Ceiling primer for painting - choice of materials, stages of work, tips. Ceiling primer: types and features Which wall primer is safe for suspended ceilings

Often many beginners when performing self-decoration premises, they forget that the priming process is as important as its finishing. Do-it-yourself ceiling primer provides much higher quality and reliable coupling all types of finishing, from plaster to painting.

How to prime shelves: types of primer

If primer mixture applied to a concrete surface, the types of primer are as follows:

  • With deep penetration . As a rule, many ceilings that have concrete as a base are treated with a layer of plaster or putty before finishing. In order for the finishing mixtures to adhere more firmly to the ceiling surface, the surface should first be impregnated with a primer deep penetration. Besides, a large number of This type of primer may also contain antibacterial additives that prevent the spread of fungus indoors.
  • Strengthening . This should strengthen surfaces that may crumble, since it contains a large amount of adhesive. It not only penetrates the crumbling surface, but also glues it together. It must be borne in mind that such a mixture cannot be used on flat surfaces, since if excess is formed, they will create a film on the surface that will worsen the strength of the adhesion.
  • General purpose . Such mixtures are used during final finishing. Since they make it possible to strengthen the adhesion of the decorative finishing layer, as well as to minimize the consumption of any coating material, be it glue or paint.

As for cases where wood acts as the base floor, there are only two types of primers:

  • General purpose . Provides a smoother wood surface while also minimizing absorption for improved bond strength and reduced consumption building materials. Moreover, such a primer will prevent rotting of the wooden surface.
  • Special impregnating agents . They also allow you to protect the surface from the process of rotting, as well as from harm from various insects.

Taking into account all of the above, we can conclude that knowing how to properly prime a ceiling is very important. This will ensure a beautiful appearance of the ceiling, both from the outside and in photos and videos. When applying a finish to a concrete surface, it is necessary to use both a deep penetration primer and general purpose. The latter is applied after puttying.

It is also necessary to pay attention not to the fact that even if you choose suspended structure, you should still not forget about the primer, since such mixtures will prevent the appearance of fungus on both surfaces.

How to prime a ceiling: preliminary steps

Before starting the priming process, it is necessary to first rid the ceiling surface of the previous finish (paint, whitewash, falling off plaster). And also rinse thoroughly and let dry.

It is important that before priming it is worth cleaning the room in which the process itself will be carried out. If cleaning is carried out with a primed ceiling, it cannot be guaranteed that rising dust particles will not attach to the layer that has not yet dried, which will negate all efforts.

The preparatory steps are as follows:

  • When purchasing already ready mixture just pour it into a special container and prepare a roller.
  • When purchasing a concentrate, we dilute it according to the method shown on the packaging.
  • Alternative option The primer can be a mixture of plaster diluted in water to the consistency of liquid sour cream. However, this option is very risky, so you should still purchase special mixtures, preferably from the same company as putty products.

Smooth, beautiful ceiling gives any room a well-groomed and stylish look. And for him high-quality finishing important point is a correctly applied primer for the ceiling.

In this article we will look at what types of primer there are, which primer to choose for the ceiling when various options finishing. Let's look at the nuances of its application, how to prime the ceiling before gluing wallpaper, applying paint or installing tile materials.

  1. Improving the adhesion of the ceiling to the finishing material.
  2. Reducing the consumption of finishing materials (glue, paint, plaster).
  3. Surface hardening. Primer particles penetrate into the ceiling surface and form strong connections.
  4. Ensuring uniform absorption.
  5. Ceiling leveling.
  6. Antibacterial function.
  7. Reducing moisture absorption by the ceiling surface.
  8. Increased service life of subsequent finishing.

A primer is a homogeneous liquid that consists of a film-forming substance, additives and a dye pigment (see Types of construction primers and their scope).

With its help you can create perfect surface ceiling. For example, using a colored primer, you can hide the texture of wood or stains on the ceiling and the paint you use later will lay down beautifully. The number of layers applied to the ceiling is determined individually - it depends on the condition of the surface.

Types of ceiling primers depending on composition

The choice of ceiling coating depends on several factors - the material from which it is made and the coating that will be subsequently applied. In order to decide which primer to choose for the ceiling, you should not be lazy and carefully study the information on the packaging. The instructions will help you make the right choice.

Ceiling primer - which one to choose:

  • Very durable impregnation. Can be used on metal, wood and even tiles. It is forbidden to apply to plaster and plasterboard. Typically, this primer is used to prime the ceiling before painting. alkyd enamels and paints. Drying time up to 15 hours.

  • Acrylic primer. The most versatile coating. Doesn't have unpleasant odor. Penetrates very deeply into the surface being treated. Used for application to brick, concrete, plasterboard, wood, wallpaper, plaster. This coating is not used for priming metal. These compounds have a very reasonable price. Acrylic composition primer is performed before painting the ceiling with paints on water based and applying tile adhesive. Such compositions dry within 5 hours. There are modifications: deep penetration primer, colorless, antifungal primer.

  • Shellac primer. Apply to ceilings made of them coniferous species wood, since such a primer does not allow resins to stand out. Dries in a few hours.

  • Polyvinyl acetate primer. Used for treating concrete, wood, and surfaces coated with plaster.

  • The main purpose is the impregnation of concrete surfaces, as well as brick, expanded clay concrete and gas silicate blocks. Belongs to the category of quick-drying.

  • Aluminum primer. Used to impregnate wood. It insulates wood from moisture, which creates an obstacle to the formation of mold and fungi.

  • Silicate soil. Suitable for use on brick, concrete and plaster. The composition contains alkalis, which prevents the formation of microorganisms. It is mainly used for outdoor work.

For residential ceilings, acrylic, mineral and alkyd primers are mainly used.

Important! Experts advise for preliminary and finishing ceiling, purchase compounds from one manufacturer. This can improve the quality of work performed.

It’s quite possible to prepare a primer for applying to the ceiling yourself:

  • Deep penetration soil.

For this you will need: 1 liter of PVA glue, 8 liters of water, a little cement (no more than a glass). Pour water into the glue (stirring) and stir thoroughly. Add cement. Blend until smooth. Filter through several layers of gauze. Can be applied to the surface. (see Consumption of deep penetration primer per 1 sq.m.)

  • Primer to strengthen the ceiling.

Solutions are being prepared copper sulfate(1 liter of water and a glass of copper sulfate) and bone tile glue (10%). Mix the glue solution with drying oil (30 g), laundry soap(0.25 kg), copper sulfate is added.

Add water to make 10 liters. Sifted chalk powder (2 kg) is poured in. The entire composition is thoroughly mixed and rubbed through a sieve.

However, commercially produced compositions are superior to such soils in their characteristics.

Stages of priming the ceiling

Tools you will need to apply the primer:

Roller Sandpaper Eye protection Container for primer Brush

It should be noted that it is more advisable to finish the ceiling before starting work on the walls and floor. Let's take a step-by-step look at how to prime the ceiling with your own hands.

Surface preparation

The room is cleared of furniture, or it is covered with a film to prevent dirt and drops of soil from getting on it.

Depending on the previously applied coating, the whitewash is washed off, wallpaper or tiles are removed.

Using a spatula or sandpaper, peeling and glue residues are eliminated. old paint can be removed using a spatula and heating the surface with a hair dryer.

If necessary, the surface is washed with water. The remaining work should be carried out after the ceiling has completely dried.

If there are cracks or voids in the joints, they are all sealed with putty. After this, you should wait until the ceiling dries. Before priming, it is better to degrease the clean surface of the ceiling.

Application of primer

The composition is poured into a tray (suitable for the size of the roller), in which it is convenient to apply it to the roller. The roller is soaked in the solution, and the excess is removed using the ribbed surface of the bath.

Procedure for priming:

  • Priming the ceiling is carried out evenly with smooth movements. It is very important to ensure that the soil lies evenly without leaving marks.
  • Typically the primer is applied in two layers.. The first is parallel to the wall in which the window is located. In places where it is difficult to reach with a roller, the primer is applied with a brush.
  • After application, you should wait as long as the primer on the ceiling dries(according to instructions). Then apply a second layer, perpendicular to the first.
  • If paint will be applied to the ceiling in the future, it is better to use a lint roller, which will remove unnecessary air bubbles.

In the presence of the necessary tool, the ceiling can be primed by spraying the composition using a spray gun (as shown in the photo).

Thus, the ceiling is primed before wallpapering, painting and gluing tiles.

Any novice master may wonder whether it is necessary to prime the ceiling before painting. Next, another relevant topic for conversation is whether it is necessary to prime the ceiling skirting boards. In general, how to properly prime a ceiling? Let's consider all these issues in detail so that there are no annoying mistakes in the future.

It should be noted right away that all work of this level is carried out exclusively with your own hands, so you don’t have to worry about the cost of the procedures.

Primer - what functions does it perform?

A completely reasonable question that may arise in any person’s head is why do you need a primer at all? The purpose of this procedure is to prepare the ceiling or any other surface for further finishing work. Such work can be: painting, and much more.

This repair operation performs a very important function - protective:

  1. The surface gains additional strength, its layers are impregnated and glued together;
  2. Moreover, the surface becomes more moisture resistant after applying the primer. At the same time, she does not lose her ability to “breathe”;
  3. The consumption of paint or other decorative and finishing materials is significantly reduced if work is carried out on a surface that has been primed. That is, to the question: “Does the ceiling need to be primed?” the answer will be unequivocal - of course, it is necessary.

Liquid paint instead of primer - is this acceptable?

In certain situations, when performing construction work, paint, rather than primer, is used.

In such a situation, the paint is pre-diluted so that the composition is as liquid as possible. Many people ask the question: is it even possible to do this, if this makes any sense?

First of all, when the paint is liquid, it not only penetrates well, but also compacts the surface remarkably well - no worse than primers created specifically for this purpose. But this is only that small part of the iceberg that you see with the naked eye. But what if we look at the process in more detail?

Liquid paint, in fact, contains many large particles of fillers and solvents - they are part of the material. It is because of this that the paint will only interact with the top layer of your surface. At the same time, it will definitely seal all micropores and will not penetrate inside under any conditions. That is, it is better not to prime the surface with paint - not a single specialist will recommend this.

What exactly is a better primer?

It is not entirely correct to compare a primer and any paint. The primer is a very fine suspension of polymer resins and that says it all.

What else can you say about primer?:

  • Deep penetration compounds penetrate into the very thickness of the material being processed. Next, polymerization occurs - and the layers of the treated material are glued together;
  • Microparticles of the substance are approximately 10 times smaller than paint particles. They have very high permeability - this figure is even higher than that of high-quality drinking water.
Thus, we have figured it out - liquid paint is not at all suitable for the role of primer. Moreover, in order to prime the surface of the ceiling. The paint can seal the top layer - but this will not add strength, it will simply form a thin film, which will definitely not provide reliable support for all subsequent layers (including decorative ones).

Is ceiling primer necessary at all?

There are people who do not prime the surface. In fact this is not always the case correct solution. Let's consider the factors who speak in favor of primer:

  • Regardless of what the ceiling is finished with, your finish will definitely be subject to downward pressure. She also carries a serious burden on herself. Because of this, over time, the base of the ceiling, which has not been primed, will crumble and shedding will occur - even if your ceiling has been pasted over ceiling tiles using high quality glue;
  • The durability and strength of the ceiling coating depends directly on the adhesion ability of the ceiling surface and paint or some other coating. The primer gives your surface this property ideally.

Dust and loose microparticles

Repair or construction works are quite dirty processes. During such actions, a lot of dust always arises. Even when you drive into new apartment, the repair of which has already been completed, you have to do the cleaning - not once or twice. Only after this construction dust disappears.

During finishing work, it is impossible to remove all the dust - even if a powerful vacuum cleaner is used for this. The ceiling surface is no exception; dust particles are also sure to settle here.

When they get between the ceiling surface and the paint, the level of adhesion decreases - which is not in the best possible way affects the quality of the coating. Putty, paint, and glue can hardly cope with such dust.

As a result of this phenomenon, the ceiling finish may begin to peel off quickly - and this is due to small particles that are not secured. Should I prime the ceiling before painting in this case? Of course, it is better to do such work - in order to protect yourself from possible problems in future.

How to prime a ceiling

This is not to say that this issue is too complex. But the work is carried out in several stages, each of which is quite important. Let's look at this process in more detail - how to apply a primer to the ceiling.

Preparatory work

First of all, you need to prepare the surface. This is where almost every finishing work. If you do not prepare, you are unlikely to get a strong enough adhesion - that is, the coating will not last long.

The preparation goes something like this::

  • First you need to carefully inspect the work surface. The old covering is dismantled. If wallpaper was previously applied, there may be problems with removing it, but everything can be easily solved if you approach the matter wisely;
  • If you need to remove plaster, pay attention to its degree of delamination. If the defects are already noticeable, simply knock down the layers with a hammer and chisel;
  • If paint has been applied, you can remove it easily. In this work, a metal brush is used - a very effective tool.
If on the surface old plaster and it is already crumbling - you need to remove it for sure. In this situation, even deep penetration primer will not help - adhesion will be minimal.
  • When the layer with the old coating is removed, the surface will not be even at all. It will be necessary to putty it. It is necessary to apply the appropriate substance and wait until everything dries completely.

Apply primer

Before starting this work, you should carefully study the instructions - they usually indicate the consumption of material (primer) for each square meter surfaces. The time it takes for the composition to dry is also usually noted there. This is very important, because depending on the type of primer, these parameters can vary dramatically.

The application process looks like this in detail::

  • First of all, it is necessary to remove dust from the surface - this is done in advance. A vacuum cleaner or brush will help with this work;
  • Then they begin to apply the primer - the main thing while working is to ensure that there are no unprimed areas of the ceiling left. A spray bottle is the ideal tool for this job;
  • However, if you don’t have one on hand, you can always use a roller.
It is not recommended to use brushes for applying primer - they leave noticeable marks that are not so easy to hide later even under a layer of paint.
  • Porous surfaces sometimes require a double coat of primer. For example, you will have to do this with a sanded or putty ceiling. In this situation, you will also have to wait until each layer of primer dries, only then can work continue
  • When working with primer, be sure to use a respirator and gloves for protection. No one is immune from allergic reactions when working with any chemicals.

Which primer is better - choose the type

Today there are many types of primer; choosing the best one is not always easy. You should focus on the purpose of use, as well as on the surface that you are going to process soon. You can purchase universal primers - they can be used on any surface.

Some specialized soil is used only for specific purpose. For example, these are primers for floors, ceilings, and for rough finishing. You can also add an antifungal primer here. Now let’s take a closer look at what is the best way to prime the ceiling before painting.

Here everything is as follows:

  • Typically, mineral-based primers are used to treat ceilings before painting. They contain cement - an excellent binder. Such primers are used on brick, concrete, silicate surfaces - for rough finishing purposes;
  • Primers with an alkyd base - this product is universal, excellent for wood products. Moreover, this primer is also used for application to chipboard, fiberboard, glass and galvanized surfaces;
  • A special primer intended for wood will perfectly protect the surface from fungus and moisture, and paint consumption will be reduced thanks to its use;
  • Primers on acrylic base are famous for their excellent adhesive properties - this applies to any surface. This type of soil is universal. Concrete, brick, putty, plaster, drywall - this is not the entire list of materials on which it will ideally fit. acrylic primer. Because of this, these primers are in great demand today;
  • Soils for metal surfaces his appearance reminiscent of paint, such substances create all the conditions for maximum adhesion to metal. These are special purpose primers.

Be sure to watch the video on how to apply primer before painting the ceiling - this will save you from common mistakes.


There is no need to skimp on primer, nor should you refuse to do this type of work. In terms of finances, this still won’t justify itself; there will also be costs to correct various problems with the ceiling surface.

The secret is to choose a specialized primer for your ceiling or one that has a mineral base. Universal primers are often used for ceilings. It is important to study the instructions carefully and buy the product that will match the surface. They usually decide on the spot whether to prime ceiling plinth. It’s better to just remove it – if it comes off easily.

Ceiling priming is required for any replacement. ceiling covering, with the exception, perhaps, of installation hanging type. In other cases (before painting, whitewashing, wallpapering or other materials), a primer is required. It is quite possible to do this procedure yourself, because it does not require any special skills. Let's figure out how to do it correctly.

It would seem that if there is paint or wallpaper glue, why else apply a layer of primer to the surface? In fact, both paint and glue do not have the best adhesion to the surface of the ceiling, even if it is a well-cleaned surface, and for this case there is a primer. Its composition increases adhesion several times, which means the repair becomes more durable and of higher quality.

In addition, applied before painting it can significantly reduce the amount of coloring material. The thing is that the plaster or putty of the ceiling is quite porous and absorbs a lot of liquid. Yes, the adhesion to the paint will be good, but if the painting was preceded by a priming procedure, required amount paint will be significantly reduced.

When choosing a primer, you should pay attention to what the ceiling material is; in most cases it is concrete, but it can be plasterboard or coated with paint, which cannot be removed by conventional methods.

Also, the primer must be selected depending on what exactly the ceiling is planned to be covered with in the future. If it will be painted with water-based paint, then the preliminary layer must be appropriate, for water paints, which is a mixture of synthetic dispersions and latexes with special additives. Primers for enamel have a different composition: they contain specific fillers and resins.

On sale you can find universal types of such coatings that equally well prepare any base for various types finishing coating. They can also become the basis, for example, for decorative plaster.

First, you need to clean the ceiling of all materials as efficiently as possible. Usually the easiest way to remove wallpaper is to use a spray bottle and a putty knife. Most difficult case represents a paint coating, and here the preparation steps are slightly different. If previously used water-based paint, then you can apply the next layer of paint directly on it without trying to clean off the old layer, you just need to clean it in any way. The only exception is the difference in color, especially when the previous layer is slightly darker, in which case it is recommended to clean it accessible ways, including solvents.

If the old coating is from oil paint, you need to clean the surface as much as possible with sandpaper. The surface should be completely matte, because the primer and subsequent topcoat will not adhere so well to gloss.

Now you need to vacuum the ceiling to remove as much dust particles as possible. We can say that everything is ready for applying the primer layer.

Ceiling priming

How to apply primer so that it lays down evenly? It is best to use a roller and a paint bath, which is always useful around the house. The composition is poured into this bath, the roller is dipped, and then lightly rolled along the grooved area of ​​the bottom. It is necessary to remove excess volume from the roller, because droplets are very likely to appear when priming. Now you need to use a roller to walk along the surface of the ceiling.

If the ceilings in the house are too high, or the stepladder is too low, you can use a special extension handle and attach a roller to it. In this case, you won’t even have to get down from the stepladder every time the next primer is needed.

Every centimeter must be soaked, and the corners must be coated with a brush especially carefully, because they usually contain dust particles that significantly reduce adhesion. Don’t forget about the beams and all the protruding elements.

After covering the entire surface, you need to wait about two hours. During this time, the primer will dry, and now you can apply the second coat. Of course, many stop at the last layer, but applying two layers is more technologically correct, because the first layer often only slightly impregnates the ceiling surface, and only the second layer will penetrate more deeply, which will ensure the reliability of further coating.


The master will tell you about the procedure for priming the ceiling and give practical advice:

Any renovation in a room starts from the ceiling. One of the most important stages in preparing the ceiling for finishing is priming the ceiling.

The primer itself is a solution that consists of a coloring pigment and a film former. The number of layers applied is determined by the degree of unevenness of your ceiling. If the difference is less than 3 mm or the ceiling has a porous surface, a deep penetration primer is used.

After all, the main purpose of the primer is to enhance the surface’s ability to bind moisture. Even if done, due to the difference in the thickness of the plaster, moisture will be bound differently in different places. If you do not prime, this can lead to the fact that when painting, the ceiling will absorb moisture, and this in turn will lead to the paint drying out and deteriorating its ability to fully adhere (adhesion) and you will have to paint and paint to achieve what -some result. But it may be that the paint will not be able to stay on the ceiling at all and will begin to crumble (see)

Advice: it is advisable that Decoration Materials were from the same manufacturer. This way the materials will fit well together.

Primer Types

For different surfaces there are different types primers depending on their composition. Acrylic primers consist of acrylic polymers, they are used for various surfaces(concrete, glass fiber, wood, plaster, brick, cement, chipboard and fiberboard). Water-based primers are used for water-soluble emulsion paints and coatings.

Tip: It is important to know that only acrylic, alkyd and mineral-based primers are used in residential areas, and other types of primers are not intended for use inside a residential area.

Alkyd based primer considered particularly durable. It can be used for fiberglass, galvanized steel, glass or tiled surfaces. But it is not suitable for plasterboard and plastered surfaces.

Mineral based primer suitable for brick, concrete, plastered surfaces, as well as gas silicate and expanded clay concrete blocks. The primer is based on gypsum, cement, and lime. Before purchasing, you need to pay attention to the instructions.

To paint a ceiling made of wood, metal or other highly absorbent materials, you can use primer paints. They are made from drying oils or resins, synthetic or natural. Is there some more special compounds, they impart moisture resistance or anti-corrosion effect.

A deep penetration primer serves to strengthen the base, as well as deep penetration into the material from 3 to 20 mm, thereby fastening it from the inside. They have antiseptic additives to prevent troubles such as mold, mildew, and rotting.

Quartz primers contain sand. When using this primer on smooth surface This creates an ideal rough layer for applying the next decorative plaster.

Sometimes the primer can be used as a coating itself. Then it is applied in 2 layers. 1st layer diluted with water (1: 1), and 2nd layer undiluted.

Advice: primers intended for enamels with properties resistant to radiation and electrical insulation, as well as based on alkyd resin, are not entirely suitable for treating indoor ceilings, because have poor adhesion.

Types of primer

Ceiling primers can also be divided into several types:

  • primer for enamel;
  • primer for water-based paints;
  • universal primer;
  • special primer.

Some craftsmen make a primer by simply adding PVA glue to the putty or using diluted paint as a primer, which is then used to paint the ceiling. 4 parts paint to 1 part solvent, depending on the paint.

Primers for enamel consist of a suspension of pigments and fillers in varnishes or resins (glyphthalic, pentaphthalic). This primer also has special additives. And it is diluted with solvent, xylene, as well as solvent 646.

Primers intended for water-based paints consist of a mixture of synthetic dispersions and latex with additives. Such primers are diluted with what is specified in the instructions for use.

It is widely used for priming ceiling surfaces; after application, a dense coating is created; the primer is applied in several layers.

There are also universal primers that are used to prepare almost any ceiling surface for subsequent application of paint, putty, glue, etc. Using a universal primer, you can increase the strength and durability of the final finishing of the ceiling surface, and you can also save on the consumption of finishing materials.

To strengthen loose old surfaces, it is better to use emulsion primers, which are made from vinyl-acrylic copolymer modified with silicone. It is usually made for waterproofing. The primer is applied to the concrete or plastered surface of the ceiling. It will provide strong adhesion for subsequent layers of finishing.

Latex strengthening primers can be used to prime porous ceiling surfaces such as wood and plasterboard, as well as concrete and plaster. This special remedy applied to prepare a ceiling with a fragile top layer for finishing, but not for lime surfaces.

Strengthening primer is compatible with cement-sand mixtures, which allows the ceiling to be tiled in the future.

Tip: the primer can be used as an independent ceiling covering. In this case, it is applied in 2 layers. For the 1st layer, use a primer diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1, and for the 2nd layer, use the primer undiluted.

Surface priming

Priming can usually be carried out in 2 ways: manual or mechanical.

So, to prime the ceilings you will need:

  • Any primer (depending on the finish) or concentrate, which must be diluted in the specified proportion;
  • A tray for pouring the finished primer. Choose the size according to the size of the roller.
  • Roller and brush, or spray gun. If the ceilings are high, use a roller extension. It is better to apply the last coat of primer with a roller so that no marks remain after the brush.

Tip: When diluting, you cannot add more water than is written in the instructions, because this will affect the strength of the primer.

The first coat of primer should be applied perpendicular to the direction of the rays sunlight falling from the window. Then the primer is applied in a parallel direction.

In order to apply the primer correctly, you need to select it correctly for your ceiling surface. The surface before application must be free of dust, grease, and must be dry. There should be no rust on metal ones; they should be degreased. Wooden surfaces needs to be sanded clean.

Advice: you must wait until the first primed layer has completely dried, only then proceed to the next layer; the drying time for the primer is indicated in the instructions.

The 2nd layer of primer is applied to the ceiling after plastering, and after the 2nd priming, leveling putty is applied. Then, if necessary, you can prime the ceiling 3 times and then do final finishing or coloring.

Choosing the right primer can save you not only your money, but also your nerves. Good luck with your renovation work!