How to cover wooden stair railings. Painting a wooden staircase with your own hands. Advantages of pine stairs

Once they find out how much it costs to paint a staircase, many decide to master this skill on their own. It is not surprising that all staircase work is not cheap, because... To achieve long-term and beautiful results, they require strict adherence to technology. Having painted your stairs once, either indoors or outdoors, you will gain invaluable experience, thanks to which you will also be able to restore the coating with your own hands after many years. Moreover, all painting work with the selection of paint and varnish colors is quite interesting and does not require special physical strength.

The need to paint stairs

Stairs made of wood, like stairs made of metal and other materials, are subject to many external influences, which, in the absence of proper protection, quickly render them unusable. Firstly, there are constant mechanical impacts from walking up steps and holding handrails. It is not surprising that it is the steps and flights of stairs that wear out and get dirty the fastest. It is these areas that need to be given special attention when applying the topcoat. The length of use without restoration depends on what to paint the steps of the staircase with. Secondly, the staircase, no matter where it is located, is subject to fluctuations in humidity and temperature, which over time can affect its strength and appearance. If the sun's rays hit wooden steps, it is also important to protect them from drying out.

How to paint the stairs in the house

When choosing a covering for a staircase, you should take into account the type of wood from which it is made, the color of the wood and the location conditions of the staircase. Thus, coniferous species (pine, spruce, fir) tend to emit resins that impair the adhesion of wood to paints and varnishes. Hardwood are deprived of this property, and there is nothing to fear with them. In addition, pine needles do not uniformly absorb the liquid part of the paint or varnish. More loose wood absorbs more, while dense and old wood absorbs less, which is why paint and varnish materials need to be applied in many layers.


When choosing what color to paint the stairs, you should choose a shade as close to natural as possible, so as not to spoil the natural appearance of the rock. Having chosen what color to paint the stairs, you should decide on the type of paint. Pigmented finishing materials are good because they hide many imperfections during assembly; the stairs can be puttied under them. But, at the same time, many external advantages natural wood also appear hidden under a layer of paint.

Provided the staircase is located inside the house, where there are few adverse influences, oil paints on artificial drying oil or even cellulose coatings will do. If the staircase is external, you only need paint on natural drying oil. To paint the stairs yourself, Tikkurila Empire alkyd paint is suitable, because... it is easy to apply with a brush. On wooden surfaces Betolux and Pesto paints also apply smoothly without smudges. Betolux urethane-alkyd paint is ideal for previously painted surfaces, but it is not sufficiently resistant to wear with frequent use and is not suitable for crowded rooms. Pesto alkyd paint is more durable and suitable for damp rooms or rooms requiring frequent washing, for example, a children's room.


Clear varnishes are good because they do not hide, but rather emphasize the natural texture of the wood. Their advantage is also that they dry very quickly and are easy to use. There are alcohol-based varnishes and nitrocellulose varnishes. The first are resin in an organic solvent, and are used exclusively for internal stairs, because... When such a coating hardens, the film is not frost and moisture resistant enough. If you plan to varnish a street ladder, use nitrocellulose material containing colloxylin and plasticizers that strengthen the coating.

The most established varnish manufacturers on the market are Parade and Trae Lyx. German-made Parade varnish is highly wear-resistant and easy to use due to its quick drying. It also does not have such a strong pungent odor as some others. Dutch Trae Lyx varnishes are even more durable and wear-resistant because... their solid component is 35%. This property allows them to be easily used to cover steps. public buildings. This varnish is absolutely transparent, covers the surface uniformly without changing the degree of gloss under different angles gaze. And despite so many advantages, it still has one drawback, namely a long drying time. Full load on the steps can be given only 7 days after application.


After applying varnish or paint, the steps may still not have a finished look. To make the wood sparkle and shimmer in the sun, it can be coated with polishes. The color of the polish is selected to match the color of the wood, but so as not to darken the species. The polish is applied with a brush or rag, before the surface is cleaned. Nitro-based polishes are applied only to nitrocellulose varnishes and paints.


They simultaneously give the desired color to the staircase and protect it from adverse influences due to the formation of a dense film. Enamel is produced by mixing clear varnish with pigment. The enamels are applied with an aerosol, and the contents must be thoroughly mixed before spraying. In its calm form, enamel is a substance with a gel-like consistency. After stirring by shaking, it becomes liquid. Inside the aerosol there are special metal balls that agitate the material.

Italian Sirca enamel is characterized by high surface strength and resistance to yellowing. Enamels of this brand are available in both glossy and matte. Quick drying in 60 minutes and sufficient work time makes it easy to cover the stairs with such enamel yourself. Swedish Synteko varnishes and enamels have also proven themselves to be quite good. They are suitable for those who are trying to make their home as environmentally friendly as possible, because... This company does not add NMP polymers, which are harmful to humans, to paint and varnish products.


Impregnations such as stain or Pinotex not only give wood color, they have antiseptic and fire-repellent properties. And on top of them you can apply any finishing varnish. It is preferable to use oil- or wax-based impregnations for stairs, especially if you are working with them for the first time. It is these impregnations that can be applied in several layers without fear of smearing or making a stain, unlike alcohol and nitro impregnations, which are instantly absorbed. Impregnations can be sold in the form of a ready-made solution or powder, which you need to dilute with water yourself. In addition, to apply oil stain you do not need a sprayer or spray gun; it can be easily done with a brush.

How to paint a staircase with your own hands

Surface preparation

To ensure that the surface of the steps is smooth, they are puttied and sanded. Putties are selected to match the color of the wood. After drying, begin sanding with sandpaper or scrapers. After the first sanding, take a break of several days to allow the pile to rise, and then sand it clean. Before applying paint, the surface is primed, applying primer to all surfaces 2 times.


It is important to know what and how to paint the stairs. It is best to apply paint or stain-type impregnation using a sprayer. There are pneumatic and electric sprayers, with their help the layer is applied more evenly. But if you don’t have a sprayer, you can use regular brushes. For thicker, more stretchy, slow-drying paints, bristle brushes are preferable. For liquid coatings Flat, soft hair brushes are best. They are also called flutes. The length of the hair of such a brush should be approximately twice the diameter. To apply thick paint, the length of the bristles should be shorter, and for liquid paints, longer. When working, the brush should be held at an angle of 45 degrees to the surface to be coated. To clean the brush from paint at the end of the work, you can dip it in turpentine or a special solvent.

Even experienced craftsmen Not everyone knows how to paint a staircase correctly, because... the result is always assessed purely subjectively. Not everyone knows that the coating is applied in 2-3 layers only after the previous one has completely dried. With a brush, the impregnation is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the step so that there are no special stains. First, paint one side of the step, then, turning it over, apply impregnation to reverse side. In this case, you need to cover the entire step evenly before the coating dries, so that there are no visible smudges left. To make it easier to turn over a wooden step and the impregnation is less smeared, it is convenient to use wooden coasters. If the first layer of paint or varnish is applied along the wood grain, then the second must be applied across it. The third layer is again applied lengthwise, so the step is painted most thoroughly. Do not forget to stir the paint periodically, this will protect you from the formation of lumps and sediment at the bottom.

Varnish coating

The application of varnish to wood should be carried out in the cleanest room possible so that dust does not settle on the freshly varnished coating. Before application, the step or baluster itself is also thoroughly cleaned and polished. If the wood has a defect, then it can also be carefully puttied under the varnish, using putty to match the color of the wood. Wide parts are varnished with a spray, and narrow parts with a thin brush. When working with varnishes, it is important to protect the skin of your hands and respiratory organs from toxic substances.

At first glance, painting the stairs is not difficult at all - just pick up a brush and paint. But in order for the structure to serve as an interior decoration and remain beautiful for as long as possible, it is necessary to choose the coating wisely and apply it correctly. Therefore, next we want to tell you how to paint a pine staircase in a house, and how to do it correctly.

All existing paints that can be used for stairs are divided into two types:

  1. Covering- cover the wood with an opaque film of a certain color, as a result of which its natural pattern is hidden;

  1. Toning- these coatings preserve the grain of the wood, but at the same time give the wood specific color.

It must be said that absolutely transparent coatings are also used, i.e. varnishes. Of course, our task is to paint the stairs, not varnish them. But, varnishes are often applied over paint, which helps protect it from external influences and give it a deeper color.

Note! In some cases, the use of varnish is simply necessary, for example, if the stairs are covered with stain.

Selecting covering paints based on composition

First of all, we note that pine does not have any features that greatly distinguish it from other types of wood. Therefore, when choosing what to paint a pine staircase with, you can consider all existing wood paints as an option.

The most common and suitable for our purposes are the following compositions:

  • Alkyd and alkyd-urethane;
  • Polyurethane;
  • Water-dispersed;
  • Oily.

Alkyd and alkyd-urethane

These paints are made on the basis of alkyd resins. Alkyd-urethane coatings also contain polyurethane resins, which, according to manufacturers of paints and varnishes (hereinafter referred to as paintwork materials), improve the basic qualities of paint.

True, in practice, the properties of the coating depend more on the quality of the alkyd paint, and not on the presence or absence of polyurethane resins in its composition. In other words, if you buy a good, expensive alkyd paint from a reputable manufacturer, it will be better than a cheap alkyd-urethane paint.

Note! All alkyd paints and varnishes contain organic solvents, as a result of which they have a pungent and toxic odor. Of course, after drying, this smell disappears.

The following points can be highlighted from the features of these compositions:

  • They fit well on the surface and form an even glossy or matte film;
  • They have a rich color;
  • Resistant to moisture, detergents and abrasion. Therefore, they can be used for painting steps and landings.

One of the disadvantages is that over time, these compounds fade in the sun and begin to crack. But, as we have already said, a lot depends on the quality of the coating. Therefore, if you do not save, the coating will last a long time.

In general, we can say that most often pine stairs are painted with these paints. So if you don't have any special requirements to LMB, for example, saving a tree pattern, then you can stop there.


If you are looking for something to paint the staircase in a pine house so that you can forget about this procedure for many years, use polyurethane paint. It is a two-component paintwork material, therefore it is classified as a professional coating.

Among the advantages of polyurethane paints, the following points can be highlighted:

  • Resistance to mechanical stress, including abrasion;
  • UV resistance;
  • Excellent adhesion;
  • Durability;
  • Fits well on the surface, forming an even film;
  • Has a rich color.

The disadvantages include the rather high price. In addition, as we have already said, the coating is two-component, i.e. Before use, the paint components must be mixed in certain proportions, so it is not as convenient to use as ready-made one-component compositions.


These paints and varnishes are made on the basis of acrylate resins and their modifications. The most important feature of these coatings is that they do not contain organic solvents, unlike all of the above analogues. These coatings are an aqueous dispersion.

In other words, undissolved polymer particles form a suspension in water. After paint is applied to the surface, the water evaporates and the acrylate resins polymerize and form a film on the surface, which can be either water-soluble or water-resistant, depending on the type of paint.

Advice! For the stairs, it is necessary to use waterproof paint, since the structure will often be subjected to wet cleaning.

The following points can be highlighted from the features of these coatings:

  • They form a thin film on the surface, as a result of which they can preserve the texture of the wood, even if it is poorly expressed, not to mention brushing;
  • Dries quickly. As soon as the water evaporates, the coating immediately polymerizes;
  • Has no smell.

Water-dispersion coatings also have disadvantages:

  1. Instability to abrasion;
  2. High cost, especially for high-quality waterproof paints.

Therefore, water-dispersed compositions are not very suitable for painting steps and landings. Of course, you can paint with them, but you will have to renew the coating somewhat more often than when using other analogues described above.


These paints have recently been rarely used, since their properties are significantly inferior to more modern coatings, which we have already discussed. Visually they resemble alkyd paints, however, they are inferior in durability.

Their main advantage is their low cost. Therefore, if you want to restore a staircase with your own hands at minimal cost, for example, in a country house, you can also use oil paint.

Choosing tinting paints

Tinting paints can be divided into two types:

  1. Impregnations;
  2. Azure.


Impregnations include stains and other compounds that, unlike paints, do not form a film on the surface, but are absorbed into the structure of the wood, coloring the fibers.

According to the method of application of impregnation, it can be divided into two types:

  • Finishing- do not require additional coverage. These include all kinds of formulations based on wax and oil;
  • Requiring additional coverage- a transparent varnish is usually applied on top of such impregnations. These compositions include stains.

Separately, it should be said about modern stains, which allow you to reliably imitate various types of wood. With their help, you can turn pine into mahogany or, for example, bleached oak.


Lazuli, or glaze paints, are a composition based on varnish and pigments. In other words, these are translucent paints.

Since these coatings have the same composition as covering paints, they also have the same properties. Therefore, there is nothing more to say about them.


Regarding the choice of transparent coatings, optimal solution is parquet varnish. It is resistant to abrasion and is not afraid of washing and exposure to sunlight.

You can also use yacht varnish. Unlike parquet, it can be used both indoors and outdoors.

In other words, the varnish transfers well weathering And low temperature. Therefore, for processing stairs in country houses that are visited seasonally or from time to time, it is even more preferable than its parquet counterpart.

Painting technology

So, we figured out the types of paintwork materials. Now let's look at how to properly paint a pine staircase. After all, if you carry out this procedure in violation of technology, even the most expensive and high-quality paint will not give the desired result.

As we have already said, pine does not have any special features in terms of applying paint and varnish. Therefore, the work is carried out in the same way as painting a staircase made of larch, spruce, oak or any other species.

It includes several stages:

  • Preparation of work equipment;
  • Preparing the stairs;
  • Painting.

Preparation of work equipment

In addition to the paint itself, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • Wood putty;
  • Masking tape;
  • Plastic film or newspapers;
  • Wash.

Note! If you have a hair dryer, you won't need to wash it off.

You will also need some tools:

  • Paint brush and roller;
  • Roller tray;
  • Putty knife;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Sander;
  • Vacuum cleaner.

Preparing the stairs

Before you paint a pine staircase, you need to prepare it. Please note that the quality of painting depends on preparation, so treat this stage responsibly.

Preparation involves doing the following:

Illustrations Actions

Cover the floor around the stairs with film or paper.

Seal the places where the stairs meet the wall with masking tape so as not to stain the walls during work.

If you are going to paint a staircase that has already been used, it is probably covered with old varnish or paint. It is advisable to remove this coating completely.

Erasing it with sandpaper is very difficult and takes a long time, so it’s better to use:

  • construction hairdryer;
  • sander;
  • wash.

A hairdryer allows you to heat the coating and then easily remove it with a spatula.

The remover is applied to the surface for a while and dissolves the old paint, after which it is also removed with a spatula.

Note! The remover is a toxic acid, so take precautions when working with it.

If you are sure that old paint holds securely on the base and will not begin to peel off in the near future, just rub it with sandpaper until a matte surface appears.

All cracks on the surface of the product, as well as gaps between parts and chips must be filled with putty. Apply the composition with a narrow spatula and level the surface.

After the putty has hardened, do not forget to clean it with the same spatula or sandpaper with fine abrasive.

Advice! If you plan to paint the stairs with a translucent composition, match the putty to the color of the paint. Otherwise, the putty area will be obvious.

Upon completion of the preparatory work, be sure to vacuum all surfaces of the stairs, as dust and small debris can undo all the work done.

Advice! Upon completion of the preparatory work, try to immediately begin painting so that the surface does not have time to become covered with dust.


Instructions for painting stairs are as follows:

Illustrations Actions

Work should begin with the preparation of paintwork materials. Paint that is too thick must be diluted with a solvent, which is selected individually for the type of paint, for example, water-dispersed paints are diluted with clean water.

Then the composition must be thoroughly mixed.

To give the coating a certain color or shade, add color to it. Keep in mind that not all paints can be tinted. Manufacturers usually report this possibility on the packaging.

The color, like the solvent, is selected individually.

Pour a small amount of the finished paint into a flat container.

Preparing the varnish is done in exactly the same way.

Start painting with the fences. Most often, clear varnish is used for railings.

Apply it with a brush in a thin, even layer. Then wait until it dries completely and repeat the procedure again.

Once the railings are painted, proceed to the remaining surfaces of the stairs. Paint the structure from top to bottom.

Start with painting large plots using a roller. Dip the tool into the paint and squeeze lightly so that the paint does not drip. Then roll the roller over the surface.

Treat hard-to-reach areas with a paint brush. Paint the entire staircase in this manner. After the coating has hardened, repeat the procedure at least one more time.

If you are using water-based paint, it is advisable to apply it in three layers.

It must be said that the technique of applying impregnation is somewhat different from conventional painting, since the composition is not just applied, but rubbed into the surface. Therefore, when applying it, you need to make multiple circular and longitudinal movements. When painting normally, you should try, on the contrary, not to run the tool twice over the painted surface.


That's all we wanted to tell you about how to paint a pine staircase with your own hands, and how to do it correctly so that the result, as they say, is “pleasant to the eye.” Finally, be sure to watch the video in this article and thereby consolidate the information received.

To give a wooden staircase a presentable appearance, it is processed and used various coatings. Varnish is the most popular finishing material. Before painting a pine or oak staircase in a house, it is necessary to prepare the structure for coating.

This material is a solution that, when applied, forms a film on the surface of wood. If you have no experience working with varnish, then a completely natural question arises: how to choose the right paint for a wooden staircase?

There are several types:

  • alcohol-based resin solutions;
  • nitrocellulose;
  • formaldehyde;
  • alkyd;
  • acrylic;
  • based on organic solvents.

Alcohol-based varnishes have important positive qualities– ability to dry quickly and high strength. They are very easy to apply, but have low moisture resistance. Nitrocellulose, on the contrary, is resistant to moisture. They consist of a mixture of plasticizer, colloxylin and resin.

If the stairs are coated with formaldehyde varnish, the structure will become more resistant to wear. The resins included in the composition improve the adhesion of the varnish to the wood. The only drawback is toxicity and a characteristic odor that is difficult to remove.

Alkyd varnish penetrates very deeply into the wood, but despite this, it is not durable. They are quickly subject to wear and after some time the surface of the stairs will lose its aesthetic appearance. More often this material is used to cover rarely used products and elements.
However, alkyd-urethane varnish is suitable for painting DIY stairs outdoors. The structure covered with this material is less slippery, which reduces the risk of injury in winter.

Water-based varnish is well suited for covering stair surfaces, especially if it consists of 2 components. If a solvent is used as a base, then this paintwork is one of the most reliable and durable.

It is important to understand that depending on the type of wood and the chosen coating, the result will vary. For example, if the staircase structure is made of coniferous tree– pine, spruce and others, then it is better to treat it with opaque varnish. The secret to the unsightly appearance of such wood lies in its higher resin content.


If larch or other tree species are chosen as the material, then transparent painting can be used, which will highlight the natural texture.

Which varnish to choose.

Types of varnishing

Among all paint and varnish materials, there are 2 main ones: transparent and opaque. Experts recommend using transparent varnish if the wood is free of any defects. Most often, wood species are chosen that have a characteristic pattern:

If there are minor defects, but the wood is otherwise excellent, you can coat it with a primer to hide them. Before application, you should make sure that the surface is clean and dry so that the finishing is done as efficiently as possible.

If the defects are large and cannot be hidden, for example, in pine, then you need to cover it with an opaque varnish. Typically a second coat is applied on top of the first to achieve the desired effect. Do not apply varnish if the wood has been covered with another material.

First of all, you should clean the surface of previous varnish coatings, dirt or nails, apply several layers of primer with a brush or spray and only then can you proceed to the finishing stage.

Application instructions

Before starting work, you need to wear safety glasses, gloves and a respirator. Finishing should be done in a well-ventilated area. Paint and varnish coatings have varying degrees of toxicity and regardless of what material the stairs are processed with, it is better to play it safe and protect yourself and your health.

To cover the stairs with paint and varnish material you will need:

  • turpentine,
  • tassels,
  • wire brush or sanding tool.

Finishing with liquid compositions should be done using natural bristle brushes, and with thick ones - round hair brushes.

First of all, the surface of the wooden staircase is cleaned of previous coating, dirt, dust, and grease. This procedure must be done carefully; the evenness of the coating depends on it.

If you are working with liquid compounds, the bristles should be 2 times longer than the diameter of the brush. If the choice fell on thick compositions, then the pile, on the contrary, should be shorter. The brush must be dipped in varnish and then cleaned with turpentine. Further actions should be carried out according to very simple instructions.

If there are any defects, finishing should be done only after priming. The varnish must be thoroughly mixed so that there are no formations. To achieve the best result, you need to hold the brush at a right angle.

Otherwise, the layer will be applied unevenly, which may affect the final result. The structures must be covered with wide strips over the entire surface, after which you should go over again, smoothing out the unevenness.

High-quality brushes are distinguished by reliable fastening of the bristles, but nothing can be guaranteed 100%. To avoid any unpleasant surprises after drying, it is better to check the wooden stairs for lint. It is also worth stirring the paint and varnish material not only before starting work, but also periodically on time.

Lacquer coating of stairs.

Varnishing balusters and staircase posts.

Finishing the inside will be much easier and faster if you disassemble the stairs in advance. Each part can be covered in comfortable conditions, and there will be access to all corners.

Before starting work, it is recommended to degrease all parts with a special impregnation. For staircase construction, it is better to use only reliable and proven types of varnish. They are distinguished by their characteristic thickness, increased strength, spread significantly less, and are very convenient to use. The other side of the coin is that such paints and varnishes are significantly more expensive and are not so easy to find. But, if you think about it, it’s better to buy a really high-quality varnish that will last a long time. If you couldn’t find it or the funds don’t allow it, you can use a good parquet compound.

Acrylic paint and varnish coating is inferior in its properties to a 2-component polyurethane composition made on a solvent basis. It is worth understanding that the staircase refers to structures that are used quite intensively. Therefore, it is better to opt for a semi-matte finish. This is due to the fact that it leaves the least traces.

To darken the shade of wood, it is better to use stain rather than colored varnish. The stain is absorbed into the wood to a depth of several millimeters. This means that even if the wood wears out and wears out, it will not change its color. To slow down this process and add strength to the coating, it is necessary to apply an additional layer of transparent paint and varnish material, which is the final stage.

In many cottages and country houses, owners install wooden stairs. Although wood is a very popular and versatile material for construction, it also has its drawbacks. If it was improperly processed, the product will not last long. Therefore, you need to make sure that painting a wooden staircase with your own hands brings it not only aesthetics, but also reliability.

How to paint the stairs in the house

Painted wooden staircase

Staircase in the process of painting

When choosing a method for processing a staircase, you need to take into account the type of wood from which it is made, as well as its quality. The varnished design emphasizes beauty natural material. But this effect will be achieved if a high-quality array was used.

Many manufacturers and customers put the long service life and durability of the staircase at the forefront, while its decorative qualities are not the most important. main role. If an unpainted staircase has visual imperfections, it is best to disguise them with paint.

Modern manufacturers offer big variety types of coatings. You need to choose the most optimal option taking into account the following factors:

  • If you choose to treat a wooden staircase with varnish, it should be matte or semi-matte. Glossy varnish will lose its shine on the railings and in the center of the steps, because these places are subject to high loads and will look untidy.
  • If before covering the stairs clear varnish stains will be used, it is worth considering that sometimes they greatly darken the natural shade of the wood, so first cover a small area with stain for testing.
  • If a wooden staircase is covered with paint, then you should choose a composition based on natural drying oil, but for internal structures it may also be synthetic.

Once you have decided how to paint the wooden staircase in your house, you need to find out whether it will be used in the painting process. It is advisable not to use it until the composition dries. If this is not possible, then the stairs are painted one step at a time. Thanks to this method you can move around the house. But if painting is done in two stages, people, going up to the second floor, may forget that half of the steps are not yet dry.

Working with varnish should only take place in a clean room, otherwise dust will settle on the treated surface. You also need to take care to protect your hands and respiratory organs, because the composition releases toxic compounds.

Also, many people think about how to paint a wooden staircase with their own hands: before assembly or in finished form. In a new home, it is usually painted before installation. This will allow you to completely paint even hard-to-reach places.

Painting the stairs yourself will be more convenient if you prepare the necessary tools and materials in advance. For this you need:

  • suitable coloring agent;
  • protective gloves;
  • brush, roller or spray;
  • masking tape, allowing you to paint the stairs neatly; it is also used to create ornaments.

Approaches to determining shade

It is important to decide on the color in which you plan to paint the structure. To do this, two approaches are used.


The color of the stairs and flooring on the first or second floor is slightly darker than the decoration of the room. It is better to avoid very dark shades. Universal color scheme For floors and stairs made of wood, brown is considered, which can be used to paint surfaces in any interior.


Allows you to break away from conventional solutions and create a unique staircase in your home. Here you can safely use different colors and decorative methods by looking at the examples in the photo.

Procedure for painting stairs

Before painting, the surface must be prepared. To do this, putty is applied to surface defects, sanded and treated with a layer of primer, as shown in the video. After sanding, wait two days until the fibers straighten so that they can be easily removed during the second sanding. The primer and paint must match each other. If varnish will be used, then a primer is not needed.

To properly paint a wooden staircase to the second floor, you need to carry out the work in the following stages.

  • It is advisable to start from the top step and work your way down. This convenient solution helps to monitor the quality of painting. Painting the structure starting from the bottom is rational if the room has access only at the top level. This could be the stairs to the basement.
  • If the paint has a thick structure, then it is more convenient to use a bristle round brush. Thinned liquid paint can be applied using a flat, soft object. Get high-quality coating A roller will also allow this.
  • Painting a wooden staircase can be done across and along. But the last layer will be correctly applied only along the structure of the wood, so that the quality of processing is high and the surface has a beautiful appearance.

After completing the work, it is enough to wait until the painted staircase dries and it can be used. Many argue that increasing the drying time specified by the manufacturer helps achieve a lasting result. After all, this is influenced by room conditions, for example, temperature, humidity.

If you are the owner two-story house, you will have to take care of availability stationary stairs. This design may also be needed for the attic. They are popular and successful wooden structures. It is pleasant to climb them - there is no unpleasant sound that is present when climbing metal steps.

Many are captivated by the environmental safety of the material. It is no secret that such structures have an acceptable cost. If you choose the right composition for processing, you can forget about some of the disadvantages of wood - fire hazard and wear resistance. Specialists in painting and making wooden stairs for private homes and cottages will help you with

Wooden stairs look stylish and cozy, but many are scared by the fact that constant mechanical impact does not in the best possible way will affect the aesthetic qualities of the structure.

Most problems can be avoided if you choose the right covering for the stairs in your home. Reliable protection will protect the steps from excessive humidity and abundance of sunlight. What means can perform a protective function? This:

  • Paints;
  • Lucky;
  • Stains;
  • Oil;
  • Pastas.

Before you go to a hardware store, it is better to study the following questions:

Are stairs located outside exposed to precipitation (for such steps you will need products with water-repellent properties)?

Does direct sunlight hit the structure? Staircases exposed to ultraviolet radiation require special compounds, which can protect them from harmful effects.

Is it possible to remove people from the premises after applying the composition?


If you are interested in the specified coating for the steps of the stairs in the house, you should choose the product with an eye on the design of the room and the attributes surrounding the structure.

Better pay attention to oil paint: drying oil penetrates deeply into the wood and protects the wood as much as possible from negative influences. Paint will be an ideal option if there are cracks and other visual defects on the steps; they can easily be “hidden” behind an attractive color composition.


Don’t know how to cover the steps of a wooden staircase in a house without spoiling the natural beauty of the material?

Pay attention to the varnishes. They only emphasize the advantages of the wood texture and do not hide the beauty of the species.

To choose the ideal product, you need to know what kind of wood was used in the production of the tree. The following products are widely available in stores:

Oil varnishes are made on the basis vegetable oils, artificial and natural resins are added to the composition. When natural resin interacts with sandarac and shellac, a product with a concentration of 30-45% is obtained. Thanks to the ability of alcohol to quickly erode, we obtain a coating that does not have a negative effect on the lower layers.

Such varnishes have a drawback - low moisture resistance.

Internal and external stairs are often treated with alkyd varnishes.

Nitrocellulose varnishes are suitable for pine structures with a high resin content. This varnish quickly turns into a film that protects pine steps from various kinds pollution.

Polyester varnishes are often used, forming a shiny film on the surface of the product.

Polyurethane varnishes, which are highly expensive, are characterized by long term operation.

Don't know what varnish to coat a wooden staircase in your house with?

How to paint a wooden staircase to the second floor with your own hands?

When choosing this type protective equipment you need to take into account the type of wood. From coniferous species It is better to cover it with opaque varnish products. It is better to treat oak, beech, and ash with transparent compounds - this way you will emphasize the external charm of the material.

  1. It is better to apply the composition to a disassembled item.
  2. It is worth remembering that stair varnishes are more dense than their parquet counterparts.
  3. Experts advise choosing semi-matte types of varnish - they show less visible signs of wear.
  4. If you want to add depth to the wood tone, it makes sense to use stain instead of colored varnish.


Are you wondering how to cover a wooden staircase in a house without compromising your budget? Choose a stain that has antiseptic and fire retardant properties. It is often used in conjunction with varnish; in this case, you should make sure that these 2 types of coatings are well compatible (this data is in the product instructions; a construction department consultant will advise you on this).

The following products are distinguished:

  • Water-based stains are available in several forms: dry and liquid. By purchasing dry stain, you can adjust the concentration yourself. Usually, after applying the product, sand the surface to prevent swelling.
  • Alcohol stains dry quickly.
  • Solvent-based stain has the disadvantage that it appears when applied. bad smell.
  • Acrylic and wax based stains are valued by professionals and novice users - they are easy to apply and easy to dry.
  • Alkyd-based stains combine several functions.


This product is based on wax and the following types natural ingredients:

  • Sunflower;
  • Linen;
  • Jojoba oil;
  • Beeswax;
  • Candelline wax;
  • Carnauba wax.

Today, oil successfully competes with varnishes: it penetrates deeply into the wood, highlights the external advantages of the material and copes well with its protective functions.

Due to the bactericidal properties of the oil, fungi do not appear on the stairs.

Advantages of impregnation:

  • Water-repellent characteristics;
  • Easy to apply;
  • Extends the service life of steps;
  • Does not have an unpleasant odor.


An unconventional coating option is a paste consisting of beeswax and linseed oil. Depending on the type of wood, paste of different densities is used: for hard wood, a larger amount of linseed oil is used.

Have you decided what to cover your wooden stairs with?

Now you need to properly plan the upcoming work.

It can be divided into the following stages:

  • Preparatory work;
  • Painting process;
  • Finish coating.

On initial stage The wood is sanded and all visible defects are removed. The grinding process takes several days. Then there is general cleaning. Then the product is primed, sometimes in several layers. It's good if you have an electric or pneumatic tool, otherwise you will have to use a brush to paint.

Which color should I choose? If you have a pine staircase, the choice is wide and ranges from milky white to brown shades.

In this article we answered the question of how to cover wooden staircase steps.

As you can see, the choice of coating is determined by a combination of different factors: features of the structure’s location; type of wood, financial capabilities, interior features of the room. Construction stores offer wide choose means to emphasize the aesthetic properties and extend the service life of the structure. If you don’t get confused by this variety and carry out the painting procedure in accordance with all the rules, the staircase will delight you for a long time.

Added: 12/20/2016 21:32:44

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How to paint a wooden staircase correctly

6) And then we are thinking about purchasing balusters made of artificial marble, which do not require processing, painting, etc. p.s. To get more detailed information about painting balusters, watch the video from start to finish

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Painting the stairs

Do you need to paint wooden stairs after installation, repair or repair those who have served faithfully? The LEVIS company offers its services in Moscow, the region and other cities of Russia.

We specialize in the design, production and installation of stairs for private houses, apartments and other facilities.

Price for painting wooden steps

Painting wood

This is the most common material used on stairs.

The tree is beautiful, but quirky in its own way. It must be protected from moisture, all microorganisms, aggressive agents and other effects. There are two finishing options - highlight the natural structure or order a color with a different color.

It all depends on the condition of the tree and your desires.

You can use:

  • oils with hard wax, which will make the shadows deeper and richer, they will retain the ability to breathe and at the same time provide surface strength, resistance to moisture, aggressive agents and mechanical stress;
  • transparent varnishes (water-based polyurethane, waterproof coatings), recommended for stairs with high loads.

    They also highlight the natural beauty of the wood and are highly resistant to wear;

  • stains, colored varnishes, tinting, depilation - ways to change the natural color of a product. Depending on the composition, the surface can create shades with various effects, including imitation of natural (for example, bleached wood, which was once popular in Moscow).

    The disadvantage of this method is the complexity of reconstruction.

The cost of varnishing wooden stairs depends on the materials used and the complexity of the work.

Painting the stairs to the second floor of the house. Do you need advice

We also provide wooden overlays.


Purpose of coloring metal structures is to create an aesthetic appearance and protect against corrosion.

It is clear that we are not talking about stainless steel or chrome elements. Metal steps and skeletons that do not have an aesthetic appearance must be painted. You can order compositions with silicone additives and powder paint. They cover the surface with a thin, durable film and protect it from damage. Prices for work are also calculated based on the material, its quantity and the complexity of the process.

Useful pages

Choosing a color for a wooden staircase

Adding charm to the interior of any home is not complete without careful selection. color range wooden stairs. Their appearance creates a feeling of respectability and luxury, combined with practicality. Often it is the color scheme that determines the aesthetic effect produced by the lifting structure in general, and the interior style in particular.

How to choose a shade

Brown stair steps

The combination of white and brown in a classic staircase

The color of the wooden staircase to the second floor inside each house directly depends on the following factors:

  • lighting;
  • shades of color variations of room doors;
  • wood species

Deciding what color to paint a wooden staircase depends on some important aspects.

The difficulty when choosing a specific shade is determining the prevailing type of lighting in the room. For example, in the absence of natural illumination, the color of the wood is not able to completely spread to the walls of the room, so their saturated variations look much darker in this case. Having decided on this point in advance, you can avoid repeated painting work in the future.

To create the most non-standard visual effect, many other subtleties of choice are used.

A harmonious combination of shade characteristics of stairs and doors is the second prerequisite for creating an elegant and pleasant interior.

The vintage design style involves whitening the steps and emphasizing the wood texture. The color of the stairs in a wooden house, made in dark oak tones, gives an elitism to the entire interior of the room, but it is worth considering the impossibility of further brightening it. The stain penetrates the wood so deeply that it is almost impossible to remove.

In most cases, tinting softwood stairs turns out to be unnecessary.

Ideas and methods for painting the stairs in a house to the second floor

After all, it hides the already beautiful texture. Staircase openings, narrow and dark areas can be painted in light shades. This way you can dispel the gloom of the room. Spacious halls require bold, unconventional experimentation. Bright warm colors become most applicable here. They easily harmonize with almost any interior design.

It is also worth considering that a certain type of wood has its own color that is suitable for it:

  1. Pine staircases are painted "light oak" and "red walnut".
  2. Birch products look chic in “red walnut” and “mahogany”.
  3. Oak texture is similar to pine and can be painted in similar shades.

The colors of wooden stairs in the photo will help every designer make a choice.

White stairs in the interior

In modern cottages, special attention is paid to creating style using staircase structures.

After all, they are a significant part of the interior and are able to qualitatively emphasize a certain style.

A win-win option for decorating lifting structures in any home is considered to be a light color scheme. The extraordinary airiness of this lifting structure gives it the effect of floating.

Suitable mainly for minimalist styles, and also freely used for “classic” interiors. Used in fairly bright rooms.

Features of white

The predominance of this color in the room is not a prerequisite.

You can limit yourself only to the light design of furniture. The staircase can also act as an accent element. The main thing is the designer’s successful idea. The main purpose light design lifting structures lies in their emphasis on certain effects of the interior style. White risers look especially beautiful in combination with the dark design of the steps, as can be seen in the photo.

The squatness is created by the opposite color option. This option is custom color wooden stairs.

White color in the interior has some advantages over others:

  1. It is universal for designing any stylistic solution.

    Its specific shades can vary from baked milk and Ivory until cream and pearl.

  2. The naturalness of this color is associated with environmental purity and flora.
  3. Ceremonial, pompous and minimalist styles calmly incorporate any shades of white.

A white wooden staircase in the interior to the second floor requires careful choice suitable color for both the lower and upper levels.

The peculiarities of the choice are also hidden in the tastes of the owner. After consulting with professional designers, you can more accurately determine a specific shade and paint a certain part of the interior in the most aesthetic way.

Wood is one of the best building materials. While the tree is in the ground, it is constantly renewed, thanks to which some species can grow for thousands of years. Things are completely different now with finished products, it needs to be covered by special means to protect from exposure environment. If the staircase in your house is made of wood, then you need to know how to paint a wooden staircase.

Why paint?

It is true that wood has a beautiful structure as well as pleasant tactile properties. So why spoil it chemicals? This is required to protect against:

  • various pests;
  • rapid wear;
  • exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • drying out;
  • moisture.

Finally, the wood is stained to create a tone that will match the interior and realize a unique design idea.

Special products will not only not spoil the appearance of the wood, but will also emphasize the advantages that the tree already has. Most often used:

  • varnishes;
  • stains;
  • enamels;
  • paints;
  • polishes.

To do right choice, it is important to know for what specific purposes certain finishing materials are intended and what their subtypes exist.

Even before purchase

Before deciding which option will be the most the best solution In your case, you need to analyze the following points:

  • Impact of precipitation. This is true for stairs that are located on the street.
  • Number of hits sunlight. The composition of the coloring agent for a staircase, which is under direct ultraviolet exposure most of the day, differs from that which can be used if the product is located in the shade. This also affects the final cost.
  • Gloss or matte. Typically, a coating that has a matte or semi-matte structure is selected for stairs. This makes more sense from a usability point of view. A glossy surface wears off faster and loses its appearance. Although there are types of varnishes that are able to maintain shine and at the same time are resistant to physical impact, for example, “yacht”.
  • Hue. It is important to decide whether a slight adjustment will be made to the tone or a complete color substitution will take place.
  • How much time is there for drying and will people be in the room during this time?
  • Will you do the painting yourself or leave it to the professionals?

By its nature, varnish is resins that are diluted in a certain solvent. Based on the number of components, they are divided into:

  • One-component. In this case, you simply open the can, dip the brush and get to work.
  • Multicomponent. Typically used by professionals. There is a certain flexibility in their use, because the master himself decides how much solvent and hardener to add. The properties that can be selected for specific objects will depend on the consistency.

The base for varnish can be of different origins, and its level of toxicity and other properties will depend on this. Among them are:

  • Water-based or acrylic. This type is most often used for interior decoration. This is explained by the fact that it is the least toxic, because... Ordinary water is used as a solvent. It will take approximately two weeks for complete drying to form a hard film. It is fireproof, but it is better not to use it where high load intensity on the floor covering is planned. This composition makes it possible to highlight the beauty of the natural pattern without shading it.
  • Alkyd. The most common type. It can be used both indoors and for exterior finishing. It is based on alkyd resins. Like the previous option, it does not spoil the color of the wood, because is transparent. Once dry, the layer is resistant to water, so it can be easily washed. It is applied using a pneumatic tool or a microfiber roller. Complete setting occurs within three days.
  • Oily. If you are planning to give the stairs a shiny look, some elasticity to the wood, or change the tone a little, then the choice should fall on this look. But it is worth remembering that it is used for primary processing and is not so resistant to moisture. Therefore, for reliability, it will need to be covered with a layer of another type of varnish on top.
  • Polyurethane. Such compositions will be the most great solution for the stairs. This type of varnish has a short drying time, is also very resistant to abrasion, temperature, elasticity and is not subject to destruction when exposed to moisture. Disadvantages include the toxicity of the solvent, as well as the tendency to yellow over time.
  • Nitrovarnishes. Not recommended for painting stairs or flooring. This type is very susceptible to wear and tear due to physical impact.
  • Epoxy. Withstands shuffling feet on the surface. They have high strength and elasticity. Not suitable for outdoor use because unstable to the effects of climate change.

There are some other variations: shellac, bitumen and coal tar varnishes, but they are unsuitable for use in the given conditions.

When choosing a varnish, you should also pay attention to whether it is self-priming. If this is not the case, then you will additionally need to purchase a primer and cover the wood with it before painting.


Wood stain can also be called impregnation. This is a liquid that contains a pigment that allows you to give the desired shade or completely change the color of the wood. The following types are distinguished:

  • Water based. It can be produced both in dissolved and dry form. The advantage of the second option is that you can regulate the concentration yourself. Before using the prepared mixture, solids must be removed. This can be done by simply straining the liquid through cheesecloth. One of the disadvantages of this stain is that it causes the wood to partially swell, causing the grain to rise. Therefore, after application and drying, it is advisable to walk over the surface with fine sandpaper. For uniform distribution, it is better to use a pneumatic sprayer. Otherwise, stains will remain.
  • Alcohol based. Available in the same form as the previous version. But it is better to buy a ready-made solution, because... It is quite difficult to find alcohol of the required quality. Application is carried out in the same way as with an aqueous solution. The advantage is that it dries quite quickly due to the evaporation of the base.
  • Based on solvents or nitro stain. The properties are similar to alcohol, but when painting, an unpleasant odor is released.
  • On oil based. Typically, linseed oil is used as a solvent. In this case, there is practically no unpleasant odor. The dye is applied evenly and softly. The likelihood of uneven spots appearing is low.
  • Acrylic or wax based. Are considered ideal solution among impregnations. Convenient to paint, difficult to spoil anything. In addition, additional protective layer, which repels moisture.
  • Based on alkyd varnish. This impregnation already contains varnish, so when applying it, you immediately perform two operations.

For floor coverings, stains are not used as an independent composition; usually, after staining, some suitable varnish is applied.


Enamel is a type of painting material that can be called 2 in 1. They have a coloring pigment, and the base is one of the types of varnish, so their varieties coincide with those found among varnishes:

  • alkyd;
  • acrylic;
  • oil;
  • polyurethane;
  • nitro enamels.

Their characteristics in terms of adhesion, resistance to moisture, ultraviolet radiation and physical impact are also comparable to corresponding varnishes. All that remains is to choose the color in which you would like to paint the stairs.


This is an exotic material in every way. It is made from shellac, a wax-like substance secreted by a certain type of insect. Its extraction is a very painstaking work, so the polish has a high cost. Most often it is used for furniture that is not intended for everyday use. The surface application technology is very complex and painstaking. If someone decides to use this product for the floor, then at the final stage the surface must be covered with several layers of compatible varnish for protection.

How to paint

Once you have decided which substances to use for painting, you need to know how this process is carried out correctly.

  • It is good if it is possible to apply the coating before the entire structure is installed. Then it will be possible to treat all surfaces with the same quality.
  • If the staircase was made of coniferous wood, then it is advisable to remove excess resin. It is important to do this because... The resin may prevent the dye from being absorbed. To do this, prepare a solution based on acetone. We need 1 liter hot water, soap, 200 ml of acetone, 50 gr. potash, 50 gr. baking soda, 10 gr. ethyl alcohol. The prepared liquid is applied with a wide brush, after which the wood is left for several hours. The resin will come out through the back of the board and you just need to wash it off. Next, the wood is stacked for drying.
  • For the next stage we will need a surface grinder and fine sandpaper, as well as wood putty. The entire surface is carefully inspected for chips and gouges. If necessary, putty. After drying, sanding is necessary. The product is delayed for 1–2 days. It must regain the moisture present in the room, after which some fibers may rise. To smooth them out, another sanding is carried out.
  • It is important that there is as little dust as possible in the room where painting will be done. After sanding, you need to do some general cleaning. The main layer of dust can be removed using construction vacuum cleaner, then use a damp cloth.
  • The next step is to prime the surface. Several layers of impregnation may be required. If after the first pass the fibers have swollen and risen, then it is necessary to sand again and apply a new layer.
  • It is best to apply the coloring composition using an electric or pneumatic tool (use goggles and a respirator with replaceable filters to protect the respiratory tract). If you don’t have any at hand, then an ordinary brush will do. For liquid solutions, a wide flange with soft bristles is used, for thick solutions - with smaller, hard bristles. The brush should be held at an angle of 45˚.
  • In order to emphasize the grain of the wood, a stain of a suitable shade is applied. After which it is varnished.
  • It is important to cover with at least three layers. The first is along the grain, the second is perpendicular, the third repeats the first. Each new one is applied after the previous one has completely dried. During the process you need to be very careful so that there are no smudges or tone transitions.

If you are painting an already installed march to the second floor, then you can use one trick. In order to maintain passability, it is necessary to paint the steps of the stairs one at a time (you should move from top to bottom). You will be free to rise if necessary. After complete drying, the second half is painted.

As you can see, when you have sufficient information there should not be any special difficulties. We often find it difficult to decide to do something with our own hands. The process described above will be the same wherever you decide to paint the stairs: in the country, at home or on the street.