Egg batter. Classic beer batter without eggs. Beer batter for fish products

Batter is a dough with a liquid consistency into which food is dipped before frying. Pieces of food are dipped in batter and deep-fried. The dish with a crispy and aromatic crust is loved by many for its appetizing nature.

In Japan, batter is considered a very important part of cooking. There the batter is known as tempura, and it came and became famous from Portugal in the 16th century.

The main ingredients of batter have always been flour, egg and aromatic fillers; there is a recipe with the addition of yeast. There are three types of batter in cooking: salty, unleavened and sweet.

What can you cook

Chicken and pork chops are the most common dishes. Fish in batter is also popular; this method of cooking fish will help maintain its shape, even if it had to be defrosted before cooking. You can cook a wide variety of foods in batter - chops, cheese, croquettes, mushrooms, vegetables, squid rings, rice balls, potatoes.

You can also make desserts using batter. Strawberries, bananas, and cherries in batter are considered very tasty treats.

For cooking in batter, it is best to take eggplant, cauliflower, pieces of zucchini, pumpkins, tomatoes, and bell peppers. Asparagus, celery, lettuce, and sorrel are also cooked in batter. It is recommended to lightly boil vegetables before cooking them in batter.

What liquid should I use to prepare the batter?

The batter always contains some kind of liquid. Milk or plain water are the most basic ingredients. Some cooks use sparkling water as a liquid base, others use wine, beer, vodka fruit drink or juice. Compatibility with the filling must be observed.

As a liquid component, you can take part of the drink served with the dish. Light beer or white wine are perfect for battering seafood, shrimp, fish and squid. Vodka or red wine is combined with meat filling. Homemade liqueurs - plum or apple wines - are suitable for sweet batters. It is better to use fermented milk products or broths for salty batter.

Flavoring additives for batter

Spices, dried herbs, herbs, finely chopped garlic, sweet peppers and mushrooms can be used for batter. But in this case, the batter should be of a thicker consistency, since the liquid base will not hold them in itself.

You can add originality to the batter by adding potato and pumpkin puree to it. Chopped nuts, both nutmeg and walnuts, are considered an excellent addition to batter. Hard cheese also has flavoring properties when added to batter.

Subtleties of cooking

  • It is necessary to mix all the ingredients very well so that the resulting homogeneous mass comes out. Adding eggs also has its own secret - the whites and yolks must be beaten separately. After whipping, the whites are added to the batter immediately before frying.
  • Liquids should always be cold.
  • To prevent the batter from coming out too greasy, it is better to use sparkling water. Plus, sparkling water makes the dough light and airy.
  • The amount of batter should correspond to the amount of ingredients. Vegetables and batter in a 1:1 ratio.
  • It is advisable to leave the batter to stand for an hour before starting to prepare the dish. At this time, the gluten will lose its elastic qualities, stick better to the filling and will not dry out during the cooking process. The prepared batter must be placed in the refrigerator, where the dough will be elastic and homogeneous.
  • The required batter consistency can be easily determined. Dip the spoon into the batter; if the coating of the spoon is not visible through the dough and it remains to cover it evenly, we can talk about the correct preparation of the batter.

Batter is a great way to add new flavors to your fish, seafood or meat dish and try to make them more unusual. Today I will try to tell you about all the secrets and subtleties that will be useful for you when you start preparing batter for all kinds of dishes.

Thanks to the use of batter, all products prepared in it are much better able to retain all their juiciness and nutritional properties. Batter can also be used as an alternative to various breadings and breadcrumbs. The difference between them is that the batter has a more delicate and rather pleasant taste.

The main ingredients for the batter are flour and eggs. But depending on what liquid ingredients you use to prepare the batter, you can get different batters, so to speak - its varieties: this is water batter, kefir batter, beer batter or beer batter, batter with mayonnaise, batter with mineral water...

Depending on what ingredients are used to prepare the batter, there is unleavened batter, cheese batter, spicy and sweet batter, and there is also tempura batter. And despite the fact that the basis for the batter is flour and egg, there are batters without flour or without eggs.

How to prepare batter?

This is quite easy to do. And making the batter will not take you much effort and time.

You and I will need:

chicken eggs - 1 piece;
flour - 4 tablespoons (take heaping);

cold water - 100 milliliters;

salt - to your taste.

Well, now it’s time to find out what to do with these products in order to prepare a simple and also delicious batter. I will give you a detailed, step-by-step recipe with photographs.

Depending on how much batter you want to prepare, take the utensils you need. Also adjust the quantity of products you need.

Break the chicken eggs into this bowl.
Add salt to your taste and, depending on how thick you want the batter, some cold water.

Stir it all with a fork or whisk until smooth.

Add flour and mix everything again until smooth.

You should get a homogeneous dough, without flour lumps, of sufficient thickness. The same as you cook for pancakes.

As soon as all the flour lumps disappear, add the remaining water in small portions, each time stirring the dough to prepare the batter until it is homogeneous.

It’s worth remembering here that the thicker the dough, the thicker the batter crust will be.

Batter is usually prepared for any dish using water, flour and salt - they are the basic ingredients. The batter may also contain eggs, and water is often replaced with milk.

According to its consistency, the batter can be either liquid or thick. If you use thick batter. then when baking you will get a thick mealy crust, but a thin crust, naturally, will be obtained from liquid batter.

You can determine the viscosity of the batter you are preparing in this way: take a spoon and scoop the batter into it. Then pour it back into the bowl with the batter - if the liquid drains quickly, then the batter you are preparing has a liquid consistency. And the slow drainage of liquid from the spoon indicates that the batter is thick.

At your discretion, you can change the proportions. If you add more liquid, your batter will turn out even lighter and even crispier. And batter prepared using less water (thick batter), after baking some products in it, will become more porous and will resemble bread.

Batter can also have different tastes: sweet, salty, sour and even bland. To make a salty batter, just add a little salt, and to make a sweet one, sugar or honey; for a fresh batter, use only flour, egg and water, and to make your batter have some sourness, just use vinegar or a little citric acid. .

Dishes cooked in batter will fully reveal all their flavor qualities if you fry them in a frying pan using a large amount of hot vegetable oil or, even better, olive oil, or using a deep fryer.

Look video recipe for making batter.

You have to cook small and tender pieces of meat or fish. How to preserve all the juiciness when frying food in a frying pan? There is a very original solution - use batter. It will make the dish simply melt in your mouth. Any meat or fish prepared in this way combines tender flesh and a crispy crust at the same time. And spices added to the dough add piquancy and aroma to the internal contents. What products are used to prepare the frying mixture? The main ingredients are usually eggs, milk and flour. Depending on the recipe, cheese, herbs, ketchup and various seasonings may also be used. But if you don't have a wide choice of ingredients, just mix flour with water or milk. This article gives several recipes on how to make batter. Fantasize and get new amazing tastes!

How to make batter from milk

This batter is ideal not only for frying any meat, but also fish. Take six egg yolks and whisk them with a whisk or fork along with one teaspoon of salt. Add warmed milk (400 ml) into the mixture, pour in one or two tablespoons. spoons of vegetable oil and stir. Gradually add flour until the consistency of thick sour cream is obtained. Gently place the egg whites, whipped into a strong foam, into the batter and stir until smooth.

How to make thyme batter

This flavorful seasoning pairs best with chicken. To prepare the batter you need three tablespoons of melted butter, a teaspoon. spoon of salt, ground pepper. Chain is added to these mixed ingredients. a spoonful of fresh, finely chopped thyme and a little flour. Coat the chicken pieces with the mixture and leave to soak for half an hour. The aromatic batter will make the dish elegant and festive.

How to make meat batter with sour cream

As the main component of the batter, you can use not only milk or mayonnaise, but also sour cream. Mix three eggs with 1/3 teaspoon. spoons of soda, salt and pepper. Then add a glass of sour cream and an incomplete glass of flour. After mixing well so that there are no lumps, use the batter immediately. Dip thin, slightly pre-beaten pieces of meat into the mixture and fry until golden brown.

How to make cheese batter for chicken or fish

Adding a cheese component will make the dish more delicate in taste. Use this batter for young chicken or fish. It is better to take hard varieties of cheese. Mix a few tablespoons of mayonnaise with three beaten eggs, salt and pepper. Grate the cheese on a fine grater and add to the mixture. You will need significantly less flour than in the previous recipe. Add it depending on the desired thickness. The thinner and more tender the meat pieces, the thicker the batter. Parts of a chicken or fish carcass, cut into portions, can be dipped into a fairly liquid mixture, then the products will have time to “reach” readiness during frying through the resulting crispy crust.


There are other recipes for making batter for chicken and fish. It is worth considering that any poultry dish will turn out even more tender if you first place the pieces in the marinade for several hours. Try other spice combinations.

Many cooking recipes include batter - a liquid dough or breading for frying meat, fish, vegetables and so on. The usefulness of batter is that it preserves the juiciness of the product that is breaded in it, and gives a special taste to the product. To understand how to make batter, you first need to understand what it is and understand the very principle of its preparation.

Batter is a type of dough made from flour and various ingredients. Dishes fried in well-prepared batter are tasty, attractive in appearance and healthy. There are many recipes for fish, meat and vegetables that differ in their ingredients. This dough can be either liquid or thick; the appearance of the product breaded in it and its taste depend on this.

Supplements Spices, onion, garlic, soy sauce, egg.

If you want to fry meat, you need to know how to do it. To do this, take 1 glass of milk, add 1 egg yolk to it and whisk. Then add salt, add flour (1.5 cups), mix everything thoroughly and add pre-whipped egg white. Dip pieces of chicken fillet in this mixture and fry in vegetable oil or melted fat.

If you want to cook fish this way, you need to know how to make fish batter. Here, the best option, perhaps, would be beer batter. Why do you need to take 250 ml of chilled light beer, 2 eggs, curry seasoning on the tip of a knife, 1 glass of flour, then pour in 1 spoon of oil. Pour the flour into a bowl, add the yolks, then beer and butter, and add a little salt. Beat the mixture thoroughly using a mixer. Beat the whites until foamy and add to the resulting mass. Beat everything well again. Let stand for a while so that the flour swells and fry the fish pieces in the mixture.

Fish cooked in batter differs from fish simply fried in a frying pan in that it turns out more juicy and tender. Boneless fish or fillets are suitable for this.

The same applies to other products prepared in this way. Our most favorite and widespread dish is probably pork chops fried in batter. Beer lovers also love battered cheese, while gourmets prefer vegetables and delicious fruits fried in this wonderful mixture.

Before deciding how to make batter for fish or chicken, you need to know: you can add ginger, coriander, turmeric, ground pepper and olive oil to it - each of these ingredients will add a special taste and aroma to the prepared dish. And most importantly, do not forget - the batter must stand and rest. Then the products fried in it will delight you with a unique taste and excellent appearance.

Batter is a semi-liquid dough. The appearance and taste of the finished dish depends on what is included in its composition, in addition to flour. How to prepare batter? It's easy to do and the end result will be worth the effort. Even ordinary sausage fried in batter can become a gourmet dish.


  • egg 1 pc.;
  • water or milk 1 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil 1 tbsp. l.;
  • pinch of salt;
  • flour 100 g.


  1. Prepare the batter in water. You need to beat the egg with vegetable oil. If you wish, you can beat the white separately from the yolk, then you won’t need to add oil, so the batter will be more airy.
  2. Add salt. Add spices to your liking, such as ground black pepper or herbes de Provence. Only a very small amount - on the tip of the knife, the main aroma of spices should come from the product that is baked in batter.
  3. Add half a cup of flour to the eggs and butter, mix well. Add a tablespoon of clean cold water or milk. You can cook chicken fillet or pieces of boiled cauliflower in this dough and fry in heated sunflower oil.

We figured out how to make batter - it's quite simple. If you prepare the batter correctly, it will turn out quite thick and will not drip from the pieces when dipping. It is enough for 100 grams of product. This is the simplest batter, in which there is nothing superfluous. The egg gives a golden brown crust, vegetable oil makes the dough soft. Water is needed simply to give the dough a liquid consistency. You can do without it by increasing the number of eggs to 2, or even better, use milk, it improves the taste of the batter.

Sweet batter for baking apples


  • sour cream 100 ml;
  • flour 1 tbsp;
  • sugar 50 g;
  • milk 150 ml;
  • eggs 3 pcs.;
  • vanillin.


Cooked apples can be sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Cottage cheese batter


  • low-fat cottage cheese 150 g;
  • sour cream 1 tbsp. l.;
  • eggs 3 pcs.;
  • flour 100 gr;
  • sugar 4 tbsp. l.;
  • pinch of salt;
  • vanillin.


  1. This batter resembles delicate cheesecakes. You can cook any fruit in it: apples, bananas; pears and even oranges.
  2. For the batter, you need to separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the whites into a strong, white foam and place in the refrigerator.
  3. Grind the yolks with sugar, a small pinch of salt and vanilla. Mix the sifted flour with cottage cheese and yolks. Cottage cheese can be replaced with curd mass (then there is no need to add sour cream) or beat well with sour cream in a blender so that there are no lumps in the batter.
  4. Gently add the whites into the resulting dough and mix. Dip fruit slices or orange slices into the batter and fry in hot vegetable oil over medium heat.

Making delicious batter is a creative process. You can add mayonnaise or sour cream to the main recipe instead of vegetable oil. If the dish is intended for adults, you can add wine or beer instead of water. For taste, in some recipes, finely chopped parsley and dill, mushrooms and various vegetables are added to the dough. Most often it is used for meat and fish, as this is the surest way to get a tasty dish without much hassle. But fruit in such a batter is a delicious and easy-to-prepare dessert recipe that deserves attention.

We wish you creative success in the kitchen!