Climbing rose coral sunset. Rose coral sunset. ADR certificate, what is it?

The Coral Dawn rose is pink in color. The height of the bush is usually about 200-300 cm. The width is about 200 cm, sometimes more but quite rarely. Resistance to diseases of the Coral Dawn rose: practically does not get sick.

Description: Coral Dawn roses

The name is somewhat discouraging - Coral Dawn is not a coral color at all, but a beautiful rich one Pink colour. The foliage is dark, shiny, disease resistant, like New Dawn, but the flowers are more double and the bush is denser and branched. The flowers are spherical in shape, with many short petals, and fragrant. They feel better in dry weather, because... The petals are soft and easily damaged by rain. They appear singly or in clusters of up to 7 pieces (usually 3 each), and with age they fade to pale pink. On bright sunlight may fade unsightly. The bush is very prickly. Nice rose for low support, continuously blooming until the first frost. (ARE) Buds are oval. The flowers are coral-pink, well-shaped, large (9-10), double (30-35 petals), fragrant, single and in inflorescences of up to 16. The leaves are dark green, shiny, leathery. The bushes are spreading, up to 2 m tall. Flowering is abundant and long, repeats well. Bears fruit. The fruits are large and round. Winter-hardy. For groups and standard forms. (GBS)

climbing roses- this is a great decoration summer cottage. They have many advantages over other varieties of roses. With their help, it is easy to effectively fill empty space, add fabulous notes to your garden and hide many details that seem unattractive.

The advantage of many varieties of climbing roses is their unpretentiousness and resistance to temperature changes. These flowers will delight you with their luxury and fragrance throughout the summer and will survive the winter well.

Semi-climbing roses can rightfully be called the most unpretentious. They are very winter-hardy, so the chances of their death after sudden drops in temperature are extremely small. In addition, semi-climbing roses are almost not susceptible to diseases, do not require special care and can be planted in the most different areas summer cottage plot.

Main distinguishing feature semi-climbing roses are large shoots. They can reach three meters. Despite a large number of greenery, the plant looks very attractive. Large luxurious flowers overshadow the stems and leaves.

"Flammentanz"- one of the most popular varieties of semi-climbing roses. Its shoots are very long and massive, and the flowers are distinguished by a dark crimson hue and terry texture. The approximate size of the flower is about eight centimeters. Their smell can hardly be called pronounced. These roses bloom only one summer.

Rose Flammentanz

- a variety of roses that differ from many others in a large number of shoots, reaching up to four meters in height. The flowers of this plant are collected in brushes. Their color is yellow, their structure is velvety, and their size can reach ten centimeters.

This variety suitable for those who are looking for roses with an unusual aroma. Golden Gate smells like tropical fruits. In return for their splendor, roses require good shelter in winter period and on rainy days. They are often damaged by pests, so these plants are worth keeping an eye on.

"Sympathie"- a variety of roses with gorgeous bright red buds. It grows well not only in length, but also in width. The approximate length of the stems is three meters, and the total width of the bush usually reaches two meters. Flowers can have different diameters, but are always collected in small brushes.

The flowers of this variety delight with their rapid growth and resistance to various negative factors. They have only one drawback - many buds with petals will decorate the bush only for the first year. Further their number will decrease.

A distinctive feature of roses of this variety is large flowers, the diameter of which can reach fifteen meters. Despite their massiveness, they are very delicate, because they have an attractive milky hue. The stems are not too long. They rarely exceed two and a half meters. The bush is very lush and spreading.

Laguna– a variety of roses with cyst-shaped blooms. Petals and buds have a rich pink tint and velvety texture. The peculiarity of roses is their very strong aroma. It can be caught even when located a few meters from the bush.

Small-flowered climbing roses

All varieties of this type are characterized by long, thin shoots that bend well. Their length can vary - from two to sixteen meters. They are decorated small flowers, rarely having a diameter of more than five centimeters.

"Super Excelsa"– variety double roses With bright flowers fuchsia colors. The approximate diameter of one flower is four centimeters. The flowering brushes are very large. The bush cannot be called long or lush, since its maximum total area is four square centimeters.

Roses of this variety perfectly tolerate both heat and frost. It is advisable to place them in shady areas of the site, since the flowers quickly lose their rich shade after contact with sunlight.

The variety will conquer connoisseurs of tenderness. Its miniature flowers look like white balls. Usually there are from five to twenty-five flowers on one brush. The leaves of the plant are very small and dark, there are practically no thorns.

Advantages of the variety - roses bloom almost continuously. They can be used not only to decorate vertical surfaces, but also for placement on the ground. Snow Goose does not require special care.

- a godsend for those who want to smell the aroma of flowers and enjoy their splendor before the onset of frost. That's just early flowering You shouldn't expect it, since the buds appear only at the end of spring.

The standard length of the stems is about three meters. The bush is not lush, its width rarely exceeds a meter. The leaves of the plant are bright green. The shades of the flower depend on the type of variety, but most often you can find crimson.

Rose varieties are classified as chameleons. At the beginning of flowering, their petals have a shade Ivory, but after some time in the sun they become snow-white. Flowers are collected in brushes. One brush can contain fifty flowers.

The maximum length of the bush is five meters. It does not require tight winter shelter, very easy to carry high temperatures and is easy to take cuttings.

Large-flowered climbing roses

They are worth choosing if you like strong aromas and the landscape lacks a touch of luxury. Characteristic their flowers are large in diameter. Many varieties belonging to this group have a disadvantage - poor frost tolerance. They are able to survive the winter, but only if they have good shelter.

Rose varieties "Santana" have a very bright red color that does not fade in the sun. The flowers of the plant are quite large. Their diameter is ten centimeters, the texture is semi-double.

The average height of the bush is three meters. Roses of the Santana variety are not demanding and can withstand any weather changes without problems.

Roses of the variety have no less large flowers. Their diameter can reach thirteen centimeters, and their color can be called delicate coral or apricot. The bush is not tall, as its length rarely exceeds two meters.

Roses of the "Polka" variety bloom several times throughout the season. The flowers are resistant to rain and disease, but they should be insulated for the winter.

If you are looking for the most unpretentious variety climbing roses with big flowers, take a closer look at "Don Juan". Twelve-centimeter buds with petals burgundy color are located on a large bush, the length of which usually reaches three meters and the width - two.

Roses of this variety rarely get sick or freeze. They do not need to be covered even in heavy rain.

If you think that roses of exotic color can only be obtained after dyeing, your doubts will be dispelled by this variety. The flowers in the inflorescences of this plant stand out from the rest due to their delicate lilac hue. The swamp green leaves contrast attractively with them.

For variety "Casino" characterized by large double flowers of rich color yellow color. These roses are great for framing vertical surfaces.

Casino roses should be handled with care, as they have large thorns. Special care they don't need it.

Those who like very large double flowers should take into account the variety "Elfe". They have a delicate white-green hue and emit a strong fruity smell.

The bush is not tall, because it is rarely higher than two and a half meters. Such roses do not tolerate heavy rains, but they are resistant to diseases and frost.

What do you need to know about planting climbing roses and caring for them?

If you are determined to decorate your garden with climbing roses, plant them in late spring. Roses planted in the fall will not have time to adapt and will most likely die.

The basic landing technique involves several points.

After planting, the roses should be watered well. Then they need to be watered moderately, as they suffer from excess moisture.

You only need to prune what has faded to give the bush fullness, and areas affected by disease. To avoid having to remove shoots due to diseases, water the plant with Bordeaux mixture when white spots appear on the leaves and use insecticides or nettle decoction if the plant is damaged spider mite or aphids.

Even frost-resistant varieties should be covered for the winter. But this needs to be done after the first frost (minus four degrees). If you cover the roses earlier, they will not have time to acquire good immunity and are unlikely to survive the winter.

Do you want to add a touch of chic to your garden with climbing roses, but don't know how to use them? Here are a few places where they will look good:

  • building walls;
  • fencing;
  • arches;
  • straight frame (you get the illusion of a living fence);
  • figured frame;
  • corridor.

Combinations of two varieties of roses look extremely attractive. The table shows the most profitable solutions.

Video - How to properly plant and care for a climbing rose

A variety with fragrant, densely double flowers of coral-pink color. Each flower is dense, spherical, up to 9 cm wide, with more than 40 petals! They bloom all summer from June to September, until the first frost, exuding a pleasant fruity-floral aroma. The plant is vigorous, up to 3 m high, slightly spreading, with dark green glossy leaves and sharp spines. It has good winter hardiness and disease resistance. Suitable for growing on a low support. Planting is preferable in a sunny place.

Climbing roses. Planting material by mail!

Prima ballerina in vertical gardening. According to the beauty and splendor of the decorative decoration of arches, trellises, arbors and others architectural forms Climbing roses are beyond competition. They are quite widespread not only in areas with mild and temperate climates, but also in most of middle zone Russia, where they winter quite well under snow cover with light dry shelter.

The price is for 1 piece.
This product is mailed out in the SPRING.

Pink roses - this is how you can describe the Coral Down variety. The flowers of this variety have a very rich and at the same time delicate color, which gardeners like so much. By the way, it is precisely because of the color that many people buy Coral Down seedlings wholesale, because there cannot be too much beauty. The flowers are rather spherical in shape, the petals are rather short. The multitude of petals creates that terry appearance that is valuable to all gardeners. The oval shape of the bud is beautiful even when unblown. Each inflorescence can have up to 6 flowers at a time. Due to the fact that the petals are quite soft and delicate, they can be damaged by heavy heavy rain. The leaves are dark green, leathery, disease resistant. The length of the bush can reach almost 2 meters, which provides great opportunities for the use of this climbing rose. Its most common use is the creation of architectural compositions from wire, which then, according to the gardeners' plans, will be entwined with Coral Down roses. No wonder that buy Even seasoned and experienced gardeners dream of this variety.


To begin with, the gardener should take care of preparing the soil. It should be slightly acidic, loamy. If the soil in the existing area has a different structure, then this can be corrected. For example, adding sand to heavy clay soil loosens it slightly. sandy soil neither is good option for Coral Down, because it conducts all the water, which means the roots can dry out. You can enrich such soil with compost, and also arrange drainage systems in the form of pillows made of sawdust.

The planting site should be chosen with special care. It should not be in a low place. Even in small holes it will accumulate rainwater, which can have a detrimental effect on the roots of the rose. Roses show good flowering only with sufficient sunlight.

Before landing you need to hold rose seedlings in water for 3 hours or more. This will help the roots wake up and also revive them for further growth in the ground. The seedlings are buried in special holes, sprinkled with earth, to which peat can be added, and also watered warm water or nutritional mixture.

Roses need to be watered more often during the first time after planting. Once the seedlings have taken root, they no longer require constant watering. It is necessary to additionally water roses only in very dry summer conditions. You need to loosen the soil around the planting several times throughout the season, because this procedure will not only enrich the soil with oxygen, but also protect it from drying out.

The quality of seedlings is of utmost importance. Our online store considers constant control over all plants sold to be a priority. During preventive examinations, we select the best seedlings, which then go on sale. You will be pleasantly surprised by the fast and convenient delivery, as well as consultations that can be obtained from our specialists. We look forward to long-term cooperation with all our clients.

Not available


2.5-3 m

1x1 m

Country: Serbia

Flowering time: July-September

Pink colour

Group: climbing roses

Planting in the ground: May

Article: 4.18

Quantity per package: 1 piece

Location: sun

Manufacturer: Monte Agro

The rose is a beautiful deep pink color. The buds are oval-shaped, large from 9 to 10 cm, 30-35 petals. The flowers are fragrant, solitary and in inflorescences of up to 16 pieces. The foliage is dark, shiny, and disease resistant. The bush reaches a size of up to 2 m, very prickly. They feel better in dry weather, because... The petals are soft and easily damaged by rain. fade. A good rose for low support, blooming continuously until the first frost. Frost hardiness zone (USDA) - zone five.

Climbing rose CORAL DAWN is a representative of the beautiful group of climbing roses. The length of the shoots of climbing roses reaches from 2.5 to 6 m in some varieties. The shoots are whip-shaped, arched or creeping. Flowers vary in shape and color. aroma and location on the peduncle. Climbing roses, like all roses, are picky about where they grow. Roses need rich, well-drained soil, as roses have very deep root system. The location should be sunny, preferably protected from the winds. Rose plants are quite large, so it is not recommended to thicken the plantings. The rose is planted in May; before planting, it is recommended to store the seedling in a cold place, not allowing it to dry out, or immediately after purchase, plant it in a deep pot and transfer it to open ground in May. For the winter, climbing roses require careful shelter, which must be well ventilated in winter to prevent the rose from dampening off. In the spring, minor pruning is carried out, removing only dried shoots.

Seedlings are sold with a closed root system. The roots of the seedling are in the soil, which is wrapped in paper and packed in a plastic bag. The package, in turn, is placed in a cardboard tube with a plastic bottom. The tube contains a photo of the rose, a description of the variety and a diagram of planting the seedling. When planting, the tube and plastic bag are removed from the root system; the paper should not be removed, as it protects the earthen ball from destruction and therefore reduces injury to the roots. The seedlings have a well-formed trunk, with a diameter at the grafting site of at least 0.5 cm, 2-3 main shoots and 2-3 main roots, at least 20 cm long. SMITH IDEAL and LAXA rootstocks are used for the seedlings. The shoots of the seedlings are filled with wax, which does not need to be removed; the wax protects the seedlings from drying out and is not an obstacle to the awakening of the buds. Careful and thoughtful packaging allows you to keep the seedlings in excellent condition until planting in the ground. It is important to prevent overdrying and excessive moisture of the seedling's earthen coma.