Ox compatibility with other signs in love. An ideal match for a bull. Compatibility of Ox and Dog

Ox Man caring and responsible for the family. These are hardworking and purposeful people who are reliable in business and in everyday life, and strive for peace. This is a practical sign that strives for material well-being and successfully achieves its goals. Patience and consistency in everything makes the Ox man a persistent lover, capable of proving to his chosen one that he is the most reliable and wealthy person in every sense. Such men are often successful military service, they have a clearly expressed talent as a commander and leader. But in matters of love they may experience self-doubt. The Ox man appreciates a woman’s originality, external beauty and fidelity. He himself is jealous, but he idolizes his wife and protects her from all everyday troubles. Needs female care, is inclined to allow himself to be loved, but is not proactive. He is determined to create a strong, prosperous family, and he himself believes that he must be fulfilled in his career.

For the Ox man, the most suitable and calm will be an alliance with women representatives of the Snake and Ox signs. If the chosen one was born under the sign of the Rooster, the marriage will definitely be full of passion and adventure. Marriage with a Horse woman is good for individual development and the formation of each of the partners.

Ox Woman considered a caring guardian hearth and home. She is able to combine a strong family and motherhood with a brilliant career. The Ox woman has a talent for management and is very practical. The element of Earth gives the representative of the Ox sign willpower and a clear vision of options for achieving her desired goals. She does not like noisy gatherings, prefers to use her time rationally for the benefit of business, society and her family. Such a woman will reveal the secrets of her sexuality only to the man she has chosen, remaining a treasure for others behind a closed door.

External inaccessibility hides depth and rich imagination. It always takes time for a woman of this sign to reveal all her talents to her chosen one. The key to the heart of an Ox woman can be found through friendship. She loves her home, creates an unrivaled atmosphere of comfort and provides her partner with a reliable back. Her rational outlook on things contributes to the material progress of all members of her family. Modesty and selectivity in communication only emphasize the uniqueness of the friendship of representatives of the Ox sign. Such a woman strives to experience love herself and rarely exchanges for a marriage of convenience.

For a woman of the Ox sign, the most attractive marriage is with a Rabbit (Cat), Pig (Boar), or Goat (Sheep). She will feel confident in marriage with the Rooster, the Snake and her sign, the Ox. A marriage with a Tiger and a Dog can be difficult.

If suddenly it occurs to the Ox to start communicating with a similar creature, then he may well find in his face good friend, but far from a romantic partner. The stubbornness, obstinacy and willfulness of this sign, unfortunately, will not contribute to the creation of a calm and stable family, but it can become the basis for a good friendly or work tandem.

As for the union of the Ox and the Tiger, the forecast is quite encouraging. Taking into account one “but”: the leading violin in this relationship will still be played by the more strong-willed and stubborn Ox. True, it cannot be said that the predator himself will not be happy with something - he is quite ready to be in such an alliance. They can even start a family. Although the flames of passion will never blaze between them, they will still treat each other very warmly and reverently for a long time.


The union of the Ox and the Rabbit has a right to life. But if both partners expect that their relationship can lead to the creation of a full-fledged family and formalization of the relationship, then they are most likely mistaken. Most likely, they will only be connected by stable friendships, but far from love.


If suddenly it occurs to the Ox to start a relationship with the Dragon, then he should think a hundred times before rushing into such an adventure. The fact is that they are too different: the Dragon is constantly trying to break out of the boundaries of what is permitted, and the Horned One, on the contrary, is constantly trying to keep himself within certain boundaries. The Dragon will certainly want to become something more than a friend to the Ox, but the latter will show exclusively friendly feelings towards him. If suddenly the weak half of humanity turns out to be a Dragon, and the strong half turns out to be an Ox, then their relationship risks causing incurable wounds, first of all, to her rather than to him. The only thing they will do well in terms of relationships is to become friends for life.

Paired with the Snake, the Ox certainly has a good chance of gaining complete harmony and mutual understanding. They can make great friends, lovers or work partners. It doesn't matter which of them will be a man and which one will be a woman. The fact is that they are drawn to each other and can always come to a compromise in any situation, even though they are completely different in character and nature. One “but”: if the woman in this pair is the Snake, it would be better for her to carefully keep all her intrigues on the side secret, so that the harmony in their relationship with the Ox is maintained as long as possible. The Horned One will never think that his flexible and dexterous Snake is capable of betrayal or lies. In the event that her game suddenly opens up, there is a risk of seeing the Ox in an extremely furious state.


Unfortunately, the measured and patient Ox will not be able to become an ideal match for such a bright and original personality as the Horse. The reason for this is that the Horned One will feel out of place next to her. They have little chance of becoming bosom friends, let alone any kind of romantic relationship. These people are too different in their temperament and character, which is why they have no common ground. If the Ox and the Horse decide to formalize their relationship, then, alas, they will still face a quick breakup.

As for the Goat, it would be better for the Ox not to approach her at all. Thinking about any kind of relationship, God forbid, romantic, is categorically contraindicated for them. By nature, the Goat is too restless and capricious, and this will irritate and oppress the calm and slow Ox in every possible way. In the event that a woman was born in the year of the Ox, and a man in the year of the Goat, under no circumstances should they even think about marriage. However, there is a possibility that they may well become good friends or just acquaintances, but there certainly cannot be anything more between them.


The Ox, to be honest, would really like to be closer to the Monkey, but she is not too eager to reciprocate his feelings and enter into any kind of relationship with him. serious relationship. As for friendship, here they can definitely become excellent friends, but there is no need to talk about any romantic relationships.


As for the Rooster, it suits the Ox one hundred percent. If the man in a couple is a Rooster and the woman is a Bull, then their marriage has an excellent chance of being long and happy. If everything is the other way around in their couple, then quarrels and conflicts will haunt the lovers everywhere, but they will fade away very quickly, and reconciliation promises to be ardent and passionate. If a couple is satisfied with this state of affairs, why not? In the end, they can always remain excellent friends.


If the Ox suddenly decides to connect his life with the Dog, he should definitely know that in their relationship everything will always be too complicated. It would be better if the Horned One realized in time that they were not suitable for each other to be together, and retreated back home. Moreover, there can be absolutely no relationship between them: neither friendly, nor partner, nor romantic. There is a paradox here: they are very similar, but acting together, they never create something good. There is only one option for at least some coexistence on the same territory: a woman is a Bull, taking upon herself full responsibility for everyday life Otherwise, the Dog will simply drive the Horned One crazy with his skeptical comments and criticism. It constantly seems to her that the Ox is entirely obliged to her for her care, care and love, which will spoil both her mood and the mood of her partner. In the end, they begin to take offense at each other, quarrel and hate each other.


A relationship between an Ox and a Pig is possible only if the weak half of humanity is a Pig, and the strong half is an Ox. They may well formalize their relationship and become a full-fledged family. Only the passion and ardor of their union will always be lacking, which in some ways is even good: there will never be conflicts or noisy quarrels between them. They will live in perfect harmony. In addition to romantic relationships, Ox and Pig can form wonderful and strong friendships.


The rat can become ideal partner for the Bull. And it doesn’t matter who she is: a man or a woman. In any combination, Ox and Rat are incredibly well suited to each other. Moreover, it is unlikely that friendly relations will remain between them, because they are too attracted to each other to stop at such a low level.

The Ox shows its energy in sex, being as frantic in bed as in almost any other activity. The Ox has good compatibility with other Ox, Rooster, Rabbit, Snake and Monkey. What about other signs?

Ox in a love relationship

In love, the Ox can be gentle, devoted, sensual, but will never become a romantic. Despises love flirting and problems of passion. The fact that he is a materialist by nature can become a source of many problems, including in married life.

Not jealous, but loyalty for the Ox is the most important proof of love. And if he loves, he will be devoted to the end.

It will take you time to win the heart of a person born in the year of the Ox, although once you do this, you will not be able to find a more devoted or sincere partner, no matter how hard you try.

This is partly due to the deeply earthly and sensual nature of this sign. In addition to depth, he also has confidence.

People born in the year of the Ox feel very deeply what is happening to them, although few of those around them are aware of this, but while for many of us it is quite easy to express our feelings, even knowing that it will not be possible to achieve the desired sincerity, the cautious and calm Ox will rarely dare to do such a thing .

Ox Man - Compatibility

In the Chinese zodiac, in most cases, the Ox embodies the qualities of calm and stability. However, other aspects of it should also be taken into account, associated in traditional cultures with fertility and energy.

Most people have no idea how close these qualities are to the man of the year of the Ox, who does not lose balance and concentration even when he performs a feat.

The Ox man works hard and can devote himself to achieving goals that less patient people would not have the strength to achieve. He won't be the most noticeable person in the group, of course, unless he drinks a little more than he should.

You may even think that he is too modest in the company of people in whom he is not confident. Although he has a natural tendency to protect his loved ones, he sometimes cares about everyone around him, both men and women.

The Ox man will rarely object to you expressing his own opinion. Despite the above, the Ox sees the ideal of his life in cozy home, and he will be pleased to know that his wife is usually waiting for him there.

Although he may not be called a chauvinist, the Ox man is definitely old-fashioned enough to recognize that there are differences between men and women.

But he is not always smart enough to understand when you start to go your own way. in my own way, and therefore he is quite easily fooled into thinking that his wishes are being taken into account.

This is a proven method of communicating with an Ox man, and with its help you will be more or less confident in maintaining peace.

Without any doubt, the Ox man knows what hard work is and can become a wonderful father. This is one of the most practical signs of the Chinese horoscope!

Ox Woman - Compatibility

The Ox Woman is a true keeper of the hearth, a good housewife, and adores her home.

A woman with this sign needs serious provocation before she loses her patience and starts working hard to achieve her own goal in life.

She is more ready than other signs to bear the usual burden of life, and will be satisfied if she has the opportunity to work calmly alone. Although she may be modest and prim, the Ox woman is friendly and much more approachable than a man of the same sign.

Therefore, if you are interested in a woman - Ox, compatibility will largely depend on the friendship that develops between you. After all, relationships with the Ox often begin with friendship, and indeed, you are unlikely to find a more faithful friend than the Ox.

Once you get along with the Ox, which you will unless you do something exceptional, you will have made a friend for life.

Although compared to other, more luxurious women Chinese zodiac the woman of the year of the Ox may seem dull, she is rarely bored, often likes to sit with a book, and, like the Ox man, prefers open spaces country house the city is more crowded.

Therefore, you will rarely be able to meet her at a disco or drinking beer in a bar. You should not think that Oxen, both men and women, are alien to the pleasures of life, they simply prefer communication in the company of close acquaintances or friends.

Therefore, if you consider yourself to be a fan of noisy parties, the Ox woman is unlikely to be your option; compatibility in this case is very doubtful.

Although the woman of the year of the Ox may be beautiful, she can hardly be called alive in the fullest sense of the word, and her sexuality is most likely such that it will be revealed only to the men chosen by her.

You should not be mistaken about her outward coldness, because usually a woman with this sign is deep and imaginative. It may take you a while to figure this out, but she has a lot hidden talents.

Compatibility horoscope for those born in the year of the Ox

Bull - Bull

If we consider the compatibility of two identical signs, this relationship has good potential, if, of course, the partners do not harass each other.

A possible difficulty lies in the fact that the bull is a very stable personality type, so together bulls can live too calmly, and this may or may not suit them. Their life will be abundant, since the bull is a good earner and a good saver.

However, a couple needs variety, the absence of which can have a detrimental effect on the relationship. As long as both parties acknowledge this fact and are willing to make changes, everything will be fine.

Bull - Tiger

The Tiger is a very active and cheerful character type, and that is why this combination can be very good. The tiger is always moving forward, while the bull is ready to create a stable platform on which their relationship will be based.

However, bulls tend to take life seriously, while tigers rarely have this quality, so the alchemical mixing that characterizes the best relationships is clearly possible here.

Both the practical and personal sides of life work well together, and there is an almost instinctive understanding between these signs that arises when opposites meet.

Ox - Rabbit

Even though the relationship will not be what the partners thought, it is unlikely that any of them will dare to say so. The reason is their mutual kindness, which will allow them to live stably and without quarrels.

But, in truth, they may lack passion, but even this lack cannot be an obstacle to the most idyllic form of life. They usually succeed in creating a happy family with many children.

The Ox sign has very good compatibility with the Rabbit.

Bull - Dragon

Obviously, the dragon is quite active and can overwhelm the calmer bull at first. Although this combination may seem close to ideal, it has its drawbacks, in particular due to the fact that the dragon loves to force, and the bull, with all his stubbornness, refuses to obey.

The dragon likes to be taken care of, and who better than a bull to provide basic needs? Among all the options, this one refers to a 50/50 chance of success, of course, if the bull does not persist too much.

Bull - Snake

Their relationship can be called stable, although not the most impressive. The union must suit both parties; this is the basis for calm happiness, which some combinations will never achieve.

They will most likely have clean house, a happy family and a very stable lifestyle. If you come to visit them in winter, they will warm themselves by the fireplace. If you visit them in the summer, you will find them in a hammock near the house.

Rare quarrels are possible, which will only strengthen the balance in this hardworking family. Good option in order to achieve material success.

Bull - Horse

Some types of bulls need the brightness that a horse can easily bring into their lives. But the poor bull does not always realize this, and in such a situation he can find himself in a whirlpool of life that is completely unusual for him.

However, after a while things should calm down as much as possible with a horse in the house, although life for a bull that has experienced this will never be the same.

These opposites can be of great service to each other, since the shortcomings of one of the partners will be compensated by the advantages of the other. Overall, their prospects are good.

Bull - Goat

If their affection develops into something more, then the union will be very quiet, since neither of the partners can be called talkative. Both the bull and the goat are quite modest, and although they can reach heights in practical life, the relationship will not be imbued with the spirit of intellectual competition.

At the same time, everything necessary will be done in the house, since both are ready to take on routine issues. Moments of intense passion are also possible, since both the bull and the goat value sexual relationships. It is difficult to say how they can interest each other at the dating stage.

Bull - Monkey

An ox can allow itself to be drawn into a situation that does not suit it, while a monkey will never back down if it has decided that this is what it wants. As a result, problems may appear from the first step of dating, which will not allow them to develop into something more.

A monkey can be extremely selfish, but so can a bull, albeit with a completely different value system. The possibility of success can never be ruled out, but circumstances are working against this couple.

Bull - Rooster

Everyone who enters their house will see cleanliness and order, which means so much for their personal happiness. In this combination, an instinctive understanding is possible that is strong enough to overcome minor difficulties along the way.

The bull is neat and methodical, which will help the more sloppy, but equally fastidious rooster find his footing. The Rooster can be talkative, which forces the Ox to communicate more than he would prefer.

Family life will be calm and happy, perhaps marked by a little travel.

Bull - Dog

Dogs are adaptable, there is no doubt about it. This fact alone may explain why success is possible with this combination.

However, the same cannot be said about the bull, so all the bestowal, change and self-sacrifice will be given to the relationship by a loving and patient dog. At the same time, the bull will be uncomfortable with the dog’s eternal enthusiasm, which may cause short-term quarrels.

In this union, everyone will find their own benefit, enriching themselves due to strengths partner.

Bull - Pig

There is little doubt that such relationships arise on the basis of attractiveness and sensuality, which are the second nature of both signs.

After meeting, a couple can be found more often in the bedroom than on the street - both signs love to eat, sleep, swim and make love, so they will have plenty of common interests.

Sooner or later, one of them will introduce abstinence into the relationship, which will make it calmer. Then new aspects will open up to them life together. It’s safe to say that the bull sign has one of the best compatibility with the pig sign.

People born in the year of the Ox are modest and diligent, patient and taciturn, persistent and enduring. At the same time, when certain conditions and circumstances, they can be eccentric and impatient, and can easily lose their temper. At such moments they should beware and avoided, because their anger and rage are out of control, knowing no boundaries or limits. At the moment of an emotional outburst, large audiences, a whole crowd, can fall under the influence of their undeniable eloquence. And most of them have not only excellent mental, but also physical characteristics.

Since the Ox is traditional and thorough, smart, but devoid of bold fantasies, his desire to create a family is completely justified. In addition, a person born under this sign is by nature a homebody (although he sometimes likes to tinker in the garden). Usually Bulls have a strong family.

Compatibility of Oxen women

Bull Women. Those born in the year of the Ox have a kind and sensitive character. More often than not, you can rely on them. They love their home very much and are proud of it, striving to make it as comfortable as possible. The Ox woman is pragmatic and prefers reality to romantic dreams. Conscientiously fulfilling everything assigned to her at work (usually unloved), she strives to be the keeper of the home. A magnificent and attentive housewife, the Ox woman will do everything in her power for the happiness of her husband and children. Perhaps many will not understand her for her isolation on the family and some limitation of interests, but her sincere devotion to the family hearth, husband and children can only be envied.

Compatibility of Oxen men

Bull Men. Contemplative by nature, they love solitude. Oxen men are happy with their already established life and do not like to change anything. Perhaps these people can be called too conservative and critical: Picasso, new jazz, miniskirts, long hair for men - they will not tolerate this at home (at least at first, while it is an innovation). They don’t need “meaningless” romance either: if you want to do something, do it right away, and don’t indulge in meaningless romantic nonsense - that’s their view of relationships. At the same time, being able to work, the Ox will bring true prosperity to the family. He will be a faithful companion, and you can always count on him.

Ox Chinese Horoscope Compatibility

Ox and Rat: He will be happy with the Rat, who loves no less than the Ox and knows how to work, knows how to count money. The Rat in this union will be attracted to the security and comfort radiated by the Ox. And if she loves him deeply and strongly, she will be faithful to him until the end of her days.

Bull and Bull: The union of two Bulls can develop quite successfully. Both are conservative, both are materialists. No, they will not destroy each other, on the contrary, they will be happy.

Bull and Tiger: Life with Tiger may end real war: partners will simply destroy each other.

Ox and Rabbit: A relationship with a Rabbit can develop, especially if it is a woman. She is disciplined and diplomatic and, if she wants, can live in harmony with the Ox.

Bull and Dragon: The materialist Ox will not be able to interest the Dragon for long - the latter will become bored with him, and he does not like some rudeness.

Bull and Snake: Communication with the Snake will be quite difficult, firstly, due to the fact that the representative of this sign has a rather stormy sex life. However, she will not leave her family, and if she manages to hide all her affairs from the conservative Bull, everything can be very good. But God forbid something becomes known!

Bull and Horse: An independent and patient Horse will be wary of the Ox, and the fact that he constantly limits her freedom will sooner or later force her to leave.

Ox and Goat: The Ox will not be able to get along with the capricious and fickle Goat on his own, because he will not understand her eternal discontent, and she will miss refined treatment and constant admiration.

Ox and Monkey: The Ox, like the Rat, may be fascinated by the Monkey and her ability to fantasize (he himself is not very capable of this), but he is unlikely to be happy with her. Perhaps this is exactly the situation where one loves (Ox), and the other allows himself to be loved... Relationships with other signs will be worse.

According to the compatibility horoscope, the Ox man is a carrier of enormous vital energy. He is a hardworking, resilient plowman who knows how to earn money and always stands firmly on the ground. This reliable friend and a faithful husband. He will never betray his woman, but he also demands from her complete dedication to the family and to him, his beloved.

A man born in the year of the Ox rarely shows his emotions in public and considers it a stupid activity. He is a very balanced person and is difficult to anger.

But he is able to accumulate his claims and displeasures. And when he reaches his limit, everyone will see his explosive and passionate temperament and one can experience the real rage of the Ox, who can even raise his hand against a woman in anger. Therefore, if he is disappointed in someone, then it is almost impossible to start the relationship from scratch.

Ox Man – Ox Woman

The pair of male Ox and female Ox has good compatibility; he will be especially successful in terms of achieving a career. Moreover, business relations two bulls would be much more suitable than lovers. After all, together they create an excellent team ready to cope with the most difficult life conditions. They can be successful farmers and create their own production. Both spouses are hardworking and can harness themselves and “plow like a bull.” They are serious, hardworking, responsible and ready to do anything for their family. They are both conservative in their views and have a materialistic worldview...>>

Ox Man – Tiger Woman

Ox Man – Cat Woman (Rabbit)

The family union of an Ox man and a Cat (Rabbit) woman cannot be called ideal, but they have every chance of becoming happy. Everything will depend on the individuality of each spouse and their willingness to compromise, to give in to their values, for the sake of preserving the family. Spouses have difficulty understanding each other's habits and character. As a rule, the Ox man is simply fascinated by his sociable, gentle, feminine and graceful wife, but over time, her indiscipline begins to infuriate him. And the romantic Cat woman (Rabbit) cannot get used to the caution and excessive realism of the Ox man, and the slightest criticism of him can lead the Cat to isolation and even depression...>>

Ox Man – Dragon Woman

The family union of an Ox man and a Dragon woman most often consists of numerous difficulties and spouses rarely live together all their lives. Their temperaments are too different to understand each other. The Ox man is slow and purposeful, achieving his goals methodically, slowly, following his plan. This is very annoying for the hot-tempered, impulsive and dynamic Dragon woman. She must constantly inspire the Ox man to achieve feats and use his energy to realize her plans...>>

Ox Man – Snake Woman

The family union of an Ox man and a Snake woman is stable and reliable and, as a rule, the spouses find family happiness. The Snake woman loves luxury and comfort, she has ambitious plans and aristocratic habits, and the Ox man is able to provide her with all this. He is simply fascinated by the good upbringing of his wife, her care and ability to find the necessary connections and contacts for him in a timely manner. In addition, she is very insightful financial matters, thanks to which the Ox man achieves even more with her help financial well-being. In this union, the spouses complement each other...>>

Ox Man – Horse Woman

By eastern horoscope compatibility of an Ox man and a Horse woman, their family relationships cannot be called ideal. Spouses will have to adapt a lot to each other, make concessions and seek a compromise. Often partners simply do not understand each other, as they have completely different views on life. The Ox man is a careerist and workaholic. He is drawn to material success, and strives to occupy not the last step in the hierarchical ladder. He is a homebody, loves to live in comfortable conditions, and it is difficult to get him out of his own thoughts, which he endlessly spins in his head...>>

Ox Man – Goat Woman (Sheep)

In a family union, an Ox man and a Goat (Sheep) woman may experience frequent conflicts and misunderstandings of each other. In these relationships, different interests collide. The Ox man likes to earn and save money, and the Goat (Sheep) woman likes to purchase luxury goods, spend money on travel and entertainment, and lead a busy social life. That's why " decoration“A family nest without tasty food and a stable future can create problems for the Ox man. In addition, the sentimentality and sensitivity of the Goat (Sheep) woman are difficult to combine with the prudence, perseverance and stinginess of the emotional reactions of the Ox man...>>

Ox Man – Monkey Woman

A family union between an Ox man and a Monkey woman will have enough difficulties and contradictions. Both partners strong personalities, and firmly know what they want to achieve in life. But, their desires are most often directed in different directions. Simplicity, seriousness, business qualities Ox men are faced with the complex, cunning, eccentric character of the Monkey woman. The Ox man does not understand her unscrupulousness and desire to achieve her goal by any means. Although both spouses love success in society and strive for material well-being, they have completely different ideas about how to spend money...>>

Ox Man – Rooster Woman

The family relationship between the Ox man and the Rooster woman is very stable and harmonious. In this partnership, both spouses can show their hard work and reveal better quality. The Ox man, possessing self-esteem and dedication to his work, can provide a wide field of activity for the administrator and conscientious performer of the Rooster woman, who in turn arouses the Ox man’s admiration for her new ideas and talents. Each of them likes to analyze and use favorable opportunities in their own way, but together they are able to achieve a lot...>>

Ox Man – Dog Woman

The relationship between an Ox man and a Dog woman is quite complex. On the one hand, spouses have many similar character traits, and on the other, their differences are difficult to adjust and adapt to each other. In addition, the Ox man hates any form of dependence and subordination, seeks prestige and money, and the idealism of the Dog woman, her life principles, as well as sociability and sometimes excessive friendliness, are often incomprehensible to the power-hungry Ox man, and can provide him with a reason for critics...>>

Ox Man – Pig Woman (Boar)

The family union of an Ox man and a Pig (Boar) woman is quite promising, since in it, each of the spouses reveals and strengthens best qualities another. The seriousness, focus on success and good manners of the Ox man allow the Pig (Boar) woman to show her devotion, even sacrifice, as well as her ability to endure difficulties and hardships. In addition, the Pig (Boar) woman can create the family comfort that the hardworking Ox man needs, and his protection and care will be necessary for her psychological stability...>>