All punctuation marks are divided into. Separating and emphasizing punctuation marks between parts of a complex sentence. Intonation of a complex sentence. Punctuation at the end of a sentence

5. First read the first quatrain of F. Tyutchev’s poem, then the second, printed in two columns. Compare the completion signs in the sentences of these two quatrains. What sentences express admiration for the power and beauty of nature? Which of the quatrains printed in two columns, in your opinion, belongs to F. Tyutchev? Read aloud, expressing the poet’s admiration.

      Bright snow shone in the valley, -
      The snow melted and went away;
      Spring grain glitters in the valley, -
      The grain will wither and go away.

Review the table. Answer the questions.

What groups are punctuation marks divided into by purpose?

Which group contains the most characters?

What dividing punctuation mark, other than the period, in your opinion, is used more often than others?

6. Complete the sentences using the data in the table.

  1. Separated by punctuation marks...
  2. They are distinguished by punctuation marks...

7. The sentences in this exercise are taken from ancient romances. When placing the missing commas, write down the sentences in the following sequence: 1) with separating commas; 2) with special commas; 3) with separation and separation signs. Graphically indicate syntactic structures that need punctuation to separate or highlight them.

  1. Burn, burn, my star
    Shine, hello star!
    You are my only treasured one
    There will (not) be others (not, not) ever.

(V. Chuevsky)

  1. Weeping willows are dozing
    Never bowing over the stream
    The streams run quickly
    Whispering in the darkness of the night!

(A. Timofeev)

  1. White acacia.. fragrant clusters
    Once again the ar..mat is full
    The song of the sols (?) is pouring out again
    In the quiet glow of the moon!

(A. Pugachev?)

  1. The coachman (don't) drive the horses!
    I (not, nor) have anywhere else to
    I (not, no) need to love anyone more
    The coachman (don't) drive the horses!

(N. Rutter)

  1. I remember the waltz sound lovely(?)
    Ves(n, nn) ​​at night(?) at late(?) hour
    It was sung by a (un)known(?) voice
    And a wonderful song flowed.

(N. Listov?)

8. The previous exercise contains lines from favorite and famous romances. These lines are remembered by many, but the names of some authors, unfortunately, are forgotten. Pay attention to the question mark next to the names of A. Timofeev (“The weeping willows are slumbering...”), A. Pugachev (“The fragrant clusters of white acacia...”), N. Listov (“I remember the lovely sound of the waltz...” ). This means that the authorship has not been definitely established. But songs and romances are an integral part of Russian culture.

Do you remember by heart the words of modern songs and romances? Do you know the names of the authors of the words? Test yourself and write down from memory 2-3 verses from different songs or from one song, indicate the name of the author (authors) of the words. If the text contains punctuation marks, write the letter r above them.

9. Write down 2 sentences in which punctuation marks serve for separation; 2 sentences in which punctuation marks are used for emphasis; 3 sentences with separation and emphasis marks.

10. Read and make a question plan for the text. Copy, placing missing punctuation marks and graphically indicating syntactic constructions, the use of which determines the need for punctuation marks.

Abramtsevo is one of the famous estates near Moscow. In 1843, the famous Russian writer Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov (1791-1859) acquired a (small) large estate near Moscow, Abramtsevo, located 12 versts from the Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius*.

In Abramtsev.. the main literary works of S. Aksakov were created, including his famous (?) autobiographical stories in which he went, as he said, “in his young years” “Family Chronicle” “Childhood years of Bagrov-grandson” “Memories”. For fifteen years, Abramtsevo, being one of the centers of society and cultural life in Russia, was a meeting place for lively conversations and disputes between prominent people of that time. I. Turgenev N. Gogol F. Tyutchev M. Shchepkin M. Pogodin and many others visited the Aksakovs.

The owner of the estate had a close friendship with N. Gogol. (For the first time, Gogol traveled to Abramtsevo on August 14, 1849 and lived here for four days. (During) this visit to the estate, Gogol read the first chapter from the second volume of “Dead Souls” to the owners. (S)ubsequently, he visited the estate four more times Abramtsev... In the mezzanine of the Abramtsevo house there is a room that many years later continued to be called (?) Gogolevskaya.

11. Answer the question “Who is who?” about the guests of the Abramtsevo estate. Make sentences according to the model. Which group of punctuation marks did you use?

Sample. Timofey Nikolaevich Granovsky is a historian, public figure, talented speaker and lecturer.

Punctuation- This:

  1. Punctuation system
  2. A branch of linguistics that studies punctuation marks and the rules for their use in writing
The general education program studies 10 punctuation marks: period ( . ), question mark ( ? ), Exclamation point ( ! ), ellipsis ( ... ), comma ( , ), semicolon ( ; ), colon ( : ), dash ( - ), brackets (round) () , quotes ( " " ). Punctuation marks serve to indicate in a sentence and in the text the boundaries of semantic segments, the meaning of which is especially emphasized by the writer. Punctuation marks provide the writer and reader with an unambiguous understanding of the sentence and text.

Punctuation rule

Punctuation rule- this is an instruction that indicates the conditions for choosing a punctuation mark (i.e., its use or non-use). The conditions for choosing a punctuation mark are the grammatical, semantic and intonation features of sentences and their parts.


The place in the sentence where punctuation is necessary can be found by identifying features (signs). Identification signs of the use of punctuation rules:

  1. morphological: the presence of participles, gerunds, interjections, conjunctions, individual particles;
  2. syntactic: the presence of two or more grammatical stems, addresses, new words, isolated members of a sentence, homogeneous members, foreign speech;
  3. sound: pronunciation with vocative and other types of intonations;
  4. semantic: expression of reason, etc.

Functions of punctuation marks

Punctuation marks serve to separate sentences from each other in the text, to separate and highlight semantic segments in a sentence. They are divided into three groups: separating(in the text), dividing And excretory(in a sentence).

Separating punctuation marks

These include period, question mark, exclamation mark, ellipsis. They are used:

  1. to separate each word of a sentence from the next one in the text;
  2. to design a separate sentence as complete.
The choice of one of the four separating marks is determined by the meaning and intonation of the sentence.

Punctuation at the end of a sentence


  • A period is put at the end of narrative and incentive sentences if they do not additionally express emotions (feelings).
  • At the end of interrogative sentences there is a question mark.
  • An exclamation mark is placed at the end of any sentence based on the purpose of the statement if they additionally express a feeling.
  • An ellipsis is placed at the end of a sentence if the writer takes a long pause.

Punctuation marks

These include comma, semicolon, dash, colon. Separating punctuation marks serve in a simple sentence to indicate boundaries between homogeneous members (commas and semicolons), in a complex sentence - to separate simple sentences included in its composition.

The choice of dividing punctuation marks is determined by morphological, syntactic, semantic and intonation conditions.

Distinctive punctuation marks

Distinctive punctuation marks serve to indicate the boundaries of semantic segments that complicate a simple sentence (addresses, introductory words, phrases, sentences, isolated secondary members), as well as direct speech.
Distinctive punctuation marks are a comma (two commas); dash (two dashes); Exclamation point; double brackets; colon and dash used together; double quotes.

The choice of punctuation marks is determined by syntactic, semantic and intonation conditions.

Cases when punctuation is not used

  • Between the subject and the predicate, which is joined by a conjunction How.
  • Between homogeneous members connected by single unions and, or.
  • Before application, if union How used in the meaning " as».
  • After the participial phrase, if it comes before the defined noun and does not have a causal meaning.
  • Before adverbs formed from gerunds.
  • Between simple sentences in a complex sentence with a conjunction And in the presence of a common member.
  • Between homogeneous subordinate clauses connected by a conjunction And.
  • Between agreed upon definitions, if they characterize the subject from different angles.

To the question of what 3 groups punctuation marks are divided into, asked by the author Flush the best answer is Punctuation marks serve to separate sentences from each other in the text, to separate and highlight semantic segments in a sentence. They are divided into three groups: separative (in the text), dividing and emphasizing (in the sentence).
*** Separating punctuation marks
These include period, question mark, exclamation mark, and ellipsis. They are used:
to separate each word of a sentence from the next one in the text;
to design a separate sentence as complete.
The choice of one of the four separating marks is determined by the meaning and intonation of the sentence.
Punctuation at the end of a sentence
A period is put at the end of narrative and incentive sentences unless they additionally express emotions (feelings).
At the end of interrogative sentences there is a question mark.
An exclamation mark is placed at the end of any sentence based on the purpose of the statement if they additionally express a feeling.
An ellipsis is placed at the end of a sentence if the writer takes a long pause.
*** Punctuation marks
These include comma, semicolon, dash, colon. Separating punctuation marks are used in a simple sentence to indicate boundaries between homogeneous members (commas and semicolons), in a complex sentence - to separate simple sentences included in its composition.
The choice of dividing punctuation marks is determined by morphological, syntactic, semantic and intonation conditions.
***Punctuation marks
Distinctive punctuation marks serve to indicate the boundaries of semantic segments that complicate a simple sentence (addresses, introductory words, phrases, sentences, isolated secondary members), as well as direct speech.
Distinctive punctuation marks are a comma (two commas); dash (two dashes); Exclamation point; double brackets; colon and dash used together; double quotes.
The choice of punctuation marks is determined by syntactic, semantic and intonation conditions.

Answer from havani[expert]
Separating punctuation marks (separating punctuation marks) are elements of writing that perform auxiliary functions during the division of text into parts that have their own semantic and grammatical significance: semantic segments, homogeneous members of a sentence, simple sentences that are part of a complex sentence ; may indicate the communicative type of a sentence, its emotional coloring, completeness. They are contrasted with emphatic punctuation marks, which highlight parts within the text. Separating punctuation marks indicate pauses of varying lengths.