What awaits a cancer man in July. Cancer love horoscope. What will the protection of the Fire Rooster bring to Cancer?

It will be moderately stressful for them. Perhaps in the coming year you will have to experience a strong moral shock, which will require you to mobilize all available forces to confront these rebellious circumstances.

We want to assure you that you will bravely cope with the impending storm, in addition, you will acquire an invaluable amount of experience and knowledge that will allow you to cope with similar situations in the future without excessive emotionality. According to astrologers, you are most likely to encounter “pitfalls” at work or in the field of professional training.

Horoscope for 2017 for Cancer says that this period will be a significant period when they will be able to show only their best side. Over the course of several months, you will be able to accomplish something important for yourself and those around you. This is especially true for those things that you have been putting off for so long: quit smoking, start eating right, or talk to a person with whom you have had unresolved issues for a long time.

In addition, in 2017 you will have the chance to meet relatives who live far from you. The most stressful moments will occur in the first half of the year, but since you will enter the era of the Rooster full of strength, you will be able to overcome all these obstacles without difficulty. Those Cancers who will feel some kind of relaxation at the beginning of the year should not try to cheer themselves up.

Such artificial attempts will only lead you to complete exhaustion, and the time spent on raising your spirits will be wasted. But you will need strength in those moments when you need to recover after a difficult and productive period.

During the period under review, Cancers should not show excessive loyalty to those around them, otherwise they will begin to take advantage of your kindness and peacefulness for their own purposes. Try to learn to say no, even to those closest to you. Without a doubt, you need to be kind and understanding, but don't let others get on your neck. You've always been nice to everyone, it's time to be a little selfish this time.

In 2017, you should also rest and relax more: go out of town, to the sea or to the ocean. If you don’t have such an opportunity, try to relax at home - accept hot bath, read your favorite book, watch a movie.


The professional sphere promises to exude calm and stability. The main thing is to join the work process in time, pick up the right pace and not be distracted by various little things. As soon as your superiors notice your zeal, they will definitely appreciate these efforts, perhaps even financially. The stars assure you that you won’t need to exert much effort at work, everything will go on a smooth, well-trodden road. But in the middle of the year, according to , old unresolved matters may appear on the horizon and require your attention.

It is also likely that Cancers at work at the end of autumn will reap the fruits of past mistakes that they have completely forgotten about. However, you will easily get out of the situation and end all long-standing problems - this is a period of stability, which means that Cancers will survive the well-forgotten old things without shocks. Particular attention should be paid to relationships with colleagues.

There is a good chance that you will learn something interesting from your colleagues, even from those whom you previously considered not professionals. Listen to the opinions of people trying to help you, because they really do it from the bottom of their hearts. In general, 2017 is an ideal period to “build bridges” with work colleagues and firmly strengthen existing ties.

You will be surprised, but among the people with whom you spend most of your time there will be true friends, although before you would not even think about friendship at work. If you have been thinking about advanced training courses for a long time, then you need to do this in the approaching Year of the Rooster.

All the knowledge gained in these courses will be stored in your memory for a very long time, and you will not feel any discomfort. Cancers will perform all operations clearly and “automatically”.


Throughout 2017, Cancers will be trying to cope with their debt obligations. It is likely that you have long borrowed money from someone you know, and the Year of the Rooster will be an excellent opportunity to pay the bills. If you have several unpaid loans or installments, then you need to clearly plan your income to include the payment of all these debts without making any delays.

In the case where they owe you, it is better to remind the borrower that the debt is repayable. I would like to note that Cancers will receive an affirmative answer to such a request and will sooner receive their money. In general, the financial situation of representatives of this sign promises to stabilize in the second half of the year. Try to settle all your problems before the end of the year. money matters and unfinished financial matters so that New Year join without debt.

As for the preparation of financial documents, some difficulties may arise. As expected, various bureaucratic obstacles and formalities will appear on your way from time to time. Towards the end of the year, Cancers can still count on an increase in their cash reserves: you may receive a bonus or increase your salary.

Love horoscope for Cancers for 2017

This horoscope evokes somewhat contradictory feelings. At first, Cancers' relationships will develop quite rapidly, especially in the first half of the year. Sometimes love hurricanes will start to “tear off” the roof of the representatives of the Cancer sign. At the same time, some people born under this star will begin to show excessive jealousy towards their significant other, and completely groundless jealousy.

If you want to avoid loud scandals and breakups, we advise you to postpone such a manifestation of love and behave a little more restrained and more reasonable. Try to listen to your soulmate, and Ottelo’s style has never made anyone happy. It is possible that jealousy will be shown in your direction.

Again, in order not to run into trouble, try to have a calm and reasonable conversation with your loved one, explain the reasons for all your actions. Despite all this, 2017 will still be full of pleasant moments and unexpected surprises from your partner. Most Cancers will encounter tender and romantic confessions, pleasant dates and other positive events, characteristic of this sphere. Try to enjoy every minute and remember these rosy days well.

Already starting from the second half of the year, Cancers will be able to feel dramatic changes in your personal life. Real long-awaited harmony will begin in the relationship; all the quarrels and misunderstandings that happened earlier will be settled at one fine moment. This will allow Cancers to finally understand themselves and their feelings. Even everyday problems will cease to worry you, and you will not react to them so sharply.

Married couples who have long been planning to make some major purchase for their home (furniture, household appliances, plumbers) should definitely make such valuable purchases. Renovating an apartment or changing the design will be very successful. Don’t worry about doing something wrong, because the likelihood of making a mistake in this matter is extremely low.

However, if you are planning to buy and sell real estate, then it is better not to do it in 2017. The stars recommend that Cancers pay special attention to the safety of their apartment or house.

Carefully examines the suitability of wiring, sewer pipes, and the serviceability of electrical and gas appliances. If you notice a problem, try to fix it as soon as possible or purchase new equipment. Great option will insure all your property against accidents.

In 2017, Cancers should show maximum attention to their loved ones and relatives. Be prepared for the fact that they can turn to you for help at any time, and you must give useful advice. It is possible that you will “throw in” all your strength and sacrifice to help your loved ones personal time, however, this sacrifice will not cause you discomfort; on the contrary, inexhaustible optimism will only cheer up your relative or friend.

Throughout 2017, Cancers who have children will begin to actively participate in their lives and upbringing. They will give their children their all free time, in particular, help with homework. Probably, at the beginning of the year you will have a desire to send your child to some kind of developmental courses or section to reveal his talents. Be sure to listen to what your child wants, and only then make the final decision - this year you will be able to easily get along with each other.


The first half of 2017 will be a great time to do some useful procedures and activities that you have dreamed of for so long. This could be yoga, Pilates, bodyflex and other healing courses that will certainly benefit your body. Even during the period under review, it is advisable to begin to engage in sanatorium-resort treatment, because it is during this period that it will have the maximum effect.

But even if you cannot afford this kind of trip in the near future, try to visit specialized health centers at least on weekends - the effect will be almost the same.

Cancers will have to devote the entire second half of the year to cleansing their body of waste and toxins. This can be done with a not very strict diet. Another important point in 2017 for Cancers regarding health is strengthening the immune system.

For these purposes, start going to the gym, take a contrast shower, and eat right. In 2017, try to pay attention not only to your health, but also to the well-being of those close to you.

Video horoscope

In 2017, all Cancers have to do is chase others! Those around you and your loved ones are constantly urging you on, pulling you along with them, promising that, in movement - life, and only by living at this pace will you be able to break out of the vicious circle and situations that have sucked you in like a swamp.

Before this, you were in no hurry at all and lived at your own pace, while at the same time managing everything in your world, detached from reality. And now the moment has come when everything that was pushed into the background and put aside “for later” is ready to come all at once, knocking you out of the rut of your usual life.

Horoscope for 2017 for Cancers: general information

Of course, not everything is so dramatic, but still, for those born under the sign of Cancer, changing times come, and their life can be compared to the transition from ordinary gray everyday life to new world, full of untried ideas and unrealized possibilities, and this carries a strong emotional charge, but, unfortunately, capable of shaking the psyche relaxed by many years of serenity.

In any case, the coming year of the Rooster for this sign promises to be unlike all others, a moving and heterogeneous year, in general, completely different from what this zodiac sign is accustomed to.

Despite the fact that representatives of this sign really do not like change, and if it were their will, they would stop time altogether, the coming 2017 is not as bad for you as it seems at first glance. The changes that he brings with him are needed to slightly shake up your inert and monotonous routine, and take you with you into the whirlpool of new, unexpected events that you have been waiting for so long, but were afraid of. After all real life cannot be monotonous. And although Cancers, deep down in their souls, are sure that they need these changes and moving forward is inevitable, still in 2017 they will have some time to finish all unfinished business, solve long-standing problems, and even, perhaps, find answers to unauthorized questions - year The Rooster is more successful for this than any other. And even if you succumb to the power of the coming year, you, Cancers, should not radically change your nature and should not forget that you need to rush slowly. Only by remaining yourself can you make a successful start and continue your life well in the New Year!

At the beginning of 2017, many representatives of the sign have something that will slow down their development. This is one of key points. After all, the Year of the Rooster does not encourage retreat. Cancers will have to decide this issue themselves and in great haste, which will further aggravate the turmoil of the coming year. And it is very important that you make a specific decision yourself, so that no one has to make it for you.

So, why will it be very difficult for representatives of the sign of Cancer, which seems to belong to the water element, to adapt to the impending changes in the Year of the Rooster? All just water the signs will be at a disadvantage due to the fact that the element of the coming year is fire.

However, if you put in enough effort, there is always a chance of success and you can always remain a winner, even if it seems that there is no chance of success. And even if something doesn’t go as planned, this also has a plus - you will become stronger and next time everything will definitely work out.

In 2017, Cancers, despite all their timidity and frequent doubts inherent in them, will try to take a more active position. And although the Rooster is not on your side, the Moon, which is considered the patroness of this sign, will be very strong at some points in the year. Two consequences follow from this:

  • all year there is a clear emphasis on building personal relationships;
  • Cancers will have to adapt to circumstances, but in no case bend under them. This is adaptation, that is, the ability to adapt to changing conditions. And you will easily understand what needs to be done and what choice to make. The most important thing is to remain yourself in any situation.

In order to be less subject to hesitation when making an unexpected decision, the stars suggest that Cancers devote themselves to a new hobby or some kind of training. For example, if you are involved in sales, it is advisable to attend various industry exhibitions and events of this kind more often. There you may unexpectedly come across an interesting offer for your dream job.

In the second half of the year the situation will soften a little, but there is no need to relax. During this period, you should not start any significant business. Both at work and in the family, situations may arise that require manifestation leadership qualities. It would be a good idea to seek advice from more experienced friends or colleagues. In 2017, you shouldn’t forget about your family members. The stars advise you to establish contact with those relatives. With whom she was long lost. In the second half of the year it is more attention devote to the upbringing and education of children. From this you will not only get a lot of positive emotions, but also unite the whole family in some activity, which will make family relationships much stronger and more soulful, which is very important for your emotional state.

Horoscope for 2017 Cancer woman: love horoscope

Cancer is a zodiac sign for which it is very important to always feel the love of a loved one. Only under this condition are they able to achieve all their goals and not be afraid to be themselves. The coming year is very favorable for starting a family. If Cancer is already in a relationship, but no progress is planned in this regard, then you should take the initiative yourself. For those who are still single, I advise the stars to take a closer look at those around them; perhaps someone among them has been looking for your attention for a long time. Despite the failures that befell you on the love front in the past, you should not dwell on moments long ago. days gone by, and the future promises much more positive emotions and will bring a long-awaited meeting with your loved one.

The birth of children is always happiness, but during this period this event is most favorable. Even those who had disagreements in their relationships will, with the advent of babies, develop mutual understanding towards each other and strengthen their relationships. Regardless of whether Cancers are in a relationship or not, everyone should speak less during this period negative emotions in the presence of his mate. The fire rooster is an insidious creature and can provoke conflicts. Many people may experience feelings of jealousy. Maintaining a relationship will require considerable endurance. Love horoscope indicates that you need to find common interests with your partner or commit joint purchase. This will strengthen the relationship.

Horoscope for 2017 for the Cancer woman: financial horoscope for the year of the Rooster

You should not hope for untold riches in 2017. Projects and current affairs that have been awaiting implementation for a long time will require considerable investments, so most likely there will be debts that you will need to try to pay off on time. Particularly spicy financial issue will stand in the first half of the year. Some representatives of the zodiac sign may be very constrained in their expenses. But after a while everything will return to normal, you just have to wait a little.

Second half of the year financially will be more successful. This will happen in connection with making a profit from new projects started, promotion or receiving bonuses. But you shouldn’t immediately spend it in joy, but rather use it more wisely and, guided by wise advice, it is profitable to invest money. But you should be prepared that there is a high risk of making a mistake at work. Even those that were considered long forgotten may emerge. Because of this, there may be some questions with your career at the beginning of the year. You need to try to prove yourself to your colleagues and superiors from the best side. With some employees you need to try to be as polite as possible, avoiding possible disagreements. The new knowledge acquired will greatly speed up and improve the execution of business processes. With the onset of the second half of the year, many Cancers will want to go into a completely different field of activity. And this is very true, because there they will be able to achieve good results.

Cancer health in 2017

At the beginning of the year, Cancers are expected to experience an energetic and emotional upsurge. They will feel like they are capable of anything.

No cold, not even a significant one, will make itself known. But this is just an illusion, so you shouldn’t get excited and Cancers should distribute their strength wisely. Otherwise, you can very quickly waste yourself and achieve a state chronic fatigue. To prevent this condition, team sports are recommended for Cancers: hockey, football, volleyball, etc.

Even those who have never done anything like this will suddenly want to go to the gym. But if you should not be afraid of failures on the part of the main systems of the body, then you should take care of your nerves.

With the onset of spring days, it would be a good idea to arrange a course of relaxation for yourself, and take a course of vitamins after the winter frosts. Psychological relief is also required; it’s a good idea to attend several seminars on this. In the fall, the horoscope advises Cancers to undergo a course of cleansing procedures, for example, taking care of their own body and trying out new weight loss techniques; the procedures will be easy and effective. This will give you strength and self-confidence to complete your plans. This is also the perfect time to get rid of bad habits. If Cancer’s health is normal, then such problems may affect their loved ones, who may need your help. This is especially true for diseases musculoskeletal apparatus.

Cancer woman and events in her life in the year of the Rooster

Beautiful ladies whose birthday falls during this period are in great need of warmth and reliable support. But it is very difficult for them to find exactly the person they can trust. Lack of self-confidence, excessive suspicion of everything and doubts prevent them from completely surrendering to warm feelings. But the 2017 horoscope for this sign favors new relationships, which you have been waiting for so long and dreamed of meeting the one and only.

Most likely, this happened in early summer or late spring. And if you have already found your soul mate, then during this period you can hear from her a marriage proposal. If there is none, you should start talking about it yourself. Those Cancers who are already in happy marriage and have children, it is worth devoting a lot of time to your household. At the very beginning of the year, you will notice an extraordinary charm that has appeared, which can be used not only to strengthen personal relationships. This will also help you move up the career ladder or promise to get lucrative contracts for yourself. But you shouldn't put work above family relationships.

If your field of activity involves operations with documents, you must be very careful. If there is a question about signing important contracts, it is better to get expert advice. If at the beginning of the year there is any long trip outside your hometown, you should be careful with numerous temptations - be it a fleeting romance or unforeseen expenses, but the stars advise not to give in to temptation and to be stronger, so that you don’t have to regret what you’ve done. You should also be very careful with office romances - they do not promise anything good for Cancer women.

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  • horoscope for 2017 cancer woman
  • Cancer horoscope for 2017 woman
  • Cancer horoscope for 2017 woman

In February 2017, the Fiery owner of the year will whisper to Cancers that it’s enough to sway and it’s time to turn on the speed - all the good positions are about to be taken away. Approach the boss and say: the Red Cockerel has taken your place as head of the department. In your personal life, Cancers will also need to hurry - your significant other may pass by without noticing you, so run to the store for some new clothes, and even stop by the hairdresser, let changing your image be the first step on the path to love and happiness. 

The beginning of spring 2017 will give Cancers the opportunity to show their talents in business - chests of money will be brought to you every day, if only you stop doubting your talents. Cancers will charm business partners with their imagination - creative ideas will visit you constantly. Try to write down all the thoughts that arise as you work - these notes will come in handy very soon, maybe they will quote you like Confucius and publish a collection with your wise sayings. 

In May, Cancers could use some rest, and the patron of the year will help with last-minute travel packages - you will save a lot of money and have a great rest. Place your children in the care of their grandmothers and go on an unforgettable vacation with your beloved one.

In August 2017, the horoscope for 2017 advises Cancers to seriously think about their health: your personal Aibolit is just waiting for a call. Don’t look for excuses for your laziness, the Red Fire Rooster does not accept any excuses in its year - so hurry up and get examined. 

September 2017 will be the busiest month for Cancers: acquaintances, meetings, dates - your day should have 50 hours, only then you will have time to do everything. Love experiences can distract impressionable Cancers from work - don’t be surprised if one day at the next table in a cafe you see your sad and gray-haired boss sitting with a sign: Come back, I’ll forgive everything!

In October and November, the Rooster has prepared a lot of business trips for Cancer, so buy a new suitcase and prepare your other half for frequent separations. The chosen one, perhaps, will miss you, but you will not have such an opportunity - caring leadership will literally overwhelm Cancer with negotiations and difficult tasks. 

Your superiors will definitely like your autumn activity - in December 2017, Cancers can buy themselves a comfortable and solid chair, and a suit and tie won’t hurt. To prevent your household from becoming too indignant about your endless delays at work, come up with an activity for your relatives. 

Let your loved ones take care of the repairs - although there is never too much money, in December 2017 this saying is not about you, believe me, the Fire Cockerel will try and will not offend you. Relatives will happily supervise a team of painters and plumbers, but don’t be surprised if you come home one day and simply don’t recognize your apartment, deciding that you accidentally ended up visiting some fabulous and rich padishah.

 Love horoscope for Cancer for 2017 
 There will be many love and romantic encounters in the year of the Rooster - so Cancers should be prepared for sleepless nights and frequent gatherings in restaurants. 
 Cancers 1st decade (22.06-1.07). In the year of the Fire Rooster, you will be drawn to adventure - if there is no stamp in your passport, then the stars will help you in

love affairs Your flighty nature will be to the liking of the symbol of the new 2017 - he will help you understand numerous novels. Try not to make promises to your suitors, otherwise one morning you may see fans fighting under your balcony - take pity on the lovers and be careful. If your soul mate has already taken a place in your heart, then the year of the Rooster is suitable for romantic courtship; it’s also a good idea to legitimize the relationship.

You will become masters of the situation - Cupid himself will come to you for advice. Try to be more careful about the feelings of your chosen one and watch your behavior - a careless word or action can greatly upset your loved one. It's good to take romantic trips for two more often - no matter how long you've been together with your partner, you'll still have a lot of fun on your trips. 

Business horoscope for Cancer for 2017 

Routine and mediocrity are not for you in the year of the Fire Rooster. Cancers will play an important and main role and will succeed in any business they choose. 

 Love horoscope for Cancer for 2017 
 All competitors will run away in panic in the year of the Rooster - after all, your abilities will frighten the most excellent specialists. While sitting on a horse, do not forget about those who helped you - they will be useful to you more than once. It is also advisable to be more affectionate with your superiors - of course, you are irreplaceable, but no one has yet abolished subordination. 

Cancer 2nd decade (2.07-11.07). In the year of the Red Rooster, you will differ from all people in the abundance of ideas and improvisations - this will greatly help on the path to the coveted position. Financial transactions in 2017 promise to be successful - just try to take fewer risks and do not listen to the advice of “literate” friends. Act intuitively, and believe me - your inner voice will become the best guide in the most confusing situation.

 Cancer 3rd decade (07/12-07/23). Excellent relationships with business partners await you, who will put in a good word for you more than once - expect a career takeoff. The Rooster will help you stay at the top of power. Success can turn your head and it will be difficult to maintain friendly relations with everyone you know - Cancers will have a lot of money, so try to share and rejoice in victories together with those who supported you.

 Family horoscope for Cancer for 2017

When communicating with your family in the year of the Rooster, it is advisable to be more accommodating and try to find a compromise more often. 

 Love horoscope for Cancer for 2017 
 In 2017, it is advisable to find time to communicate with all family members more often. Look for opportunities to go on picnics and organize small holidays for your beloved household members. Close people, in turn, will envelop Cancers with love and care - sometimes it will seem to you that you Small child, who is surrounded by many nannies. 

Cancer 2nd decade (2.07-11.07). Family relationships will delight Cancers with comfort and warmth. You will be happy to rush home from work - because borscht with donuts or pies with original filling are always waiting for you. Yours financial well-being will play an important role - after all, it is much more pleasant to experiment in the kitchen when there are no restrictions on funds. The main thing is that your imagination does not go off scale - otherwise one day you will get cakes for dinner, generously sprinkled with mustard. 

Cancer 3rd decade (07/12-07/23). In the year of the Rooster, you will get a second wind - you will want to make the atmosphere in your family ideal. You can succeed in this activity, but act calmly and do not frighten your family with excessive care. If, for example, your grandmother likes to watch TV shows about vampires, this is not at all a reason to worry about her nervous system - do not be afraid, your grandmother will not bite you one night. 

Health horoscope for Cancer for 2017 

In the year of the Fire Rooster, it is advisable for Cancers to add sports activities to their lives - stop being lazy and shying away from jogging and yoga. 

 Love horoscope for Cancer for 2017 
 In 2017, Cancers may be bothered by their joints - this is not a reason for strong worries, the main thing is not to self-medicate. The Rooster advises going to a sanatorium to get proper treatment and relax at the same time. Both the bosses and household members will personally come to the station to make sure that you do not run away.

 Cancer 2nd decade (2.07-11.07). Overwork and constant employment will make themselves felt - don’t let fatigue knock you off your feet and think about have a good rest. It is important for Cancers to change the situation, because the Red Cockerel has long informed relatives in the village about your arrival - they have milked you and prepared a place in the warm hayloft. You can just go to an exotic resort - swimming in the sea is also nice. 

Cancer 3rd decade (07/12-07/23). Try to avoid excesses in the year of the Rooster. If drinks, then not cognac and wine, but fresh juice; if food, then cottage cheese with sour cream will suit you instead of fried potatoes. Playing sports is welcome, but it is advisable for Cancers to remember moderation - it is not at all necessary to run around the stadium for days and wait for members of your household to come looking for you with flashlights.

 Children's horoscope for Cancers for 2017

Cancer children in the year of the Rooster will be extremely peaceful and friendly. Although sometimes kids will scare you too much serious attitude to life - try to entertain your children more often. 

Children of Cancer 1st decade (22.06-1.07). The abilities of little Cancers will be at their best - your geniuses will be able to express themselves in both drawing and writing. Save their creations; if possible, let the kids take part in competitions - the chances of winning will be great. Try to make sure that your children have their own corner in the apartment - equip the room and create a fairy tale for the little ones.

 Child Cancer 2 decades (2.07-11.07). In the Year of the Rooster, kids will surprise you with their desire for independence. Today your little fidget will want to explore the neighboring yard, and tomorrow he will start going to the North Pole. Encourage the children's desires - go on a hike with them, most importantly, behave seriously and do not laugh at little Cancers. Suddenly a new Christopher Columbus or Fyodor Konyukhov is growing up in your family. 

Cancer babies 3rd decade (12.07-23.07). Your little Cancers in the year of the Rooster will cope well with any task, if only they show interest. Try not to force kids to do boring things; they themselves will figure out what they want. The curiosity of the children will be excessive - so it is better to immediately answer their questions and explain to the kids how the refrigerator works and what is inside the computer.

 Horoscope for Cancer 2017 by year of birth

 Horoscope for 2017 Cancer Rat

In the year of the Rooster, you will earn good money, but the stars advise you to learn how to spend - avoid unnecessary purchases, you will be surprised if you calculate how much you can save in a year. Despite their love of adventure, Cancer-Rats will want to have a place where it is quiet and peaceful - this is exactly the kind of place your home will become. Relatives in 2017 will be lenient towards your whims and will fulfill your every desire. 

Horoscope for 2017 Cancer Ox 

In the year of the Rooster, with your talents you will defeat anyone you meet on the way - be it a famous producer or the director of a television channel. Any person who looks to the future will never let go of Cancer - so you can still be capricious and choose in which area it is better to show your abilities. The Cockerel advises you to try yourself in creativity - stop saving brilliant ideas, it's time to put them into practice. 

Horoscope for 2017 Cancer Tiger

In the new year 2017, you are able to achieve a lot, but try to be less stubborn - business partners will appreciate flexibility more than perseverance. Taking risks in 2017 is welcome; besides, your friends have studied all your habits and, if anything happens, they will lead you away from a too dangerous path. Tigers will need to be careful when communicating with fans - you won’t even notice how a marriage mark appears in your passport. 

Horoscope for 2017 Cancer Cat (Rabbit)

The Cockerel has prepared a lot of interesting and pleasant things for you - respect and success in society, gifts and winnings. However, be careful when communicating with strangers and don’t trust everyone - after all, not everyone likes cats, some may even step on the cat’s tail. Trust, as they say, but verify - and everything will be in chocolate. 

Horoscope for 2017 Cancer Dragon

Excessive activity in the year of the Rooster will allow you to move mountains and cross the sea. Try not to boast of your merits in front of your friends - your friends may not understand your boastful behavior and will be seriously offended. When communicating with the opposite sex, everything will turn out quite successfully - the Fire Cockerel has conjured up many meetings and dates for you, so become a regular client in the beauty salon to always be fully prepared. 

Horoscope for 2017 Cancer Snake 

Your refined manners are on point as always - use your charm and charm everyone who comes your way. Business partners will sympathize with you, but while smiling, do not forget about business. Defeat your companions completely, let them not doubt for a second that only Cancers can cooperate, and everyone else will wait. The financial situation will be rosy, many Snake Cancers will think about opening their own business - go for it, the Cockerel is always there.

 Horoscope for 2017 Cancer Horse

In 2017, you can safely ride to the pinnacle of glory - the Red Cockerel will remove all obstacles. Even competitors, just hearing about you, will give way, to say nothing of those who sympathize with you - everyone will be only too happy to sign a contract with the Horses. In the year of the Rooster, love may visit you - try not to get caught up in romance, and don’t forget about business, because your other half also wants to eat and dress beautifully.

 Horoscope for 2017 Cancer Goat (Sheep) 

All Cancer Goats in the year of the Rooster can calmly walk in the meadow and eat delicious grass - the owner of 2017 will like you and he will do everything possible to make you feel good. Some Cancers will want to show off their talents - nothing is impossible, especially for you. Fortune will be with you everywhere - both in creativity and in commerce, just enlist the support of a couple of influential friends, just in case. 

Horoscope for 2017 Cancer Monkey

Many people will be looking for your company - don't push them away, and make as many acquaintances as possible. Connections will help in the year of the Rooster - support will come with unexpected side. It’s good to remember the past and shake up the old days. Long-time friends, and classmates too, have long been waiting for Cancer-Monkeys in the city of your childhood - why don’t you arrange a luxurious vacation and repeat the prom? 

Horoscope for 2017 Cancer Rooster

In your year, you will succeed in matters of diplomacy - your negotiating skills will be liked by your partners, and you will receive a lot advantageous offers. The owner of 2017 will be a mountain for his fellow tribesmen, so the support of the Fire Rooster is guaranteed to you. Cancers can try their hand at entrepreneurship - cash flows there will be a lot, so try to find safe place, where you will not only save capital, but also increase it.

 Horoscope for 2017 Cancer Dog 

This year is yours, you can be sure. For Cancer dogs, the Rooster has prepared pleasant and amazing meetings that will change your life, and only in better side. Stay calm, if one day it seems to you that there are too many white stripes in life - just be happy and receive surprises. There will be no problems with money at all, or rather, Cancer-Dogs will have one sadness - where to put the unexpectedly fallen capital?

 Horoscope for 2017 Cancer Pig (Boar) 

Your will to win in the year of the Red Fire Rooster will be noticed necessary people and will help you with advice and financial investments. To quickly join the Rockefeller society, change your image and think about beautiful packaging. The talents and professionalism of Cancers are always at their best, but they are met in our world based on their clothes. Tips from your household will pleasantly surprise you - there will be stylists and hairdressers in your family, and your aunt will find out that she is the best fashion designer in the city.

Horoscope for each month of 2017 for Cancers

The Year of the Rooster will be a year of accomplishments for Cancer. But provided that he comes out of his shell and becomes active. Now is the time to do what you have long put off: take care of yourself, visit other countries, decorate your home. But at the same time, the horoscope for Cancer is not very favorable in the financial sphere; you will have to save and rationally distribute your income.

Horoscope for Cancers for 2017

All year, Cancers will experience pressure from the outside: both your bosses and your family will make high demands on you. This kind of test of strength will begin literally from the first days of the year, so try to have a good rest during the holidays and accumulate a reserve of moral strength.

You will have to save not only energy, but also money. The beginning of the year will be quite active and your profits will increase, but spring will be very expensive and no additional sources of income are expected, so it is advisable to have some amount for unexpected expenses.

The year will be successful for daredevil Cancers who will decide to take extreme actions for themselves: start a new business, move to another city, take up a new sport, or prove themselves at work. You will not only surprise others, but you yourself will feel confidence, which will bring you satisfaction from life.

The horoscope for 2017 for the zodiac sign Cancer promises many different events in your personal life: new acquaintances, flirting, whirlwind romances, jealousy and peace in the house await you, if you take care of this in advance.

Horoscope Cancer: for men

You will have to deal with many issues at once, so make it a rule: “One problem at a time.” Don't try to grab everything at once; in the end you won't succeed anywhere. But a measured and systematic resolution of difficulties will help you spend your energy economically and survive in the most difficult periods. The horoscope for men predicts several bright events that can change your life.

The main difficulties are expected in business sphere, luck is not too favorable to you this year. It will be easier for married Cancers, since their rear will be reliably covered. In general, this is the year of family Cancer, because it promises them happiness, warmth and comfort. Provided that they do not cheat on their significant other.

Around the middle of the year they will try to take advantage of you for personal gain. Put your soft side aside and learn to say “no” in cases where you don’t really want what is asked of you. Show courage and character.

Horoscope Cancer: for women

This year will be very exciting for Cancer women. The main reason will be their excessive flirtatiousness. Intoxicated by the attention of the opposite sex, they can indulge in all sorts of serious things. And this will not have negative consequences if the lady is single, but married people will have to restrain themselves, otherwise scenes of jealousy and scandals are guaranteed for them.

Women better devote themselves to planning family vacation. It is advisable that the place where you go is located near a body of water: the native element will calm you down and allow you to sort your thoughts.

In work, the horoscope for women does not promise any serious progress, so you should not expect quick career growth. Your efforts will not be in vain, now you can lay the foundation for a good future, so put in enough effort to implement your work tasks.

Financial horoscope for Cancer for 2017

From a financial point of view, the year will not be the most successful. Restraint in spending will help you avoid problems. Distribute your income so that you can save a small amount. In mid-spring, large unexpected expenses await you. For the same reason, you should refrain from excessive waste during the holidays. If you have loans and debts, strictly pay them off on time, otherwise you risk being mired in debt until the end of the year. But if they owe you, do not hesitate to remind this person of your needs. After all, there will be no one to help you.

As for the work environment, you will feel very comfortable in your place. Colleagues and management will warm to you and will be sympathetic to any of your troubles. Somewhere at the end of summer, the results of your mistake made at the beginning of the year may unexpectedly emerge. The horoscope for 2017 says that you can easily correct your shortcomings and this will not affect your position and reputation. Still try to avoid unpleasant situation, so check all your affairs carefully before going on vacation.

Financial horoscope for men for 2017

In general, the year will be successful if you are not lazy and engage in self-education. Take personal growth or professional development training, learn something new that will help you in your activities, or, on the contrary, change your job. Luck will only be on the side of proactive Cancers. From the very beginning of the year you need to learn how to distribute correctly work time so that you don't end up overtired. It is generally contraindicated for you to do a lot of things at the same time.

To avoid financial difficulties, set aside part of your salary in a deposit account or separately from the money you spend. You have a high risk of unforeseen expenses, and there will be nowhere to get the required amount from immediately. Therefore, take care of your well-being yourself and in advance. But you can also expect a small profit at the end of the year, which is best not to spend right away and keep some of it.

Financial horoscope for women

Cancer women are known spendthrifts, but this year they will have to tighten their belts and refrain from thoughtless spending. Your passion and adventurism can lead to negative consequences, do not start new projects and do not get involved in dubious scams.

You'll have a warm, homely atmosphere at work, but you still have a lot to learn from your colleagues. Don’t be shy to ask your senior comrades for advice, because their experience is something you don’t have yet. And younger employees can teach you how to use your time wisely, because one task can be solved in several ways at once. Perhaps your method is already outdated and there is something new and faster. Your zeal and attentiveness will be appreciated by your superiors.

You won’t have any difficulties with money, but the bureaucracy in the financial sector will pretty much ruin your nerves. You need to carefully and very carefully fill out all the documents so that the red tape does not drag on for too long. But you will still have to be patient: you will have to repeatedly redo completed papers and deal with officials.

Love horoscope for Cancer for 2017

The beginning of the year will be very stormy and emotional. You need to try to maintain your temper and not succumb to the influence of the flighty and impulsive Rooster. There is a high risk of quarrels and scandals due to jealousy. The reason for this will be your coquetry, so try to be more attentive to your other half and spend less time apart. The horoscope for 2017 for the zodiac sign Cancer predicts a calm and serene life only in the second half of the year. You should go on vacation together, preferably somewhere where you can spend as much time as possible together.

You will often have to compromise, but after, when passions have subsided, talk to your passion, try to express your dissatisfaction. This will help you find the key to understanding with your partner. Your restraint can also maintain harmony and comfort in a couple.

If you are still single, the stars warn you against random, fleeting relationships. In a string of meetings and dates, you risk missing your soulmate.

  • Love horoscope for men. You will be exposed sudden changes mood, which will affect your relationship with your spouse. You will have to try hard to convince her that she is not the reason. You will have to make amends with a romantic dinner and gifts. Try to spend as much time as possible with your other half. This will strengthen your marriage and bring peace and stability to your life. Refrain from adultery, you will not be able to hide it from your partner.

Single Cancers will be spoiled by the attention of the opposite sex. But don't expect anything serious from these hobbies. However, if you are lucky enough to meet your love, immediately register her registry office, the marriage concluded this year will be strong and very stormy.

  • The love horoscope for women is more favorable. At the beginning of the year, it will seem to you that nothing new and unusual can happen, and you despair of waiting for a miracle. But your partner will surprise you at the beginning of spring. Of course, it is impossible to prepare in advance for a surprise, but there is no need to worry. You'll like it. The emotional outburst will be followed by a period of romance and peace. You will be very happy, as you will constantly feel that you are loved and dear.

You will have a great opportunity to establish friendships and trusting relationship with kids. Try to delve into your child’s hobbies and understand his needs, this will help you not lose touch in the future. Be on the same page with your child.

Children's horoscope for Cancer for 2017

Cancer children will be very calm and peaceful, but they will also be affected by the ardor and impulsiveness of the year. Try to listen to the wishes of your children.

The little ones will surprise you with their newly discovered talents. The child will find himself in drawing or writing. Contribute to their development: send them to a specialized school, help them take part in a competition, create a mini-workshop for them. In short, make it clear that this is important to you.

Representatives of this zodiac sign will have a moderately calm year, but with some shocks and surprises. After reading the horoscope for 2017, Cancer will discover various opportunities, for example, making new acquaintances that will definitely be useful to you in the future. Also pay special attention to your inner world. You need to rethink and prioritize a lot. You may be putting off the most important things until later. late date, but this is absolutely forbidden to do.

Learn to say no to people. Now we are not talking about your family and friends, but about possible partners, colleagues or imaginary friends who want to benefit from communicating with you.

The horoscope for Cancer for 2017 assures that you will withstand all the tests that fate has prepared for you, and will gain invaluable experience and knowledge that will serve you for many years to come. This is especially true for career and professional areas of activity.

In addition, the coming period will be favorable for showing yourself to everyone around you and becoming a real authority for them. A lot of attention will be directed specifically at you, so don’t lose face, you have a real chance to show what you really are worth.


If you were born under the star of Cancer, then the year of the Fire Rooster will be an excellent period for you to engage in some useful sports activity. This could be fitness, yoga, Pilates, aerobics and many others. Natural teas and tonic baths will produce an effect that will several times exceed all your expectations.

Astrologers also advise visiting spa treatment, some sanatorium, or just sign up for procedures at a cosmetology or medical center.

You will have to pay a lot of attention to proper nutrition. Too many toxins have accumulated in your body and harmful substances. You can arrange fasting days or follow any diet. All of these methods will give tangible results, but you will have to eliminate them from your diet. junk food as much as your willpower is enough.

In addition, it is advisable for Cancers to take care of strengthening their immunity in the year of the Fire Rooster. This is an important step in the fight for good health and the ability to achieve your goals without any hindrance. This is why sports activities will be useful to you, proper nutrition and contrast shower. You can take a course of healthy vitamins.

Love and relationships

Cancer will read the love horoscope for 2017 with conflicting feelings. You will experience groundless jealousy of your significant other, but astrologers assure that your fears are completely useless, your loved one is faithful and devoted to you.

To resolve possible disputes and contradictions, try to put yourself in the place of your loved one, understand him and show your true feelings. Show that your love is not in vain and that you are ready to do anything for it.

In the first half of the year, you can expect unexpected confessions, pleasant surprises and a more romantic and caring relationship from your partner than ever before. Try to answer him in kind, explain how dear he is to you and how much his feelings mean to you.

Understand your feelings properly, and in the second half of the year comfort, joy, harmony and personal happiness will come to your home. All the tiffs that your couple had previously will go away in a moment and you will simply enjoy each other without thinking about anything else.

2017 is a favorable period for buying something new for your family nest. If you have long dreamed of purchasing new furniture, refrigerator or air conditioner, then the year of the Rooster, like no other, will help ensure that the purchase is of high quality and reliable.

Career question

Career horoscope for 2017 for Cancer foretells a steady increase in importance at work. Persevere towards your goal, without straining too much, and the stars will help you move to the next career step. Pay less attention to any outside advice. Not only will they not bring any benefit, but they can also work to your detriment.

You risk finding yourself in an awkward position due to some old unresolved matters that will appear on the horizon at the most inopportune time. Therefore, concentrate on resolving all unclear and protracted matters in 2017 and set out to conquer huge peaks with renewed vigor.

The Year of the Fire Rooster is perfect for strengthening and establishing working connections. It is quite possible that among your work colleagues you have lost sight of a true comrade and friend who is ready to come to your aid at any time. Also, do not hesitate to listen to the advice of your colleagues; it is quite possible that the experience gained will be useful to you in the future.

The Rooster will give Cancers an excellent and favorable period in order to improve their skills. Sign up for any courses; the acquired knowledge will be remembered for a long time and will be useful in your further assault on new heights.

Financial issue

The financial horoscope for Cancer for 2017 strongly recommends that representatives of this zodiac sign pay off all past debts. If you have the opportunity, pay off your previous loan or credit. Plan your finances in the most profitable way to avoid incurring new debts.

If you have debtors, then you need to politely remind them that it’s time to repay the debts. They will not refuse you and will give you your legitimate finances very soon. Try to remember as much as possible who you owe and who owes you. IN next period you must enter with a clear financial conscience.

At the end of 2017, you have a real opportunity to get a salary increase. Work diligently, and your boss will generously reward you for your efforts with a nice cash gift.

Be careful when preparing any financial-related documents, because there is a risk of delaying this process and spending a lot of time and nerves on re-registration and paperwork.

Horoscope for Cancer woman

To women born under this astrological sign zodiac, you will have to work on your endurance and endurance.

A Cancer woman may perceive the horoscope for 2017 with some excitement, since the stars promise a rather difficult year that will bring several disappointments. You may find out about your significant other's deception or infidelity, experience the betrayal of friends or colleagues, or get into an unpleasant situation at work, so carefully choose people you can trust. Read more >>>

Horoscope for a Cancer man

Men, gather all your energy and will into a fist. In 2017 you will need it.

The Cancer horoscope for 2017 promises a turbulent period for men, full of surprises and adventures. It will be difficult for you to comprehend and accept the chances that the Fire Rooster will give you. Despite the fact that you want to get everything at once, and therefore you will fuss and try to do everything at once, astrologers assure that this is the wrong path. Read more >>>

Horoscope by date of birth

Cancers born from June 27 to July 1, must especially trust their intuition. She will be a constant companion and you can rely on her throughout the year. You can also try to realize yourself in any creative field of activity, the stars will create all the conditions for you to do this.

If you are a Cancer and were born from 4 to 11 July, pay special attention in 2017 to the social and personal spheres of life. Most likely, to ensure your well-being in these aspects of life, you will have to accept important decision. You should not resist the changes that seek to enter your life, because the stars have prepared something more worthwhile and promising for you.

For other representatives of this zodiac sign, the stars provide an excellent opportunity to realize themselves in different areas life, establish relationships with old friends and strengthen family, as well as love ties with your loved one.

As the horoscope for September 2017 recommends, Cancer should be balanced and concentrated. Processes related to training and communication are being activated. Don't stay stagnant, develop and learn new things. Find a place in your life for your favorite activity and improve in it. In September, Cancers must make full use of their intellectual abilities, which […]

As the horoscope for August 2017 promises, Cancer can finally relax and not worry about anything. You will have the opportunity to live the way you want. Now is the time to rest and gain strength. Be sure to go on vacation to sea ​​coast or into the forest, it doesn’t matter, the main thing for you is good company. The beginning of the month will give [...]

As the horoscope for July 2017 promises, Cancer will face troubles, but they will be pleasant. The stars warn not to waste your strength and not to get involved with negative, conflicting people. Surround yourself with loyal and sympathetic friends who are always ready to help you. And be ready to provide this help yourself. Generally […]

As the horoscope for June 2017 promises, Cancer will experience positive changes. Now you will be able to enjoy life, abstracting from everything that stresses and irritates. Accept all changes with joy and dignity, because you will soon be convinced that everything is for the better. This month is perfect for [...]

For representatives of the Cancer sign, the month will be successful, largely thanks to your loved ones and friends. As the horoscope for May 2017 advises, Cancer should not deny himself friendly communication and meetings. From communication you can get interesting ideas, find ways to solve problems, discover new hobbies that can […]

April 2017 will be an extremely important and fruitful period for Cancers. Answers and solutions will come to those questions and problems that have been bothering you for a long time. Having read the horoscope for April 2017, Cancer must cast all doubts aside and boldly move towards a long-cherished dream; now everything will work out for him. For those representatives […]