit all year round. The trunk has many thorns.
  • Genoa. Small in stature, this lemon is very productive at home and bears juicy, tasty fruits.

How to grow a lemon from a seed

Seed selection is one of the main conditions for the appearance of strong, healthy lemons at home. We select the largest seeds from the lemon fruit in the amount of 10-15 (to guarantee a seedling). There is no need to dry them (this will slow down germination). The bones must be soaked in epin (dissolve 4 drops in 100 ml of water).

  • Epin. Plant immunomodulator, plant growth regulator. It can be purchased at any hardware store.

After a day's stay in the healing solution, we transplant the seeds into the ground. The soil can be purchased ready-made (for citrus fruits). Or do it yourself.

Land for a young lemon

  • leaf soil 1 part;
  • turf soil 2 parts;
  • humus (compost) 1 part;
  • clean, washed sand 1 part.

We carefully sift the mixture to remove unnecessary impurities and lumps. In order for lemon seeds to grow well at home, you need to plant them in small plastic containers(you can take cups). Don't forget to make holes in the bottom for drainage.

Place the seeds in 2 cm of loosened soil and place them in a warm place. There is no need to water (the roots may rot during humid environment). It is better to make a “mini-greenhouse” for future young lemons (cover them with glass jars, or wrap the cups with plastic wrap).

At the first stage, growing lemons should take place in a warm room, where the temperature should not drop below +18° C. After 3 months, you will rejoice at the first shoots. When the leaves appear, the baby is ready for transplanting.

Adult lemon at home


It is best to purchase a clay pot. Clay is a moisture regulator. If the soil is overly moistened, the clay will absorb excess moisture, and if there is not enough moisture, it will readily give it to the plant. Make drainage at the bottom of the pot.

  • Drainage layer. A small layer of material that can quickly drain excess water when watering. It is placed at the bottom of the pot. As a drainage layer, you can use small clay shards or pieces of red brick, expanded clay, coarse, coarse sand, pebbles, even crumbs of polystyrene foam or wine cork.

To make lemon feel more comfortable at home, cover the drainage with an additional 2 cm layer of moss, peat or dried manure.

Soil for an adult plant

  • humus (compost) 1 part;
  • turf soil 3 parts;
  • leaf soil 1 part;
  • sand 1 part.

Immediately after planting, place the young lemon sprout on the windowsill of a north or west window (there is the least sun there). After a week, the tree is ready to start living in a warm south-facing window. Such a small preliminary hardening will help improve the health of the plant and make it stronger.

How to grow lemons at home

Operation Season What does a lemon like? Adviсe Notes
air temperature spring Summer normal room temperature south window (lemon is very sensitive to climate change) the best temperature for flowering and fruit set is from +15° to +18° C
autumn winter from +8° to + 14° C move the lemon to a bright, insulated balcony, or fence the window sill with plexiglass After a period of rest, gradually accustom the lemon to an increase in temperature
Light spring Summer bright diffused light in the morning and evening hours - directed sun rays, during the day (from 12 to 16) light partial shade Some lemon varieties love heat (Meyer lemon), other varieties can get by with artificial lighting
autumn winter full lighting at t° from +5° to + 14° C additional lighting is not needed, if t° above +16° C additional lighting is required You can illuminate lemons at home using fluorescent lamps (white, blue spectrum)
Watering spring Summer drinking plenty of fluids the soil should have time to dry in the upper third of the pot before the next watering It is best to water lemon at home with settled tap water
autumn winter rare, moderate watering watering depends on the air temperature in the room, make sure that the soil does not dry out completely in winter, ensure the roots breathe - loosen the soil more often so that the water does not stagnate
Air humidity spring Summer humid climate spray lemon at home regularly during warm periods suitable humidity is 60-70% (if it’s rainy), if the weather is dry, hot - humidity is at least 50%
autumn winter moderate humidity if the tree is located in a residential area, spray it in winter as well During the heating season, the humidity will be ideal at 20-30%

Lemon nutrition

At the beginning of summer (its first half), feed it with fertilizers. They will increase the sugar content of future fruits and reduce their bitterness. Apply fertilizers for lemons at home only to moist soil once a month in winter. From March to October, feed the lemongrass three times a month. Complex fertilizers are suitable for him.

  • Lemon is very afraid of chlorine! Even a small part of it can destroy the tree. Make sure that the fertilizer does not contain chlorine.

Lemon transplant

Homemade lemons need to be replanted using the transshipment method once a year. But replanting cannot be done if the earthen ball is not entwined with the rhizomes of the plant. In this case, simply replace the tree's drainage and topsoil layers.

Fruiting trees need to change their place of residence every 3 years. Usually this procedure is done in February-March. When you replant a lemon at home, handle the earthen lump more carefully - do not damage it. The plant may not survive trauma to its root system.

You can add birch or alder coals to the new soil (a glass per bucket of soil), it will also be useful to add pine bark (put 1 cm of bark on the bottom and fill with a liter of water) and vermiculite in the same proportion.

  • Vermiculite. A layered, environmentally friendly mineral that protects plant roots from fungal diseases. Vermiculite should be slightly moistened before use.

If the lemon has been living in the same pot for a long time, then you need to mulch it (add fresh soil or compost on top). Provided, of course, that the soil sank and compacted. The top soil layer must be changed even if a whitish salt deposit appears.

We are waiting for the long-awaited fruits

Lemon at home (grown from a seed) usually begins to bear fruit 5-8 years after planting. Do you want to enjoy its first juicy fruits a year later? To do this we need to vaccinate him. Most convenient ways two vaccinations. Prepare in advance:

  • garden knife (you can take a razor);
  • elastic tape (scotch tape, electrical tape);
  • garden var (can be used oil paint, which is used to cover fresh plant cuts).

Budding method (budding)

You can do lemon budding at home at any time. Using a knife, make a neat T-shaped cut on the tree bark (length 3, width 1 cm). It would be ideal if you purchase a budding knife for these purposes. With its help, you can carefully bend the bark in the place where we will place the kidney.

We first cut the bud itself from the cuttings. Carefully grasp it by the leaf petiole and place it into the cut. Return the bent bark to its previous state. Secure the grafting area with an elastic band. But leave the kidney visible. And cover this place with varnish (to prevent water from getting in). After three weeks, the result will appear - the petiole will disappear. Remove the bandage, remove the var. Your lemon will bear fruit in its second year.

Splitting method (cuttings)

Lemon can be grafted at home by cuttings only in April and May. The tree should not be older than 3 years and have a trunk diameter of about 2 cm. We need a shoot 10 cm in size of an annual healthy plant, taken from its upper section. Remove all the leaves from the cutting and wrap it in a damp cloth and cover it with plastic wrap on top. Keep this for 3 days. You can place the cutting in the refrigerator, then it will last longer.

Water the lemon tree itself generously 3 days before grafting. At home, it is better to graft the tree into a split in the center. Cut the crown of the lemon at a distance of 10 cm from the ground and split the trunk to a depth of 3 cm. Make two oblique cuts at the base of the cutting and insert it into the split. Wrap this area with tape and secure with varnish. The grafted lemon must be in conditions high humidity, protect it from direct sunlight.

Indoor lemon grown with my own hands, will give the owner a lot of pleasant moments, starting with the appearance of the first young sprouts and ending with the first fruits. With its appearance in the house, you will forget what colds, vitamin deficiency and stress are.

Good luck to you and your lemon tree!

See you soon, dear readers!

Lemon, despite its tropical origin, is very popular in our country. Its fruits are actively used in cooking, medicine and cosmetology.

Lemon, despite its tropical origin, is very popular in our country.

Many lovers of this fruit are interested in how to grow a lemon from a seed so that it not only becomes a decoration for the room, but also bears fruit.

Is it possible to grow lemon at home?

Lemon successfully takes root in an apartment if the rules of care are followed.

Lemon is an evergreen hybrid shrub, a representative of the genus of citrus fruits, the rue family. The fruits of this plant have a similar name. They have a rounded oblong shape. Their color can be bright yellow or greenish. The homeland of lemon is the territory South-East Asia, Spain and Italy.

The subtropical climate is the most favorable environment for the growth of shrubs. But if you create the appropriate conditions for a lemon, in 4–5 years you can ordinary apartment receive its fruits.

Video: briefly about the features of growing a citrus tree at home

Required tools and materials

To plant a lemon, you will need:

  • pot small size with drainage hole;
  • crushed charcoal or expanded clay;
  • biostimulator Epin-Eustra or Zircon;
  • fluorescent lamps;
  • polyethylene film;
  • foil;
  • tweezers.

Step-by-step instructions for growing lemons from seeds

Lemons grown this way are more resistant to negative factors than citrus fruits obtained by cuttings.

Preparing the seeds

Preparing lemon seeds using a biostimulator solution

To get seeds for planting, two lemons will be enough. But pay special attention to the quality of the fruit. They must be ripe, without damage or deformation.

Rinse lemons under running water and cut into two halves. Select the largest seeds.

To root system The future plant has developed well; before planting, the seeds must be treated with biological stimulants. The preparations Zircon or Epin-Extra are suitable for this. Add one drop of biostimulator to 250 ml of water and place the seeds in the solution for 12 hours. You can do this overnight and start planting in the morning. After this procedure, the immunity of the bones will increase, they will be easier to tolerate dry air or lack of lighting.

How to plant a plant

Shallow containers will be required for planting. You can buy ready-made pots or make them yourself from scrap materials. Suitable for this purpose plastic cups 5–6 cm high. You can also cut the bottles to required size. Don't forget to make holes for drainage in your homemade pots.

Before you start sowing, you need to prepare the soil. Lemons prefer loose, nutritious, slightly acidic or neutral soil with a high phosphorus content. A mixture for planting citrus fruits is available in any flower shop. But you can prepare the soil yourself:

  1. Mix humus, turf soil and peat in equal parts. It is allowed to use ordinary soil from the garden.
  2. To make the soil loose enough, it is recommended to sift it through a sieve with a mesh size of 2–4 mm, then mix thoroughly.

Simply place the seed in a pot and slightly moisten the soil

The most suitable period for planting is the end of January or the beginning of February. And the process itself is performed in the following sequence of actions:

  1. Place a 1.5 cm thick layer of drainage on the bottom of the container. Crushed coal or expanded clay is suitable for this.
  2. Then fill the pot with soil and moisten it a little.
  3. Make holes 2–3 cm deep and place the seeds in them. Use several seeds at once. This will allow the strongest ones to germinate.
  4. Planted seeds need light watering. Excessive amounts of moisture can cause root death. The soil only needs to be sprayed twice a week.

Important! If the seeds are placed deeper than 3 cm in the soil, they may rot, and if planted shallowly, they will die from drying out.

The temperature level in the room where the pots are located should not fall below 18 °C, otherwise the seeds will not germinate. If the room is cool, cover the containers with film. But not hermetically sealed; the seeds need access to air. Place the pots in the warmest place in the room. Leave them there until shoots emerge.

Video: master class on planting lemon seeds

Plant care

When the shoots sprout, they need to create the appropriate conditions. Lemon is a capricious plant. In order for it to fully develop, you need to strictly follow all the recommendations.


Lemon transplantation must be timely

Select the strongest sprouts and move them to a pot bigger size. It should be 5 cm larger than the container in which the seeds were planted. To determine the most viable seedlings, focus on the following criteria:

  1. Inspect the crown of the sprout. It should be quite dense. This parameter corresponds to shoots on which the buds are located on minimum distance from each other.
  2. Do not choose a seedling with a lot of needles.
  3. A good shoot has strong leaves that do not fall off at the slightest wind fluctuation. The more there are on the sprout, the better.

Important! If you find seedlings with thin shoots and few leaves, you can remove them immediately.

Do not hesitate to replant, otherwise the roots of the sprouts will begin to branch and become tangled with each other. Also keep in mind that you should not take a pot that is too large. Some do this, believing that in this case there will be no need for a transplant for a long time. It's a delusion.

The lemon root system develops on the surface layers of the soil. Its growth occurs in the horizontal direction. If you use an overly large container, the roots will come into contact with the side walls of the pot and follow their contour. And the deep layers of the soil will remain untouched and will begin to sour. As a result, the lemon will begin to hurt, and if the situation is not corrected, it may die.

The most suitable time for transplantation is February or June. The process itself is performed in the following sequence:

  1. Fill the bottom of the pot with 2 cm of drainage, then fill it with soil. The distance between the soil surface and the edge of the container should be 1 cm.
  2. Make a hole in the center, place the plant and cover it with soil. Replant the lemon together with the earthen ball.
  3. Lightly compact the soil by tapping the sides of the pot. Do not press down the soil from above.

During the first year, the lemon is replanted 2 times. Then this period needs to be increased. Plants up to three years moved to new containers every 12 months. Adult lemons are replanted after three years. Each time, a pot is selected that is 5–6 cm larger in diameter than the previous one.

Video: instructions for transplanting a lemon

Crown formation

Shaping will allow you to get a three-dimensional tree

You need to start this procedure from the first months. Do not allow the seedling to become stick-like as it develops. Using tweezers, pinch the top of the lemon. You need to achieve lateral branching. Leave 2–3 leaves on the branches, and top part delete.

For uniform development of the crown, the lemon must be periodically rotated, but no more than 10°. Also remove branches that grow vertically and inward.

If the lemon begins to bloom in the first year, cut off all the buds. Some people ignore this rule. But otherwise, the seedling will expend all its energy on flowering. Then it becomes unviable and begins to fade.

Important! A lemon should bloom after there are 15 or more leaves per flower.

Lighting and humidity

Low humidity and good light are important for lemon

Lemon requires good lighting, so it is important to follow these recommendations:

  1. Place the lemon on the windowsill on the west or east side. But the sprouts should not be exposed to direct sunlight - this will lead to their death.
  2. From October to March, organize additional lighting using fluorescent lamps. To get a more pronounced effect, build a foil reflector for them.
  3. Do not use incandescent lamps; they are not powerful enough.
  4. Provide the plant with additional light - 2 hours in the morning and 3 in the evening.

Lemons do not tolerate dry air well. Its humidity level should be 40–50%. Do not use spraying; this procedure will not give the desired result when grown in room conditions. It’s better to fence off the plant on the windowsill plastic film or place a humidifier near it.


In warm weather, lemon should be kept at a temperature of +18°C..+23°C. With the onset of winter, when the plant goes into a dormant state, this indicator should be reduced to +10 °C. In such conditions, the development of lemon occurs more intensively. At low temperatures, fruit seeds are laid.

IN summer period it will be beneficial for the lemon to stay on fresh air. Take it outside where the plant absorbs it better carbon dioxide. The temperature in summer should not rise above +30 °C.


You can water the lemon with filtered water.

The features of this process can be reduced to the following aspects:

  1. For irrigation, you cannot use artesian or well water– it contains a high concentration of salts, which increase the level of alkali in the soil.
  2. Tap water is also not suitable due to its high chlorine content. This substance has a poisonous effect on citrus fruits, including lemon.
  3. Use only filtered water. Add to it before watering nitric acid at the rate of 3 ml of substance per 10 liters of liquid. As a result, the water will become softer.
  4. Nitric acid can be replaced with oxalic acid (1 teaspoon) or acetic acid (3 tablespoons).
  5. There are no clear instructions regarding the amount of watering. Focus on the degree of soil moisture. Place your finger into the soil. If the soil is dry at the depth of the phalanx, the plant needs to be watered.
  6. Do not use cold water. Its temperature level should be at least +5 °C.
  7. Do not allow water to remain in the tray.

Important! Can't stand lemon large quantity moisture.

Top dressing

There is no need to feed lemon sprouts for the first two months after their appearance. Next, start fertilizing every two weeks.

Prepare a mixture of mullein and water. Mix the components in a ratio of 1:10. Apply fertilizer at the rate of 70 ml of solution per 1 liter of soil. With the onset of the cold period, feeding is stopped until next spring.

Stimulation of fruiting

This method will help stimulate the formation of fruit buds:

  1. Prepare copper wire.
  2. Pull the two main branches and the lemon trunk so that the wire is pressed slightly into the bark.
  3. The plant is slightly deformed as a result of this procedure, but this should not cause concern. The number of buds will increase.

Possible diseases and pests

Lemon is susceptible to fungus and gommosis

Lemon can be affected by mites, aphids and scale insects. These pests feed on its greens and juice, which leads to deformation of the stems and drying out of the leaves. Inspect the bush daily, so you can notice the problem in a timely manner and eliminate it. If you find pests, take a soft toothbrush or a cotton swab, soak it in a soapy solution and remove the insects.

If not properly cared for, the lemon will begin to suffer from gommosis or sooty fungus. In the first case, the bark is affected, then the branches dry out. In the presence of sooty fungus on the leaves, gray coating, after which they curl.

To get rid of gommosis, remove plaque from the damaged areas, then treat them with 1% Bordeaux mixture. Next, apply garden varnish and disinfect copper sulfate.

A 1% Bordeaux mixture will also help cure lemons affected by sooty fungus. Treat the affected areas and remove diseased leaves.

Important! Do not place the lemon near other plants, this will help reduce the likelihood of infection.

To get the first fruits, you need to care for the lemon for several years. But the plant will begin to benefit long before this time. Its leaves secrete phytoncides - substances that prevent the development of pathogenic fungi and bacteria. In addition, home-grown lemons are hardier than store-bought ones. You will be able to select the strongest specimens for planting and receive unpretentious plants, maximally adapted for indoor conditions.

And everyone has already acquired their favorite varieties; these are the ones we prefer among the many others widely represented in our stores. Is it possible to grow a lemon from a seed at home?

There are also admirers of this wonderful plant; they selflessly grow lemon trees in their apartments; even varieties of fruit-bearing indoor lemons have been bred and grown successfully.

Preparatory activities

How to choose the right place?

How to grow at home?

Here we will try to figure out how to (seed) at home, whether it is possible and what methods there are.

From the seed

Variety selection

Homemade lemons are much easier to grow from seed than from cuttings. When propagated by seeds, the plant grows faster, gets sick less, is unpretentious, and more easily adapts to unfavorable conditions. In order to grow a full-fledged tree at home, it is important to choose suitable variety. Best suited for home grown the following varieties:

  1. Pavlovsky. It has huge fruits weighing up to 500 grams, the taste is sweet, the tree grows over 2 meters, the leaves of the tree exude a wonderful aroma.
  2. Meyer. This is a hybrid weighing up to 150 grams, the taste is sweet and sour, and it produces a rich harvest.
  3. Anniversary. This is a variety that gives bountiful harvest. It differs from other varieties in that the skin of the fruit is thick.
  4. Genoa. Most unpretentious variety, which has an aromatic taste, produces a harvest relatively early - in the 4th - 5th year of life.
  5. Ponderosa. It is a hybrid of grapefruit and lemon with a rather bitter taste; this variety differs from others in that it constantly blooms.

Choose the most suitable fruit, in your opinion, the way you would like to see your harvest, or even better, just in case, a couple, to be on the safe side.

Seed preparation

The most important thing is that you should not use seeds that have been removed long ago and have had time to dry. You need to take fresh, always ripe lemons, carefully remove the seeds from them, wash them warm water and plant, and to make the seed germinate faster, you can sharp knife Carefully remove the hard surface of the pit. If we do not remove the shell, then you need to immerse the seeds in a solution of a growth stimulator for several hours. The seeds should not be allowed to dry out; they should be planted moist.


To germinate a lemon from a seed (seed), you need to plant it in a small container, to a depth of 3 centimeters, cover it with film and place it in a warm place.

Sprouted young plants up to 15-20 centimeters can develop in containers for sowing, but as they grow, they need to be moved to individual pots. When the lemon reaches 30 centimeters in height, the top must be cut to 20 centimeters, this will activate the growth of side shoots.

IMPORTANT! Watch for their uniform growth. It is necessary to form a lemon before shoots of the 5th and 6th order appear; pinching is best done in the spring.

Read about the rules for forming a lemon crown and the secrets of pruning a tree at home.

Plants from seeds have enviable health, but, like all plants obtained from seeds, they begin to bear fruit later than those that were grafted with a varietal bud onto a seedling.

Watch a video on how to plant a lemon seed correctly:

From a cutting

Cutting lemons at home is a propagation method in which the qualities of the mother plant are copied, and you will know exactly what kind of fruits will appear on your plant.

On the handle there should be several leaves and 2 or 3 buds on both sides, the length of the cutting is about 10 centimeters.

Need cuttings place in a solution of Heteroauxin or Kornevit, these are root growth stimulants, and then, within the period specified in the instructions for the drug, plant in a pot with soil.

Do not forget to arrange drainage at the bottom of the pot; fragments of ceramic pots, broken red bricks are good for this.

Water the cuttings cover glass jar , and leave for rooting. The jar will prevent excessive evaporation; films and bags are not very stable, you may not notice the loss of moisture and drying out of the soil.

Rooting is determined by the appearance of growth. Cuttings are also a great way to propagate lemons at home.


Gardeners note that lemon is a capricious plant. Plant development is highly dependent on the composition of the soil. The following composition is approximately recommended: 1 part sand, 1 part manure, 3 parts leaf soil and 2 parts loam. It is advisable to choose a pot made of baked clay.

You will find more information about caring for indoor lemons in.


Too good is also not good, we can say about excessive moisture; a plant regularly exposed to overwatering will die due to rotting of the root system. It is necessary to water the lemon as the soil dries out., it is important not to forget about timely loosening, which is not for nothing called dry watering - the evaporation of moisture after loosening is significantly reduced.

Subtropical plants love spraying, air humidity during the heating season can be easily adjusted using a container of water. By evaporating, it maintains the microclimate of the room.

NOTE! Watering and fertilizing in winter should not be excessive, the plant is resting.

Water the plant abundantly with settled water. In winter, it is advisable to heat the water. IN summer time Water 2-4 times a week, in the afternoon. In winter, water once in the morning.

You will find more tips on caring for homemade lemons in winter in, and we talked about the features of caring for a tree in the fall.


The pot with the plant should be placed so that the sun's rays fall on it less than 3 hours a day.

Top dressing

The ideal option for feeding lemon is alternating organic and mineral species fertilizers In winter, it is necessary to reduce the amount of fertilizers, low temperatures provide negative impact for absorption.

Important: Do not water dry soil with fertilizer, the lemon will burn the root system.

About how and what to feed indoor lemon at home, read.


As you grow every spring in a pot 5 centimeters larger than before, there is no need to plant it in a pot for growth.

There is also no need to replant a grown lemon; every spring the top layer of soil in the container where your tree lives is replaced with humus or fertile garden soil with the addition of humus, and that is enough for it.

Also developed and widely used complex fertilizer Zdraven for citrus fruits, it contains the entire complex of macro and microelements necessary for plant growth and fruiting.

Grown lemon can be placed in the garden for the summer, the place must be protected from winds and other possible adversities; a sudden change in lighting can have a bad effect, be careful.

Now you know how to grow lemons at home, and most importantly, how to do it correctly. Now let's look at the main diseases and pests of lemon to protect our crop.

Useful video on how to properly transplant seedlings into separate pots:

Pests and diseases

Your lemon may be interested in aphids, scale insects, scale insects or spider mite, if there are few pests, shake them into a special container so that they do not run away, from the trunk with a soft toothbrush, and with a cotton swab from the leaves, and treat the plant soap solution Anabasine sulfate.

ATTENTION! If there are a lot of pests, spray the plant drugs Actellik, Ditox or any other insecticide for indoor plants.

Sores that appear on the bark must be cleaned and treated with copper sulfate; mold, wherever they settle, must simply be removed with a damp cloth.

It also happens that the leaves of indoor lemons fall off, curl or change color. We talked about the reasons for this phenomenon, as well as ways to combat it in.

Will there be fruits?

If you propagate an indoor lemon with seeds, it will begin to bear fruit in 7-9 years, if by cuttings - in 3-4 years, by layering - in 1-2 years.

To speed up fruiting, there are the following methods:

  1. Cleavage. Make an incision on the seedling and attach a cutting from a fruit-bearing tree, wrap it with electrical tape, cover the top with plastic film, and once it is grafted, remove the film.
  2. Budding We cut the seedling to 10 cm and graft a fruit-bearing cutting onto it. Both methods significantly speed up fruiting. The plant may not bloom if the cutting was selected from a tree that has not previously bear fruit.

Lemon fruits have both beneficial and healing properties, and harmful properties. You can read about them at.

If the temperature regime is not observed, there is insufficient lighting, irregular pruning and disease damage, the plant will not bear fruit.

You can force a lemon to bloom using cross-pollination during the flowering period within the same variety.


Paying great attention question of how to grow a lemon tree at home from a seed, we forget what it is beautiful plant with glossy, dark green leaves, fills the room in which it grows with a light lemon scent. Essential oils lemon is phytoncidal, they cleanse the air of bacteria, and aromatherapists consider it a source of vigor and good mood.

Therefore, growing lemon in a pot can be not only for the sake of the fruit, but also as wonderful decoration of your interior, the main thing is to observe.