Life is beautiful in all its manifestations! The wisdom of our ancestors or why in Rus' women braided their hair

Nowadays fashionable hairstyle - braid, have you ever wondered why this hairstyle has always been so popular at all times, starting almost from our most ancient ancestors?

Braiding- this action is not simple, but even ritual meaning.

The magic of the scythe

At first glance, a braid is the simplest and most unpretentious hairstyle that does not require much time to create. She braided it and went.

But in fact, braids as such have had a deep sacred meaning since ancient times, and our distant ancestors did not decorate their heads with braids because of their practicality.

With the help of braids they showed family and social status, turned to the gods for help, drove away evil spirits.

Braids served as a protective amulet in battles, nursing mothers wove complex braids to confuse witches and not lose milk, sorcerers and shamans neutralized other people's magic.

You and I can also join in with the old ways and try to use our hair not only to create an image.

Braiding women's hair

In Rus', two braids wrapped around the head and tucked under the kika served as an indicator that the woman was married. It was considered unacceptable to bare your head in the presence of strangers, and even more so to let your hair down. The only exceptions were the bathhouse and some pagan holidays, when a young wife “lured” pregnancy with her loose hair.

In other cases, “being a fool” meant covering yourself and your husband with shame. Young girls also braided one braid, decorated it with ribbons, and were proud of it. The loss of the scythe was an even greater shame than the gate stained with tar. The girl locked herself at home and waited for her hair to grow back - without a braid, she simply had no chance of getting married. Therefore, such a misfortune was hidden from prying eyes with the help of various tricks.

But the Druidesses let their hair down in front of the altar. So they showed the priests and the future husband that they did not use magic and love spells to bewitch and to achieve marriage, that love came on its own, that the groom leads her to the altar of his own free will, and that in the future a good wife will not influence her husband with witchcraft. However, promising does not mean fulfilling...

Ladies of different eras and nations braided their hair as decoration. Egyptian women short hair were braided into a huge number of braids that reached to the ears. Socialite ladies of Europe braided voluminous braids when it came into fashion country style. Asian girls still braid five or more braids. And you and I use centuries of experience and various ways weaving to become even more beautiful.

Braiding hair for men

It wasn't just women who braided their hair. The ancient Rus shaved their heads, leaving a long tuft of hair on the top and braiding it into a braid, so that it would be more convenient for Svarog to pull his sons out of the battlefield. It was believed that in this way he saved his best warriors from death and took fallen heroes to Virium. The Ukrainians also left the oseledets (forelock), tucking it behind the ear. Only this tuft of hair was not braided, although it had a similar meaning.

In some Slavic tribes, braids that fell along the face, with the rest of the hair flowing, were a sign that the warrior was going to battle, was planning revenge, or was about to get married. The number of braids and the methods of weaving them differed. In peaceful and calm times, Slavic men wore their hair loose, tied on the forehead with a leather strap or an ordinary rope.

Among Chinese men, braids have long been considered a sign of enslavement and the lowest caste. The so-called coolies - poor people who sold themselves into slavery for pennies - did not have the right to wear any other hairstyle so that their status would be immediately visible.

In one of the Indian castes, a man's braid is still a sign of spiritual strength, a sign of service to one of the gods. Moreover, the hair is not cut from birth, and by old age the braid can reach one and a half meters. The loss of a scythe for one reason or another - the machinations of enemies, illness, fire, etc. - is equated to a loss of strength and influence. Now a man simply loses the respect of his fellow tribesmen, but before he could be expelled from the caste and even killed so that he would not bring bad luck to the others and would not bring misfortune, pestilence and the wrath of the gods upon the caste.

The Indians of some tribes, men and women, braided two braids, but did it with different purposes. For women, braids symbolized femininity and submission to their man, and men, by the way, with the help of braids, just like the ancient Slavs, showed what was happening to them at the moment. Only they did not weave any special braids, but reflected what was happening, decorating them, depending on the situation: with feathers and clay beads - in peacetime and before hunting, bones and fangs of animals - going on the warpath, bone and wooden totem images - before ritual tribal holidays and councils.

Weaving ritual: driving away evil spirits

You can talk about braids endlessly, but I suggest you move from words to action and master several spells, using which when weaving braids, you can not only confuse evil spirits, protect yourself from the bad will of others, from the evil eye and outright sabotage, and keep yourself intact , but also to find love.

Conspiracy against spoilage of milk

If you are a nursing mother, then by braiding a complex braid, for example, a spikelet, you will protect yourself from damage and loss of milk, you will not give unkind people influence you and your baby with bad thoughts.

First, comb your hair three times seven times, throwing it from one side to the other, and then braid any complex braid, saying:

“I braid my hair, save milk, protect it from bitterness.

Alien speech, bad thoughts away, the word should help,

hair caresses, softly spreads, kind, bright speeches spread,

Sweet milk flows, for my child’s joy and health.

My word is strong".

And the final touch - secure the braid with a red ribbon or a hairpin with red and white elements.

Conspiracy against the evil eye

If you suspect someone you know of evil eye, before meeting this person, braid your hair and decorate it with a comb - an excellent protective amulet against the evil eye. Braided hair will confuse evil thoughts, and a comb will neutralize evil.

The ancient Celts considered it undeniable that hair braided has incredible magical power. Celtic women had equal status with men. They owned lands, chose their own husbands, were warriors and clergy, rulers and queens. But during the wedding, the Celtic woman had to appear before the altar with her hair unbraided. This proved to her chosen one and to everyone present that she was not using the magic of braided hair to bewitch a man.

The disadvantage of braided hair is that due to the numerous intersections, that is, literally intertwining, the effect of magic occurs randomly. This can lead to results that you never expected. An old witchcraft saying says: “When your hair is braided, you don’t control the magic, it controls you.” The creation of enchantments is the same vicious circle as, for example, the change of seasons. The magic spells we create first of all find their reflection in the invisible worlds, and only then do they appear in the real world, and so on in a circle. These scenarios known to people Practitioners of magic are led to believe that when we braid our hair, we risk weaving into it something more than we expected.

Which one according to the horoscope?

If you want to keep a man in love near you while preparing for a magical act, slowly braid your hair into a tight braid. To begin, divide your hair into three equal parts: each strand symbolizes you, your lover and your love.
Bring to mind the image of your lover, and while braiding your hair, imagine all the positive aspects of your relationship. Visualization of the image will be helped by contemplation of one of the sacred Celtic statues, distinctive feature which had tight braids with ribbons woven into them, symbolizing the unification of spirits; their number - three - was a sacred number for the ancient Celts.

When braiding your braid, repeat the magic spell many times:
"(Lover's full name) is in love with me,
He loves now and always will.”
Braid the braid to the end, tie it, but since this is a magical action, try to use something as a sling that reminds you of the purpose of the magic. If this happens simple elastic band, then let its color relate to the magical purpose of your spell. For example, red symbolizes passion, blue - fertility. It would be nice to use floral elements - for example, a hair clip with roses symbolizes love. Let the ribbon or hairpin that you use to secure your braid become something for you. magic item, which you will only use for this spell. Seal the spell with magical words addressed to the Celtic god of love, Agnes Mac-Og, saying them while braiding your hair:
“I weave magical powers into my braid,
I enclose my beloved heart there too.
I ask the Celtic god of love for help:
“Keep our love forever!”
I weave magic into my braids,
Beloved ( full name beloved) I betroth to myself forever,
Our hearts are intertwined with a braid,
We will go through life with him to the end.”

I think that this post will be interesting to women, especially those who have long hair and wears a braid. The other day I read some amazing information about the power of women.

It turns out that according to the Vedas (a collection of the most ancient scriptures), as well as the knowledge of many specialists in human energy, women should be long and the longer the better.

What is the best hair length?

The minimum hair length should reach the middle of the shoulder blades.

At the same time, it is not necessary that all the hair be the same length - it is important that at least some part of it reaches the shoulder blades.

This could be a ribbon or cloth that you use to tie your hair.

The best women's hairstyle is a braided braid.

In ancient times, it was believed that a braid created an attractive magical ring around a woman.

The magic of parting

Moreover, it is important to know that the effect of a braid on a woman will depend on her parting

  • A straight parting balances the hemispheres of the brain and is classic for a woman. If a woman is under stress, her hair should be tied in a bun.
  • It is better to part the part on the side on the right, and comb the bulk of the hair to the left - on the female side.
  • Smoothly combed back hair helps you concentrate on the desired goal and helps you achieve what you want.
  • You need to let your hair down when you need to influence someone female influence or in nature when you can soak up the energy of the forest...

But before important event or after a promising acquaintance, hair needs to be collected and accumulated energy.

Since ancient times, combing and decorating hair was considered witchcraft rituals, so we approached it with great respect

While combing they said: “Grow your braid to your waist, don’t lose a single hair, grow your braid to your toes, all the hairs in a row”...

The magic of hair and its magical power

It is believed that by braiding your hair, you create various currents of energy that contribute to the fulfillment of your desires.

Those thoughts that are in your head at the moment of performing these actions have a very high chance of finding their material embodiment. Therefore, when working on your hair, be sure to think only about the good and important.

Hair has its own memory and stores information for a very long time.

It is believed that combing your hair before bed can remove negative information about the events of the past day.

How to get rid of problems with hair?

Every year the comb must be changed, and the old one must be burned at the stake.

And if you are completely tormented by a load of problems, just cut your hair, but not shorter than your shoulder blades.

There is a belief that if a person is overcome by a serious illness, it is necessary to cut the ends of the hair on the waxing Moon, repeating the ritual three times, then information about the disease will recede and recovery will come.

Of course, these are not all the signs associated with hair. Whether to believe in their power or not, everyone decides for themselves.

For example, when I feel like I want to turn my life in a new direction, I cut my hair shorter.

And, indeed, everything is changing. Hair magic works!!!

At this point in my life I want to grow my hair long.

Moreover, this comes more from some internal motives)))

Whether to wear a braid or short hair is a personal choice.

The main thing is that you feel comfortable and like it first of all.

Alena Yasneva was with you, bye everyone!

There is a completely erroneous opinion that human hair is simply an atavism, the remnants of wool inherited from our distant monkey ancestors. But scientists who deal with hair problems and trichologists say: they are absolutely not like animal hair and have gone through a huge path of evolution.

This means that they were conceived by nature for some specific purpose? Experiments have shown that a person with long hair usually has better developed intuition.

What did the woman's braid symbolize?

Since ancient times, there has been a special attitude towards the hair on the head: people believed that they contained sacred power and wisdom. The hairstyle was a kind of sign indicating a person’s social status.

IN Ancient Egypt For this purpose, wigs were used, the shape and size of which corresponded to the person’s position in society. Celtic warriors applied lime mortar to their hair and then combed it back - such hairstyles gave an intimidating appearance and contributed to victories.

IN Ancient Greece Burning or cutting off locks of hair was an important part of marriage, citizenship, and funeral rites. In Rus', girls' hair from an early age was braided with three strands, which symbolized the unity of the three worlds - Reveal, Navi and Rule (that is, real world, the subtle world and the world).

At the same time, the absence of hair is believed to be different countries associated with loss of strength and power. In the ancient world, a haircut served as a sign of slavery. The ancient Germans cut off the beards of criminals, which was considered dishonorable. The Roman Emperor Nero ordered the soldiers of the foreign legion to be shaved bald - because he wanted them not to think, but only to follow orders.

Your own hair comb is better than someone else's

However, perhaps the most great importance hair was given during magical rituals.

With their help, sorcerers and healers all over the world removed damage or caused illness. In ancient Russian chronicles there is information about how the Magi, by running their palms through a person’s hair, could tell about his fate.

Siberian sorcerers had a practice of removing generational curse. For the ritual, strands of hair were taken from three generations of the same family, and its eldest representative was supposed to be dying. When he died, the strands were woven into a braid, which was cut into small pieces, mixed with soil and scattered in the wind.

According to European beliefs, a wife's hair can influence the fate of her husband - it is easy to cause damage through it, so not a single hair should fall into the wrong hands.

The ancient Greek historian Herodotus in his writings described in detail how cut hair should be destroyed so that evil priests could not use it in their rituals.

It was customary among the Slavs not to throw away locks of hair after cutting and combing - otherwise, according to legend, a bird might pick them up and make a nest, causing the former owner of the hair to have a severe headache. They should have been burned or tied to a young fruit tree- then the remaining hair on your head will grow well. And you just had to comb your hair; it was believed that someone else’s comb would “mess up” the misfortunes of its owner.

Hair is an antenna for communication with space

What does he say about our hair? modern science? It has long been known that they chemical composition can tell almost everything about a person - about his heredity, lifestyle, habits and even favorite foods. American biophysicist Terry Bara in 2007, using X-ray examination of hair, determined the diet of Eskimos frozen in ice 400 years ago.

And the study of Beethoven’s hair brought a sensation: German researchers found a high concentration of lead in it, which may indicate poisoning of the great composer.

The hair of the biblical character Samson contained enormous power. They didn't defeat him until they secretly cut off his hair.

In addition, it is known that hair stores information about a person’s genetic code - with an accuracy of up to 99%.

But if the hair contains information about the genetic code and balance chemical substances in the body, then can’t they also reflect other traits of the human personality?

Many paranormal experts suggest that hair is a kind of antenna that connects us with the cosmic mind. They constantly receive and send out a huge flow of information - and this process occurs automatically, without our conscious participation.

More than 120 thousand hairs grow on the average person’s head, but each hair follicle is tuned to its own unique energy vibration. Hair affects immune system and the functioning of the whole organism.

It has long been proven that the elements of the human body (and hair is no exception) are closely related to each other. Back in the 1960s, French scientists discovered that your state of mind is reflected in your hair. In particular, depression sharply reduces hair elasticity, making it brittle.

Swiss psychologist Maria Baumann has identified an inverse relationship: hair energy can influence nervous system. According to her recommendations, to concentrate, you need to tie your hair in a bun at the back of your head. And to get rid of unnecessary anxiety, just braid your hair.

According to experts, the hair on the crown of the head is responsible for transmitting information, and on the back of the head is responsible for receiving it from space. And when a person is in difficulty and unknowingly ruffles his hair, this is nothing more than an attempt to improve signal reception.

During pregnancy, women's hair performs a special function: each of them splits the flow of cosmic energy in two - one part is intended for the woman herself, and the second for her child. This theory, by the way, is confirmed by the beliefs of almost all nations - that pregnant women should not cut their hair.

Tough brunettes and smart blondes?

How, according to esotericists, does the mechanism for receiving signals from space work? Hair stands at the entrance of vibrations entering the body. They are partially hollow inside - this helps serve as resonators when receiving and transmitting space signals.

The vibrations of the hair shaft are transmitted to the bulbs, which are intertwined with capillaries of blood vessels - and the red blood cells receive a certain rhythm, which is then transmitted to the body through the organs of the circulatory and lymphatic systems.

All human hair is tuned to a certain way, the indicator of which is its natural color. Different colors determine different abilities to perceive cosmic vibrations - and ultimately influence a person’s character. For example, red-haired people produce much less anti-stress hormones in their bodies, which is why they have excessive temperament.

Brunettes are prone to melancholy and often hide self-doubt behind ostentatious rigidity. Brown hair, according to geneticists, is a type that arose as a result of mixing different nations, they usually demonstrate high resistance to stress. And fair-haired people have an analytical mind, self-control and prudence.

Hair is not only different colors, but also of a different structure: thick or thin, straight or curly. Thin hair makes it possible to take more wide range vibrations - and, accordingly, are an indicator of a more multifaceted connection between man and the cosmos.

Therefore, people with thin hair are more likely to be mistaken, but they recover more easily from any challenge. Curly hair has a high possibility of receiving interference, as a result of which its owners are characterized by increased emotionality.

A natural question arises: how do bald people or those who regularly shave their heads receive signals from the Universe? Does this disrupt their connection with space? Researchers are confident: the effect of pumping cosmic energy exists in these cases, although to a much smaller extent. It’s just that the main function of its implementation is taken by hidden bulbs, and the resonance process occurs under the scalp.

Experiments have shown that if you shave the hair on the crown or back of a person’s head, the body will begin to use its own reserves. vitality. A person changes many physical and psychological characteristics(pressure, pulse, mood, performance, etc.) - and usually for the worse, because the supply of cosmic energy is limited.

Why do you need a hair cut?

Scientists have no doubt: hair is of great importance to humans. In particular, they have the ability to store information and stress energy. By getting a haircut, we free ourselves from excess negative energy that interferes with normal life.

It is no coincidence that psychologists advise people who have had troubles in their lives to change their hairstyle and hair color. Even simply combing them activates magical powers body. And if at this moment you think about your cherished desire, cosmic forces can join your dream, and it has a much greater chance of coming true.

Why is it beneficial for a man to comb his wife’s hair?

A husband, combing his wife's hair, receives energy protection from her.

The Slavs had a tradition for the husband to comb his wife’s hair, and this was done for a reason! It was believed that when he performed this mystical rite, he received energetic protection from his wife, and the woman, by allowing her husband to touch her hair, showed him her trust.

Because a woman’s hair is her strength, her connection with the cosmos; it’s not for nothing that hair was previously called “braids.” A woman can protect her family with her hair, create a protective circle around her husband, protecting him from any troubles, which is why long hair was so valued in Rus', and the ideal of beauty was a braid as thick as an arm!

A man could protect his loved ones from the outside of the house, with his strength and courage, while a woman did it from the inside, largely with the power of her hair. Therefore, great importance was attached to combing hair. After all, during it you can feel the connection with the cosmos, the flow of life force.

Our ancestors knew that when a man combs his wife’s hair with a comb, he strengthens the family, and such a couple will not face problems in their relationship.

Particular importance was attached to morning and evening combing:

- the morning sets the right mood for the wife for the whole day, the husband helps his wife put her thoughts in order, and he himself receives protection for the upcoming affairs,

- evening helps the wife to “finish out” her day’s thoughts, complete the day’s affairs, remove the negativity that has accumulated during the day, and go into the night with a calm head.

As a child, the girl’s hair was combed by her parents, and when she became an adult, she did it herself or could entrust it to her chosen one.

There are some subtleties you need to know about combing:

Firstly, it is very important that the comb is made of natural material, for example wooden, because it can affect the physical and thin bodies a person, cleanse energy and change state of mind.

Secondly, the comb is a talisman, so under no circumstances should you give it to other people! The comb with which a husband combs his wife’s hair acquires great power over time and becomes a family amulet!

And one more important point: while combing it is very beneficial to say positive attitudes. A man can do this, for example, like this: “Everything is fine with you, smooth and fine!”, “You and I have a strong and harmonious family.”

Take care of the strength of your hair!

Views: 791

The magic of the scythe

At first glance, a braid is the simplest and most unpretentious hairstyle that does not require much time to create. She braided it and went. But in fact, braids as such have had a deep sacred meaning since ancient times, and our distant ancestors did not decorate their heads with braids because of their practicality.

With the help of braids they showed family and social status, turned to the gods for help, and drove away evil spirits. Braids served as a protective amulet in battles, nursing mothers wove complex braids to confuse witches and not lose milk, sorcerers and shamans neutralized someone else's hair. You and I can also join in with the old ways and try to use our hair not only to create an image.

Braiding women's hair

In Rus', two braids wrapped around the head and tucked under the kika served as an indicator that the woman was married. It was considered unacceptable to bare your head in the presence of strangers, much less to let your hair down. The only exceptions were the bathhouse and some pagan holidays, when a young wife “lured” pregnancy with her loose hair. In other cases, “being a fool” meant covering yourself and your husband with shame. Young girls also braided one braid, decorated it with ribbons, and were proud of it. The loss of the scythe was an even greater shame than the gate stained with tar. The girl locked herself at home and waited for her hair to grow back - without a braid, she simply had no chance of getting married. Therefore, such a misfortune was hidden from prying eyes with the help of various tricks.

But the Druidesses let their hair down in front of the altar. So they showed the priests and the future husband that they did not use magic and love spells to bewitch and to achieve marriage, that love came on its own, that the groom leads her to the altar of his own free will, and that in the future a good wife will not influence her husband with witchcraft. However, promising does not mean fulfilling...

Ladies of different eras and nations braided their hair as decoration. Egyptian women had short hair braided in a huge number of braids that reached their ears. Socialite ladies of Europe braided voluminous braids when the rustic style came into fashion. Asian girls still braid five or more braids. And you and I use centuries of experience and various weaving methods to become even more beautiful.

Braiding hair for men

It wasn't just women who braided their hair. The ancient Rus shaved their heads, leaving a long tuft of hair on the top and braiding it into a braid, so that it would be more convenient for Svarog to pull his sons out of the battlefield. It was believed that in this way he saved his best warriors from death and took fallen heroes to Virium. The Ukrainians also left the oseledets (forelock), tucking it behind the ear. Only this tuft of hair was not braided, although it had a similar meaning.

In some Slavic tribes, braids that fell along the face, with the rest of the hair flowing, were a sign that the warrior was going to battle, was planning revenge, or was about to get married. The number of braids and the methods of weaving them differed. In peaceful and calm times, Slavic men wore their hair loose, tied on the forehead with a leather strap or an ordinary rope.

Among Chinese men, braids have long been considered a sign of enslavement and the lowest caste. The so-called coolies - poor people who sold themselves into slavery for pennies - did not have the right to wear any other hairstyle so that their status would be immediately visible.

In one of the Indian castes, a man’s braid is still a sign of spiritual strength, a sign of service to one of the gods. Moreover, the hair is not cut from birth, and by old age the braid can reach one and a half meters. The loss of a scythe for one reason or another - the machinations of enemies, illness, fire, etc. - is equated with a loss of strength and influence. Now a man simply loses the respect of his fellow tribesmen, but before he could be expelled from the caste and even killed so that he would not bring bad luck to the others and would not bring misfortune, pestilence and the wrath of the gods upon the caste.

Indians of some tribes, men and women, braided two braids, but did it for different purposes. For women, braids symbolized femininity and submission to their man, and men, by the way, with the help of braids, just like the ancient Slavs, showed what was happening to them at the moment. Only they did not weave any special braids, but reflected what was happening, decorating them, depending on the situation: with feathers and clay beads - in peacetime and before hunting, bones and fangs of animals - going on the warpath, bone and wooden totem images - before ritual tribal holidays and councils.

Weaving ritual: driving away evil spirits

You can talk about braids endlessly, but I suggest you move from words to action and master several spells, using which when weaving braids, you can not only confuse evil spirits, protect yourself from the bad will of others, from the evil eye and outright sabotage, and keep yourself intact , but also to find love.

Conspiracy against spoilage of milk

If you are a nursing mother, then by braiding a complex braid, for example, a spikelet, you will protect yourself from damage and loss of milk, and you will not allow unkind people to influence you and your baby with bad thoughts.

First, comb your hair three times seven times, throwing it from one side to the other, and then braid any complex braid, saying: “I braid the braid, I save the milk, I protect it from bitterness. Alien speech, bad thoughts go away, the word should help, hair caressed, softly spreads, kind, bright speeches creep, sweet milk flows, for my child’s joy and health. My word is strong.”

And the final touch - secure the braid with a red ribbon or a hairpin with red and white elements.

Conspiracy against the evil eye

If you suspect someone you know has the evil eye, before meeting this person, braid your hair and decorate it with a comb - an excellent protective amulet against the evil eye. Braided hair will confuse evil thoughts, and a comb will neutralize evil.

Say while braiding: “I braid my hair, I confuse it, I confuse other people’s, unkind thoughts, do not untangle my hair, do not put the evil eye on me, do not offend me, do not deprive me of my will. I stick the comb into the braid, I poke the enemy and the offender with the comb, let bad thoughts return to him, but not touch me. My word is strong.”

Conspiracy to find love

If you want to find your love, then, on the waxing moon, at midnight, let your hair down and comb it in front of the window, preferably if moonlight hits you or at least you can see the moon through the window.

Comb your hair until your desire appears before your mind's eye - you must clearly imagine yourself next to you, hand in hand, with your chosen one - concrete or abstract, potential. When the picture appears, begin to weave a regular braid of three strands, braid it as tightly as possible, saying: “As I braid hair, so I will find love, as the braid is tight, so love is strong, as three strands in the braid, so is love in me. Strand to strand, I will bring love.” And then, without unraveling your braids, go to bed.

And finally - an old gypsy ritual: if you doubt the fidelity of your spouse or lover, then take a strand of his hair, weave it or connect it with your lock of hair during the full moon, fasten the hair with a red thread and, imagining your man next to you, say: “Love will flare up With with new strength, my dear will remain close, away, hateful thoughts, loyalty to me will be a reward. I connect my hair, I weave destinies into one, my dear will be nearby, from now on we are indivisible.”

Repeat this ritual for three full moons in a row. You can slander the same strand, but it’s better if you braid your hair anew each time. Just don’t get carried away with cutting your hair, otherwise after the third ceremony you and your sweetheart will be inseparable, but bald...