Seal the wide gap between the bathroom wall. Sealing the seam between the bathtub and the wall. Tools and materials

A gap between the bathtub and the wall, even microscopic, is inevitable, since it is impossible to install rigid structures end-to-end. You can't leave him. As the saying goes, “water will find a crack” and will definitely leak onto the floor. High-quality floor waterproofing will prevent the lower floor from flooding. But high humidity in the bathroom will cause mold and unpleasant odor. The gap should be sealed, and preferably aesthetically. It is not necessary to call a specialist for this work. You can seal the gap between the bathtub and the wall with your own hands, even without experience in finishing work.

Causes of gap formation

The gap in the area where the bathtub adjoins the wall appears for several design reasons:

  • violation of spatial geometry ( curved surface walls other than 90° angles);
  • poorly laid tiles;
  • the size of the bathtub is smaller than the space specified for it;
  • uneven floor;
  • violation of the order of arrangement of the bathroom (laying wall tiles before installing the bath).

If it is no longer possible to eliminate the cause, the gap is filled with sealing material and closed with a decorative element.

Sealing methods, pros and cons of each option

The choice of method for closing the gap depends on its width. A gap of several millimeters does not need to be masked.

Are used following materials for sealing:

and for decoration:

  • border tape;
  • ceramic tile;
  • ceramic border;
  • PVC plinth/cornice.
  1. Mortar is the most cheap way seal the narrow gap hermetically. The task becomes more complicated if the gap is more than 1 cm. You will have to first stuff rags into it, and if the gap is more than 3 cm, use concreting with formwork.
  2. Silicone sealant is the most the best option. After hardening, it turns into an elastic strip that does not allow water to pass through and is not damaged by temperature and physical deformations of the seam. But one sealant is only enough for gaps up to 1 cm. If the gap is larger, the semi-liquid substance will simply fall behind the bathtub.
  3. Polyurethane foam can be used to fill gaps up to 5 cm. It is lightweight, “grabs” onto any surface, and fills the entire space. But you can’t count on its waterproofing abilities for long. Over time, the foam ages, crumbles, and water seeps through the pores. The foam will have to be covered with silicone sealant and masked with a decorative strip.
  4. Border tape - the easiest way beautiful design gap It is made of elastic polymer, covers gaps of several centimeters, is attached with self-adhesive butyl strips to the side of the bathtub and wall decoration. Even a woman can easily and quickly cope with such work.
  5. But, according to user reviews, problems arise with the tape. It lasts for about two years, and with active use of the bath – only a year. To activate the glue, the manufacturer recommends heating it with a hairdryer. At the same time, “forgetting” to mention that the hot tape stretches, and when it cools down, it shrinks, tearing away from the base. This means that the tape will have to be applied cold and using moisture-resistant glue.
  6. The remains of ceramic wall tiles are used to close the wide gap. Such a border serves as a natural continuation of the overall design. The problem is that the tile can only be used on a gap of more than 4 cm. It is impossible to cut a smaller strip from it. And in wide cracks you need to arrange a base for the tiles, either by concreting or installing wooden block with antiseptic impregnation.
  7. Ceramic corner border for the bathroom, convex or concave, has a width of 20-55 mm. It is combined with ceramic tiles and comes complete with corner element"star". The border is glued to the same glue solution, as tiles. A problem may arise when finding material of a suitable color.

    The ceramic border is combined with ceramic tiles and is equipped with a star corner element.

  8. Plastic skirting boards for decorating floors and ceilings cover gaps up to 5 cm. You will need to first “plant” the skirting board with moisture-resistant glue, and then seal the gaps along the edges. The choice of cornices on sale is small: white and wood-look.

    Plastic plinth covers gaps up to 5 cm

And one more point should be taken into account when choosing materials. Acrylic bathtubs lightweight and prone to temperature changes linear dimensions, so rigid mortar is not suitable for sealing cracks around them. To prevent a light acrylic bathtub from “walking” around the room, it must be secured to the wall with special hooks.

Required tools and materials

After assessing the situation in your bathroom, choose the right way getting rid of the gap. Then think about what materials you need to buy for caulking and what tools you will need.

Most options will require silicone sealant. Buy a special sealant for bathrooms, “Sanitary” or “Aquarium”. Silicone is produced in tubes and tubes for a plunger syringe gun. With a pistol, work is more comfortable and of better quality. The trigger is pulled smoothly, the sealant strip fits evenly and thinly into the gap.

Tube silicone sealant in a plunger syringe gun

If you decide to fill the gap with polyurethane foam, buy a small container - you won’t need a lot of foam. If you don't have a special gun, look for a canister with a blow-out tube.

In addition to sealants, you will need:

  • masking tape - for all options;
  • white spirit, turpentine, alcohol, acetone or other solvent - for degreasing surfaces, for all options;
  • rubber or plastic spatula - for leveling silicone sealant;
  • “liquid nails” glue – for gluing cornices and tape;
  • a hacksaw with a miter box - for installing a PVC cornice;
  • tile cutter - for laying ceramic tiles and borders;
  • wallpaper knife - for cutting off excess polyurethane foam, sealant and glue;
  • rags - for filling the gap under the mortar;
  • wooden slats - for formwork for concreting.

Preparing the surface for work

The side of the bathtub and the area of ​​the wall adjacent to it must be cleaned of dirt, washed and degreased. Remove heavy dirt with cleaning powder. If the gap was previously sealed but allowed water to pass through, it needs to be removed. old sealant and clean the surface. Wipe the treated areas dry with a rag or warm them with a hairdryer.

Before filling the hole with sealant, foam or mortar, cover the side and the wall with masking tape at a distance of 2-3 mm from the junction line. Place newspapers on the bottom of the bathtub so that you don't have to scrape dried material off the enamel later.

Options for sealing the gap behind the bathtub

If the bathtub is acrylic, it must be filled with water before use. If this is not done, the bathtub will sag the first time it is used and again form a gap.

Removing the hole using a solution

  • Pour water into the dry mixture, stir thoroughly until it reaches the consistency of thick sour cream.
  • Use a spatula to fill the gap and level the solution.
  • Use a wet rag to gently wipe the seam.
  • If the gap width is more than 1 cm, dilute the liquid solution first. Twist the rag soaked in it into a rope and push it into the crack at a level just below the side.
  • After an hour, the rag will dry out a little. Sprinkle it with water, cover the seam with a thick solution.
  • After an hour, when the solution “sets”,

The wide seam can subsequently be covered with ceramic tiles, ceramic borders, or plastic cornices.

Polyurethane foam will help cover up the excess distance

Use moisture-resistant foam to fill the gap.

IN winter period Before starting work, warm the cylinder for about 30 minutes on the battery central heating. Then the foam will be softer and easier to pass through the head.

  • Place the tube on the head of the cylinder, turn it over and shake the cylinder several times.
  • Moving the nozzle to the slot, press the spray head. Slowly move the tube along the gap and fill it with foam. The amount of foam should be such that it does not leave unfilled areas, but also does not get too dirty. large area after a 3-fold increase in volume.
  • After an hour the foam will dry. Use a wallpaper knife to cut off the excess and remove the masking tape.
  • Cover the cut with sealant, leveling it with a rubber spatula.

Polyurethane foam can be used instead of rags when sealing the gap with mortar. In this case, it must be left for 12 hours to completely harden, and then the excess must be cut off and covered with mortar.

The wide seam is masked with a plastic cornice and ceramic border.

Video: “How to beautifully seal the joint between the wall and the bathroom”

Silicone sealant against gaps

If you are using sealant in a tube:

  1. Remove the plug. Holding the neck up, gently squeeze out the air until material appears.
  2. Applying the neck to the gap, press the tube with your fingers and fill the gap. Try to keep the pressure and speed of movement even.
  3. Level the applied sealant with a rubber spatula, trying to make the seam the same width. Wet your finger in soapy solution, polish the surface.
  4. Carefully remove the masking tape.

If you use sealant in a tube:

  1. Insert the tube into the gun body. Cut off the nozzle tip.
  2. Slowly move the nozzle along the slit while pressing the trigger evenly. Try to ensure that the sealant strip lays evenly and is not interrupted.
  3. Level the sealant with a rubber spatula and “polish” it with your finger soaked in a soapy solution.
  4. Carefully remove the masking tape.

If the nozzle cut is made oblique, the sealant will be squeezed out more thin layer. The sharper the cut angle, the thinner the silicone strip. The drying speed of the sealant layer is 1 mm per day.

How to close a seam with a PVC skirting board

A thin profile corner is available for sale

Thin profile PVC bath corner

and baseboards specifically for bathrooms.

There is a narrow skirting board available for sale specifically for bathrooms.

You can use plastic trims for the ends of the tiles, and for wide cracks - floor plinths.

You can use plastic trims for the ends of the tiles

For the bathroom, buy a non-self-adhesive baseboard - the glue on it is not moisture-resistant, it will have to be cleaned off.

  • Take accurate measurements of the gap lengths.
  • Using a hacksaw in a miter box, cut the baseboard at an angle of 45°. Instead, for corners you can use a special element for skirting boards “internal corner”.
  • Place the baseboard into the gap. Use a pencil to mark the lines where it joins the wall and the side of the bathtub.
  • Remove the baseboard. Apply masking tape along the lines on the outside of the crack.
  • Coat the surfaces around the gap with an even layer of moisture-resistant glue, preferably “liquid nails.”
  • Place plugs coated with glue on the outer ends of the plinth.
  • Place the baseboard in place, press it with your hands and hold it there for several minutes until the glue begins to harden.
  • Wipe off any released glue with a damp cloth.
  • When the glue is completely dry, coat the lines where the plinth joins the wall and side with a thin layer of sealant, and “polish” it with a finger dipped in a soapy solution.
  • Remove the masking tape.

If they pass through the cracks water pipes, when first applying the plinth, mark the intersection points on it with a pencil and cut out holes for the pipes. After installing the baseboard, fill the gap around the pipes with sealant.

Border tape will help close the gap

There is a modest white ribbon and various decorative options, for example, white and black with silver coating.

There are decorative options for border tape on sale, for example, white and black with silver plating

Manufacturers who produce high-quality tape equip it with elements for joining sections in the corners.

Ceramic tile

It is advisable to turn the disadvantage of too wide a gap into a plus of shelves for bath accessories. To do this you will have to make a concrete base.

  • Strip the wall along the edge down to the concrete.
  • Measure the distance between the wall and the bathtub body under the edge. Cut the board according to this width and length of the side.
  • Measure the height from the bottom edge of the side to the floor. According to the measurements, cut two bars.
  • Screw several long self-tapping screws into the section of the wall to which the concrete will adjoin, which will serve as reinforcement for the future concrete shelf.
  • Place the board on the bars under the bathtub rim. Cover the open end of the board with a piece of plywood or plastic.
  • Mix CPS with crushed expanded clay or broken brick in a 1:1 ratio.
  • Mix the solution, fill the formwork, leave to harden for 7-10 days.
  • Remove the formwork.
  • Measure the width of the concrete shelf.
  • Cut with a tile cutter ceramic tiles, glue it to the concrete base.
  • After a day, fill the seam with grout.

You can additionally use a ceramic border for the bathroom. Cut elements that meet in the corners with a tile cutter at an angle of 45°, if there is no ceramic “star”.

For all options: you can use the bathroom 24 hours after completion of work.

The quality of sealing the gap is very important in the operation of the bathroom. But don't forget about aesthetics. When choosing a material to mask a gap, try to ensure that it blends harmoniously into overall design. Otherwise, the annoying element will get on your nerves every day.

When installing a bathtub, you may encounter a situation that at first glance seems like a problem and will cause confusion. During installation, it suddenly turns out that the bathtub does not fit tightly to the wall. It turns out there is a gap, sometimes smaller, sometimes larger, but it is there. And something needs to be done about it.

Today, there are several answers to the question of how to seal the gap between the bathtub and the wall.

The basic rule when sealing a gap with foam is to prevent the material from getting onto other surfaces. It is almost impossible to remove such “blunders” after a short time. Waterproof foam is ideal for the bathroom. It does not collapse when exposed to moisture, and will keep its shape and texture well in high humidity. And so that insulating material better connected to the surface, you need to clean and thoroughly dry the part of the wall to which the side of the bathtub adjoins, and the bathtub itself.

Before starting work, shake the container well. Secret: the foam container should be a little warmer room temperature. Then the foam will be more elastic and “fluffier”. Now you can gradually squeeze the polyurethane foam into the gap between the bathtub and the wall. The composition will very quickly increase in volume and take up all the necessary space. After complete drying (the longer the better), you need to cut off the excess layer with a stationery knife, aligning it along the edge of the bathtub rim. To improve the aesthetic appearance, you can use moisture-resistant grout on top.

There is one secret here. Before using the sealant, if the bathtub is made of acrylic, it must be filled with water and left for at least 12 hours. Ideally before the composition dries.

So, in order for the adhesion of the sealant and the supporting material to be maximum, you need to thoroughly clean the surface and dry it well. After filling the gap, the seam can be smoothed using a spatula or spatula. Or you can use your finger, it’s even more convenient. The excess layer can be removed with a damp cloth. For a more precise and even application experienced craftsmen It is recommended to place sticky mounting tape on the edge of the tile. This will prevent uneven lines and reduce the risk of staining the wall.

Sealing tape

A new trend recently has been the use of special sealing tapes made of a material that resembles rubber and plastic at the same time to seal cracks in the bathroom. This ribbon looks impressive and adds charm and sophistication. general appearance bathroom. The adhesive – intended for working with the tape – is a sanitary sealant. Installing the sealant tape is very simple. It bends in the middle and is easy to stick into corners. And some craftsmen seal the bathtub using plastic tile corners, securing them to the bathtub with the same sealing gel.

Tile grout

If the gap between the walls and the bathroom is very small and almost invisible, then you can use the following method: Sealing cracks occurs in the same way as grouting tile joints. Tile grout is moisture resistant, so it will prevent moisture from getting into the gap. You can seal it with the same tool that was used to apply the grout when rubbing the joints, for example, a rubber spatula. After work, excess grout must be removed. You can use the bathroom after the grout has dried.

Large gaps

It was all about small seams. What if the bathtub and the wall are separated by an abyss? How to cover a 1–3 cm gap? There are also very large gaps between the bathtub and the wall: 5 cm, 7 cm and even 10 cm. There is an answer to this question too. If you want to install plastic corners, then curbs or even baseboards are suitable here. Why not? The method is the same as when installing sealant tape, only instead of silicone it is advisable to use construction foam.

And if the gap between the wall and the bathtub exceeds 3 cm, then this method is not suitable for sealing. Here you can’t do without concreting.

One of the cheapest and easiest ways to seal gaps between the bathtub and the walls is to seal them with mortar. Before you start sealing, it is worth freeing the gap from any dirt that could have accumulated there, and old finishing materials. The surface needs to be slightly moistened so that the solution adheres better. To seal, you need to use a solution of medium thickness, and fill the joint itself carefully so that the seam is not very wide. If the gap is too large, then the solution will fall inward. To prevent this from happening, you need to put a rag, which has previously been soaked in a liquid solution of cement and sand, end to end.

For cracks up to 10 cm in size, you need to install some kind of formwork under the bathtub to prevent the solution from getting under it. You will get a small depression. You need to pour the solution into it. And after it dries, lay ceramic tiles or mosaics on top.

If you wish, you can experiment and make your own version of sealing the bathtub. A combination of several options would look good. The main criterion when sealing the gap between the wall and the bathtub is the aesthetic appearance of the final result. And how to achieve it - you can use ready-made recipes, or you can show ingenuity and imagination.


This video shows how to seal a gap with silicone between a bathtub and a wall:

The space between the bathtub and the wall after installing the plumbing brings headaches to the owners, who just yesterday were enjoying the completed installation work. Even experienced builders are not always able to get rid of the gap, which may be due to the characteristics of both the bathtub itself and the bathroom. The problem of finding something to close the gap can be solved different ways, each of which is focused on conditions that do not necessarily coincide with existing ones.

A creative approach, a high degree of interest in overcoming the troubling problem, and monitoring of innovative solutions will help to cope with the task of getting rid of the discomfort-causing gap.

Repairs cannot tolerate unprofessional treatment, so attention must be paid to every detail. For example, in the bathroom, many modern users who have non-standard forms– from drop-oval to rectangular with rounded corners. Installing a specimen of this shape is accompanied by a search for how to seal the gap between the acrylic bathtub and the wall: large gaps require special attention.

Important. If a decision is made to leave the space unsealed, then this will subsequently lead to constant leaks under the bathroom, accumulations of liquid - and far from clean water! – creation of microflora in which it will be comfortable to develop and reproduce various bacteria, microorganisms, and mold will appear in the room.

When choosing a method of covering up or masking the resulting gap, it is worth analyzing:

  • the dimensions of the space created during the installation of the bathtub;
  • materials from which the bathtub is made, wall covering;
  • substances that professional builders It is recommended to carry out these procedures.

Small gaps

The following methods can be used to seal small gaps up to approximately 10 mm:


It is enough to buy regular grout that is used to treat seams tile masonry. Its feature is long-term preservation aesthetic white, moisture resistance, increased adhesion to the surface, strength. For increase service life Grouting professionals advise treating it with a gloss that protects the surfaces from rust.


Narrow gaps can be sealed with silicone-based sealant. It is best to choose white compositions, as they are universal, or choose according to the shade of the bathroom coating. During the application process use mounting guns. At the end of the procedure, it is necessary to level the surface with a spatula.

Mandatory for compliance. Before choosing which sealant to seal the gap between the bathtub and the wall, study its properties, instructions for use, so that you do not make a mistake and a gap of 5 cm or more later does not lead to failures of the material used, falling out or even turning out, compromising the integrity of the bathtub surfaces and walls.

In addition, you can watch the video:


This type of processing is not large gaps involves the use of a sticker for gluing silicone sealant to the surface, which is applied in sufficient quantity so that, after pressing, it protrudes beyond the side of the bathtub. For a tighter fit in the corner space, trim the corners of the sticker at approximately 45 degrees.


This is a self-adhesive base, which is made with tape in rolls. Remove before use protective layer specially impregnated paper on the adhesive side.

Sealing medium gaps

Medium-sized gaps include gaps whose width is 1.5-3 cm, which determines the methods used:

  • the curb should be chosen wider so that it can cover the width of the gap of 3 cm;
  • A border made of tiles or plastic has proven itself to be excellent for closing medium cracks, and a special formula of adhesive for ceramic tiles will be required as a fixer between the wall and bathtub coverings.

Write down or remember the algorithm for sticking a border - careful and painstaking work:

  1. Based on the measurements taken, a strip of the required length is cut, at the ends of which cuts are made at 45 degrees; to cut plastic use a hacksaw or grinder;
  2. before fixing the border, a control “fitting” is carried out at the selected location, after which masking tape is used to cover the edges, which will avoid unnecessary contamination of the surface of the walls and bathtub;
  3. glue is applied to reverse side curb, press until a noticeable grip occurs;
  4. prepared corners are used for decoration and fastening;
  5. Treatment with a colorless sealant is carried out after the baseboard has completely set with the adhesive base.

Video on the topic:

Large gaps can also be “camouflaged”

For those who are looking for how to seal a large (wide) gap between the bathtub and the wall, and these are gaps within 10 cm, you will have to resort to real construction work using a solution:

  • cement based: buy a dry bagged mixture, add plasticizers;
  • sand-based: a dry mixture with sand forms a fairly strong and dense structure that does not shrink and does not form cracks;
  • based on resins: unique density, strength, water-repellent properties and ductility. Somewhat higher price range compared to other mixtures.

The process of filling the gap occurs as follows:

  • formwork is prepared that prevents the solution from leaking onto the floor surface;
  • the resulting space is filled with the prepared mixture;
  • After drying, decorate with ceramic tiles or plastic.

Take note. Regardless of the size of the gap between the bathtub and the wall, the sealing method can be selected based on specific conditions. Any apartment owner - with or without experience as a builder - will be able to find an option for closing the gap that arose during the installation of the bathtub, having studied the methods and materials used.

Difficulties in closing the resulting distances

When deciding how best to seal the gap between the bathtub and the wall with pipes, you should consider a separate sequence or special technology. All problems arise due to the fact that the pipes are often not recessed into the wall, but are located on the surface.

Among the options for closing gaps, you can use combined methods. For example, sew up pipes with plastic, ceramic tiles, and then apply mortar or border. It all depends on how the bathtub is connected to the wall and how close the pipes are.

Important. When closing such a gap, you should consider compliance heat balance, on access to the surface of pipes for inspection and repair.

Different sizes of joints - different approaches to caulking

A beautiful and neat bathroom is the dream of every owner, so when choosing what to cover a gap with, you should correctly evaluate the interior, analyze the materials used, and correctly select the most the best way sealing.

Carrying out this procedure on your own cannot be called an overly complicated undertaking, however, before starting embedding using the chosen technology, you should clearly think through the sequence of actions, take into account the materials used, the time for their fastening, adhesion or hardening, if necessary.

Successful results are the results of your work, which will certainly bring pleasant moments of enjoyment of a carefully carried out procedure and an aesthetically designed surface!

The interior space of a sanitary unit, in addition to its aesthetic appeal, should be as comfortable and functional as possible, therefore sealing seams in the bathroom has great importance. While creating stylish interior In this room, it is important to properly connect sanitary equipment to the walls. To ensure the quality of such work, it is important to decide how and with what to seal the gap between the bathtub and the wall.

This will help prevent the accumulation of water under the bathtub, the formation of mold, and its seepage to the lower floors. High-quality sealing of seams at the points of contact between the walls and the bathroom allows a person to get maximum pleasure from taking a bath or shower and completely relax, without limiting himself in anything.

Sealing a bathtub during renovation

For a sanitary unit, waterproofing the base of the floor is of particular importance. It is equally important to seal all seams and cracks, especially the seam between the bathtub and the wall. Exist different ways make an optimal connection of plumbing elements to the walls. They depend on the shape of the bath, its location, as well as on the finishing materials used on the walls. If the walls of the bathroom meet at right angles, then the sides standard bath and the walls touch perfectly.

Gaps between the bathtub and the wall occur in cases where the length of the sanitary equipment is less than the length of the adjacent wall. In such situations, you should think about how to close the gap most optimally. If the repair is not completed, the problem can be solved in two ways:

  1. Install additional structures made of moisture-resistant gypsum cardboard.
  2. Carefully punch through the wall to accommodate a bathtub of the required length.

Taking into account the discrepancies between the unevenness of the walls and the norm of right angles, it is often possible to observe an even or intermittent gap between the bathtub and the wall. You can install a specific overlapping structure from suitable materials, build a false wall or seal the seam formed between the edges of the bathtub and the walls around the perimeter of the bathtub.

Methods for sealing a bathtub

You can seal the joint between the bathtub and the wall immediately during its installation, during the bathroom renovation process, and also after its completion. There are different methods for this, each of which has its own advantages, disadvantages and is more or less suitable for specific conditions. We can highlight the most popular methods of sealing the joint between the bathtub and the wall:

  • seal the joint using cement-sand mortar;
  • seal the seam with foam;
  • seal the joint using silicone sealant;
  • install plastic skirting board or border made of ceramic tiles;
  • stick a special border tape.

Sealing the crack with cement mortar

Mortar of sand and cement - cheap universal mixture, which helps solve multi-purpose problems, reliably close cracks and seams, secure various materials on a surface. At the same time, the solidified solution has a low aesthetic appeal, therefore, the layer made of cement must be refined with the help of decorative elements.

Work should be carried out in a certain sequence:

  • first clean the gap from dust, dirt and mucus, and also remove old finishing if necessary;
  • For better adhesion to the mortar, treat the wall at the level of the gap with a deep penetration primer;
  • prepare a solution with the consistency of thick sour cream;
  • sealing a large gap should be done using rags pre-soaked with a liquid solution, which are first placed in the space between the side of the bathtub and the wall;
  • after the rag has dried, the gap must be moistened and sealed along the entire length of the seam;
  • when the solution hardens, you can use ceramic tiles, mosaic decor, corner or paint to disguise it.

It is better to choose a camouflage finish in accordance with the covering of the bathroom walls. If the walls are covered plastic panels, That would be better suited plastic border. In the case of ceramic tiles, you can use their remains. With painted walls optimal solution The seam will be painted in the same colors.

It should be remembered that a large gap between the bathtub and the wall cannot be sealed in this way reliably, since the frozen solution loses its mobility, and the bathtub is subject to vibrations and minor movements when a person is inside while bathing. Because of this, the sealed seam may crack and slowly crumble over time.

Sealing gaps with foam

Sealing the bathtub with the wall is effectively achieved using polyurethane foam. With its help, you can seal even a large gap, since the volume of the foam expands greatly. In this case, only moisture-resistant types of foam should be used. A one-component polyurethane composition is best suited. The joint must be sealed in the following sequence:

  • working surfaces must be cleaned of dirt, degreased with a special liquid and dried;
  • when working with foam, it is better to adhere to safety measures, since dried foam residues are very difficult to remove from the surface of the bathtub and walls, as well as from your hands;
  • before work, you need to shake the can well, insert the nozzle into the gap between the bathtub and the wall, and then begin to carefully fill the gap, forming a sealing seam without unnecessary splashes;
  • after the layer has dried for an hour, it is necessary to carefully trim the protruding edges to obtain the maximum Smooth surface joint;
  • at the last stage, the joint is masked using ceramic tiles, plastic or waterproof paint.

Application of silicone sealant

A high-quality connection of the bathtub to the wall can be ensured using sealants that are characterized by certain properties. They must be resistant to temperature changes, high humidity, reliable and elastic. In addition, of particular importance are antiseptic additives, preventing the formation of mold and mildew.

Sealants can be colored or more universally transparent. These formulations are offered at construction market in the form of tubes that work in conjunction with a special plunger gun. This device ensures uniform application of the composition.

The best sealing of the bathtub using silicone is achieved if the distance from the wall to the outer edges of the bathtub does not exceed 5 mm.

The width of the sealant layer can be adjusted by cutting the tip of the tube at a certain angle. A sharper angle produces a thinner seam. There is an established procedure for carrying out work:

  • the gap surfaces are degreased and dried;
  • the spout of the tube is cut off in a certain way;
  • sealant is evenly applied along the entire length of the joint;
  • at the next stage, the applied composition should be carefully leveled with a finger dipped in soapy water;
  • It is recommended to apply several layers, pushing the sealant into the seam.

A tight connection of the edges of the bathtub to the wall can be ensured using these methods, devices in the form of a plunger gun. If all the work is done carefully, the surfaces will fit together perfectly, and the seam will be invisible.

Skirting boards and borders for sealing the bathtub

Skirting boards at the junctions of the bathroom and sinks with walls provide smooth transitions and protection from water penetration. Also with the help of special ceiling skirting boards you can decorate the ceiling in the bathroom, making the transitions from the ceiling to the walls more organic. This plinth is a soft elastic material that is easy to install and remove if necessary.

Skirting boards with a ready-made adhesive base are offered for sale, but for greater reliability of adhesion, it is recommended to use a special waterproof, quick-drying glue. It should be applied to solvent-cleaned plastic.

It is necessary to adhere to the following sequence of work:

  • clean the gap from dust, dirt, grease and dry it;
  • cut the baseboard along the length of the sides of the bathtub;
  • at corner joints it is necessary to make an angle of 45 degrees;
  • try on the planks at the installation site;
  • stick masking tape to the walls and edges of the bathtub to protect it from adhesives;
  • carefully coat all gaps with glue;
  • install the plinth and hold, pressing for several minutes;
  • at the end, the masking tape must be removed, and the junction of the baseboard with the wall above must be treated with a transparent sealant.

Installation of ceramic border

A ceramic border fixed at the junction of the bathtub with the wall is great solution an attractive element of the interior, and also allows you to answer the question of how to seal a bathtub with a wall. This solution is most relevant if the walls of the sanitary unit are covered with tiles. A ceramic border will provide the smoothest transition between different surfaces. Laying tiles on the curb should be done carefully, following a certain sequence:

  • first you need to thoroughly clean the work surfaces;
  • using thick cement mortar seal the gap;
  • carefully lay ceramic tiles;
  • Grout the border joints using white sealant.

Correct installation ceramic border provides reliable sealing for a long time.

Installing curb tape

You can solve the problem of how to seal the gap between bathroom surfaces using border tape. It is characterized by high resistance to moisture and does not require additional masking after installation. At the same time, during installation it is necessary to strictly observe all technical requirements, otherwise the corner of the tape may lose its shape, and the tape itself will fall off. This material is not an independent sealant, but is used as an outer coating of a silicone layer or a polyurethane foam joint.

The width of the tape should be approximately twice the width of the gap, so it can be used to seal small gaps. There is a special bend along the entire length that facilitates its installation. Before installing the tape, you must fill the gap with sealant or foam. How to seal the gap is not very important, but it is better to use sealant for aquariums. The most difficult part of installation is deciding how to make the joints in the corners correctly. Therefore, strips of tape should be cut with a margin of 3-4 cm. In this case, there will not be a lot of material. All installation work must be carried out carefully, observing the following sequence:

  • first you need to clean and dry the gap surfaces;
  • fill the joint with aquarium sealant and let it dry thoroughly;
  • Apply “liquid nails” adhesive composition on top of the seam;
  • glue the border tape on one side to the wall, and on the other to the edge of the bathtub;
  • treat joints and top corners with moisture-resistant sealant;
  • let dry adhesive compositions day.

Despite the advantages of this method of sealing, it should be remembered that even a “great” master cannot increase the service life of the curb tape. With careful use of the bathtub, such a seal will last no more than 1-1.5 years.

You can seal the gaps between the bathtub and the wall in different ways. It is important to choose the most optimal method for each specific case.

This article will look at how and with what to seal the gap between the wall and the bathtub, as well as the main methods for sealing this gap.

Causes of the gap

Most often, a gap that appears between the bathtub and the wall is a sign of the following situations:

  • Dimensions installed bath do not fit the dimensions of the bathroom;
  • The geometry of the bathroom does not meet the standards, that is, the walls intersect at an angle other than 90;
  • Improper implementation technology.

If the bathtub was installed after, then this gap appears quite logically, and it is necessary to somehow solve the issue of eliminating it.

Useful: this approach to bathroom renovation is justified only when a shower stall is being installed.

If you are installing a bathtub, you should proceed in a slightly different sequence:

  • The first step is to lay the bathroom floor;
  • Install the bathtub;
  • Only after installing the bathtub should you begin laying tiles on the walls.

In this case, the tile will rest on the edges of the bathtub, which avoids the formation of this gap and the question of how to cover the gap between the wall and the bathtub will not arise.

Considering this problem, first of all you need to deal with various methods eliminating the resulting gap - there are different ways to eliminate free space certain sizes. In addition, you should take into account what material the bathtub is made of.

For example, it is impossible to seal the gap between the bathtub and the wall using silicone, since acrylic bends over time, which will lead to damage to the silicone seal.

In this case, you should fasten the acrylic bathtub to the walls efficiently and reliably using ordinary hooks screwed into the walls: two hooks are screwed along the long side of the bathtub, and one at its ends. This fastening is sufficient to ensure that the sealing of cracks between the bathtub and the wall is sufficiently reliable.

Three ways to close the gap

As already mentioned, the method of connecting the bathtub and the wall depends primarily on the size of the existing gap; it is by this criterion that it is determined how to close the gap between the wall and the bathtub.

  1. Sealing small gaps less than 10 mm in size:
  • To do this, you will need an external white corner for the tiles and sanitary white silicone;
  • The ends of the corner are measured strictly to the size of the bathtub and cut at an angle of 45 degrees;
  • Next, tightly fill the gap between the bathtub and the wall with silicone and cover it with a plastic corner.
    In this case, you should pump in such an amount of silicone that pressing the corner causes it to come out both near the wall and near the bathtub.
    Excess silicone is then removed using a damp cotton cloth.

Important: if the bathtub is made of acrylic, before sealing it must be filled with water until the silicone dries, i.e. at least 12 hours. The best option is to seal the gap in the evening so that the bath remains under load all night.

  1. Eliminating a gap of 10-30 mm:
  • To eliminate such gaps, ordinary tile corners are not suitable, since they maximum dimensions The width is 12 mm.
    In this case, you should use a self-adhesive border or a special plastic skirting board;
  • The installation of skirting boards is carried out similarly to the installation of a corner, the main difference is that a gap more than 1 cm wide cannot be completely filled with silicone - this is not necessary, the main thing is to reliably and efficiently glue this skirting board to the wall and bathtub;
  • Before gluing the plinth, you should thoroughly degrease and dry the surfaces that will be glued;
  • Closing the gap is carried out taking into account the same rule in the case of self-adhesive border, which is sold in the form of rolls by linear meters.
    Gluing a border is a more complex procedure than it might seem; to make the process easier, it is recommended to glue one side first (for example, to a bathtub), and only then the other.

Important: do not remove prematurely protective film on the non-glued side - it is removed only before they begin to glue this side.

  1. Sealing large cracks. The first two methods are not suitable when the gap size exceeds 30 mm.
    In this case, you will have to use another method that requires certain concreting skills:
  • A kind of formwork is installed underneath the bathtub in order to prevent the solution from getting under the bathtub;
  • The resulting depression is filled with solution;
  • After the solution has dried, ceramic tiles (white or matching the tiles on the bathroom walls) are laid on top of it.

When solving the issue of sealing the gap between the bathtub and the wall, other methods and materials that differ from those described in this article can be used. With imagination and the ability to use tools, you can come up with your own way to solve this problem.

At the same time, the main thing is to remember that regardless of the chosen method of eliminating the gap, tightness and aesthetics should come first.