Barbaris Tunberg: landing and care, description of varieties. Barbaris Tunberg: landing and care, descriptions of varieties reproduction with rope and root division

Barbaris Tunberg (Lat. Berberis Thunbergii) - view of the kind of barberry family of barberry, growing in nature on Far East. This species is also natural in North America and Europe. In the culture of Barbaris Tunberg grown everywhere. The plant is valued primarily for high decorativeness.

Landing and care for Barbaris Tunberg (brief)

  • Bloom: in May.
  • Landing: In the spring before the start of the Softness or in the fall, in October.
  • Lighting: Types with red and burgundy leaves need bright lighting, and plants with green foliage develop well in half.
  • The soil: Easy, not swampy, deeply drained.
  • Watering: Only in the period of a protracted drought.
  • Feeding: Organic are preferred: compost and humus are made to the rolling circles in spring under the poppopk, and in the autumn, the root zone is mounted with a bulk compost or peat.
  • Pruning: There is no need for trimming, but sticking out of the crown, too long shoots can be shortened at any time. Sanitary trimming is better to do in spring, before the start of the deploration.
  • Reproduction: Seeds, division of the bush, cuttings, grains and a pig.
  • Pests: Flame and floral spiners.
  • Diseases: Rust, flounce dew, drying of shoots and spotted leaves.

Details about the cultivation of Barbaris Tunberg read below

Barbaris Tunberg - Description

Barbaris Tunberg is a leafy shrub tongue up to 2.5 m, although in culture the height of Barbaris Tunberg rarely exceeds 1 m. The plant has arcuate ribbed branches, red-orange or bright red shoots, which over time become brown or dark brown over time.

The kidneys of this species is reddish, ovoid form, about 5 mm long. All-ray leaves, rhombically oval, spade or rounded, pointed or slightly rounded on the top and wedge-shaped at the base. Located the leaves of Barbaris Tunberg on the cutters and reach a length of 2-3 cm, and in width - 1 cm. Top side sheet plate Painted in bright green, lower - sisaya. Autumn leaves become yellow or bright red. The shoots and branches of the plants are equipped with a few thin and elastic spiners up to 1 cm long.

Bright yellow, reddish outside the bell tunberg bell flowers, single or collected 2-5 pieces in bundles or short brushes, reach 1 cm diameter. Blossom starts in May. Brilliant ellipsoidal coral-red fruits with a length of about 1 cm ripen in September or October.

Gardeners attracts the natural form of crowns of plants and the beauty of his leaves, in color gamma which are many options for green, yellow and red. In addition, Barbaris Tunberg is characterized by high winter hardiness and resistant to hazardous for all types of Barbaris diseases of mildew and rust.

Landing Barbaris Tunberg in the ground

When to plant Barbaris Tunberg

A plot for Barbaris Tunberg should be sunny and open, but nevertheless protected from cold wind. A variety of plants with dark green foliage can grow in a half, but barberries with red and burgundy leaves need a lot of light. The soil is needed, deeply drained, in no case is not swampy. If the soil on the site has a heavy structure, lowered for water and air, you will need to prepare to fill the landing pits substrate from the turf, sand and humus in the 2: 1 ratio.

Plant Barbaris Tunberg in the spring, to swelling the kidneys, or in the fall, and autumn planting Preferred. Saplings with a closed root system can be planted at any time of the year, except for winter.

How to plant Barbaris Tunberg

Draw landing pit A diameter and a depth of about half a meter. The distance between the two bushes should be 1.5-2 m, and if you land a live fence, then lay 2 bushes per 1 m. When landing dwarf varieties, the distance between the bushes is left within 50 cm.

Place a 10 cm thick layer on the bottom of the pit, then fill the pills with the substrate with a prepared substrate, cautiously position the seedling on it, straighten it the roots and fill the emptiness the same substrate. Lightly wrap the surface and sprinkle the seedlove. After the water is absorbed, climb rOCK Pouring or peat and shorten the ground part, leaving no more than 3 kidneys on the shoots. As long as the seedlock does not accepted and will not go into growth, it is watered once every 10 days.

Barbaris Care Tunberg

Landing Barbaris Tunberg and care for it are not laborious. None in frequent irrigation, nor in abundant feeding He does not need. Moisturizing the priority circle will be needed only in a period of long drought, the rest of the time Barbaris is quite natural precipitation. So that water during watering does not spread, make a roller with a height of about 10 cm around the perimeter or choose the soil from under the bush in such a way that the rolling circle becomes a big, not very deep well. Watering is carried out warm water under the root. After watering or rain, burst the soil around the bush and remove the weeds.

As a fertilizer for Barbaris Tunberg, a organic product is preferred - compost or humus, which makes spring under the poppop. In the fall, the soil under the bushes mulch loose organic material - peat or bulk compost.

There is no big necessity in trimming Barbaris Tunberg, except for some varieties of plants shorter too long, sticking out of the loose crown shoots. Usually, the trimming is used to remove the frightened ends of shoots, and do it after the plant unfolds young leaflets and become obvious defeats from frost.

From the pests of Barbaris Tunberg might hit and flower spiners. From the spiders, the plant is treated with chlorophos or desisis, and from barberryphids it is necessary in early spring Spray bushes with a solution of 300 g economic Soap In 10 liters of water or tobacco decoction (500 g of Machorki brewed in 10 liters soap solution). If the folk remedies do not help, you will have to resort to acaricides - accuters, acts, antitlin and similar drugs.

Barbaris Tunberg may have problems due to pulse dew, letters of leaves, rust and dryness of shoots. If you see on the leaves of the plant whims of mildew rays, treat a bush with a colloidal sulfur solution or a sulfur-limestone mixture, and strongly affected shoots cut and burn. The leaf spot is manifested in a variety of shape and color stains. As a result of the development of disease, the leaves begin to dry and fall. Destroy the infection with a solution of 30 g of copper oxihloride in 10 liters of water, processing the shrub twice: before and after flowering. Some types of fungi cause Barbaris's shoots drying. Stop the process can be timely trimming of patients with escapes with subsequent processing Plants with a solution of fungicide.

In the spring, bright orange spots arise on the upper side of the leaf plate of young leaves, and disputes are formed on the underside in orange pads. This disease is called rust. As a result of the active development of the disease, the leaves dry and prematurely fall. To destroy the infection, it is necessary to spray a barberry with a two-percent solution of burgundy fluid or a semi-alarm solution of colloidal sulfur immediately after the leaf is dissolved, and then processing two more times every three weeks.

Barbaris Tunberg reproduction

Barbaris Tunberg is multiplied with seeds, cuttings, brazers, piglets and the division of the bush.

The generative method makes it possible to get new varieties and hybrids, but it requires patience and time. The complexity of the implementation of a seed reproduction method is that the barberry seeds do not attend: germinals only from 15 to 40% of the sowing material. To improve the germination, the surface of the seeds will be signed, that is, slightly damage the surface shell, after which the seeds are sowing into the ground under the winter to a depth of 4-5 cm: during the cold season, they pass natural stratification and germinate well in the spring. At the permanent place, the seedlings of Barbaris Tunberg are planted in 2-3 years.

For the drawing, you will need half a weighing shoots with a length of about 15 cm. You can also root the green annual shoots with two or three interstices, making the lower cut at an angle of 45 ยบ. To accelerate the root of the roots of the lower cutting of the cuttings before planting is treated with a growth stimulator, after which the crushed cuttings are covered with perforation film.

If you want to reproduce a barbaris with the help of melts, cover the spring low growing branches of the plant, water them all summer, and in the fall, when they will be allowed root, cut off the maternal bushes and transope.

When dividing the bush, you can immediately get a ready-made seedling, but the complexity of the method is that when conducting a procedure, you can damage the maternal bush. You can only divide the plant in the spring, before the start of flowering, or in the fall after the leaffall.

Barbaris Tunberg has several decorative forms (multitiff, dark purple, silver-bored, Maximovich and others) and many varieties. Description of Barbaris Tunberg varieties could take tens of pages, so we invite you to get acquainted only with the most famous varieties in culture. The dwarf varieties of plants are considered particularly valuable:

  • barbaris Tunberg Kobold - a plant with a height of no more than 50 cm with dark green shiny leaves, which in the fall become scarlet-red or yellow;
  • Minor - grade up to 50 cm high with green foliage;
  • barbaris Tunberg Aurea - shrub height up to 80 cm with lemon yellow or golden yellow leaveswhich in the fall become yellowish orange;
  • barbaris Tunberg Orange Dream - spiny bush up to 70 cm high with orange foliage and the same shoots;
  • barbaris Tunberg Gold Bonanza - grade up to 50 cm high and a crown diameter of about 70 cm with small leaves of a light lemon-golden shade;
  • barbaris Tunberg Baghal - bushes high up to 40 cm with beet-colored leaves. Translated from the French "Bughatel" - "bauble". The leaves of this variety in the summer have a brownish shade, and in the fall acquire a bright red color;
  • barbaris Tunberg Golden Dream - a compact plant with a height of 50-70 cm with small narrow bright yellow leaves, which in the autumn become coral and red;
  • barbaris Tunberg Koronita - grade up to 50 cm high and diameter up to one and a half meters with bright dark purple leaves with light green border around the edge;
  • barbaris Tunberg AdmiMirshn - a dense bush up to 50 cm high with bright red or dark orange leaves with yellow border along the edges;
  • barbaris Tunberg Atropurpury Nana - A grade reaching 60 cm in a height, and the pillow-shaped crown grows into a width of up to 1 m. The leaves of the plant purple-red, in the fall, acquire a scarlet-red shade. Flowers outside red, from within yellow.

Tongy Tunberg's tangbaris with burgundy, orange or red leaves are represented by such varieties:

  • Atropurpuria - shrub tall up to 180 cm with purple-red brown leaves throughout the season;
  • barbaris Tunberg Orange Rocket - vertical bush height up to 120 cm and a diameter of 50-60 cm with red-orange foliage;
  • barbaris Tunberg Rad Pillar - bush tall up to one and a half meters with reddish-purple leaves, in autumn purchasing a scarlet shade;
  • barbaris Tunberg Golden Ring - A very tall plant with a height of up to 3 m with bordered yellow dark purple leaves, which fall bright red. The fruits of this variety of coral red color;
  • Helmond Pillar. - almost column-shaped grade up to 1.5 m high with a crown volume about 50 cm. Young leaves of red-pink plants, and old - saturated purple color;
  • barbaris Tunberg Rad Rocket - Rural plant with a height of up to 2 m with orange-red foliage, in the fall of acquiring orange color;
  • barbaris Tunberg Darts Rad Lady - shrub tall up to 80 cm with spherical crownconsisting of brilliant, dark burgundy leaves, autumn yellowing.

In demand in culture also tall grades Barbaris Tunberg with red leaves of electra and red chif.

Tall grades with green and yellow leaves are represented by such varieties:

  • barbaris Tunberg Erecta - a plant with a height of up to 1.5 m with a narrow-color-shaped in youth and sprawling in the maturity of a crown consisting of small light green leaves, yellowing in autumn. Bright red fruits are held on a bush after leaffall;
  • Vermillion - a grade with a height and width of about 1 m with green leaves, acquiring the autumn of the scarlet shade;
  • barbaris Tunberg Green Carpet - bush tall up to 1 m with a crown diameter to 1.5 m. Leaves in the summer of light green, fall scarlet-red. Fruits red or pink;
  • barbaris Tunberg Maria - Polish variety up to 1 m high with a columnid form of the crown. The young leaf leaves have a reddish hue, and they become yellow with the mature.

Barbaris Tunberg has many varieties with motley leaves. For example:

  • barbaris Tunberg Harlequin - bush height 120-150 cm with red leaves in pink and white spots;
  • Rosetta - grade with burgundy leaves with lots of white and pink spots;
  • barbaris Tunberg Rose Glo - Variety height up to 1.5 m and the crown of the same diameter. Young leaves of this plant are decorated with white-pink and bronze-red marble pattern, and old - red-purple and dark pink;
  • barbaris Tunberg Pink Queen (Rosea Atropurpur - Spacidious plant with a height of up to 120 cm with brown leaves, made of gray and red-pink strokes. In the fall, the leaves become crumbs;
  • Kelleris - Wide shrub with leaves in creamy and white strokes and spots. In the autumn, white areas change painting on pink or dark red;
  • Silver Beauty - Slowly growing grade, reaching a height of 1.5 m, and in width - 1 m, with the particle silver-green leaves and silver border. At the end of the season, dark red and pink spots appear on the leaves.

Barbaris Tunberg Natasha, Variagat, Glood, Golden Divine, Golden Ruby, Golden Rocket, Golden Ruby, Golden Rocket, Darts, Caberne, Kramson Ruby, Krimson, Kaberne, Golden Pillar Royal Burgundy, Sunny, Senseishn, Sparkle, Tony Gold, Fireball, Harmoni, Sheridans Rad, Cherry Bombers and many others.

Barbaris Tunberg is often used as a living hedge, and the bushes can be given any form, and you can not cut at all. The hedge from Barbaris Barbarisa Tunberg is impenetrable because of the barriers and very beautiful. It can take it from 6 to 7 years.

Plants of this species on the shores of the reservoirs are planted, in rocky gardens, in landscape compositions and single landings - everywhere Barbaris Tunberg will be beautiful. Low varieties of plants are used to create borders, chains and shrub mixtures. A B. japanese gardens Formed in the form of dense cushions Dwarf varieties of Barbaris Tunberg Cobolt, Green Carpet or Atropurpury Nana can successfully replace traditional mellular azaleas.

Barbaris Tunberg is a plant of a barberry family that has unique decorative properties. This species - It is a combination of beauty and benefit at the same time. Barbaris Tunberg is widely used in landscape design. Barbaris Tunberg B. natural environment Prefers open space for sunny rays. In nature is found at the mountain slopes of China and Japan. Description Tui Brabant read.

Barbaris Tunberg, description and characteristics

Barbaris Tunberg is a shrub from the Barbaris family, which grows down by the worstwear shoots.

  • An adult plant can reach three meters in height.
  • Spines, spins, whose size is equal to one centimeter, grow on branches and trunk of shrubs.
  • The leaves in the shrub small, oblong often reach the size of 1-3 cm. At the end of the autumn foliage, painted in red and falls.
  • The adult plant is fruit annually and very plentiful.
  • During the flowering period, flowers or single flowers are formed on the branches. Color color is uneven: the outside flower is painted in red, and inside is covered in yellow. Flowering lasts from one to two weeks.
  • On the shrub, the fruits of the elliptical shape of the bright coral color are growing.
  • Barberry berries Tunberg reaches 10 mm long. They pour in the middle of autumn and have been hanging on the branches for a long time.

To use the fruits of the barberry of this species is not recommended, but for winter birds it is a wonderful feed.

Photo of varieties and types of Barbaris Tunberg

To date, the market of garden plants is replete various varieties Barberry, everyone can choose a plant for themselves. So, the most popular is the following varieties:

Dwarf Sortbarbaris Tunberg:

decorative forms of Barbaris Tunberg:

strengthening varieties with vertical shoots:

Tightening green grades:

Tightening vintage varieties:

  • barbaris Tunberg Darts Red Lady - Grade has a bright purple foliage;
  • barbaris Tunberg Red Chif has bright sharp leaves;
  • barbaris Tunberg Helmond Pillar Grade "Columnious" form;
  • Barbaris Tunberg Helmond Pillar - spectacular way to make a variety of garden design

  • barbaris Tunberg Admiirshn - grade with purple foliage framed by yellowish border;
  • Barbaris Tunberg Admiirshn - Bright notes in a flower bed

  • barbaris Tunberg Red Rocky Large grade with small leaves;
  • barbaris Tunberg Harlequin - a variety of motley foliage, adapts to urban conditions;
  • sorts with pink motley leaves:

    sorts of Belolaiste with "Pestrinka":

    The listed varieties of Barbaris can be safely attributed to the unstable to the cold. They are hard to experience the winter, but if you thoroughly cover the shrub from the frost, he will delight the gardener not yet one season.

    Golden varieties of Barbaris Tunberg:

    and other varieties:

    Stock Foto Barbaris Tunberg in landscape design

    Barbaris Tunberg has a huge amount decorative varieties and forms. All cultivars differ in the size of the crown, its form and growth rate, as well as the color of foliage.

    Harlequin - plant of the average growth rate (10-15 cm per year). A bush reaches 1.2-1.5 m in height and 1.2 m in diameter. Color of young shoots red. A large number of pink and white spots on a red leaf plate distinguishes this variety from less motley Rose Glow. . Yellow painting of inflorescences appearing in May, effectively stands out against the background of reddish foliage.

    Atropurpurea (ATROPURPUREA) - Large, but slow-growing grade, reaching 1.5-1.8 m in height. Purple-red with a brownish sheet of sheet coloring is saved from the end to the middle. Flowering falls on the first half, the fruits ripen in early October.

    Atropurpure Nana (Atropurpurea Nana Synonyms CRIMSON PYGMY, KLEINER FAVORIT, LITTLE FAVORITE) - Compact variety, a dense pillow-shaped crown of which reaches up to 0.6 m in height and 1 m in diameter. Neurizuple leaves 1-2 cm in the summer in the summer are painted in purple-red, and in the fall become crimson. Shoots are covered with three-part spikes. Blossom occurs in. Brilliant, bright red fruits ripening in the middle of autumn ,.

    Powwow (Powwow) - slow-growing column-shaped grade up to 1-1.5 m in height and 0.5 m in diameter. Small rounded leaves change the color from greenish yellow spring, green in white clock in summer to juicy-orange autumn. Small flowers, reddish outside and yellow inside, appear in May. Abundant fruits in October, pink or red berries are preserved on the plant until February.

    Red Bird - reduced analog form Atropurpurea. With a brighter color and larger sheet plate.

    Red Carpet (Red Carpet) - A wide prostrate krone up to 1 m high is formed by shoots with predominant horizontal growth. Red leaves.

    Red King Red King - Compact crown about 1 m high, the leaves are dark red.

    Red Pillar (Red Pillar) - A column-like Crown is up to 1.5 m in height and up to 0.5 m in diameter with age prone to collapse. Reddish-purple leaves in autumn aleut.

    Red Rocket (Red Rocket) From the previous variety is highly high - up to 2 m, and orange-red color leaves. In the autumn they are orange. Flowers in late May - early June.

    Red Chief Chief - A large shrub with an empty crown of 2 m in height and width. The drooping branches are covered with three-part spikes, and the ends of young shoots have a red-brown color. Yellow flowers appear in May, look spectacularly against the background of purple-red narrow foliage. Fall leaves of crimson.

    Rosetta (Rosetta) possessed unusual color Leaves with abundant pink and white spots on a burgundy background.

    Rosy Rocket Reaches a height of 1.2 m and the width of 0.4 m. The shoots grow mostly vertically, their ends are painted in coral color. Young leaves pink, over time painted in a dark burgundy color.

    Royal Burgundy (Royal Burgundy, Gentry Cultivar) - Looks like a variety Crimson Pygmy.But there is a more juicy burgundy colored small velvety leaves, in the fall of black and red.

    Royal Cloak (Royal Cloak) - fast-growing shrub with predominant vertical development of shoots. It features quite large leaves painted in a burgundy in summer and brightening to red in autumn.

    Rose Glow (Rose Glow, Synonym V. t. IDA) - A variety with an average growth (10-15 cm per year), whose rounding of Krone reaches 1.2-1.5 m in height and diameter. The colorful of the crown is achieved by a combination of young leaves having a marble bronze-red and pink-white pattern, with old dark pink and red-purple. Yellow flowers in May are spectacular against the background of motley foliage.

    Ruby Jewel, J.N. Redleaf) - Plant up to 1.2 m in height and width, throughout the season, retains ruby-red color of small glossy leaves.

    Ruby Carousel (Ruby Carousel, Bailone) - Rounded medium height shrub (0.9-1.2 m), preserving a stable purple-red color of the leaves from spring to autumn.

    Sanjoy Gold Beret (Sunjoy Gold Beret, Talago) - Shrub with a pillow-shaped crown to 0.3 m in height. The leaves in the dissolution have a reddish tint, in the summer become yellowish-green, and fall in the fall.

    Sensation (Sunsation) - Compact dense crown reaches 0.9 m in height and 1.2 m in diameter. The blooming foliage is painted in light green, in the summer it becomes gold and saves this color to a leaf fall.

    Sunny (Sunny) - A dense spherical crown to 0.8-1 m in height and diameter is characterized by an average growth rate (about 10 cm per year). Small golden yellow leaves sometimes have a thin red rail. Young shoots are painted in yellow and are located mostly horizontally.

    Silver Beauty synonym V. t. Argenteo-marginata) - The column-like Crown reaches 1.5 m in height and 1 m in diameter. The leaves have silver spots and a kaym, sometimes it is acquired by pink and dark red spots. The form looks like Kelleriis. It differs from it a little less growth rate and height.

    Smaragd (Smaragd) - Wide-grade (or fragored) crown reaches 2 m in height. Small green leaves in the fall become yellow. Brown shoots very prickly.

    Sparkle (Sparkle) - Krone vertical, loose at young age and dense over the years. Height up to 0.9 -1.2 m, width up to 1.5 m. Glossy dark green leaves in the summer become red-orange in autumn.

    Starburst, J.N.Variegated) - Wide scattered crown 0.6-0.9 m in height and 1.2-1.5 m in width. The color of foliage in the spring is green, in the summer - in white krapinka, and the bush appears from afar, it seems to be apple-green. Sometimes by the end of the season there is a appearance of white-pink spots. Autumn colored leaves purple. Plant distinguishes fast growth and stable coloring of the leaves.

    Tiny Gold) - The shoots covered with numerous spikes form a dense thick crown to 0.5 m in height and diameter. Quite large, 1-3 cm long, the leaves have a golden yellow color, an orange color is acquired by autumn. The shadows become greenish.

    Tornless (Thornless, Intermis) - Pretty large plant up to 1.2-1.8 m in height, devoid of barbles.

    Fireball (Fireball) - slow-growing dwarf with a dense spherical crown up to 0.6 m in diameter. Orange leaves color. Pink flowers The plant is decorated at the end of May-early June.

    Harmony (Harmony) - It has a stable red colorful leaves with a juicy burgundy tint.

    Helmond Pillar (Helmond Pillar) - Wide column crooh to 1.5 m high and 0.5 m in diameter. Coloring young leaves pink-red, with time reddish-purple. Yellow flowers decorate a plant in May.

    Cherry Bomb (Cherry Bomb, Monomb) - color leaves like a variety CRIMSON PYGMY, But their size is more. Crown is more loose, stretched, up to 0.9-1.2 m in height and width.

    Sheridan Red (Sheridan's Red) - Broadworm, almost rounded krone to 1.5 m in height and 1.2 m in diameter. Summer coloring of leaves dark purple, blushes to autumn.

    Edmirassion (Admiration) - Very dense rounded, but uneven crown is 0.3-0.4 m, less often 0.5 m in diameter. The plant is distinguished by an unusual coloring leaves - red with yellow border.

    Emerald Carousel (Emerald Carousel, Tara) - The grade was obtained as a result of the hybridization of Barbaris Tunberg and Barbaris Korean. The plant has a rounded crown of 0.9-1.2 m in diameter. Leaves, varying in length from 1 to 5 cm, yellowish in the dissolution, dark green in summer and red in autumn.

    Emerald Pygmy (Emerald Pygmy) - Compact plant, differing in bluish-green summer coloring foliage, which falls in the fall on the fiery orange-red.

    Angel Ring - grade, on the color of the sheet resembling Golden Ring. but characterized by a greater height (up to 1.8 m) and brighter golden border on a purple bronze background. The leaves in the dissolution have a spotful pink, green or reddish-purple color.

    Erecta (Erecta) - Zelenolistic variety with a narrow column-shaped crown to 1.5 m in height. Flowering is not abundant or absent.

    f. Pluriflower (f. Pluriflora) - The form is characterized by thick carlike inflorescences, each of which has up to 10 flowers.

    f. Maximovich (Var. Maximowiczii) - Shrub with a medium or slow growth rate and a wide form of a crown of about 1 m in height and 1.5-1.8 m in diameter. The bloom comes in late May-early June, the fruits ripen by the middle of the autumn.

    Recently, gardeners pay attention to interesting plant The Berberis Thunbergii Concorde Concorde is called Berberis Thunbergii Concorde. The feature of the shrub is that dense, purple-bright leaves grow on its branches, to the autumn staining in bright red tones.

    Due to the colors of leaves, low growth and natural spherical shape, Berberis Thunbergii Cousp "Concorde" are picturesque most of the year. Barbaris Tunberg decorate the garden tracks, they are good and in mixes with flowering and low coniferous plants. Flowers Barbaris small, yellow. At the end of the summer, dark red glossy fruits mature on it.

    Landing and care

    The departure of the plant is required simple: since it grows very slowly, it only needs hygienic trimming until the first leaflets are dissolved.

    A bushes are planted at sunny places, providing him with moderate watering and loose fertile land.

    Buy planting material You can in our online store. Here you will be offered complex fertilizers to feed Barbaris. Usually, the sale of seedlings is carried out at the end of winter and deep in the fall, but if you buy seedlings in containers, landing can be carried out the entire growing season.

    Barbaris Tunberg Concord

    Berberis Thunbergii Concorde.

    Barbaris Tunberg Concorde - a low spherical tight shrub with saturated burgundy Foliage that persists the whole season! Glitter of dark foliage creates spectacular contrasts with yellow flowers. Barbaris Tunberg Concord is distinguished by its slow growth, but on fertile soils and at sunny areas, the growth of the plant can noticeably accelerate. Relatively new popular grade.

    Form / Habitus:slowly growing dwarf deciduous ball shrub with a dense crown.

    Adult Plant Size: Reaches 50-60 cm in height, 60-80 cm wide.

    Flowers: simple, yellow.

    Flowering time:vama-June.

    Attitude towards light: Sunconium, transfers shading, but it is worth remembering that there is more intense, bright and festive at sunny places!

    Fruit:coral and red berries, diameter up to 10 mm, ripen in September-October.

    Saving:on the shoots of Barbaris Concord there are gray-brown spikes, young shoots are evenly located along the entire crown. In the spring, the Barbaris bushes need to cut forward, to the dissolution of the kidneys. The top of Barbaris is perfectly formed by itself, you only need to remove damaged, weak, too thin and thickened shoots. Autumn trimming is not recommended.

    View Soil: The hardy plant, crouch and heat-resistant to the soil, prefers fertile moderately wet soils. On the poor sand soils (Polesie, including most of the Kiev region) we advise you to plug out the old overwhelming organic humus obtained from organic waste from the garden and kitchen, compost or manure. Organizer improves the structure of "lungs" soil and "launches" the natural eternal engine of soil bacteria. Cryves themselves migrate from the neighbors and launch the chain reaction of the eternal engine. If we learn to "serve" it, then forget about expensive imported mineral fertilizers forever and ever. Throwing out organic waste in the garbage we deprive our plants best fertilizers. It is time to get rid of the lifestyle of the Soviet habits of life of life and start sorting waste, caring for future generations.

    Mineral fertilizers: If there is no desire to work with an organica - we buy and feed the complex NPK + ME in the spring - nitrogen, in the summer - phosphorus, August - September - potash.

    Landing: If only one bush of Barbaris is planned landing, it is best to plant it is not closer to one and two meters from other plants. Otherwise, your barbaris grows disproportionate. If Barbaris is planted for the formation of a living hedge, try to draw a dropping more volumetric. For example, when creating a single-row alive hedge, it is recommended to place four bushes for each raman meter. When a wide two-row fence is created, low geometric pattern Or Arabesque below 35cm - take the landing in a checker order, after 25 centimeters in a row and 45 centimeters between the rows.

    All plants purchased in the Proxima nursery are provided with prolonged fertilizers with the latest formulas of the best European manufacturers and can be sold in your garden Center Without additional feeding all year. But the greatest advantage of buying plants in the pot is that they can be seized, without buying additional fertilizers, from March to December - even in the hottest days of summer.

    Barberry pests:Barberry fault is most dangerous from pests. In a matter of days, it can turn the adorable leaflets into the covered compressed lumps. Rarely Barbarisa amazes flower spine and barberry sawl. To protect bushes from these pests, in the spring, the insecticide (actar, entorio, accuters) is carried out in the spring.

    Barberry diseases: Barberry bacteriosis. Bacterial cancer, or bacterial necrosis of the bark. Puffy dew barbaris. Septorial spotty. Rust leaves. Infectious drying of the branches. Fillostatic spottedness of leaves. Spotted leaves. With the damage to the plant with fungal, cancer, biotrial diseases, the processing of fungicides (Sorrow, Svitch, Maxim, Ordan, Horus, Kvadris, Radomil Gold, etc.). Fighting fungi of yellow forms of barberries - the main task of the gardener. A specialist will be able to identify a pest or a disease in order to properly choose methods and means of struggle and protecting the plant.

    Application: Sit as low curbs, in alpine, stony rols. It tolerates trimming well, the forming trimming is recommended for giving a dense crown. Barbaris Concord may add any group and even become her accent, due to beautiful color Leaves. It is recommended for the creation of rocaries, mountaineering, single landings, alive hedges, choler, Rabotok.

    Advantages: Barbaris Tunberg Concorde is resistant to frost, drought, unfavorable urban conditions.

    Temperature/ Frost resistance: Frost-resistant for the entire territory of Ukraine.

    Climatic zone / zone of frost resistance: 5.

    Buy Barberry Tunberg Concord in Kiev at low prices in the nursery of Proxima plants.
    Read more about landing, watering, care, fertilizer, protection - with photos in the section "Landing, Care".