Cherry weevil. Cherry elephant, photo, description, why it is dangerous, control measures Cherry weevil biological control method

Rhubarb can not be found on everyone garden plot. It's a pity. This plant is a storehouse of vitamins and can be widely used in cooking. What is not prepared from rhubarb: soups and cabbage soup, salads, delicious jam, kvass, compotes and juices, candied fruits and marmalade, and even wine. But that's not all! The large green or red rosette of leaves of the plant, reminiscent of burdock, acts as a beautiful background for annuals. It is not surprising that rhubarb can also be seen in flower beds.

3 delicious sandwiches - cucumber sandwich, chicken sandwich, cabbage and meat sandwich - great idea for a quick snack or for a picnic in nature. Only fresh vegetables, juicy chicken and cream cheese and some seasonings. There are no onions in these sandwiches; if you wish, you can add onions marinated in balsamic vinegar to any of the sandwiches; this will not spoil the taste. Having quickly prepared snacks, all that remains is to pack a picnic basket and head to the nearest green lawn.

Depending on the varietal group, the age of seedlings suitable for planting in open ground, is: for early tomatoes- 45-50 days, average ripening time - 55-60 and late dates- at least 70 days. When planting tomato seedlings at a younger age, the period of its adaptation to new conditions is significantly extended. But success in obtaining a high-quality tomato harvest also depends on carefully following the basic rules for planting seedlings in open ground.

Unpretentious plants“background” sansevieria does not seem boring to those who value minimalism. They are better suited than other indoor decorative foliage stars for collections that require minimal care. Stable decorativeness and extreme hardiness in only one species of sansevieria are also combined with compactness and very rapid growth - rosette sansevieria Hana. The squat rosettes of their tough leaves create striking clusters and patterns.

One of the brightest months garden calendar I am pleasantly surprised by the balanced distribution of favorable and unfavorable days for working with plants according to the lunar calendar. Vegetable gardening in June can be done throughout the entire month, while the unfavorable periods are very short and still allow you to do it useful work. There will be optimal days for sowing and planting, for pruning, for a pond, and even for construction work.

Meat with mushrooms in a frying pan is an inexpensive hot dish that is suitable for a regular lunch and for holiday menu. Pork will cook quickly, veal and chicken too, so this is the preferred meat for the recipe. Mushrooms - fresh champignons, in my opinion, are the best choice for homemade stew. Forest gold - boletus mushrooms, boletus and other delicacies is best prepared for the winter. Boiled rice or mashed potatoes are ideal as a side dish.

I love ornamental shrubs, especially unpretentious and with interesting, non-trivial coloring of foliage. I have various Japanese spirea, Thunberg barberries, black elderberry... And there is one special shrub, which I will talk about in this article - viburnum leaf. To realize my dream of a garden that does not require great care, he probably fits perfectly. At the same time, it is capable of greatly diversifying the picture in the garden, from spring to autumn.

It is no coincidence that June remains one of the favorite months of gardeners. The first harvest, new crops in the vacant places, fast growth plants - all this cannot but rejoice. But the main enemies of gardeners and garden bed dwellers – pests and weeds – also use every opportunity this month to spread. Work on crops this month is waning, and planting seedlings is reaching its peak. The lunar calendar in June is balanced for vegetables.

Many dacha owners, when developing their territory, think about creating a lawn. The imagination, as a rule, draws magical pictures - a smooth carpet of green grass, a hammock, a sun lounger, a barbecue and beautiful trees and shrubs around the perimeter... But when faced with laying out a lawn in practice, many are surprised to learn that a beautiful smooth lawn not so easy to create. And, it would seem, everything was done correctly, but here and there strange bumps appear or weeds sprout.

The June schedule of gardening work can surprise anyone with its richness. In June, even lawns and ponds require attention. Alone ornamental plants have already finished flowering and need pruning, others are just getting ready for the upcoming show. And sacrifice decorative garden in order to take better care of the ripening harvest is not the best idea. IN lunar calendar There will be time in June to plant new perennials and potted arrangements.

Cold pork leg terrine - a meat appetizer from the category budget recipes, because pork legs are one of the cheapest parts of the carcass. Despite the modest ingredients, appearance dishes and their taste top level! Translated from French, this “game dish” is a cross between pate and casserole. Since in times of technical progress there have been fewer game hunters, terrine is often prepared from livestock meat, fish, vegetables, and cold terrines are also made.

In cute pots or fashionable florariums, on walls, tables and window sills - succulents can withstand weeks without watering. They do not change their character and do not accept conditions that are comfortable for most capricious people. indoor plants. And their diversity will allow everyone to find their favorite. Sometimes looking like stones, sometimes like fancy flowers, sometimes like extravagant sticks or lace, fashionable succulents have long been not limited only to cacti and fat plants.

Trifle with strawberries is a light dessert common in England, the USA and Scotland. I think this dish is prepared everywhere, just called differently. Trifle consists of 3-4 layers: fresh fruit or fruit jelly, biscuit cookies or sponge cake, whipped cream. Usually, custard is prepared as a layer, but for a light dessert they prefer to do without it; whipped cream is enough. This dessert is prepared in a deep transparent salad bowl so that the layers are visible.

Weeds are bad. They prevent you from growing cultivated plants. Some wild herbs and shrubs are poisonous or can cause allergies. At the same time, many weeds can bring great benefits. They are used and how medicinal herbs, and as an excellent mulch or component green fertilizer, and as a deterrent harmful insects and rodents. But in order to properly fight or use this or that plant for good, it needs to be identified.

Damages cherries, sweet cherries, and, less commonly, apricots, plums, and cherry plums. Distributed everywhere. Synonym: cherry pipe roller.
The beetle is 5-8 mm long, golden-green in color with a crimson tint, covered with thick protruding light hairs. The rostrum has a darkened apex. A thin continuous longitudinal line runs along the middle of the pronotum. The elytra have regular dotted rows.

Larvae and beetles overwinter in the top layer of soil. The first beetles emerge during the swelling of the buds; the mass emergence occurs later than in other fruit weevils and coincides with cherry blossoms.

At first, the beetles feed on buds, flowers and young leaves, later they move to the ovary, gnawing holes in the pulp. They mate in the first half of May; eggs begin to be laid a week after mating.

First, on the fruit, the female gnaws a round hole in the pericarp down to the pulp of the seed, makes a small hole in it and lays one egg in it, and closes the hole in the fruit with a plug made of cores and excrement. In this way she lays up to 150 eggs.

Egg development lasts 10-14 days. The hatched larva penetrates the bone, where it feeds on the nucleolus for 25-30 days. Having completed development by the time the cherry begins to ripen, the larva leaves the fruit and goes into the soil to pupate. Makes an earthen cradle at a depth of 5-12 cm. Some of the larvae pupate in the fall and turn into beetles. The other part turns into beetles in the fall of next year. The beetles do not emerge from the soil until spring.

Fruit weevils are almost the first to cause damage to the generative organs. Even before the buds open, they damage them, which often leads to them drying out and falling off. Later, flower beetles, with mass development, deprive fruit plants opportunities to form a full-fledged harvest.

Control measures:
In individual plots where there are not many fruit trees, the number of weevils can be reduced by mechanical methods:
. in the fall, clear the trunks and branches of old dead and flaking bark, whiten them with lime mortar, and collect the peelings and burn them;
. rake leaves and others plant remains, put them in compost heap(pit) or burn;
. dig up the soil under the tree crowns, where most of the weevils hid for the winter. In early spring, during the period of swelling of the buds, a significant part of the weevils can be destroyed by shaking them off the trees onto the litter and collecting them. If possible, shaking off should be done several times.

In production (industrial) gardens, where mechanical methods are not always possible, crop loss can be prevented by using chemical preparations.

You can destroy most of the feeding weevils and prevent the laying of eggs by treating them with insecticides at the beginning of the buds (along the “green cone”). Spraying immediately after flowering is effective against cherry weevil beetles.

In an individual garden, buds with brown caps in which apple blossom larvae develop should be torn off and destroyed. This will not save the current year's harvest, but will reduce the number of beetles for the next year. This work must be carried out when the buds turn brown, preventing the development of adult insects in them. The supply of goose and beetle larvae decreases with the regular collection and destruction of fallen leaves and fruits.

Spreading cherry weevil (elephant weevil) is quite extensive and coincides with the distribution of forage plants: various types of cherries, sweet cherries, plums, apricots, hawthorns and cherry plums. It covers central and southern Europe, Western and Eastern Mediterranean, Central Asia. When massively propagated, it can destroy most of the cherry harvest.

Cherry weevil beetle golden-raspberry color, with a green metallic tint, 7-9 mm long. The head in the front is elongated into a tube. The larva is legless, curved, dirty white in color, with a small brown head, up to 8 mm long.

Overwinter cherry weevil beetles in the upper layers of the soil. Early in the spring they leave their wintering grounds and first feed on buds and buds, sometimes leaves, then unripe cherry fruits. They gnaw out quite large holes on the ovary. 2-2.5 weeks after cherry blossoms, females begin oviposition, gnawing in the pulp of the fruit deep holes and placing the egg near the pit.

After about a week, a larva hatches from the egg, which penetrates the still unhard bone and eats away the core. The period of larval development lasts up to a month. Having finished feeding, they emerge from the fruit and go into the soil to a depth of 5-10 cm. Here the larvae make cradles and at the end of summer - beginning of autumn they turn into pupae. In the fall, beetles emerge from the pupae and remain in the soil until the spring of next year.

Cherry weevil elephant control measures

  1. Digging the soil in the garden early in spring or autumn destroys a significant part of the overwintering pest.
  2. How mechanical method In the fight, shaking off the beetles gives good results. It is carried out in the spring, early in the morning, while the beetles are inactive, since as the temperature rises, most of them fly away. To collect beetles, bedding made of synthetic film, tarpaulin or other material is laid under trees.

    To avoid damaging the tree bark, the ends of the poles are covered with burlap. The collected beetles are placed in a bucket with a solution. table salt or saltpeter, or add a little kerosene to the water. Shaking off begins at the beginning of bud break and is carried out 4-5 times with an interval of 5-6 days.

  3. Spraying trees after flowering with chlorophos (15-20 g of 80% emulsion concentrate per 10 liters of water), karbofos (75 g of 10% emulsion concentrate or wettable powder per 10 liters of water), trichlorometaphos-3 (50-100 g 10% - of emulsion concentrate per 10 liters of water). If necessary (large numbers of weevils), the treatment is repeated after 7-10 days.
  4. Instead of insecticides, you can use decoctions and infusions of tobacco, aconite, larkspur or yarrow. Spraying is carried out during bud break, before flowering and after flowering. It is also important to collect damaged carrion and remove it from the garden.

Cherry trees attract not only people who wish to eat ripe fruits, but also insects. What are cherry pests and how to control them? Photos and descriptions will help you better study plant enemies and find ways to destroy them.

Fruit trees in our gardens become the subject close attention insects that infect almost all parts of plantings. Leaves and ovaries, flower buds and already ripe fruits, small and large branches suffer from pests. When there is a massive infestation of aphids, caterpillars of various species, and leaf roller mites, they can cause serious damage to the garden, weaken it, or even destroy it.

Which uninvited guests are the most dangerous? How to treat cherries against pests, and when is the best time to carry out such work?

Cherry weevil

Small, golden-reddish beetles up to 5 mm long feed from early veins on cherry buds, young foliage and flowers. And such damage indicates a serious danger from pests, but weevils do not disdain filling fruits, eating away the indentations right down to the very pit. Here, cherry pests lay their eggs, and the hatching larvae continue to cause damage, destroying the core of the seed. Spoiled fruits fall off, and the larvae move from them to the ground, where they successfully pupate and wait for spring.

In early spring, when the snow has melted, but the buds have not yet awakened, cherry weevils can be manually shaken off onto improvised materials spread under the trees, collected and burned. This method is convenient if you grow in hell low-growing varieties, but is completely unsuitable when the pest threatens large trees 5–7 meters high.

Therefore, a more competent and long-term way is to install fishing belts. They will protect the plantings not only immediately, but also throughout most of the summer.

When attacked by weevils, chemical means of protection are used, as well as traditional methods. How to spray cherries against pests in this case? Modern insecticides, which are used to irrigate crowns, trunks and tree trunks, help against beetles. Treatment is carried out early, after flowering and in the fall, after leaf fall.

In addition, cherries can be treated with a daily infusion of fragrant or chamomile. On a bucket hot water you will need 100 grams of plant material and half a crushed bar laundry soap.

Slimy and other sawfly species

If larvae appear on the leaves, which simultaneously resemble slugs and caterpillars, then the cherry tree in the area is threatened by the slimy sawfly. The cherry pest shown in the photo and its control should be under the special control of the gardener.

Smooth greenish-black larvae do not exceed 4–6 mm in length and appear on young foliage. Finding itself on the upper part of the leaf blade, the sawfly eats away its juicy part without touching the veins and bottom part. As a result of this exposure, the damaged tissue dries quickly, and the leaves on the tree become covered with burn-like spots. Mass infection leads to premature leaf fall, weakening of plants and poor wintering. In the fall, the larvae enter the soil, and in the spring they fly out, becoming adults, ready to reproduce as insects.

Close relatives of the described pest are no less dangerous for cherries: yellow plum and pale-footed, cherry sawflies. They also damage leaves and ovaries, and closer to autumn they move to the ground and overwinter safely at shallow depths.

To combat the sawfly, insecticides are used if this does not harm the ripening crop. With minimal infestation, the larvae are picked by hand or washed off with a stream of water onto a film or cloth spread under the tree.

Instead of chemicals for treating cherries against pests experienced gardeners It is recommended to take a strong infusion of smoking tobacco.

Cherry aphid

Cherry or black aphids appear on the tops of young branches in the first month of summer. Insect pests of cherries, which multiply quickly, cover the juicy parts of the shoots in a dense ball in a matter of days. By feeding on plant juices, aphids cause deformation of the affected leaves and stems. As a result, the garden suffers and productivity decreases:

  1. Tree growth stops or stops.
  2. Plants weaken, and fungal infections easily develop in areas damaged by aphids.
  3. The chances of getting a harvest next year are reduced.

When the cherry pest shown in the photo appears, the fight against it should consist not only in processing chemicals, but also in compliance with agricultural technology.


  • reduce the population garden ants that spread aphids to cultivated plants;
  • carry out competent regular pruning of diseased and fattening shoots;
  • do not get carried away with introducing excessive amounts of foliage, which provoke the formation of young foliage;
  • clean the trunk from old bark and whitewash the trunks.

In addition to treating cherries against pests using insecticides, treating plantings with an ash-soap solution and infusion of mustard powder are also effective in combating aphids.

cherry fly

Seemingly harmless flies can cause no less harm. The cherry fly, for example, is a dangerous pest of cherries, due to which you can lose almost the entire harvest. The larvae laid by insects feed on the fruits and spoil them. When the cherry falls to the ground, the grown insect goes to the surface layer of soil for the winter.

Miner flies are no less dangerous. Cherry pests are detected by the passages in the leaves. Winding tunnels inside sheet plates they say that the eggs laid have turned into larvae, ready to emerge and become a new generation of adult insects by spring. In case of mass infection, the leaves suffer so much that the tree cannot properly prepare for winter, as a result it freezes, gets sick, and produces a smaller harvest.

Hawthorn butterfly, goldentail and other cherry pests

WITH early spring not only bees are circling over the cherry orchard, but also different kinds butterflies. Not all of them hunt for nectar. Cabbage-like hawthorn, lacewing, and cherry moth are prominent representatives of cherry pests.

Caterpillars of these species actively eat buds and foliage, so it is important to recognize the enemy as early as possible and begin to fight it. At the caterpillar stage, insects are collected by hand or sprayed with chemicals. The gardener decides how to treat cherries against pests. But when choosing an insecticide, it is important that the chemical provides long-term protection and does not harm the crop.

Since during the season many butterflies manage to produce two or three generations, the treatment is carried out not only in early spring, but the appearance of foliage, but also at the end of summer.

Cherry pest control and preventative measures

No matter how fast-acting and effective modern means insect control, treating cherries against pests will not give the desired result if there is no competent prevention.

Throughout the season, fallen leaves are regularly collected and destroyed. The same is done with mummified, unripe fruits.

Cherry pest control, as in the photo, should involve irrigating the plants with chemicals. But this is far from the main stage. The main work is carried out in the fall and includes:

  • diseased, dry and damaged branches;
  • sections, as well as cracks in the bark and damaged areas with gum formation are treated with garden varnish;
  • fallen leaves, branches and remaining fruits are carefully picked and burned;
  • the soil under the trees is loosened and carefully dug up;
  • with the onset of the first cold weather, the garden is sprayed with a 5% urea solution.

In the spring, the condition of the trees is checked again and comprehensive treatment against insects and diseases is carried out. fruit crops. Most often, systemic means that are effective against a whole range of hazards are used for this purpose. It is important to irrigate not only the trees themselves, but also the soil underneath them. Repeated spraying is necessary after flowering. Another treatment can be done in the summer.

Treating the garden against cherry flies - video

Gardeners know that the cherry tree is quite attractive to pests. fruit trees. Threatened negative impact pests both the trunk of the tree, and the buds, and leaves, and its fruits.

To protect cherries from pests and avoid negative consequences, trees need both preventive measures and direct protection when traces of a particular pest are detected on a cherry tree. In this publication we will talk about cherry orchard pests, prevention, as well as the rules and means of protecting cherries.

Preventive treatment of cherries against pests

The health of developing and fruiting cherries directly depends on proper and systematic care of them in a complex of all agrotechnical measures, among which in the foreground is preventive spraying of the tree, that is, protecting the cherries from pests. Conditionally this preventative treatment Cherry pest control can be divided into two main seasons: spring and autumn.

When do you need to treat cherries for pests?

In the spring, cherry trees are sprayed to preserve buds, flowers and fruit ovaries. To avoid burn damage to the leaves and bark of the cherry, such preventive spraying should be carried out in early spring before the buds open, that is, before the sap begins to flow.

A good result is obtained by spraying with an aqueous solution of urea at the rate of 700 grams of urea per 10 liters of water. Such spraying must be applied to both the crown of the tree and the soil around the trunk. In the future, you can spray once a month with suitable biological products, for example, “Akarin”, “Healthy Garden” and “Fitoverm”.

  • After leaf fall, it is advisable to carry out sanitary pruning of the cherry tree: remove deformed, diseased branches and unpromising shoots that excessively thicken the crown.
  • It is very important to treat any cracks in the bark that are emitting gum in the fall. They need to be cleaned and sealed in the same way as cut branches.
  • All resulting waste during such processing, along with fallen leaves, must be carefully collected and preferably burned in a suitable place.

After the first frost, all The Cherry Orchard or several cherry trees, it is advisable to treat with a 5% urea solution, which, due to its high concentration, is able to cope with existing pests and most fungal and viral infections. Spraying will be complete if both the crown and trunk circles of the soil are subjected to it.

How to treat cherries to protect against pests?

  • copper sulfate in an aqueous solution, at the rate of: 100 grams of its powder per 10 liters of water;
  • an aqueous solution in 10 liters of 3% Bordeaux mixture;
  • water solution iron sulfate, based on: 300 grams of the drug per 10 liters of water;
  • concentrated aqueous solution of urea, at the rate of: 700 grams of fertilizer per 10 liters of water. It is very important to achieve a very fine spray of this solution to avoid burns to the tree bark;

Experienced gardeners offer a long-standing home-grown method of treating the garden with diesel fuel diluted in water and mist spraying to prevent burns. All autumn is very important protective treatments control cherries from pests until the first frost.

The main pests of cherries

Fruit-bearing plants and trees are full of pests that cause damage to all their parts: from bark to fruit. The most dangerous of them include: cherry weevil, cherry slimy sawfly, leaf aphid, cherry fly, plum moth, hawthorn butterfly and goldentail.

Cherry elephant (Cherry weevil)

The cherry elephant beetle is a golden-crimson beetle belonging to the beetle family, the body of the cherry weevil is from 5 to 9 mm long. In the spring, young beetles begin their raid on the yet unopened buds of trees, then they devour flowers, fruit ovaries, and young cherry leaves. This beetle acts quickly and actively, and without timely treatment, the harvest is threatened with significant losses.

Female cherry weevils lay eggs in young cherry fruits, gnawing a hole in the pulp of the berry, placing their egg in the shell of the still soft pit, which in the future feeds on the contents of the cherry pit.

The fight against weevil will be successful in the following stages:

  • in the fall, remove all exfoliated old bark, followed by whitewashing with a thick solution of slaked lime;
  • waste from such processing, along with fallen leaves, must be destroyed by fire;
  • Dig up the near-trunk soil where most of the weevils overwinter without damaging the roots of the tree, but deep enough to destroy a significant number of them;
  • in the spring, during the period of swelling of the buds, it is important not to miss the moment by spreading a suitable cloth, mechanically carefully shaking off the weevils that have attacked it from the branches and destroying them;
  • immediately after flowering, the cherries should be treated at weekly intervals with appropriate insecticides: a concentrated aqueous solution of karbofos, at the rate of: 70 grams of the drug per 10 liters of water; and then with a mixture of trichlorometaphos-3: 70 grams of the drug per 10 liters of water;

Supporters of biological protection measures can resort to spraying with an infusion of field chamomile, which will require 150 chamomile flowers. The flowers must be filled with 15 liters of water and left for one day. Strain the finished infusion and add 60 grams of grated fine laundry soap for stickiness, stir until it is completely dissolved.

Fight with it dangerous pest It’s better to do it preventively and it’s advisable to start this work with autumn digging trunk circle tree, and in summer season continue this fight by periodically loosening it.

Such drugs as “Kemifos” or “Fufanon” have shown themselves to work well against the cherry mucous sawfly, which are used only if the crown of the tree is affected by more than one tenth of its part. To a lesser extent, such damage does not threaten the development and ripening of the ripe cherry crop.

For treatment, you will need to dissolve 10 milliliters of the above-mentioned drugs of your choice in 10 liters of water.

Leaf aphid

Cherry leaf aphids are small sucking insects that are green, but often black. Attacking young shoots and leaves with a whole colony, they manifest themselves only as already damaged shoots, which, losing juice and stopping growth, curl up and die, which causes significant damage to the harvest of cherry berries. In addition, trees damaged by aphids suffer from decreased immunity, become sickly, and do not tolerate winter well. For these reasons, cherries need to be observed carefully and periodically.

This observation begins with ants, whose active scurrying along the trunk of a cherry tree suggests that they graze their herds of aphids and transfer them to fresh places of succulent grazing, because they feed on their sticky, sweet excrement. In any case, the fight against aphids must begin with the fight against ants. by known methods: with sticky catching belts, homemade and sold in specialty stores, or, having stirred up underground anthills from above, pour boiling water over them to destroy both insects and their larvae.

You can fight leaf aphids with effective insecticides: “Inta-vir” and “Fitoverm”, accompanied by instructions for use, but this measure is associated with the waiting period for the ripeness of the berries, which can become an obstacle to their use. Some people practice spraying tobacco infusion with the addition of soap shavings; an aqueous solution of a piece of laundry soap in 10 liters warm water; three-day infusion of 0.5 kilograms of ash in 10 liters of water; three-day infusion of potato tops, tomatoes, dandelion leaves (optional) in the proportion: 1 bucket of water plus a bucket of one of the listed herbs. If you have good water pressure in the hose, then aphids can be knocked out with a stream of water.

It is very important that the introduction of appropriate cherries mineral fertilizers containing potassium and phosphorus will make its juice tasteless to aphids. Whereas a nitrogen-containing line of fertilizers, on the contrary, will provoke rapid reproduction this dangerous pest.

The white butterfly, which looks like the well-known cabbage butterfly, lays its eggs unnoticed in two or three periods.

Visually, its larvae are detected when the work of devouring the foliage and buds of the cherry is in full swing until the branches are completely exposed. Capable of overwintering in nests directly on trees. They can be seen and must be collected in order to be destroyed.

As a preventive measure against hawthorn, it makes sense to spray it with insecticides before buds open: Actellik or Ambush. Those who love biosecurity can use biological products. Treatment against hawthorn should be carried out both in the spring and again at the end of summer.

The light brown butterfly lays its eggs in unripe cherries, inside the fruit of which caterpillar worms develop, eating the fruit and filling it with their excrement, which makes them unfit for food.

Cherry branches should be periodically inspected so that if clutches of the plum moth are detected in a timely manner, they can be treated with benzophosphate or carbophosphate.

cherry fly

Outwardly similar to the ordinary ubiquitous annoying fly, somewhat smaller in size. Affects mid- and late-ripening cherries.

With its fertility and ability to lay eggs in unripe cherry fruits, it can damage about 30% of the entire harvest.

The first signs of its presence are found on individual berries as dents, and some become soft to the touch. Effective against cherry flies are spraying with insecticides: “Diazinon”, “Dimethoate” and “Spinosad”, the instructions for use of which indicate the waiting period for the harvest.

Goldentail (golden silkworm)

The second name of this butterfly is the golden silkworm. The caterpillars hatched in its nests cause the same damage to the crown of the cherry tree as the caterpillars of the hawthorn. As a result of such a feast of the goldentail, skeletonized leaves appear, entangled in cobwebs, firmly attached to the branch, where the caterpillar of this pest overwinters.

With the onset of warmth, they get out of these nests and begin to feed on swollen buds. If you find spider web nests of goldentails while inspecting a tree, tear them off and destroy them. An aqueous solution of karbofos 0.3% is effective against lacewings in the caterpillar stage according to the instructions.

It is necessary to regularly visually inspect the crowns of cherry trees in order to timely detect pests and recognize them.

It is very important to comply optimal timing treating the garden against pests and dealing specifically with those that are detected after the fact, and not “just in case.”

Strictly avoid chemical treatment cherry during its flowering to avoid the death of very important pollinators - bees and others beneficial insects, without which the yield will significantly decrease.